pike County press. fr1Iay. Nov. 8. iioi. PUUUSIIRI) RVKRY FRIDAT. OFTICR, BKOWN'B BUIMUNO BROAD BT. PtlBSCRlPTION: One Year One dollar and fifty cents. Hix Months Seventy-five cents. BTRKTLV in advance. Entered the post offlco of Milford, Pike County, Pennsylvania, ns accoml olnss matter, November twenty-first, 18MB. Advertising Rates. One quan elg ht linen). one Insertion -11.00 Kach subset) ucnt Insertion .fto Kitluced rate's, furnished on application, will be allowed yearly advertisers. Leg al Advertising. Administrator'! and Executor' notices - - - Auditor's notices Divorce notices - ... 8.00 8.110 Sheriff's sales, Orphans court sales, Rmint.v Treasurer's sales. County state nient and election proclamation charged by the square. J. H. Van Etten, PUBLISHER, Milford, Pike County, Pa. DEED TO 175 PEOPLE. Under the above enptlon our neighbor, The Diyxttch, this week makes some nndeserved reflections and misleadins statements. Under the law requiring non-residents, not owners of Innds, to take out licenses to hunt the gnme commission technically hold that members of park associations holding stock in soch corporations were not within the lettet of the law landowners and would be required to tnke out licenses. The Blooming Grove Park association, owning property per haps with its improvements to the value of a million dollars in this county and paying annually taxes on its wild lands alone to the amount of about $500 and composed of many wealthy non-resident mom bors. comos under this decision. It could have deeded some of its own lands to its members, but Mr. Bull, having, as executor, a piece of land. they preferred, to avoid oornplica t ions, to make a distinct purchase, whioh brings them within ihe pur view of the law, and In making the deed Mr. Bull acted as other well meaning citizens of the county who have made similar deeds for similar Durnoses. The article referred to is a distinct reflection on all grant org of such deeds and if one is a "buncoer" they all are. The arti cle says the county is thus "bun coed out of $1750 each year" in this transaction. This statement must be made either through ignorance or malice for the law distinctly says that one-half the license foes goes to the state treasurer. These deeds need no defence, They are legiti mate transactions under the law and parties to them should not be maligned or held up to ridicule as "bunooers" and dospoilers of the county. If the law is defective it can be amended or repealed, but while it stands parties have a per feet right to buy lands however small in quantity in order to avoid the license if they so choose. ELECTION RESULTS. The fight in this state seems to have centered In Philadelphia. Gen- 9i ally, outside of that city, little in terest was manifested in the state ticket, and the vote waa light ex cept in a few counties where there were sharp contests over local of fices. Compared with the vote in 1899, which was an off year also, there is little difference in this ooun ty, the majority for treasurer then being 433 and this year 423, only 10 different. A rather remarkable fact is that the total vote in 1899 in the county for treasurer was 1160 and this year it was 1181. The to tal republican vote in 1899 was 345 and the prohibition 34. This year the total republican vote is 359 and the prohibition 20, which might indicate that the fourteen "prohibs" went over to the republicans and made the vote this year just 14 more. The total democratic vote in 1899 was 778 and this year 782, showing that few democrats either die, come of age or change their minds, there being an increase of only four in the two years. Pike manages to be pretty rock-ribbed and steadfast all around. Notwithstanding The DisjKilch, the organ of democracy in this county, refused to hoist the name of Corny, who wag on their ticket for state treasurer, he received a proator majority here than Yerkes, Our esteemed contemporary, per lm)!i, owes it to the putty to explain why it did not support the demo cratic noiuiuetis as printed on the Lull-it. HETUUNS OF GENERAL ELECTION HELD NOV. NAMES OF CANDIDATES. State Treasnrer. Krnnk U. Harris, r 15 Kllslia A. Corny, Jr., dj 4(1 lames J . r'orrnr. n x Supreme Court J ntlKe. j William P. Potter, r Haniuin Yoi kes, d . . . Isaee Mondersn. p . . inn H II ) Awttwlate .lunge. Alfred .Marvin, r. B E. Hniwn, d John K. Eiip-ihnrt, tl Rlirrifr. f.l mi John W. kllshy. r. George I4i-eg-ity, tt. . . J. F. H:intinirtouf p HI 11.. 