arg IN Furniture, Carpets, & Crockery. We will treat you courteously, whether you want to buy a Lamp Chimney for 3 cents, or a Parlor Suite for $100.00. We can suit you with a 50-cent Rug, or an Axminster Carpet. You shall have what you want. WE HAVE IT FOR YOU. N. V. FURiWUR 92 PIKE STREET, AVc sell the crnckerjack Plow Shoes Buckle and Congress, prices $I.OO UP Try a psii r unci you will nny is PEOPLE'S NATIONAL Published Monday, Wed nesday and Krl day, Is In reality a lino, fresli ev ery - other - day NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY: r I) a 1 1 y. KlvrllK the latest news on days of Issue, a n d covering news of the oth er three. It con tains all Impor TRIBUNE tant roreipn ca ble news which nppeara In THK DAILY TKI1UJNE of same date, nlso Dotnoatio and Foreign Correaponilence, Short Stories, Elegant Half-tone Illustrations, Humorous Items, Industrial Information, FashlonNotea, Ag ricultural Matters and Comprehensive mid reliable Financial and Market reports. Regular subscription price, II 60 a , car. We fuiuUh It with THE PRESS for - 12.25 per year. K A M. E, Send all orders to PIKE COUNTY PRESS, u cor EI. OUfiiBr&A ".OUTFITTER TO GREATER THAN EVER Our Display of Fall & Winter Clothing; Men's Suits, All Wool Cheviots, $7, $8, $9 and $10. Fancy Worsted All Wool at $10, Equal to Custom Made. The Best Business Suit Men's Kersey, Clay, Overcoat, at $14. Another at $10. Wool Kersey for $6.50, Worth $10. 17 and $9. We Have mem lor $3. Boys' Suits, 14 to 20 Years, from S3 to $12. . Children's Suits, 4 to 16 Years, Our Magnet Suits, at $2, Never Wear Out, Double Seats and Knees. Boots and Shoes. VARIETY ENOUGH 1 m Outfitter to 15 Front Street, PrntiS making in all branches Will fio to the house or do the work Ht home. Aiklrrti Makv Ltiiwiu, Viijr lii wid street, tUlturd, I'u. u fa j r ' i - 1 r ia v . a ( CO., PORT JERVIS, N. Y from $1.75 TO lie satisfied what wo so. 21 Front St., Port Jervis. FAMILY NEWSPAPER I'til llshed on Thursday, and known for near ly aixty years In every part of the I'lllted Rates as a National Family News pa p e r o f the highest c I a a a, for farmers and villagers. Itoou taina all the most Important general nowa of NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE THE DAILY TRIBUNE up to the hour of going to press, an Agrioultural Depart ment of the highest order, has entertain ing reading for every member of tho fam ily, old and young, Market Reports, which are accepted aa authority by fanners and country merchants, and la clean, up-to-date interesting and Instructive. Regular subscription price, l,00 a yenr. We furnlBh it with THE PRESS for 165 per year. Milford, Pa. UEU AND BOYS on Earth for $4.50 Worsted, Lined, a Swell An Elegant All Others at $5, $6, TO PLEASE YOU ALL EN and BOYS Port Jervis, N. Y. IoWitt'a little early risers are dainty little pills, but they never fail to cleunhd the livi-r, remo e oljMtruo tiuiiu and invigorate the nyBtoiu, lAETDAMCVfM IM. SA IjK. A miuill fiinn lixntiii nrar Matatncrii, known nfl tint lii'll'l nr Hi'lnlcmit J'laci'. rMttni?itnjr 21 mM. Kitu ly ivfutcil, wi ll wnti'n-tl. Ilonsn nml Imrn. Fruit nf nil fclmlrf. I'nrt tMii'fivivl. Tit li rlnir. For tornm, pris;, nti. mlilrnR Lork Ik. I j Mllfnttl. 'piiF.St'As NO'l'ICK. Notlt e is lirrrliy I plvrn t lint tltJtnKxitig on tllf premises k. npied ly the iin:ieriKtM(l In l)iii(:ttinn i-nsliip. Uti'twti tilt? Huelmniin fnnn r liuntintr, flsliihtf, berrying or Htiy otlier m-pitfie w hntever in fnrhiilden under n u il t v uf tlm litw. Any person or nern(m duiilievlni; t his tun lee will lie detilt Willi in thu'smurvst litwfnl manner. Ukohiik H. McCahty, .Inly 1, 18'.)