mm ! IN Fin niture, Carpets, & Crockery. We will treat you courteously, whether-you want to buy a Lamp Chimney for 3 cents, or a Parlor Suite for $100.00. We can suit you with a 50-cent Rug, or an Axminster Carpet. You shall have what you want. WE HAVE IT FOR YOU. N. Y. FURNITURE CO., 92 PIKE STREET, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. We sell tin; crackcrjack Plow Shoes liucklc and Conross, prices from $I.OO upto $1.75 Try a pair and you will le satisfied what wo say is so. KAN PEOPLE'S NATIONAL P n b M 8 1i o (1 Monday, Wrrt neediiy ant) Kri dnyt Ir In ronlUv line, fresh ev NEW YORK ery - other day T R I -A F F K I Y the V' teHneivs I I I II LLIVLI on days of Issue, n n it roverlnu- TRIBUNE news of the oth er three. It- con taint nit Impor tant rureiK" -'' t)ln tievm which nppenrsln THK DAILY TRIBUNK of sumo dnte, also Poniestlo nml Foreign Correspondence, Short Stories, Elegant Half-tone Illustrations, Humorous Items, Industrial Information, FiishionNotes. Ag ricultural Matter and Comprehensive nnd reliable Financial and Market reports Regular subscription price, 11.50 a .car. We fuiuish It with THE PRESS for $2.25 per year. , 1 Send all orders to PIKE COUNTY PRESS, Milford, Pa. H. SCHAFRANSKY ".OUTFITTER TO MEN AND BOYS GREATER THAN EVER Our Display of Fall & Winter Clothing Men's Suits, All Wool Cheviots, $7. S3, $0 and $10 Fancy Worsted All Wool at $10, Equal to Custom Made. The Best Business Suit on Earth for $4.50. Men's Kersey, Clay, Worsted, Lined, a Swell Overcoat, at $14. Another at $10. An Elegant All Wool Kersey for $6.50, Worth $10. Others at $5, $6, $7 and $9. We Have Them for $3. Boys' Suits, 14 to 20 Years, from $3 to $12. Children's Suits, 4 to 16 Years, Our Magnet Suits, at $2, Never Wear Out, Double Seats and Knees. Boots and Shoes. VARIETY ENOUGH TO PLEASE YOU ALL 1 1, oui iWi .-Outfitter to LIEN and BOYS-:- 15 Front Street, Dress muling in all branches i - . I 1 L . . 1. . 1 . . .1.. . . ..W Hi KO tu llln u"use in (in I on wo I ii. . utiimuti. Addles M AKY Ll Lw Ui, Vj-per tlroicl street, Milford, I'a. ( 21 Front St., Port Jervis. FAMILY NEWSPAPER Pulllshed on Thursday, and known for near ly sixty years in every part of the United .States ns a National Family News paper of the highest o 1 a 8 a, for farmers and villagers. Itcou talns all the inoHt Important NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE general naws of THE DAILY TRIBUNE up to the hoot of going to press, an Agricultural Depart ment of the highest order, has entertain ing reading for every luomber of the fam ily, old and young, Market Reports, which are acoi-pted as authority by itrmerB and country merchants, and is clean, up-to-daU' Interesting and Instructive. Regular subscription price, 11,00 a year. Wo furnish It wltb THK PRESS for (1.03 per year. RAP3SKY. i Port Jervis, N. Y. Foley's Honey and Tar itfj m for children, safe, sure. Ao opiates. '- t rench muib rooms at Mitchells'. L.. Dizzy ? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For GO years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure .rc. A II (1riiKilts Vt .lit Tour Him brown in rlrh hi Hip nr tu-n 1 a biautltul BUCKINGHAM'S l)YEfM kera A SONG-WRITING PRINCE. Dnlrrp SlnRti, Wtioae Oranrifiiihev Owned Ihe Ktihftinnr Diamond a) Mllalenl EnthDNlHHl, Prince Dnlcep Shiph. bv riirht of suc resslon entitled to the throne of the Maharajah Itunjeet Sinirli, la a song composer of more than ortlinnrv merit. He Inherited the talent from his fn .'her. who left ninotijr his papera the itiHiiusi'ripl of an opera which Prince Duleep Sinuli has declared his Inten tion of hn iny scored for orchestra nnd presented at Covent irarden, London. Kitvs the Philadelphia Saturday Even inir Post. The prince, who leads the life of an English countiy g-enUemnn nt Hook wold hall, Norfolk, nnd who Is cap tain in a volunteer regiment, was edu cated at K.1on nnd lanibriuye, nnd mnrried, some three years iitfo, the vounpest daughter of the earl of Cov entry. His annual pension from the British povernmrnt In t 50,000, about $250,000. He belongs to several fnshionaril clubs, and for two years was honorary aid de camp to Lieut. Oen. ltoss, when that (rentlenan was In command nt Halifax, N. 8. The fatnouH Kohinoor diamond, now one of the English crown jewels, was the projiertv of iii.s grandfather, Run jeet Sing-h. This extraordinary per