Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, November 29, 1901, Image 2

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FRIDAY. NOV, 2f. 1!01.
One Year One dollar nnd fifty cento.
Bix Months Heventy-flve cetitH.
Entered nt the post oftine o( Mllford,
Pike County, Pennsylvania, ns srooml
elass mntter, November twenty first, 1.
Advertising Rates.
One nqunrefeljrht linen), one Insertion - 1 .00
K"h BiilH'nent; insertion .60
RiMlnoed rates, furnished on npplloatlon,
Will be allowed yearly ndvertlsers.
Legal Advertising.
Administrator's nnd Executor'!
notices - - - - 8.00
Auditor' notices 4 .to
Divorce notices 5.00
Hlii-rift's snips, Orphan'' court sales,
County Treasurer's sales, County state
ment and election proclamation ohnrged
by the square.
J. H. Van Etten, PUBLISHER,
Mllford, Tike County, Pa.
Our neighbor, who is keeping tab
on the game killed in this county,
relates that "n magnificent buck
weighing 185 pounds was killed at
Bohocopee recently by four hunters
who all fired at the same time." It
was rather remarkable that four
persons should be in a position to
shoot at a deer at the same time nn
less the deor was tied or holed, but
it was suggested that after the ter
rible experience of Mr. Peters, who
was only saved from a fearful death
by the buck tumbling over a dog,
that caution dictated that hunters
should go in squads so as to protect
each other from the assaults of in
furiated animals. It is enough to
make a buck mad to be chased by
so many people but it might be
kind to hint that instead of firing
by platoon one or more Bhould re.
Borve their shells in case of emor
gency, particularly if there was no
dog in front to receive the shock of
the charging "magnificent " That
the valiant four were in imminent
danger there can be little doubt
when it is vouched for by a gentle.
man, who afterward weighed part of
the carcase, that one of the hind
quarters of the noble specimen above
referred to tipped the scales at
eight pounds !
The Pittsburg "ripper" has just
done one Brown up and put another
Brown in his place. Governor Stone
and Reformer Flinn seem to be
playing politics out there for their
own personal benofit, but just what
effect this may have on the party
cannot now be foreseen. It is bard
to tell who is in the deal and who
will come out on top in the final
Bhnffle. Speculation is rifo and in
terviews with interested parties fre
quent, but while some decry the re
moval their sincerity is questioned.
Probably no politician in the crowd
has such fixed opinions that an
opening advantage to him would
not induce a change. The govern
orship nomination next , year may
be in the balance and that is a good
sized plum.
It is reported a land slide recently
buried the tracks of the Milford &
Dingman railroad at Cave bank and
by renson of absence of the chief
engineer, thus preventing a proper
survey from being made, the ob
struction has not been removed.
Trains for the west are ran around
over the Erie and the D., L. & W.
Just when the difficulty will be
overcome and traffic begun is not
definitely known but it is assumed
it will be about the 'utoenth of some
A court in Pennsylvania recently
refused naturalization to a foreigner
because on being asked what be
would do if offered 15 for his vote,
replied that he would sell it. There
are iio doubt many who no w possess
the 'frauchine who would do this.
The native born, oollege bred, tax
paying woman of the United States
retiming disfranchised while the
government allows its affairs to be
greatly controlled by the votes and
opinions of such densely ignorant
and often vicious citirans.
The members of the quartette
which furniuhed such excellent mu
sic in the Presbyterian church Mon
day tit t.Ue funs.'t't! services of Mrs.
Van Wyck displayed tliolr want of
country manners by disrespect
fully (?) facing the congregation
and not the threo ministers in the
ptilpit when tlicy rose to sing.
The storm last Hunday wns very
destructive of property along the
New Jersey and Long Island consts.
Many houses were dnningnd, ocean
piers were swept away, small boats
wrecked and one large vessel driven
ashore but there whs no loss of life.
(By Rltv. C. E. Soi'mmn.)
