Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, December 06, 1901, Image 2

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FK1DAY. O. lOOl.
One Yeah One dollHr and fifty rents.
Bi.t Months Seventy-live rents.
Entr-nrl nn the post nfflii of Mllfnni,
Pike tenuity, I'eniisjlviiniri, tis spt'iinti
oluss matter, Novftinbirr twenty-first, Intnl.
Advertising Rates.
One nqimnKHdht lines), on Insertion -H .00
Each sulwt'iiuetit Insertion .60
Iteilili-eii rntet fiirtilahefi nn appllejltliin
will be allowed yenrly wlvmtlsers.
Legal Advertising.
Administrator'! nnd Executor's
notices 8 '
Auditor's notices 4.00
Divorce notices - r.0U
Sheriff's Miles, Orplmns court snlcs,
County Treasurer's sales, Ontinty stnte
ment nnd election proclBiimtlon charged
oy trie squiiro.
. H. Van Elton, PuilLlSHKK,
Slilfurd, I'lke County, Pa.
Assuming Mint a gignntio skttle.
ton whs recently found tip In Bho
Loin with bowls, knives, nxes and
other paniphertiitlin surrounding it,
and a stone tnWet. henring a lot of
undecipherable hieroglyphics and
It must be so boon use it was In the
newspapers it Is a wonder that
some savant has not been called on
to read the inscription and give an
opinion as to the historical value of
the find. It might throw light on
the early settlement of that town.
ship by the Dutch. However, wo
are inclined to doubt the authentic
ity of the discovery. This may be
shocking to the veracious gentle
man who carefully concocted the
details but we think a more pluuxi
ble explanation of the And is that it
was a quasi petrifaction or paralyse
tion. The discoverers were likely
more or less disturbed nnd agitated
by the sitting apparition and per
haps did not fully note the dress
and accoutrements. Might it not
have been some last summer's ex
cursionist who, after partaking free
ly of the invigorating rice produc
tions with which Shohola Glen is
said to abound, wandered away to
sleop off the cheerful effects. Nat
urally he would have a pipe and
perhaps to fortify himself still fur
ther would take n few bottles and a
bowl and iossibly n G.irtnan news
paper. The case of Kip Van Winkle
is in point, only he was not found j
ho came to of himself. Had there
been in those days prying hunters
digging a foundation for a hut they
might have surprised him and
themselves by a discovery. Proba
bly the Shohola explorers were
bearing burdens of their own. The
ascent of tho hill may have been
difficult to them, especially if they
had visited Home of the saloons in
the vicinity. They were clawing
their way up when the surprise
nine. They took a hasty glair e,
beat a retreat, wrote the thing up
and there you have it. Now let
some Sboholnite write a play abont
It, give it to a secjnd Joe Jefferson
and so make the county really fa
Elsewhere appears an article from
the New York Tribune calling atten
tion to the careless maimer in which
Borne accept positions of trust and
the indifference shown in fuldlling
the obligations aa-turned by such ao
ceptauce. This is, indeed, no light matter.
Siuull stockholders are not eligible
to directorships and mast entrust
their interests to others. Generally
those acting as directors are, in case
"of loss, fully able to bear it without
deprivation or diftioulty while to
the small stockholder it may mean
fjnancia rnin or sweep away the ac
cumulations of years and cause
great distress. If persons aocapt
the position of directors in a finan
cial institution they should as a
bounden duty to nil interested know
the situation and be convertant
with its affurs. If they fail in this
they are derelict in duty.
Every one should procure and
read tlit message of President
Koosevolc to congress. It is a
StatdsinHiiliko presentation of his
views and in general meets the ap
probation of iieoplo of differeut po
litical fiiiibs.
The United States supiemo court
Inn decided a tf-t ciise against the
government mid holds that the Phil
ippines arc I'nlted States territory
and have been sueh since they ceased
to lie a foreign country nnd that this
condition went into effect when the
Islands cease I to lie Spanish; that
goods coming from the Island are
not dutiable under the present law;
that this decision must stand until
congress under Its constitutional
rights enacts such legislation as will
bring the Philippines under the
cloak of the customs laws.
