i 1 ) L 1 TIKE COUNTY F'RF.SS. 1'I(II).V..1AX. 17. HH.'. IM'lll.lHHIM) MVKIIY ruiDAV, officp, hhown'b m ii.insti iiwiadpt f-'i'iW('iiirTi(N: One Yeah One dnlljir hiuI fifty rents. Hix Months -Sevonty-flve ittn. BTRH TI.V IN ADVANCE. TCntrretl nt the post, nftlim of Mllfimt. Pike Comity, Pennsylvania, fi Heennit class mniter, November twenty-llrar-, Ihw. Advertising Rates. Onfl snnareteiirht Unesi.nne Insert Inn -11.00 Kurh niibseiiiienf iinen.inn .Ml Keilneeil rates, fiirnishrft in npil lent Inn will be iilliitveil y(Mirly mlvertisfrs. Legal Advertising. Ailm1nltrntor'pi - nml Kxectitor'8 imtlees S.'Ki Auditor's notiees 4. on Divuree notices 5. no SberitT's- salea, Orplmns' court unles, Contity Ti-easnrer'a sales, County Male- mnt and election proclamation clinritnl Uy tno Hqimro. J. H. Viii Ktten, PuBLISMKIt, Wilfuril, Pike County, Pa. ATTl.XD 71 1! IXSTITUTKS. Farmers In this section will hnve the opportunity Jiin. 27 and 28 of listening to some very practical talks from men whose experience, reading nml observation render them capnblanf Riving many valua ble hints on subjects which directly interest the tillers of the soil and fruit growers. Farming is looking up and practical common sense men will be benefitted by hearing what methods have led others to success. Suppose you do think you know- it nil, nnd that your way Is the best, and that there is "liothin' In book f irniin'," yon can not be injured by listening, nnd if your way is really bettor than your brother farmer's, they will be pleased to hear from you. It costs you nothing but the time to come out and you might really gather a few ideas of value. SMA L L POX KPR KA D IXO . Now cases of smallpox seem to be developing generally and everyone should exercise the greatest prud ence to prevent contr icting the diK ease or in permitting those exposod to come in contact with others. The cases so far have been of a rather mild type but may become more virulent. Some of the leading symptoms are severe headache, in tense pain in the lower part of back, loss of appetito, nausea frequently followed by vomiting, high pulse and temperature. These symptoms increase in severity in two or three days, when the first eruptions ap pear. Farmer' Institute. The attention of our farmers is called to the lists of institutes to be held in this county this winter by the state department of agriculture assisted by the local board of insti tute managers for the county. These meetings are in the interest of all our farmers ard open to all. The expenses of conducting them is borne by the state. No collections are allowed or the advertising o any business. The d'scussions are upon furm topics for the benefit of farmers. Arrange your business so" as to attend and take part in the ex ercises. All classes of cumins are welcome nnd interesting programs Lave been prepared. The state speakers Who will be present are Hon. Thomas J. Phil lips and J. Q. Atkinson. The insti tute will 1)0 held at the following dates and places: Milford, J in. 27 at 2 p. m. ; Dingman's Ferry, Jan. 28 at 2 p. in. Prof. Wells W." Cooke will also nddress the institute. Come out to these meetings nnd b.'ing your families and friends. The toines discussed by the .speak ers eiiibuiue a wide scope of infor mation on the culture of fruits, methods of dairying, feeding stork, and manuring and cannot fall to 1 e of general interest and benefit. Tbt-se institutes deserve the support and attention ot farmers especially as tney are given without any cost whatever to those attending. Jt is but 111 1 le .trouble to arrange to at tend an, 1 lllltli .md nit y be derived from the n.bl iv,.