PIKE COUNTY PI FJMDAV. MAY U, 1n2. ItHf.l"'l'.li KVRKV FKin AV. ' OKriCK, HROWK'8 nUILDINU BROAD PT. pr hscihption: One Year One dollar ami fifty cents. BlX Mont b eveiity-flve renin. BTRICTI.Y 1W ADVANCE. Entered at the post office of Milford, Pike County, Pennsylvania, as second class matter," Novomlcr twenty-first, Advertising Rates. On' srj'irtretnliTht H nesi one Insertion -1.00 Em-h Hiihcfiuciit Insertion .60 Reduced nth, furnished on application, Will be allowed yearly advertisers. Legal Advertising. Administrator's mid Executor's notices S.Ofi Auditor s notices 4.0i Divorce notices - ...... fi.no Sheriff's hhIi-s, Orphans' court pules, County Treasurer's sales. County state ment and election proclamation charged by the square. J. H. Van Etten, 1'UBLISHRB, Milford, Pike County, P. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET For Protlionotnry, Register and Recorder, VICTOR COREY of Greene. For County Commissioner, PIERRE M. NILIS of Milford borough. For County Treasurer, ROCKWELL (i. HEIDENTIIAL of Matamorns. For County Auditor, AMERICU8 II. DOWN of Palmyra, For Representative, ALFRED 8. DINGMAN of Milford borough. niiiiicroi.y cox vextiox. A peculiar situation developed af ter the convention Tuesday. The two secretary a selected by the body, Dr. II. E. Emerson and E. B. Labar, kept the tally of votes and agreed that it stood 33 for Westbrook and 31 for Watson and it was so an nounced by the' chairman, Hon, John F. Englehart, who declared Westbrook elected. After the con. vention adjourned some one disoov ered an alleged mistake in the count and as we are informed 32 directors who were present made affidavit that they had voted for Watson and a protest against commissioning "Vestbrook was Sled with Mr. law yer to be forwarded to the state su peril) tendont. A decisiorrlinder the school law says the objection must either relate to the legality aud val idity of the election or to the quali ilcations of the candidate. The es tablishnient by proof of a valid ob. jection of either kind will prevent the issue of a commission. In this case there is no objection apparent ly to the legality and validity of the election but an allegation that in fuct no election was held present ing the anomaly that the convention did not do what it declared it did, and which for the time was accept ed as a settled result. Why did uot our esteemed neigh bor rise up and say something about "counted out" and "tactios that would put to blush a Phlladolphii heeler" aaent the recent school con vention. There is fully as much good material for a scathing cnti ciam of ullogeil methods in vogue in that as there was in tho rocent re publican primary. Jud&e l'onnypitcker of Philadel phia is the latest announced guber natorial poHsibility and he is said to have the ttioiteudorwiuient of the two senators. Meantime the strug gle for delegate between Elkiu and Wuiiea goes on. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Singninsttr of ConashaugU called ou friends in town yesterday. Prof. Henry K. lieemer cf Beetu fcrville, N. J , in making profusion a! CiU'.s on those having piano to tune. Hurry S. An;,'!t with tho New York Huu is home for a brief vaca tion. Joseph Pu reel 1 and wife of New York anive'1 in town yesterday. John Wallace llc!' r of Chicago, vliO bus bet u eii.lii) home we-ki v.'itu relnuvi .s ia tort a for hn lit-al'.ll, bus returned Luiiii). Tho Wi'.'