2 In 88 21 47 4H 04 41 73 2 1 a 61 IW 41 74 80 49 6 IB 1 4 2 13 27 41) 6 14 u 2 i 10 j 15 S 4 5 I! a 4!) , 0 J 1:3 t'lirnnpr. W. n. Kenworthcy, t W. II. Kelley. d Alamanxor li rlswold, p Connty surveyor, Frank Schorr, d Amendment No 1 For Against Amendment No. . For Against Amendment No. .1. For Against Socialist Labor, for Htttte Treasurer, Jas. A. McConnell, had 1 vote in Blooming Grove anil 1 in Lncknwaxen, and Thomas Lawry, for Judge, had 1 in each of said townships The democrats can yet rejoice! Both Pike county and Kentucky went with thetn ! ! Robinson Shepherd of Kdgeniere was in town yesterday, Postmaster Charles Lnttimore is on a visit to Btroudsbnrg this week. David M. Wells, after spending the summer here, has returned to business in the south. President Roosevelt has issued a proclamation fixing Nov. 28 as a day of national thanksgiving. Gerald Lewis is visiting his par ents on Harford street. He has been absent in Canada for some months. John Bowes and wife to Uriel B. Titus, deed dated in 1850, conveys 100 acres, Delaware, on Shnff's oond. Consideration 11500. A driving wheel of a locomotive on the D. V. R. R. came off Monday while the train was running at good speed. No one was injured. Sheriff Vnndermark will soon take V. F. Kimball, recently com mitted to the Danville hospital for the insane, to the institution. The will of John W. Vandevort, late of Matamoras, was probated this week. It devises all his pro perty to his wife and names her jole executrix. The republican vote in Milford borough this year was practically the same as in 1899. This year it was 62 for the head of the ticket and in 1899 it was 53. Coray and Yorkes carried Wayne oounty by 34 and 87 majority. The republican treasurer, Beta, was elected by 683 majority. Monroe was democratic by 1020 majority. Dr. SPas C. Swallow, the prohibi tion leador, has been convicted of falsehood by a committee of the Central Pennsylvania Methodist conference and suspended from all ministerial and church privileges until the annual conference to be held at iShamokiu next March. u , It is a sad thing to see fine fruit trees spoiled by the blight You can always tell them from the rest. They never do well afterwards but stay small and sickly. It is worse to see a blight strike children. Good health is the natural right of children. But some of them don't get their rights. While the rest grow big and strong one stays small and weak. Scott's Emulsion can stop that blight. There is no reason why such a child should stay small. Scott's Emulsion is a medicine with lots of strength in it the kind of strength that makes things grow. Scott's Emulsion makes children grow, makes them eat, makes them sleep, makes them play. Give the weak child a chance. Scott's Emulsion will PX 1 ") make it catch with the rest. up This picture represents (he Trade Mark of Scott's KmuUioa and U oa the wrapper of very bottie. Send for fret wm't. SCOTT & UOWNF, 400 Pearl St., New Vork. 50c and fi. all druggists. 11)01. & 7 y x. li s ! s E S I 2 5 5 sT 5 H n 5 ? : 9 Mr ts . : ; H ; 1 B 58 Id 11!l 8M" 27 B5 8 67 14J 7tt 4?3 1 iilli ' B 88 .. 1 115 !; vrJ Hi 2ft 8 67 148 i IKft-l 4" 1 i "i! I 85 lfl 180 RMX.j 28 24 8 fift 180 I Ho4 4in 21 2!) 8 H4 Hlfi 7WI ! 4nfl 4 25 11 1IW Ml' 21) 211. 8 04 153 W 489 1 IN B 25 . . i 15 (17 1X11 S 28 8 i RU UK 74 I 483 .. 1 18 90 24 8 68 150 mt' ft 7 ! 10 08 214 ltKl 5 1 8 0 8 75, I I 9 7 . 10 W 2:ui 107 5 ! 8 6 7 Oil 8 5 . 8 17 75i 9 I 8 11 f 2Uj l.