-s f men who speak from a wide ii Id of study and experience. THE KiJlTDl-lCAX ('.Wei's f.,r Jii;ginan t.miislr.i) viiil I held lit t be elev t loll Inm-i-, ! ,i i inii. t 's, in raid t.iwii.s!:i j) on Thursday, Jan. So, at 'J p. tn. .Il l i s (.' Hon Tufi'ihli ! p (Aimtiiit let-man. Liingiiiuil T p., Jan. V. 1-1 7. I K.-ul Estate Tiai.tf us. j John li. llames to p. V. Z. rtrv k- ' cr. 1 n.it', t.iv-.-nt'. ( 'uiii!era I i n 4'.' M. THE CHURCH COLUMN (Uy Hp v. ('. 1'".. HcrmiMt.) The topic for rr-tt Sabbath morn ing is, "Redemption In Christ," nnd In the evening, "Christ's Ilea of Christin mty." The topic for the Bible rending next Monday evening is "Biptism." We were very much pleased with the greeting that the people of the Presbyterinn church gave us last Sabbath evening Why can not the chinches of Milford be filled like that every Sabbath evening? We will not attempt to give an answer to this question, but will say that it is not the fault of the gospel. It is the one tiling nerded by nil. The Pennsylvania Herald, a Sab bath school journal, lias devoted the January issue to Decision Day. In the work of the school there are fow things that appeal stronger to mn than this idea of a special d ly for the purpose of lending the schol ars under our care to decide for Christ, and His church. As the president of the Pike County Sab bath School Association 1 call spec ial attention to Decision Day and ask the several schools to set apart some Sabbath for prayers and per sonal effort to bring the children into a saving relation to Christ. We have secured from the Book Concei n a series of pa inphlcts on the topics to bo treated iu our Bible readings. The pamphlets of from twenty-four to thirty pages will be furnished to nil who desire them for five cents a copy. The cjear and concise statements of truth in these pamplets will bo of value for nil who are anxious to keep in mind the reasons for our belief in the topics that, they treat, and they will fortify us against the inrondsot error. Tho price is within the reach of all and I trust that a goodly number will avail themselves of the opportunity of Instruction they afford. McKIMLEY THE CHRISTIAN. Clergymen of all Denomination Working for tho Memorial to be Erected Over his Grave. President McKinlcy's sincere, ev ery day Christianity and the tri umphant testimony of his deathbed, endeared him to the religions peo ple of tho nation, irrespective of their individual faith. The McKin ley National Memorial Association has no more zealous workers in its purpose to erect a memorial tomb at Canton, Ohio, than the clergymen of the country. Many high religious dignitaries are particularly inter ested in tho work, and Archbishops Ireland and Corrigan. of tho ItoiHan Catholic church, Bishop II. C. Potter, the Episcopalian div'iie, the llev. J. M. Buckley, D. D., one of the leading Methodists of the land, and , the Hev. Henry Van Dyke, foremost of Presbytorians, have ac cepted honorary membership in the association. They all express a high senso of the honor of their ap pointment in their letters of accept ance nnd promise to extend the work by every means in their power. n U UUULiU is all