The topic for next S ibliath morn
ing is "Thy Vows," and in the eve
ning "The Way of Escape."
There will be preaching at Union
next Sabbnth the weather permit
ting. The denth of Mrs. Van Wyck has
taken from us one of the liherul
supporters of the churches of Mil
ford. Others are rising and will
rise we believe to take the plnce of
those that are called tiwtty. The
church moves on in its great mis
sion of redeeming the world. One
by one the ranks of the army are
thinned out but new regiments are
coming on to keep np the fight
against evil and for the cause of
righteousness in the earth Are
you who rend this one of the army
oi the Lord?
The revival services are still in
progress. The Interest in them
warrants their continuance. Just
how much good is beii.g done no
one on earth can tell. While there
are those who seok for the light we
will continue to use every effort in
our power to lead them to Iliui who
is the light and salvation of the
world. We rejoice with those who
have found their way to the "Uoil
and Rock of our salvation," and we
gladly continue the invitation to all
to unite with them in this way of
One week from next Sabbath
morning there will be a communion
service at which any who desire to
join our church will be given the
opportunity. We give this notice
thus early to give any who may
read it time to prepare for this most
helpful of the divinely appointed
institutions of the church. If those
who have been helped into a reli
gious experience during the meet
ings fail to become identified with
the church they will fail in the one
thing divinely appointed to help
overcome the world and attain ever
lasting life. The church can not
gave the souls of men but it is the
Institution that has given salvation
to the world and without which
there is no salvation known to men.
Communion services will be held
in the Presbyterian church next
Sabbath morning.
At the shoot at the Half-Way
House yesterday the Milford boys
got most if not all the turkeys. It
takes a pretty good marksman to
get away from them.
Never thought of such
sign for a medicine did you ?
Well, it's a good sign for
Scott's Emulsion. The body
has to be repaired like other
things and Scott's Emulsion is
the medicine that does it.
These poor bodies wear out
from worry, from over-work,
from disease. They get thin
and weak. Some of the new
ones are not well made and
all of the old ones are racked
from long usage.
Scott's Emulsion fixes all
kinds. It does the work both
inside and out. It makes soft
bones hard, thin blood red,
weak lungs strong, hollow
places f ulL Only the best ma.
terials are used in the patching
and the patches don't show
through the new glow of health
No one has to wait his turn.
You can do it yourself you
and the bottle.
This pictijie represents
the Trade Murk of Scott's
EtcuLioa and is on the
rapper of every bottle.
iai for free sample-
scorr & bowne,
409 Pciul St.. New Voik.
joc. mid f 1. all drugiiia.
Get the Most
Out of Your Food
You don't and can't if your Ftomach
is weak. A wenlc stomach does not di
RfPt all that is ordinarily taken Into it.
It. pots tired easily, nnd what it fails in
digest ii wasted. "
Anionp; the sipns of a weak stomach
are uneasiness after eating, lits of ner
vous headache, and disagreeable belch
ing. 'I have tnfcpn Ttitoi's Pnrsnpnrtlla at
dlnYmit Mini's fv stumrvh troubles, nnd a
run down conrll! Inn of the system, and bave
been greatly neni tiled by Its use. I would
not be without It In tny family. I ntn trou
bled especially In summer with weak stom
ach and nausea and Mod Hood's Sursnpnrilltl
invaluable." E. 11. IIickmak, W.t'hcstcr, Pa.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
PtrenRtlien and tone the stomach end
the whole digestive system.
Fads in Teaching.
A eoiiticilnmnic committee in
Philadelphia has refused an appro
priation to maintain a school of ped
agogy, giving as a reason that it wns
a "fail." Pedtigogics is the science
thnt treats of the principles and art
of teaching ns a profession, and there
can be but one sudlcient reason of
fered why this should not lie taught
and that is that the pupils did not
have thorough knowledge of the
common branches 01 l'.nglish on
which to base the science. Theqttes
tion of what should bo taught in our
common and normal schools is begin
ning to occupy the public mind.
