Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, September 06, 1901, Image 3

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St Crockery.
We will treat you courteously, whether you want
to buy a Lamp Chimney for 3 cents, or a Parlor Suite
for $100.00. We can suit you with a 50-ccnt Rug, or
an Axminster Carpet. You shall have what you want.
Wc hcII the cracker jack
Buckle and Congress, prices from
$I.OO upTO $1.75
Try a pair and you will
say is
Pub llshed
Monday, Wed
nt'tulny and Frl-
llllV, l l reality
a line, irosu ev
ery - other - day
F I) a i 1 y, glviun
the lutest news
on days of Issue,
n 11 il coveriiiK
hews of tho oth
er three. It con
tains nil impor
timt fnrultrn ca
ble news which
appears In THK DAILY TRIIU7NK of
a mo dnto, also Doniestlo and Foreign
Correspondence, Short Stories, Elegant
Hiilf-tone Illustrations, Humorous Itcius,
Industrial Information, FasliioiiNotes, Ag
rlculturnl Matters Biid Comprehensive
aud reliable Financial and Market reports.
Regular subscription price, $1.50 a ,ear.
We furnish It with THK PRESS for
$2.85 por year.
Send all orders to PIKE COUNTY PRESS, Milford, Pa.
you! !
We Have Divided What Remains of Our Stock
of Men's Suits into Three Classes and Have Marked
Them for Quick Selling:
& $11.50 S
& $8.50 S
& $6.00 S
Have You Seen the Nobby Styles of Men's and
Boys' Shoes We Are Offering. They Are the Real
Thing Without a Doubt. The Prices Are From $1.25
to S3. 50. Early Picking Will Be the Best. See the Point ?
15 Front Street,
T)rt making in all Immchos DoWitt'a little early risers are
AVill go to the house or do t lie work ditinty lit tit j)ilU, but they iin vt-r fail
iit home. Aiidit.! Mauy Ia'DvyiiJ, to cluaiino tho liver, remove obatruo
lHlor iioii'J btruit, iilforJ, iJ&. tioud auii iuvioruto lUa evbtom.
lc satisfied what wc
Published on
Thursdny, and
known for nenr
ly sixty yrnrs In
every purt of the
United K lutes
ns a National
Family News
pa p e r o f the
highest c 1 a s s,
for farmers and
villagers. It con
tains all the
most Important
general news of
THE DAILY TRIBUNE up to the hour of
going to press, an Agricultural LVpart
inent of tho highest order, has entertain
ing reading for very niemlwir of tho fam
ily, old and young, Market Reports, which
are accepted as authority by farmers and
country merchants, and Is clean, up-to-date
Interesting and Instructive.
Regular subscription price, $1,00 a year.
We furnish it with THE PRESS for
$1.65 per year.
21 Front St.,
Port Jervis. ?
uiu,or $10.00
uits for
sit. for SS.OO
Port Jervis, N. Y.
End of Ihf Period of Arttxltr mm !
17 the I'oit (Ifllve Anthor-
We notice with Interest nd satin
ffict it in t lut t It has been dr elded to raise
the njre limit rtifnbtishrd by the civil
service rules for the admission of ap
plicants for eniplovmrnt in the postal
department tin vU-rks and letter car
riers. Heretofore no app'.it'ant for em
ployment as a letter carrier who had
passed the ne of 40 jears has been
received, but this will not b the case
hereafter. It mhn yie opinion of the
postmaster general, an opinion In
whieh his flusovint in the cabinet
concurred, that it whs not reasonable
to restrict admission to the service
in the fjipneity of letter carrier to per
sons of 40 years of ape or lees, and
It was accordingly decided that both
for clerks and letter carriers the age
limit should be extended to 45 years,
says the Philadelphia Inquirer.
It was judicious and discriminat
ing conclusion. There has of lat years
been a marked tendency to close the
door of employment agniust men who
had just reached or who had barely
passed what is considered middle age.
