THE LANE INSTITUTE, THE LAN E INSTITUTE CO. II3S Broadway, St. Jamaa Build ing, New York. For thi Treatment and Cure of LIQUOH. OPIUM AND MORPHINE HABITS. NO HYPOllKllMIO IN.JKi:TUNfs. A PEIlFKCT mMR TRFATMKNT Oil 8Nt TAHICM AllVANTAMKs Two Good Second-Hand n For Sale-One a Double Heater. Inquire at Mil ford Post Office. HARNESS Of All Kinds and Styles. Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARRIAGE TKIMMIINUS. Repairing;- NEATLY DONE. Examine my stock ft will please you. cThe price too. L. F. IIAFNER. Harford St. - Milford, Pa. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. Home, anil Lot and loin without. Hoiine. lk'alm' in all klmla of Property. Life Insurance agent and Notary Public. All business given prompt attention. Office on Broad Street, Below Crlgsman Hoiim. Milford, Pa. LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel, Comor Ann and Fourth streets MILFORD PA. Stovcs and Ranges. THE Round Oak For Wood and Coal. Best Heater and Fuel Haver iu the Country. CAREY'S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE CEHEHT ROOFING FIREPROOF DURABLE & CHEAP. New Era Radiators, Two Kir as In ona dAHbWAKK. ( I I I.I.KV, TIN, AGATE. ll.l., l it'. TIN ROOFIN 3 ANO PLUMBING A SI IX'IAT.TY. Jobbing promptly attended to T. R. J. Klein & Son, JJftOAD SiTiU-U-ri" MlI.FOUD, PA h 1111,1 Stoves Tuition Absolutely Freo T.nmt ft roniMMir Htitt Bfttriimt Srhonl. Thr HT'ivcrnnr Iium ptirtirtl t rirltll grmMniT Hill fl'h'Ht) (I epcciflt llpprnftt tnlinn. MS Ti'U nn )i' bill itiMklritf the Tni'init nf l v in this "who il KKKK. Knll Trim nprim St'1t 1'V HnU i tn) ikt wii'k. Kr full imrtio- ltliimii(ltlnsii(iKU I. HI HI JO, i'rlticipnl hristmas Presents George Washington is siiid to hiive Ihrown si dolhir ncross tlit I'otoniiie, which wns a long wiiys for it dollar to jru. but it isn't a circum stance to how far a. dollar will () toward buying . . f hristmas w Presents this year at our stove. Ciime and look at our stock. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS ..Ryman & Wells.'. Milford, Pa. TabI e Dainties. Fresh groceries. Canned goods. Meats in every form. Turkeys and chickens. Oysters and vegetables. Everything for an elegant dinner at GUMBLE BROS. Harford St. Milford Pa. Artistic Monuments IN WHITE BRONZE Cost no more than plain ones ui stone and tuey are more durable. Don't invest money in a monument bc- lore lnvesngating t no claims of White Bronze. rite for information and designs. J. f. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt, Milford, Pa. Blue Front Stables, Port Jervla, N. Y. Adjoining (Juniacr's Union House Koad, carriage, draft nnd form horsea for sale. Exchanges made A large Htock from which to make elections. CANAL ST. Hiram Towner. KIDilEY DISEASES are the eases. most fatal of all dis- CHI CVJO KICMEY CURE Is a I U LL I 0 tuarcnteod Rcinsay or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best lot Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c tad $1.00. .ur tec reiu :icd it we t.nL Any oiickcuditit; sketch nuj df--i ii iou of nnv iuveminn will promptly rctivc our opinion free concern in g the p iiviit.t'.fiiiu ol RHine. "Hiw to uittiu a liilfiit" tent ii i iu rr-'jiicst. i..teut secured Uiroiikfh ws Hilvti ti e. : r w 'e nt 01 r fxiynne, I' u tuts taken out throitli receive Mftf-iut Vifiti tt llUullt t il ..k HI 1 lit! I a 1 1 M KKa-O hu illubt:uLi-il utid witirly cirmlatt-d jourual, connuitcu iiy :. am !:k r,n -'t . a uj Iii rh)i4 bcud iui aaiiilc copy HitL. Addresrt. VICTOR J. CVAN8 A CO. iliitctit Attorneys,) Car Building. WASHINGTON. D CAN CATHARTIC Goui:tc iLiiupcd CC. C, Never told In bulk. lie war ot the uttler who trier to 4wincUung fust t jiou." Foley's Honey and Tnr cures tolas, prevent pneumonia, - ' 1 t. WatT-----' -1 CORRESPONDENCE. M ATA MORAS. Ell M. Col of Mutamnrns and Miss Lulu Heunohersf of Port Jervis were unite! m mirringe nt. t Kh Ri formed church pirsonigrt, I'ort Jir vis, by Kiv. T. 11. M A weddim; supper was served at the bride's homo. Tlmr future honv? Will ll3 ill M itlllVHMS fin- tlm pres ent. There will be no ses-non of noli'i i) nt tlio M itam iras high S'liio l next week on iKHMiiiit of th.) Pik) county institute being Inld in M'.lt ir.l o m- menoiiig on Monday, Doo. 9. Tho L. C. U. hold their meeting this week on Thursday nt tlm home of Mrs. J ihn Niinpsm on Co lkaon street. The Hiv U Bouinty is making improvements nt the pirs inage. A new storm door nt tlm side rn franco is being miidn. which will add much to the comfort of the occnp iiiM dur ing the winter months. Tlm society contemplates other improvements . in the church in the near future. The masquerade party at ..liller's Mall Saturday nisjht wan attended hy about 0 couples. Everyone had a most enjoyable time. Chine's or chestra of mailt piices fiirninhed (he ninsic for dancing. Port Jervis, Uerniuntown and other jilaces were represented. The revival meeting nt Epworth church on Monday evening waa largely nttended. A nnmher went to the altar. The music by the evangelist! was very much enjoyed. Miss H-'lle Herman of Newburu arrived in town n few nnys ago and is the guest of her c usin, Misn Ali da Sevmnnr, on Washington street. Mrs El Lord of Pennsylvanin av enue has been (.pending a few days in I'.iterson visiting friends. She returned home Monday. Mrs. H. Seybolt and son, Frank, of this village left town a few days ago for New Yurk City. They ro tnrned Monday evening. Rev. Father Tries returned home Sunday from Lackawaxen from at tending the fair, which was held at that place on Thanksgiving night and continued until Saturday night. The fair was largely attended and a success both financially and socially. The L A. S. met this week at the home of Mrs. Iluth Quick on Jeffer son street. The Busy Bee Society will meet this week on Saturday afternoon at the houiB of Miss Nellie West-fall on Third street. The .1 C E. of Hope church hold .1 buMiiess meeting on Wednesday uiglit. after prayer meeting. The Blue Hibbon Lodge will moot on Saturday afternoon at Hope church. The following named ladies con nectod with St. JoHoph'g church, this village, returned from attend ing the fair at Lackawaxen on Sun da afternoon: Miss Anna May, Mrs. C. llilis, Miss Sadie Wolsheidt, Miss Mamie Eugelhart, Mrs. J. Warren. Mis. J. Welsh Hiid Miss Anna Biiz. Miss E lna Van Akin, a teacher in one of the New York city schools spent Thanksgiviug at her home on Cunningham street. She is very much pleased with her school work iu the city. At Epworth shurch on Sunday the two musical evangelists took part in all the meetings. It vuk "decision day" at the Sunday seh ol. The cake s.ile under the auspices of the L. A. S. was very well pat ronized 011 Friday afternoon. A number of cakes were sold. H. Sitiflncl People Are the best advertisers for Fo ley's Honey and Tar nnd all who use it nree that it is a splendid rem edy for coughs, colds or sore luni:s. Sold at Armstrong's drug store. Asth ma "One of my daughters hid terrible case of asthma. M e tried almost everything, but without re lief. We then tried Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral and three and one-half botilei cured her." Emma Jauo Entsminger, Langsville, O. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral certainlycures manycases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. e BlB-u: tv., eiioti?). f. r n ordinary S.v , Just r lk 1.1 lirou. lm... l.-.Ai.e-1. 11I 1. -iiia, rlo.. ill..-! v. "l.-.Uilkl .(.-ui." ..'..I .i.t In I-, i-. i tin h-i J. i . Air-K CO.. UW..1, Ham. IHNUMAS'S KERRY. Willinm B mson had tnrkcy shooting iiintuh Thanksgiving. Milk maids feel more cheerful. Butter has gone np 25 cents. Hunters from the city who hnd made arrangements to eomn nnd il few days ns usual have can- cdod their engiaomeiits on aoe.ount of that gnn law beneficial to no body. Our natives mid our mer- ohan's will have to hunt in another direction for the long green. We hope they will find it. Ir. is expected that Mr Eilonborg- er will remove 40,000 ties from the tract lie bought, in the rear of Al. Dhigmnn's in Delaware. The Isaiah Uornbeck tract, is nearly cleared np. Levi Ludley, one of the tie -maker, cut down on n f 5 dollar bet 60 iles dressed for market inside of ten hours and worked alone. O .inrge Snyder will move on his own farm next soring. At present ;, , ,u,t t R 'ypt Mill y Umn ex)t)()ts )HavH f,.m lllRi i,)01lt0 , t,js coftneo nt L)iiifnians next spring. Henry Wells lias his tenant house np mi his fiii-111 The work is being done by Will Aimer and Sam Hunt in a very workmanlike manner. The price of beef has fallen and no doubt pork will follow Miit. Po tatoes will keep np as the supply is limited. Miss KatioTitman of Westfall has been visiting friends and relatives In this vicinity. Mrs. Cathariue Snyder of Lehuihu isconlined to the house witli dropsy. Dr. Smith of Bushkill is attending her. Harry Van Auken of Branohvi'.le, N. J., is visiting his parents at Cen tre. Thanksgiving is past. Some had turkey and some had none. Well, that is a good ouo. A man has a right to shoot two deer and no more, according to thu law, but- the law doos not say anything about all the dead ones he may pick up. We presume that is nil right. Harry Jngger has coino home on n week's vacation from Jersey. The last day of the deer season was taken