sonage, whose sole legacy from his father w as a troop of cavalry, acquired the vast territory bounded by the In dus and the Sutlej. and became owner of C'ashnnere to the snowy rnnge and beyond. His treasure in cash, jewels nnd horses and elephants was esti mated at $10,000,000. Prince Dulecp Singh, frank and dem ocratic in manner, is a musical enthu siast, nnd travels up to London for every concert of importance. During the past winter he has been engaged on another volume of songs, now near ly completed. There is nothing of the oriental in his music, which savors of the French school. Inkfiovra New There are parta of New Jersey, with in a very nhort distance of Philadel phia, too, which, strange as It may seem, are but little more known to day thun they were 200 years ag-n. In fact, there are portions- of the "Pine Darrens" w hich have never known the tread of white man. Did You Know ThisP Do you know that B neglected cough or cold lends to consumption I1 More people die from tlie effects of catching cold than from piny other known cause. There is one remedy, and remetnbnr it only costs twenty five cents, Mint litis proven a sufe, unfailing cure for coughs nnd colds. It is culled Mexican Syrup. Your druggist Iihs it or will got it for you. It heals nnd strengthens the lungs nnd breathing passages, when noth ing else you toko seems to do you uiikI j you had bettor get bottle today nnd rend the testimonials on th'o wrnppor. Have You WorrnaP Are you growing thin or sickly? Has your skin a pale or sal low tinge? 1 o you not occasionally fool a hollow sensation in the pit of your stomnch, or a quner distress in your bowels? Do you got easily vexed, nervous or fidgety? Proba bly you nre nourishing some stom ach worms, a lengthy tape worm, or else a thousand pin worms, that are devitalizing your entire system. You can expel them by taking Mother's Worm ISyrup. Nothing else Is bo effective. Better Health. Butter health always follows n use of Mexican Root Pills, simply because they cleanse the system of sickening and effete matter so thor oughly and completely. It is a sin to remain constipated when Mexican Root Pills only cost 25 cents a box. The Bast Pain Cure. Is one that is absolutely safe nnd sure nnd that tukrn internally will sure cramps nnd colio, or applied externally will reduce swellings and subdue pain. Oooch's Quick Relief dons this nnd only costs 25 cents a box. Want to Bm Pretty? Then purify your blood by taking Gooch's iSarsaparilla, the best of all blood medicines. File-ine Cure Pile! Money refunded if it ever fails. Anti-Aolk cures Uhills and fever, fv I'T" TOBACCO SPIT UK I and SMOKE l 1 Your Lifcawayl You can be cured of but form ut lbfcix lis. u ir easily, be nm,le well, strong, ui i mx-t u-, f u II .,( new lite and vi?or by taking ItO-l O-BAO, llittl rtikte wcuk meii uon. Many k-111! tea tui""l In lea aavs. Over GOU,OUQ cured. All druK'i' . Cure Kuai huh -r-il. lt.M,k Irt ami atlvue J-ki:K. Alri-wi SlKRl.lNli LtMbuj LO, lluuto m No Voik. JI Foley's Kidney Cure wakes klJneys and bladder right. IN BML Pittsburg the Home of Big Indus tries and Tublio Men, ITS MILLS AND MILLIONAIRES The "Smoky City" No Longer a Term of Reproach Rlvere of Molten Steel Flow Steadily 8eene of Carnegle't Success Few Word About Politic Pittsburpr, Pa Not. IB. Nowhere else In the world are the Titanic forces of Industry more active than In thl mar reloualy busy community. The name "Smoky City,," once a reproach. Is now no longer so, for the smoke of Pitts burg has become th Incense of Hb mills through which a city big with profitable enterprise Is crowned with the blessings of an Illimitable prosper ity. Here Indeed Is the workshop of the world, and here are the seat and fceptre of Industrial empire. In this city of wonderful activity rivers of molten steel flow constantly from their converters, ilka stream of lava from their volcanic source. Out of these white hot rivers come the various shapes of steel that are fashioned Into the pathways of clvlllrntlon all th way from London to Cairo. Here Is the magic that will transform deserts, and send commerce speeding across wildernesses, which yielded nothing better for our grandfathers than strange storle of adventure as weird as those Othello told of "the cannibals that each other eat, the anthropophagi, and men whoa bead do grow beneath their shoulder." A