Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, November 22, 1901, Image 2

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FRIDAY. IS'OV. 22. lOOl.
One Yfar One dollnr mid flfly oeiita.
Bix Months Heveiily-flve centH.
Entered lit tha pot oflRon of Mllfnrrl,
Pike (Jimmy, Fpiinaylvimln, n wcoml
claas matter, November twenty-Ami, lsttW.
Advertising Rates.
OnnaanarWelirhtlineiil.onn insertion - i nn
V.m'h nlwMinint lnwrt.lin - - .Fn
HIui nd rotes, furntahwl on implication,
will lie allowed yearly mlvertleera.
Legal Advertising.
A,lmlnl-.rAt.nr'a find KxeCUtOr'S
notieee S.'Ki
Auditor's not Ires 4.00
Divorce notice fi-'
Sheriff's fule, Orphans' court sales,
Comity Treasurer's sales, County state
ment anil election proclamation chartfiil
by the square.
J. H. Van Etten, PUBLIRHER,
Mil fort, l'lke County, Pa.
Before the next Issue of the Press
the annurtl Thanksgiving dny will
have passed. A little retrospection
will enable any one to see much
cause for thanksgiving. Not only
the material prosperity which has
come to the country nud the peace
and happiness which it in general
entails, but in the lives of each one
there should be something to call
forth thankfulness. Homes may
have been invaded by sickness and
death and family oircles which a
year ago gathered around a bounti
ful table may have been broken and
A vacant chnir mark the place where
n loved one then sat, but this is in
cident to life, and while it may cast
a gloom should not obscure the
cheer which the many kindnesses
showered on us during the year
have brought. We too often forget
our numerous blessings because we
become absorbed in some sorrow
which may have been sent for our
chastisement. For our homes, for
our friends, for the comforts we en
joy, for life and health we should
render thanks. It may not have
beon given ub to lay by much store
of wealth, but wealth does not al
ways bring contentment and hap
piness. Let us remember that we
are only voyagers passing over the
ocean of life and give thanks that
we are yet afloat on its broad
"Ships that pass In the night and
speak each other In passing,
Only a signal shown and a distant
voice in the darkness ;
Bo on the ocean of life we pass and
speak one another,
Only a look and a voice, then dark
ness again and a silence."
The recent scare in Camden, N.
J., and some other places because of
tetanus or lockjaw following vac
cinations has resulted in reviving
tha controversy over that method of
preventing smallpox. A careful in
vestigation should be made in the
interest of the pubho to dotermini
if possible where the trouble lies.
The form of tetanus characterized
by rigid epasmodio contraction of
various muscles is now regarded as
due to a characteristic microbe nor
mally present in the soil and intro
duced into the body through cuts,
lacerations, etc. In Philadelphia
where more than a million residents
have been vaccinated not one case
of tetanus has resulted. If the dis
ease follows vaccination it must be
either because of impure virus or
because the germs are taken in the
system through the wound accident
ally. It is known that wounds in the
feet are most conducive to lockjaw
and soils in certain localities appear
to be more infested with the germ
than in others. If the virus is pure,
and tests will determine this, and
proper precautions aro taken there
is not the slightest danger in vac
cination. Hunters bringing game from New
Jersey here and those shipping or
carrying game out of this state are
well known to the authorities, and
they are not ignorant of the laws in
force. If called on to respond for
violations they will have no excuse
t-xtept their cupidity to get away
with the contraband articles.
The display of ladies' gowns out
shone the finoHt coats of the horses
nt the bIiow iu New York this week.
That boen.a to be the principal l)b
jeet of it, anyway.
(Ily Hr.y. V. K. Hi imuifii.)
The topics for nnxt Habitat h aro,
"The Joy of the Lord," and "Full
There will ho preaching at Union
next Sabbath afternoon. .
The revival services are increas
ing In interest. The unsaved are turn
ing to the L-trd. TIiimo meetings
will continue fir another week.
"Come np to the help of the Lord,
to the help of lite Lord ogainst the
mighty." There are ttnno who are
afraid of tho tinvtni!? mnnil cow
ord, who do not dure put, themsel
ves ui.der the influence t the gos
pel lest they hi petstt'iiled to do
what nonsi ieiiuj tclLi them is right,
and who have not couniyo enough
to do right in the face of the
mockery of the world. Cowards,
your day is coming. "Whatsoever
a man soweth that shall he also
reap." "With what measure ye
meet is Bhall be measured to you
again." How will you dare go in
to the presence of God with a life
of sin and mockory behind yon?
