RJS S CES5' I SJf "'sr t y isvl n . iurniLure i-o. 92 PIKE STREET, HOLIDAY WANTS We liiivc a'liig line of every lliing pertain ing to footwear except hosiery. Slipper Department In tins department yon will find the best assortment of holiday slippers the town can prod nee. Patent Leather Department- Our men's patent leather shoes are just it. Your brother or sweetheart will ap preciate a gift, of this kind. Etc. Deportment" Juggins and gaiters for ladies and chil dren. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All. KANE, New A NEW OLD PAPER. TRIBUNE IS. SCMAFRANSKY .OUTFITTER TO HEN AND BOYS.'. GREATER THAN EVER Our Display of Fall Winter Men's Suits, All Wool Cheviots, $7, $S, $9 and $10. Fancy Worsted All Wool at $10, Equal to Custom Made. The Best Business Suit on Earth for $4.50. Men's Kersey, Clay, Worsted, Lined, a Swell Overcoat, at $14. Another at $10. An Elegant All Wool Kersey for S3. 50, Worth $10. Others at $5, pi, $7 and $9. We Have Them for $3. Boys' Suits, 14 to 20 Years, irom S3 to $12. Children's Suits, 4 to 16 Years, Our Magnet Suits, at 2, Niver Wear Out, Double Seats and Knees. Boots and Shoes VARIETY ENOUGH TO PLEASE YOU ALL m k U :-Otiiniter to LlEu and BOYS-: 15 Trout Street, .-. Port Jervis, N.' Y. , ' ''";' "' t l.-nrt. A lilt- ..I'.i.v l.l to If, Pi n n r WiiS' V 5i r-v 1 1 n PORT JERVIS, N. Y. THE SHOEMAN, Port Jervis. York FARMER For Rlxty vimrs tho NEW YOKK WKKKLY TRIB 1'XK hn.H m-vn ft national wrekly mwnimpr, rvnd almottt. entirely by farmers, and has enjoyed the con tl denoe and support of tlm A iniM ienn people to a degree never attained by any KtmMar publication. THE" New York Tribune Farmer Is made al).olut.i ly Tor farmer nnd their families. The first number was Issued November 7, l'.Nil. Kvery diparttnent of agricultural Industry r covered by Rperinl cont ributors who nre leaders In their renpet ivo lines, ami the TKIIU'NK KAKMKK will he In every wnse a high ela-s, up to date, live, enterprising rtgrleultural paper, profusely Dlustiated with pint u res of livestock, model farm buildings nnd hoinefi, agricul tural machinery, eto. Karmers' wives, sons nnd daughters will find Special pnr for their entertainment . Regular priuo, 1 i per year, but you can buy It with vour favorite home weekly newspaper, THK P1KK COUNT Y l'KK.SS, one year for I M Send your subscriptions and money to THK PKKSS, MM ford, Pa. Hvrul your hi in ft nil tbt to the NKW YOKK TKIItlNK lAiniKIt, w Vork t Hy, mid A free Hmiit copy wlH be matted to you. Clothing: Foley's Honey nj Tnr - A Bail Breath A bad Ircath means a tad stomach, a bad digestion, 8 bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. iTIicy cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick, headache. 3!lc All druciliH. tUoMiluunui O U I L Whlskr Mrs. Finnirnn (rendinir) The arer nqe man sphinds twinly yearR nr his loife ill lml. Mr. Kimiipan -Oi'll bet th' lobsther tliot wrote 1hot nivvir hod a haly. I'lick. Not to lip Trnntpd. M:ilinda AVhn t kind ob a mnn am MiKtnh Jarkson? SnsSn Oh, hp's mip ob rtrsp kind dat if lip tnfik np a poili't irtn Vfm'd susppct dnt hp had a fnlsp hottmn in his hat. Chicago T)niltv vs. Hnmnn I.lmltHtlon to Blnnip. llarrv Onp-half flip wnrld ddpsn't know how thp othpr half Hves. llnrript Of pnnrsp not! How ab surd! Kprvhodv can't live npxt dpop to pvprvlndv. Puck. 5nl So Had Thai. "You can't f?tt home wlipn it's raining likp this. You had better stay and havp dinner with us!" "Oh, it's not so tiad as that !" O old en Oa vs. W. L. Yuncy, Piulncnli, Ky., writes : "I lmd a severe ense of kid ney illsense uml three of the best lihysioinna in soutlinrn Kentncliy treated me without, succeis. I was indnred to try Foley's Kidney Core The first bottle pnve immediate re lief nnd three bottles cured me per manently. I gladly recommend this wonderful remedy." Take no substitute. Sold at Armstrong's An Ohltnurr. He was Rtrnn on lines financial. And hi lncnnift wf.J suhstRntlal, And he trod w ith face uinlaunu-d through this wlUlpriH'SS of woe; Always kept his head on level, Mud no fear of man or devil. Till he bumped apainst a plumber and the plumber laid him low. There was need of some connection At a pipe line intersection. An adjustment of a meter to & three fourths tube Inside. For defendant In the action Klfe has no more satisfaction Bill was lor.R-er than the pipe line, but he paid the same and died. Nebraska State Journal. N. Jackson, Dinville, 111., writes: "My (laughter had a severe Httack of la grippe nnd toirible cough settled on ber lungs. We tried-n grent many remedies without giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tnr which cured ber. She hns never been troubled with a cough since." Sold at Armstrong's drug store. 