PITTSBURG PRODUCT. One of the greatest products of this place Is Andrew Carnegie, who came here a few days ago from Sklbo Castle, In Bcotland, his newest and his oldest home, to look upon the work he Is do ing for humanity on the scene of his early struggles and his noonday tri umphs. How grateful It must be to his heart and spirit to find It poss'hle In his philosophic days to render such splendid service to his fellow-men, as the building and maintenance of the polytechnic school will represent. This is but one of his many benefactions to Plttaburg, but It will deserve to rank as hi greatest, for here will be fitted for the exacting duties of life the favor ed youth of this city, who will have an opportunity to lay the foundations of a useful life within Its walls. Mr. Carnegie demonstrates that no matter what product a town, a city or a coun try may be noted for, the making of a man Is after all the highest achievement that any place can boast of. Corrobo ration of thl fact Is found In the fame of the modest little town of Stratford-on-Avon, which though simple In itself outshine all the great cities of Eng land, because it Is Shakespeare' birth place, and in the fame of Ayr, the un pretentious but Immortal birthplace of Carnegie's great countryman, Robert Burns. And Pennsylvania, too, should be able to regard its representative men with pride. They may not achieve distinction as didi Shakespeare or Burns. The world has changed and this is a practical age, but in the walks of life that He before them,- In politic and business pursuits, Pennsylvania's son should hold their own with those of any state. That they are holding their own In business I seen by the success of Pittsburg's captain of In dustry. It is in politics that we find the most need of a high type of manhood for the Keystone state, and it is to the dominant Republican party that w must look for that type. When those who represent us at Harrtsuurg are as efficient for public service, and as scrupulous to do the best they can for the public weal, as are the men in positions of responsibility at the big steel mills of Pittsburg and vi cinity, Pennsylvania will be a model state politically, as It is industrially. THE POLITICAL KALEIDOSCOPE. Although Pittsburg gave a large vote for the Republican state ticket at the recent election and helped to save It, the party here I split Into many fac tions and sub-factions, owing princi pally to the heartburnings, the ap pointment and the disappointment oc casioned by the "ripper" act I do not propose to describe these faction in detail, since it would serve no good purpose to particularize them or their leader at thl time. It I sufficient to know that they exist and will make themselves felt later on when the oc casion arises for a show of their strength where It will count In paying off old scores. There was really no opportunity for thl In the late cam paign. Justice Potter and Represen tative Harris did not come within the range of the Pittsburg gunners, and they did not care to waste ammunition, seeing that they will have need of It next year in the contest for governor, United State senator, congressmen and members of the state legislature. There are a great many staunch friends of ex-United State Senator Don Cam eron out this way, and the sugges tion of hi name for the governorship In a Philadelphia newspaper the other day was well received by them. The Impression prevails, however, that Mr. Cameron I not anxious for the honor, and the same Philadelphia paper that suggested his candidacy gave currency to the fact that he I friendly to Colonel L. A. Watrea, of Lackawanna. It la true that an unbroken friendship haa existed between them for many year, dating back to the time when Colonel Watrea was state senator. The jour nal referred to appear to be well in formed on this point. Any one ac quainted with both men can readily e how Senator Cameron and Colonel To Cure a Cough. Stop Coughing, as it irritates the lungs nnd gives them no chance ti heal. Foley's Honey and Tar cure without causing a strain in throw ing oil the phlegm like common couru expectorants. For sale of Armstrong a drug store. EitntAta faar l&awala With Caaearata. iOii.iiou. U C ij. C.'alUdruaaiauixiMUA4ibvuejr. vVatres would roR.irri each oilier favor ably. Knch Is the soul of honor; ea h Is candid, manly and solicitous for the