-sJ of I lie PrealiVterinn CMlc'lelltloO held ilu-.ir hi.st bociill for the Presbyterian Chroniclings. (Hy H-t. K. M. Fmeml ) The record of the ppt-nt w"k t the Frflnliytirmn church was a foil me. Tiic.aday, Wotlimsilny, Thurs day evenings and Friday fore and afternoons (he church wns opnn for services, the extra meetings being the Ladies' AM on Thursday eve ning and the Pike county Rumlny school convention on Friday. Re member the hours of service, name ly, 10.80 a. m. and 8 p. in. Yon are most cordially invited to come. With sincere regret we realize that Rev. C. B. Carpenter lias clos ed bis parish work in Milford and depnrtod to his new fluid of labor. lis genial nvintiers and nn'aili' g oordinlity have endea rod him to all of us and we wisher both himself and family in tileir adopted home every spiritual blessing with ahun- ant Bnccess. The Rov Eilgnr M. Smead, at the request of the session of the First Prenbytorinn church of Port Jervis, delivered the charge to the people on Wednesday evening at the instal lation of their new pastor, the Rev. Francis E. Smith. We bid this neighboring sister church and their pastor most sincere aud affection ate Godspeed in the work which has so auspiciously began. Last Tuesday evening was the final meeting of the pastor's cate chism class nntil next fall. Tins work has been highly enjoyable by most, if not all, the class but on ao count of the warm weather and the vacations that are corning it has been deemed wise to discontinue the class for the present. It is hoped, however, that the children may study the remaining questions by themselves and be ready for a re view when we tneet again as a class. It is with undisguised pleasure that we record the fact that last Sunday evening our congregation reached the high water mark. The attendance was the largest we have had since hist July. Now with a few exceptions this congregation was made op from our own people. Would it not bo inspiring if such a large number attended our servioes each Lord's day? I think we would all do better work aud be happier in it. Let ns try and see. Next Sabbath evening we shall discuss the sixth utterance from the cross. It is our Lord's great shout of triumph, "It is finished." The work of redemption has been com pleted In a new and glorious sense. Since Christ has nttered these words we can Joytully sing ! "In the orosa of Christ I glory. Towering o'er the wrecks of time All the light of sacred story. Gathers ronnd its head sublime." Reformed Church Notes. (By Rr. J. F. Meyer of Montague.) The olassls of Orange met in reg ular spring Bosslon at Newburgb April 16. The proposed amendments in the forms for ordination of mln isters, infant baptism, and ordina tlon of elders and deacons were re jeoted. All the ministers of the ciassis were present. The classionl snrmon was preach ed by Rev. Audrew J. Meyer from text, Matt. 18:42; subject, "Uncon scions Influence." The missionary address was given in his nsual hap py vein by Rov. John W. Conklln field secretary for foreign missions Mr. Conklln bad been a missionary in India for seven years and this personal experience gave his words added power. Revs. T. II. McKenzitf and J. C. Forbes of Port Jervis and Rev. J. L Stillwell, formerly of Montague, were elected delegates W general synod. Rev. A. J. Meyer was eleot ed a delegate to the particular sy nod of Ne"V York which met May 6 and 7. On Sabbath, April 20, Frank Kerr and Hurry Cortright were ordained deacons la the Montague Reformed church. For the first time in the history of the two Reformed churches, Montague and Koines viile, there is a full ooiibidtory. The need of a new organ in the Reformed churoh has long been folt, but the prohlom has been, how to obtain the means. The young jiei'i'la met and decided to give an entertainment, the proceeds of which were to form a nucleus for an organ fund. Tho entertainment will bo given iu the Montague church on Wedtiesbiy evening, Muy 14, but if stormy the next fair evening. From all reports tho en tertainment w ill bo f;ir better than anything our community has ever enjoyed and tho cordiul cooperation and support of our friends is ear nestly di-nired. All friends of the conrentloii and all vho are inter e.