Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, March 28, 1902, Image 2

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pijig county rncsG.
J'KIDAV, MAW. i'M. l!'-
IT IM ,111 I ',! KV l ;l V t- lil D AY.
OFFIO"., PHi.lWN H 111 II.IH.Nll HltllAII T.
Onf Year I ne tlolliir nml Oft.v cents.
8ix Miints-Seventy-five reiim.
Kntcnvl Hk tin p"t oflli-n of Mllf'iril,
Pike County, IViiiiH.vlviiiiiii, n sim-mih!
cIki" innuur,' NoyimiiIxt twontr -flint, 1N'"S.
Advertising Rates.
Onintmrlp!irhtllrii-l.nm'lniw'rtion ni'
Kw'ti Hiiiisw'qui'nG InarrtiiMl Jill
Kt'ihi"i iiitfs, fiiriiirfliitl mi ni plicntiiiii,
Will be lillowcil ruikriy .ulveitltM'rs.
Legal Advertising.
Adniliilstnitor'i unit E.ii-cutor's
notl.'.-R 3 .'
A uilitor's nntlceg 4.'i
Dtvurce not ii'in ...... 6.ii0
SlnrllT'a snlvfl, Orplin.nn' court snli'S,
County Trt'jiMirvr's nivh-s, Cniinty ptut
niniit ftinl oliintlim proi'liiiiiiulun clmi'ireri
by the Hqimre.
J. H. Tn Eltpn, I'tinMHIlKK,
Wilford, I'lke County, Pa
The prltiuiry election throughout
Pike county will he held od Friday,
April 1H, 11102, from 8 p. in. to H p. in.
for the follow lug oHWh:
Protlumotnry, etc., one to he voted
County coniniisHloiier, one to be vot
ed for.
County treasurer, one to he vo(,t-d for.
County auditor, one to be voted for.
DiHtrict attorney, one to he Voted for.
Kepresentative in general atwcmhly,
one to he voted for.
Delegate to wtnte convention, one to
lie voted for.
Congressional conferee, one to lie
voted for.
Heimtoilal conferee, one to be voted
County committeeman, neven to he
voted for.
Town committeeman, one to he
elected In each election district (who
glial only be voted for in the district
In which he resides.)
Twenty days before the said primary
election each candidate shall notify
the county chairman of his candidacy
and pay his ;-sessment, which shall
Jve as follows: For county commission
ers, $15, and for each of the other of
fices, fl each.
J!y order of the county committee.
March 1.1, 1902.
If tho pronosetl Norwegian colony
In Ltokawaxtin is not built along
different lines from that of tho Syl
vauia society which was attempted
to be established in thU county by
Greeley and others along in the
forties it will not have a very Ion;?
road to travel. They may ha prof
itable to Home p.irties as tm esUto
speculations but it is a law of na
tare, established by a long line of
precedents, that families thrive bet
tor when they sit under their own
vine and fig tree than when they
are united in limited partnerships
witn many. Hiever, any aehome
which tends tt pipuUte the county
is of adv.tntijj. Tua lu ubor is all
gone only the soil, and in some
places not m ioU of th it is left :wid
any who now locate here must
thrive iy cultivating laud or trow
iusj Btock. The oouuty, is well
adapted to tho bminess, well water
ed and much natural grass land. Bo
let us hope to soon see its thousand
bills tenauted with sheep uud cat
tle. It is said photographs or pioturei
cannot lie hut the one printed! in a
cntitivnporiry tins vrjoli of the old
mill at Dintrm in's reverses the situ
ation and in ikes the bridge and
stream north of the null tied the
mill house south, when the vory
reverse is true. The picture is good
of the mill but the surrouii Jinjjd
Rre askew.
The diligent husb.vi luinn will
no.v plant trees whether he ever
expects to eHt the fruits of thorn or
not and he will n!-t) prune t'.ni--.i
heretofore ohiutoj either by hi in
o!f or olier if lie enrt-M-M t kep
them thrifty.