Tho service next Habbath morn
ing will he a Thanksgiving service.
Thonrthem for the service is by
Gabriel. This season should he one
of great joy. As we meditate on
tho glories of this great republic, as
we think of its birth iu the sacri
fice of our early fathers, and its
preservation by tho life blood of
their sons, as wo enjoy the blessings
of pence and plenty, and os in antic
ipation we look into the futuro, we
have great reason to rejoice and be
glad. Bhall not Thanksgiving sea
son be the best in our lives because
we have "the joy of the Lord" fill
ing our hearts?
It was with great pleasure that
we witnessed the cordial reception
given to Mr. Bmead last Tuesday
eveuing. We believe thot this Is
only the beginning of a most joyous
season for both pastoi and people
We have found that the experience
of others is our own the longer we
stay in Milford tho bettor we like
the place aud the people. It is out
belief that Mr. Bmead will have the
same experience
Stndr of Soils.
The Investigations on agricultural
soils which are being conducted in this
country are probably unsurpassed in
quality and extent by those of Bny
country, unless it be Russia, where a
very systematic and extensive line of
investigations, including a survey and
classification of the soils of the whole
country, has been in progress for a
number of years, Bays the Popular Sci
ence Monthly. The work in this coun
try has been carried on mainly by a
number of the agricultural experi
ment stations and the divisions ol
soils of tha national department of ag
riculture. The report of the field op
erations of the division of soils for
1899, by Prof. Milton Whitney and a
number of his assistants, lately is
sued, is a report of progress in survey
ing the soils of the United States. Dur
ing the year areas aggregating about
720,000 acres were studied in the field
and mapped.
Granite Hlorlt Welching 1.4O0 Tons.
The largest block of granite ever
quarried Is being used In the const ruc
tion of the lleuchy Head lighthouse,
England. It comes from Cornwall,
weighs 1,400 tons and is 68 feet long,
20 feet wide and 14 feet deep.
is all right, if you are too fat;
and all wrong, if too thin already.
Fat, enough for your habit, is
healthy; a little more, or less, is
no great harm. Too fat, consult
a doctor; too thin, persistently
thin, no matter what cause, take
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
There are many causes of get
ting too thin; they all come
under these two heads: over
work and under-digestion.
Stop over-work, if you canj
but, whether you can or not,
take Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil, to balance yourself
wi'h your work. You can't live
on it true but, by it, you
can. There's a limit, however;
you'll pay for it.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil is the readiest cure for
"can't eat," unless it comes of
your doing no work--you can't
long be well and strong, without
some sort of activity.
Tha genuine has
this picture on it, i
nil,.-.. "' .
If you have not
fried it, 6end tor
frea sample, its a
srreeabla taste will i
t.urpri'ie you.
rtari oiretsi. . t- v.
i -i I .
i-t A
Jin Jlncicnt Foa
To health and happiness is Scrofula
as ugly as ever since time imtnomorinl.
It causes bunches in tho neck, dis
figures the skin, inflames the mucous
membrane, ivastvs the muscles, weak
ens the bone", reduces the power of
resistance to disease and the capacity
for recovery, and develops into con
sumption. "A bunch sppcnrcil on the left side of
my nerk. It cmisi'il (rrrtit puln, was Inncpil,
still beenme a running sure. I went Into a
frpncrnl ileellne. 1 wits persilmlc-il to try
flood's Bfirsnparllla, anil when J hsil tnke-n
six bottlrs my uerk was In :lcl, nttil I have
never hnit nnv trouble of the kind since."
Mas. K. T. Pn'vdkr, Troy, Ohio.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
will rid you of it, radically and per
manently, as they have rid thousands.