-ted in promoting the welfare of the cliu.-eH are cordially invited to attend. The fcdmuoiou price is: Adults 2;.e ; children under fifteen Kwj. This will be followed by the serving ot ico cream and caVe in t:ie Ut'ni'-nt of the church for l5o. Spring Zlcdicina Tere Ja no other season when frond Tt.fiif me if so niticn needed to in tii" faring. The blood I Impnrw, weak and Impoverished a condition indicated by pimples and other eruptions on tho face and body, by deficient vitalify, loss of appetite, lack of strength, aud want of animation. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Make the blood pure, vigorous and rich, create appetite, give vitality, strength and animation, and curs all eruptions. Have the whole family begin to take them today. Hood's Psrrapsrllls has been nsed In ear family for soma time, and always with Itood results. Last spring I was all ran down and got a bottle of It, and as nsnal recti red great twnefit." Miss Banna Botce, Stowe, Vi. f Hoori'e Sareaparllla premise 9 cur and keeps the promise. Methodist Church Jottings. (By Rkv. C. R. ScunnRR.) The topic for next Sabbath morn ing is "The Kingship of Jesus," and for the evening "The Epworthian at Large." There will be preaching at the Union school house next Babbath afternoon. Notice has been sent by our pre siding elder that be will be here Thursday May 29th and hold our first quarterly conference. He will also remain and preach for ns Bab bath morning, Jane 1st. This is the first time that he has been with us on the Babbatn since tho present pastorate began. All who were able to hear him at his last visit will be glad of another opportunity. Dr, Wright ranks among the strongest preachers of our oonfereuoe. A very fine class of books has beet) approved for the Sabbath school li hrary. Thirteen new volumes have been placed in the hands of the li brarian this week. It is a very gratifying thing to see the large number of soholara of our school who read and it Is tl)3 purpose of our school to keep the library in first class shape. Good reading is one of the chief eouroes of soul in struction. A taste for good books is indicative of mental and spiritual Ileal th. , Programs have been seleoted for Children's Day entitled "Life's Bunny Day." How the seasons roll around. What a proof of the prog ress of Christianity that the child ren are given so much attention and also the fact that the joy element in life is receiving so great emphasis Are we not learning the meaning of the angel's message, "Peace on earth, good will toward men?" Are we not tearing also to carry the joy of Christmas throughout the year No greater modern lie has been told than this, "The world is growing worse." The servioe next Sabbath evening will be in the Interest of the Ep- worth League. It will be an auni versary service held in connection with all the Leagues of Methodism We believe in the forward move nient among young people and call especial attention to his servioe. Rev. C. B. Carpenter went to his new charge at Tenafly, N. J., this week. Frank Schorr is making repairs on the. house recently purchased by him on George street. Whip-poor-wills w era heard here for the first time this season last evening, The statement of the First Na tional Bank of Milford appears else where and shows that it is prosper ing, which fuct will be gratifying to its