advantage of hy many The day was beautiful and the snow easy to travel on. The mules, on account of elootrio cars, have been taken off car lines in Newark. Many Jersey farm boys from across the river have gone there to manipulate the electrio cranks. The Pike county boys from back 011 the hill have crossed to Jersey to fill their plaoos leaving our farmers in summer without ad equate help to till their soil. The 1500.1 ones seldom return hut the poor ones, liku a b id pnu, return before their alHonea ts noted in the papers Th it's one reason it seems that we prevaricate sometimes. We have heard that a factory was to locate in Milford to produce fancy goods out of elm trees. If such is the cise I) da ware township could supply nil tho elm n.ieded go let it start. If this is tlm sq-.taw winter we are having the Indian summer may come at Christmas. Fire wood is cheaper than nsuil in Dingmnns this winter. The price is the same hut the loads are larger. That's good for ona side of the con I ract. Joe Snyder expects to have his lumber mill going in Porter town ship this week. Porkers lire scarce around here. What remain are small iu size. Our school teachers are doing their best for tho meagre pittance they receive as n salary but we still have among us that class of people tlint begrudges them their daily bro;ul. It is, we believe, very small business for any one to circulate a lier to have one of them fired for the simple reason that he keeps or der in his school nnd has made np his mind that order will be kept. The, Cordially -tarred. "Yes, hir, the ui'w.sp;terst ot this fountry hy their exteutli-tl piiMuiUitm df heiisutionHl erinies and ineidents ire doing? an incalculable amount of injury." "I'hHt'a riht. The people shouldn't be permitted to read ueh details. The leHS they know about crime and .riniiiials the better." 'X entirely upree with you. May I ak the ntitiire of your btisitiesH?" "I'm a preen goods Tiiait." "And 1 am a dealer in jrold bricks. ?hake." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Help Hailfd-Malr. MrK. Huusket-p lioodness! This meat is absolutely raw. The new cuuk is wreichetl; be never cooks unythiujr uulf enough. Mr. HtU!-kee---I)on't blame her. 4he'a only a woman. Mr. Hanskeep What baa that to lo w:lh it? Mr. llauskeep Well, "woman's work is never done," you know. llosion Traveler. SANDYSTOX. The severe nnd continued cold nnd windy wi nther of the past week Is a reminder of what we may expect Inter on. 'I is not often that the wind stays up for R week nt r stretch and the mercury below the freezing point. The lurkey supper at llainesville on the evening of the 27tli wns large ly attended despite the inclemency of the weather. Everybody knows that when a supper is Hiinoiiuced at Hainesville that the eating part will be a In Ilelmonico and thnt brings the crowd. Everything passed off pleasantly, and the receipts were $ri.r. Thanksgiving wns a very cold and windy day. Still there were quite a number who braved the. elements to partake of roust turkey tind All up the home circle once more. Thanks giving Is not observed as generally ns it should be niid yet if any nation 011 the face of the earth has reason to render thanks It is the American people. We are furnishing Europe with anything they need from a pocket knife to n warship and as for breadstuff's, they would fare pretty slim if the Yankee should stop their exports nnd the above is reason enough for giving thanks. Someone in or about Lnyton hns nn idea that there are too many dogs in this vicinity. Several dogs have been killed and the last one was F. McKeeby's black bird dog, which was found with his hip smashed, nnd the dog, a gient family pet, had to be hot. Threshing machines are kept busy and the day when the major part of the fanner's harvest was pounded out for the tenth bushel with the flail Is gone. The hired man knocks out enough to give the farmer the long straw needed and the machine does the rest. The final and only payment to lie made in the Smith A Dusenberry case of bankruptcy was made on Monday of this week. The percent age is JO.U76 cents on the dollar. Miss Corn Hand of Frankford wns married to Lyman Lawson of Hainesville on the 27th ult., Kev. Mr. Myer of Montague officiating. A marriage was to have taken place at Hainesville on the. same evening but from some reason did not come off. Esto i Van Sickle reports that be arrived at Marion, Ohio, nil right and ho far likes the country out there very much. The farmers' institute -nt Lnyton came to order at the call of Secretary Dye a few minutes late of program time on Monday evening. The church was comfortably filled and the