Comparatively few children who ot-
tend our public schools have the op
portunity to take the higher courses,
and normal graduates as a rule con
sider their student school days ended
when they receive their diplomas.
They then go out in the world, some
to business, others to teach. Have
they a well grounded business educa
tion, or, if teachers, are they prepared
to fully instruct their charges in such
rudiments as they will n.'ed in every
day life In their several occupations ?
This is a day of specialties. A boy
or girl is compensated according to
their ability to successfully perform
their work. While what is called
"the higher education" may be de
sired for youth, if they have no op
portunity to secure it a smattering
should not take the place of those
substantial branches needed in every
day life and ordinary occupations.
Young men and women when put to
the test often bewail the fact that they
have attempted so many things that
there is thoroughness in none, and
find themselves weighed in the bal
ance of absolute ' requirement and
found wanting. Normal principals
each year devise some addition to
the curriculums and asking state aid
to furnish the mentis to teach it.
While the human mind is highly
elastic its absorbing powers are lim
ited by time and what it might be
possible to thoroughly apprehend in
eight years cannot be successfully ab
sorbed in four. The same criticism
may apply to some public schools.
A few colleges are wisely, we think,
solving the higher education prob
lem by raising their standards of ad
mission and enforcing more rigid en
trance examinations. All this moans
thoroughness in the foundations of
any education and that is the
real thing to be sought whether the
person finishes with the college or in
the public school.
Will of Mrs. Kate B. Van Wyck.
The will of Mrs. Van Wyck pro.
bated this week devises as follows :
To the Milford Cemetery association
1300 ; to Mark Brodhead 12000 ; to
Lizzie J., his wife, and Kathryn
Van Wyck, his daughter, and Ross,
his son, each 11000 ; to Roawell Car
penter $500 ; to Orace Mott, Flora
Brodhead, Rev. Claude Brodhead,
Louisa Hastings, each tlOOO ; to
Ross Van Auken $500, and to Eliza
beth Cork and Letie Tice, servants,
each $300. The balance of the es
tate in trust to the executors, $10,000
to be invested and the interest to be
paid Mary G. Brodhead for life, and
the balance for uso of Happy Theo
dora Van Wyck. In case of death
of daughter before arriving at age
of 21 years without leaving children
the estate is to be dividad among
the 6 brothers and Bisters of deced.
ent or their legal heirs. Ross Brod
head and C. W. Bull, Esq., are
named as executors. The will was
drawn in 1698.
Rev. E. M. SmeaU preached an
excellent Thanksgiving sermon yes
terday at the union services held in
the Presbyterian church. ISurvieen
were also held in the Episcopal
church. Judging by the congrega
tions many Milford people have
cause to give thanks.
Great reduction in shirt waists at
T. Armstrong & Co. 's. Prices now
3ic, 65c, 62-0 and teOo.
Slate of Pennsylvania
County of liku. i
NotK) U heieby given to all persons
bound by U'uik m.itiH o or olbcrwlMj to uj
prar, that tin: lhi-'-niljer ti-Tul. Itml, of the
fct'vcrul conn of i'lke county will be lu.ld
at t he court Iioiim- In the loroii;li of Mil
lold oil the third iviuiiilnv (lOi I) HI 2 o'cbx-U
p. 111. ami Mill in, com loueii one. week it
ut-c. -.sury. JC. VAMJl'-UM A UK,
Milford, Pa , Nov. I?7, I'M,
nkiril rre illismrst I" Whlrtl
Hallway (onOHftnr Found
A wan boarded a Missouri racifie
train equipped with transportation
which "Had" Walsh, the conductor,
thought was questionable, sjivs the
Kansas City Star. The passenger re
fused to put up the ciuh fare and
Wslsh called the porter snd earried
him from the train, depositing him on
truck on the station platform. The
mn took It so nonchalantly that it
occurred to Walsh that he might ke
making a mistake, lie accordingly
went back to the passenger and told
him he miirht get aboard again.