There is talk now flitt the slate
convention to nominate a governor
may be held in Mirch. This it is
anrmised, if done, will bo to frus
trate opposition to the slatm! candi
date, whoever he may prove to be.
by preventing orgauixit ion on the
part of the nnti-miirbinn men
There is no real occasion for holding
tho convention thus early and those
who odvocnte it should reinoniber
that the people vote in November
and thus have the last say. Better
do things in the usual orderly way.
It will be best for the party in the
long run.
The voters of Sussex county nt
the late election declared by a de
cisive majority in favor of the Hoc
free fishing and park low but, curi
ously enough, two of the three com
missioners appointed to carry its
provisions in effect were decided op
ponents of the bill. They are John
A. McBride and Luther Hill. This
would look to people outside like a
travesty on propriety.
The New York Trimm-- Farntt
which has succeeded the weekly. Is
a bright, up-to-date, profusely illus
tratod paper for the farmer and
every member of his family. It is
good reading, instructive and help
ful in many ways and will be a
great addition to your fireside the
coming winter. Notice the combi
nation offer nnd send in your sub
scriptions now.
The town council has procured tile
piieto lay down on Harford Htreet
at Fourth. This Is a proper move
and one that should be followed by
the laying of such pipe nt all street
crossings where culverts are neces
sary nnd at other points where the
water Is liable to damage sidewalks
or streets.
They Work While You Sleep.
While your mind and body rest Cas-
carets Candy Cathartic repair your
aigestion, your liver, your bowels,
put them in perfect order. Genuine
tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold
Vbulk. All druggists, ioc.
Does your horse "feel hh
oats"? What a difference .be
tween the grain-fed and the
grass-fed horse I The first
strong and full of ginger, the
second flabby, weak and tired
out before he begins. The
feeding makes the difference.
Children arc not alike either.
One is rosy, bright-eyed, full
of life and laughter, another is
pale, weak and dull. The feed
ing again is responsible.
Sickly children need special
feeding. Thev don't "frH thor
oats". Scott's Emulsion adds
just the right richness to their
diet It is like trrain to the
horse. The child gets new
appetite and strong digestion.
bcotts Emulsion is more
than food. It is a strong
medicine. It rouses up dull
children, puts new flesh on thin
ones and red blood into pale
ones. It makes children trrow
bcotts Emulsion makes ordi
nary food do its
This picture represent
the Trade M.ik oi iicoft's
tmulMoa and u on the
wrapper of evety bottle.
letui for fret Mm pic
tog read St., New York,
jo.: r d 1 1. all iliuguu.
Jill Stuffed Up
That's tho condition of many sufferers
from catarrh, especially in the morning.
Oreat difficulty is experienced In clear
ing the head and throat.
No wonder catarrh ennses headache,
impairs the Inr.te, smell and hearing,
pollutes the breath, deranges the stom
ach and affects the nppetite.
To cure catarrh, treatment must be
constitutional alterative and tonic.
'I was atHlrted with cntnrrh. I took
medicines of dllTerent kinds, giving encti
S fnlr triiil; but Rrmiunlly grew worse, until
I could hnrrlly hear, tnstn or smell. 1 then
conclmlril to try Hood's Ssr.HiittrlllR, mid
after tnlclng five bottles I wan cured and
have not liml any return of the disease
aince." Kcnptrit KoRBF.it, Ihnnon, Kan.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Cures catarrh it soothes and etrength
ens the mucous membrane and builds
tip the whole system.
(Ily Kkv. C. K. Pitmirii.)
The service next Kabbath luornine
will be a communion service. There
will be n baptismil sorvice in con.
iieetion with it, and also the reeep.
tion of any who desire to unite w ith
us. The church is the home of
those who love Uod and are devout
ly seeking to lend a Christian life.
The church doors are wide open to
the sincere. Let those who desire
to be hypocrites stay ouf till they
are better minded.