Tucf.l.iy, Apiil 1, is Cue last day
for lifting licenses grant-.: 1 at hot
Con: t
Ex-Sheriff E. Vand-Tiilark is be-
ii.g ui-.-l by ir. my uf bis friends to1
beciiiie a - iis.il ) f.ir count y com- I
If:;.-. .1 lri.;- tlihl f .',1 Mild is inehne 1 to
t'ir-nv bis h it ia ti.o fl.d.l. T'ik '
b! i :! is well a j 1 1 1 n ! 1 wn h
county ii iirs u ud micht toiiinkoa:
.! s i,f kinds in
tl.e I'.i .-.-.1 cm,
N. V., ut A l-'iN-i.
J f larch t
Jlpril, May
Thfre is a best timr for doinif
everything tlm I is, a time wlirn a
tiling can he (lone to the hest nd
vantnpo, nmst ritnily and tnost ef
fectively. Nov is (lie best time
fur purifying ynur Mood. Why?
liccnuse your Bystetn is now trying
to purify it V'"t know this by (be
pimples mid other eruptions thai
Lave come im your face and body.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Are the im dicincs to t.ike they do
the work tlinroii-lily and agreeably
and never fail to do it.
Hood's are the medicines yon
have always heard rpcumiiiended.
'! runnot rf'iinin'P'l TTo'vCn Parniiartllr
tfo Inulilc b ft "irriite ni.licln1. li'ii wt
ti'ke it In thp spring we nil ft ii-l t"r H r nirlt
iiie sunnmT." At km. S. H. Neai., .McI 'i bv. Vr
Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to
cure and keeps the promise.
(Ilj llKV. C. K. p( 1 liliKH.)
The topic for next Sabbath morn
iiig is "The Resurrection Life,'
and in the evening, "Christiai
Tho cantata, "Jesns of Nazareth,'
consisting of a baritono solo, a fe
male trio and thirteen choruses
will bo given tonight at 8 p. ni. n
the M. E. church. No admission
fee will bo charged. A silver col
lection will bo taken.
The Newark annual coiifernrci
will be held at Elizihetli next Wtd
nesday. An account of the wiy it
which conference is conducted wil
appear in next week's I'hksji on thit
Special niusio will be rendered a'
each of the services on Easter. Wi
trust that tho tiny may lie one o
great joy and that the conferenci
year may close with the riches'
The season of fasting is nearly
over, that is, the Lenten season.
Shall we forget now that wi
have a soul and persuade our
selves that we aro all stomach'.
Shall we conduct ourselves a
though the time for goodness wa(
over and now we can act as wi
please? In other words, ahull our
fasting and prayer be but a thing o(
a few days to die out and give placi
to a reaction toward the world and
wordliness? Then the keeping ot
Lent is a farce. If we breathe m
deep sigh of relief and express
our thanks that it is over,
only to run now without restraint
in our own wav, thon beter be no
Lent. It is easy to talk of the abid
ing seed sown in tho life durinv
this period, hut abiding character li
fer better than abiding seed, as tht
full ear is of more value than tin
single kernel. Why write this? Be
ciwise I do not believe in Lent';
Not at all, because the law of reae
tion is so strong that it is likely
to carry us out of the spirit of true
sacrifleo, and lead us to depend t(.
much for our religious lite on time.
and seasons rather that on the sure
foundation of the presence of JeAus
U UKllJLivJlJm
Does your horse "feel his
oats"? What a difference be
tween the grain-fed and the
grass-fed horse! The first
strong and full of ginger, the
second flabby, weak and tired
out before he begins. The
feeding makes the difference.
Children are net alike either.
One is rosy, bright-eyed, full
cf life and laughter, another is
pale, weak and dull. The feed
ing again is responsible.
Sickly children need special
feeding. They don't "feel their
oats". Scott's Emulsion adds
just the right richness to their
diet. It is like grain to the
horse. The child geU new
appetite and strong digestion.