1 Woman's Snperlor Mpntnllty. She-What are you thinking of, -Mr. Borelej? He I was thinking it was time to go home." She Now, here is the difference be tween men and women; I arrived at that conclusion long ago, and you have Jaif just worked it out. Tit-Bits. For Pneumonia. Dr. C.-i. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., says, "I have used Foley's Honey nnd Tar in three very severe cases of pneumonia with good results in every case." Beware of substitutes. Sold at Armstrong's drug store. . a ereeedent, Willie Iiorem Bnt you needn't keep it, even if a stork did bring it to jour house. Johnny I)usna You needn't? "Willie Itorem No; a atork left one at our front door In a basket last week and pa took it to the police itatiou. Brooklyn Kngle. You should know that Foley's Honey and Tar is absolutely the beft for all diseases of the threat and lungs. Denlers are authorized to guarantee it to give satisfaction. Sold at Armstrong's drug store. Itetter Than liar. "He says that lie alwuys makes hay ihiie the sun Khinps." "Y'es; he ia now making lovt to A f;ch grass-widow. 'Jud(;e, Chapped bands, cracked lips nnd rotmli.iess of the skin cured quickly by Banner Salve, the most healing ointment in the world. Kohl at Armstrong's drug store. Alwayi lEaril at Work. Mrs. Tattler I'd have you know I wcih my words. Mr. Tattler It must keep yon aw fully busy. Yoiikers Statesman. If Da&oer Salva DueMi't euro your piles, your money will l3 returned. It is the most bertlin nifdiciiie. Sold at Armstrong's drog store. The American Girl. Ths American Girl Is As Gocd As Her Name. J"" f T 1 J TO HA CCO f l'lf V our L it e aw ay I Sou can ln'c;tir.of aUT f ,nu ct ttil.ji e.i-10 l- ' klrmv, i" ' I'.. I f nr w hie hitj v.. r i, u.iii ? j- t it. zt t.il n. 3 HwK Hi. II h'Mi',; ' , :. y , KU !! I, U U.. Ul'l SOU. Oil dill I. I- I I ! .H'. A ' . : 4l,l THE T GOVKIiXOH Republicans Looting Anxiouslj to tufi State Convention - A TIME FOR WISE ACTION 9entor Quay' Return to WiWhlngton Cauaea Increased Interest How a Factional Candidate Would Affect the United Statea Senatorahlp. Democratic Houea For Republican Mistakes. HarrlBbutg. Ta., ." ' The re cent return of I'nltetl States Senator Qtiay from the everglades of Florida, with a fresh stock of health and the promise of renewed activity In public life, delights his friends at Harris hnrs and elsewhere. Among Republicans, who are more concerned for the success of the party than for the sway of a faction, the Impression prevails that when Colonel Quay's health Is good and his hand Is on the holm prudence Is more likely to prevail than when men of small calibre and subordinate rank under take to speak the language of states manship and to frame platforms In accordsnro with tliclr own Insular no tlons of things. A striking example In this line was furnished in the ronstruetloii of the Republican state platform built by the patty Journeymen during Quay's absence from the last state conven tion. That pronuneaimento was so fearfully and wonderfully made" that It excited the risibilities of the Ir reverent throughout the state, and even the orthodox were moved to mirth by Its ldlosyncracies. It was full of those "things that were heat unsaid" from beginning to end. and when, some days after the conven tion. It came under the notice of Mas ter Workman Quay, the atmosphere was of a cerulean hue for a few sec onds), and It was well for the crafts men who put It together that he was not within hailing distance. No such accident will befall the party platform this year, Judging by the flattering reports concerning Colo nel Quay's health which are sent out from Washington, and it Is even more to be desired that there be no blunder in the nomination of a candidate for governor. Colonel Quay is credited