Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, January 03, 1902, Image 4

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    Tuition Absolutely Freo ;
Vv, I
I ' ri ill l
-w-. a a
Slnl- v,,r..,i.l p. I..
i 1.
The ivrnnr tins -Iiih-)! t lie I il yr.tnt i hit
t lil m'i'i, i n pert, I it ) n im 1 1 1 1 n l i i ti M i ivi'll
n the hill net i; i t:f? t . Titi'ma nf 1 iil in
tliti rhu it H KhK Kn't Itf in r.p. n- -eel.
Ill Hnti- :l im ..-r week. Km fall j'i.iaie
111 IIJ.K, I l i ml Jim .
139 Broadway, St. Jamas Build
lngt New York.
fsrthn Treatment and Cure of
Come Early
U!) i
View the Variety yaj)e
You n rr and Old
I? 1 1 1 1 cll
iv inn i
i-, v- ui4.;
George Washington is
said to have thrown a dollar
across the I'otomae,
was a lonix wavs for a
to 0. Init it isn't a diviiiii
stance to limv fur a dollar
will go toward having . .
J Presents
this year at our store. Come
and look at our stock.
.'.Ryman S Wells..
Milford, Pa.
! , N i OWN.
I'. V. Mi a III
Of All Kinds and Styles.
Blankets, Robes, Whips
and Horse Outfitting gen
erally. CARRIAGE
Repairing :-NEATLY done.
Examine my stock it
will please you. The
price too.
Harford St. - Milford, Pa.
Fresh groceries.
Canned goods.
Meats in every form.
Turkeys and chickens.
Oysters and vegetables.
Everything for an elegant
dinner at
Harford St. Milford Pa.
Real Estate Agent.
House" and Lot unit lo wl.hout Houses.
Dealer la itli klniU of Vrupcrty.
Life Insurance agent and
Notary Public.
All business given prompt
Office on Broad Street,
Bolow Crioeiunn House.
Milford, Pa.
If you vant a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth streets
Artistic Monuments
Cost no more than plain
ones in stone and they arc
more' durable. Don't invest
money in a monument be
fore investigating the claims
of White Bronze. "Write for
information and designs.
J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt,
Milford, Pa.
Bluo Front Stables,
Port Jervl. N. V.
Adjoining Onmaer'tf Union IIihiko
Ilond, carriage, dm ft nnd fnnir
horses for sale. Exchanges made.
A luro stock from which to make
elections. CANAL ST.
. Hiram Towner.
Stoves and
Round Oak
For Wood
ii'int Heater nnd Fuel Bnver in
Crr? r my
n n n r I 1 r
New Era Rdlators,
Two ira in one
ilAltll H Ah r.
I li t f(V,
i A i. t., k 1 i-.
arc the
mcit fatal cf all dte
TM KVO K!T:;ey cunEiti
of money t efunJci. Cor.tafns
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the lest for
ICiJney and Bladder troubles.
TRICE 50c oi 51.00.
('hrWoilicr 1i'i'Iht, iii'd HI
yt'iirs, died ill lii Iiomic in nppiT
M n 1 ;t ii' ms recently lifter r fow
wcckV illnc-n of drnp-iv. lie Wiis n
lonylliiK! reiiileiit of tliU vill iue unit
whs well known, lie U survived liy
his wITe, one (litnliter, .Mrs. Joseph
Altmiin of M;iti:norns, two mods,
which j Aiiilt, of Miitiniorns, anil l'red, of
( j , SpiirrowhiHli. The funeral w as held
aiumav hiii'i iiihiii hi me resnience
of Iih daughter, Mrs. Joseph Alt
tnaii, on Mountain street nt I.. '10 p.
in. llev. Mr. Wiisuiimd, pastor of
thn laitherau ehureh, ollieiatetl.
There was larjje attendance of rela
tives and friends. The remains were
laid to rest In Laurel drove cemetery.