Scott's EmuLIon is more
than food. It is a strong
medicine. It rouses t:p dull
children, puts new flesh on'thin
ones and red blond into pule
ones. It makes children grow.
Scott's EiuuImou makes ordi-
nary iooj do its
f I ,t
'Jl.is I'ns r.'I.r-M-.Vi
I' e 'I i-i'lc Isi.uk ut ..it'i
1 I Ml Huil i3 cm
VI I'll:
j J. i i t:r fitc U.
I M O I T . I:. iYV
I 4 j l'-.rl Si.. K ;v V,
! ' m si J. ..'! .!... ..
'.villi us nil the lime and (lie need of
licrpf'lual selfileninl. 1 believe in
l.ent in the sniiie sene tlint I be
lieve in revivals. H th are judged
tiy their fruits. AflfT the revival
is over if t hose who at tend and t Imse
who are converted are mure devout
md manifest, the fruits of the spirit
then tho revival is a success, other
vise n failure. So is H with fjent.
If it leaves us more revei enl in),
more devoted to I he church (if which
svo ure members, mure alive unto
lie things of W id and more dead to
ihings uf the world, then Lent is n
uicccis and worthy of the most
ea refill consideration.
B F. Killain is absent, on a busi
ness trip to Scranton this week.
Fred Frank, a young man em
ployed by M. N. B. Kilbim, was
taken seriously ill last week. The
doctor pronounced it appendicitis
and lie was taken to his home in
Egypt on Tuesday.
A dime social will bo held at the
homo of V. II. Clark on Thursday
evening. Proceeds to increase our
minister's salary
Horace t). Kipp passed through
this place this week en route foi
Jreentown on political business.
B. V. Kipp of Hreentown called on
friends here Monday.
We are pleased to note the im
proved condition in. the health of
AIiss Esther B. Killam.
John Zimmornmnn appears to be
mveral inches taller. He carries
lis bead high, steps proudly and
svears a very self-satisfied smile.
Vhy? His wifo lias presented him
villi their firstborn, a daughter,
frank Martm also fondles a new
laughter. Friend Simons of Ledgo
lalo holds a pair, they are boys,
lie thinks them kings and that a
tnir is better than three of a kind.
Horace Kipp ot Mil ford called on
relatives nnd friends at this place
his week.
Miss Laura Bartleson left Monday
md expects to spend the summer
with Mrs. II. E. Kipp at Wilson
Mrs. Crocker, who spent the win
ter with her sou in New York, has
returned home.
P. It. Gorman, an old soldier and
pensioner, who has been suffering
from Blight's disease and dropsy, is
in a critical condition and not ex
pected to live.
We are sorry to hear that Fred
Krieger and family expect to leave
T. II. Gilpin has commenced work
on his mill race.
Arscot Crocker, formerly of this
place, is now niarriod and living in
We are having weather for nink
ing maple syrup.
An Old Landmark.
The mill at Dingman's is being
torn down by its present owner, Ed
Darrayli, and a new steam, grist
and saw mill wil! be erected nearby
The mill was built by Daniel W.
Dir.guian in 1830. Emery Ink was
the mechanic. (Subsequently a
blacksmith and wheelwright "shop
was added to the south end and
there Joseph 0 Lsttimore for many
years conducted a wagon making
Aboriginal Nam.
The name Delaware vas given to
the river in honorof Lord Dtdaware,
who was governor ot the Virginia
colony about tho years 1010 to 1018.
The Indian name of the river was
Muck er-it,k-i.-K.ui, uud it wus also
called Leimpe-Wihittuck, or river
of tho Lena pes. The Dutch and
Swedes knew it only us South river,
in contradistinction to tho North
river of New York.
iS. D. Wells and wife of Wood
town were in town a day this week.
Geo. E. Horton has been ubsent
from town this week and rumor
says he is looking for a suitable ho
tel stsud and if suecess'ul will re
linquish the livery business heie
and became a Boniface.