After an Illness extending over
several months, Mrs. Van Wyck,
widow of the late General Charles
II. Van Wyck, died at her home
here this, Friday, morning Novem
ber 22, at 2. IB o'clock, aged about
57 years. Bhe was a daughter of
the lote John Heiner and Louisa
Ross Brodhead, the names of her
ancestors being distinguished on the
pages of the politioal and military
history of this state nnd of the
country. Her father was a promi
nent official in this county, a mem
bor of tho legislature and for many
years in the government employ in
Washington. Sept. 15, 1809, she
married General Charles H Van
Wyck, who was conspicuous as an
ofilcer in the Civil war, was for four
terms elected to congress from
Orange county, N. Y , was state
sonator in Nebraska and United
Ktates senator from that state, and
who died in Washington Oct. 24,
1895. Mrs. Van Wyck was a repre
sentative of the best typo of Ameri
can womanhood. Cultured and to
flned, of striking personal beauty,
her grace of manner, cordial bear
ing and queenly dignity especially
fitted her to fill with ease the high
social position which the official sta
tion of her husband commanded.
Of several ohildren born of her mat
riage but one, Miss Happy Theodora,
survives. She is also survived by
one brother, Mark, of Washington
and one sister, Mary, of this plaoa.
She was a sister-in-law of Ho -. D.
M. Van Anken and also of the late
Rev. Hugh Smith Carpenter, a dis
tinguished Brooklyn divine. The
funeral will be held in the Preshy-
toriau church Monday at 8 30 p. m
Mr. Justin Lmiclmntin is on a
a visit to Nyack, N. Y. .
Friend B., a sou of the late Ahram
and Susan Cross of Greene, was
killed Nov. 3d while passing through
a cut on the Erie near Middletown,
Ni Y. He was standing on a frieght
car and wa9 struck by an overhead
bridge. Tho remains wore conveyed
to Greeuo for interment. He wns a
man of excellent character and was
greatly respected by all who knew
him. He is survived by his widow
and four brothers, Posten R. of
Greene, T. L. and A. W, of Austin,
Potter county, and L. W. of Middle-
town, and one sister, Elizabeth Mc-
Munn, of Orange couuty.
It is reportod that Amos H.
Schoonover of Stroudsburg became
temporarily dorangod a fow days
ago and created considerable dis
turbance in his house. . ,
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias Is
sued out of the Court of Common Picas of
Pike Couuty, to me directed, I will expose
to puhlio snle by vendue or outcry at the
Shoiltl ollics iu the ilurougb of Alllford,
CEMBER, A. V., 11)01,
at teu o'clock In the morning of said day,
All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land
situate nttil being in the Borough of Mil
fonl. County of Piko and t ate of Penn
sylvania, bounded nml described as fol
lows, to wit: lirtfinntng at the corner of
(icorgc street and Third street, thence
alouK Third street to "Dug road," thence
up said ling road to Crnnberry alley,
Htrt'ttt, tlu'iico atuug George street to Third
htrtvt to thu titncu of li'K"iiiing.
1 M I'HUVh.M KNTS. I M)U the above
liu.il nro erucleti three gooti frttiite dwell
ing hoiirtt's, Willi outbuildings; uu excel
lent gartlri), wilh sinnll fruiis, oil rear por
tion thereof.
iM-ized and taken In execution as the
proiMTty of the otHt of John T. Arui
birontf, tbct-aetl, with uouoo 10 Hamilton
Armstrong, trustee, for John T. Arin
btroitff, Jr., ai Urre tenant of part of the
said prt inifceii, and will Im sold by iuo for
ciifh. K. VANLKKMA KK,
Sheriff's Offlee, MHford, I'n., )
Nov. ao, lyol. j
Register's Notice.
Tho following accounts have bt-en filed
with the- HtKiiJt aud will be piem'iiled to
the court for eonltrinatioii on thw third
Monday of December next:
Khtaie of Jacob Kleinlittns, dee'd. In
pai iuioti. 'Die account of Aiitry M. Kleiu
huiifi, ailiiiinirilratiix.
hsitite of C'harii rt Wolfe, dee'd. Th ac
count of hiunlz Wolfe, administrator.
hslate of Kuih S hill, dt-c d. lnimrtl
liou. The account of Winifred (J. lioru,
udniinihtmtrix, the fiist aud final.
Kataieof Ruth S. Hill, doc'u. In narti
titui. The (iret and final uccount of Wini
fred C. Horn, truM-.
J. C. Wt.STJJUOOK. Jit.,
Keg i bier.
Milford. V., Nov. lbthr l'JUl.