K. I',. Space, of Mat. 'moras, wishes
to deny the story that there is n ca e
of diphtheria in his family. Ifis
son, Kay, njjed la, had lieen ill of
ciiinsy sore lliroat, from which fart
the story of diphtheria arose. The
lad is now elite to he around the
house, nnd is improving nicely.
At a meetinj; of the teacher of
the I lope church Sunday school held
recently the following named ofl'icers
were elected for the coining yetir:
Superintendent, l',d. Lnliarj Assistant
snperinlendeiit, Hockwell lleiden
, tlml; secretary, A. V. Ualcli, Jr.;
treasurer, Andrew Vnn Inwet1'";
lihrnrian, W. V. Speidel; nssistant
lihiaiian, Ilrower 1ieUwood; organ
ist, Mi.ss llattio. Welsey.
Mrs. (leorge Ijondigi and little
daughter, l.uchi, are visiting friends
and relatives nt Lake (Vino, Pn., for
n few day.
Mrs. John Simpson, of Cookson
street, is visiting her parents at
rassaic, N. J.
J. H. 1'tilmapcr, wife nnd daugh
ter, Hazel, are visiting their daugh
ters in Jersey City nnd Brooklyn.
Mrs. Dan MclVek nnd little on,
Charlie, have heen In Matamoriis for
ii few days, nt her old home on Second
Misses Kiniiui and Com B'dlmnn
are visiting frtl'tids In I'aterson, I'as
saic nnd New York nnd will lie ab.
sent about 10 days.
Mrs. Harry Lilley nnd little son,
Alfred, have been visiting at her old
home on Cookson street, at Mr. nnd
Mm: Alfred Bill man's.
Benj. Lilley of New York Is calling
on his old friends in Matmoras. He
is looking well.
The funeral of Mrs. Frank Heath
took place Thursday afternoon, nt -o'clock
from St. Joseph's church, this
village, Kev. Father Treis, pastor of
the church, delivering the funeral
address. Many flowers were placed
on the casket by sorrowing friends.
Her remains were laid at rest in
Laurel drove cemetery.
There were Christmas services In
the morning at St. Joseph's church
at G o'clock with n large attendance.
The choir sang a now mass, with
orchestral accompaniment, which
was very pleasing and deserves great
praise. The decorations in the
church were very attractive. Two
new designs have been placed upon
the high altar in the form of angels
bearing the candelabra. They are
of very artistic work, and the new
light that the church has now makes
a very pretty effect. Father Treis
delivered a very appropriate address
on Christmas. At 4 p. in. Santa
flails visited the pupils of the Sun
day school at the church nnd present
ed them with Christmas presents.
At S u'cl'iek Itev. Father Treis gave
a reception at the rectory to the so
ciety and members of the choir.
Stanley French, a drug clerk at
Haikensack, N. J., spent Sunday
with his parents on Ad im street.
The L. C. L'. held its meeting this
week at the home of Mrs. AIm Brink
on Pennsylvania avenue.
There was watch minting at Fp-
worth church on Tuesday night.
Tin- I.. A. Society will give a
chicken supper at the l-'p worth church
on .) i 1 1 . I tth.
The Matamoriis S icinl Chili met nt
Miller's Hall on Saturday evening.
There was a good attendance. Chine's
orchestra tarnished the music for
daflcing. All had n pleawit time.
The L. A. Society held its meeting
this week at the home of Mrs. T. J.
Ketchani, on Cookion street.
A correction is mad'' concerning
(Jeorgt! Wol-xlseldt's sickness. It is
the little baby, dcrlrude, who is sick
with the grip, and not Mr. Wol-
Miss lK'lla Kuapp and sister,
Mima, of Iloncsdiile are visiting
their aunt, Mrs. .1. Chase, on Wash
ington street.
The C. JO. Society held R business
meeting Tuesday night at the home
of Miss Maggie Present t, on Wash-
inIon street. A watch meeting whs
held Inter In the evening to watch
the old year out and the new year In
I he Blue Kiiibou lxlge meets a
week from next Saturday at Hopi
.hiirch nt 2 p. m. S.