Cecil Ulmdes, the South African
diamond king and friend of Ameri
ca, died at Capetown March
Albert T. Patrick, who bis been
on lri.il for several weeks in New
Voi k for the murder of William M.
li'ee. has boon 0 mviot cd i.if murder
in the first dcjrree
Henry IClm-r and bis sister, Edna,
stud nits of Iilair Hall, are binan fur
1 sir .i t vnca linn. j
Mrs. Will'iun liynVrof pond Eddy,
A.:S II recent gueit with friends
In. re. j
The county cnn.ioi.ssiiiners expect !
ro rui.-se tie' sub) wh'isof the Van-I
lei ma i l bn.b-.i whem the leei nt
li-ei ! nt hlipl.el.cd SO t hilt tilde M 1 1
be lei d.uij.-r to travel in future.
ti r.
Over Two Hundred Thousand Trial
Bottlf-s Sunt Free by Mail.
By pppcinl arrangement with the
mannfactnrprs of that jii"tly famous
Kidney medicine, Dr. David Ken
nedy'? Favorite Remedy,' the read
ers of the Pikk County Phehs are
enabled to obtain a trial bottle and
pamphlet of valuable medical ad
vice absolutely free, by simply send
ing their full nnniB and pnstnffice
address to the DH. DAVID KEN
N. Y'., and mentioning this paper,
the publisher of which guarantees
the genuineness of this liberal offer.
Of course this involves enormous
expense to the manufacturers, but
'hey have received so ninny grate,
ful letters from those who have
heon benefited and cured of the var
ious diseases of the Kidneys, Liver,
Bladder and Blood, Kheumalism,
Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation
and all weaknesses peculiar to wo
men, that they willingly send trial
bottles to all sufferers.
Upon investigation it was found
that 91 per cent, of those who had
nsed the trial bottle had received
such benefit from it that they pur
chased large sized bottles of their
It matters not how sick you are or
how many physicians have failed to
help yon, send for a trial bottle of
this great medicine, it costs you but
a postal card, and benefit and. cure
will' most certainly be the result.
Favorite Remedy is the only kid
ney medicine that acts as a laxative
all others constipate.
Put some urine in a glass tum
bler and let it stand 21 hours; if it
has a sediment or if it is pale or dis
colored, milky or cloudy, stringy or
rPy. your Kidneys or Bladder are
in a bad condition. Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy speedily
cures such dangerous symptoms as
pain in the back, inability to bold
urine, a burning, scalding pain in
passing it, frcqnent desire to uri
mite, especially at night, the stain
ing of linen by your urine nnd all
th unpleasantanddangerons effects
on the system produced by the use
of whiskey, wine or beer.
All druggists sell Dr. David Ken
ncdy's Favorite Remedy in the new
50 cent siz and the regular $1.00
sio bottles.
The republican party has passed
through one of the bitterest internal
contests it has known for vcars in the
matter of concessions to Culm. But
it will be noticed that It came
through it all right and still presents
a solid trout against democratic in
terference with the country's pros
La Orippe Quickly Cured.
"In the winter of 18U8 and 1899
I w is taken down with a severe at
tack of what is known as La Gip,"
says F. L. Ilewett, a prominent
druggist of Winfield, 111. "The
only medicine I used was two bot
tles of Chamberlain's Congh Rem
edy. It broke up tho cold and stop
ped (he coughing like magio and I
have never since been troubled with
Orippe." Chamberlain's Cousih
Remedy can always be depended
upon to break up a severe cold and
ward off any threatened attack of
pneumonia. It is pleasant to take,
too, which makes it the most desir
able and one of the most popular
preparations in use for these ail
incuts. For sale by A. W. Balch &
Son, Matamoras, all drug nnd gen
eral stores in Piko county.
Printed directions tor procuring
patents, trademarks and copyrights
w ill be sent free of charge: to anyone
iiddrcs-ieg ('. ,V. Suuw A Co., Wash
ington, !. C.