?. Ixwwe. TIIK.SPASS NOTl'lK. Nutlet is hen liy ivcii t.lmt M-et-piiHsinp npoti tlie south' ern Imll nf the trii'-t of html known as the Willium Denny, No. It). In Sholiola town ship, for hnnUtiK. INhinrf. or, nny other tnirp'isi', ;i1ko ttep:!sit!f: on Suwkill poml in l)ing'titn township, or, llsliin tit it 1ft forblthleti uniler peiutlty of the lnw. M. Cl.RlI.ANM Mll.NOR, AprlWin Attorney for owner. rpilKSI3A.S NOTICK. Notlen In hereby JL Klven that trespnswhiK upon the pro perly of the Forest Luki Ass.iciitt.ion In Ijiu'kitwtixen townwhlp, i'lke county, Vn., for the purpose of hunt inr itinl llitiif, or liny fit her purpose is strictly forbidden un der uentilty of the law. Al.KXAIIKlt HAttt'RN, Not. S?, 1WI5. Priwldeut. T'RKSPASS NOTICR. Nntlcn Is hprrhy iriven Hint trespassing on t ho preiniseB of the uiuleihixiHil, sitnuled In UliiRnmn township, for nny purpose whatever la s'riet ly forlilihlen,"atid all otli nders will be promptly prosecuted. 1 K A JJ. CAhB. Oc t. 24. lMllfi. NOTICK All htinlliifr. fishing or other trespassing on the premises of tho under signed, In Dltifrman Township, on Hny iiintiilskill and Dwnrfsklll Creeks, la for binden under penalty of the law. I'llAft. J. HolLEAU, Dlncnmn Twp., N. llotl.KAU, May 17, 1HSI8. JoSKPH F HOILKAD. THF.SPASS NOTICK. Notleo la horehy (,'iv.n that trespasslnir upon the pro perty of the undersigned In Milford town ship. I'lke eotinty, l'rt., for the purpose of hnntintr. Ilshlne'or any other purposes la strictly forbidden under pennlty of the law. Mils. S. M. CHAKT. TKKSPAPS. Notice Is lierebv (riven thnl X trespassing upon the property of the nncierpiinieti in Minora and inninnnti towtiHliips, I'lke Co., i'a , for the purpose of li tin 1 1 ii llshliiK In ravktll creek or hut other purpose Is strictly prohibited under penalty of the law, JOHN F. WALTF.H. Rllli'ord Township, Vn. fPKKSIAS NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given that all tresiiassingon inv prom ises in Delaware toivushlp on which the High rails Is located is strictly rorliidden. MRS. STSAN F. SNYDER, Delaware Twp., Aug. lilt, l'.KIl. Owner. WANTKD-SEVERAL PERSONS OF character and good reputntlon in each state (one in this county required) to rep resent and advertise old established weal thy business house of solid financial stand ing. Salary IH.uo weekly with expenses additional, 'all payable in cash each Wed nesday direct from head Horse anil carriages tnrnlshed, when ueeessnry. References. Enclose aelf-nddrcssed stamp ed envelope. Manager. 1)18 Caxton Build ing, Uilingo. 8-13-03 Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of n writ of Fieri Fnoins Issued out of (lie Court of Common Pleas nt Pike county to me tUre.cti.'u' I will sell 0:1 Saturday, October 6, A. D., 1001. at 2 o'olock In tho nfternoon of siid diiy at tlio Sheriff's oflieo In the Borough of Mil ford: AH that certain piece or parcel of land situate in tho township of Belawnre In the county of Pike, reniiHylvnnla, hounded and nVBcrlhed as follows: Begin ning at a lartro buttonwood tree on the hank of tho Delaware river, thence down the river south 21 degrees west 2H per ches to a Hat rock, thence hy lands of Henry L. Davenport north B71 degrees west 24 nerches to point of roeks, thence north nsu degrees west 49 l perches to rock oak, thence north 85 degrees west 55 pending to a roek, thenc south 40 degrees east Hil perches, theucn north K-1 degrees east Jit'i petches, thenco south 7' degrees wet 45 perches, thence south 14 degrees east 72 perches to pino tree, thenco south 81' degrees east 2t perches to place of he ginnlng, contatning thirty-seven acres ntid (ifty-four perches more or less, being part of a lot In warrantee name of Samuel Ma gaw. PnMnlses, unimproved woodland. prized ni.d taken In execution as tho property of Kllzaheth J. Van Auken.deocas ed and will be sold bv me nr ctf-h. b'j. VANDKKMARK, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Milford, Pa.t Sept. 9, liWl 7. ( A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something New Under The Sua." All doctore Imve tried