Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, December 20, 1901, Image 4

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II3S Broadway, St. Jnmes Build
ing, New York.
rorth Treatment, and Cure o
Come Early
View tho Variety
Young and Old
0. 0. AllMSTllONG'S
Of All Kind and Styles.
Blankets, Robes, Whips
and Horse Outfitting gen
Repairing ;-NEATLY done.
Examine my stock it
will please you. The
price too.
Harford St. - Milford, Pa.
Real Estate Agent.
douses and Lots unit lots without Housos.
Dealer In nil kinds of Property.
Insurance agent
Notary Public.
All business given prompt
Office on Broad Street,
Below Urlssmitn House.
Milford, Pa.
If you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona-
bie prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Corner Aim find Fourth streets
Stoves and Ranges.
Round Oak
For Wood and Coal
Best Heater nnd Fuel fever In the
CI TV'""
FX.E a I i jL.!
flow tra Radiators,
Two Fire In one
l.tKIIVV AltK. 1 II I ICV, US, AliAlI
w.i i;t:,
Jctng fron-ftly attends J to
i . R, J, i v!i
Tuition Absolutely Free
:nt mt'tHt'Mnit ft Hlfltt- mmiiu) SrlMlil!.
Thr ffnvnrlinr h;i siiicct I h" Mil a t : t i t; v
I hU fir In n tt Mi"cl;il npM "t in' in-i. is vrtl
n til1 Mil liinkinte I tit- Tititinil nf n't in
m-Iwi l r H Kh. i' nil "1'itim n;r-im -nt..
M. f:i fin pi t wi-i-k. I or full panic-
ulatfl itildrcsfl NlM P. IHllLK, J-M itu-ij;il.
George Wnsliingtou U
said to ltave llirown a dollar
iienn-i 1 lie l'olomiif, nliicli
was ulonjr whys lor iiilollar
to go, but it. isiil a eiiciiiu-
stanee to limv t'ar a dollar
will go toward having . .
this year
find look
at our store. Come
at our stock.
.Ryman & Wells.1.
Milford, Pa.
Fresh groceries.
Canned goods.
Meats in every form.
Turkeys and chickens.
Oysters and vegetables.
Everything for an elegant
dinner at
Harford St. Milford Pa.
Artistic Monuments
Cost no more than plain
ones in stone and they are
more durable. Don't invest
money in a monument be
lore investigating tiio claims
of White Bronze. rite for
information and designs.
Milford, Pa. 1
Bluo Front Stables,
Port Jervls, N. Y.
Ail joining Uumner's Union House
Kond, carriage, draft mid turn'
horses for wile. Exchanges made.
A largo Btock from which to inakp
elections. CANAL Si.
Hiram Towner.
are the mo:t fatal of ail dis
01 nV?? Ki'IEY CUHl3
cr rr.or.cy refunded. Contains
remedies recogiuzei by emi
nent physics -ins as the best tor
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c ad $1.00.
S ' k I ' '
Our t cl in litrtl it we i. ul. A U ' Out ticiuiiti i
sk-t''h Rivt ()'--. r m ion ot ntn ifivt-ntii-n vmH
p; uu; m lv rr-crive cur tipiut..ii f i lc cii' Ci
tiie iiLcul ibLhtV t.t t. in--. "How Ut t)tit
l iilul " twrttl U 'il f uvt. l'i!lflils is-uiird
(h rot. v h u& a-1 ei u-.t i mr ,ilealour mi
1 ..u -tits t,.k ii Oiit tin on h us i set i e ; i icil
Hon- , w i'. li.-ut di,i i y tr, in 1 i V. I'A rii.N l
VICTOR -i. C ;AN3 4 CO.
li'atcr.t At
i rt.s,)
Evan Bui Mm,
O i
lac ivs. -- . . .. irtiSiUt.
Cenuticc stdu-jed C. C C. Never $v)d In bc'k.
"wit 'Ihri: jt;st a guo'j."
f'ofjy's Honey Tar
wri s ti-.'.-'.-i, i-raciits pru uiiiuiil.i.