Colonel Bryan's idea of uniting the
democracy is to antagonize all the
more prominent men i hers of it.
( i rover Cleveland is the latent to come
under the Nebraskun's ban.
Cut this out and take it to A. W.
Uaich V- Hun, M.ttamnras, any urug
or funeral store in Tike county nnd
ft a free tauipl of t'lin mbei laiu's
HI' ir.ai h nnd Liver Tablets, the btst
physic. They i b-mise and invigor
ate the htoimts'h, improve the appe
tite and ri i.'uinio tho bowels,
uhiis'..e,:.'.') o. y rbox.
iiilui iGcii
VVc beg leave to nnounce that We have secired the agency for the sale of the
American Girl Shoe, "a shoe as good as irs name." A woman's shoe made in al.
the popular styles, in all leathers, prices always the same, 02.50.
This shoe appeals to the GOLC of every American Girl from Cuba to the
Philippines. It's like the American girl replete with all good qualities and insures
to its happy possessor an existence of satisfaction and joy.
American girls, be as good as your name "and wear "The American Girl Shoe."
Miss .Stella Smith of Rowland,
Pa., was the guest of Miss .Minnie
Van Aken of Cunningham street
Saturday. She was in attendance
at the institute.
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis on
Washington street left town a few
days ago to visit relatives and
friends at Walton and Deposit,
N. Y.
Mrs B. D. Wheeler and son,
Frank, visited Now York city on
Mrs. Calvin Jenkins of Jersey
City lias been visiting friends in
Matamoras and Port Jervts. Thurs
day she was the guest of Mrs. Ed
Lord on Cookson street, this village.
Miss Ma be Walker on Main
street gave a hirthdav party on Fri
day evening to a few of her young
friends. About fifteen assembled at
her homo to extend their congratu
lations. Home very pretty presents
were given her.
Some complaints have been made
of unruly boys in Matamoras going
on people's piazzis and throwing
stones and ringing door bells and
disturbing ' the occupants of the
houses. This must be stopped or
these boys will be put under arrest.
If troubled with rheumatism, give
Chamberlain's Pain Balm a trial. It
will not cost you a cent if it does no
good. One application will relieve
tho pain. It also euros sprains and
bruises in ' one third the time re
quired by any other treatment.
Cuts, burns, quinsy, frostbites, pain
in the side and chest, glandular
and other swellings are quickly
cured by applying it. Every .bottle
warranted. Price 25 and 50 cents
A. W. Balch & Sou, Matamoras, all
drug and general stores in Pike
county. 6-27
A Liberal Oft ir.
The undersigned will give a free
sample of Chamberlain's Ktomach
and Liver Tablets to any one want
ing a reliable remedy for disorder
of tho stomach, biliousness or con
stipntion. This is a new remedy
and a good one. A. W Balch &
Son, Matamoras, all drug and gen
eral stores in Pike county.
.Senator Krye intuit excuse that he
was neither physically nor mentally
able to niiike a good speech on the
ship subsidy bill hs he, whs a victim
of , vaccination. lie compared vac
cination and Miiallp.ix to Scylia and
C.'harybdis and said that in trying to
avoid the one he had run into the
other and was still undecided as to
which was worse.
A Horrible Outbreak.
"Of large sores on my little
daughter 'a head developed into a
case of scald head.," writes 0. B.
Ishill of Morfetmton, Tenn., but
Bucklen's Arnica Salvo completely
cured her. It's a guaranteed cure
for Eczema, Tetter, Bait Ilheuni,
I'linples, Sores, Ulcers and Pilos.
Only 25e at all druggists.
Advertise in the 1'hkss.
Asthma Can
Be Cured
Froo Treatment, Free Medical
Advice. We Have Cured
T.OOO Cases. Why
Not Vournf
ThU dread ttisease which has caused
inure untoiil nnnit't than wortls can d:i
seli lie, liun itt lust reeeivt-d iLdi-nlli blow.