The evening topic is "Asleep in
iti " There is n sleep that is re
freshing and there is a Bleep that is
produced by drugs that leaves the
body weak. Is there not the drug
of sin that, has brought upon the
people of the world a moral sleep
from which in is till but impossible
to arouse the sleeper?
This week closes tho revival ser
icos for the present. Next woek
being institute week it is impossible
to continue them. It is our purpose
and hopy that the revival spirit
may continue to burn on the altars
of tho church and that the unsaved
may continue to give reverent at
tention to the question of personal
salvation till many more shall find
their way to the possession J of a
genuine Christian life.
The Christinas season will soon
be here and with it will come much
work ond a great deal of happiness.
We Hre at work as usual and hope
to htive u Christinas of unusual in
terest. It is a joyous season; let
us all rejoice together.
The winter has come. We love
the winter season. The snow so
pure ond white is suggestive of that
other purity without whioh no man
can see the end of this life in peace,
and the protection that the snow
gives to tho earth is suggestive of
that protection that the Creator
gives to every creature. We hope
for a season of good sleighing for
both pleasure and profit.
Read Thk Pkbss if you want news.
P. N. Bournique is spending u few
days in New York.
Fred Gumble and wife visited at
Wilsonville last week.
Paul Ryder and Jake Schorr spent
thanksgiving in New York. '
Thermometers hero this morning
indicated 8" to 10 below zero.
Dr. de Plasse and daughter, Jean
netto, are in towu for a few days.
Oeorge Buchanan visited rela
tives in Bridgeport, Conn., this
Ed. J. Cole, who receutly under
went an operation ou his foot, is
now recovering
Albert Cotlrell, who has boon at
Hotel bchaiuio during the summer,
has gone to New York.
The usual tiu pan serenade was
aivou August Altiiwiml wiieou their
return fiuui their wedding trip.
Horry Armstrong was tendered a
surprise party last Saturday night
in honor of his eighteenth birthday.
Mrs. Fred Lock wood of Oyster
Bay. L. I., is visiting her grand'
tatlier, W. U. Kuo, ou Ninth street.
Dr. 11. B. lieed was in New York
i day this wank and will soou itu
south iu company with Charles
There will be an entertainment
tuis evening iu the Uumeaville
ohurou by Byron W. King, one ut
.lie lecturers ul the institute here
jext week.
A bank in fcStroudsburg declares
.t will J4iy interest on deposits.
i'IiU will be, inducement for manv
to place their money in its keeping
and seems like a good business
The Ludius' Aid society of the
. resbyteiiau church is iu u very
iouribhing condition and now has
jver eighty members, Tho meeting
oi the church parlors last evening
vtis well attended.
EraMus Vaudemjttik of Sommer
ille, N. .1., a brother of our sheriff,
.iod ut his home hist Saturday of
meumoniu aged about 40 years. lie
8 survived by his wife and seven
juildien and by six hi others : Eli juh
ind Juke of this county and Thomas,
e'eter, Job and Gilbert of Somuitr-
A HI Kit l,4HM.llll.
tf I
Wife Just think of it, (irnrjre the
lnmHnrd told nip we'd Itnvp to move
if wp AuT not (iftV mtr rnt.
(Jporpfp Well, dnpfl Iip think If we
could pny our 'rent we'd have Mnypd
lier tifl long B8 we have? Chicago
A Iltnmnl Onllnok.
Thp wintry wlnrls thflt blow,
I'hpy chill me to thp soul,
For who, I'd like to know.
Will truM me for my coslt
I'hllHdr-'phla Pregn.
Maud You think Mr. HlushroAe In
nol hh hashful in the presence of
pirls an hp appnia to he, do you?
How did you pet that linprpantitn?
Mabel I had H from hin own lips.
Chicnfro Tribune.
Aa to the Phenomenon,
MI it possible he' ran carry no
many things in his head?"
"Oh! Yes, indped! Hp can carry as
many things in his head aa anothet
boy can In his pocket!" Tuck,
Stop That Butchery I
No Knife Required.
