Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, January 17, 1902, Image 3

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    n ft r?
y y w
fcss' J xtrs jbfV Las
A 1
1. 1. Furniture Go,
We have ;i line of everytliinp: p2it;un
ing to footwear except hosiery.
Slipper Department
In this department you will tind the best
assort ment of holiday slippers the
. town can produce.
Patent Leather Department
Oar men's patent leather shoos are just it.
Your brother or sweetheart will ap
preciate a gift of this kind.
Etc. Deportment
Leggins and gaiters for ladies and chil
dren. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All.
rxrn t 1 l, Port Jervis.
Send yonr
Miiiple copy
Our Display of Fall
& Winter Clothing;
Men's Suits, All Wool Cheviots, $7, S, $9 and $10.
Fancy Worsted All Wool at $10, Equal to Custom
The Best Business Suit on Earth for $1.50.
Men's Kersey, Clay, Worsted,
Overcoat, at $14. Another at $10.
Wool Kersey for 5.50, Worth $10.
57 and q. We Have Them lor $3.
Boys' Suits, 14 to 20 Years, from $3 to $12.
Children's Suits, 4 to 16 Years, Our Magnet Suits,
at 2, Never Wear Out, Double Seats and Knees. 0
Eoits and Shoes
a i-
1 f-
J 5
Front Street,
"V ill t
l 1.
it t In li'iun in" tin S ho v. i -i I;
A.UIivb M AHY l.t l'V in.
n -N r3n
wJ l-
For sixty yers tho NEW YOKK WKKKLY TRIB
UNE htia Ihhmi ft national wikly nowKpapor, reml
nlinoKt ontiivlv by fmnriB, ami hnn enjoytul tlir confi
dence find support of tho American people to a degree
never allainud ly nny himMiii' puhlicniion.
Hew York Tribune Farmer
is made absolute ly Tor farmers and their families. The
(irnt nuinber was l-surtl November 7. liN .
Every depart ment of a touli urnl imiiiHtry is covered
by special eon I rilmtors w ho are lendei-H in their respect
ive lines, and the TKIIH'NE FARMKH will 1 In
every sense a IukIi ula-s, up to dMfe, live, enterprising
aerienltuml paper, profusely illnstiatcd with pleturef?
of livn stock, lucMkel farm bnihtingH and homes, agricnl
turnl machinery, etn.
Faiiners' wives, sons nnd daughters, will find speclnl
pa pes for theirenteitainment
Hcgitlar price. $1 t0 per year, but yuu can buy H with
your favorite homo weekiv newspaper, THE PIKE
COTNTY PRKS. one year for 91 .HO.
Send your subscriptions and money to THE PRESS,
Milford, Pa.
nam aud Htldrrwi to the NKW YOKK
AIiVlKK, N.-w York ity, and a fre
wilt b nmill to yn.
Lined, a Swell
An Elegant All
Others at $5, $6,
f- j 1 . v ' -- 7
and BOYS-:-
Fort Jervis, N. Y.
.1 Ll
b. i i
Foley's Honey oj Tar
(or t h i iJrett.sx ft, & urc. A' vf'ialci.
t'ir:i.')i mii.niiui'U.'s lit Uit'hulU'.
Siclv Headache?
Food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? LJowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
It's your liver I Ayer's Pills
are liver pills; they cure dys
pepsia, biliousness.
25c. AM d usalMii.
' h or Vwiirrt B banttfiil
W Milt T
Sbnnlrl fir Folluwrd hy Home
Itnri Iipm.
The r'(uirf "Mills of health rnn be
etunittd tm the tinprrs of one hnnd,
sHys the lMiilmirlphin Timps. They
are pnod nir, jjood food, suitable clot h
tntr. t'lcniiliiiPM1 nnd exercise nnd rest.