right, if you are too fat; and all wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no gfeat harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. There are many causes of get ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over work and under-digestion. Stop over-work, if you canj but, whether you can or not, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can't live on it true but, by it, you can. There's a limit, however; you'll pay for it. Scott's Emukion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for "can't eat," unless it comes of your diing no work you can't lung be well and strong, without huiiic bjit ot aitii'iiy. Tna nuine ha 3 f tiv.s piutury on .t, Y - '-. ! a kti no olt lisr. it you hive not h . IV i trit-'i it, btiivt tor ' ; j 'i ;.! co.-l'.'bd I. As Hi Will : . V v , 1 I - .3 you. ; i V ' ) b'JO I I & LJOvVNE - . l Clio ivii -ta. -. ( 1 u " Ov. ; ! '.CO; all c.: 7 Pains in the Back Are pymplnm of n weak, torpid or" ptnrnant cmul'tiim of the kitlnevs or liver, nnil nre a warning it is putrrtnely hnzHnhnis to nj'.lrrt, so Important is a healthy netiun of these organs. They nre commonly attended by loss of enerpy, luck of cenrnpe, and some times by gloomy foreboding and de spondency, "1 had pnlns In my bam, coul! net sleep and wren I pot up In tli mnrnlim felt worse than the nlelit I'erorp. I het:nn tak Intf ItniHl s Hnrsripnrillii nnd now I enn sieep nnd ret np feellntr rented pad el'le to (In my worh. 1 nltrihele my rare entirely to Hood's HfirBlinririlln." Mlip. .1. N. I'furt, cure II. s. t'opelmid, l ike KoaJ, Ala. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Cure kidney nnd liver troubles, relieve the back, and build tip the whole system. Iloss B. Brodhead hns gone on a business trip to Nebraska. The Port .lervis telephone com pany declares an annual dividend of 7 per cent. Mrs. F. F. White went to New York this morning for n visit of several weeks. F. B. Clark A Co. of Ilonesdale have purchased the j . H. O'Connor glass cutting plant at llawley for f 10,000. Mrs. N. W. Hidden of Dark Swamp is nt tho home of Mrs. Ar thur Wolf receiving treatment for a broken limb. The mother of Editor B. F. Morcy of the Monroe Democrat died of paralysis recently at her home in Mt. Bethel aged 85 years. Hon. Jacob Klaer wns this week elected a director in the National and H. fl. Wells a director in the First Katit.nal Bank of Port Jervis. Kcpiesentative Landon of Dutch ess county, N. Y., stands sponsor for the anti-flirting bill recently in t reduced in tho New York legisla ture. The Ladies' Aid of tho Presbyter ian church held a very pleasant and populrr social last evening in the church parlors. One hundred and seven people were present. The Ktrotulsburg state normal school is full to overflowing and n number of students are obliged to secuie rooms outside. It is iu a very prosperous condition. It is reported tho Erie will build a double track road from Spnrrow bush, N Y.. along the line of the abandoned D. & H. canal. The tracks on this eido will also be oper ated as formerly. The Blairstown Press of this week ssys there are 62 cases of smallpox at Hacketlstown, N. J., and more are expected. Two deaths have oc curod. Tho people in that section are all considerably alarmed. Miss Alice Ryihan gave a party Monday evening to about twenty Ave of her young friends, the occa sion being that she had passed sweet sixteen by a year. A progressive bean party enlivened the evening and most excollont refreshments were bounteously served. - Yesterday afternoon at recess the scholars observed that the Knwkill school honse was on fire in the rear near the chimney, from which it is supposed the flames originated. The building wns so damaged that the teacher, Miss Jennie Struthers, was obliged to dismiss the school. HTMENE4L. Van Etten.