"All right," said ithe passenger. "1
didn't get off the train, and theoretic
ally I'm still riding. Tn the nature of
things I cannot well hoard a train
upon which I ant already riding," and
he sat on the truck as obstinate as a
mule. '
Walsh called the hraVeisa and pos
ter and carried the hiau carefully onto
the train, put hii In the seat In which
he had been riding before the incident
oeeurred and saed his road a diimsge
tVaaamltt er with Meftaplinfie Attach.
Meat rieed In the Cave of
Ike Winds.
A long-distance telephone transmit
ter with megaphone attachment has
been installed in the Cafe of I he Winds
at Niagara falls, in order that the stu
pendous, deafening mar of the Kails
of Niagara may be transmitted nver
the Bell telephone lines to New ork
Buffalo, the Pnn-Asneriean eipositioi
snd other places.
The niejjaphone eatches up tie roar
of the falling water-, leads it Into the
telephone transmitter, from which it
passes into the telephone exchange it
Niagara Falls, where the roar is sup
plied at the will of the -operators to
subscribers, or is turned Into the long
distance lines Which carry it to New
York or to the Hell telephone exhibit
In the Electrioity building of the Tan
American exposition. It is heard over
the telephone with wonderfully real
istic Intensity, and one ean easily im
agine the tumbling, tossing, plunging
waters striking the rocky talus
front of the Cave of the Winds.
Annaal Loss of Ships.
Out of an average annual loss to the
world's shippln j of 2,172 vessels, Pi are
completely miming aad never keara
f again.
Asthma Can Not
Bo Cured
Leading Physicians Say Asth
ma Cannot Ba Cured Except
by Constitutional Treat
ment. This dread disease which has caused
mora untold agonies than words can do
scribe has at last received Ha death blow.
Medical Science In rboont years has found
a remedy thnt sueottstfuPy oombnts all the
aggravated symptoms-due to. this distress
log nftliottou. .After-many yoara of pa,
ticnt study and roHfaroh. Dr. A. H Clark
the well known specialist, has discovered
a positive remedy that cures the. oough
gives immediate relief and eradicates
every vestige of the disease. The results
obtained by the use of the remedy have
been so gratifying to Dr. Clark that be has
been Induced In the interests of suffering
humanity to place this wonderful remedy
within the reach ot all asthmatics. So
confident Is the doctor that hts Asthma
Remedy will effect a cure In nil stages a
confidence born of experience, observation
and the results of years of demonstration
In cases regarded as lnourable that the
Chirk Medical Co. of Pittsburgh, Pn., who
will forward by mail a complete treat
ment, postage paid, Id plain package on
receipt of One dollar, agree to rcfuud the
amount in every cane where the remedy
fails to give the desired relief. Medical
advioe, and where necessary a special
course of treatment Indicated, furnished
any of our readers who will write the
Clark Medical Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., giving
their symptoms and a short history of the
disease. As this service Is free no one af
flicted with Asthma can afford to Ignore
such a geuerous offer. Agents wanted. 9
Sublmth eei-viccs at 10.30 A. M. and 7. Bo r
M. rinbbath school Immediately after ;-,e
morning service, f ruyer meeting W ed-
nesdity at 7.80 P.M. A cordial welcome
will tw extended to all. 'those not at
tached to other churches are especially lu-
Vltt-U. KKV. THOMAS P, ICMOLS, Fttslor.
CHUItCH OF THE GOOD SltKl'llhlill. Mil
ford: teerviecs Sunday at lu.ito A. si. and
4:1)0 V. M. bunsay school at 8:4ft I M
Week-day service Friday at 8.46 p. M
Holy Communion hunday at 7:45 A. u
Suuts free. A 11 lire welcome.