'I'he first two rcijitirrnif nt s nffect the
blood, and as tin blood rirmhttes all
ovt-r the body. int'Iudinp the brain,
eery jmrt is nfTi'i'ted. Fresh nir affects
the purity of the blood. The freshest
air is out of door;, nitd it is the duty
of fvrry one who wishes to be in nood
ht nlth to spend n certain amount, of
time in the open nir. (Jood food is not
necessarily expensive food. Exercise
and rest should alternate- and balance
each other. It is quite possible to take
too much exercise, and this side of the
question must be guarded npainst as
carefully as the other. Women, as a
rule, do not reM sntbeiently. Every
woman should try during- the day to
pet a few minutes' rest, even if h In
terferes with her regular work. It is
impossible for her to attend to the
health and welfare of her family if
her own health suffers from overwork
nd lack of rest. She should follow her
husband's example. Alihouirh he is
busy all day b"f he jrenerally makes
it a hard nnd fast rule to rest during
the evening in the best w ny, na niely, by
chanpe of employment.
W. L. Ynncy, Paclncnli, Ky.,
writes v 'I bnd ft severe enne of kid
ney disease nnd three of the best
physicinns in Houtbem Kentucky
treated me without sneeess, I wns
induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure
The first bottle gnvo immediate re
lief nnd three bottles cured mo per
manently. I gladly recommend
this wonderful remedy." Take no
substitute. Sold at Armstrong'
An I den I Ifnnhanit.
Mrs. l)e Plain My husband never
leaves me for an hour without kissing
Neighborly Caller I can readily be
lieve it. Everybody says your h un
ban is the most considerate, unselfish,
self -sacrificing ntan in the world.
N. Jackson, Danville, 111., writes :
"My daughter had a severe attack
of la grippe nnd a toirible cough
settled on her lungs. We tried ft
great many remedies without giving
relief .x She tried Foley's Honey and
Tar which cured her. She has
never been troubled with a cough
since." Sold at Armstrong's drug
lie Knew,
Little Ebcn (who has an inquiring
mind) Paw, what does "ambidex
trous mean?
Farmer Dunk Why er-hni! I
guess it means a feller that can steal
with both hands. Puck.
For Pneumonia.
Dr. C, J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich.,
saya, I have used Foley's Honey
and Tar in three very severe ctses
of pneumonia with good results in
every case." Beware of substitutes,
Sold ftt Armstrong's drug store.
The !.( Word Aaln.
He I wonder why it is, when two
women are parting, that they say g-ood-
hy so many tunes?
She Because each doewTt want the
other to have the last word. Vonkri
You should know that Foley's
Honey and Tar is absolutely the
best for all diseases of the throat
and lungs. Dealers are authorized
to guarantee it to give satisfaction.
Hold at Armstrong's drug store.
Value of Obacnrttr.
"He was tooTLh to propose to htr on
such short acquaintance; of course she
refused him."
'"Well, you we, he thought feis
chances were better the less she knew
of him." Tit-Hits.
Chapped hands', cracked lips nnd
roughness of the skin cured quickly
by Banner Halve, the most healing
ointment in the world. Hold at
Artiibtroiig's drug atore.
A Hitrd Qaretlue,
l)addy," akd little Jack, "where
foes a Miakc bt-Lr!n uhrn he wauls to
fc'Eig- his tali '.''--X. V. Tribune.
If Banner Salve
Poon't cure your piles, your
money will be returned. It U the
'.tiort healing medicine. Hold tit
ArniHtrojtg'H drug store.
and SMOK P.
Your Uieawav I
Y'u (an curtvl of any form tcib.t'.v Usui
tnily Ik; iiinilt' wt-lt, btrmi, m ititli'- K'l..t
m . I. it- U!K Hni L.y taLliih' J,-I O-i
ti.-U IIiLl Vktrfit 111.11 .uol.y. M ,!iv l' A
l. u pu iiuis 111 u ll ujvs. over &OU,UUO
(HK.J. AH iliiv,'!-' Lui. K .latum. .1 1.. -1.
I smt !.!. iUl'Ii A.ill.-M Ml.Kl.lMi
4--.:iUtJi CO., LI...JKUU1 iNcw uik- 4oi
Foley's Kidney Cure
Incrfla'.irig Activity in rennRjlva
uia rolii.ics.