friends. .wns7 That's a good name for Scott's Emulsion. Children are like young plants. Some will grow in ordinary soiL Others need fertilizers. The nature cf some children prevents them from thriving on ordinary food Such chil dren grow right if treated right All thty need is a little fer tilizera little extra richness. Scott's EmuLion is the right treatment. Fertilizers make thingsgrow. That's just what Scott's Emul sion lions. It makes children grow in flesh, grow in strength, grow rich Llood, grow in mind, grow happy. That's v,l.y.t we make it for. Send for free samj'e, S'-VST tU'WNt. Chw;. Pwlit.,tt. f. Why Meat Are High. Tho American Agriculturalist re oently gave a vory intetnsting pio. ure showing the reason for advance n price of meats. It compares by percent, the increase in population n this country from 181)0 to lflOOand tho inorense in flocks and herds. The population increased 21.8 while tho increase in stock was as illovrs: Beef, cattl, 12 j milch cows, S.H ; sheep, 11 jand swine, .6'. This shows that supply is not keeping pace with home demand and this is quite aside from our teadily expanding foreign markets ir meat products. Population has ncreased the past ten years much faster than the number of cnttle, hogs and sheep, in fact nearly twice as fast, roughly speaking, as the number of meat and dairy animals. Farmers should be encouraged by these fncts and pay more attention to the live stock industry which eventually would correct the dia orcisancy and would also lie profita ble for them. It takes about three years to fit a steer for market so the matter cannot be accomplished in a few days. Th Most Common Ailment. More people suffer from rhonma tism than any other ailment. This is wholly unnecessary too, for a cure may be effected at a very small cost. G. W. Wescott of Moadow- dalo, N. Y.r8ays: "I have been af flicted with rheumatism for some time and it has caused me much suffering. I concluded to try Cham berlain's Pain Balm and am pleased to say that it has cured me." For sale by A. W. Balch & Bon, Matn- morafc, all drug and general stores in Pike county Rev. Father Craft, who spent. some years as a missionary among the Indians ir the west and was well acquainted with Sitting Bull and recognized ai a chlof, and who also visited Cuba during the Spanish war, is seriously 111 with gaktritis in Germantown, N. Y. When you wake op with a bad taste in your mouth you may know that yon need a dose of Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse yonr stomach, im prove your appetite and make yon feel line a new man. They are easy to take, being sugar ooated, and pleasant In effect. For sale by A w. ualcn fe Hon. Matamoras, All drug and general stores in Pike county. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank AT MILFORD, In the State of Pennsylvania, at the close ot business, April Both, watt: BKSOURCBS. Loans "d discounts $ lfl.fttO Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 44 48 U. 9. bonds to secure circulation 25,0011 (10 Premiums on U. 8. bonds SrJ5 00 Stocks, securities, etc 80,701 86 linn king house, furniture and fixtures 600 00 Due from National Dnuks ( ot reserve ngeiitH) 2.937 54 Uue from approved reserve anents 7,007 90 Internal revenue stamps 80 75 Checks nud other cash Items 80 00 Notes of other Nntionnl banks. . 440 00 r ractioiml paper cie ency, nick els, nnd cent- 180 11 lawful monk? kkakrvi in Bank, viz: Specie 13,978 95 i jfgil tender notes 1,6-JO.bO 4,498 96 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treauror(& of oiroulatlon) 1 860 00 Total 1()3,1! 