-Pftuger. Miss Eva Vnn Etten of New York and Francis Pfluger of Buffalo were united in marriage at St Paul's church in the .latter city Monday, Jan. 13, by Rev. Dr. Regester, rec tor. Tho young lady is a grand daugh ter if the late Jacob Kleinlmns of this borough nnd is a most estima ble ierson. The happy gnom is nn architect nnd a graduate of Colum bia college, New York. They will reside for tho present at Buffalo. The good wishes of many friends will accompany the woithy young couple as they start on life's jour ney together and wish for them man)' lnppy years. Li:i)(ii:i)ALK. The following scholars have at tended l.eiiedale school every day for the month of December, linil: Lizzie Sehrad.-r, Carrie Schnidcr, Mary Sehiader, Caroline Stermer, Nellie Slernicr, Lillie Roe-c, Nettie Uocr-e, Klla Martin, IVul Kelluiii, Henry Krieger, Clarence Kncgcr, Lflie Wrilit, teacher. j .Mrs. .la be. Simons of I'l -a-ant ! Mount i-. i -iting b.-r daughter, Mrs. j Ida li.trtlc-on, in ( ; ii c nlow u. Cvcry I body bus a uelcoine for ".Mint' Mary" wbin she comes brek to I'iKe ior a few v eks' visit. j liar.. Id and Ida Wi ight of Scran- ton, Mis. r.-u-lki Wri-bt of llauniii-j ton, ioid on be Wall. it of l'utoi.iii Visited l .li.e Wi ight l.c-t Heck at I her I ( l.l clil g pllicc. I. li. K . j Suks. l li;l- foj- l),C 1'l.t-sh. i.IIMNTOWX. Mrs. Mary Simons bus been visit, ing relatives in this place. lletinirknble work is being done In the lumber woods I r so stnnll nn amount of snow. Miss Nellie Philips and William Vita were married Jnn. 11 at Mollis, tei ville by I(ev. S. D. Ftske. (some of our neighbors have har vested a -good crop of fee. Fletcher Hazelton hns gone to (iouldsboro to work in ice. Colds nre quite prevalent nnd the doctors are kept busy nt tending those who need medical aid. On Monday of this week between twelve and one o'clock the bouse of Mrs. Chits. Fowler caught Are nenr the roof and as there was not. suffi cient help the building wns destroy, ed. Most of the things in tho lower story were saved. KIMKLKS. William Kirkhnni, Sr., of Row lands wns a culler iu town last Sat urday canvassing for the life of Mc Kinley. .Mrs. If. (lofl'ninn of llawley visit Mrs. .1. S. Kirby last week. Albert P.riggs and wife spent Sun day at llawley vii-iling relatives. William NhnltJi of Port Jervis spent Sunday nt this place with his parents, I Ienry Shultz and wife. Ophelia Hnzen Is visiting her aunt, Ophelia Coble, near Shohola l'n lis. it. w. K. TWILIGHT TllOl'GIITS. Sented one night nt the fireside, 1 walehed the warm, red glow, And In ll I saw the fin es Of niy friends of lon njro. I saw the old, old farmhouse The house where I was horn 1 seemed to hear tho blent f sheep, And the. rustle of the corn, 1 saw the red brick school house, And the master, stern and cold, I used to think he ne'er was young, He always seemed so old. And then our fresh, green playground 'Neath the oak tree where we played, We gathered all its aeoi ns, And mimic cups we made. And now n fresh and crystal spring Cnto my memory cleaves, Wo sat. upon Its mossy bank, And drank from cups of leaves. I seo tho orchards frngrant With blossoms lh the May. 