Rtpubllcant Expect the QubetatoHal
Candidate Will Unite and Not Di
vide the Party Colonel Watrea the
Only Man Who Haa Declared Hia
Candidacy The Political Outlook
In the State.
HarrlutMiipjt. Ta., . , Politics
would be quotpil "active" if tlic-y were
on the stock list tliesw days. With tbc
opening of the New Year and the ap
proach of the February elections there
la evidence of Increased Interest In
municipal and state affairs, and men
are iIIkc iirbIiik the gubernatorial pros
pect with Increased iest. Pittsburg
continues the storm center of city poli
tics owing; to the peculiar condition
precipitated by the application of the
"ripper" act. which has been hotter
than football In that section, now giv
Inar victory to one faction and again to
the other. What the effect of the
Pittsburg fleht will be on the g wer
nnrshlp is still problematical, but It
will be noticed that the Democrats
are more confident of victory In the
ensuing city election than they have
been in many years at this time. Of
course the confidence of the Pittsburg
Democrats is due to the desperate fac
tional quarrels of the Republicans,
occasioned by that apple of discoid,
the now notorious "ripper." which has
been as Industrious as Chinese exe
cutioner chopping off heads. The im
mediate fight in Pittsburg Is for con
trol of the city's politics. State Fcna
tor Fllnn, and those who are oppose !
to him, attach great Importance to the
eontrollershlp and the councils, and
the conflict In the Republican party
has Inspired great hopes In the breasts
of the Sinoliy City Democrats.
The situation affords a nrBt-class 11
lustration of the practical workings
of factional warfare, and how It may
weaken a party thut Is Impregnable
when It Is united. If the condition
now agitating Pittsburg should extend
to the state through an error of judg
ment or over-conlldence In forcing an
undesirable nomination for governor
on the state convention, the party
would have good cause for apprehen
sion In a wider field and upon far
more Important issues than those
which at present distract and divide
the Republicans of Pittsburg. Every
where throughout the commonwealth
the Democratic voice Is for united
councils, while among Republicans,
from Pittsburg to Philadelphia, the
sinister spirit of faction Is manifested
more or less. What to attribute this
to I scarcely know unless It be a re
Btilt of the'eonfldence which the party
feels In Its own strength, but I have
talked to more than one Republican
who believes that !t will be necessary
to present a united front In the ap
proaching campaign In order to win a
Although more than one name has
been "suggested" for the Republican
nomination for governor, Colonel L.
A. Watrea, of Lackawanna, is the
only man who naff come squarely be
fore the people of the state to an
nounce hls candidacy openly and
above board. He has not hesitated to
take the entire party Into his confi
dence with a. modest, candid declara
tion of his honorable purpose to aspire
to the gubernatorial chair of the
state, and there have not been want
ing indications in the best Republi
can newspapers that his fair and man
ly course is appreciated among the
strictest adherents of political ortho
doxy and regularity. Nothing politU
cally haa a greater fascination for the
American mind than the thought that
the average boy of the right stamp,
no matter how poor he may have
been at his birth, can aspire to the
highest office in the gift of the people,
and that he is free to voice this
aspiration to his fellow-citizens with
out prejudice to his chances of suc
cess. While others have been men
tioned from time to time by way cjf
feeling the public pulse, Colonel Wa
trss has stood openly before his fellow-Republicans,
basing his candidacy
on his merits, his fealty to party, and
his unalterable devotion to its high
purposes. Up to the present time he
Is the only Republican who has an
nounced his candidacy for governor
of Pennsylvania. He takes the broad
mound that he is willing to stand or
lall by the verdict of the entire party,
snd there are those who believe this
Is the only verdict that can shape a
winning nomination in the next stjle
The words of warning uttered by
Hon. Thomas V. Cooper, of Delaware,
a short time since to the effect that
an unpopular machine-made nomina
tion for governor would mean the loss
of six congressional districts to the
Republicans of Pennsylvania next fall,
caused some uneasiness in certain
quarters and there was an attempt to
answer the Sage of Delaware. The
answer was to the effect that the con
gressional districts would have to tuke
care of themselves, and that they
would not be affected In any way by
the gubernatorial nomination, good or
bad. That, it seemed to me and a
good many others, was a rather flip
pant view to take of a very serious
Huestion. In the first place i believe
Mr. Cooper understated rather than
exajsteriited the situation. An umk
sirable nomination for governor, ma-le
in disregard of the popular will, aud
la accordance with methods that do
Sit take Into account thu preferences
Frank Treadwell, 15oiiiio.it, la.,
v.iia truuMi'il with kiilney disease
f ir two yetiru. Ho write: "1 bail
taken several kidney retiiedie-, liut
with littlo benuflt. Finally I trierd
Foley's Kidney (.'mo am) h dollar
bottle nurud tins." Hu'd at Arm
rtroii'. 's drug store.
