argams ! IN Furniture, Carpets, ft Crockery. We will treat you courteously, whether you want to buy a Lamp Chimney for 3 cents, or a Parlor Suite for $100.00. We can suit you with a 50-cent Rug, or an Axminster Carpet. You shall have what you want. WE HAVE IT FOR YOU. N. Y. FURNITURE CO., 92 PIKE STREET, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. We sell tlie crackajack Plow Shoes Buckle and Congress, prices from $I.OO UPTO $1.75 Try a pair and you will say is PEOPLE'S NATIONAL Published Monday, W nesday and Fri day, Is In reality a line, fresh ev NEW YORK ery - other - divy 'Dally, glvtiui the latest news ou days of issue, TRI-WEEKLY: and covering news of the oth er three. It con tains nil lnipor- TRIBUNE tnnt foreiRii ca ble news which appear in THE DAILY TRIBUNK of nine dnte, also Domcstlo and Foreign Correspondence, Short Stories, Elegant Half-tone Illustrations, Huinomut Items, Industrial Infoimntlon, FashlonNotcs, Ag ricultuml Mattra and Comprehensive and reliable Flnnnclnl and Market reports. Regular subscription price, 11.60 a ear. We furnish it with THE PRESS for $2.25 per year. u A m f 1 i i-i im t-j Send all orders to PIKE COUNTY PRESS, Milford, Pa. A lomter for you! ! "VI Ve Have Divided What Remains of Our Stock of Hen's Suits into Three Classes and Have Marked Them for Quick Selling: 513.50, $12.00, & $11.50 S $10.00, $9.00, & $8.50 Suits for $7.50, $6.50, & $6.00 Suits for Have You Seen the Nobby Styles of Men's and Boys' Shoes We Are Offering. They Are the Real Thing Without a Doubt. The Prices Are From $1.25 to 3.50. Early Picking Will Be the Best. See the Point ? 15 Front Street, Press miking In all branches Will (to to the lidUM) or do the woi't ... 1 A .11 l . .... t .......... : j'H-'r JivouCt iptruot,, tlilfurd, t'a. c be satisfied what we so. r 21 Front St.,1 Port Jems. FAMILY NEWSPAPER PuHlshed on Thursday, nmt known for near ly sixty years In every part of the United States as a National Family News pa p e r o f the highest class, for farmers and villagers. Itcon tains nil the NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE most Important general news of THE DAILY TRIBUNE up to the hour of going to press, an Agricultural l.Ypart ment of the highest order, has entertain ing reading for every member of the fam ily, old and young, Market Reports, which are accepted as authority by farmers and country merchants, and Is clean, up-to-date Interesting and Instructive. Regular subscription price, f 1,00 a year. We furnish it with THE PRES9 for $1 .65 per yenr. 1 I. . . . 1 f ill uitsfor$I0.00 7.50 5.00 AFRANSKY. Port Jervis, N. Y. DeW.M'a little early risers are dainty little pills, but they nevorfnil ..I... t. tiona aud invigorate tlie system. WANTED THE BRICKS BACK. Qneer Dfrnnnd of a TmIt Old Vir ginian t'pnn Ills Hfil-Doftr NelRliltor. Thrre lives In the old, fashionable quarter of (Iroriretown. across the Hock Creek bridge from Washington, D. C, a member of an old Virginia fam ily. He is a man of hiph professional attainment, but of testy and Irritable temper, says the ChicngoTribune. His next-door neighbor Is a retired major, noted for the eccentricity of his habits. Between the two there has always ex isted anything but a friendly feeling, iml they are continually doing all In their power to annoy and harass each other. One nlfrht recently during a seriotis storm the major's chimney was blown down. Crash w-ent the bricks through the roof of the judge's house, and thence down through floor after floor, carrying havoc in their course. The man of law was In no good hu mor as he contemplated the destruc tion and what made maters worse it was the major's chimney which had occasioned the wreck. His mind was actively engaged In devising some process by which he could get satisfac tion from his arch enemy, when a note arrived from the latter, couched In the following- language: "Rend me back my bricks immediately, or I will put tlie matter into the hands of an attor nev." Why She Wan Mart. One morninfr, In kindergarten, a wee mite of womanhood had been trying to nttrnct the teacher by every resource of which she was capable, without directly saying she had something to tell. Finally, the young girl went over and sat beside her, wneretipon little Rachel flounced her skirts, puckered up her forehead, nnd, clinching- her hand, exclaimed: "Oh, dear, but I'm mad." The teach er was surprised, for liachel had seemed to be laboring under a de lightful secret. "And why Is little Miss Sunshine angry?" asked the In structor. "Well, everybody was mnd at our house this morning. Mamma scolded KiRter Jane, and auntie scold ed mamma, and papa said: 'O darn,' and left the table, so 1 guess I can be cross, too." Motherhood. DlHlntrrested Advice. Amateur Farmer Mr. tireen, thert seems to be something serious the mutter w ith the horse 1 bought of you yesterday. He coughs and wheezet distressingly, and I think, perhaps, Ik is windbroken. What would you ad vise me to do? Horse Dealer (promptly) Sell hire as quickly as you can, jes' like I did. Tit-Hits. Cnme To at Once. Laura I hear Lulu fainted while shopping the other day. Lillie Yes; fainted right on ths street. "What in the world did they do?" "Carried her into a store." "Threw water on her, I suppose?" "No; it wasn't necessary; it was a millinery store they happened to car ry her into." Yonkers Statesman. TJeKlnnlna to Doubt. "Do you believe in the study of th dead languages?" "I used to be devoted to the class ics," answered the thoughtful looking- man. "Hut I have lately begun to wonder whether It wasn't a mis take to spend so much time on Latin and Greek, instead of studying slang, ao that we may be able to clearly un derstand the conversation of out contemporaneous fellow man." Washington Star. Perfectly Absurd. Ethel That detestable Mrs. Brown aid that I looked 301 Maud How perfectly absurd I Ethel (elated) Frankly, now, how old do you really think I look? Maud About 40. Tit-Kits. Slilrl Walata. Henry Are you partial to shirt waists? David (absent-mindedly) It de pends upon what kind of young wom an is inside of them. Uoston Tran script. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something- New Under The Sun." All doctors have trlod to oureCATARRH by the use of powders, acid gases. Inhalers and drugs In paste form. Their powders dry up the munuous membranes causing thorn to crack open nnd bleed. The pow erful acids used In the Inhalers have en tirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have alined to cure, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the disease. Au old and experienced prac titioner who has for many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of CATAKU1I, has at lust perfected a Treatment which when faithfully used. not only relie ves at once, but permanently on res CATARKH, by removing the cause, Btopping tho discharges, and curing all In- Uitniinalion It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the afflict ed parts. This wonderful remedy is known as "SNUFFLES the GUARANTEED CATARRH CUKE" and is sold at the ex tremely low price of One Dollar, each package containing Internal and external medicine sutlkiuut for a full uion'.h'a treatment and everything necc6sary to its perfect use. "SNUFFLES" is the only perfect CA TARRH Cl'RIi ever made and la now recognized ns the only safe and positive care for that annoying and disgusting dl ease. It cures all Inflammation quickly and permanently and Is also wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FEVER or COLD in tho HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUPTION "SNUFFLES" will save you If you use It at once. It If no or dinary remedy, but a complete treatment which Is positively guaranteed to cure CA TARRH In any form or stage If used ao cording to the directions which accompany each package. Don't delay but send for It at once, and write full particular as to your conditiuu, and yuu will receive spec ial advice from the dlacovercr of this won derful remedy regarding your case without cost to you beyond the regular prtue of "SNUFFLES" the "GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE." Sent prepaid to any address in the Unit ed States or Ciinada ou receipt of One Dol lar. Address Dept. B 275, EDWIN B. GILES & COMPANY, WJU ami it: Murk et Struct, I'hlludclplila. TRIOLETS OF TRIFLERS. Th.y met where the wstT was blue, Where the hills sloped awn? from ths sea; They were (rlsd for a irT week or two. Out there where the wator was blue They talked or the thlnirs lovrrs do And wpre trlfler both hp nnd she They met where the water was blue. Where the hills sloped sway from the ses. She ImiRhed In her heart at the way Hhe played with him there by the sea; She toyed with blm dny after dny And laughed In her heart at the wny He would pine when sha answered htm rmy When she turned a deaf ear to his plea She laughed In her heart at the way She played with him there by the sea. He thoiiR-ht that he toyed with her heart As they loitered out there by ths sea; He led her from others apart And he thought that he toyed with her heart As he flirted with ait of Ms art . Ah, how they were fooled, he and she. Knch toying awny with a heart 1 tint was worthless out there hv the sea. 8. E. Kiser, In Chicago Record-Herald. a I sim mm vvsi:u- ITS.! " hie, riEOOAUE, r KUfi i A . MA MIf A r T By F. H. Lancaster. luopjngnt, inn. by Authors Syndicate.) A FEW daysafterGen.Funstonhad distinguished himself and before Agulnaldo had taken the oath a thoughtful student of human nature would, among the many strolling couples on the old wall at Manila, have noticed particularly two subal terns, evidently on furlough. That one was bored nnd the other both ered the student would have readily understood, for while the fair man smoked with a sullen Indifference his companion puffed on Impatiently for a few moments, only to forget his cigar entirely while he again pon dered over that troublesome passage In his sweetheart's letter: "If you can get him to do something desper ate and daring for her sake and then write home about it you will win my eternal gratitude, es you have al ready won my love. For now that these rumors of oil being struck on this barren land have begun to circu late around here, I honestly believe she is just crank enough to throw him over as soon as he comes home. Her idea Is that he ought to be free to do better as though he could! You know what a combination of fire and tow he Is. In fact, dear boy, un less you and I can do something L7VU W l!i"'l!rl.'m.e-J "SERVINU YOUR COUNTRY ISN'T A BIG- PAYING BUSINESS." quick there will be two lives turned down." Deuce take It!" he groaned In wardly. "What desperate thing for a woman's sake can a man do in this sleepy place?" His companion stopped listlessly, and Ford turned to look at him. "What's up, Cranmere?" "We are going east In three weeks." "Yes; I