Hkv. Cu.va. li. CAtti'KNTKii, Rector
M. E. CmiitcH. Servlcos at the M K
Church Hundays: Preaching At 10.30 a.
in. and at 7. .to p. in. Sumluy school at
ll:4ua. m. r.pwortll league at n.46 p. lu.
Weekly prayer meeting uu Wednesdays at
7.11U p. in. Class inct-ttug conducted by
Wm. Angle on Fridays at 7.80 p. in. An
ernet invitation is- extended to anyone
woo may uesire to woriisp wun us.
Kkv. C. E. fcctiiDKK, Pastor,
Kfwoiith M. E. Church, Matamoras.
Services every Sithhuth at 10. au a. m. and
7 p. in. snntintii wnooi at is 30. c. K.
meeting 4Mondny etfentug at 7 80. Class
meeting Tuesday evening at 7.Uu. Prayer
meeting ouiiebuuy ., evening at 7.00.
hveryune welcome. "
' rCICV. T. It : cPESCBR,
HOI It EVANdKLtCAL Chukch, Mats
moruH.Pa. Services next Sunday as follows:
Preaching ii.t 10.U0 ft. m. and 7 p. m. Sun
day school at U p. m. Junior C. E. before
and C. E. pruyei meeting tifter the even
ing service. Ac id-work prayer meeting
every Wednesday t-vcttiug at 7.8o. Seals
free. A cordial vi-luume to all. Come.
Kkv. II. W. linos, paotor.
Secret Societies.
MiLFoitn LoiH', No. 844, K. & A. M.:
Lodge meet Wcdnendavs on or before
Full Moon at tm Wulhice Ijiilldinir, Mil
ford, Pu. N. Emery, Jr., Sec'y, Milf-rd;
lieu. A. Swupc-niM.-r, W. M.. Mllford. Pa,
Van Dk.k Mai:k 1-odgii, No tot, I. O
'J. F: Meet every Thursday evening at
7.80 p. 111., Proy-ll' HuiUling. D. H.
Honibeck, See y Jacob McCarty, N. G
(). F. Min ts every stsmnd and fourth Fri
days tn em-li month In Odd r eilows' Hull,
lirowil'fe buiiilil'ir Miss Katliarine Kit-Ill
N, (i. Ml V ilhelitiluv llecit, fcWy.
Sheriff's Sale.
l!r virtue of a writ of T,cvnr! KnHns Is
sin d out of the Court of '.'lint, on i'lciis of
I'lke county to me ilirrrtt-d 1 will cximc
to public s:iic by vi'liiltie or outcrv nt the
Sheriff s tlilicc lii the ijorounh of Milford,
MONDAY, IlKftCMIlEll !, A. 1)., lfxil,
nt tnoo'clock It, the afternoon of snld dnv:
All those two rertnin pieces or pmrels of
bind siuinte In the Omnslilo of Mmlmhi
county of J'ike nod statu of lVnn-yl-
viinui, described ns follows, to wit : lii-itln-nlng
at n corner on the l.ncknwnxen rnjitl.
itlso corner of binds of IVter Kckbart!
thence north r! ili-grccs west 28 perches,
north 41114 degrees west bl'j perches, thence
along bind ' f Jacob linns south H:i decrees
eat Ml perches to land of siiid Peter Kck-
hnrr, thence north hj ilt errcs east S' Her
etics to the place of Ix-glitniui;, containing
8 ncres and fid perches of Intnl. Also be
glnniii" at a corner of the piece of bind
above dcsel Ibcd olid of land of said Jacob
Haas, thence nloiiir line of said Mans' bind
south 57 degrees west PtO perches to a
stone coiner, north H.I deirrees west l:to
perches to 11 stone, south Ck ilt-trree wc-t
8 perches to s stone, thence south JN'j de
frees east. VM'i perches along land of
lenry Uyer to stone, tltcace north til de
grees east iL'r, perches along land of Valen
tine. Hlpnian to stone, north 57 desrecs
east 1111 perches to stone south fv'i degrees
wesr 10 pernios, soul 11 m degrees east. .1
perches, north BP j degrees oast pen-lies
to land of Peter Kckhart, thence north IV1!
degrees east 47', perches to place of begin
ning, containing loll acres anil I'll ncrelies
of land, the two pieces together making
i 01 acres nno u, pernios, ivingparr of n
tract of land in the warrantee name ot
t.eurco 1 nitor.