Edat.laTour Bowel. With C'M.cartttB,
'Mriiirlie, cure Conwuphlwii forever.
Iw.wc ll CLJ.C. Ulit Uim..i
r the party, would ac an a bllcht
not only on many a congressional dis
till t but on tli" legislative districts as
well, aud send the party to the rear
In a good ninny counties where mm
mlsKioners and district attorneys ars
to be elected next fall. Secon-lly, It
would menace and. in all probability
defeat the Republican candidale for
the successorchlp to United States
Senator Penrose. This Is no idle the
ory. It was amply Illustrated In the
elections of last fall, where tile Re
publican majorities of one year ao
were turned into minorities because
of undesirable and 'unpopular candi
dates on the state ticket. Candidates
for congress, for the legislature nnd
for county office, as well ns aspirants
for the United States senate will view
with dismay the nomination of any
man for governor whose candidacy
will be a Bource of weakness and not
of strength to the party. Such a can
didate would mean ablpwreck to the
hopes and aspirations of many a per
sonally deserving Republican, and It
is not surprising, therefore, that cer
tain announcements made recently in
some of the newspnpors have causm!
something like consternation through
out the state. In my travels I hear
some plain talk on this subject from
regular Republicans who wonder If
the party managers would be so Indif
ferent to the lntcrcstsof the party, gen
erally, as to nominate a candidate for
governor who would cast the aha low
of defeat over every district and coun
ty in the state and put every Republi
can candidate, newspaper and voter
In the commonwealth on the defen
sive from the day of the state con
vention until the polls close.
The conservative Philadelphia Press,
which voices the conscience of Re
publicanism under the able direction
of Charles Emory Smith, who recently
resigned the otilce of postmaster gen
eral to take the editorial helm, says
eniphntlrally that with an undesirable
candidate for governor, the Republi
cans would have cause to be con
cerned over the congressional elec
tions. The Press presents the rase at
a glance In showing that: "The pres
ent delegation in congress consists of
twenty-six Republicans and four Demo
crats, but that It was elected In the
last, presidential year, when the state
gave a Republican majority of 2SK.O00.
last November when there was a ma
jority of 45,000 the Democrats had
majorities in eleven congressional dis
tricts. The year that (inventor Stone
was a candidate, and when he did not
have a majority, but was elected on a
plurality merely, the Democrats secur
ed ten congressmen. The year that
Governor Hastings was elected by a
majority of 241,000 but two Democrats
were elected to congress in the whoie
stale. These facts show pretty conclu
sively that while there should be no
relation between voting for governor
and voting for congressmen, it makes
a very decided difference what kind
of a candidate for governor the party
has. If it is not going to lose congresa
men it must have a gubernatorial can
didate whom the people will enthusias
tically Btipport, and who will attract
and not repel votes," 1 his is the sit
uation In a nutshell and It suggests
the question whether the party
throughout the stale Is to be sacrificed
In the Interest of a machine candidate
for governor.
