argams ! IN Furniture, Carpets, St Crockery. We will treat you courteously, whether you want to buy a Lamp Chimney for 3 cents, or a Parlor Suite for $100.00. We can suit you with a 50-cent Rug, or an Axminster Carpet. You shall have what you want. WE HAVE IT FOR YOU. SI Y. FURNITURE CO., 92 PIKE STREET, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. Wo soil 1 be orackoi jafk Plow Shoes Buckle and Congress, prices from $I.OO upTO $1.75 Try a pair and you will say is KANE, PEOPLE'S NATIONAL Pub II shed Monday, Wed- NEW YORK : ery - othiM - day TRI-WFFKLY'--"- MM II LLILI otl a,iyg f ssne, n 11 d covering nifi 1 1 p nowH of thu uth- I Wl K I I ll I- or three. It con- I l I U U I 1 L tains nil impor tant fori; iff" etv blu ncwH which nppoarg In THE DAILY TRI HUNK of same (Into, also Domestic nnd Foreign Correspondeno, Short SrorioH, F.U'gm.t !H ill f-tone Ilhistrutions, Humorous Items, Industrial information, Fashion Notes, Ag ricultural Matters and Comprehensive and ivliublo Financial aud Market rt sports. Regular subscription price, fl.60 a , car. We fui iiUh it with THE PRESS for per year. Send all orders to PIKE COUNTY PRESS, Milford, Pa. H. SCHAFRArMY .-.OUTFITTER TO MEN AND BOYS.w GREATER THAN EVER Our Display of Fall & Winter Clothing: Men's Suits, All Wool Cheviots, $7, $8, $9 and $10. Fancy Worsted All Wool at $10, Equal to Custom Made. The Best Business Suit on Earth for $4.50. Men's Kersey, Clay, Worsted, Lined, a Swell Overcoat, at $14. Another at $10. An Elegant All Wool Kersey for $6.50, Worth $10. Others at $5, $6, $7 and tg. We Have Them for $3. Boys' Suits, 14 to 20 Years, from $3 to $12. Children's Suits, 4 to 16 Years, Our lvlagnet Suits, at $2, Never Wear Out, Double Seats and Knees. Boots and Shoes. VARIETY ENOUGH TO PLEASE YOU ALL SGHAFRANSKY :-Outfitter to UEII and DOYS-:- JC5 Front Street, Dress tniikiug in all branches Will go to tlie house or ilo the work lit home. Ailihes Makv LL'Ijww, Vjiyor iitoitU Btieet, MUfuid, ft. be satisiied what wc so. FAMILY NEWSPAPER Published on Thursday, and known for near ly sixty years in every part of the United States ns n National Family News paper of the hitfht'Hl, 0 1 n br, for farmers and villagers. Itcon. tniiiR all the NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE most important general news of THE DAILY TRIBUNE up to tbohom of going to press, an Agricultural Depart ment of the highest order, has entertain ing reading for every momlwr of the fam ily, old and young, Market Reports, which are accepted as authority by farmers and country merchants, and is clean, up-to-date interesting and Instructive. Regular subscription price, $1,00 a year. We furnish it with THE PRESS for 1 65 per year. Port Jervis, N. Y. DeWitt's littlo pariy risers are dainty littlu pills, but they never fail to t'leaiiho the liver, remove obstruo- tious uuu mvigoriUe the system, 21 Front St., Port Jervis. rHE HOME GOLD CURE. n Ipfp-tiimtN Trent nifiit hy which DruiiK Hrrlft urn Iteinoi Cui-imI lnlly In R,lle nf Tlirmftelvrs. No Noxlmis Dim', No Wmkenlnir of the Nerves. A l'lrfKAnt ami ro.lllve Cure for the L,lfMor It is irenernlly known nnd understood Imt Drunkenness is a disease am! net .venkiicss. A body tilled with polsen, and nerves completely shuttered by perlodioiil r cons nut ue of fntoxteatlng liquor, re- lilt reel nn antidote capable of neutralizing mil eradicating this poison, and destroying 1:1 living for Intoxicants. rUiffircrs limy now euro themselves at homo without pub lielty or loss of time from hiieineRB by thii wonderful 'HOMK CURE" whleh tins been perfected after many years of close itucly mill treatment of inebriates. The faithful uso according to directions ot this wonderful discovery Is