WA Vi'ED. Kuergetio man or wo
man to act hm lot al becrftary in
thin riiMriet, I'Jiitt yearly . IwIom)
bflf atklrt'bhftl envelope to " Vici;
anient, " tare of 1(Kms.
The Truth of I.
"Whntl ' Htill nUve. Daniel?" fl-
luiim'1 lite king, when he visited the
.ion's lien that morning':
"Yes, (hnnks b In Ilea veil," replied
the poorl msn.
"Why don't j nil tnke creillt to your
self?" retorted the kins:. "You are loo
modest. "
'Terhnps. 1 suppose if I wasn't mod
est this lionizing would be the death
of me." Philadelphia Press.
A tatnmer-Resnrt t hill.
Clarence Clumsy -Mnj I hae the
next dance?
Jliss Frost Why, certainly, I don't
want It. Judge.
"Old Klutchpeeny left $?00,000."
' "Well, he diilnVdo so intentionally."
Town Topics.
Ooo. A. Points, Upper Binitlufky,
O., writes: "I have bom tiHins Fo
ley's Honey nnd 'fur for botirsenoys
ami find It the host remedy I ever
tried. It stopped Hie couuh Inline,
dintely mid relieved nil soreness."
Take none but Foley's. For snle nt
Armstrong's drug store.
Honesdnle is tjuite linppy ngnin,
thnt plnco having boon mmlo a stor
age point for coal by the Erie.
Recommend It to Trainmen.
G. II. Ilnusnn, Litnn, O., Engineer
L. E. & W. R. R., writes: "I have
been troubled n great tlenl with
bticknclie. I waa Induced to try Fo
ley's Kidney Cure, nnd one bottle
entirely relieved tne. I gladly rec
ommend it to any one, especially
my friends among the trainmen,
who are URtinlly similarly afflicted. "
For sale at Armstrong's drug store.
It Is ofllcially antiDunced thnt
Clayton MuMichrtol ' will succeed to
the postmnstership nt Philadelphia
on the expiration of the term of the
present incumbent.
V. J. Bhivelv, Bntesville, O.,
speaking of Banner Salve, says:
used it for piles, and It has done
me more good thnu any salve I hnve
ever used, and I hnve tried a great
many kinds." 'For snle at Arm
strong's drug store.
Cornelius Smith, Bprjimuent crim
innl lawyer of Scrnnton, is dead of
heart disease nt tho ago of 63 yeius.
Today take Foley's Honey and
lar. it positively prevents pneu
tnonin, or other serious results from
colds. It may be too late tomor
row. For pale nt Armstrong's drug
' As matter 6j( curiosity it would
be interesting t? know,, just the con
dition Of King- Edward's health
Cancer has nearly killed him and
several other disenses, according
to the reports, claim credit for de
stroying his hopes of life. Now
they say he i9 in excellent health
Is there a riiifc of Btock jobbers at
the bottom of nil these different as
sertions or what is the point, any
way, if not to print sensntiounl did-
Seymour Webb, Moira, N. Y.,
writes: "I hnd been troubled with
my kidnoB for twenty-five years
nnd hnd tried several physicinus but
received no relief until I bought a
bottlo of Foley's Kidney Cure. AT
ter using two bottles I was nbso
lutely cured. I earnestly recom
mend Foley's Kidney cure." Take
only Foley's. For fcale at Arm
strong's drug store.
Rheumatism Can
Not Be Cured
Prominent Phyalolan Every
where A.ert ht Oils end
Liniment Have No Value
Local application! of oils or Hnlmentu
never cured a genuine case of Rhcunm
Usui and never will; Ixnause Hheunm-
tUin la n blood disease nnd must be eradi
cated by a constitutional treatment. To
Dr. A. B. Clark, tho ceh bratcd 6pecinlist,
more than to any other living physician,
is the honor duo of having discovered, as
the result of many yeurs of study aud re
search, an absolute specific for tho most
aggravated form of Rheumatism, whether
Acute, Chronic, Muscular, Hciatio or lit
flanmiatory, Kheuumtlo Clout, Neuralgia
or Lumbago This remedy Is considered
one of the greatoat advances iu Medical
Science In recent years, nnd It will be
gratifying to Rheumatic to know Mint
there is now obtainable a remedy that
cure after all eUe baa failel. I)r, Clark's
Rheumatic Remedy is now for the first
time puwhasablo through bl solo agents,
the Clark Medical Company, Pittsburgh,
Pa. A complete trtitiuont will be mailed,
postage paid; on nH'eipt of One dollar, and
so coulldeut Is the doctor that bis remedy
w ill do everything that be claims it will
do ii coulldence boril of esperlence, olser
Viitioii and results of yearn of demonstra
tiuii lu cubes considered incurable tlnit
the oompany will lefoud the price paid In
every caw where Jr. Clark's Rheumatio
Reniitly fuiU to give (he dt.irvd rtilitif.