Although It has been announced
more than once that United States
Senator Quay is taking no active part
In politics, and that upon the comple
tion of his present term in the senate
he will retire to the sanctuary of pri
vate llf. it is not In the nature of
things that he would like-to see his
party go down under defeat In such an
Important year as this, If he can help
It. The senator's loyalty to his friends
Is one of his best traits, but his loy
alty to the party that has honored him
repeatedly Is paramount, and when he
takes counsel of his best judgment he
will readily see where victory lies, and
wherein disaster may be averted. With
out mincing words, victory is to lie
won with a clean, loyal Republican
candidate like Colonel IOiiis Arthur
Watrea, whose popularity was proved
in a crucial state campaign, and whose
quality was shown by his ability and
tact as president of the state senate
while serving as lieutenant governor.
Colonel Watres is free from the sus
picion of scandal of any sort. No
tongue can wag against his Republi
canism or his Integrity, and his nomi
nation would mean the success not
only of the state ticket, but of the Re-
fiubllcan party in congressional and
eglslative districts, and the county
elections as well. In addition to his
personal worth the fact that Colonel
Watres has declared himself a candi
date for governor, and is the only man
In the party who has done so thus far,
commends him to every Republican
who believes in manly methods within
proper party restrictions. It is of such
stuff the governors of Pennsylvania
should be made, and the people may
rest assured that with hi3 election they
would have an executive who would re
flect credit on the state of Pennsylva
nia. Are not these things worth con
sidering? I think so, and. In common
with Republicans generally, I would be
frreatly disappointed if considerations
ess honorable should prevail In the
nomination of a Republican candidate
for governor of the Keystone State in
this year of grace.
Pennsylvania, - a giant In Industry,
cannot afford to he a pigmy in politics.
This state is the steel center of civili
zation at the beginning of the new cen
tury. Its enterprise is the admiration
of the world; Its products are reach
ing out everywhere along the highway
of expansion, it has kept the flag of
protection flying until the victory of
industrial supremacy has been woti,
not only for this but for every state In
the Union, and it cannot now commit
the fatal blunder of nominating a man
for governor whose candidacy will Im
peril Pennsylvania's representation in
the congress of the United States. The
Republicans of this state should now,
more than ever before, be anxious to
have a full voice in national affairs,
in senate and house, and the surest
and bent way to secure that is by be
ginning right and nominating a man
like Colonel Watres for governor; one
whose leadership will unite the party.
Inspire enthusiasm and insure success.
And. after all, is not this what the Re
publicans of Pennsylvania want this
year, when a governor, I niled States
senator, legislature and county oltirials
are lo be ek-ted. Since I liegau writ
lug this letter 1 have ascertained that
ex-Uovernor I'aiti.son's enthusiastic
friends in the interior counties, have
begun passing resolutions glorifying
b;m fur governor. Without pretending
fcmiliarlty with the penetralia of
lieinoeraiic Inspiration, I am convinced
that Air. Patiison will be the next
In. mince of hit party for governor of
tv.oisyivanla. and ttiat this year s iirn-paii-a
will be one of the liveliest In the
hibiory of the male.
Ij grippo cotif.'!is oftim continue
for ni'Uitlis and soiiii'tiincs lend to
fatal results after t lie patient is
supposed to liiive pn.s.n d the dimm-r
point. Foley's Honey nnd Tar fif
fords positive protection and soonr
ity from tlu-j conlm. Sold at
Armst roufx'a drug Morn.
How A r Your Rldueys f
Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent
Cure in All Cases.
ophite, nun (iti I if, chloioforn'i or etlier
, Avon Sfltis-os, N. Y., Keb. 1, liHil.
Dii. Taft linos.' Mkiwink Co.