positively gunraii leed to cure tlio most obstinate case, no matter how hard a di Inker. Our records -how the marvelous transformation of thousands of drunkards Into sober. Indus trious and upright men. W1VKS Cl'ltK YOUR Hl'SHANDS I I ('Mlbl)HEN CURB VOIR FATHERS I ! This remedy Is in no sense n nostrum but a speeille for this disease only, so skillfully devised and prepared that It Is thoroughly soluble and pleat-ant to the taste, so that It can tie given in a cup of ten or coffee with out t lit knmveledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves wlih this priceless remedy, nnd ns many mure have, been cured nml made temperate men by having the "CVRK" ad ministered by loving friends nnd relatives without their kncnvli'ilgo in coffee or ten, and believe today they discontinued drink inn of theirowu free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not to deluded by apparent and mis leading "improvement." Drive out the disease nt onco and for nil tiino. The "HOME GOLD (JUKK" is sold nt the ex tremely low price of One Dollar, thus plao lng within reach of everybody ft treatment more effectual ihnn others costing fib to J.M). Full directions accompany ench pack age. Fpeclal advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on recepit of O110 Dollar. Address Dept. B 275, EDWIN H GILES & COMPANY. 2:i:l0 and 21132 Market Street, Philadelphia. AM correspondence strictly confidential. FOR SALE. A small farm locnted near Matamoras. known ns the Hensel or Iteinliardt place, containing 21 acres. Finely locnted, well watered. House nnd barn. Fruit, of nil kinds. Part improved. Title clear. For terms, price, etc., address Lock box ti MUloru. Pa. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that trespassing on the premises oc upled by the undersigned in Diugman ) A'lisnip. Known as mu jiuconiiao iiiriu r hunting, tlsliintf, berrying or any other i,tw,c, i.-lti,iiv,ir iu r,n-l under rur,- nltvof the law. Any person or persons disobeying this notice will be dealt with in tne severest uiwiui manner. GEOItUK rl. MCUAHTV, July 1, lsv)7. Lessee. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby L given that trespassing umin the south ern half of the tract of laud known as the William Denny, No. SW, in Shobola town ship, for hunting, fishing, or, any other purpose, also trespassing on Sawkill pond in Dingniau township, or, fishing iu it Is forbidden under penalty of the law. M. UI.E1LAND lILNOB, AprlWm Attorney for owner. 'PRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby X. given that trespassing upon the pro perty of thu Forest Luke Association fn Ijnckuwaxen township. Pike county, Pa., for the purpose of hunting nnd fishing, or any other purpose is striutly forbidden un der penalty of the law. ALKXANDKlt nSUDKN, Nov. 22, 1895. President. TRESPASS NdTlCE. Notice Is hereby X given that trespassing on tlio premises of the undersigniHl, situated in l)ngmnn townsnli), tor any purpose wlinwver 18 strictly forliidden, and all off i miers will be pninj)lly jinisecuted. IltA U. CABK. Oct. a4. rpRESPASS. Notice Is hereby given that jl trespassing upon ine properly oi ine undersigned in Milford and Dingman townsliins. PikefvO., Pa, for the purpose of hunting, fishing in Sawkill creek or nny other purposo Is strictly prohlnlteit iiuuer penalty of the law. JOHN F. WALTER. Milford Township, Pa. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something Nt-w 1'ntler Tlte Sun, All doctors hiive tried to curoCAT ARRH by the us; ct powders, acid giiacs, In halt; ra nnd drills in pAhte form. Their powders dry up the muouous membranes ciuming them to crack open nud bleed. The pow erful ncida used in the in holers have en tirely enten Hwny the same mcmbrnues tlmt their makers have aimed to oure, while piuiUs nud ointincnta cannot reach the disease. Au old nnd experienced prac titioner who has for many years made s close study and specialty of the treatment nf CATARRH, has nt but perfected A Treatment which when faithfully used, uot only relieves at once, but permanently euros CATARRH, by removiug the cause, stunning the ditcharge, nnd curing all in (lamination It la thu only remedy known to science that Actually reaches the alll let ed parts. This wonderful remedy Is known as 'NUKFLKS the GUARANTEED CATARKH CURE" aud is sold at the ex tiemely low price of One Dollar, ench package containing internal and external medicine sullicleut for a full mouth's treatment and everything uecebsary to its perfect use. "SNUFFLES" is the only perfect CA TARRH Cl'RE ever made and is now recognized as the only safe and positive cure for that annoying aud dlsgubtlng dis ease. It cures all indammutmn quickly aitd permanently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve HAY KKVKK or COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when uegJected often leads to CONSUPTION "HNt'FFLES" will ave you If you use it at onoe. It N no or dinary remedy, but a complete treatment which (s positively gunranUx-d to cure CA TAKH1I in auy form or stage if used no ending to the directions which accompany each package. Dou't delay but send for it at once, and write full particulars as to your cundiiion, and you will receive spec ial advice from thu discoverer of this won derful remedy rt'gitrding yuurcasu wit hout coot to you heyoud the regular price of "SNl'FFLKS" the "GUARANTEED CATARRH CUKE." Sent prepaid to any address in the Unit ed States or C.iUudaou receipt of One Dol lar. Addrebs lh pt. li EDWIN B G 1 I KS & COM lJA N V, ZMD aud Murk tt Street, PhiUwlelphla. OCTOBER DAYS ...AT PA No A M AT Chicago October wan the great month Id point of at tendance at the Worldi fair. There la e,very rea son to believe the Bnme re sult will come to the Pan-American Ex position at Buffalo, where October Is always a month of delightful weather. The Exposition In point of beauty and Interest Is at Its climax, and the pro gramme of special events Is sucb as to attract and please. Peptember started with great crowds, and only the trage dy In the Temple of Music, which stun ned and shocked a world, halted an overwhelming success In thnt month. The Exposition management as a trib ute of respect closed the gates for one day, Thursday, when the stnte funeral of the third martyred president took place. The crowds since then have poured to BtitTnlo. The Temple of Music, now bnllowed and historic ground, has been the Mecca of thou sands. Buffalo has demonstrated her ability to care for groat crowds satisfactorily, not only In hauling them to the Exposi tion by street car and steam railway at a fare of but 5 cents from any part of the city, but to house and feed them at prices In the reach of nil., The stories of exorbitant prices were long ago shown to be fables, and every visitor who makes the slightest effort to get accommodation can do so wholly with in his means. The Exposition Itself, with Its beauti ful buildings, Its colorlug by day. Its magic lighting at night, Its walks and courts, Its ciinnls and lakes. Its foun tains and statuary. Its exhibits nnd Its amusements, has been a delight to the 5,000,000 visitors who have already been to the Tan-American. The Exposition Coiupnny opened up the month of October, beginning Mon day. Sept. 30, with a Carnival week of splendid events. Including a bnby coach parade, with 8.000 school chil dren singing In the procession, a mon ster pageant with the floats used In the New Orleans Mnrdl Gras and alle gorical