There are ninny corporations who w ill
not tnke into their employment any
one who has passed" his fortieth yenr,
and This disposition threatened to ex
tend until the middle-flgrd man who
for any reason found himself obliged
to secure work in some fresh field of
activity would be unable to get any
thing to do. The step which has just
been taken in the ease of post otfice
clerks and letter curriers Indicates the
Inoep.iun of a reaction against this
movement. We hope tlvnt it will ex
tend. A man w ho Is in the forties is
etill in the prime of life, and in most
case-s he continues cnpahle of valuable
service for at least a decade longer.
A Tlotihlrt.
Dat's de dubhle-breaated Jacket,
De dubhle-breanted sack;
Dar'i de dubble-breasted mackintosh
Lat keeps de watah back;
Dar's de dubble-breasted obercoat,
De dubble-hreasted vest;
But a dubble-breaited chicken
Wud suit d!s chile de besL
Arkansaw Thos. Cat.
Vfnn A sto.
Miss Pinkie What do you think of
this? King Edward VII. says Amer
ican glrU are the prettiest in the world.
Itival Uellc No doubt he had you in
"1 have never been over there."
"No, but he been here;." X, Y.
"Its kind of discouraging, Ethel,"
said Air. Cumrox; "kind o' discourag
inS." "WhRt Is, father?"
"It's a mon th since you read your
graduation esKiiy, and they haven't
taken yutir advice on how to run the
government yet." Washington Star.
No Iflnrm Done.
Chappie I'd Just like to know what
you mean by being engaged to both
Cholly end me at once?
Miss l'inkie Why, blesa mel there
is no harm done; you enn't either
of you afford to marry me, you know.
N. Y. Weekly.
Might Hav Repented.
"John, 1 think I hear robbers in the
house I"
"Don't say a word, dear; perhaps
they are the ones who charged you $17
for your last hat, and perhaps they
are going to bring some of the $17
back." Yonkeri Statesman.
In Chlenico.
"Mrs. Wabash looks like such a
loabie woman."
"Lovable I 1 should say she was lov
able! That's her long suit. She had
five husbands in seven years!"
Cleveland I'lain Dealer.
A Mnle Owner.
Jake Here's an advertisement In
th 'paper fer that dog you found. The
man wot owns him offers a reward.
Jim How d'ye know it's a man?
Jake Th' paper says "no questions
asked." N. Y. Weekly.
"Something- Now Dnder The Bun."
All doctors have tried to cureCATARKH
by the use of powders, acid gases, Inhalers
aud drugs In paste form. Their powders
dry up the mucuous membranes causing
them to crack open aud bleed. The pow
erful acids used In the inhalers have en
tirely oaten nway the same lucmbraues
that their makers hnve aimed to euro,
while pastes and ointments cannot reach
tho disease. An old and experienced prac
titioner who has for many years made a
close study and specialty of the treatment
of CATARRH, has at last perfected a
Treatment which when faithfully used,
uot only relieves at ouce, but permanently
cures CATARRH, by removing the cause,
stopping the discharges, and curing all la
uaiiiniation It is the only remedy known
to science Unit actually reaches the afflict
nl parts. This wonderful remedy Is known
CATARRH CURK" aud Is sold at the ex
tremely low price of One Dollar, each
package containing Internal and external
medicine sutliuieut for a full mouth's
treatment aud everything necessary to Its
perfect use.
"SNUFFLES" la the only perfect CA
I'ARRU Cl'RK ever made and Is now
recognized as the only safe aud positive
cure for that annoying and disgusting dis
ease. It cures ail Inflammation quickly
and permanently and Is also wonderfully
quick to rulleve HAY FEVEK or COLD
in the HEAD.