-W fa THE CHURCH COLUMN. (Hy Rsv. C. K. SciODEit.) The topic for next Habltath will be, "Turning Men to God," and in the evening, "Turning Keif to God," or "The Crisis of Conversion." Next Sabbath evening revival ser vices will begin. We call upon till Christians to pray for their success, lrf"t sacrifice be made for the sake of conscience, and for the sake of those who need to be redeemed. If we tlo our part God will most surely keep His port of the covenant, and work ing together with Him we shall ne complish His will in the retlentp tion of men. The musical held at the church last Monday night was fairly well uttend cd. The audience showed apprecia tion and many kind tilings have b(H?n said, especially about the two tpiartet selections. We express our thanks to all who contributed to the pleasure of the evening. The offer ing was nine dollars. We are glad to see the Rev. Mr, Sinead in town again. We have en joyed our association with him very much and feel sure that he will minister to the good fraternal feeling that exists between the churches of Milford. We hope that his stay may be fruitful in developing true spirit ual life in the entire community. Jt bus been our pleasure to inform him that he is to preach the Thanksgiv lug sermon this year. A number of good books have been sent out by our Book Concern for approval. If they are what we desire we may keep them, if not they may be returned. If there are any of our people who desire some good books, well bound, as Christ mas gifts they may call at the par sonage ana select. The prices are remarkably low. Very good books may be procured for from twenty to thirty cents. Election is over again. Home are elected to ottice and some to stay at home. All have some kind of an election. The Book says: "Make your calling and election sure." Have you? Comeout to the meetings next week and settle the matter. Election Result. In this state Hatris for treasurer has a majority of 45,885 and Potter for supreme oonrt judge runs from two to three thousand behind. In Philadelphia the entire republican ticket is elected. In New York Low's plurality for mayor is 29,864 and the fusion ticket is clcctod. Ohio is republican by 85,000, elect ing Nash governor. Maryland is very close, the democrats claiming a majority in joint ballot, but the republicans may control the house. Iowa and Massachusetts are both republican by increased majorities. Murphy, republican, for governor in Now Jersey is elected by over 17,000, tho largest majority but one ever given to a republican in that state for that office. The Hoe fish bill, over which Sussex county had a warm contest, is carried hut its author is defeated for the assembly. Kentucky, Mississippi and Virginia are democratic. Geo. A. Point, Upper Sandusky, O., writes: 'I have been using Fo ley's Honey and Tar for boarseneas and find it the. best" remedy lever tried. It stopped the cough imme dititoly and relieved all soreness." Take none but Foley's. For stile at Armstrong's drug store. Get Vhat You Ask For! When you ask for Cascarets Candy Cathartic be sure you get them. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold iu bulk. A substitutor is always a cheat and a fraud, liewarel All druggists, ioc. Survive in Spits of Them. Theologians and , logitiians may write books on the evidences of Christianity and prove that it. is a vital and living force but no strong er argument can bo made in its favor than to cto the fact that it survives in spite of some of its so- called ministers. Recently in Bos- ton James Jnckson, a member of the Second Reformed Presbyterian church, in becoming - naturalized took the usual oath to support the constitution of the United btntes. For this he bits been snsoentlcd from membership nnd the pastor. Rev. J. M. Posteh, snysf ''We look tpou the constitution of the United States ns an immoral document and as an insult to the Almighty, in that it makes no mention whatever of God, and claims for the people that sovereign power which belongs to God alone. We refuse to accept the constitution thus defective, and can. not swear allegiance to it. I do not think there is anything in the sug gestion that has been made that. Mr. Jackson