Iwst of order prevailed as Secre tary Dye opened the exercises with prayer, and at its close the choir sang a selection. The institute was begun by Secretary Dye in a short talk and nt the close of his remarks Mr. Gould of Ohio gave a most interesting address, taking for his subject '-Our Neighbors in Feathers." Taking the birds most familiar to us he told of their habits, fond and the great good they were doing for the farmer. But I am sorry to say that it is raining this (Tuesday) morning nnd that mny prevent a large attendance today. The hen. Xime. The best time to euro .1 cough or cold is when you nre first alTected. A pleasant and sure remedy for sore throat, weak lungs, bronchial sore ness, coughing spells, etc., is Mexi can Syrup for coughs nnd consump tion. Bo wise in time mid keep a bottle in your medicine chest, ul wnys handy for immediate use, ro iiiembering the old adage, "a stitch in time saves nine." It is a true lung tonic and solia for only 25 cents. Uauy Wonder. Many wonder how it is thnt pin worms und stomach worms get into littlt) children, or how a tape worm 300 feet long can get in und exist and grow inside of a man, as it sometimes happens. They may well wonder, for it is a great mys tery. Uowever, many now know from experience that Mother's Worm Syrup will rid one of intes tinal worms and greatly improve the health after the worms have beeu destroyed and expelled. It is absolutely a harmless remedy to take, and us it only costs 25 cents, all stiould try it who suspect worms to be the cause of their ill health. Mexican Root Pill. These pills, costing only 25 cents a box, are the latent vegetable dis covery for cleansing, renovating, strengthening and regulating the liver and bowels. Better health in variably follows their use. The Beat Tim. The best time to cure puinis when you first feel it Always have a bottle of Gooch's Quick Relief iu the house. Cures external or iuternal pain and costs only 25 cents. Cures cramps and colio. The Whole Body. The whole body depends on good, healthy biocd for its sustenance and trength. Nothing makes the blood so brail hy and the nerves so slrcnij as Goo h's Sarsaparilla. Read tes timonials ou its wrapper. Plla-ine Cures Pilea! Muney ref umlod if it ever fails. Ami-Atn k cures Chills and Fev r, Wlion Hollo 1 ,fi V-J' T. Armstrong & Co., 15 Successors to BROWN & ARMSTRONG. & We offer a line of .UNSURPASSED Our point is that you need not gi away from home to supply all'yonr needs, or to secure bargains. We expect to satisfy you in both particulars. DRY GOODS, now nnd stylish. GROCERIES, fresh nnd good. HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, AND CLOTH ING. Any thing in any lino nt botom prices. To accomplish this end we have adopted a new system. All our prices nre fixed on a bnsis of cash payment. This obviates the necessity to allow a margin for bad debts and interest. To accommodate rcsKmsiblo parties we cheer fully open monthly accounts, and expect prompt payment monthly, ns onr prices will not enable us to carry accounts longer. Statements rendered the first of every month, and if paid within three days from date of bill, a cash discount of 2 is allowed. Tho same discounts given on nil cash pur chases exceeding $1.00. Goods sent out will be C. O. D. unless otherwise previously arranged. T. ARMSTRONGS CO., Brown's Building, Milford, Pa. Successors to Jervis Gordon We are now Prepared to Please the Farmers and the Genera1. Piblic by being ready at all times to Accom mcdate them. Plenty of Water to run the Mill Day and Night if Necessary. A Full stock of the Best Brand of Flour Constantly on Hand. Seal of Minnesota is A No. I. Try it. Washburn's Gold Medal, Arnold's Superlative. Feed, Meal, Mid dlings and Bran. Buck wheat Flour in its Season a Spe 'alty ! ! ! Orders loft at the Mill for delivery will receive prompt attention. Word Ullim Milford, Pike A SEASONABLE REMEDY Emulsion of Pure florwogian COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda A 12-oz. bottle for SOc. Preserl ptlon Carefully Compounded & Next Door NEW Fall Winter- Goods. Woolen Dress Goods, Flannels and Underwear, Wall Paper & Window Shades, Shoes, all styles and sizes, Fine Groceries, Mackerel & Bloaters, Paints and Oils, Asbestos Roofing & Sheathing Paper. W. & G. MITCHELL'S, MILFORD, PA. Clover and grass seeds of all kinds at w. & G. Mitchells. "BEST OF ALL FLOUR." FEED, MEAL, BRAN, OATS, and HAY. in nv;d ')f nnv to No. o., or coino to SAWXILL MILL, MILFORD, PA new Spring Goods, AND COMPLETE. Co., Penna. Co., H. E. Emerson & Co., -ISST to Hotel Fiiuohero. All kinds rubber footwear at re. dui ed prices at Armstrong & Co.