Hemorrhoids, or piles,' whether protrud
ing, Internal, bleeding, itching or blind,
can be efTecMtnllfi' tttickly and painlessly
removed without snrget-y by using the
greatest discovery of the renitiry for the
cure of this painful malady. Wo refer to
Dr. A. B. Clark's Pile Remedy, now pur
chasable for the Brat time through the
Sole Agents, the Clark Medical Co , Pitts
burgh, Pa., and costing for n complete
treatment only One dollar by mail postage
paid. So convinced Is the doctor of the
efficacy of his remedy In removing forever
every vestige of this dread disense tlitit he
has Instructed his agents to refund the
prloe paid iu every case nf fa lure. This
gives the public a much needed protection
ns against certalli remedies that have
nothing to recommend thcin except price.
A treatise ou Hemorrhoids mailed to
renders of this paper. 3
Iietters testamentary upon the estate of
nato tl. van wyck, late of the township
of Milford, Pike county, Pn.. deceased,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons having claims luminal the said
estate will present them nt once, ami those
indebted thereto will please make Inmieili
ate payment to
V. W. HULL, . (
' Executors,
Milfortl, Deo. 8; 1901 1-3-03.
State of Pennsylvania t
County of Pike. i
Notice is hereby given to nil persons
oounii uy recognizance or otherwise to ap
pear, that the December term, ltli, of lite
sevenil courts of Pike county will be held
nt the court house in the borough of Mil
ford ou t lie third Monday (Kith) it r 8 o'clock
p. in. nnd will bo continued one week if
necessary. K. VAUDKHMAHK,
Mllford, Pa., Nov. 37, 1901.
A Marvelous
Discovery !
l)r Checlnl's Electric Snnvln Cure Dosl
lively removes HONK SPAVIN. RfNti
BONK, HPL1NT nr (Jl'KU In in hours
without pnlu or soro There never was
anything to equiil It. It is perfectly hitrm
lis nnd anybody chii use ft. Over 10,(nl
lostiniontiiis. iiwrii-i, paitluulnrs and
Mini pic iMiittc lice, r.uclose two-cent
stamp ti
3-tt-(& Sew CnD. Conn.
Snljlmth services at 111. 30 A. u. and 7.80 p.
M. .-ublmtli school iminediutely utter the
morning service. Prayer meetiiifr Wed
uuiMluy ut 7 D0 P. M. A uonilul welcoini
will tie extondetl to all. Those not at
tached to other churches are especinlly in
vitetl. Kkv. Kixiah M 8mkau, Pastor.
Cllliwil of THK fioou SlIKPHEHI), Mil
ford: Services Sunday nt lu.H0 A. M. and
4:l P. U. Sunday school at 8:tft P. u.
Week-day service Friday nt 8 46 P. 11.
Holy ( uni in ii ti Inn Sunday at 7:46 A. M
Stmts free. A ii tire welcome.
Kkv. Ciiah. 1J. Caui knteii, R-cUir
M. K. CHtMtcH. Services nt the M K.
Church Stiudnys: Pn-n hing ut 10 30 s.
in. and at 7.;io p. ni. Stir day school nt
11:46 a. in. Kpworth league at fl.46 p. m.
Weekly prny;r ineetiog uj Wednesdays ut
7. HO p. m. CIhah imeting conducted by
Wm. Angle on Fridays nt 7.MU p. in. An
enruest invitation Is cxtendetl to nnyone
who inny desire to worshsp with us.
Kkv. C. K. Scudukh, Pastor.
Kpwoiith M. E. Chukch. Mntnnioru.
Serviomi every Snblmth at lO.Uoa. m. and
7 p. in. Sulituitb scIiihiI nt a.m. C. K.
meeting Monday evening nt 7.30. Class
meeting Tuesday evening nt 7.80. Prayer
uui-tiug Wednesday evening ot 7.ao.
Kveryoue welcome, ,
Rev. T. G Spknckb.