CATAKRH when neglected often leads
suve you if you use It at ouce. It Is do or
dinary remedy, but a complete treatment
which is positively guaranteed to cure CA
TARRH in any form or stage If used ao
cording to the directions which acuompauy
each package. Dou't delay but send for It
ut once, and write full particulars as to
your condition, and you will receive spec
lal adviue from the discoverer of this won
derful remedy regawtingyourouse without
cost to you beyond the regular price of
t out prepaid to any address In the Unit
ed htutes or C.nodu ou receipt of One Dol
Inr. Address Dept U BT5, EDWIN 11
U1LK.S & COMtANY,!UuaiMl&lSi Mark
et Street, riilludelptila.
Mr.... ml the Telear.ph F...I t
Be Aeenrnte Meteorolosrleal
There are no more reliable weather
prophets anywhere than the tele
graph wires thst are now so common
as to be "within the reneh of every
one," as bargain counter hustlers ex
press it This novel discovery was
made by a German physician In the
following manner: As he was waiting
foratrainataeountry station he heard
a shrill sound, which was made by the
wind as it passed through a network
of nearby wires. At once he doctor
remembered that he had frequently
heard a similar sound either Imme
diately before or after a storm or a
heavy fall of rain or snow, and it nat
urally occurred to him to try and as
certain whether there was any connec
tion between the sound and such
changes In the weather.
As a heavy shower of rain fell with
in 48 hours after he had heard the
sound at the railroad station he con
cluded that there was such a connec
tion, and he then determined to Inves
tigate the maMer thoroughly. As a
result he now maintains, first, that any
unusual disturbance in the telegraph
wires Is an infallible Indicator of bad
weather, and, second, that the nature
of the changes in the atmosphere may
be learned from the sound which the
wind makes when passing through the
Thus a deep sound, he says, which Is
of considerable or medium strength,
Indicates that there will be slight
showers of rain with moderate winds
within from 30 to 48 hours, and, on the
other hand, a sharp, shrill sound is the
sure token of a heavy storm, which
will be accompanied by much rain or
Tet Ther Hnnt Thlr Prer with Ac
enracr lu the Subterranean
A miner may be superstitious, but h
Is as plucky as man as breathes. One
creature, however, most of them shy
at the sight of. This Is the great,
bloated, white spider, which rustles
along the walls of the shaft and dis
appears in some cleft In the roek. Nat
uralists for a long time would not
believe that these spiders were really
care dwellers. They declared that they
were merely ordinary spiders that had
fallen or crept Into the mines. Hut at
last one was brought lo a famous nat
uralist, and found by him to be abso
lutely without eyvs. This proved be
youud doubt that for centuries the
creatures' ancestors had lived beyond
the reach of sunlight.
A spider, even If he does live in the
depths of the earth, must eat, and
more recently his prey has been dis
covered. It is a sort of small beetle.
Another scorpion-like Insect, called the
blothrus, also takes his blind way over
the rocks and stalks by sound and
touch he same prey. It Is a wonder
ful thing to watch one of these crea
tures hunting a beetle, and almost im
pmvsible to rinlir.t Its sbsolute blind
nets when one sees how perfectly its
movements correspond with those of
its Intended let iin.
Strikes on the Fnrms Cssic4 hr Poor
Par, Poor Food and Socialist
From the 15th of June to the 15th
of July the wheat, ry and barley har
vests are in .rogress in Italy and the
socialists are taking this critical time
in the agricultural industry to spresd
the gospel of discontent against the
conditions of labor, wages and taxa
tion. It is feared that large farmers
will be ruined by strikes among farm
laborers. On an average two strikes
a day hare occurred in Italy since
February, the movement affecting all
trades and classes of working men.
At any moment it is feared that a
spark might kindle a conflagration.
The socialist leaders plead for peace
ful means for bettering the conditions
of labor, but the Italian people are
inflammable and they are notorious
ly underpaid and underfed. They are
so largely in the majority that they
hold the remedy in their own hands.
if they would but use their power In
telligently and toward a definite end.