parade and the feature of the beautiful floral parade at Saratoga. These will take phice on Thursday and Saturday, Oct. 8 and 5, but every day from Sept. 80 to Oct. 5 will be replete with Interest. Special fireworks on the lake, with decorated and Illuminated launches In a procession of fiery grand eur, will afford new and wonderful sensations to the visitors. Thus October will be ushered In with a programme so arranged as to give the American public a delightful week. The life saving drill, daily, bns be come one of the grent attractions of the Exposition. It tells the story of the work of the heroic men who guard the shores of ocean and great lakes, al ways on the alert to drag from death's brink the shipwrecked sailor or pas sengers. The model camp of United States marines, the aeaconst guns, the ordnance and all the exhibits showing wnr's panoply and our defensive meas ures have been a great educator to thousands of visitors. Some military company Is always encamped In the park, and thnt part of the grounds Is never without Interest. With the magnificent exhibit of the United States Government aud the South and Central American States' buildings every visitor can spend a day. No exposition has ever provided In so compact a space, with such beauty of architecture aud with so riMru or vijsio, uatx knthancb pam- AMKH1CAN KXFOUITION. much care for the comfort of the vis itor, so much. All exhibit buildings are free. Including the Stadium, the great amphitheater, the art gullcry, state buildings, aud never was ao much given for so little. The gorgeous pyrotechnics and do exposition baa ever been so lavish In the display of fireworks are free to all Exposition visitors. The programme provided by Tain Id October Includes the magnificent water carnival with gorgeous ballet, wonderful figures la liquid fire, and aerial bombs suil rock ets of startling beauty and mystifying construction. To tbe millions Interested In agricul ture, stock aud poultry rearing, tbe Pan-American Exposition especially appeals. Tba cattle show was a tre mendous success and the sheep show, DOMT K TOBACCO SPIT MOKE YourLifaawavl You can be cured of any form of tobacco umuk easily, be maile well, fttronK, m:iirnrt 'e, fti II ,,f nrw life and vigor by Ukiutf BtO- fO-BAO, that makea weak men alioiig. M.itiy .-m leu pounds in ten day, over BOOOUO ctiied. All druKKts. Cure auaruiiUrd. ii.Hk-1.-1 and ad..c Adiieaa b 1 fclU,l Nli kJiMiUJl- CO., CUluio or itw Vuik. il WANTED, TO RENT A small farm in this county. Ail Ji eta giving terms, this oftlcn. THE... PR IT AN beginning Sept. 23 and continuing to Oct. Z, has proved an attraction for those Interested, from every section from Maine to California and Canada. Among the states represented are Mich igan, Indiana, Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Vermont, Ohio, New Jersey, Texas and Missouri. Of the total number of flocks on exhibi tion twenty-seven have been sent here from the Dominion of Canada, most of the exhibitors being located In the province of Ontario. The province of Quebec Is also represented. During w .,.. : TF.HI'T.R OP MUSIC, MA IN ENTHANl'E FHOJ1 AUDITOUIUM rAN-A-MEllICAN EXPOSITION. the course of the sheep show there will be held In the New York State building a series of meetings of prominent North and South American sheep breeders. The HufTnlo Itevlew of Sept. 24 said that "this ought to be a great time for the funnels to visit the I'liu-American. Every farmer in New York Stnte, uot to mention those In other parts of the country, ought to see the attractions of the Rainbow City during the next three or four weeks. "The cattle show last week was a big feature of the Exposition, and this week there Is a great sheep show in progress. 