Oidiuuiy CJies cured in a few days;
cli runic C4ibes rtfjnire loiiKer but in every
iiihtaiice a permanent cure 1 absolutely
gutuaitteed. Medical advice, aud where
necessary a h pedal eourse of treatment iu
dieatcd, furnUheil any of our readers who
will vritu the Clark Medical Co.., Pitts
buifeh, Pa., giving their symptoms and a
feliort bUloryof the diseane. As this ser
vice U free uu one atlilcted with Rheum
mUin can atluid to Ignoiv such a generous
t.lTi-r. AgeiiU Wiuitetl. I
Sheriff's Sale.
Uy virtue of a writ of Km ias Is
s'ti'il nut of the t'ourt of fnmnmn ri"ns of
IMUe criunty to me directed 1 will cumnr
to riililic pi'e hv vendue or outi rr fit the
Sheriff' (Mice lit tho HoriuiKh of Wllford,
at two o'clock Iu the afternoon of snld day:
All those two certain lih-crs or nnrcrls of
hind sltl'nte In t he township of Mmhohi
county of I'ike and state of lYmisvl-
viitita, di'sciitMSI as follows, to wit: licjiin-
nliiK at a corner on the l.tu-kRWnxnn rond.
also corner of lands of Peter Krkhart.
thence north (H1; di irrces west 2H pcrchc,
north 4ti'i ih'irn es wept lil'j pen lies, thence
ftloliK hind t .lucoh Hans south H!l decrees
east W) perches to land of said Peter ftck-
tinrr, inencn north r"4 Hi gr recti east j5 per
ches to the place of licultinlliu. conliillilnit
II niti's and SO perches of Intnl. Also
(rlnnlii" at. a corner or the phre of hind
nhove descilhcd nnd of land of snld .Incoh
HH'is. tncni-e rthuitf line of said Huns' himl
south fi7 (h'Krces west, llto pen:his to a
stone corner, north li.'l di'Kl-ei'S west l!t0
MTclies t4l a Stone, south f; dctrrel wevfc
iw peri'tins to a stone, thence south i?H:iJ de-
fnes eust l.tH'j perches alolifcr hind of
limry liver to stone, thence north fil de
drees east, K'n perches nlonir hind of Valen
tine Hinsinnn to stone, north 57 dcirrccH
east llll perches to stone south fv di'Krees
wchg in perencs, soutn h:i octrees east H
perches, north 54! dcfrrees east !Pj perches
to land of Peter Kckhart, them-e north fi'i
(li'Krces eest 47', perches to place of helii-iiIiim-.
I'nn to I ti I ti k IK) acres and 120 perches
of laud, the two pieces together innkintr
no ncres anil io perches, iteinn part, of n
tract, of hind in the wiirriinti-e nntoe of
tieol'lfc I llllnr
IMlHtVKMKNTS. (iivid dwelllnu
houe. wash house, wunon shed, mill nut
li it lilt ii ru ; iihoiit, ia seres cleared, btihince
wood nnd tltoher lanil.
Scied and ttiken In execution as the
pni)ieity of Ki'list V. A. itllchliiiinii, de
censed, and (.'uthartne Iluch nanii aud will
be sold hv me for cash.
Sheriff's Ofllco. Milford. Pa., I
rsov. ia, iimt. i
Executor's Notice.