Frank (lrisir aid A twit Walt,,
b ith of l".i'aiitovV:i, went noilcd in
nvirrm jit on Chmtm n i.'ny by Mm
Be. U. W. Cl.nvll. . I'lio we l ling
took pi ic nt. the hori '. of thn bridn'.
niolhor. tl ioI wisli'is to Mio young
Wis cm I in ujinn flint we Invir
other wedding bulls riicjiirf .
Mr. ii ud Mrs. It V. Birtlosnn
spent, Frldiy iind Smirdiy of last
week with the litter's sister, Mrs.
Lucy SioioiM, nf Sterling, who has
been very sick.
Itichird IVnvson, wh'i h.it beer
ailing for a 1 :i time, is no better.
ShiducI II i55-;ltoii lost, a raliinbla
horse last week.
P H. Cr'iss Is Improving agp.ln.
Prof. .1 C. Watson, ptinclpil of
the Milford schools, v;is in dreou
town last, week.
We took p1e'ir III riviilimj tlie
pnein nntitleil "ljidv nlinclio In
last week's Phkss.
Christ tn.is day wits very qulelly
ibserved in this vicinity. Here mill
there was a family reunion and that
whs about nil.
The socia! hold in the L'lyton M
K. church on Christmas eve was lib
most ii complete failure, the attend
mice being very ainall. Tim Christ
inas tree exercises at Itaviins nnd
Montague on the same evening nt
fected the receipts and tit tendance
as well.
Eageiio llursli of Newnrk is
spending his vacation visiting
friends nnd relatives in Sundvslon
Gugoiie is looking first, rate and is
employed on n trolley lino in that
The vendue of Win. II. Tittnan nt
Lav ton on the 27th brought to
gutber ft largo crowd. Cow buyers
were very much In evidence, nnd
th-.i prices paid wero nwny np,
Taken altogether the sale was very
Holiday tiino brings with it ft de
sire for shuffling the pnstebonrds or
rolling the dice and this yenr is no
exception. Whilo it may be all
right for those nble to stand the
rftcket, in ninny instances the piny
er has other nses for his dollars
There is a fascination about the
game thflt many cannot resist nnd
the final result is the player is very
much out of pocket.
A mooting will be hold at the
hotel o J. A. Westbroak at Bevnns
at 2:30 p. in. on Saturday, Jan.
1902, for the purpose of discussing
the question of selling milk to the
erehinory for the coming your.
cordial Invitation is extended to nil
The creamery has been h success the
past year nnd n number who did not
patronize the creamery Inst yenr
now sy they will try it this yenr.
It is a l'o id thing and it is up tn the
farmers to make it n grenter success
thftii ever.
Mrs. W. C. Drake is reported
much improved and if nothing sets
in will bo about In a few days.
Mtr l.-r 1 1 ' u ' lis." i it v-c I i
il. Any mn MrnJ.i,'.-
sWrdh ancl lt-trii''iuu at ctiV iiivf;Ui..u will
)jii'Ui;t ly Tfcxwc t:r u,:u;uii f;e Cuiu i-; mii
Cue ihituitta 'inty ul Mu.tr. " D-ivv to Dntaiu h
tLvlii" MUl Ul'-'U IlijUCal. ldlVlll HXUItll
tn. .tMh u-. .i iniisf(. i"r .iieit .mi iicti.
i 'annus I kt 11 uo'. llni.n'.'li nt inrnf M'fi'il
Huin', w t I Lib 1 tn 'iui-: I'aum H (.',. d,
It u i t : iml t ill til uImI V. i.lc1 V a: ail.: U il Joui ul,
tiui-soll. -1 !.v M.iinil.i. Wf - h a'.U In , rioi a.
iu(:t.t A::itncy ,'
EVAPS Pulifiing:, iW AC1 H i rJ GTO ti- O
A M !
in a
1-4. ' - .. . .
ttii .ii.t -'.--mJ C. C. C. Ntvtf j!J In bw!k.