But the mass of the people are miser
ably Ignorant as well as poor, and feel
doubly helpless and impotent. They
have only brute strength and lives to
throw away in fruitless revolution.
Collecting; Papal Coins.
The pope is not allowing the young
king of Italy to pick up all the coin
aolleotions in the Italian market, says
the New York Tribune. Hix thousand
pieces, containing many rare papal
colua, which were collected by Card!
na, Rand!, have been bought by Pope
Leo and added to the flue collection
in the Vatican. Many fell into the
cardinal's hands in 1H62 for their
weight In silver, when Pope Pius in
troduced the French monetary sys
tem and ths old coins were retired by
the papal government.
Spain's Women Slaves,
Nearly 1,000,000 women in Spain
Work in ths field as day laborers; 350,
000 women arc registered as day serv
ants thiht is, they work for their
food and lodging. There is no such
claas snywhsrt els.
Tho Pull That Draws a Ton.
On level pavement a pull of 33 pounds
will draw a ton, on macadam it takes
48 pounds and on rough gravel 147
Aa Kndleea Task.
It has been estimated that it will
require 85 niea working every day un
til 11MT to unearth the entire rains of
Your Lifeawavl
You emu b cured of any form of tobacco using,
e.ily be wad. w.ll, strung, niauriic, full of
new life and vigor by takiug ll-ci-1 0tAO,
tht ukc. weak men .liuug. kluy k-"i
uu puuua. in tea days. Over MitO,GOi
cured. AUdlugK1!. Cur. sunr.ULcrti. book
let .tll .UV1CO 1-KllH. AJJICMI blfckl.lNJ
kiijSMiW CO., i.tu.o cut tw Ytuk. Sl
Fur Chase & Baiiborn's teas
Quttood go to Artuatroi'lJ & CJ,
A Bard White or l.laht r.r Ash S.ltl
to He the Sinn of a Uonit
Color, burn and texture are tlif
three things which the grower of to
baeco has chiefly to consider. At
present the trade calls for a light
cinnamon-brown shade, which must
be uniform, not mottled. The leaf
when rolled on a cignr and smoked
must leave a white or light nsh
which does not flake off and fall Into
one'a bosom or over his waistcoat,
and it must not "coal" I. e., have a
black, charred ring just behind the
ash on the burning cigar. This is
sure to give a bad flavor and taste.
The leaf also must burn freely, and
when lighted hold firm for a reason
able time. It must have a soft, sil
very texture, glossy surface and the
elasticity of a piece of kid, so that It
may be drawn smoothly and closely
about the cigar. Flavor Is not want
ed in Connecticut tobacco, for if
there be much of it It Is sure to be
bad. Perfect burn, color and texture
can be got In the northern climate,
but a delicate and agreeable finvor
has not yet been obtained. Flavor is
conditional upon soil and fertilizers.
It is desirable, therefore, that the
leaf be neutral, without taste, as fnr
ns may be. We get the flavor wholly
in the Cuban filler. To obtain these
qualities of lenf is the problem of
the grower a much more compli
cated one than meets the ordinary
Mnnr Hanflanme Fares Are Found
Amonpf the Women of Cash
mere, India.
Many of the women of India, and es
pecially those of Cashmere, are beauti
ful. In a typical Hindu beauty the skin
Is just dark enough to give a rich,
soft appearance to the complex
ion, says a London journal. The
features are regular, the eyeamild and
black and shaded by long silken lushes,
the hands and feet are small and well
formed, the demeanor is modest, the
manner is gentle, the voice low and
sweet. There are fine-looking women
among the middle class Hindus, as well
as among the upper ten, and even
among the lower class the faces are
often very pleasing. Many a Hindu
woman who has, perhaps, little pre
tensions to beauty of face, has, never
theless, the step and carriage of a
princess, and If one is not too fastid
ious about perfection of eyes, and
mouth and nose her figure as she walks
down the street with her load on her
head is truly a beautiful sight.