Gentlemen : I w rite this testimonial from a setife of diitv. envlng tested the won
derful i lleet of your Asllinialeiie, for the cure of Ailbnia Mr Ifc ha- h. i n ulllii li-d
with spasmodic nsi limit for the a-t Pi veins llav in cxluiu-ii d ley ow n skill n w ell
as ni.iny otlier-i, 1 clutiieid to.-ee y.air vlin upon vmir w indows on' :Mnh street.. New
York 1 at mice nbtaliu d a bet lie t.f A si hiii-i 'cue My Ife enieioenced Ink I nit 1 1 iiliouf,
the first of November. I vciy soon noticed n tndii al litiptovciei nt. Alter u.njr one
bottle her Asthma h is disappeared , i entirely fi"c fioni nil sMiipioius I feel
that I can consistently recommend the medicine to all w ho ate i fllicii d w lib this dis
tressing disease. Yours respect lull v,
Du.-Taft Hiios' Mfiui inf. Co p,., r, pkm
(iontlctiicn : I w as tiouhlrii with Astbnia for C-S vears. I have tiled iinuieioiis
remedies, but they have all lailed. I ran nci oss voiir ailvei t i-i nient and stinted with
n trial bottle. I found relief at once. 1 have since pun bast d yonr full-size but le. and
I am ever grateful. I have a lainlly of four ' blldicn. and for six veins was iinabln to
w ork. I ii in now in the best of lieall h and inn doing business every day. '1 his testi
mony you can make such u-,. of as you see ill.
Home address, U:I5 Riviugtoii street. S RAPIIAK.L,
o7 Kast Until St., City.
Do not delay. Write nt. once, addressing DH TAFT HP.OS.' M KDK'IXE CO
7!l Kast 1:10th St., N. Y. Cilv.
Hilt (, ;)
YOU wm:h
deaf? Mato
by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable.
Bai.tiworf, M'., Mnrrh o, tool.
Gentlemrn : Bein entirely cured of drnfress, thaaks to your treatment, I will now give you
full history of my case, to he used at vou- discretion.
About five year ajfo mv right ear bejau to aing, and thif k'pt 6n getting worse, until X lost
my hearing in this enr entirely.
I underwent a treat ment for entnrrh, for three months, without nny ucres, consult? d n num
ber of phYPicimis, among oilier, the tnot eminent ear Epenalist of tin. city, who tMd me that
only an 6jerntion could help me, nnd even that only temporarily, that tht lt'.ad noises would
then cease, but the hearimr in the affected ear would be lo-.t forever.
I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat
ment. After I had lined it only a few da vs according to your directions, the in ies ceased. Bi d
to-day, after five week, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. 1 thank you
heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours,
F. A. WKRMAtf, 7308. Broadway, R.ltimorc, Md.
Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation
Delaware Valley
Time Table in Effect Nov. 11, 1901
til-iaxa MI"(I
3 I Xiipnns
t s x t x ' e
r S t5 ' 2 3 V. k
r y. Tl 71 .. S .9
jchioxy AlM(I
X '5 : : ; ;
"Via S
' 1-3 -si s-ij
M E e t X
3 :
J Xwpnn
jd.taxtf AMlfI
1 ; -7
1 iui.iiiifi
id.i.ixX in"(l
g'jj'.S"! 5? g .5 j C J!
iC i .Z O .1 43 .O
t Stops only 011 notice to Conductor or
Ap'tit, nr ou f-ijiunl.
t or miui'iimi u;n tth to Freight nnd l'ns
fiiK'T Kati'i ujiply liiC H Kntu r, Vreight
iilid A' KaMoii, Pa.
Dpt'rniiii to hliociiiuWcid obly, until
furLliur 11 ' ii ict'
liOV.tltl A. WOHMAV, K.ipt.,
Km1 MriulftburK.
C. H. HITI KU, Krt-iKht A Tiuut. AKl.,
l-.Hntoii, I'm,
C'avrsls. and 1 rade-Mark olE.:ied and ull tX
nt Lu.-i:n: coiuiuticu iat Mode r atc Ft c b.
n.'i wci in m .no .n...i w iiii;t ui
ci. (Jii Ji jilt U a.h.iii;um, ,
ScaU nimit-l, 0 4tt i.jj r photo., iith d-vHj-
!, C fc.lWsC, l IW.rl.L.e or U t. I11O ui
:i-rr8. Our K-e ii"t d..c iJrtU-m is w-i-nr-J.
a u. 1.. ' 1 i, Jf In ( 1 .. ,n l'..r. . " Mill
( it t-i luuuc ii) the J, b, fci.d lijf.it a buuuuic
it tied. Aw'lii,
Tint" is tiotliitifr like A .-Hi rnn -lotio.