with two brief statements since his return to the national capital. One of these is that he dooa not intend to resign his teat in the senate, and the bther that he has not declared his preference for any particular candi date for governor. I believe both these statements are correct, all In terested reports to the contrary not withstanding. A WINNING CANDIDATE. At no time In the history of Penn sylvania has there been greater call for circumspection on the part of the dominant party than there is this year, and the party managers cannot fall to be aware of the fact. From end to end of the commonwealth the demand of the Republican Is for a gubernatorial nomination that will win all along the lino. The oppoW tuaity to score a decided success is Jttst as great as Is the opportunity to perpetrate a monumental blunder, and either the one or the other hinges on the nomination for governor. If the men who have the party machinery in their hands use It ruthlessly to force a factional nomination there can be no doubt whatever that such action will have a demoralizing effect and be a source of comfort to the opposi tion, whose hopes of victory are based on the expectation that such a mis take will be made. With the nomina tion of such a candidate as Colonel L. A. Watres all danger of defeat in any district of the state would dis appear and party harmony would presage victory. This ia no guess work, but a statement founded on fact. Everywhere I And his candi dacy regarded with respert and In many counties With enthusiasm. The rank and file of the Republican party take kindly to his simple, straight forward announcement that he is a candidate for governor as a straight out Republican, without grievances or grudges and in strict accordance with the principles of the great political organization with which he has been in accord since bis boyhood. ' Up to the present writing toe candidacy of Colonel Watres ia the only one before the Republicans of the state, and, so far aa I am able to learn. It ia every where accepted as that of a man of experience, ability and party fealty, whose nomination would mean har mony and victory. As I have stated In a previous letter, neither Colonel Watres nor his frienda claim thai he ia the only Republican who can unite the party and lead It to success. That would be an ex travagant assumption wholly foreign to his ideas, as well as the purpose of this letter; but tha friends of Colo nel Watrog, and they number a good many, have firm confidence in his ability, his Integrity and what may he termed, for lack of a better word, his availability. They regard him as a Republlcaifwhose nomination would be a creditable one, because it would represent merit and experience; and a prudent one, because It would not injure the party anywhere or threaten Its success through disaffection in any county or district in the state. Moreover, the friends of Colonel Watres are convinced that his nomi nation would be a wise one. because it would leave the Democracy no pos sible opportunity to expect a victory in the state, or in any Republican county or district thereof. THE OTHER SIDE Or" THE PICTURE Now let us look for a nionieut at what tfc far-reacliiug consequences of an unpopular Republican machine Frank Treadwull, lieniuut, Ia., v.us troubled with kidney disease fir two ye.ira. He wi-ites: "1 had ttiVeii suveitil kidney remedies, but with little benefit. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and a dullur bottle cured nie." fcSuM sit Arm i:ti'i'!i:,'a druir store. V lo t You tloweu With t vtrots. y t i.ii; tiuc, cum coiiv.'iiinniii rrr. nnminatica for governor mny rnpr.n; In fact, I miK'iit say will niKin. It, will place the election of the candidate for govet nnr In doubt from the moment of his nomination until the day of tho election. It. will send the mercury In the political thermometer down to zero and chill party enthusiasm which is always esncnthi! to succosa. A mnchina nomination will corespondingly raise the hopes of the Democracy and stimu late the faithful of that party Into ex ceptional activity from the start. In state, district and county politics. Dem ocratic organization already In pro gress will be strengthened and encour aged. Fusion between Democrats