'Twas In the lient of summer time We harvested the hay. But on those scenes of lensuro, Children since then linve played, Hut of niy former schoolmates, Two 'iie.it li the ground nre laid. And now I'm old nnd sitting here In twdlight shades serene, And Night draws on nnd with his clonk Doth cover every scene. But the firelight gleams as redlv, And Iu the warm, red glow I seem again lu childhood, t And its scenes of long ngo. MAnui.. Blown to Atom. Tho old idea that the body some times needs a powerful, drastic, pur gntive pill hns been exploded j for Dr. King's New Lite Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gently stim ulate liver and bowels to expel poi sonous matter, cleanse tho system, absolutely euro Constipation and Sick Headache. Only 25c at all druggists. Pnrn1filnl. Sally fin .v After he had kissed yon tfood-night for the last lime 1 ftiippo&e he took jiiMt one more? Dolly Sw ift Oh, yes! Several dozen onr-imirex, in faetl Peek. Rheumatism Can Hot Be Cured Prominent Physicians Evary whare Assert that Oils and Liniments Have No Value Whatever. Local applications of oils or Hutments never cured n genuine case of Klieninn, tinin and never will; Imtiiuso Kheninn ttfin is a blood disease nnd mtl&t be eradi cated by a constitutional ti-e.it incut. To Dr. A. U. Clink, the celebrated specialist, more than to any other living physli inn, is the honor due of having discovered, nt the result of many years of study and re search, an absolute specific for the most aggravated form ot Kheuuiatisin, whether Acute, Chronic, M uscular, Sciatic, or lu tiaiiilniitory, Kheutiiatic Gout, Neuralgia or Lumbago 'l'iiis rellleily Is cniiMdcivd one of the greatest advances in M.-.lical Science in recent, years, and It will be gratifvlng to Klicumai ics to know that there Is now obtainable a remedy that cures iifti r all else has failed. Dr. Clark's lihenmalic ttcmidy is nuw for the llisl time pincliasaliie through his sole itgelilt. tin: Clark Midi, ill Company, Pittsburgh, l'a. A complete tiealnictit will bemailde posti.ge paid on ncc!pt nt One dollar, and cnlliieut is I he il I'et.i'r that hisreincly will do everything tli.it he claims it will i!o- u ciillil. in-c l..,rn of experience, obser vation and lesiillsuf yea is of demolistrH, 'ion III cases ciWi-ldi -red lllcuiable that the eoiiipiiny will, foe I the pi ice paid la every case w In ic -I):-. Clark's Khcunialio liiimily tails In kivu I tin deshvd relief. Onliunry c:i-.i cured in a few days; eliluiiie ca.-cs ri ipiiie lonxi r but in every inslance n pel niani nt cure is absolutely gunwtutccil. aUilscal advice, and w lici-e luc.ss.iiya spi clnl emu se ef lleallnelit Iu dicalt it fin ei-li. il any of I. in- lelidcis who will Wiile the Clark .MviMcal Co., I'ltls buii.li, I n , gi inn liicir sy ii!ptoin.s and u slioll lii-loiyisr the disease. As Ihlascr vi.e is fleeliu one al!l icl ed w 1 1 il liheunr ai Uur can a Herd to lj.on.ie such a j;. nei ous l ifer. A g. lils w an tt d, iencaii far The American Girl Is As Good As Her Name. FITTER OF FEET. easily i-i.i: si:. 