tocvtrcOATARRH by tho nso nf (juwdora, acid gawa. Inhalers and drugs in paste form. Their powder drf tip tho munuous membranes causing them to orack open and bleed. The pow erful acids used In the Inhaler have en tirely eaten nwny the same mombrnue that their makers have alined to cure, while paste nnd ointments cannot reach tho disease. An old And experienced prac titioner who has for many year made m close study and specialty of the treatment nf (JATAKKlf, lias at last perfected a Treatment wblch when faithfully used, not only relieves at once, but permanently cure CATAHKH, by removing the cause, stopping tlte discharges, And curing all ln- Uammatlon It is tho only remedy known to science that actunlly reaches the allllct- d parts. This wonderful remedy Is known is "SNVKKI.KS the GUARANTEED CATARRH Cl'KK" and Is sold nt the ex tremely low price of One Dollar, each packagi? containing Internal and external medicine uilieieut for a full month' treatment and everything necessary to It perfect use. 'SN TEFLES" is tho only perfect CA TARRH t'L RK ever made and is now recognized as tho only safe and positive euro for that annoying and disgusting dis ease. It cures all inflammation quickly and permanently and la also wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FKVKK or COLD in tho HEAD. CATARRH when neg'ected often loads to t'ONSL TTION "SNL'FKLES" will save you if you use it nt once. It is no or dinary remedy, but it complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to cure CA TAHH11 lu any form or stage if used no cording to the directions which accompany each package. Don't delay but send for it at once, nnd write full particular a to yuur coiKlliion, nnd you will receive spec ial advico from the discoverer of this won derful remedy regarding yourcase without coot to you beyond the regular price of "SNl'EEI.KS" tho "GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE." Sent prepaid to any address iu the Uuit c4 States Or C:mnduon receipt of One Dol lar. Address Dept. 11 75, EDWIN II. UII.KS ic l?0 M f A N V, 2a and 333 Mark et fctrcut, Ir'hllndelphla. THE CHURCH COLUMN. (nr Bv. c. K. scttiMiKti ) Thii tuiiicB fur next rAnbbntH nre u follows: For tho morning nor vlco, "The Lonl Htith Need cf Thee," nnd for the evening, '-Work-ed Out SnlvnUon." There will lie prenchinR at Union next Bnbbnlh nfternoon. The general imhlio is Invited to nttend the jirenohinR service t the church tonight. Tho presiding elder, tho Rev. J. Ii. Wright, will li ench, his enhjoct being, "Onr Nu tional Ciilnmlty." At the clone of this service tho soeond qnnrterly conference vlll be hold. The lecture lust Snturdny evening wns exceptionnlly good. The t tend.ince was not quite tip to our expectation. We expected 20 house. Thut wns t'2 too high. The storm on Kutiduy night kept a large number from the service, hut as it wns, a very reHpectublo audience cntne out to henr the Rev. J. A Wheeler give his most exoel lont sermon on tempernnco. He took for bis text the 3:td, 34th and 3Gth verses of the fourth chnpter of St. Luke. The spirit of the unclean devil spoken of In the text in the spirit of the rum traffic The great cry of the liquor business is, "Let us alone I Lot ns rob men "of their brains, their manhood, and their lives. Let us alone, let us take the clothes off of the backs of children and the bred out of their mouths. Let us alone, let ua curse body nnd soul, and ruiu for this life and for eternity." .But Jesus cast out the unclean devil and no hurt followed. It would not hurt Milford ; no, it would make It a "Garden of the Lord" in more than natural acenery if the saloons were driven out. That the president of these United States, a man of the exalted charac ter and extended usefulness of Wil liam McKiuley, should be shot by the employe of a brewer, la a very significant fact. Anarchy and the ruin fiend go