and Independent Republicans will have a powerful Incentive, and become active from the moment of the nomination. A factional machine candidate will strike a blow nt party vitality and weaken its energies. Those who vote the straight ticket will do so perfunctorily, or merely because they do not want to "lose their face" with the organization, after the manner of the Chinese. This ia no pessimistic prediction, but. a truthful picture of the situation as It appears to thousands of thoughtful Re publicans who desira party success more than the ascendancy of any man, or faction, or influence anxious for domination and reckless of conse quences. The only hope of the Demo crats the Ouffeys, the Gordons, the Pattisons and the rest Is In the be lief that the Republican managers are so self-centered and so Impervious to reason, argument or persuasion, that they will insist upon a factional nomi nation, having the same faith In tho result that Caligula had once upon a time when he broke all records with a senatorial candidate of his own choos ing. AS TO THE SEN ATORSHIP. Although the state campaign re volves atound the governshlp, a good deal of Interest 1b manifested, here and there, In the election of a United States senator to succeed Senator, Pen rose. It is a high honor to be the chief magistrate of this imperial common wealth; still there are men In public life who would prefer the United States Benatorship after all, and these as well as many others are asking why should not that great office be an iasue. Well, It will be an Issue according to all ac counts, and a very live one. The peo ple don't vote direct for the senator, of course, but they will, this year, elect a legislature whose duty It will be to choose a senator, and every candidate for the general assembly will be re quired to say where he stands on this question. The senatorshlp will not be allowed to go by default as In former years. The bulk of the Re publicans will feel that If they can have no say In the governorship nomi nation they will have "a say" in nomi nating candidates for the legislature, and that these must state squarely where they stand on the question of electing a successor to United States Senator Penrose. The nomination of an undesirable candidate for governor will re-act with undoubted force on the senatorshlp and make that office the subject of much contention In the choice of members of the legislature. The narrow margin by which Colonel Quay was elected United States sena tor last year gives point to this argu ment. To be entirely plain, the feel ing among the people Is that If a ma chine candidate for governor Is forced on the next Republican state conven tion a machine candidate for United States senator will be Impossible. The experience of Colonel Quay In eking out the skin of the lion with that of the fox, and making up for Repub lican defection by calling In the as sistance of a few "friendly Indians," la not likely to be repeated In the case of any other candidate for United States senator. And it would be a doubtful experiment In any case If It had to be repeated, seeing the obloquy which It lncured for those Democrats who were no complaisant as to lend themselves to the scheme a year ago. THE RIGHT WAY. There is a way to obviate all tha trouble that confronts the Republican management and It Is comparatively easy. It does not lie along the path of Intrigue, or in the suggestion of "fav orite sons," here and there, to be with drawn at the right moment In the In terest of the machine candidate. It Is to be found In pwrfeet candor, and in the nomination of a man Ilka Colonel Watres for governor. There is not a single Republican Interest that would be imperilled by the candidacy of such a man, but, on the contrary, it would strengthen and unite the party and place ita success beyond the peradven ture of a doubt. Republicans have not been so alert In a long time aa they are this year. They are watching every move made on the political chessboard more Intently than they have done in a long time. I attribute this political vigilance to the scandalous turmoil he gun at the meetng of the laat session of the legislature and continued in some form ever since. The public mind has been ceaselessly occupied with questions affecting the Integrity of state officials, largely through ths tnpsy turvey condition of affairs in Pttiwburg, and there ba been no time for rent or forget fulness. This Inces sant friction has made Republicans more exacting than they might other wise be, ami they look for improved methods rather than a continuance of the oid. Much is expected from the next state convention, and first in or der will be the nomination of a can didate for governor who shall repre sent the entire party and enable it to roil up one of lis olil-faatiioned majori ties next fll. And the ijewocrats of tne slate ate wan .