can go to law and compel ns to admit him to membership in our church." It would be more fitting to sus pend that minister, or at least re form a little sense in him before he is permitted to talk from a pulpit. Such sentiments as he expresses border closely on anarchy and should be suppressed. Aged Ladies. The Ifonesdale ViUzrn, referring to the throe living children of Jabej! Itoekwell, a revolutionary soldier whose grave is iu the old M. E. cem etery at Honesdale, says their names are Pliehe, widow of William h. Gainford of Ellenville, N. Y She is i)0 years old. Catharine, widow of John Bowden of Strouds burg. Bhe is nearly 90 years of age. Lueinda, widow of Harrison Valentine of Brooklyn, N. Y., 85 years oi l. All three of the ladies are former residents of our bor ough. Mrs. Gainford has a daugh ter, Mrs. Crine, a soldier's widow, living at Matamoras, Pike county, with whom nrraugemeuts have been porfeclcd to take the three old ladies to her home to pass the bal mice of their lives. They were all three born at Milford, Pa. Seymour Webb, Moirn, N. Y writes : "I had .been troubled with my kidneys for twenty-five years and had tried several physicians but received no relief until I bought a bottlo of Foley's Kidney Cure. Af ter using twqjibpttlos-tl was abso lutely cured; I earnestly recom mend Foley's Kidney cure " Take only Foley's,.' For tale at Arm strong's drug store. WANTED SEVKRAL VKRSONS OF onnrnoror nntt goon ri'ptitntlon In prcIi stnte (one iu thin county mjtilrotl) to rcp- --iii. uuu nuvoriiHe out PHMioiisuea wetil. thy bURinxBS house of hoIIiI llimticliil stiind- ion. otuiiry fio.nu weoKiy wttti expciiB additional, all payable In cash enoli Wed nesday direct from head olliees. Home aim carriages iurul8hed, when necessary. References. Knclone self addressed stamp. ci ciMri,.1TO. manager, nin uaxton nulla lug, Chicago. B-1B 03 $100 Reward. All persons are forbidden trespassing on the premises of the undersigned In llh.u. man township, or in any wise damaging or Interfering with the reservoir supplying water to, or pipes which connect same with, the Hotel Melts tinder penalty of the law and n reward of loowlll be paid for iiiurinniioii 01 any person round not any such damage. FRANK K. KE1TZ Milford, Sept. 2i, tmu. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is boreby given that trespassing on the premises of the undersigned, situated in i)iigmn township, for aujt, purpose whatever is strictly forbidden, ud nil ofTt nders will be promptly prosecuted. IitA B. CAbft. Oct. 24, 1SII5. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is herebv I given that trespassing on the premises ouuiipieu uv me unucrsigncu lu Lltuginall -OArnshin, known as the Iluchanan farm ':ir hunting, fishing, berrying or any other rtirpoKO whatever is forblddeu under pen alty of tho law. Auy person or persons disobeying this notice will be dealt with in tne severest lawful manner. . (jKOKGK H. McCAKTY, July 1, 1HU7. , Lessee, TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby X given that trespassing upon the pro per!. oi vne roit!i iuko AHsoclation In u:kwicn township, Pike count y, Pa. iiur. u tor tno purpose ot minting ami tuning, or any other purpose is strictly forbidden un der penalty of the law. ALBXASHKIt Hauiirk, Nov. 23, lw. President. Executor's Notice. Ietu rs testamentary upon the estate of (Rev.) Thomas Nichols, late of the lior nugh of Milford. Pike Co., Pa., deceased, having been granted to the uiuU-i'Mgncd, ail persons having elMiuu ugaiubt the siiitl estalewill pn-sent thctn at onne, and lhne Indebted thereto will please juuke Immedi ate pavtneut to ' THOMA.S MoOHlDK NK'HOI-S, t . - ' Kxccutor, tiermantown, Phihulelphia, Pa., or HY. T. li.VKKH, Attorney, MUtord, Penna. Milford, Pa , Oot. St). iiKII.-UMI DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourLifeawavl Yott csn be cured of any form ot tobacco using Mlly I matte well, strong, ni:.Kiienc, fullof new life and vigor liy takiug mO-TO-BAO, that uak.