hand In hand. We have given them loose rein and suf fer the natural consequence. Let onr slumbering consciences arouse and suppress anarohy, and its twin brother, the legalized saloon, and then our hands will be clean, and our nation safe. The church Is receiving a coat of paint which it has so long needed. Many thanks are expressed to all who have contributed to add this beauty to the house of worship May the increased beauty of the church without be trat the mdica tion of the more beautiful church within. OBITUARY. CIIAKLES WHITAKER. After an illness extending over several months, Mr. Whitaker died at the home of his sister in this borough at an early hour last Mon day morning. lie was a son of John and Eleanor Decker-Pellet Whitaker and was born in Delaware township May 4, 1807. All his life has been spent in this vicinity. His aged father, one full brother, John, of Delaware, two half-broth-orB, William Pellet, of Rosendnle, N. J., and Frank Pollott of Kansas, two full Bisters, Alise. wife of D II. Hornbeck of this borough, with whom he resided, Emily, wife of Goo. B. Van Auken of Delaware, and two half-sisters, Eila, wife of Thomas Fitch of Newark, N. J., nd Martha, wife of Henry B. Van Aa ken of Delaware township, survive. The funeral was held yesterday at 2 p. m. and interment in the Dela ware cemetery at Dingmans. Stood Death Off. E. B. Munday, a lawyer of Henri etta, Tex., onoe fooled a grave dig ger, lie snya : "My brother was very low with mnlarinl fever and jaundice. I persuaded him to try Eleotrio Bittern, and lie was aoou much better, but continuod their use until be was wholly oured. I am Bure Electrio Bitters saved bis life." This remedy expels malaria, kills disease germs nnd purifies the blood ; aid& digestion, regulates liver, kid neys and bowels, cures constipation, dyspepsia, nervous diseases, kidney troubles, female complaints ; gives perfect health. Only 50o at all drug store. Milford Hand Laundry. The nndersigned baa opened a laundry on Centre Bquare Milford, Pa., in the store roorn formerly oc cupied by Geo. Dauman, and will do all kinds of work pertaining to the business with promptness and in a neat careful manner, A share of the puhlio patronage is respectfully solicited. JiH5 L. (Jouklay. A Shocking- Calamity. "Lately befell a railroad laborer," write Ir. A. Kellett, of Williford, Ark. "His foot was badly crushed, hut Bucklen's Arnica riulve quickly cured him." It's simply wonderful fur ISurns, Boils, Piles and all skin eruptions. It's the world's cham pioti healer. Cure guaranteed. 2ao. bold by nil druggist. Trnf In Her p. Clnra Jack proposed to me lns.t night nnd esked me to give my answer In a letter. Mamie Shall you do as requested ? Clara Well, not exnelly. I shall put my answer In the postscript. Chicago Daily New. A Lsr f.enp. "I aw a blfr jump last night," said the Facetiott One. "Did you?" asked the Solemn Truth teller. "Ye. I aw a Mrcet car Jump tlir track." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. ' The llRr1et I, nek. Oenrgle Whnt do thev mean bv dead broke, dad? Henpeek When a mnit I no hard up that he can't even mine money to Aend hi wife away to the country. Judge. Retnrt Courteous. Bhe After a man reaches your np-c he imagines every handsome woman tie meeta la In love with him. HeWell, if that Is true, I certainly have no excuse for thinking you are in love with me. Chicago Daily News. Conrnire. Mrs. Mecle I only wish I had ns much courage aa our baby. Mr. Meek What does lie do? Mr. Meek Why, he actually tnlks back to the hired girl. Ohio State Journal. A rroud Pnpn. Mr. Newkid (reprovingly) Ueorge, I wish you wouldn't keep calling the baby "it." Mr. Newkid (gleefully) Well, If he Isn't "It" just now, 1 don't know who 11 I'uck. Too Pnnt for Ker, Miss Elden There are o many fast young men nowadays. Mis Y'oungly H'm yes; you do seem to have difficulty In catchingone. Philadelphia Bulletin. No Dividend. Frank Didn't I understand that Belle ninrried money? May That can hardly be, for she told me herself thnt her marriage wa a failure. Hnrlcm Life. Couldn't Tnlk. "How does it come tha. new barber doe such a rushing business?" "Peaf and dumb." Ohio State Journal. A Night of Terror, "Awfnl anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burn ham of Mnchlns, Me., when the doc tors said she would die from Pneu monia before morning" writes Mrs. S. 11. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night, '-but. she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, which had more than onco saved her life, and cured her of Consumption. Af ter taking, she slept all night. Fur ther use entirely cured her." This marvelous medicine is gntirantead to oure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 60o and $1. Trial bottles frea at all drug stores. They Work While You Sleep. While your mind and body rest Cas carets Candy Cathartic repair your digestion, your liver, your bowels, put them in perfect order. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. f-S t S"T" TOBACCO SPIT LltIN I nd f MOKE " Your Life away I Ycm can be curM of any form of tohacco uin(r easily, b made well, strong, ni.icnetic, full of new life and rigor by taking NO-TOBAOt that makea weak men strong. M:mv n ten pounds in ten days. Over ROOtOOO iTMicu. aii urugKis. Lure Eiinramet'u. jiook let and advice FRKK. AdircM ST KRL IN (J CJiMfcDY CO., Chicago or New York. 4J7 THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drnnk- arils re llelng Cured Dally In Aplte of Themselves. No Noxious Hoses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant ! Positive Core tor the Liquor Habit. It 1 generally known nnd understood thnt Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A hody filled with poUen. and nerves completely shuttered hy perindieiil or colis tint use of Intoxicating liquor. quire an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying t jc ornvlng for intoxicants. Sufferer may now cure themselves nt home without puh llclty or los of time from business by tbl wonderful "HOMK GOLD CURE" which tin been perfected aftor many yenrs of close study and treatment of inebrlntea. The faithful use according to directions ot this wonderful discovery Is positively guaran teed to cure tho most obstinuto case, no mutter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of drunkards into sober, indus trious and upright men. WIVES CURE YOUR HUSBANDS I I CHILDREN CUKE YOUR FATHERS ! ! This remedy lain no sense a nostrum but specific fur this disease ouly, so skillfully devised nnd prepared thnt It is thoroughly soluble nnd plensnnt to the taste, so thnt it can be given In a cup of ten or coffee with out the knoweledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured theuiHi if? with this priceless remedy, ami as mn .6 have been cured aud made temr j men by having the "CURE" ad- n ered by loving friends and relative A .thout their knowledge In coffee or ten, uud believe today they discontinued drink ing of thelrowu free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not Le deluded by apparent and mis leadiug "improvement." Drive out the disonse at once nnd for all time. The "HOME GOLD CURE" 1 sold nt the ex tremely low price of One Dollar, thus plac ing within rench of everybody n treatment more effectual than other costing ia to o0. Full directions accompany each pack age. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge Sent prepaid to nny part of the world on recepit of One Dollar. Address Dept. B 275, EDWIN B GILES & COMPANY. iM and ZStl Market Street, Philadelphia. All corruopoudcuce ttriotly ooutld.-ullol. TMrilA CURETREE! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. PENT APfOLUTELY FUEE7)N'RF.CEirTT)F POSTAL. TVltlTK VOI'It NAME AMD AllDHKSS IT.AINI.T. CHAiriCD YEAHS RtMir. After having It carefully analyzed, we can s'ato thnt Asthmnleno contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or otlier. Very truly yours, REV. DR. MORRIS WF.CHSLER. , Avon Sritisas, N. Y., Feb. 1, I hoi. Dtt. Taft Bros.' Mkiucinr Co. Gentlemen: I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, hnvlng tested the won derful effect of your Asthmalene, for the euro of Asthma. My wife Tin lieen ulllioted wit li spasmodic a.thina for the past 1J year. Having exhausted my own skill ns well as many ot lier-j, I chanced to see yonrsin upon your windows on lltttth street, New York. I nt. once obtained a but tlo of Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking It about the first of November. I very soon noticed n radical improvement. After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared nnd she is entirely free from nil svmptom. I feel that I can consistently recommend tho medicine to all who are afllieted with this dis tressing disease. Your respectfully, O. 1). PHELPS, M. D. Dtt. Taft Bites.' Medicine Co. Feb. 6, 1001. Gentlemen: I was troubled with Asthma for 23 yenrs. I have tried numoron remedies, but they have all failed. I ran ncros your ndvortisement nnd started with a trial bottle. I found reiief at onco. I have since purchased your full-size bottle, and I am ever grateful. 1 have n family of four children, and for six years was unalilo to work. Iam now lu the best of health nnd nm doing business every dny. This testi mony you can make such use of as you sec fit. Home address, 2:ju Rivingtou street. S. RAPHAEL, 67 East lsiuih St., City. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABS0LuTElT7rEE0N RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Do not delay. Write nt once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS.'" MEDICINE CO.. 70 East lltoth St., N. Y. City. To PiTEKT Good Ideas may bo secured hy our aid. Ail1rflnn, THE PATENT RECORD, Raltimnrfi MA SubBcrli'tiuiis to The Patent Record liAJpur auouin- BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yoti haven't a ri-jruiir, hertltby movement of tho bowels every 1ny yoa ro III or will (h. Kopp your bowHa opi-n, ami l well. Force, In tho shnpeof vio lent piivrlc or pill rolsun. In danrnroun. The Rrrmorh ect, cnnlc'st. inont iit-rfi-ct way of keeping ihe bowelf clear and clean Is to take CANDY CATHARTIC , EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY PlawriTit. Palntntiln. Potent. Taste floor!. Do Ooorl, Novt r Hickfti, Weaken, or (It lpi- 0, V. and ftO rents fitr box. write lor irue sample, ftnu oooKiei on iprtlth. Adflrosa 33 rmtuvd ufcim.T tonpiKT, cinrifio or kw yoke. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. qutcklT ascertain ot,r opinion free whether in Invention If prohshly piitentshle. Communles tlnniiFtrlctlyrcmnrientlHl. lUmthnnK on I'stent sent free OMet siren. -V for BeeuruiK patent. Fiitents taken throimh Mnnn A Co. receive tp'rt'ti notice, without chnru-o, in tho SteMic Jlmerican. A hnnlFmmo!y lllnitrtitoi wrrklr. I.nrk-ont 1 dilution nf miy pficntitl Hmrnal. Ti-rin. .H ft Tcir; four nmtitlifl, 4 1. Huid by alt nevTBiicalem. U?N & Co.361B'-'"New York - umce. 626 r St. Wuhluslon. D O. HOAGLAflD'S Dirr China Store IN PORT JERVIS, N. Y. Largest Stock. HEADQUARTERS For Sets of Dishes, Lamps nnd Glassware. Occupying the entire floor of Building. We buy Butter, Eggs and Grain. Hoagland's PORT JERVIS, N. Y. UP TOWN. iglii Our lec reuitned li we 1 ul. Any one fccudint; skeuh aud dt-ripliuu of auy mveutioci will jjromiitly rct eive our oiniiiuii ficc Cijuct-rniiig the p.itcutHl.ilily ok' sviiue. "h-iw to oWlaiu a Irateiil " w;iit uimju r;'iuet, l';ircJil m; urcvl finouh ui ;nivtri Liefl lur i.tle at our cxpeuM. faicula tiiki-a out tiuouvii us ret civc .ift cial noinfx with' ml fhaiye, in ink f Tt.n t