IM PltOVKMKNTS. tiood d welling
house, w ash house, wagon sited, nnd ont-
niillillligs; iiimtit V4 acres cleared, balance
wood and timber land.
Seised lltld taken in execution ns the
property of hrnst . A. Ilm lininnn. il.
ceased, and Catharine lluch niinti and will
be sold by me for cash.
Sheriff's Office. Mllford, Pa., I
etux. i-j, nun. i
Executor's Notice.
letters testamentary upon the estate of
titev.i 1 nomas jNleliols. late of l ie Uor-
ough of Mllford. Plko Co., Pa., deceased,
Having neon granted to I lie untlorvigncd,
all persons having claims against the Raid
estaiewtii present, tlicm tit once, and those
indented thereto will please make tlillnedl
ate payment to
tlerniantown, Philadelphia, Pa.,
or nv.T. UAKEH, Attorney, Milford
Pen mi.
Mllford, fa., Oct. 2, lliOl. -12-ti.
$100 Reward.
All persons are forbidden trespassing on
the premises of the undersigned In Ding
man township, or in anywise damaging
or Interfering with the reservoir suppl iug
water to, or pipes which connect, same
with, the Hotel Scitis under penalty of the
law-and a reward of (Hon will lie paid foi
Information of any person found dolnj:
niiv such damage. FRANK F. SE1TZ.
Mllford, Sept. 24, liiol.
character and good reputation in each
state (one In this county required) to rep
resent and advertise old established weal
thy business bouse of solid financial stand
ing Salary fls.tw weekly with expenses
additional, all payable in cash each Wed
nesday direct from head oflices. Horse
and carriages furnished, when necessary.
References. Enclose self-addressed stain li
ed envelope. Malinger. 8lli Caxton Htnld
ing, Chicago. 3-18 03
pRESPASH NOTICE. Notice is hereby
X given that trespassing upon the pro
perty of the Forest Luke Association in
Lackawaxen township. Pike county, Pa.,
for the purpose of hunting and fishing, or
any other purpose is strictly forbidden un
der penalty of the law.
Alkxaniikk Haiuikn,
Nov. 23, 18SI5. President.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
given thnt trespassing on the premises
of the undersigned, situated in Dingman
townshtii, for any purpose whatever is
strictly fin-hidden, and nlloffi nders will be
promptly prosecuted. IltA B. Cask.
Oct. H4, las.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby
given that trespassing on the premises
occupied by the undersigned In Diiigmiin
..onshlp, known as the Huclianan farm
'or hunting, fishing, Ixirrylng or any other
nirpose whatever Is forbidden under pen
alty of tho law. Any person or persons
disobeying this notice will lie dealt with
in the severest lawful manner.
Gkohob H. McCahty,
July 1, 1807. Lessee.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
giv.n that trespassing upon the pro
(Hirty of the undersigned in Milford town
ship. Pike county, pa., for the purpose of
hunting, fishing or any other purposes Is
strictly forbidden under penalty of the law.
Ai ltd. ti. il. CltAt'T.
NOTICE All hunting, Oshing or other
trespassing on the premises of tho under
signed, in Dlngiiinn Township, on Hny
mondKkill and Dwarfskfll Creeks, Is fo'r
bindcu under penalty of the lnw.
Cil f. J. ilOILKAU,
Dingman Twp., N. Hoii.kaii,
May 17, lbos. Joseph F Boilkau.