46 LIABILITIES. Capital stock pwid in t 35,000 00 Uudlvlded prollts, less expenses nnd taxes puld 8,6o3 98 National ilank notes outstand ing 86,ono 00 Due to other National Bunks . 178 88 Individual deposits subject to chock 40,078 67 Demand oertinunuw of deposit . 1,818 00 Total SHIOliia 45 State of Pennsylvania. County of Hke. ss: I, Robert W. Held. Canhlvr of the alxtve named bnnk, do solemnly swear that the alove statement Is true to the best of my uusisui buu uem'i. UOUKRT W. BKIf), Cssblcr. Correct A ttestr A. II. UKOWN, 1 O. A H MSTKOXf). ) JMrectors KBKNKZKK WsKNKR ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of May, hurt. J. U. CHAMBKKLAIN, Noutrjr Public. ORPMAH'S C0URT SALE By virtue of an order of the Orphan's court of tho county of Pike, the urnier aiK?ed will expoiM to tutle by public vendue or outery ou SATURDAY, THE 81ST DAY OF MAY A. D. Jyu2, at two o'clock o. iu- of said day In the rout 4m. I of the court huutte Iu the lxr ouh of Milford, Pa., all Hie real entnt! of which Lewi hptiiit'iiivFrg, deoettfied, dit-d (n-iml and pttiMK'ti iu il.t "utility of Pike atorottftid, to twit: All that certalu pice of laud, tuuaitt lit the township of Pub iiiyr, cuu"y of Pike and iu of Penn Bylvtnl, deorlieti an (uiiowti; biumiig at a point in public rAd lading from Taftroti to lh Ntti'nmi oil orliuai line uf the KotMTt ?tt'nrt tr.tc!,. tiitiii amng enie non b d-rv t-tx, 7o r!s tn a tfUiiie corner of mii! K tlert Mewart trHct, tbeooe ttmilt V-' (1 yrwi eiint 12 rKla to a itoiie corner, thence Biuth i dt-rrtea WHbt Oft r-ni to nuid public road, tii. iicj aiuiig baiuo kouth d'-freve west l'4 nnlii to U.e ..n4) ut b-iui.)iitf cou lniuifif tivtitkt iie inore or itrtv, Itt-n.if ktirt of h tti j-r tri ; ii t ie wnrritiiUtt umim uf Kotufri tutwarc uu i .ired on the coinusin sii.iiersi bt-M.'W-i ui I kc ctjuiity No. lite viine Lh Ick one cf ie loU u( liie Khraim Kimble, .r., t-i. :,.. 1 vfitoV b s 1 S 4n the tAine are po i ltd a BUniii (tfiliiJ houht) aud out.-t.-uihiinurs; pate of l he laud U nijer Cu I Ll va tit,n iii'vi li,, i;r..s ed, wilh 1(ko and ouieil r 1 1 ' t tn-vh" t itu.in e uiiluipr-jved laud. '1 evil;" , H . 'i i i-'i" .-PANrsKNliKHij, Adlnt'1'.-.lrni..r ti Ittu entnle of lxrWiS l M .ji iiSx r,..' !' -,M-d. H V. T. 1 hv ii, Attorney. iifuid, I n., .Siv tf, W. BARRFX8 01? SAMPLK9. Ovr Two Il'indrsd Thousand Trial Bottles Sent Free by Mail. By ppecinl arrangement with the nnnufnctnrers of that justly 'unions Kidney medicine, Ir. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy, the rend ers of the Pikr County Prkss are enabled to obtain a trial bottle and pamphlet of valuable medicnl ad vice absolutely free, by simply send ing their full nnme and postofflce address to tho DR. DAVID KEN NEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y., and mentioning this paper, the publisher of which guarantees the genuineness of this liberal offer. Of course this involves enormous expense to the manufacturers, but they have received so ninny grate ful letters from those who have been benefited and cured of the var ious diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation and all weaknesses peculiar to wo men, that they willingly send trinl lmttles to all sufferers. Upon investigation it was found that 91 per cent, of those who had used tho trial bottle had received such benefit from it that they pur chased largo sized bottles of their druggists. It matters not how pick you are or how many physicians have failed to holp you, send for a trial bottle of this great medicine, it costs you but a postal card, and benefit and cure will most certainly be the result. Favorite Remedy is the only kid ney medicine that acts as a laxative all others constipate. Put some urine in a glass turn bier and let it. stand 24 hours ; if it has a sediment or if it is pale or dis colored, milky or oloudy, stringy or roPy. your Kidneys or Bladder are in a bad condition. Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy speedily oures such dangerous symptoms as pain in the back, inability to hold urine, a burning, scalding pain in passing it, frequent desii'fe to uri- tiate, especially at night, the stain ing of linen by your urine and all tin unpleasant and dangerous effeots on tho system produced by the tise of whiskey, wine or beer. All druggists sell Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy in the new 50 cent size and the regular tl.00 size bottles. Luke W. Brodhead Of Delaware Water Gap died suddenly Wednes day. Ho was closely identified with the hotel business there uri,', for many years proprietor of the Water Gap House, the largest in the place He wrote a history of the early set tlors of that vicinity which exhibits great care aud research. No Loss of Time. I have sold Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Eeniody for years, and would rather be out of coffee and sugar than it. I sold five bottles of it yesterday to thresheis that could go no farther, and they are at work again this morning. U. R. Phelps, Plymouth, Oklahoma As will be seen by the above the threshers were able to keep on with their work without losing a single day's time. You should keep a bot tie of this remedy Jn your home. For sale by A. W. Balch & Son, Matamoras, all drug and general stores in Pike county. A. D. Brown and Goo. E. Horton go today to attend the fnneral of the late J. 11. balmon at Boonton which ooonra tomorrow. SHERIFJTS SALE. By virtue of ft writ of levari Fncliis Is sued out of the court of common plefts of Hke ootinty to me direcunl, I will expose to public sale by yeudue or outcry nt the snerm s oiuce la ine DorougQ ol 3111Ioru on THURSDAY, MAY 29, at two o'clock In the af be. noon of sftld day All that certain lot or tract of lautl situate In the township of Hclaware in the county or f ike ami state or f emmyivunla bound ed and descrilied as follows to wit: fit'irtU' niliK at a stone corner Ixting alst a corni-r of lands of William Marker, I'tence ly the same north sixty-two dt'Kree. and one-haif weft one hundred and itim ly tlin-e ptr ches and a half to a stone corner, thenitt uv lands of John Hnxton north twenty-ni.ie dt'jtrees east eihty nitie perches i a btoiie corner, thence )y I he SMtne sout h sixty-two decrees sou a. mil east one hundred and sixty-four perches and ft quarter to a stone corner, thence south eiht decrees ftti'J a half west nim-ty live pcrchcsaiul a quarter t-o the place of beginning. C4tnUiinliif one hundred acres, it beliix part of a lara' tract of land surveyed hy virtue of a wa rant granu'd to Solomon Hutf dated the 4ih day of March A. i. 171TJ, the said one hundred acres ny divers conveyances aud ot her aastiraitceH vesting title in the same lu-citme the property uf the said (jarret U ilrow ti. .i-d aud taken in execution as the prt-perty of (i .trut li. Ilrowu, dbce.tsed and Mill be sold hy me for cash. OKUHL.K UUfcUOKY, hhertfif. Sheriff's Ollice. Milford, Pa., April an. hrj. j EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Tetters teMtaineutary upon the ite of KU.ni'M'i'h M Kcnwonhfy, late of i le bor- ouh of Ml) lord, drreiw-d, htivlur Ijeeii jCtiiiU'il to tljt) undtTHint'd. all porMintt haviiiK clninm awnliiKt the bmh! fntii'Mwitl pnrM'ut tilifiu and lhort niuitd ihtuelo will nti-iknc nmkf iuinit'dnire privnM-in to illiam li. kkn wuit may, K ih utor, Miilord, Pa II Y. T. BaKKR. Attorney, Miiiotd. Pa. April 7, ltfi. 6-ld. BlutAtf