-Mug tha situation quite an closely as the Republicans. The Democratic leavles-a know that tht-ir only chance for winning victory this vt;ir la in the possibility of the Republican managers making a mis take. Such tittups have haniienetl be fore, nnd we all know that "history re- l its itself now and then. 1 he won der Is that when it is so easy to ro rij-ht, anybody, especially the experi e'lied, siiouid go wiotiir. Certainly liie. Republican putty of t'ennsyivauia should uot to wrong this year. Sl'KLl'HON. La grippe cough often continue for mouths and sometimes lead to f;itiil reiults after the patient is supposed to buve passed the (lunger point. Foley's IJotiey and Tnr af fords positive protection and secur ity from these coughs. Sold at Armstrong's dru store. Ikw Apt Vour lLFdayV TV H'ltis' h iin-.is H '! till t'.'i.i'T t!!n fiT A M 1 " Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. FENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON If E( ET FT OF FOPTAL. WRITK YOI It N ! K A N II AlUmfss I'l.AISI.V. CI LI! n CD FOH TEH YCARC Jit, HisiSOa CA'. EVERV t-. tfl8 n u. I ii. , ,,,A ( i, , , opium, morphine, chloroforin or ether. , 'IPC 7 r. rr. - r, ... , AVON PPIHXHS. N. Y., Feb. 1, 1KI1. On. Taft Rhos.' Mkiucinr Co. fientleiiien : I write this testimonial from n sense of dutv. having tested th" won derful effect of your Asthnmietie, fur the cure of A si hum. Klv wife ha- li.cn ulllieted with spasmodic asthma f,,r the past. i years Hnvitur exhiins'tcil niV own sk ill s well as many others, 1 chanced to see y.mr sign upon vour windows on' l.iiiih street New York I at once obtained a buttle of Astlureic no !lv . lfe commenced tnkinir it about ttiefirstof November. I very soon noticed a indii nl Improvement. After uslnu one bottle hej- Asthma hts disappeared anil she is cntirelv frc fruin nil vvnipuniis I feel that 1 can consistently recommend the medicine to nil v. ho are ntllieted with this dis tressing disease. Yours respectfully, O. 1). PHELPS, M. D. Dit. Taft linos ' Medicine Co. ' F,.h 5 1001 Gentlemen: I was troubled with Asthma for ?2 venrs. I have tried iiiiniernns remedies, but they have all failed I ran across vour iulveiti-i 1111 nt and siarleil with a trial bottle. I found relief nt once I have since purcluisi d 1 m lull-,ie tot. le and I nin ever grateful. I have a fainily of four t hiidien. nnd for si.i veins was unable to work. Iam now In the best of health and nin doing business eviiiy day. Thib testi mony you can make such use of ns you see fit. Homo address, S:!5 Rivington street, S. RAPHAEL, 67 East lifinh st., City. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUT EL YFR E E 0 NR E C E I P T OF POSTAL. Do not delny. Write nt once, addressing 1)H 70 East With St., N. Y. City. ABE YOU mm ULfl! i ' ' ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD SAKSG ARE HOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD II01SES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. P. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS 3 Baltimore, Mt, March iqoi. Gtfttlemen : Bein entirrly cured of denfr'e'm, thanks to your treatment, I will now give yott ft full history of my case, to be used at you- discretion. About five years ago mv right ear bean to sing, and this kept on getting worse, unlit I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without nnvucceFS, conul1f n a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me lnat only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises wounl then cease, but the hearine in the affected ear would be lo-u torev. r. I then saw your advertisement aeciden ally in a N-w York parer, and ordered your treat ment. After I had used it only a few dnys according to your directions, the noises cursed, nrd to-dsy, after five weeks, my hear: up in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. 