Inci ters ti'RtiHnptitnry upon tho OBtatp if
(Kov.i ThDtnns Mi lmls. lute, of t lit? Hi.i
iiiik'i 'f iMIlfitnl. l'lko Co., Vn , ilcccnscd ,
Im iliir Imh'M Brnnlcil to the nn.lrrsiiiiiril
nil ih'imiiis liavinir o'ImItiih nuainxt tin- calil
rvntnwlll (jlVM'lit tliem nt hiich, nnd tliosv
iniifinoi tncrcui win pl(Mi8 miiku inniKili
nte pavnirnt to
(IcrinHiitdwn, Plillnilt'lpliin, Pii.,
or IIY. T. 11AKKH, Atturm-j, Milford,
Milford, 1'iv, Oct. an, liml.-ls-O.
$100 Reward.
All person!) nrn forbidden trespassing on
the preiniKenof '.he ItnderKifrned in ilintr
innn tow 1 1 .-1 1 i j . or in nny wim daniiiKiiiu
or interfering wilh the reservoir Birpplyinii
water to, or pipes whleh eonnei t same
wilh, the Hotel Seilj! under penalty of the
law nnd n reward of tlitn will be paid fur
Information of nny nernon found iloinp
nny such (lniniiKe. KHANlv F. BK1T,.
Milford, Sept. 24, Ml I.
chnrnoter and jiood repiitnlloti in each
state (one In thin county required) to rep
resent and advertise old cslnbliiOifd weal
thy business house of solid financial stand,
iuit Siilniy 1H.IK) weekly with expense
additional, all paynblo in cash eaeh Wed
nesday direct from head oillces. Horse
nnd carriages turnlshed, when necessary.
References. Kncloso self-add resseil stamp
ed envelope. Milliliter. Hill Cnxtoll Hinld
ing, Chicago. 8-13 iri
TRF.SPA.SS NOTICK. Notico Is hereby
given that trespassing upon tho pro
perty of the Forest Lake Association in
LaekiiWHxen township, Piko county, Po.,
for the purpose of burning and llshlug, or
any other purpose is strictly forbidden un
der penalty of the law.
Nov. S!2, 1805. President.
TRESPASS NOTICK. Notice Is hereby
given that trespassing on the premises
of the undersigned, situated in l)iignian
township, for any purpose whatever Is
strictly forbidden, and all offt niters will lie
promptly prosecuted. lHA 11. Cake.
Oct. 4. 181)6.
TKKSPASS NOTICK. Notice la hereby
given that trespassing on the premises
occupied by the undersigned In IMiigmaii
vOnship, known aa the iliichanaii farm
or hunting, fishing, berrying or any other
nirpose whatever is forbidden under peu
alty of the law. Auy person or persons
disobeying this notice will be dealt (vlth
in the severest lawful manner.
UmmuK H. MijCahty,
July 1, 1807. Lessee.
TRKSPASS NOTICK. Notice la hereby
givjn.thiit trespassing upon the prt
perty of the uiideisigiied in Milford towu
shlp. Pike county, Pa., for the purpose of
hunting, llshlug or any other purposes ia
strictly forbidden under pen a tv of the law.
Mils. 8. M. CiiAVT.
NOTICK All hunting, Ashing or other
trespnssing oil the premises of tho under
signed, in Diuguian Township, on Rny
iiiotidskiil and Dwarfsklll Creeks, Is for
bindeu under penalty of the law.
Dingman Tup., N. Hon.KAH,
May 17, 1808. Jobkhh F Hoilkaii.
or the Holidays
Christmas Tree Ornaments,
Fine Groceries, Table Nuts,
Raisins, Plum Pudding, Candies,
Oranges, Lemons, Grapes, Figs,
Dates, Etc.
Telephone Call 62, Harford & 4th Sts., Milford, Pa
A. D. BROW 3 and SOW,
Manufacturers and dealers in all
kinds of Lumber,
Contractors and Builders.
Estimates made ; personal atten
tion given and work guaranteed.
OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pa.
tOH PAl.K. A miwill fnrni lintMl nenr
MutiiMinrmi, hnoun bh Mm Ki'iiwl or
H.'lnlinrdt iim'. nniindiinjr )t Brnn.
Kindly hM'BtfMi. wi'll WMtcrrd. llmm. nnd
i'lirn. Kmit of nil V ind". l'nrt lrnpr.v.Ml
I'll Ii- rli'nr. For t.'i-in. n- ire. i'tc .liln'!l,
LtH'k box (? Milford. I'n
T-HK-I'A-S NOTICK Notice Ik lien-lir
niv.ii thtil nil I ri-itit .(ii ii u i ill mtr tiri'Tn.
lfi lii i-!ftwaie township mt which the
High Falls U Itienl'-d l Rtrtctly fnrblilden.