File Off Animator's Teeth.
A remarkable operation was per
formed by a dozen keepers on a 13-foot
alligator which is kept in the Hronx
sooat New York. The alligator, which
is a powerful animal, showed signs of
fierceness for some time. He wound
upone morningby killlngan eight-foot
companion in the same tank. Then it
was decided that the big one's teeth
should be cut. A rope with a sling
was lowered over his head and drawn
taut; the tail was similarly treated.
Each one of the legs was next secured
in a like manner. Ity patience and re
peated trials a lasso was got into the
ponderous jaw. The alligator gave a
bite and the rope parted like thread.
Then a wire rope was secured. This
was finally got into place.
Sticks were pried between the jaws
to keep them from clashing together.
Thus held, the reptile lay helpless and
the work of sawing off some of the
longest and most dangerous teeth was
soon accomplished.
Tho Canndn Rsllwsy,
The Uganda railway is laid as far as
mile 489. The line will be laid to the
Victoria Nyania by November next.
Allopath and Homeopath Tnaether,
About a dozen hospitals In Massachu
setts hare both allopathic and homeo
pathlo physicians on the staff.
An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunk
ards are Being Cured Dally In
Spite of Themselves.
No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the
Nerves. A Pleasant and Positive
Cure for the Liquor
It Is generally kuown nnd understood
that Drunkenness is a disease and not
weakness. A body tilled with poiscn, nnd
nerves completely shattered by periodical
or consjnnt use of intoxicating liquor, re
quires an antidote capable of neutralizing
and eradicating this poison, and destroying
fcae oiavlng for intoxicants. Sufferers may
now cure themselves at home without pub
licity or loss of time from business by thl.
wonderful "HOME GOLD CUKE" which
has been perfected after many years of cjose
study aud treatment of Inebriates. The
faithful use according to directions ot this
wonderful discovery is positively guaran
teed to cure the most obstinate case, no
mutter how hard a drinker. Our records
show the marvelous transformation of
thousands of drunkards into sober, indus
trious and upright men.
This remedy Is in no sense a nostrum but a
apociflo for this disease ouly, so skillfully
devised and prepared that it la thoroughly
soluble and pleuaant to the taste, so that it
eau be given In a cup of tea or txiffee with
out the knoweledge of the person taking
It. Thousands of Drunkards have cured
themselves with this priceless remedy, and
as many more have been cured and made
temperate men by having the "CUKE" ad
ministered by loving friends and relatives
without their knowledge in coffee or tea,
and believe today they discontinued drink
iugof theirownfreewill. DO NOT WAIT.
Do not te deluded by apparent and mis
leading "improvement." Drive out the
disease at ouce and fur all time. The
"HOME GOLD CURE" Is sold at the ex
tremely low price of Oue Dollar, thus pluo
ing within reach of everybody a treatment
more effectual than others costiug &5 to
foO. Fuildirecttous aoconipauy euch pack
age. ptx;Ul advice by skilled physleiuus
when requested without extra charge.
Seut prepaid to any part of the world ou
rooeplt of Oue Dollar. Address Dopt. 11
SUO aud Market Street, Philadelphia.
AH eorrttopouduuoe strictly oouilduuliul.
Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent
Cure in All Cases.
After hnvinir It carefully analyzed
opium, morphine, chloroform or ether.
r... , , Avon Springs, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1901.
Dit. Takt Hiios ' Mkok ink Co.
. : 1 write this testimonial from a sense of dutv, having tested the won
derful effect of your Asthmalene, for the cure of Asthma. My wife ba been aflllcted
with spasmodic asthma for the past. 13 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well
as ui.niy others, I chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 13oth street New
Y oik I at, once obtained a bottle of Asthinaleno. My wife commenced taking it aliout
the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical improvement. After using one
bottle her Asthma h'ts disappeared and she Is entirely free from all symptoms I feel
that I can consistently recommend tho medicine to all who are afflicted with this dis
tressing disease.