Hoi'B Evax;kual CHPItCH, Main
mill aa. Pn. Serviias next Sunday us follows:
Pn-achiiig ut lo no- n. in. nnd 7 p. ni. Sun
day scliiMj. nt t p. m. Junior C. K. Defort
and C. K. prnyei meeting nfter the even
ing service. St ld-wcck prayer meeting
every Wednesday evening ut 7.80. Sents
free. A ooniial -elconie to nil. Coniu.
KKV. H. vV. Ukomi, I'u-ior.
Secrft Societies.
MiLKtiKU LeiM K, No. 844, F. Si A. M.:
Ixle meets Wednesdays on or before
Full Moon ut tht Wallace Ilullding. Mil
ford, Pu. N. Finery, Jr.. Kov'v, Mllford;
Geo. A SweHiiiiM-r, W. M.. Milford. Pn.
Van 1)kh Maiik I.iiikie, No. 8k'a, I. O
O. K: MtM-ts every Thurnlay evening ut
7 MO p. m., pi-owl,-, Kuililing. 1). H
Horuliick, Siry .Innnb MuCarty, N. G
Pnttifsi k Kkukkah I.ddok, l7, I. O
O. F. Meets every tuwwuid and fourth FH
ttays in each uioiitti in Oild Ki-liows' Hall,
Hrow n s huiiding Mliu K nt Imilne Klein
N.ti. .Mini-W lliiclmit.e ilc-k, hec't.
Sheriff's Sale.
Itr Tirtttonf n writ of levari Kni-ln U
Kind tint nt Hie Court nf ('minn'm I'lrna of
I'ike rnuntr to inn cllrrct.-tl I will eminw
to tiiltli fnli hr vrnilui1 or merry nt the
Shi'ilfl's OPico lii the lltirntnih of Ml I font,
MONDAY, DKOEMMKH u, A. 1), uo,
st tw o o'clock In the afternoon nf mild iluy:
Alt thoRe two cerrnln plec-n or parcel 'of
hunt nlttlntii In th township of sholiolu
cinintr of l'lkc nnd ntit of IViiubvI
rnnlii, clean llicit as follows, to wit: lleijin.
nttiK Hfc n corner on the Ijiicknwnxen rontt,
also corner of lutuU of Peter Kcklntrt.
thence north lli (li'Kreen went. :S perelies,
north 4tl' ileum west llt'ij pen lien, thence
nloiiR In ml f Jncol) Huns son III MH li-nreei!
fiwt Ml MTche to In t ill of Bitlil Peter K.ck
hnrl. tticnce north ft71,' tli-prce etnt tin per
Chen to the plnce of ln nliiiiliiir, ctiiiliiliiliin
H acre Mint fit! pert-hen nf Intnl. Also he
irlnnlii" nr. it corner of the piece of liind
Bhove (lewrllicil Hint of liind of mild .Ineoli
Hiinn, thence nlniU line of miiil llnnV I nod
sottth f7 di-trn-en west, inn H-rclii-4 to n
ntone corner, north Hit ilepri-e went. l!tn
erche to n ntone, nonth fMlcRree wet
VH perchnn to a stone, thence south w dn-
freen cnt 1W perchcK nlonir Innil of
lonrv liver to ntone. thct.ee north (II de
grees ennt, I'jft petchen nloti(r Innil of Vnlen
Une It ipiriinn to ntone, north fi7 (Icirn-eB
cant llti iicrehcn to ntonu mint It ti ileureen
went. Ill perches, south hh tlc(rrccn eimt 8
IH-rchen, mirth 5U ilenrnenciisi ll-'i perches
to IhikI of Peter Kcklutrr, I hence north fi;l,
(li-Krees enst 47', perches to pl.tce of licitln
nltiE, contnlninic HKI ncren mnl lae icrches
of html, tint two pieces tuircthcr innkittK
11(1 acres Mtitl 111 nerclies. In linr imrt of n
tract, of Innil In the warrantee riiiiuci of
tjeorffe '-tnlor.