Delawnre Twp., Aug. iiVt. JtKll. Owner.
Widow's Appraisement.
The foltnwlttg apprahemi'nt pet npnrt
O widow biiK Ihm'ii Hied with the HcgU-t-t'rnndwt'l
ho to'esentcd to the court for
cMiftrnint ion and allowance on the third
Monday of Dfceniln r next :
K-tale of Knmi K.A. Itiirbmntin. dee'd
A pprMl-ement of nrnonal proirertr not
apart to vwdtnv, t nt Intritm M. M. ituch-
mann. A. V.. W K.THItOUK, .1R.,
Milford, Pa., Nov. iMth. 1KH.
Sablmlh services at HI 110 A. M. and 7.1X1 1'.
M. Haliliath scIkhiI liuinediately after the
morning service. Prayer meeting Wed
nesday nt 7. Ho P. M. A t'otiilal welcoim
will be eTlended to nil. Those not nt
Inched to ot her churches nro especially In
vited. Kbv. Thomas Nii molk, 1'ast'or.
Clttlllrll (K TMK (Jlllll) SHKri!liHI. Mll-
foiil: Services Sunday nt Iti.iiU A. M. and
4:H) r. M. Stindny school nt 8:tr p. M,
Week day servlie Klldey at. H 4T p. M
Holy (duimiinloii Sunday nt 7:45 A. M.
Seats fre. A I. are welcome.
Hkv. Ciias. H. CAHPKNTKli, Rector
M. K. Ciii'im H. Services nt the M K.
Churidi Sundays: Preai hing at 1U.H0 n.
m. and at 7. HO p. in. Sui day school at
lliliia. in. K.nworth leairue n't l.4f n. in
Wei'kly prayer lneeting o,i Wiilnesdays nt
7.H0 p. m. Class mcciing condticled by
Win. A ngle on Fridays nt T.mi p. in. An
earnest Invlfatlon is extended to anyone
wuo inivy uesire io worsiisp with us.
Hkv. C. K. Si:t'IU)Kit, Pastor.
Kpwohth M. K. t 'mrnrir, Miitnnioras
Services every Salilmth at. 10.IHi n. m. and
i p. in. Sabbath school tit 8.:10. C. K
inecting Monday evening nt 7.110. Clasn
meeting Tuesday evening nt 7. 110. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening nt 7.8e.
h.veryoue welcome.
Rf.v. T. G Spkncrr.
Hni'K Kvanoei.ical f:iniiti:M. Mata
nioras.Pii. Services next Sunday as follows:
Preaching at 10.30 n. in. and 7 n. m. Sun
day sclioot at 3 p. m. Junior C. K. before
nnd C. K. prayei meeting after the even
ing service. Id-week prayer meeting
every Wednesday evening nt, 7.80. Seats
free. A cordial welcome to nil. ( ome.
Hkv. H. vV. Hiiiiss, Pastor.
Secret Societies.
MlI.K(inf) ljin n. No. 314. V. & A. M
l;odge mwts Wednesdays on or before
run Moon nt 1 nt Wallace lliilldimr, Mil-
lord, I'll. .N. H.lliery, ,lr.. Sec y, Milford
Ueo. A Swepeiiiscr, W. M., Milford. J'n.
Van Dkh Mahk I.odok, No. Hl'H, I. O
O. F: Meets every Thursdny evt?nillg at
o p. m., ir,.wn s iiuiming. j). H
Hornlieck, Scry Jacob McCartv, N. (
Pkiidksck Rkbkkam T-oiiuk, isi7, I. c:
(). F. Meets every second and fourth Krl
days In each month In Odd Keiii -.vs' Hull
Brown's building Miss Katharine Kleli
n.u. Ansa Wllbelmlne Heck, Sec'y
Trade Mark
''mM" copy RIGHTS i
AnTone iMTi()tn(r a skptrh nn1 rtprrtmlnn mnr
ftnlckly mortiitfi our opinion free whi'lhtr nn
Invnntlim in prohntity pntentnhlo. f omniiintrn
timid strictly (HintlrinnHri). llnnrlhKik on I'ntontf
VtMit frr OIJcHt nency for nccurinK pHtenl.
ruti'iitd taken tliroueh Mtmn A Co. receive
ipi-cUil notice, without cihnrgo, in tlin
Scientific JltMican.