0 "Diiuirhter, is your husband aud ible?" "Well, mn, he's just exactly like pa; when he gets his own ny about everything he's just perfectly lovely." licit ere Welt. "C. C. on Every Tablet. Every tablet of Cjiscarets Candy Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Look for it and accept no other. Beware of fraud. All druggists, ioc. CHURCH DIRECTORY MILFORD. FlllST 1'llKsnrTKKIAN CHL'ltCIl, Milford. Sabbath services at lt.:to A. M. and 7,:n r, M. .Sabbat h school Immediately after h. morning service. 1'rayer meeting Wed nesday at 7.1(0 I". M. A corilial wclconi. will be extended to all. Those not at tached to ot her churches are especially in vited. Ricj ; Kiiuaii .M. S.iikau, Pastor. Cllt'lK II OF TUB Goon rliiKl-llF.ltli, .Mil ford: Services Sunday nt ln.:m a. m. nnd 4:o(l P. M. Siinday school lit !l:Ja p. li Week-day service Friday at H -r p. m. Holy C'oininuiiioa Sunday at 7:45 A. M. Scuts free. All are welcome. Hkv. C'iiah..U. Caupkntkii, Hector M. K. CiuiiK.il. Seriees at the M K. Church Sundiiys: Preaching at 1(1. MM a. lu. and at 7.0 p. m. Stil day school nl ll:-loa. in. Kpwor'll league ut (i.-lf p. in. Weekly prayer meeting oj Wednesdays in 7.:n p. m. t'liiss meeting conducted by Win. Angle on Kridays at 7. So p. m. Au earnest invitation is extended to anyoiit who may desire to wnrsbsp with us. Hkv. V. K. Si.uiidkii, Pastor. MATAMORAS. Kpwohth M. K. Ciitiiicit. Matninorak Services every Sabbath at 10.8(1 a. in. and "p.m. Sulilmih sciiool at 2.;tn. C. K meeting Monday evening at 7.:HI. Clasi mis ting Tuesday evening at 7. HO. Prayej meeting Wednesday evening at 7.3C. Kveryoue widconie. Hkv. T fi Spkxckk. IIol'K EVANCKLHAI. Clll'ItlH, Mata moras. Pa. Services next Sunday as follow s: Preaching at lo :iin. m. and 7 p. m. Sun day school at 3 . m. Juninr C. K. bcfori and C. K. prayei meeting after the even ing service. .V 1,1-w eek prayer meet lug every Wednesday evening at ?.:. Seatf free. A corilial -elconie to all. Come. UHV. H. A", linoss, Pastor. Secret Societies. MlLKoun Lolicic, No. 844, K. & A. M.: l.'Klge lins-tH Wednesdays on or before Kull Moon at tin SViillace Huildinif, Mil ford, Pa. N. Kinery, Jr.. Sec y, Milford; (ieo. A Swepelliser, W. M.. Milford. Pa. Van I)kh Mahk Liuhik, No. h-m, I. O O. K: Meets every Thursday evening nt 7 Hi) p. in., P'-own's liuililiiig. I). l , liorubeck, Siry .Jacob McC'uity, N. H Pm PKM K Kkiikkaii jiih,k, Hit, 1. O O.K. Mi els eery second and fourt b Kri days in each nnipth in (lild Kellows' Hall, lir.iwn's buihliiig Miss Kalhioine Klein N. ii. Miss ill, l imine lieck, Sec'v. . I'-"I. ! L.PELIt Marks. 'vcopvaicHTs. Th itv rnif v r a live prat-tire. Opinion aa tn n: di'v i :t I'-' : I ii 1 1 1 v. Vr;t. f:')n, .f .i i.;r I 1 e l;iu ' . iiijiur lcni-Iil of i i, -n. .o tL. i iwJ u ii-w auil j - U i i if ii i . ' ? r nti.vjT!ri'ir.:hsrf:tiE I .in siiy ct-lr' .- .U.I u r.K--' .-i .L I. V t' ho, V 11' ke! ii 7r wid Hje .ii.i 1 1 . '.Mllie.d t W f.-L AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In Mtf iiMit let- nt i h v- j Tn I'd, (' nl hart no K.-Lhi I . ( 'mu t of I'ilo (lffM-cd. r.iiintr. I'd '1 In- iiiifl.