For the
Christmas Tree Ornaments,
Fine Groceries, Table Nuts,
Raisins, Plum Pudding, Candies,
Oranges, Lemons, Grapes, Figs,
Dates, Etc.
WallaGa ft Thrall
Telephone Call 62, Harford & 4th Sts., Milford, Pa
A. D. BROWN and SON,
Manufacturers and dealers in all
kinds of Lumber,
Contractors and Builders.
Estimates made ; personal atten
tion given and work guaranteed.
OFFICE, Crown's Building, Milford. Pa.
'OH SALE. A small form located near
Matatnnras, known ns the llonuel or
Itelnhanlt. place, ci ntiiinieg t'l acres.
Kim ly located, well watered. House and
barn. Kruit of all kinds. 1 'art Inmrovisl.
Title clear. Hoi-terms, nt Ice. etc.. address
Iiock box U Mllford. Pa.
Plil-'SI'AS NOT ICE.-Notice Is hereby
given ttcii all trc-ipaesinpon my proiu.
c In Delaware tocnshln on w liieh the
High Falls Is bicatcd Is strictly forbidden.
Di law are Twp., Aug. !!), 11KH. Owner.
Widow's Appraisement.
The following aniirnlsenient set apart
to widow has been died with the Itcgis
ter and w ill he presented to the court, for
confli mai Inn and allowance on Hie third
Motul.-iv of DeccinlK-r nest:
Estate or Ernst F. A. Itiichmann. dce'd
Apptnl-clnent of personal property sot
apart to v. idnw, Catharinn M. M. lilich
nianii. J. C. W EST'llHOOK, JR.,
Mllford, Pa., Nov. U:th, UKil.
Register's Notice.
The following accounts have been filed
with the Kegister and will be presented to
tiie court tor confirmation on the third
Monday of December next:
Estate of Jacob Klcinhans. dee'd. Til
partition. T he account of Mary M. Kleiu
iialis, ndlnlnistraf rix.
Estate ot Charles Wolfe, dee'd. The ac
count of Franlz Wolfe, administrator.
Estate of Hutli S Hill. dee d. In parti
tion. The account of Winifred C. Horn,
administratrix, the first and final.
Estate of Hitth S. Hill, dee d. In parti
tion. The first and llmil account of Wini
fred C. Horn, trustee.
J. V. ESTiiKOOK, .lit.,
Mllford, Pa., Nov. lHth, ltKil.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ily virtue of a writ of Levari Facias is
sited out of the Courf of Common Pleas of
Pike County, to me directed. 1 will exnosc
to put, lie sale by vendue or outcry at the
Mieriti s ollico lu the Uorougli of Wilpird
CE.MI1ER, A. D., liitil,
at ten o'clock In the morning of said dav
All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land
situate and I cing In the Horoiiuh of Mil
ford. County of Plko and State of Penn
sylvania, hounded and described ns fol
lows, to wit: Hcifiniiing at the corner of
(loorgo street and Third street, thence
along T hird street, to "Dug roml," thence
up said Dug road to Cranberry alley
thelico along Cranberry alley to (rcorei
street, thence along Hi urge street to Third
street to the place of beginning.
IMPROVEMENTS I pon the above
land are erected three good frame dwell
ing houses, with out htiildines: nn excel
lent garden, w ith small fruits, on rear por-
i,ion inercoi.
Seized and taken in execution ns the
properly of the estate of John T. Arm
strong, dccciihed, with inn Ice to Famlllon
Armstrong, trustee for John T. Arm-
strong, Jr.. ns terro tenant of nart, of the
said premises, and will be sold by me for
cnsli. E. VAN DERMA KK,
Sheriff's OfTlce, Mllford, Pa , )
Nov. ), Mil. (
4 Trade Marks
Vi. -i4 Designs
"tf If 1 Copyrights Ac.