Kv;o.:(a, IU illuntiatrd unit vvMfiy citLuuitcd Joaiual, coa.sullrtl hy M.iimfiit (uifi'i nuU tnvertri. bcu4 tor sample copy FH. AdUieM. VICTOR J. EVANS A CO. (ltcut Attorneys,) Cvari Building. WASHINGTON. O- C . f There is nothing like Ast.hma leno. It'brings instant roliof, even In the worst cases. It cures whon nil else fnils. Tito Rev. C. F. WEM,S, of Villa Ridgn, II!., Any: "Your trial bnttlo of Asthma lene received In good condition. I cannot tell yon how thankful I feel for the good derived from It. I was a slave, chained with ptitrlrt soro throat and Asthtnn for ti n year. I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the euro of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Astlimn, and thought you had ovcrspoken yourselves, lint resolved to give It a trial. To my iistoiiMiment. tho trial ncted like a charm. Send me n full-sized bottle." Rev. Dr. Morris WechBler, Rabbi of tho Cong. Dnnl Israel. Nkw Yokk, Jan. 8, Uml. Dim. Taft Buns.' Mkdicinr Co., Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene I nn ex cellent remedy for Asthma nnd Hay Fever, nnd IU composition Alleviate nil troubles which combine with Asthma, It success Is astonishing and wonderful. 3 RAILEIOAD TIME TABLE. Correotsd to Data. Solid Pulhnnn trains to Buffnlri. Nlncr- ara Kails, Cliautnuqun Lake, Cleveland, Chicago nnd Cincinnati. 1 lekets on sale nt Fort .Torvl to nil point in the Westnnd Southwest at lowor rate than via any other flrst-olnm line. Trains Now IiKavs Port Follows. Jervis as EASTWARD. No. 12, Dntly Express 8 84 A. M. " 10, Dally Kxpros 120 " " lfl, Daily Except Sunday.. 6.25 " " 2H, " " " 7 40 " " 60S), Sunday Only 7.58 " " H, Daily Except Sunday., in. 20 " ' , Dally Way Train 18 25P.M. " 4, Express except Sunday. 8 8t " " 80, Way Excopt. Sunday... 8 23 " " 3, Dally Express 4 25 " " ft), Sunday Only 4 80 " ' 8, Daily Expres 5.20 ' " 18, Sundayonly 6 40 ' " 60S, Express Sunday only. . 6 07 " " 23, Daily Except Sunday.. 6.50 " " 14. Daily 10.00 " WESTWARD. No. 8, Dally Expres 13 80A.M. " 17, Dnilv Milk Train 8 OS " " 1, Dally Express 11.88 " " 11, ForHo'dale K'pt Sun . . 12 10 p. M. " H, Way trnln exoeptSun'y 12 80 " " 83, Deposit exp. Snt. only. 4 40 " " 5, Daily 6 15 " " 87, Daily Except Sunday.. 6 50 " " 7, Daily Express 10.16 " Train leave Chamber street, New York for Port .Tervl on week dny at 4 00, 7 15, 00, 16, 10 80 A. M. 1 00,8 00, 4 80, 6 30, 7 80, 0 15 P. M. On Sundiys, 4 on, 7 80, 00, 9 15 a. m.; 12 80, 8 80, 7 80 and 8. 16 P. M. D. I. Roberts, General Passenger Agent, New York. Washington Hotels. RIGGS HOUSE. The hotel par excellence of the cnpltnl. located within one block of the White lloutte and directly op p, hi to the Treasury. t'inut table la the city. WILLARD'S HOTEL. A fninotm hotelry, rpmarknblo for lt hiHtoricnl aHHOciatloitfl and lonK-BUatained popularity. Kecntly rttnovated, repainted and partiully refuriiiahed. NATIONAL HOTEL. A landmark among the hot-el a of Waah- liiKton, patronizfd In former years by pivbUif nta and hiKh ofliciaU. Always a prime farorite. Kcently rt'inottelwl nd rendered Iwtter than ever. Opp. Pa. H. H. dep. WALTER BURTON, Ke. Mgr. These hotel are the principal political rvntluzvouK of the capital at all times. They are the bent stopping places at rea son it hie rates O. O. STAPLES. Proprietor. Q. DEWITT.Mansger. FIVE TWO-CENT STAMPS will put you next the VANDAL... an Interesting mag. axlne of criticism. Send for one to-day. No Free Copies THE VANDALL, 5226 Butler St., Pittsburg, Pa. BOYS Here's your chane to nuk niunny ttftar awhoui, Mlli WU fsp49r Clauer lUtvliHtut. Cm.s you LKhH tliUD tt; yon ittiil tbeiu fur IOs m clear FKoKI T of ovr 7e un cmcll one. Vim cam nittka S)'4 to SI3 mvmry iny. OlKlJi alio wanUd, FrlaMMt: Hmui pi Kwutpa liir.; 1 J, Al; or aI fur SIOO, AtlilrH, J. J. DOLAN, No. fto Twsmtf-flrat atr(. I'lLtaburjf, ia. Subscrilio for the Fuk,