Ms'sla-ul ei.'iico iu reeeufi years hud found
a rtinesty Unit un-e.r.fi!l1y wnutmU ail the
afcji avuted nyniptsniirt due to IhU dislretwi
Iiil iipiii-lisju. After many years nf pa
tient study and research. Dr. A. Ii Clat k,
ttii; Well kll.iwu )eeiuli.-a, bas dlMS'iVelvd
a pn.it vo remedy that cur-s the counh,
H.s.-a inime. bale relief and erail leal es
esery VeiliKe (if the disease. So cell U lent
is the iliHt.ir that his Asthma K'lnedy
will ill. s-t a cure in all sl;i-s Ilea lie has
iu-.lru. leil lh Clark Medical i , of Pitts
buty. i'a., tsi f'irss-aid a c nnplete treat
ment tn ecery .urfeier of Asthma who
A i IK-a for symi'ti.m li!ank This is ti very
ll'.ri-.d l iter tiiul shosvs the t'nlilidenue the
t iai k M. ste al Co. have iu the merits ot
this plsliat.sle. It any lf our rs-adel-s
are i.lih-l.sl vtith Asihiim tln-y should
s-.rite the I'J.iiU tu at mice for symptom
blank. hy sillier sa hen u co re Is sv il hi n
IV,'.' ill'
Calvin Cron, landlord of the
Anieiicnn House at Flatbrook, N.
J., recently sH-nt a few days with
bis parents here.
Material for furnishing tho farm
house of II. B. Wells has been pnt
on the ground.
The end of a social party is some
times quite expensive judging by
the Into court proceedings. Better
stay home, knit stockings and get
fish lines ready or else behave when
al tending a dance.
Win. Dusenberry has rented
Shady Farm cottage a- d expects to
fill it with boarders next summer.
Ed. Darragh is preparing to put a
steam engine in his grist mill.
Miss Carrie Smith of Newton is
home on a visit.
Mercer Jaggor of Silver Lake will
return to Chatham, N. J., about
April 1st.
William Retallio has moved to
Vfestfall and John Crone will occu
py the farm.
Joseuh Snyder will have a public
vendue of farming tools and stock
April 31
The roads are not only bad but
very bad.
Mrs. D. O. Brodhead celebrated
her seventieth birthday At the home
of her brother, John Van Ette
hist Thursday.
Settlement of town affairs was
made after the date fixed by hi w be
cnuso a town clerk bad to be up
pointed by the court.
Henry Cron is on a visit to E a
tm. Pa.
George Snyder is moving ba'-k to
his own farm.
Maple syru is being made under
difficulties this year.
W. Custard expi cts to o npy the
house of M B. McCarty oppiite the
Delaware House.,
Many are disgusted with t
chicken business. The hei.s did i
lay for their feed the past- wmtei
Night Wa Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all nig
long." w rites Mrs. Chas Appleua
of Alexandria, Ind., and con
hardly get any sleep. I had co
sumption so bad that if I walked ,i
block I would cough frightfully nm
spit blood, but when all other niedi
cines failed, three 11 bol'h-a of Ii
King's Now Discovery wholly cure
me and 1 gained 58 pounds " ItV
nbsolulely guaranteed to cm
Coughs, Cold.-., La Grippe, Brcv
chilis and all Throat and Lu
Troubles. Price 20o and fl. Tn 1
bottles free at all drugsrists.
Hara la
Your own VatUr
Works. wt.M-li
yon run have by
cmiNult.nir J. C.
M Mt iii(irttN, Pit.,
who lit prt-parrd
M f.v etiliiiiaiUrs
st miy tlnif.
Writs him at
uD or hII ftiiit
M hiii Htock uf
Bargains !
Selling nut :it greatly re
duce.! prices. Cull (in
Wells Bldg. Harford St.