Many expressions of sorrow were
lion ril in litis cum in i: ii t ! v when the
death of Kaednll Vnn Uorden vim
told on our streets on Tuesday lust.
Run lind mnny win 111 fi inmls mid
m'qniint,i'H'rs on this hhIh of the
Delir.vmt) when) lie wns highly es
leeiin'il mid ieii'i'led.
TWi. fr n in le f em-lier is iTowdinK ti e
mnln mit of the jirol'iissioii mid 1
notice thitt 74 toitehi'i s nro repoi ted
as in nllniidenoH nt l!m Tecent Pike
eonnly insiituto mid of tlint inipihnr
7i weio feninlo mill 2,i' inuio.
Sussex reports liill lenebeis mid I lie
per cent, is nlmost precisely the
siinie. It, is only n question of time
when the women will hiive driven
tho men out, nod it won't he Ion;.',
eit lier.
The mnny friends of Mrsi Hnsiin
Miij'eenis of Diiiiimnns henril of hoi
sudden denlh on tho 7th int, with
sorrow. Kho hud nmdo Luyluii lier
homo pin t of the linm while under
inedieiil tieiitnient here, hut it, was
not thought thnt her condition wits I
ho ei il ii'ii).
The downpour of Siitnrdny night
cnuseil mnny ot our si reuois io o er.
uu I heir hiinksi'.il I -yniK uwny fences
ml other Inoso stuff. The ronds
me lir.niy wnsliecl mm in home pnices
instimt repniis will h:ive to homiule
liefc.ru they eiiu be driven.- The
Deljwme wns hi.;her tlinii it, hits
been in venrs ninl hud the l'inuninii
liridge htood on Iho old foiiudni ion
it would hiive been swept nwny.
The sliootini; inntch selieduled to
be held at Muntross' hotel, Lnyton,
on Snltirdny whs siidly interfered
with by the stormy weiilher. (juile
a crowd wns present mid some very
Rood ghontiug whs done, but if the
diiv hud been f nil- the crowd would
hiive been very liune.
Ijfist week 1 spent H couple of days
visiiinjr friends in Deckei'town mid
not luivini; been there nince
1888 I went over Ihe town pretty
thoroughly. For H country town I
tliink it has the hmidsomest resi-
ences 1 know. All lire neiitly
piiiuted Hiid yurdsnre kept ill order.
I think tho only fnult lies in their
elecliio lijihls Htid Unit could cer
tainly be improved.
Every intelligent render posted in
current events is Hsking how enn it
ho possible Unit the fcjehley court of
nquiry ciitno to Ihe conclusion they
did. Tho opinion is general Unit
Schley won the luivnl victory lit
Biintiii;o, mid n 1 1 thnt Bninpsou'a
friends limy do will not chmige the
pinion of the rending Ainericiiu
A couple of Bandystou hunters
were ii nested Inst week for hunting
m posteil IiiihIs mid on snow. T)
inw snys you must not bunt when
l here is u trucking snow, but if ev-
ry one iimkin viohitions hud been
Drought up before the luw there
would have been a fiumiciiil panic
and it would hiive served tlioni
xnctly right.
The Sussex county teiiol(er8 iusti
lute whs Held in the public- school
ImildiiiK nt Newton on tho i mid 13
nist. Of the 13U teachers in the
jointly 135 were present ; tibseuce
vas on account of illness. Prof.
Levi Keely of the stiito iiormul. Miss.
Connolly of Washington, D. t!., nnd
Prof Earl liarnes were the corps of
instructors, all very iibln, mid il
my teacher failed to bo bonellttod it
was because he did not pay lit ten
Hon to w hat was. B.iiil. Usually it
is held thrcj days but, fur some rea
on the time was cut down to two
I wanted very much to attend the
instil uti', as did many others, but
ur calculations were upset.
Warren Uaser moved on Monday
ist from the tenant bouse of Jchn
Ahcr to Ihe pjemises bought ol
(ieo. . lluiijh some time Hgo.