bent Interests of the Republican orgnn- Ir.atlon as a whole; and each believes that permanent party success must proceed from the people acting through their primaries and conventions. Suc cess achieved In any other way Is not to their liking, nor do they think It necessary to reaort to any other means, considering the overwhelming major ity of the Republican party In the Keystone State. Colonel Watres has frequently emphasized this view. He would not reform the party from with out, but from within, because he does not believe In squandering Its vast strength, which he believes can be used for noble purposes If It Is used rlfrhtly snd unitedly. This is why he has de clared himself the candidate of the entire party and "not of any fraction thereof," as his brief letter of an nouncement tersely expressed It. His party regularity, as shown by his rec ord In the state senate; by his term as lieutenant governor of the state, and by his long and successful service as chairman of the Republican State Com mittee, proves that he is "a regular of regulars," but, with It all, a firm be liever In popular party action from the ground up, and In a full, free and fair representation of every district at the State Convention. This Is the American plan, and Colonel Watres Is an American of Americans, without os tentation, bnt with a sincere regard for the Just rights of all his fellow citizens, from the richest to the poorest In the Commonwealth. He holds that it is not Inconsistent with the principles of the Republican party to stand up for decent, manly methods, and he believes that his party should be the exponent of such methods and of nothing else, no matter how widely Individuals who manage to obtain power temporarily may differ on the points. A CITY OF STRONO MEN. The factional feeling In Pittsburg, to which I have referred, results from tha passage and practical operation of the "Ripper" Act. That measure has sown a crop of dragon's teeth in this city, and made political harmony Impossible by the manner In which it has beeu construed and applied. The unlimited opportunities It affords for changing the Recorder and heads of departments give rise to Incessant Intrigue and constant strife for place. It has en dowed the Governor of the State with a degree of power hitherto undreamt of, and given him attributes akin to those enjoyed by the average Chinese Viceroy, upon whose mere pleasure de pends the official tenure of his subor dinates. Let the Recorder Incur the Governor's displeasure and off goes the Recorder' head, unless a stronger hand than that of the Governor can keep It on; or let some Influential as pirant, whose power Is worth cultivat ing, demand that the Recorder be de capitated, and back this demand with an endorsement that the Governor can not ignore, and away goes his official frontispiece. Then all the other office holders go down like nlne-plns to make way for the Incoming Recorder and his personal friends. Thl Interesting pro cess can be repeated ad libitum, ac cording to the whim of those whohave the power or their desire to curry favor with a statesman having a stronger political following than the reigning Recorder. Pittsburg is the home of a number of strong men who are able to shine In politics as well as business. The late senator, Chris Magee, was a power here. He was esteemed by his asso ciates, respected by his opponents, anil beloved by the plain people. You will speedily ascertain this by mingling with the various classes of the com munity. His death was a distinct loss to this city. Among the strong men of to-day State Senator Fllnn, who Is well known through Pennsylvania, holds a commanding position, as does Henry W. Oliver, whose candidacy for United States senator against Hon. Ga lusha A. Grow resulted In a protracted deadlock at Harrisburg, which is still remembered there and elsewhere. And this, too, is the home of the millionaire Democratic leader and national com mitteeman, Colonel James M. Guffey. Other names of Pittsburg men Influen tial In affairs might be mentioned, such as Hon. Walter Lyon and Francis J. Torrenee, but the list would be a long one. In conversation with the Re publican workers I learn that there Is a strong sentiment here for Colonel L. A. Watres, whose declared regular ity and call for unity have sounded the keynote of next year's campaign, and whose