Foley's Honey bj Tar
for chuJren, safe, sure. Ao opiates.
n ; :
I'liysician anil Surgeon.
Office Mini residence tfnrford street If
heme lately occupied lv llr K II. Won
ncr lIlII.KOKI). PA.
Dr. von der Heydo,
Hrick Hime Opposite Vnnfleriimrk I'otel
in im i nt (i f i milium in.
OKKICK, HOI KS: 8 to 12 a. in.; 1 to
i. in.
H. E.Emenon, Hi. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
Dig China Store
Largest Stock.
For Sets of Dislics,
Lamps nntl Glassware.
Occupying the entire floor of
We buy Butter, Eggs nnd
i j
Sold by all Newsdealers
Imb-mMPv&' Jta-v .Scurf.:.. . ... ..w...
Furnish Monthly ton 1 1 lover? of Mume
TMt volume of Nwf Choice CopyrlRht
Compositions by Uie mm t popular sutUurt,
6i Pages or Piano nus.c
10 5ongi, 1 1 Instruments!
21 Complete Pieces for piano
and 22 Pages ol Musical Literature
Once a Month for 25 Cents.
I Yearly Subscription, $2.00.
I Six Months, $1.00.
InoneyaryriTi art nearly 8 00 Pageatif Munlc,
Comprising 252 tVimpiete PteH lor th Pimm.
If bought In any music stara at on-ball off,
would eost 9.18.00. If you will send us the name
an'1 auMrwaof Flva performers on the Piano
orOrgau, we wil I send youaaamplueopr Fraa,
, j. W. PEPPER, Publisher,
tlchth 4 Loeuat Sta.. Phlladalnhla. Pa.
Washington Hotels.
The hotel pnr exct(ilh'ne of tho o:iJ t kI (
Im-itti'tt within one hlock of (he Vhite
Hous and iliiwrly opiM.aiio the TreHHury.
Kint'bt tiiliiu in the city.
A famous Imtehy, rcinai kuMe for its
hiMorir;ti h.h.-m imioiirt ami loii suMnljifd
ui.i.u ity. ItttMMitly n-novaU;(i, repmnieti
ami partially refuriiihhwi.
A landnini k iiiiinn tliti hnts-lri of Wa
liiKton, iiiiuN'-.i-il in turiuur Teurs
ui.'.sii.rnir. mill liiuii i.illciaih. Alwnya a
li'iiii tnvnrim. Ki-ii'iii ly i-i-umdelcit a ml
rt'iuli-rert imui-r tliiut i-vs-r. tipp. Pn. H.
K. uVp. WAI.TKK Ut'K'l'OX, Ilea. 4!gr.
Thi'M; liutisis ni' the prinripnl pulltienl
riii)woiiis of tins I'niiilul al nil tinii'K.
l'li-y tire I lii twist btopping phiL-i-H lit rt'U
biiliMliii' rnli-K
O. G. STAPLES. Proprietor.
O. ULWITT.Msnsi.r,
f i u I V H uiv
Trad Marks
$ A OtSIGI-i3
' r h CoPVHiaHTis Ac.
Ati one winliiiif m nkfli ti uiij iicBi-rHiiii ii may
qui' K!V mi Dfiiin .ir 'iiipiimi Ttuo Afi.iit.-r mi
ll.4lill,OMkl,ll tMIUuU
Lit 1 1 . ot I'-flt iii'i'in ) 1 j m 1 1 t-u
Ill fill f Iu.ti.rn (!irHii.'ll Muiui .k Lu. luuIVtl
0j i.ii iuA u, i' 1 1 i UL cluii uo, IU Unj
Ci fl 1 64.
A rmndmiMit'iT i! ! i;it vjit w.'.-k'f. ',r.-"it fir
) : r. .tir Miuni Im, L &..ia if all Hum . ilt-i
Co.SB,0,-f::,.v Ycrk
Bi.ulU wilivsf, ss r tt., kslnu.suu. U. U