The condition of our roads since
Iho heavy rain of Bit.mlny mid Sat
urday night has been reported to
Long Hair
"About year a,",0 n)y bait uas
coiiiing out very fot, io I bout'il
bottle of Ayer'n Hir Vipor. it
stopped (lie falling and niaJe my
hair grow very rac'ully, until now it
is 45 inches in lcni;ili." Mrs. A.
Isoydston, Atchison, Kans.
There's another hunger
g than that of the stomach.
'4 Hair hunger, for instance.
I Hungry hairneeJs food,
needs hair vigor Ayer's.
I This is why we say that
I Ayer's Hair Vi;jor always
I restores color, and makes
t the hair erow lon- and
ncavy. sinitai. ahh'-
ii )ui
3 II"-
H ul vuui" ut.;iv-t cm,' ;( A : f
J. ( . A I I Ii I O., i4.il. U.H.
the cimimineo that they may order
repairs nt once. We have had poor
roads so lonn that we have "kindy"
Kor iiscd to them but now they mo
very poor nnd ptoiiy.
These are the naddest days of the
year fur the collector is on bis
rounds this weik. It is pay up or
see your name among the delin
quents. Smallpox is reported all around
us mid it will be smpiisinj; if we
miss a visitation of Unit, genu rue.
It is danm-rouH for liny one to travel
any distance from home for the dis
ease is livery where. Caution should
be the watchword now.
Clinton Bevtin of Devans is very
ill from an attack of appendicitis.
He is somewhat improved t pres
ent and it is thought that mi opera
tion will not be necessary.
Mrs. William C. Drake is repotted
daiigerously ill and her t wo dnuuh
teis ti aching in this town have
closed their schools lo assist in enr
iiif; for I heir mot her.
The Matamoras social oluh did
lion inret last. Saturday nluat on no
coitiiC of the unpleasant weather. It.
will meet this Saturdny night at
Milier's hull on Loder street.
The U. E. society wns very ruo-
cessliil with its fair held on Tuesday
evening at the homo of Mrs. J.
Kredensiein on Itiver slieet. 'i'he
proceeds amounted to A lino
program was remlorod. Everyone
had ii most delightful Mine.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon on lliver
street have been spending a few
days at SiiH'ern, N. Y., visit ing their
nephew, Hurry (Judy, at thnt place.
Miss Angela, Orce bus accepted u
position in llnlch & Sou's store on
Pennsylvania avenue. She hns
charge of the Christmas articles for
Mrs. Mabel Brierly on '.Coolison
street bakes fine Boston brown
Harry C'lnwsois, son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Watts Clawson of this village,
has accepted a position iu the Erie
railroad oflice at Jersey City.
John B. Fredenstein, noil of-'J.
Fredenstein of this )liice, has gone
to Cripple Creek, Colorado, to en
gage in the mining business. Let
tera received from him state that
ho is doing nicely
The pupils of the various Sunday
schools of Mntftuioriis are preparing
for their Christmas entertainments
to be given in the churches on
Chi 1st mas.
Next Sunday evening at Epworth
church there vrill be a special
Christmas service. Some recitations
will be given by the little pupils of
the Sabbath school. Everyone is
Miss May Westbrook, a trained
nurse from New York city, is visit
ing at her home near Milford.
The Blue Rihhon Baud meets ou
Saturday afternoon nt Hope church
At tt recent meeting of Hope
church C. E. society the following
officers were elected for the coming
President Win. Spoidel.
Vico President Victor Ennis
Seoretnry Frank Seybolt.
Treasurer Maggie Prescott.
Miss Lulu Prescott, a graduate of
the Mnlnmoras high school, hat. ac
cepted ii position as teacher nt
Washingtonvilie, N. Y.
Mr. and Mil Walter Nearpass
and family have left Matamoras
anil gone to Jersey City to reside,
Mr. Nearpass being changed from
his run to that city
Charles, u brother ot Ed. Lord on
Cookson street, bus been the guest
of his brother for about a week, lie
returned on Friday to bis home in
Mrs. H. K. V.i n Odder of this vil-
Inge has gone lo spend the winter at
Mauch Chunk. Pa , with relatives.