A hnnrtfiomPlT lllmtrntwl wA'klr. I nrtrput dr
rulatlon of hut sclfiititlc JoiidibI. Trnii. . a
onr : ftnir monttm, L tuii by ull ncwsili-nlerfi.
!oUNUCo."" New York
Uisocb untie, m V St.. Wartiluulun. U.
und clinic
Photo Suppltes,
Printing &
78 Pike Street, Pnrt JorTis, N. Y.
Head Tub Pkess if yon wnnt news.
& Thrall
Business - Cert's.
P. W. DC ST, M. D..
IS Ball Street,
9 to II A. M.
Office Hours 2 to P. M.
7 to 8 P. M.
riiysifinn ami Siirpcoii.
Oflll'l nnd rrcdtlirc llin-ford alrr, I. !
lininp Imply occupied liv Dr 10 II. W i n
in'r Mll.l'(llll). PA.
Dr. von der Heyde,
Drlik Hini'i' lliiln Yiiiiili'iinaik Ilotol
ISKIMM SHVI't MlllliKl I'a.
(IKFII'K Hlll llS: Kuilsis. in.: 1 in
p. in.
H. E.Emerson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
John A. Kipp,
OFFICE: opposite Court House,
Mii.rnHii, PiKh Co., Pa.
Attorney- at- Law,
OFFICE, Brown's Building,
Mii.foud, Pikr Co., Pa.
Sold by Ail Newsdealers
.J v.i r. I'!'! n
To til lovers of Song and Muilc rast
volume of N EW choice compottttona br
til world ' famous authors.
64 Pages of Piano Jlcslc
Half Vocal, Half Inatrmmntal
21 CompieiE Pieces loi Piano
Once a Month far in fnt.
Yearly Subscription, l.0O.'
If borwht In any munlp tore at
DDt-hail off, would cost 6.'i6,
a saving of monthly.
In on year you get nearly 800 Pages of
Music, comprising 262 Complete Pieces
for the Piano.
If you eannot get a copy from your News
dealer, sfnd to ut and we will mall you a
sample Free.
J. W. PEPPER, rubii.h.r,'
l(hth 4 Lecuat IU., Philadelphia, Pa.'
Dig China
Largest Stock.
For Sets of Dishe.s,
Lamps and Glassware.
Occupying the entire floor of
We buy Butter, Eggs and
Washington Hotels.
Tliu hoti'l par iM , ll. iiie of tho capital,
liN'inud Miihiu i" . l,iK-k of the Whim
Hoii-b nml ilirecil.v .K.bile tho Tn-nsury.
Finest tnljlc iu tli. uiy.
A fiiiiiotin lioLMiy, ri iiini knl.le fir Its
hisiiiriral uai i. UK. us and long oimtnint d
piiiularny. Kivcntly li-iiovateU, rfpiUutt'd
ami paiually rcfuruUheil.
A Innilnwii k anions the hotrla of Wash
ington, pat i on .ill iu f. iiimi- yt-nrs by
piv.ir.i-nli. and liicu t.flit-iula. Always it
prliiio liiv.rile. hiciiitly i. iniHli-li-d mihI
ivu.lt'rttl lu'tli-r than tvt-r. I'pp. Pa ii
K. ih p. WALTKit lil li'iON, Una. Mgr.
Tl,.-.,' ImU.k .ru tl,o r,Pl.,..lnl ..lt.E....i
rt'lulrYmih nr lh. i-iininil .If .........
Thi-.v art- iliv U-at (.topping places at rea-
4JU.II til' I JIH-W
O. O STPLrs. Proprietor
G. DLWI TT.Meneger.
To PATENT Good Itfsas
may be eMx;urei by
our aid. A'iiivkai,
BJltllTHK. Mi
n A N N C R RALVr-
trie moat healing aalva in tn woria-
I ! . ,1
'.I 1.7 : ' . ftwi, V
New York. -e.X
EQq. and $1.00;all drueslste.