LiJie ol iKe ittalcr vho tiiv so il
'l.!) .- T
Homy huj
, pi c I'd i 3 pa VIS !
Hair Falls
" I tried Ayer'i Hiir Vijor to
sron inir hair from f i n r . One.
I biif i bottle cured n,c."
I J. C. Eiter, Bnidwsod, III.
i i . i ii i
I Aycr's Heir Vigor is
f certainly the most eco
nomical preparation cf iss
kind on the market. A
little of it goes a long way.
It doesn't take much cf
it to stop filling cf the
hair, make the hair grow,
trvj restore color to gray
h.1. if. : ah 4r(iUu.
Ada lliwland of Itowlands visited
her brother. Miles, nnd family one
dny last, week.
George Cortiliihf, and wife 5prnt
('hristmas with relatives n', How-lands.
M. C. Ilowland inado nil nf his
employes a present of n fine box of
candy Christmas.
Our Chiistinis entertainment
pnssed off very nicely. The tree
was well I nleti with presents for the
Sunday school scholar nnd they nil
took put in the recitations nnd
The flood of Dec. IS undermined
t.ho dam nt Kimbles nnd M. C. Row
land had the water drawn from the
pond last week.
Horlon Kiniblo of Sernnton re,
turned home Saturday after spend
iug n week with Edward Malone
and family.
rr'i lllaforr.
The shortest history on record
probably, hns been written bv Senor
Carlos Kscribnns, a I'eruvinn. It
only ion words in length. Following is
the Knglish trnnslntion: "The Asiatic
origin of the primitive Peruvian nd
mitleil, their riHlimentnry civilization
ended with, the nppenrnnre of Mnnco
Capac, founder of the Inca empire,
Hi 13 successors, continuing his policy
constituted that vast theocratic aod
communistic monarchy which niton
ished the world. Conquered bv
I'izarro (1838), it became a Spanish
colony, whose 14 viceroys kept it
uieilievat darkness, and whose heavy
yoke provoked the Independence pro
claimed by San Martin (1S2I), cement
ed by Holjvnr and Sucre at .liinin and
Ayacucho. The republic estnlilished,
ana;chy supervened, presidents rapid
ly succeeded, until the disastrous war
with Chili, which, chastening minds,
hns prepared the future." Detroit
Free Press.
h Sho
and HAY.
Whcu in nood of any
Hello to No. .")., or como to
II y,
, i. I i.
v..n.. i
a Sportsman Aeronnt mt am Eselt
! Karaanter mllh Our t
the Waaera.
"I've hunted eierythinfr from pray
fijuirreis to grizzlies," uid a veteran
Philadelphia sportsman, recently, re
ports a I'K-al exchange, "and the'near
est I ever came to being seriously in
jured by any sort of Knie was one
Hue when a wounded bird attacked
and tried to kill inc.
"I was a buy then, and went down to
a creek that flowed through my
father's farm to watch for a mink. It
a early in the evening and a blue
heron came nml sat viiihin templing
(runsli.it. i knew it would spoil my
chancea at mink to shoot the bird, aii
I didn't intend to do it, but kiillii.e I
raised the gun and took aim just ui.
sre how I could kill it it I would. 1
lowered the pun and then raised It
ajraiii. Every time I raised it I would
touch the trigper gently. After anliile
I touched it too hard, the pun nenl off.
and I started toward the heron, which
wa.i w uunde.1.
"I thought it is.puid lie a pood
scheme to catch the bird, and started
off to do an when its bill shot out like
a sledge hammer nnd siruek me be
tween the eves. When I came tn my
senst-s it was dark, and It wasseverat
minutes longer lief., re I could remem
ber w tie re 1 w as or hn t had happened.
A little ha rder a n.l the hi i d w ,,u id have
Ml led me., I tremble jet v. hen 1 think
of v.hnt would have been the result if
the bill had struck one of mi eye-."
(i.ioa IbiiiH fur I'u.ir Hrf.tea.