The L. A H. met I hit week at the
homo of Mrs. (i. II. Langton on
Main street.
The L. C. U. met this week nt the
home of Mrs. Theodore Fletcher on
Cooksoi) st reel.
The Busy Bees society does not
meet this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Fitsimmons,
who were married at lhnghauiton
Deo. 4, returned to Matamoras mid
are boarding at Mrs. Ed. Wouaa
cott's on river si reot. They vi.-iled
,r , ,.
Engineer James Gross U confined
to his house on '1 bird slscet with a
liuue hack.
The Epworth C. E. society held a
epecial meeting on Wednesday eve
ning alter the pinyer mei-Uiiir and
elected the following named otliivrs
, for the coming year :
Piesideiil Mrs. T G. Spencer.
-Mrs. (1. II. Lnng
'tary Miss Irene
Secretary Miss
Tn-asiiier Miss Eiminie H. Hill.
Organist Mis. John Woiiiiai'ott.
Librarians Messrs Bert Owen
and Fred Corwiu.
Mrs. Watts Clawson if confined lo
her home with sickness, lier many
friends hope to soon see her around
Misses Grace Seybolt, and Louisa
Wilkin, both trained nurses in Now
York city, have been promoted.
They are now at the Fonlhnm bos
pital, Foiilliam, N. Y. We con-'
L'Mtuh.to those young ladies upon
their success. They left. Malnuioras
about a year ago to study for train
ed nurses.
All our local stores have laid in n
fine lot of Christmas presents. They
present a heaiititul appearance.
I'A U I'A r."
Paupack is isolated. The heavy
rains of Saturday have flooded the
lowlands, washed the roads and
swept, nwny bridges. All common-
ion; ion with neighboring towns is
cut oil'.
Yo1a:ald Killain is visiting among
relatives mid friends in Pluiadephia.
W. H. Clark made a business trip
to Honesdale last Week.
The schoolmHiins and ninrsteis
have returned from institute and
resumed I heir arduous duties. They
report having spent quite mi enjoy-
nblo week. It seems that there w as
considerable disappointment among
the .voting lady teachers of the
county nt. not being able to recognise
the "Jiainliler, each ns sho looked
at the others concluding Unit tdie
was one of ihoso referred to ill bis
items lo the Phkss nnd that the
pretty ones were fewer than lie
thought. It must have been quite
amusing to heiir the discussion be
tween the young inarm nnd her
young male co-laborer concerning
the lecture given upon "Girls," she
repeatedly asserting that it wasn't
fair, and he as often insisting that
she had it pretty line. We cannot
iniHgln: where the youth gained lug
knowledge, but think that inasmuch
as the lecturer hud recently been a
girl herself, she wns competent to
speak on her subject and that he
was quite safe in indorsing her.
It begins to look as if onrPaunack
Wanamaker store would ho u suc
cessful venture for its proprietor,
G. Nilson. JJkfaoto.
Mrs. Willis Sinionson returned
home Monday after spending several
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Dowitt, at Kywlauds.,
Mrs. Albert Briggs spent Sunday
with her mother, Mrs. M. H. Rolo-
sou, at, the JNotch.
M. C. Rowland is seriously ill
Scrnntou are attending him.
The heavy rain we had Saturday
washed our roads very badly. Some
are impassable and very diflieult to
repair on account of the freezing
weather. The river is the highest
it hns been in many years.
Phillip Krouse is on the sick list.
h;. Plum of Hawley is attending
The Beat limn.
The best time to cure , cough or
cold is when you are first affected.
A pleasant and sure remedy for sore
throat, weak lungs, bronchial sore
ness, coughing spells, etc., is Mexi
can Syrup for coughs and consump
tion. Bo wise in time and keep a
bottle in your medicine chest, al
ways handy for immediate use, ro
ineinberiug the old adage, "a stitch
in time saves nine." It is a. true
lung tonic and sells for only 25 cents.
luuy Wonder.