IM PKtlVKMKNTS. Good dwelling
hotlfi'. W'jistl lioiihe, wiiumi hlied, noil olit
linililliifin: Mlxitit 18 ncrcs clearpd, Imlnncc
wood nnd tllnhcr land.
Sclreil and tiiken in execution ns the
nroncitT of r.rnst J". A. Iltn-li tntiii . tl
reniiod, ttnd Ciilhinllii- Hncli tinlili mid Will
ue soltl Ity me for citsh.
SlierKT's OfTlce, Mlirord. Pit., I
Not la, litnt. j
Executor's Notice.
Tjettcrn testnmentary tipfin the estate of
(Rev.) 'riiomas Nichols, kite of the Hor
otigh of Mllford. Pike Co., Pn , deceased,
linvlng been grunted to the tiudfflgncd,
all persons having claims against the said
esmte will present theln at once, and those
Indented thereto will please make linmedl
ale pavtnent, to
tJcrmnntown, Phlladelphln, Pa.
or IIY. T. HAKKR, Attorney, Mllford
Mllford, Pn., Oct. 29, iiKll.-ia-ft.
$100 Reward.
All persons are forbidden trespassing on
the premises of the undersigned in lllng
uuin township, or in any wise damiigliig
or Interfering with the reservoir supplying
water t r pipes which connect s'aiui
with, the Hotel Selt under penalty of tin
law and a reward of tion will be paid foi
information of nny person found fining
any such damage. FRANK F. SKITZ.
Mllford, Sept. 24, 1901.
character nnd good reputation in each
state (one In this county required) to rep
resent nnd ndvertise old established weal
thy business house of solid financial stand
ing Salary 1N (I0 weekly with exiH'tises
additional, nil payable In cash each Wed
nesday direct from head offices. Horse
and carriages turnished, when necessarr.
References. Enclose self -addressed stump
ed envelope. Manager. 81ti Caxtnn Untitl
ing, Chicago. 8-18 ua
TRESPASS NOTICK. Notice Is hereby
given that trespassing upon the pro
perty of the Forest Ike Association In
Lncknwnxen township, Pike county, Pn.,
for the purtMjuo of hunting nnd fishing, or
nny other purpose Is strictly forbidden un
der peualty of the law.
Alkjcaniikk Haihikn,
Nov. 23, 181)6. President.
TRESPASS NOTICK. Notice Is hereby
given that trespassing on the premises
of the undersigned, situated In Opigmnn
township, for any purpose whntevor is
strictly forbidden, nnd nil offenders will be
promptly prosecuted. I It A 11. Case.
Oct. 24. 1HW6.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
given thnt trespassing on the premises
occupied by tho undersigned In LMngman
.o.vnshii. known ns the Jluchnnan farm
' ir hunt log, fishing, berrying or nny other
mrpose whatever is forbidden under peti
nlty of the law. Any person or persons
disnlieying this notice will be dealt with
in the severest lawful manner.
Grokuk H. Mccarty,
July 1,1807. Lessee.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
X giv.Mi I hat trespassing unoii the pro
perty of tho undersigned in Mllford town-
Sllln. Pike COIlllt.V P for tlu nurivu. .,f
hunting, fishing or any other purposes Ir
n-iuiy loruiuocu uttuer penalty oi t:;e law.
Mas. S. ii. Ciiavt.
NOTICE All hunting, fishing or other
trespassing on the premises of the under
signed, In Dluftinun Township, on Kay
n.ondskill and Uwnrfsklll Creeks, Is for
binden under wnaltv of the law.
CnAti. J. HoiLKAlt,
Dlngiiinn Twp., N. HiiII.KAU,
May 17. 18!. JnsKPH F IlolLKAII.
For the Holidays
Christmas Tree Ornaments,
Fine. Groceries, Table Nuts,
Raisins, Plum Pudding, Candies,
Oranges, Lemons, Grapes, Figs,
Dates, Etc.
Wallace & Thrall
Telephone Call 62, Harford
A. D. BROWN and SON,
Manufacturers and dealers In all
kinds of Lumber,
Contractors and Builders.