Tour Bowel With Citao,rt. C'. i'Hitittrtic, euro oontuiptnii t,,iivr. IW. U v Ki. C ftli drUftrilc-bk i'JlUUJ UiuUCjf. Mercantile Apprcisemcnt FOR iooz NOTirrc IS HKRKFIY GUV F.N tn nU iikm 1 1 1 itH MiKi ctTet-m r whittHVpr fcfnd or rinturv, wh",icr of the jrrnwth, product nnd limnufrtoutre of the l.:nttri States or f nny forettfit ntnif. nnd nil miller nnd conl donltiirt wlthtn t hp count? of Pikt, in inn m di f of rennMi vnn a, trm th1? aiv chiift'-d nod awwri hf the appraiser ot mtTrnntile Ihxch in paid county for the year Ktvi mh hclow driven, and that they art (overall? required to tMke out a Hopiirp at. me (Jiine or the county treasurer at Mil ford on or before the flrsr. day of July. If not iMtid on tho adova date nn it will he brought) nfi per net of assembly in mich raws umde and provided. R UTAIL. Blonmlns; Orove, DeUroat Dennis S'.oro lelaware Kuhner Philip F Hotel (Tarrelsou Harry lllcycle iMcrctcr r rnucis Hotel .iM'pncni Kooinson httre nil Klten K. K. M ins Hotel v an au Ken itco. 13 rtore Van Ktu-n Hros Store VnntTonlen Kan est Hotel Westbrook Jacob li Store Ins;tnait. HoillotfttE. O Hotel Imllor. leontlne Ilnardlnir Hon: McCnrtv ;harles Store no-iB loiiiniu Motet Schanno Anna Hotel Schanno Joseph Boarding House Ore lie. noisnir reccr Fertilizer Cross Posten R ritore (iillner Walter E Groceries Hilpln Bros Store H ames V. ii Store llouck .T. & C Store Uwe Edward F Store Selg Charles F Store Wilson Edgar'. Hoarding House Lschswt sen. Alman Samuel ..Hotel iiurcner d. u More Ilrannlng ,T. C , Store llellert Kdwartl Store Cortright Jason Storo t ortright William B ." Store lijston Ueorge A Hotel t-ireenwald Clan Store llolbert Joseph (i Hotel llolbert F. J Hotel nan sins mcnara store Kowland (i. r S Rowland A. Q Hotel Kettstadt Augusta Hotel Smith M E Store Shannon C. W Store Smith J. H Store Schott John Store SctmrtT Julius est Store Van Akin S. L Store Lehman. Hensley H. F . . Store liach Martin Ij Hotel Nyce Brothers Store Uttenheliner Clara Hotel Ottenhoimer Clara 1 pool table S months 1 uniiara tame liu.t Peters Edwin F Hotel Peters Edwin F., 1 pool table 8 months billiard table flO.uO Smith Clintou Store Milford Borough. Armstrong T & Co Store Armstrong CO Druir St( Heck Fred A Hi tol Itotirnique P. N Hotel Bourniqtie P. N., 1 p.l table 8 mouths bowllngalleys $IH25 Hoyd J. K Bittcli Heck John C Hotvl Cornelius I) Miss Bazaar Diugmnn A. 8. Store Emerson H K & Co Drugstore r rich Ijtulse Hotel Crumble Brothers Bute! di'llerlh Louis Bicycle llafner V. . Harness llornlx-ck D. H Bicyol Kelly John Dr Hotel Kyto Benjamin Store Kiel n T. tk.Ji.es Son Hardwa Myer James A Photographe McCert.y John stor Mitciifll Mary Millinery Mifcncu Y.Kii t$ui, Nilis P. M Hon Mils P. M., 1 pool tables months. . . tia Kvman o.- Wells Store Struhle W. T Miller Thornton Jjhn R Hotel Tiasnt Marie Hotel Wallace Bert Store Wolf John Store Palmyra, Lnbes CI lint Hotel Jones Edward S Store Wllrou (ieorge Store Porter. Courtright C. W H(,'l Stalter Joseph ritore fthohola. Fuller Mary Boarding House (-.ardner St. John & Son Store Hlgby Edwin Sure Heuinann John H Hotel Maxwell F. D Store Vogt John Jr Hotel Vogt George Barber Westall. Allen D B Hotel Balch A W. & Son Store Bevaus Floyd K Hotel Caskey Laforge Hotel Crawford Andrew tore Hunker Uustave Store Ft Peter Houd Heller Martin store Kessler Fred A Store Laugton L. G S.ore fjeicht Martin HoU;l Mueller Christiana Hotel Prescott J C Store SfVinour C. H Store Todd M. B. Mrs Store I'ch Michael Butcher Van Gorden J. G store WehingMr George Butcher Wintermute Isuao Store Agreeably to the act of the freneral as sembly of the com mo" wealth of Pen liny I Vttiiln. paesext