Dh. Taft JIhos.' Mkiucinr Co, ivi, 5 1901
Hentlomen: I whs troubled with Asthmii for 83 years. I have tried numerous
remedies, but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement, and started with
a trial bottle. I found relief at once. I have since purchased your full-size bottle and
I nm ever grateful. I have a family of four children, and for six years was unable to
work. lam now in the best of health and am doing business evory day. This testi
mony you can make such use of as you see flt.
Home address, i'Ju Kivington street. ' S. RAPHAEL
87 East l'lth St., City.
Do not dela
79 East liKilh St.
. Write nt once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MEDICINE CO.
N. Y. City.
Spcnkiiia from fOviiericce.
Tom Henediet says he thinks it's
nice to be engaged.
Mrs. . Why. he's married.
Tom Of course. That's why be
thinks so. Tit-Hits.
If yon haven't a rfirnlftr, health movement of tho
bowels every ilnv, you're til or will be. Keep youf
bo we In npi-n. and'tm well. Forff, In ths ptiapof vio
lent phyKio or iill pilnoii, 1h danucroij). Tli& mooth
nt, easiest, iinnt iorfi t t way of koplng the bovrll
clear and clean U to take
Plea-ant, Palatable, Potnnt. Taut Oood, PoGoorl,
Never Sicken, Weiik-en. or Gripe, 10, B and 50 cenM
per box. Write for free sample, and booklet on
health. AddreHfl 33
Anrone sentllng a HkMf h and description may
qnlr.kly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention la probably pHtanttihlB. Conimuntra
tioiiBrStrtctly ci.ntWIentihd. HwidlKVik on Patent
vi it free OMest :) icy fur m-cunntr patent n.
Patents tiikoti through Munn A Co. reclT
gperttU rVffice, without cbnrgo. Id the
Scientific Jlffierican,
A hnndsomolf HhMtratert weekly. I.areeat rtr
dilution of any Bcientidfi Journal. Terms, t.t a
yenr; four niuntLisi, L Sold by all newsdealers.
KUNN & Co.36,Bro-d' New York
UotDcb uittco. tsa r St.. WsshlDsiun. D.c .
Largest Stock.
For Sets of Dishes,
Lamps and Glassware.
Occupying the entire floor of
We buy Butter, Ergs and
Our Ice ictui ucvi a c luii. Any oue kcudtuu
bkclch aud dtacripliuu of any invention will
promptly receive our opinion free concerning
the patentability of saute, "limy to UOUiin a
Pateut" acul upon r:niet. Patents seiuieii
ih 1 ouih ua advertised tor aale at 0111 expeue.
Patent taken out tinman us receive xjjccujJ
not e, without oh..rye, in l iia. Patent Kkvjo.iu,
it )lh;trutei.l ami widely ci iculuu-d juuiUtt.
cuusulud by Ma nufac Lui ' s uuU Investor.
tcud lot aainplc i-upy fRC. AUdieaa,
(I icnl Attorney a,)
Ever Building, WASHINGTON. O Q
There is nothing like Aitlima
lono. Itbrlngs instnnf. relief, even
in the worst cases. It cares when
nil clue fails.
The Rot. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge,
111., Says: "Your trial bottle of Asthma
lene received In good condition. I cannot
toll you how thankful I feel for the good
derived from it. I was a slave, chained
with putrid soro throat and Asthma for
ten years. I despaired of ever being cured.
I saw your advertisement for tho cure of
this dreadful and tormenting disease,
Asthma, and thought you had overspoken
yourselres, but resolved to give It a trial.
To my astonishment, the trial acted like a
charm. Send me a full-sised bottle."
Eev. Dr. Morris Wechsler,
Rabbi of the Cong. Una! Israel.
New Youk, Jan. 8, 1W1.