Estimates made ; personal atten
tion given and work guaranteed.
OFFICE, Brown's Building Milford, Pa.
ItUt PALK. A small rnrm Incnted nenr
Miitnmoras. known ns tho Henuel or
H'lnharilt place, conininiiis L'l ncn-n
Klni ly locntiil, well wn'en-d. House ami
inrn. r run ot nil kinds. Part tniirovod.
I'ltle clear. For tfrtnp. mice. eti.. nldti-sn
lK k box (j Milford. Pn
MKSIAf NOTICK. Notice Is hcrelif
given that all trc-nmestnunn tnv nrem-
len iu llclawnve low iinlilp on w lili-h the
lllgll r litis Is localeil Is strictly forlilililen.
M ll!. SUSAN F. S.N Y IIH.K,
Delnwarn Twp., Aug. M. 1HI1. Owner.
Widow's Appraisement.
The. following appraisement net tipntt
s widow has l-n tiled with Mm Hi-nil-
tor and will he n resented to the cnttrl lor
coiiflriimtlon nnd nllownnra on t lie third
Momlny of llecenibcr next.:
Kmnie of Krnst K. A. Ilnchniiinit. dee'd
AppriilHetin-nt. of pet-sonnl nnniertT set
npnrt. to wld.nv, l:inhiirlim M. M. iincli-
mllll. .. V. tVKS'l'JIrlOOK.JK.,
Mllford, Pa., Not. lfltH. Hml.
Register's Notice.
The following accounts have been filed
with the Hegistor Mild will be presented to
the court for oonllrmatloii on the third
Monday or llecemlier next:
F.state of Jacob Klcinlmns, dee'd. In
pat tltlon. The account of Mary M. Klein
iinns, administratrix.
Fstnle of Charles olfe. dee'd. The nc-
connt of Friintj Wolfe, administrator.
Estate of Knth S Hill, dee'd. In parti
tion. The aecoutit of Wlnified (;. Horn,
administratrix, the first nnd II i ml .
K.siateof Ruth S. Hill, ilra il. Intiartl
tion The first nnd final account of Winl-
In-d u. Horn, trustee.
Mllford. Pa., Nov. 18th, H1.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of a writ of Levari Fnclns is
sued tint, of tiie Court of Common Pleas of
Pike County, to me directed, 1 will expose
io public sale by vendue or outcry at the
Shot ill's otllce in the Borough of Mllford,
CKMBER, A. D., 19HI,
at. ten o'clock in the morning of said dny.
All that eertnin piiire, pnrcel or lot of land
situate nnd being in Hie Itoroiigh of Mll
ford. County of Pike nnd State of Penn
sylvania, bounded nnd described ns fol
lows, to wit: ltcgiiiiiing nt tlte corner of
tiuotge street and Third street, thence
along Thin! street, to "Dug road,1' thence
up said Dug road to Cranberry nlley,
thence along Cranberry alley to fieorue
street, thence along f ji oige street to Third
street, to the place of beginning.
IMPROVEMENTS. Upon the above
land are erected three good frame dwell
tug houses, with outbuildings: an excel
lent garden, with small fruits, on rear por-
i ion i Herein .
Seized and taken In execution ns the
nroperty of the estate of John T. Arm
trotig. decerned, with notice lo ! aniilton
Vrmstriiiig, trustee for John T. Arm
tiling, .lr , ns tcrre tenant of part of Un
said promises, and will he sold hy me fm
cash. K. VANDEKMARlv,
.Sheriff's Office, Milford, Pa., )
Nov. 20, lltoi. j
AnTontK npnrlln g a ktt eh and tiirrlptlon mnf
fiiicK!y Mfirttn our opinion free whether in
lnent1nn in prnhnhly patentnhlo. ronininnlrn
ttf)niitriCtl'iT!fliIentla. Hniiflhook on l'iitent
nrit free 011et niTPnry fir pruriitfr palpnt n.