'The New York State farmers and the sheep, raisers from other Btates will find It most Interesting to compare tlio South American breeds with those of North America. "It will surprise many to learn that the pavilions for animals at the Pan American cover ten acres and are ca pable of housing 3."i,000 animals." The programme for October so fur as made up at this time Is as follows: I. Mexican day, (Irr-wnrki, free organ recital, John P. Lawrence, Washiniitcn. 8, 8. Free organ recital, W. U. Donlej, In diunapollf, Ind. 5. Nebraska day, Toronto day, fireworks, a. IVnmylvanla day. 4, 6. Free organ recital, Harry B. Jcpson, New Haven, Conn. 6. Peru day, Awards day, flreworka, D. o! B. Lehigh football. 7. a Miss lone B. Rlddell, Cincinnati, 0., Ilea organ recital, Old Folks' day, Illinois day. 7-20. Innea' band, New York, sixty men. 7-10. Horse show. Judging 0. 10. 8. Brooklyn day, Knights ot the Golden Eagle, reworks. 5. New York State dsy, Federstlon of Women's Clubs, fireworks. ft. Free organ recltsl. 10. Nstionsl Orange day, Delaware dsy, Dun kirk day, Nat. P. O. and V. A. sssocistion, fire works. loot. Free organ recital, William O. Carl, Mew York city. II. atlantlo City day. It. International Sunshine day. 12. U. of B.-Urown football, fireworks. 13-10. Free organ recital, Clarence Fddy, Hew York. U-31. Victor Herbert's orchestrs, Pittsburg, six ty men. 15. Merchants' Association of New York, Pain's flreworka. 17, 18. Free organ recital, Ilsrry Rows 8helley, New York city. 17. University ol Buffalo dsy. fireworks. 10. Buffalo dsy, Cornell-Carlisle football, flre worka, 20. Free organ recltsl. to, tl. Free orgsn recital, N. t. Corey, De troit. Mich. tl-31. Eshlhltioa of poultry and pet stock. Juugtng 23. 8. 22. Pain's fireworks. IS. Wesleysn-U. of B. football. is. Pain's fireworks, American Buff Plymouth Rock club, Americsn Polish club. 24. Americsn Langshan club. Eastern White Wyandotte club. 24-26. Pigeon club, Americsn Magpie club. 25. National White Wyandotte club. M. Pain's fireworks. 17-20. Free organ recital, William B. Coulaon, Cleveland, O. , 28. Alsska day. 20. Pain's fireworks, Bl. Pain's fireworka. Can Car For 2.10.0O0. Director General Buchaunn says the only problem now confronting the Ex position Is bow to find days euough within tbe closing weeks to adequately take care of the many attractions and features now being planned. He pre dicts a great attendance during the mouth ot October and one far In ex cess of the highest estimates that have been made by the most sanguiue. In answer to the Inquiry as to whether or not Buffalo could take care of the crowds, he suld there was no difficulty whatever In this regard; that Buffalo could easily care for 200,000 strangers every day comfortably uud at reason able prices. la tlse stxtalo Tesuple. The organ recitals In the Temple of Music are dally features of the Pan American Exposition. Many celebrated organists are on the programme for October. Victor Herbert's famous or chestra will be at the Temple of Mu sic from Oct 14 to the close of the Ex position. mis'. 4-labels. 1 nut Marks. "CuPYKICHTS. Thirty-one active practice. Oelnlon as tn validity and ii-niat'ility. VWit for Uwjk ol in.ini. run.a.i.l rrMencc. Ll'soN BKOaViJ ausMt. VY ao.!u(tua, l. Xa V - . , I PL It1 A5TI CURE FREE! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. PENT ABSOLUTELY Fit EE ON RECEIPtTiF TOSTAL. V.V1UTK VOI It NAME ANI Ar.IlU.XS rf,AINI,r, lOlt TEfl YEAHG After having It rn refill ly nnnlyjcil opium, murphliie, cliloroforni or ether. VtLier. r, , , Avon Sphinus, N. Y., Keb. 1. ltxil. Dit. Taft linos.' iMhiih ine ("o. (leiitlemen: I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the won derful elTcct of your A at h mnleire, for the cure of Asthma. My wife ha heen nflllcted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well nw noinv others, I clmni'cil to see your sign upon your windows on 180th street, New V oik I nt once obtained a bottle of Asthiiinleue. My wife commenced tnklng It about the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical Improvement. After using ono bottle her Asthma h is disappeared nnd she Is entirely free from nil symptoms. I feel that I can consistently recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this dis tressing disease. Yours respectfully, O. U. PHKLPS, M. I). Hit. Taft Hitos.' Mkimimsr Co. Feb. 6, 1(101 rientleinen: I was troubled with Asthma for 23 yearn. I have trleil numerous remedies, but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. I found relief at once. I have since purchased your full-size botile, and I am ever grateful. 1 have a family nf four children, and for six years was unable to work. lam now In the best of health and am doine business everv dnr Thia aut.i. mony you can make such use of as you see Hume Address, 2 ltivlugtou street. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Do not delay. Write nt once, addressing DK. TAFT HROS.' MEDICINE CO. 7!) East l:iuili .., N. Y. City. I Ik II ii ,ntiy be snciired by I IlJ Ll g our aid. Atl.ln-Hs, "JI I 1 U THE PATENT RECORD, Urt Subscriutlona to The Ptient Record l.UUper aunnLik "Ilotli my wife and myself have been nslng CASi Alir.TS nrin tiicy are the best medicine wo have over hud In the house. Last week my wife whh frantio with heodncne for twoduvs, she tried Homo of yourOASCAHETS, and thny relieved the pain In tier head almost Immediately. We both recommend Cascarets." OliAfl. Striibfoho, Plttsburs; Safe & Uejioslt Co., Plttaburg, P, Pleaiant. Palatable. Potent. Tnnte Good. Do Oootl, Nover Sicken. Weaken, or Grle, 10c. ijo, COo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... I.HI.S R.Mr, Clil.s, aMtr,il, IhI, sir l'!luT. IT -U? tnrt Btinrintoert bv all dni- R" I V' Sh'J (isls lo CVKK Tobacco U..bil. vVf 60 YEARS' wV- 7 tvDrRiPsir.p AIM JAM Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anrnne mn1tng a nkctrh nnd dporriptkin mtr nnlrkly AMcurtHin our opinion free whether an iiVvMit.nn in probably piitontntilu. roniniunifsv tltnsr.trit:tly mntidpnUiil. IlHiidtHiok on fit tent cut fre H'l;t Jiirciicy for RccuruiH pnteiitn. PntPiitfi taiu'r, tliroiik'h Wiitin A Co. reculr tpecUti notice, without ctmriro. la tlio Scientific Jlmcrican. A tmnilfiomoly lllntrto-1 wppklf. I.nrirput rr. culm .I'll of nny rtrit'iitiUc joiirnnl. Tprnm, H ft yt' ir: four nitmtha. 1. 8oltl bj all newBd-'iilem. WUNN & Cs.-8,B"New York - Uri.ucb uui, o, en V SL. WaahluaituD. O. L. IIOAGLAND'S Store PORT JERVIS, N. Y. Largest Stock. HEADQUARTERS For Sets of Dishes, Lamps and GhissAvare. Occupying the entire floor of Building. We buy 15 ut tor, Eggs and Grain. Hoagland's PORT JERVIS, N. Y. UP TOWN. our lec rcuu ucd it wc iuiL. Auy one (tcuUMia fckcli h aud df-scrijitiuu ol any iuventiou will piouiptly rcveive our o;iiiiuii tree cumerniug the palciittnlity ol wuiic. " lluv lo OOlaiu a l.Uill" btrlll U)ui ri'U.'it. I'dltUU NtUId il.iuuh us Uvlvciti.itru li.r s-ilc at our ritiHriisc. l'.ilcula t;ikfii out throuit us receive in:i(il notv t-t vvithtmlctmige, iu Juk I'AibNT Kbviu.:.), au illuiraud ami wulcly circulated jouiual, CuiLAultt-'il by M.iiinfin iiiit isanj In ventui tcud tor kuiui-lc copy f R. AUdlOMS VICTOR J. EVANS A CO. (latent Atturncys,) tr ftulldinga WASHINGTON O C Wmf CANDY 2J CATHARTIC "S T""' "A"" SSOfSTISSO ftf w I There Is nothintr like Astlima leno. It brings Instant rolief, even in the worst cases. It cures when nil else ftiila. Tho Rev. O. F. WELLS, of Villa Rldgo, 111., flays: "Your trial bottle of Asthiiia leno rccoived In goml condition. I cannot tell you how thankful I feci for the good drrlved from It. I was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. I dcspnlred of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for tho cure of 'his dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought you had ovorspoken yourselves, but resolved to give It a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full-sized bottle." Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rnhbl of the Cong. Until Iuracl. New Your, Jan. 8, Unit. J)H8. TAFT DltOS.' M KDICINR Co., Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene Is an ex cellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and Its composition alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success is astonishing and wonderful. , wo can stnte that Asthmalene contains no Very truly yours, RKV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. ill. S. RAPHAEL, 67 East lswth St., City. m3 RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Corrooted to Date. Solid Pullinnn trnlni to Buffnlo, Ning nrrt FbIIb, Chniitnuqun Lake, Clovelnnd, (JhicHKonnd Cincliinuti. TinkotR on rhIo nt Port Jervis to nil points in tho WoRtand Southwest nc lower rules thun via any othor flrst-olnss line. Tkainb Now Lkavb Pokt Jbkvib ad Kollows. EASTWARD. No. 13, T)nllyKxpiKBS 8 84 A.M. " 1(1, Dully Express ( go " " 1H, Unily Kxoiipt Sunday. . 6 an " " BH, ' " " " 7 40 " " fMi3, Sunday Only 7 58 " " H, Dally Kxcrpt Sunday.. 10 21) " " , Dally Way Train 13 P.M. " 4, Kxpressexoopt Sunday. 8 Wl " " So, Way Kxcopt Sunday... 8 88 " " 8, Daily Kxpn-ss 4 25 " " 6(ifi, Sunday Only 4 80 " " 8, Dally Kxpri'gs 5 80 ' " 1H, Siinilayonly 540 " " fiiW, Kxpri'ss Sunday only. . B 07 " " 23, Daily Except Sunday.. 8.60 " " 14. Dally 10.00 " WESTWARD. No. 8, Dally Express 18 80A.M. " 17, Daily Milk Train 8.05 " " 1, Dally Express 11 K8 " " 11, EorHo'dale E'pt Sun.. 18 111 p. M. " 0, Way train except Sun'y 18 80 " " 8a, Di'ixislt exp. Sat. only. 4 40 " " 6, Dally 5.15 " ' 27, Dally Exorpt Sunday.. 6 50 " " 7, Dully Express 10.15 " Trains leave Chambers street, Now York for Port Jervis on week days at 4 00, 7 16, 9 00, 15, 10 80 A. M. 1.0U.8.0U, 4 80, B 80, 7 80, 8 15 p. M. On Sund iy 4.00, 7 80, 8 00, 0.16 s.. rn.; 18 80. 8 80, 7 80 and 9 15 P. u. I. I. Roberts, General Passenger Agent, New York. Washington Hotels. RIGGS HOUSE. The hotel par excellence of tho capital, loca!d within one block of tho White House and directly opposite the Treasury. Einest table In the city. WILLARD'S HOTEL. A famous hoUdry, remarkable for Its historical asooelatlons aud long-sustained popularity. Recently renovated, ropuiuted and partially refuruished, NATIONAL HOTEL. A landmark among the hotels of Wash ington, patronized In former years by presidents and high officials. Always a prime favorite. Keceutly remodelled and rendered better than ever. Opp. Pa. K R. dep. WALTER BURTON, Res. Mgr. These hotels are the principal political rendezvous of tbe capital at all times. They are the best stopping places at rea sonable rates O. O. STAPLES. Proprietor. " O.OlWITT.Manaisr. FIVE TWO-CENT STAMPS will put you next the VANDAL... n Interesting mag azine of orltlcism. Send for one to-day. No Free Coplee THE VANDALL, 5226 Butler St., Pittsburg, Pa. fl f W Q Here'i your ehmnc Ut mwk UU I w niouey uflr Mibool. Milium imt you thun 3; you Mil fcbui Cor loc. n, clnr A'KOrIT of over lo oo MMstt on. Vou etu nmko k4 W m$ wry vn httf. tilKLS mvIsm WMiiUtd, rrivMi htunpla UL- le io ; 14, AU; XO. T5j; or fr for lUO. Atldre., J. J. lHrLAN, JNo. AO Twuly-Urk street, 'UUburn. 1'aw Subicribe for tho PuKta.