nomination for governor would solidify the party and strengthen It for the great work ahead. A CALL FOR WISE PARTY ACTION. I find a great many Republicans who, In the light of recent events, are inclined to be pessimistic and, to some extent, share the opinion expressed re cently by that political veteran, Hon. Thomas V. Cooper, of Delaware, who I credited with saying that the elec tion will cost the party at least six congressmen next year. From a man whose cheerful predictions In the past won for him the soubriquet of "Hope ful," this declaration Is rather signifi cant. The comment of the Philadel phia Press on this point, however, hits the nail on the head, in my judg ment. It Is as follows: "According to the vote last Tueuday, the Hon. Thomas V. Cooper see a losa of six congressmen in Pennsylvania next year. There won't be any loss of any thing If candidate representative of the Republican party are nominated at the state convention, a well as In the districts. It depends upon those who are running the machine." This sums up the case In a nut shell. STREPHON. For Hoarsenesi. Benj. Ingerson of 1 1 u ton, Ind., -lays he had not spoken a word ibove a whiser for mouths, and one bottle of Foley's Honey nr.d Tar restored bis voice. Bo sure you get Foley's. For sale at Armstrong's drug store. Haw An Tau KMaat f Tt HobhaHnarnirti PtM, pure all kuluey 111a Sam. blafiaa. Add sieiht. UeiUtoU ,v.,l luva4 wr If. ASTHMA CURE FREE ! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. HOXT AI SOLl" 1 ELY FREE OX RECEIPT OF POSTAL. ItlTE Vol It HASH ANI AIIIIKKSS miMT, tFQE! TEfi YSAB1S i RCLICF. After bavin It, caiciully analyzed opium, morphine, chloroform or el her. Hit. Taft IJiios.' Mkdicink Co. OJcntlemcn: I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the w ilerful ellcct of your Anhmalcnc, fur the euro of Asthma. Mv wife ha' been sOlIc n.H,,,e ,i,m,iM i.,r i iie past is years. Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others, I chanced to see your sign upon your windows on l.Kith street, New York I at once obtained a bottle of Asthm.ilciie, My wife commenced taking It, ahout tho first of November. I very soon noticed n radical improvement. After using one bottle her Asthma h is disappeared and she Is entirely fru from all symptoms I feel that I can consistently recommend the mi illclnc to all who arc 'a fillet oil with this dis tressing disease. Yours respectfully, O. I). PHKLPS, M. D. I)n. Taft linos' Mkiui inr Co. jVb. 5, Mil. Cieiulenien: 1 was troubled with Aslhmn for 23 years. I have trleil nnme'rous remedies, hut they have all failed. I run across vour advertisement nnd started with a trial hot lie. I found relief at once. 1 have since purchased your full-size botile, and I am ever plateful. I have a family of four children, and for six years was unable to woik. lam now In the best of health and nm doing business every day. 'This testi mony you can make such use of as you see 111. Home address, san Rivinglou street. 8. RAPHAEL, 67 East l-'Mh St., City. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BRO.a.' ill East ninth St., N. Y. City. ARE nsr YOU DEAF? llw ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. P. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS! Baltimore, Md., March 30, WM. Gentlemen ; Reinfj enf frely cured of dcnfneM, thank to your treatment, I will now give yoa full history of my casr, to l used at you- discretion. About five years ago mv right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entirety. I underwent a treatment far catarrh, for three months, without any miccess, consulted a num ber of physician, amou others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told ine th't only an operation could help me, nnd even that only temporarily, that the head noises wouti then cease, but the hearintr in the affected ear would be lot forever. I then sav? your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your trei N ment. After I had u?ed it only a few dfivs according to your directions, the noiscscensed. ni 4 to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear haa been entirely restored, I thank yuii heartily and beg to ruuaiu Very truly youis. F. A. WERMAN, 7jeS. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment doco not interfere with your usual occupation Ezr- ui,,:. r .d van m a 1 2 f::nr Y?U CH C'JPP liiltrAfiC.L AUHA.L CUnlC, Delaware Valley Railroad. Time Table in Effect Nov. 11, 1901 Xcpnns id.Kixy iiiia jfnpunit td.MX.4 tl"(I npuns e.KS c -t d y r t X X X C " ' " 2 ' C wj 5 n " -j c D jCnpunu 5 3 tM . 5 v : : : : Z 2 5"S J- : c ' gee Xiipuns' idjjn Api(i inpun iddoxtf iiii( a'upun idrfPXH api(i mi . E o tK t-i ; , x 5 ;1 .5 3 Z S .c if. its i is ib is f Stops only on notice to Conductor or AtfHnt, or on Sinnl. For information as to Freight and Pahr eiitftr KitU'B (tpply to C. ii. KutUsr, Freight and Pass. Agt'ot, Kanton, I'll. Operating to ;Suocn.tkirf only, until further not Uis. HllWAKO A. WOK MAN, Supt., Karit Htroudburg, Pa. C. H. KITTKR, Freight fa. Agt., t-.kttton, fit. UN iCaveaU. and 'ir&de-Martts obtained and ail tl teat biisinc&sconducted for Moocratc ftt. tOuft Orricc ) Opposite U, . Patcnt Of net ui HtuuK' ure trutia UlMt tl.atft Ui Scad niixlcl, d.wutg or p tin to., vita detcnp- 'nod. jvim, 11 engine or dc, kc o: . iirtrc. Our tea imt due n;l Mtieat is teurtd. ) k.ypMLfT. " to OU.lU WlCUU," with j oosi oi kwuuo in th U. S. aad turcica wunmc j .cut ucc Ailuru, c.A.cnow&co. P. PHTCMT OrFICC, VIHI NQTON . D. C. J VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 111 There is tiothin;; liko Asthmn lnnn. It brings instant relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when all else fnils. The Itev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Hldgo, III., says: "Your trial bottle of Asthma lene received In pood condition. I cannot tell yon how thnnkful I feel for tho good derived from it. I was a slave, chained v.lth putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever being cured. I saw ymir advertisement for the cure of this dreadful nnd tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought you had ovnrspoken yourselves, but resolved to give It atrial. To my astonishment, tho trial scted like a charm, fend mo a full-slxvd bottle." Eev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the (long, rina! Israel. Nkw YoitK, Jan. 3, 11KI1. Hits. Taft linos.' Mkpk ink Co., Hentlcmeii: Your Aslhnmlene Is an ex cellent, remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and Its composition alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success is astonishing and wonderful. we can s'nto that Asthmaleno contains no Very t i-oly yours, HKV. UK. MORRIS WECHSLER. Avon Sprisus, n. Y., Feb. I, limi. mi- ted MEDICINE CO., 3 Hi k HEAD NOISES? vnnoori C T UMC at ! YOURSELF AT HOWE eoKt. 59S LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. (mt nAiLRDAn A TIME TABLE. Correoted to Date. Solid Pullman trains to UulTiilo. Nlnir- ar Kalln, (ilmutHuqiia Lake, Cleveland, Cliii;M,ro nnd Cincinnati. 1 H-ki'tH on sale nt Port Jcrvla to nil points iu the West nnd SouthwiiHtnc lower rates than Tin any other flrnt-claus line. Train Now Lravk Port Jkrvis as Follow. EASTWARD. No. 13, Dally Expmw 8 24 A. M. " 10, Dally Kxpress 6 ) " " 1, Daily Kxcept Sunday. . 6 an " " 2S, " ' " 7 40 " " , Pnndny Only 7.68 " " Ha, Dally Except Sunday., in 80 " " , Daily Way Train Vi Ufi P. M. " i, Way Except ,unduy, . . 8 2a " " 2, Daily Express 4 25 " " tS), Sunday Only 4 80 " " M, Daily Express 6 20 ' " 18, Snmliiyonly 6 40 ' " 22. Daily Exeept Sunday , . fu " " 14. Daily 10.00 " WESTWARD. No. 3, Dally Express 12 BOA. M, " 17, Daily Slilk Train. . H 06 " " 1, Daily Kxiress 11 83 " " 11, Er Ho'dale E'pt Sun . 12 10 P.M. " n. Dully 6 15 ' " 27, Daily Kxcept Sunday. . 5 50 " " 7, Daily Express 10 15 " Trains leave Chambers street, New York, for Port Jervis on week days at 4 OO, 7 80, H 00, 9 15, 10 80 A. M., 1 OD, 00, 4 8n, 8o, 7 80, 9 15 p M On SuniUys, 4 tm, 7 80, 9 00 A.M., 12 30, 2 80, 7 80 and 9 16 p. M. T. W. COOKK, Oeaeral PaaHeng,r Agent, Naw Voi-k. BEST FOR THE DOWELS If jaxx baron't a rtfau)r, healthy movement of ths bow, la every tl.iy, jou'i'h 111 or will be. kucp jruui bowil oDi-n. oiut b well. Korff.lti tli Bfiftpeof vii lent pin "i4 ur i-i'l pulttuii, la tluiiK iTOim. Ttio imoo'n ut, ('null -.-t. iiiubI, -ft'i-t wjf vt itiita Ui uuwttig vlvms- uJ cluui U U U.k CANDY CATHARTIO EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Pa.lnili, litenl. Ttn (lood, Ho Qnod, N"Vfr UlCkt'l!. iVunauO, iT iU, VI. 4VIltl 07 UwlvLtl pa-r t.'X. Wrl:o ivr irt) tvuii ft. i.ltb Ad.ii t.t US TIb:NLI4i aiattkltT (lOilPART, f HH'ADO V W TUUK. KEEP YOUR EL000 GLEAM ... aaV ' v- vy w W jt xJj