A cuiioiiA ru.-tom exists in the
IYu?uin family of seleetinp every
July u half du.ea voting .oupl.-fc too
pour to marry and haxin lliem wed
ded tn the airis.m church at Pot?,
'lam on the tinnl.crhary of the death
of lt.ecn l.uiiise of I'riiMH. After
the ceieliuiiiy eavtl tiride receives a
f.'ift of a '-Hill eiiiialelit to hli.uit
i- add a liu iidfl. one family Itible.
'. Ii iea l' a t Ii run iele.
A Dftng-ur Sigaa'.
Von have got n cough mm yon
don't worry. Don't you know
congh is something terrible. It
leads to consumption nnd consump
tion Is killing thousands. Betfpr
onre that congh, better cure it quick
ly. Get n 25 cent bottle of Mexican
Congh Syrnp. No other remedy so
nice to tnke.
Something- Good.
So many go to their druggists and
merely nslc for "aoniethin? good"
for a congh or cold Now if the
drntrgUt has several remedies hn
certainly will sell the one that does
not cost much. When you go to n
drng store better know what yon
want. Ask for Mexican Congh
Syrnp if you want the nicest and
qnickest cough cure twenty-five
Cents will buy. Tnke no other.
Nauseating I-ledicina.
It is cruel to give your children
medicine that tastes nasty to cure
tlieiiT of cnngH or cold. A pleas
ant and effective remedy for sore
thront, weak lnnus bronchial nffec
tions and coughtne sindis is Mexican
Conch Syrnp, and please don't for
get that it only costs 25 cents.
Better Health.
Better health nlways follows a use
of Mexican Itoot Pills, simply be
cause they cleanse the system of
sickening and effete matter so thor
oughly and completely. It is a sin
to remnin constipated when Mexi
can Root Tills only cost 25 cents a
It Is a Pity.
. The human family are pione to
pain. Pain itl the joints, in the
mnsolos, headache, backache,
rheumatism, cramps, etc., certainly
innke lifj miserable. Therefore it
is a pity that any snob sufferers lies
itate to expend 2j cents for Quick
Relief, the always sure external us
well as internal cure.
You ought to thank God you do
not sufTur from piles. Inwiird or
external, sore or bleeding piles are
awful. Toll your fi lends who suffer
that I'ilo i ne is guaranteed to cure
UX money refunded.
Newest Styles. Cost Shapes.
Most Attractive Prices.
Ladies' RVdcliff, A" "t!;.
Mpn'? '7phll Congress and Lace,
UiUII 0 LOUU, Guaranteed.
Rubbers, Ail Sizes.
Gloves, Hosiery, Dry Goods,
Groceries, Hardware.
A General Lim
of Goods to
Wants at
Meet All Your
v m m a a tae 'smu a a a j--
Successors to Jervis Gordon
We are now Prepared to Please the
Farmers and the Gei (ral Pablic by
being ready at all times to Accom
modate them. Plenty of Water to
run the Mill Day and Night if
Necessary. -
A Full stock of the Best Brand
of Flour Constantly on Hand.
Seal of Minnesota is A No. I. Try it.
Washburn's Gold Medal, Arnold's
Superlative. Feed, Meal, Mid
dlings and Bran. Buck
wheat Flour in its
Season a Spe
alty III
Orders left at the Mill for delivery will receive prompt attention.
Go. 3
Milford, Pike Co., Penna.
Emulsion of Pure Norwegian
With Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda
A 12-oz. bottle for SOc.
Prescript lon
H. E. Emerson & Co.,
SXT" Next Door to Hotel Fatichere.
Sronef Slraat,
IWI ilfoecl.
N EW .
Woolen Dress Goods,
Flannels and Underwear
Wall Paper & Window Shades,
Shoes, all styles and sizes,
Fine Groceries, Mackerel & Bloaters,
Paints and Oils,
Asbestos Roofing & Sheathing Paper.
Clover and pras seeds of all kinds
nt W, & U. Mitchells.
All kinds rubber footwear Mt re
duced prices ut Ai iiist loiijf 6c Co.