Dits. Taft Bnos.' Mkdicinr Co.,
tientlemen: Your Asthmalene Is an ex
cellent remedy for Asthma and Hay
Fever, and its composition alleviates all
troubles which combine with Asthma. Its
success is astonishing and wonderful.
can s'jtte that Asthmalene contains no
truly yours,
lours respectfully,
O. D. PHELPS, M. I).
Corrected to Date.
Solid Pullman trains to Buffalo, Niag
ara Kails, Chautauqua Lake, ClovelunU,
ChlcnKo And Cincinnati.
Tickets on Hale at Port Jnrvls to all
points in the Went and 8onthwentat lower
rates than via any other flrst-elass line.
Trains Now Lfavk Port Jkkvis ab
No. 18, Daily Express 8 84 A.M.
" 10, Dully Express 6 20 "
" 11, Daily Kxcept Sunday., 8 26
" 28, " 7. jo "
" 6otf, Sunday Only 7.68 "
" 8H, Dnily Except Sunday.. 10.30 "
" 6, Dili I y Way Train 12 2r p. M.
" 4, Kxprnss except Sunday. 8 Stt '.
" 80, Way Except Sunday... 8.8a "
" 2, Daily Express 4 2S "
" 6i, .Sunday Only 4 80 "
" 8, Dally Express 5 80
" 18, Sunday only 5 40
" Biw, Express Sunday only.. B 07 "
" 28. Daily Except Sunday.. 6 60 "
" 14. Dully 10. 00 "
No. 8, Dally Express 13 80A. 11.
" 17, Dally Milk Train 8 06 "
" 1, Dally Express 1188 "
" 11, For Ho'dale E'pt Sun. . 18 10 p. 11.
" H, Way train except Sun'y 18 20 "
" 88, Deposit exp. Sat. ouly. 4 49 "
" 6, Dally 6 15 "
" 27, Dally Except Sunday.. 6 50 "
" 7, Daily Express 10.15 "
Trains leave Chambers street, New
York for Port Jervis on week days at 4 Oil,
7. IB, 9 00, 15, 10 80 A. M . 100,8 (10,
4 80, 6 80, 7 80, 9 15 p. u. On Sundays,
4 00, 7 80, B OO, tt. 15 a. m. ; 18 80, 80, 7 80
and B.16P. U. '
D. I. Roberts,
General Pauenger Agent,
New Vork.
Washington Hotels.
The hotel par excellence of tho cnpltnl,
located within one block of the White
House and directly opposite the Treasury,
Flutist table In the city.
A famous hotel ry, remark n Me for Its
historical aurocintiom aud lting-siistuiiifd
popularity. Keceu&ly renovated, repainted
aud partially rufuruitihed.
A landmark among the hotels of Wash
ington, ptttrnniziHl in former years by
prebideuts and high oftlciuls. Always a
prime favorite. Recently remodeled and
rendered better than ever. Opp. Pa. R.
R. dep. WALTER BURTON, Res. Mgr.
Those hotels are the principal political
rendezvous of the capital at all times.
They are the best stopping places at rea
sonable rate .
O. O. STAPLES. Proprietor.
O. DCWITT.Measg.r.
will put you next the
an Interesting mas
sxlne of orltlolsm. Send for
one to-day. No Free Copies
5226 Butler St., Pittsburg, Pa.
yoar chane to nmk
after aSiihtwl. villi,
Wall PaiM-r Clinr Kecli.
Cot you LfchM than tf; you twil thaw tor
lou, a -ltmr FKOfc lT of uvxr to ou mmun
oue. You van luake S4 i 3 vry
liitf. Ol Kl.al Imi wutJ, rleo: 8uiut
Kei-lp lui; 14, AU; U, 7Auj or 3fl for SiOU.
A.ldrtn.., J. J. 1M)LA.N, Mw. Oo Twiuly-urfe
trottt, ViLiaburif, ra.
Bubecribe for the Prk,