-ilLTii' fl tipp .in tiv ihf ctturl ' -tnV.t (I'-'iiinni in i.f iii- fitntN in liflliil- nf 1', ';i',(ttTHi,irk. tiiKti i' iKsliHtvn ttV iii'Ctiliiits. tn tl'c niirlii- rittMhtl iiM-rt nil pnitir lnt'n'st--il fin till MI'Hi- (if Mlnit)t tin nt Ht liN oilii f in i he Ht.niiifih df Milff.rsl. I'h , (-n vttmiiny. I In- liMh dny ( f Krhrnnrv. A I . nl 2 n i 1" k p in., nt w hl( li "t inic nil pit i i ii's hit i ntr 11 cliiint npun the fuiuN or InhM.'st in Hi-- iliMiihii'ion thrrrM.f imwi (I Illicit I' II ll(l I1MIVC ! Ilfi f il II i Ilia ill' Kn rlf.l .'i r rt'il fruin cuniliiK In npun mii1 fiimlH (iKt) K. I I I A i, Auditor. MUfnn1, Vn., Jar. 14, hud. EXECUTOiTS NOTICE. T."ttfr-s tc'fiint nliiry unn tlio rstatr fif Sn-iin MnirniK, lute of Delaware mwn shtp. (h neased, linviny been granted In tl.e ii m lei signed, all person n (utvtiiB elniti-.s HfcrainJt. the said esiate will present tle ni at once, and those tndfhted thereto will please make immediate payment to A. S. lUN'iMAV. Kxeentur. Milford, Vn , Jan. 2, IWl. WAXTKD SKVKHAIj FKHSONS OK e.haract-!' and mnaf repiMathm hi each --.ale (one in t his county required) to rep resent and advertise old est dill!nd weal thy business house of solid financial stnnd i K Sniary IM. (XI weekly with expense additional, all payable in' cash each Wed nesday direct front head ctlices Horse and carriages ininislied, when iieeeary. lieferences. Kt i close self mldiessed stamp ed ei,relope. Manager. HHi (.'tixton Hnild iiiK, L'hitiiKo. :m:j NOTK'K All hunting, fishing or other trespassiiiK on I he premises of the under' dgned, iu Dlngimtn Township. (n Hay mondsklll and Dwnrfckill Cre-kB, Is for iiindeu under penalty of the law. (5dAft. J. IJOILKAU, Ditifinan Twp,, N. Hoii.KAtf, May 17. lH'.IK. JOSKI'H K liOILKAU. rri(F,-HASS NOTICE. Notiee Is hereby 1 piv.-ii that trespassing upon the pro perty of the undersigned in Milford town--hip. I'ike county. Vn., for the purpose of hunting, fishing or any other pin poses is strictly forbidden under penalty of t he law. Miis, S. M. Ci:akt. L"VH SAUK. A small farm located near L Matnmorafl. known as tho Heiisel or Meinhnrdt plat', containing Ml acres Kincly loeated, well watered. House and barn. Kruit nf all kinds. Part imnroved. Title clear. I or terms, price, etc.. address IjOCK Ikiz Ki Mliloru. Fli. T'HKSHASS NOT1CK. Notice u hereby X given that trespassing on the premise's of the undersigned, situated in Dingman township, tor tiny purpose whatever is strictly forbidden, and nil off. nders will be prompt lv prosccutetl. Iha B. Cask Oct. 21. A Marvelous Discovery ! . t)r riirelni'd Kleetiic f'-pavin Cure jsl lively reniuves IIOXK SI'AVIN. KIMJ IIOXK, SI'I.IN'I' nr tJVHU in 4K htuu wlihiiut pill ii or sure. '1 iiere never wu iinythiliK lu equal it. It is pel I'. el l.v hai 11.. lesK and nnyboily can Use it. (Mer lu.lil). restiiniilliills. Hun let, 'ai til uliius aii -ample In.llle lieu. Kiii-lusc Iwoccli stamp to NICHOLS MFG. CO., 3-iu'. New Caiman, t mm. vnad clinic PKotograpKcfi AND DEAI.KR IN Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing & , Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 78 Piks Stretit, Port Jorvis, N. Y A FREE PATTERN fjnur own RfMedion) to everr ub scfiber. Only 50 cfntu a year. A IADIES' MAGAZINE. A. een fhi..; ecm; bratiiilul colnrt-d ttlmri: Uist tlfrstdj.ikmi; etononnri. work ; htHMPliulil liirm Itnhfto (Uv, or, ter.d lor Utt Copy Lady agents wi.lrd. ftid (or tcrnn. Stylish. Keli.Tblt Simple, I'p-to-dale. Kn mimical anil Atwihuely Per fecl-KitlniK facr Pattern IHCHIU t Ait Sranu Allowrd amt PrrTordimns thon the Bdvtmg Md Srvlni Imps. Only 10 nd it cettM JKt-rmr hi(,'hr Ask for llirnt Sutif in ntily every t-ity limn, or by rniil In. in THE McCAtL CO.. II3-II5-II7 esl 31st St, St T08K. HAMMER 8A LVH Ula most healing sialva in tha world turn I iib i.i.