-s weak lliea bUo!i. M iny y.ca en pounds in ten Oars. Over BOO.OOO cured. All urugfciii's. Cure tuarauu-t-tl. li.fc. let aint advice l-kl!K. Au.ireas tTbKt,INU kUMHav CO., ClucafO or lice Voik. J1 Ts PiTEXT Eiicd let j maj be AttCtired by our ld. Aiitlree, THE PA1ENT RECOHO, BsittiHiura. Md lloii lu I l.e fieat Bcuold i.r u,luai you m;wK' !BD DEAF? v - JS? ALL CASC1. OS BEAFFJESS OR HAR0 H?SM ARE HOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born leaf t:c .:.oural)le. HEAD NOISES CEASE .WIAltLY. P. A. WERMAN, OF Cmttrmfn . Rein pnlirHy ciirer! of denfress, thr.- L U ftfitU hUtory of my cs, to be "(! at you- discretion. Alnt five y?:ir no mv right ear bean to ping, siidt'ii my Itrnrinir in (hi enr entirely. I un'l'Tweiit a treat :iient fr c'Mrrh. f if three rtv (.'." only an operation c'f.U1. hHp inr. i;tid e ven tht en !y V. w.j.ir arily, tlint the head noises would then crn. h'.it the hf.irnie in the .n'. t i ear roul-l be t l"rcvrr. I then frtrjvntj- nlvrtie:nent ncci-'rntnlly in n New York piper, and ordered yonrtreit went. After I hud us? t it a few dnvs atcordirf? ti yonr directions, the noirescer.wd. r.i d to-dny, nfier five werk my heariiv! in the diec"d. ear has been entirely re?tortd. I thank yc-ti heartily and beg to iemain Very trrlv you . I. A. VHRMAN, 7:oS. BroadT7ny. Baltimore, Md. Of i treatment foe not interfere with four vnftal occupation Si;SSrJ Yfi'J m mi YOURSELF AT K9KE "t":,nal IHTESilATIufiAL AUDAL CLi llG, b9o LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. oeroi ptiysiciaiiit, anioni; ethers, tliertio t etrv.ney' Free J 1 raciionljlj 1 ri'i tti-,', 1 3 J By enterprising Port The thy goods firm of HARRISON of Port Jervis, N. Y., will Cost in their store on Nov. Two I4-Karat representing the typical woman of fashion. These size, valued at $.'U8,00(), New York state in the state iean exposition at Buffalo. To all who have not had exposition, this will be a rare chance to see those splen did works of art. In addition to these attractions there will be Special Displays of Suits, Dress Goods, Silks, Blankets, Comfortables, Underwear, and all cold weather goods. This up-to-date firm has the best appointed store in the county, and their prices are the lowest. Visit Their Store and See the BIG ATTRACTIONS. We Have Them: Fine Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars, Sporting Goods, Golf Sticks, Fresh Candies and Fruits, Ammunition. Other Things, Too, You Want. CALL And See Us. Wallace & Thrall Telephone Call 62, Harford & 4th Sts., Milford, Pa DO YOU EXPERT TO BUILD? THEN SEE A. D. BROWN and SON, Manufacturers and dealers In all kinds of Lumber, Contractors and Builders. Estimates made ; personal atten tion given and work guaranteed. OFFICE, Brown's Guilding, Milford, Pa. THKSPASS NOTICK. Kotl.w U hereby Kivii that trespniui upon tlie pro perty of the Ulldorromu-d ill Milford towu aliip PiUeeouiily, Pa., for tlie purpobe of ittiiilinir. Hsliio or any other purioieii tfc btrietly forbidden under pt-mill v of the law. Mien. S. SI. l'HA r FOH SALE. A .mall farm toeuted near Malamoras, knowu as tlie. Heuise-l or iteitihantl pUu, uontaining i lu-.rtn. Finely liHMtttii. well wuterel. Honoe and bum. Krutt of all kindr. Purt improvetl. Title elear. For teruiH. ii e. ele.. adilrti. Loek Uix ti Milford. Pa. 1 feALTf M Hi y '1., March r. loot, .r malt. .. .. I wili iiov g.ve yotl ept i n f 1 1 ' ' i p worse, until X lost ! tit nwf i . -fl, consulted ntim .t of iM-. ', who told me i'u t Jervis Merchants. have on exhibition Fkee oi 2, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, and ), Gold Statues North and South American magnificent stiitues are life nnd are the oilicial exhibit o building at the l'ah-Amc an opportunity to visit the Millinery, Cloaks & rpKKSPAS XOTfCK. Notice is hereby K'veii that all trer.pasninK on mv prem ies ill llelaware towiinhip on wtiii-h the High Fillip iii locnte! u Htru-tiy furbi.ldeu. MKS. M'SAX F. SSYDF.K, Delaware Twp., Aug. IMl. Owner. NOTICE All hunting, fUhiiig or other trebpaisiiitg ou the prenilfceM of tile under Hiued. in Dinifuiau 'rownf.liip. on Hay iiinndftkill and iwarft.kill i'rei-kd, U for bindeu under penalty of the law. t'liAo J. botLKAU, Dlntituan Twp., N. iiiiiLKAti, May 17. l.v.xJ. JobKI'H F HolLKAU. Business - Cards. F. W. DC5T, M D. ie Ball Street, PORT JERVI5, N. Y DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. 