AnTnnA npntllnif ft BrtPtCii nnd rtpwcrlntfon mny
flnlfkij" lutcortHtn fir opinion free wfuMhor nn
Invention n prnbnHj, pnlentnhle. Cnmrmintfii
tlnti". dtrtetly (Vititiitenttiil. Hfimlhoolr. on Fnlonti
tent frpf) Uiii'st fiL'cm'V for nerurinir natcntH.
rat-puts takt'ii through Munn A Co. rucqlra
$ptriat notice, without chfirtre, In the
Scientific Jlrcerican.
A hundnomply IllnftrntPd wppkljr. l.nrant pIn
culiittun of ntiT ncUMititio jom nnl. Ttiti. I a
your; four montiia, ijl. Sold Iff all nows.l"filerr.
WUNN & Co.36B""- New York
- Branch Office. 626 V Bt. Washlumon. D. u.
Photo Supplies,
Printing &
78 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right.
Business - Cards.
F. W. DC5T, M. D..
16 Ball Street,
9 to II A. M.
Office Hours E to A P. M.
7 to 8 P. M.
riiysieinn nnd Suipcon.
Cilice and residence Hntfoid street- it
home lately omipicd hv Dr E 11. Wen
ner. MIEFOIiD. PA.
Dr. von der Heyde,
Ilrlek House Opposite Vamlcrmnrk Hotel
itroiul street aiillotd l'n.
OKKIf K HOCUS: 8 to ID a. in.; 1 to
p. in.
H. E.Emerscn, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
John A. Kipp,
OFFICE: opposite Court House,
Mtl.FOHD, Pikk Co., Pa.
Attorney- at- Law,
OFFICE, Erown's Building.
Mii.roiti), Pike Co., Pa.
Sold by All Newsdealers
To til lovers of Song snd Muttc Tssl
olumeof NEW choice composltioaf bf
the world's famous authors.
64 Pages cf Flar.o jcoslc
Hah Vocal, Half Instrumental
zi Complete Pieces foi Plsno
vuic a Muiuu lur lu u:ms.
Yearly Subscription, 1..
If bontht tn any music store at
one-half oft would cost 5.,
a saving of 16.16 monthlr.
In on year you get nearly BOO fit l
Music, comprising 252 Complete Piece
for the Piano.
If you cannot jot a eopy from your New.
dwler, send to ui and w will a-atll you
ample Frse.
J. W. PEPPER. rb..,h.,.1
ilghth Locust $ta., Phllaaalphla, Pa.'
Big China Store
Largest Stock.
For Sets of Dishes,
Lamps antl Glassware.
Occupying the entire floor of
We buy Butter, Eggs -. and
Washington Hotels.
The liotol par i-xi-olli-nee of the cepltaf,
lot-iiti-d wiiiiiu one liliK-k of the White
llou.su ami direct ty opM.bit.e the Treatury.
r in.-i-t, taliiu iu tlic i ily.
A fninous hott'lry, mmirlinMo for It
historii'iil aasoi'iiitions ami lonir nuhiiiiiied
popnliiniy. Ki-iviiily n uovatt-d, riimiutid
and ijnrtuilly rufuruiahed.
A landmark nnionir the bott'ls of Wash,
inixton, iiatron'zed in former years by
piv-li-.i'iiin and hich .flleials. Aiw-ny s
priiuo fiivonni. Hewutly ri-nioduli-d and
ri'iiitiTint lii tti r than cvor. t Mill. I'u K
K. dt p. WAU'KK UL Ki'ON, Hue. Mgr.
Those lioti ls are the principal political
rfiiiliMvoiij, of tho capital at ull limes.
Thi-v are the btt stopping places at rea-
Somil.li' riit.-y,
O. G. STAPLES. Proprietor,
li. UtWITT.M.n.i.r.
To P4TEKT Good Idea
may be secured bj
our aid. Atltiro,
P A n m r n n a l v r
tn most haaiiny talvo in tn wornj.