April 11, lHirt, entitled "Ad act relating to the apolntuieu( of nie. cantile appraim end UTadimHiiif the dil tum upon wholt5tale dvaUm and luttrehun dis etc, and the euppieiueuti thereto," aud "aet of May 3, lMn," the underiiiKnd appraiser of uicruiiutile taxea of the couu ty of Pike dieu hertdiy oertity iliat the fort inp aie dtuilem lu foriKU aud douidtvtie merehandlHe Id said county that have oo oik to iny kuowitMinre and thai they are clasnetl aecordiiiff to law. V itncHM my haud this 6th day of May A. I)., lEi. B. F. KIPP, Mercantile Appraiser. Ao appeal will be held In the court house In thw borough of Milford betwtnm lite hours of U a. in. aud 4 p. in , ou Thuibdny. June 5, 1' , wheu and where all ptr.-ini tutereMt-d in the afort-iiniit aiwUMiinfUt anil dt'Hci iptiou uiay nlleuU tf thi-v ice pr per, H. f K.IFP, &lurcainile Apitruinur. AM di'ulera iu the above Hat are request ed to tiiko up tluir liuentMiii at the c.jtint y trt'iiBitrt-r ollK ou or before July 1, bi r2, alu-r which they will te given Wa justice if the pt'aou for cuilt-erton. U. K. KOWLAND, County Tmuiuitr. ilLLIAM B. KENWORTHY, M.D. riiypicinn and Surgeon. Office ami rchl-'tice Hnrford strcft Is me lately occupied t y Hr E B. Wen- ftl llr UK11, PA. Dr. von der Hoydo, DCNTIGT, Brick House Opposite VnmlrrmRrfc Hotel lirnml street Milford OFFIf'K HOCUS: 8tol8ft.in.il to in. H. E.Emerson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad Street. If yon want to sell yonr real entnte, list it at once with JOSEPH J. HART, Uoneral Iiisnrniire Agt., Brown's Building, Milford, Pa. Pure Bred Fowls Our Breeding Pens con tain but a few of the choicest birds: WHITE WYAND0TTES, BLACK MIN0RCAS, -WHITE LEGHORNS, BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Epp-s $i per setting of THIRTEEN EGGS. Order ahead as far pos sible. HoaglancTs, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. UP TOWN. The American Girl The Most Reliable, Medium Priced Shoe fA f f" in the Coun- 111 I I 8 try. Carried H in Stock in 11 (JtU Five Styles . i; Every Pair is Fully Guaraneedt. Johnson, Fitter of Feet. Port Jervis, N. Y. NOTICE All huntiiiK, HBliinn or other trespassing on the prennees ot the under signed, In DinKinun Township, on Hay niondhkUl and Dwarfskitl Oeeks, is for biuden under penalty of the law. t it Ah J. Ikhlkau, DinK'niin Twp., N. Hihi.kau May 17. lm. JobKi'H 1' BoiLBAU . FOR SALK. A small farm liv ated near Matamoras, known as the Henael or Kelnhardt pliuw, containing 1 acres. Finely liM-.at.Hl, well watensl. House and barn. Fruit of all kinds. Part Improved. Title clear. For tcrmB, price, etc., address Lock box Q Milford. Pa. TRESPASS NOTICK. Notice Is hereby Kivett that trespassing on the preliiii.ea of the unuerslKUetl, Sltuattxi in li(nKUiatl township, tor any purpose whuu'.ver is strictly forbidden, and all ulf i ndi rs will be promptly pmsecuted. ll(A B. CAbH. Oct. -M. lHWu. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Kiv.'l! that trespassing utioti the pro perty of the undersigned In Militird lowu shlp. Pike county, Pa., for the purpose of hunting. tl,hlufr ur any other purpoKes Is strictly furblddcu under pi'MHlly of the law. Mils. S. .Si. (JHAK1. ' r" f f I "T" TOBACCO SPIT iJJyi g nJ SMOKE . V our Life a way I You u cured of iny foott ot tita.cco uaii;i Mily, be nuul well, strong, m.tnei.c, lull ,3 new lite and vior by taitiu tJ I Jit tliat ni a.kt- tMlt meu suon, M my V-.-u ten pomiUK in tea Uuvi. Over BOO .OOtB cured. All dnifci'wf. Cure yiiMruuir.-.t Ii.h.m.. Wt ttiid a.ivi. i-kj-'K. A.ltii.-- bl lKiiii ItHMMUV CO., ChikKO or iNew YtMk- rf Hw An Tmiv fcldter ff Tr Hubrjfl- 8(iaru9 PM1 nur ail kKinr 11 1. f4n