9 to II A. M. Office Hours Z to 4 P. M. 7 to 8 P. M. WILLIAM B. KENWORTHY, M.D. Physician nnd Surgeon. Ofllce and resldenee Harford street is home lately occupied bv )r K. II. Wen tier. . MILFOKO, PA. Dr. von der Heydo, DENTIST, Hi lt-k House Oppos-ite Vandeininrk I ntel Ht'ond slr.-et Milford Fa. OFKK'K HOURS: 8 to 12 n. m.j 1 to p. tn. H. E.Emertop, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad Street." John A. Kipp, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE: opposite Court House, MlI.KOHI), Pikk Co., Pa. J. H. VAN ETTEN, Attorney- at- Law, OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milfohd, Pike Co., Pa. Sold by All Newsdealers FURNISHES MONTHLY To (II lovers o( Song and Muric a vtst -rolumtof NEW choice eompoaltloni by ti world't famous authors. 64 Pages o( Piano rnasic Half Vocal, Hjff Inttrumfntal 81 Complete Pieces toi Piano Once a month for 10 Cents. Yearly Subscription, $1.00. If bonht in any mnslo stow al ona-tinif off, would cnet S6.25, a nvlngof $5.16 monthly. v In on year you get nearly 600 Papal of Music, comprising 252 Complete Pieces for the Piano. If you eannot get a copy from yonr News dealer, send to us and we will mail you s sample Free. J. W. PEPPER, Publlah.r.N llfhth koeuet St., Philadelphia, Pay P Vio i o a r apVic R AND DRALKRIN Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing & Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 78 Pike Street, Port Jervif, N. Y. CHURCH DIRECTORY MILFORD. First Phfkhytehian chiiuch, Milford, Salibnth wrvlccs at 10.30 a. M. and 7. ) V. M. Sabbath Hihool Inmnxliattily aftttr tha morning t;rvii. Prayer miH'tinir Wed nesday at 7.l P. M. A conlial weleotnt. will lx exti'inletl to all. Thotte not at tached to otliur ehurcheH ar ertjx'einlly in. viunl. Hkv. Thomas Nichols, Pastor. CltUKCH or THE CiOOD SHP.PHKKl), Mil fortl: Serviees Sunday at lu.iio A. M. and 4:00 P. u. .Sunday school Bt H:45 P. at, Vck-day service Knday at H 4r p. m. Holy 'oininiinion Stuuiay at 7:45 A. M. Seats free. A ll are welcome. KKV. CHA8. B. CAltl'KNTKK, Hector. M. K. C'lltiitcH. Services at the M K. (Jliurch Sundays: Preaching; at 10.;ttJ a. in. and at 7. M p. in. Sucday scImhiI at 11:46a. ni. Kjwortlt league at n.lii n. lu. Weekly prayer meeting on W'intiiesiluys ns 7.rtO p. in. tjlaris inccliiiK conducted hy Win. Antrle on Friilaya at 7. Ho p. m. An earnest invitation is extended to auyomi wtio may desire lo v-nrslisp with us. KKV. C K. Si j t; iiuh.it. Pastor. MAI A MORAS. Kpwohth M. V.. (. HintrH, Matanioraa. Services eviry Sai l-nth at lO.iHi a. lu. and 7 p. ill. Sabbath whnol ut 8.:iO. C. K. nieeting Monday eveeinjr at 7.'M. C'lasa meeting 'rue.sihty eM iiini? at 7.'.H). Praver meetinif W'etinesday evening nt 7.tf0. Kvcryuiie welcouie. Hkv. T G Spkncrk. Hopk Kvanof.lical Chiikih, Mat nioriis. Pa. Sti viius next Sunday as follows i Preaching at lo.ilti u. in. and 7 p. in. Sun day school at it p. in. Junior C. K. before and C. K.. prayei meeting after tho even, ing service. id-wi-ck. Jirayer nieetlnuj every W'ednestlay evening at 7. Jib. Seata fifu. A eordial veicome to all. Coma. KKV. H. kV. tii:oi-s, Pastor. Secret Societies. Mii Fimo I K, No. S44, & A. M. : I.oil-e liu-i Is N'fdnchdays on or before KuJl Moon at t lit Wallace Huilding. Mli ford.Pa. N. Kinery, Jr.. Sec'v, Alilfonl; Geo. A Swepeiiioi-r, W. M.. .Milforii. Pa. Van Dkk Mahk I.oiiiiK, No. hm, 1. o O. b' : Meets every Thin'Mhiv evening aft 7 Bll p. in., Prown's Hiiilding. J). H. llomlHck, Sn y Jnnnb McCurty, N. G Pitl DI'INI K KhHKKAH I.OIH.K, 1117, I. () O.K. .Meet s e try sM.ond ami fourth Fri days iu eucli moniii in odd Kellows' Hall, Hrwu's building Miss Katharine Klein N. li. MIks Wi Ihe mine Beck, bee. y. n A N N n R BALVn tn most hahng slv in th wgrlil. .