-ntr ut 1m a ii ,,-t w tim tui.nonir i' .Nil Hi-iVll I bfc Hit I. IH' I lit 1 ! lit uf ol4 it : uk furtl mum,.. ( ..,. li .nil-tdM lM i. . J i i V t-if-t ,i,B..f ti . li "i Url.l . W ,U . U. .It HU UJ' iVo MMWIIWSliuJ I ; .m. 1 wlia lli.it V iiiii,4 Kww- fi i j i ..il, 1 k.i.uki M..e(.cftuti. I f 'it ptu-h. I :--nt ut he-., if i ' i I ..ll t-n-lUf ti.U.t., 1 I il 1 it uii (i.Ia .a w" I'wcA-i. UtiM tut WILLIAM B. KENWCR1HY, M.D. riiysiciiui mid Su i peon. tiniep nnd reiiilem-e llnrfi.id lif.i-t 1 hiinie lately neinpiid hy lr F H. Wcn- ner el 1 1 . r 1 1 It 1 1, 1'A. Dr. von der Heyde, DENTIST, Hilck Ifmise (lppu-iie Vniidei nun k Hntel 1! " nil sir, ei Millnid 1'a. OKKICK IIOl ."KS: 8 tn IU . in.; 1 to p. in. H. E.Em erson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad Street. John A. Kipp, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE: opposite Court House, Mii.Koitn, PiKK Co., Pa. J. H. VAN ETTEN, Attorney-at- Law, OFFICE, Brown's Building, Mii.foki), Pikk Co., Pa. Dig China IN Store PORT JERVIS, N. Y. Largest Stock. HEADQUARTERS For Sets of Dislics, Lumps nnd Cilnsswtiro. Occupying the entire floor of Building. We buy Butter, Eggs and Grain. Hoagland's, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. UP TOWN. Washington Hotels. RIGCS HOUSE. The hotel par oieellenco nf tho capital, liK-llled wilhin one lilnck'nf Ihe White Hnnse and directly nppi.nite tho Treaury finest tanlu in the cily. VILLARD'S HOTEL. A famous holelry, reinnikHlde for It historical assiicial ions and 1i.uk snsliiin.'d popnlariiy. Kecently n-novated, lepaintedi nnd panially lefuinished. NATIONAL HOTEL. A lnmlniark mining the hotels of Wash iniftoii, piiuron'.ed In former yer by presic.entK and high r.ilielam. Always n priine favorite. Kecently remodeled nnd rendered lienor than ever. (Ipp p K K. dep. WALTKK BURTON, Kes. ilgr. These, hotels ro the prlnclpnl political rendezvous of the cnpital at nil times. They are the best stopping places at rea sonable rates O. O. STAPLES. Proprietor. S.DEWITT,M.nr. Sold by All Newsdealers FURNISHES MONTHLY To all lovers of Song and Music a Yfr volume of HEW choice composition! bir tin world's famous authors. 64 PZ5C8 Of Fl2r,9 JKlL'SlS Half Vocal, Hjif Instrumental 21 CGipiEiG Pieces for Piara ! Once a M it n ih fur in rmc Yearly Subscription, $1.00. If bottfrht In nr miRtr store at On-hall nit. WiHiM ami ).i6, ft MVlngof $.0.16 monthly. In on year you get nearly 800 Papei of Music, comprising 252 Compute Pieces iuf the PUno. If you cannot gt-t A copy from your News dealer, f ud u u and wo will ouui you a auiliie Fiee. J. W. PEPPER, PublUh.r, lnth LCuot Sta., Philadelphia, P. r?" "N, F,0 YEARS' V EXPERIENCE r "" Trade Marks Designs f f 4 ' 1 COPVH(GHT Ac. An von jndtfiK a nkotfli and Ufa.-rul ion limy 1 i i ' is'v )..!! i en d.ir (itini(M Hoe in-, iut mi lin'.-nl l"TI IH Titi:tt.iv j- ni.il-lt. ..ii.iiniiilfi,- ti"i"Mii'iiy ..hii.ii'i'tii,;. itihih.n.k .mi I'ni.'aia ' "I Hi'" "l.lesl u . (;, y lul i-t'U nit; lul.-i.n. . I' d-nta liiKs-u liinimli .Vui;n X tu. fulvtj $flr i i Mulllt, It liitUL tu:i I 'tt, lUtliU A Ti;ti'1iMiiM')f' illn it rut t1 w'k!v. I.tirvettt rlr ciliiiii.ti of .v ni-.i-iti .in- toijriitil. T-iii.b, a ir ; T' : in' in. ii. i lia. 1. tsohi (jy mi! n: .l.-ii lul ft. Y.T.iil C3.36IB'''. Kjw York 11 To PATENT Coed Idea our uui. A i.iit-r-u, IHfc HAIuhT KfcOOHO, U ..I..... b.i u'it.n:.itui. i lh.. v.kui Kowid n.JOiici auLu-a V .. ' if V v (I