It litinua instniit relief, even
in lli worst ciisosj. It. cures when
nil elso fails.
Tbc Rev. C. F. "'KLLR. of Villa llldge,
III., ruts: "Your trial boitln of Asthma-'
Icnc received In good condliloii. I cannot
tell you how thankful J feel fur Hie good
'b rived from It. I was n slave, eluiinrd
ttlth putrid sore thrust, nnd Anbuin for
ten years. 1 despaired of ever being rnred.
I saw your ndverllsemeiit for the cureof
i bis dreadful and tormenting dir,enM,
Asthma, and thought you bad overspoken
yourselves, but resolved lo give It. atrial.
I'u my aslnnl-liinenf. ihi. trial lined like a
chai-Mi. Send nie a foil sized bottle."
Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler,
liabl.1 of the Cong, linal I.im.-I.
New Yoiik, .Tan, a, Uml.
Das "l'AFT linos' Mkiucisk Co..
Genl lemeli : Your A st humlcne Is an fx
client, remedy for AMiima and Hay
ever, and Its coniposil on alleviates all
roubles which combine with A si li ion. Its
-ncee-s Is iitoni.liinir and Woiulcrlul.
we can soite that A si hinalcnc contains no
Very ft illy yours,
'1ml i "
..4 -.is k. a jw
Corrected to Date.
Pollil Pullinnn trniriB to HufTnlo, Nlnff
nra irtills, ('hmitutirtia Luke, CleveliuiU.
Cliicn'i null Cllroiiiimli.
TirketR on wile at Port. JitvIh to nil
polntti In ttit? Went and Smiiliwpht lower
mum than via any otliur Umt-cliu.. line.
tllains now i.favk pokt jekvis as
Dully Kxprofis
Dally Kxpri-yli
Daily Kuci-pt Huiuluy.
8 34 I
6 i'O
H m
7 40
7 6:1
10 yo
U Jh I
a sa
4 -d
4 !)0
ft L1I
5 40
H Hi
10 00
d r,
81 1,
Sunday Only
1nily Kxri-pr Sunday.
Daily Way Train
Way Kxu'i t Sunday. .
Daily fcxprrtitj
Sunday Only
Daily Kxir-hg
Daily Kxcipt Sunday.
Xo. 3, Daily Expn-sa 1J 30A. M.
" 17, Daily Milk Train no "
" 1, Daily Kxpret-H Ii ii'.i "
" 11, K..r Ho Ualo fc'pt Sun . i lo p. u.
" fi. Dally 5 lii '
" 7, Daily hixci-pt Sunday.. 6 bo
" 7, Daily Kxuri-ii 10.15 "
Traiim leave (haiiibi-n atrret. New
York, for Port Jervis on week days aC
4 no, 7 :m, u ii, if, lo :m a. m , l oo, a no,
4 :io, :(o, 7 mi, ll 15 p x On SumUvn,
4 no, 7 ;, (Xi A. M., Ii' 3U, -J au, 7 3o aud
tt 15 P. U.
1. W. ( IX IKK,
General l'uitM-ii;rr Aeut,
New lurk.
t ya h;ivc v r til ir. bvu tliy tii-.iTL-tiitrit of tha
bo th nt -. i . y it. v, mi i J i i ji ill Li . ki.cp yuat
tmnt'l a (.p. -ll. UH'I ! til- t urn' , I u t nil .to cf ii
W-nt li -ic i-.ii - - , i - a n.i t i en 'It...- bimxn fi-e-l,
r i-c l. In .ft - i !. t uy vi kvLflUK Ut:lS
t'U i J.. J t li.Al i titt
. f.-uta Tim.- t
tltlt kan-li, iml
PU'.-fc-!,!. I'al'.l,.-'!.-. f.-Ut.l TlKlrl , n - (iiu,.t,
I Nr 1 1 1 K-k ' 1 1 . c j 1.1. 11. ur ti 1 1 1 11 10 V ,t n i a i
- L r 1.. S1. riiti R.r titit kJiiil., tul L..-l
1 L .Ul, A'ldn .4 t 3