I'AtPiits taken through Munn A to. receive
tprriU notice, without chnrare. In the
Scientific Jlmcrican.
A huniliomelT lllnntrattl wtwlttf. Ijirvtmt rlr
eulatton of any scientiOc ionrriHl. Tfrnm, f:t
Tcnr: fmr monthi, ((L gold by all newi1.-iprn.
MUNN &Co.86,B New York
. Hfsacta OOtoe. B6 V 8L. WssbtDston. 11. CJ-
Photo Supplies,
Printing &
78 Pike Street, Port Jorvis, N.' Y.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys ana bladder right.
& 4th Sts., Milford, Pa
Business - Cards.
F. W. DEST, M. D..
IS Ball Street,
9 to II A. M.
Office Hours 2 to A P. M.
7 to 8 P. M.
Pliyficinir nnd Surpcoii.
tmifa mill Ti'Klflfitff llnrfiiril strprt Ii
Itiiniu lntt'lv fH'i'tipirfl liv llr K It. N'rn
ner. illl.FORI), 1JA.
Dr. von der Heyde,
llrlik Ilinite 0iin.ti Vniiili'nniii k llnlfl
HiiiiiiI hini-i. Mllfiiiil Til.
OKKH'K HOURS: H to IS n. m. ; I to
p. in.
H. E.Emerson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
John A. Kipp,
OFFICE: opposite Court House,
Mn.roHK, Pikk Co., Pa.
Attorney- at- Law,
OFFICE, Brown's Building,
Mn.FortD, Pikr Co., Pa. .
Sold by All Newsdealers
To til lovers of Song and Mnrlc rsst
rolumeof NEW choice compositions by
ths world's famous authors.
U Pages of Piano IHdsIq
Half Vocl. Half Iiutnjnttnt.l
ei Complets Pisces loi Play
Once a Month for 10 Cents.
Yearly Subscription, $1.00.
If bontrht In n? minfe rtnrs S4
ODS-hsll off. would com ITj.as,
MTlnfol (6.16 monthly.
In on year you get nearly 800 Par et of
Music, comprising 252 Complete Pieces
for the Piano.
If Ton esnnot get s copy from yonr Nsws
dtftler, send to ua snd ws will mil ton o
Sfkmijle Pres.
J. W. PEPPER, rbM.N.
ClChth 4 Locust Sta., rhlladaltihla, fa.
Dig China Store
Largest Stock.
For Sets of Dishes,
Lamps and Glassware.
Occupying the entire floor of
We buy Butter, pggs and
Washington Hotels.
Tlift hoti-l nitr exoelii'ni'B nf tlm Mnlrl
liM-Htiit wit hiii oho hlix'k of i ha W line
Hiiiimj mill tlini tly ipp site tho TrPHSury.
Uni'sl tulilu In ili city.
A flttilotis hofflrv. miiini'ltMl.lM r,, u.
Iiii-tiiririil HKMx'int imiM uml lmur siiniiilurd
piiuliiilly. Hi ntly ivniiVBtt il', rt-iinintpd
unit partially ruf iirullifi.
A 111 ml ii im rk ntiuitiii tlia kj.ilu L
iuKii.n. paLitu't-d in former years by
lirt'hit.fll I Mini hiirh i.()i..iuu A I..
r . ;- " "-inin. mm nym n
ttrimi frtVi n-tf m k..r,nii II- i
rwinleml htir than evt-r 1ii Pb H
lf i niitr.iv DtftlUA, tte. Mgr.
Thew hotels are the nrinnltml n.liit..i
reiuii'zvuuh of the capita, at all tiiui'ii.
Tln'y are the bent itup).!i placet at rem
onnlil raT.s
O. O STAPLES. Proorlator
O. DEWITT.NIanagsr.
TITa PATENT Eaod livj
J niaty be ocur4.-i hv
our JUti. Aatiresta,
Huu4.riu(loun in lit FLmt Beourd ii ucr alauMi.
n A M M E R flALVfi
tna moat heating salve In tna weria
1 u I
111 ViW H '