Many wonder how it is that pin
worms and stomach woims get into
little children, or how a. tape worm
:S0O feet long cau get in aud exist
aud grow inside of a man, as it
sometimes happens. Tliey may
well wonder, for it is n great mys
tery. However, many now know
from experience thnt Mother's
Worm Syrup will rid one of intes
tniHl worms nud greatly improve
the health after the worms have
been destroyed and expelled. It is
absolutely a harmless remedy to
take, mid as it only costs 2i cents,
all should try it who susHct worms
to be the came of their ill health.
Mexican Root Pill.
These pills, cosling only 25 oents a
box, are the latest vegetable dis
covery for cleansing, renovating,
strengthening mid regulating the
liver and bowels Better health in
variably follows their use.
The Bout Time.
Tim best time to cure pain is when
you first feel it Al.vays have a
bottle of Gooch's Quick Hehc.f in the
house. Cures external or internal
i mu iwiu cosi3 omv o cems. t.uies
The Whole Bo.ly.
The w hole body dejieuds on good
healthy blood for its sustenance and
(trenylli. Nothing makes the btood
so healthy mid the nerves so strciig
as Gooch's Sarsaparilla. Head tes
tiaiuiiiials on lis wrapper.
tile-hie Cur Piles!
Money refunded if it ever fails.
A.vn A or K cures Chills nnd Fever.
Vice 1'rosidenl
toti. liVeording Sccr
Coi respond ing
Kal herine Walls.
t'I T?I?t?n ITT7AT
T. Armstrong & o.,
Successors to BROWN & ARMSTRONG.
We offer a line of
Our point Is thnt yo.i need noLgifa way from home to
supply nll'your needs, or to secure lmrgniiis. We expect
to sntisfy you in both particulars.
DllY GOODS, new mi.l stylish. GUOCK.'MKS, fivsli
and good. HAKDWAHE, BOO'i'S, SHOES, AND Cl.O'l'H
ING. Any thing in nny linn nt boMo::i prifes.
To accomplish this end we have adopted n new system.
All our prices lire fixed on n h:i-is of cash payment. This
obviates tho necessity to nllow n innri.'in for had debts nnd
interest. To neeommodalo responsible parties v;a cheer
fully open monthly accounts, and expect prompt payment
monthly,' ns our prices will not enable us to carry lie-counts
Statements rendered tho first of every month, nnd if
paid within three days from dale of bill, a cash discount of
2 is allowed. The same discounts riven on nil cash pur
chases exceeding 11.00. Goods sunt out will be C. O. D.
unless othorwjso previously arranged,
Brown's Building, Milford, Pa.
Successors to Jet vis Gordon
We are now Prepared to Please the -Farmers
and the Geura Piblic by ' ,
being ready at all times to Accom
modate them. Plenty of Water fo . -! .
run the Mill Da and Night if ' . ,
A Full stock of the Best Brand
of Flour Constantly on Hand.
Seal of Minnesota is A No.
whbur!,' Gold Medal-
superlative, i-eea, r.ieai, hiia-
dlings and Bran. Buck- ' .
wheat Flour in its
Season a Spe-
alty ! ! I
Orders left at the Mill for delivery will receive prompt attention.
Milford, Pike
Emulsion of Pure Norwegian
With Hypophosphitcs of Lima and Soda
A 12-oz. bottle for SOc.
O Aref uii y
H. E. Emerson & Co.,
Next Door to Hotel Fauchore.
Fall - & - Winter -
Woolen Dress Goods,
Flannels and Underwear,
Wall Paper & Window Shades,
Shoes, all styles and sizes,
Fine Grocerks, Mackerel & Bloaters,
Paints and Gils,
Asbestos Roofing & Sheathing Paper.
Clover and Kiass seeds of all kinds All kinds rubber footwear at re
(tt W, & U. MitchelU. dm ed prices at Armstrong & Co,
and HAY.
When in need of any
Hello to No. 5., or come to
new Spring Goods, fcV
I. Try it.
Arnold's ' ;
Broad dtret,
M ilforcJ,
Milling"' Go.
., Penna.