1 thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours. F. A. WERMAN, 7308. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not interfere with your vual occupation. tTZr1 YOU CAM CURE YOURSELF AT HOKE atac"onln1 INTEP.NATIOilAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. alaware Valley Railroad. Time Tatle in Effect Nov. 11, 1901 C -c -c '-CC& tn to to lupun r.5i::-;S : . , . s a z z e m w a . .mnnci Xopans H1,kx-jI ila jo r xxjxxtxi. te S - 3 r : Hi : 5 J - illume E i J Xiipuns -ji - j ? -i ?i ? . r 2 r, ?. fi 1 j i'lpuns t6 .o t Stops i inly on notico to Conductor or Ajri'tit, or on .Signal. Kor infornitition Hit to Freight and f'ns-eiiK'-r Kau's apply to C H kutirr, Krt:itilit and P.ish. Atfcitt, Kanton, Pit. tlpt-rrjitinH: to ShiM-iimkun only, until furlhtr not ire. iHlU AH1 A. WOKMAV, Sap., C. H. KIT! Kit, Freiicht & Fiwa. AKl., 1 v i 1 k. rut tmii:aComJuctej tut" MODCPHTC ftt9. iOua Office t Oppositi: U. S. PuTtniOrKict1 : ui ui-iu tii; Luu.ii. bc;.d (iiuuil, g-:l cr pho(n.( with dfacnfvi n.n. we K'lvix;, 11 iicr, ij.i,,e or a t, tne .luiit'C, Our lea m t due l..t D.itcut i h.lut- d. ,tt ftdu.c t'io b. fc. Hud trr.ku uiuuutu. . . i A . .. T c.a.g::oj&co. n nr rn uuul no There is nothinrr liko AHnim loni It, britiL'H instnrit relief, even in tho worst enses. It. cures when all nlso fuils. The Rev. C. K. " KI.DS. of Villa RirfKn, III , Hays: "Yuur trlul buttle of Asthma lene received In good condition. I ennnot tell you how thankful I feel fur the good derived from it I was n slave, clmln.'d with putrid foro throat and Asihnin fur ten years. I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the cureof this dreadful nnd tcirmcnting disease, Asihmn, and thought you hud nverspoken yourselves, hut resolved to give it n trial. To my nstniiWinient. the trial acted like a chtirnt. end niti n fml sized betile." Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Ktibbl of the Ciinir. iinni I-.tucl. Nkw Yoick, .Tun. 3, Umt. Tins Taft Mhos' Mkiiiiinr Co., (Jintleinen: Yntir A si htniilene Is mi ex cellent reined, for Asthtnn, and liny Fever, nnd its coruposit. on nlieviiiies nil troubles which combine with Asthma. Its Mlcce.ss Is astonishing mid wonderful. we cim s'nte that Asthnmlene contains no Very truly vnurs, HKV.Dri. MORRt.3 WECHSLER. TAKT UKOS.' MEDICINE CO. iliii iih RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Corrooted to Data. Solid I'ullniHn trami to BufTiili), Niiiir- i-h KhIIh, (.-luiutiiu(uti Lake, tHevt'liind, CtiK Htrn una (. Iiu'Iiiiihii. 'rickiMH on wile hi Port Ji'rvl to all points fir thH Wfht and Somhwuht m lower rates than via any other lli'HtclabH line. Tkains Now Leavk Pout Jiuvis as Ji'ULLOWH. EASTWARD. 12, Dally KxprcHU Ill, Daily KxpresH ltl, Daily Kxwpt Sunday.. SH, " ' " rjiiU, Punday Only 3K, Daily lii.-.i'pi Sunday.. H, Dully Way Train 811, Way Kxeei t. Sunday... 9, Daiiy Kxpn'SH 6t, Sunday Only H, Daily Kxpri'KS 1M, Sunday only 22. Daily Kxcept Sunday.. 14. Daily No. 8 24 I 5 'M IS ) 7 40 7 fill in 20 Vi i'fi f a 2-i 4 in 4 l 5 ao 6 411 H.Mi 10 OIJ WESTWARD. No. 8, Dally Express " J7, Daily Milk Train . . . 13 Sil A. M. 8 116 " 11 M " 1, Daily Kxpre 11, Knr Ilo dale K'pt Sun . . Vi 10 P. M. f). Dully a 16 " " B7. Daily Kx-4 pt. Sunday . . 5 50 " " 7, Daily Kxiui xn 10 16 " Trains leave t'liainhers street. New York, for fort .letvlh ou week ilayn at 4 no, 7 mi, no, w la, in :m A. M , 1 tXI, 3 tm, 4 :i, :m, 7 :io, 9.16 r. m On Sundivi, 4 to, 7.:, u 00 a. h., X'i ao. a ao, 7 aoaud 9 16 P. M. 1). W. COOKK, Genftrifcl l'nMeiiKer Agent, New Vurk, BEST FOR THS D017EI If to hnvt-ii t a r huwfm u;.. tt. uli'l lit! U-iti Din mo i.r .in -t. A-I- l, IIIUJ.L H Ir.r, h itMvfin-nt of tha ii t, . k.-ni vo.ii Urn e 11.0 uf vtt .lni-i 1 I'li. '1 I..' MUI1M W CANDY CATHARTIC t Hn r r i o ' ps EAT 'ErVi LIKE CANDY PPfMUIlt. I'alKtili-i. 'lltlll. Tl.e' f 1 OU-t, l..(l.Md. In tUli. A,D!i,.-d 413 Ktii'.i.iNU Ui.nMir ntariw, run a-o Rrvf m.,1. V 1 KEEP YCUa ELG03 CLE; ! ,i.'M.!,::. ,a, !-t ft .-Hi U its'.i.'lilouu,!, nt I-l;tihi V.a . v.