know." "Poorer than we caml! Out." "Serving your country isn't a big- paying business." "Dash the country) I came out here In hopes of finding an opening. The Philippines offer such splendid opportunities to a man with money. My word for it, Ford, I've a good mind to desert and turn gold pros pector. "A fellow was talking to me about gold the other day," Ford replied, ab sently. "Who waa it?" Cranmere asked, quickly. A fellow with a history," Ford re turned, slowly. "A hundred and some odd years ago, before Vargo made to bacco a government monopoly, this man's grandfather was one of the rich men of Luzon. It seems he lived In one of the districts that had to go on growing tobacco whether it paid or not. It didn t pay. The family got poorer and poorer until when Mantal inherited the fragment of the fortune he moved north to Hotanes in despair went to raising horses. That didn't pay, either; then he tried pearl fishing. Now he has come back to Luzon with an alluring gold story." "That's what I want to hear about. I believe there is gold In Luzon." "I don't. Not in paying quantities. If there had been, Spain would have found It out a hundred years ago." "What is this man's yarn?" Cran mere persisted. "You see that?" Ford asked, point ing to a haze of smoke to the south ward of the men. "Yes; some volcano." "It is the volcano Taal, only 850 feet high, and it standa on an Island in the Lake Itombon. It is abouthis lake that my friend Mantal spins his yarn. The lake he claims was once the site of an immense volcano that was blown out bodily in an eruption." "I've heard that story often," Cran mere commented, impatiently. "So have I. - And that its waters used to be salt?" "Yes. Where does the gold corns in?" f l"T" TOBACCO SPIT I J V Jl y I f -?M O JCB Your Ufeawavl Yott csa be cured of aoy form of tobacco nsiug easily, ba bjuIi well, strong, Ki:tnruc, fn II of ww life and vigor by tak-iug- 9tJ-10-BAO, that makes weak man strong. Many k-"& ten puuudi in ten days, over BQO,OOQ cuiva. All druggie. Cure guarauicro.. lhnjK.-W-l and advice 1-KtfH. Ajureae .SltKH-Mi kUahii Co., IW(0 of New Yok. Jl For Chuste & Sanbora'a teas and ooffuos go to Armstrong & Co, UW i I USV.' "This Is Mantal's idea: Hombcin has an ontlet, but no Inlet; therefore It must have subterranean sources, and he holds thnt It Is fed by nn under ground river that flows from the heart of the island. He believes that he could enter this river by diving, and by Ita means go Btraight to the mountains, where he will find gold. The whole foundation for his theory is a blind fish found in Itombon." "A blind fish! That means a pood rfenl. Does he expect to try his ex periments alone?" "No; he Is looking for some Amer ican fool enough to go with him. He is afraid to trust the natives." "I'm his man!" "You?" "I believe there Is something In It." "Death, most likely." , "Yon will send that fellow Mantal to me to-night?" "See here, Cranmere, this Is the craziest scheme ever started. That lake Is a hundred fathoms deep and covers a hundred square mileR." "He was a pearl flRher," Cranmere continued, without noticing his friend's Interruption, "and I dare say still has his diving rig. We would need a bont, but that ran be managed. It Is no use kicking. Ford. I'm going to give this thing a trial. I tell you, man, rather thnn ask that little girl to wait an other six months for me I'd go to the Infernal regions if there was a chance of making enough by the trip to get married on." Ford's jaws snapped upon a vigorous protest. He could write to Lucy to night. A beastly two weeks, but when he came back everybody would be talking oil. "There Is Mantal now. I'll send him to you," he muttered. "Good luck, old man." They shook hands warmly, and the nextday it was reported that Corporal Cranmere had gone, to a neighboring village to spend his furlough. Ford, writing to his sweetheart cer tain passages to be read aloud, drew a vivid description of the desperate undertaking. "He told me once," he concluded, "that for the sake of get ting enough together to be married on he would cheerfully make a trip to hades. Well, he has struck some thing worse than hades this trip. Whoever his girl Is, she must be al most as lovable as somebody else he's awfully gone on her. Poor fel low, I hope he will come back alive, now that his land promises so well. "And I hope," he muttered, as he posted the letter, "that she will be so scared and rsiscrable for the next six weeks she'll learn some sense. I've no patience with a girl that can't be satisfied when a man has told her that he loves her. Histrionics be hanged. I'm glad Lucy doesn't go in for that sort of thing, dear, sensible little soul that she is!" This was how it happened that when Corporal Cranmere, none the worse for his wild goose chase to Lake Bombon and the long homeward voyage that had followed close upon It, dashed Into the private parlor of a San Francisco hotel and found a worn-looking girl with big eyes and white cheeks, who had no high-flown proffers of freedom to make. Only an eager whisper that ahe was glad, so glad he had not been killed in that horrid volcano. "Never mind, sweetheart," he said, soothingly, "the Philippines are not so bad. But Texas is the piece for ns. Isn't it?" "Wherever you are,- dear boy," she answered, contentedly. BfasmaesneBt. "Don't you think you lose patience with your husband on rather slight provocation?" eaid the near relative. "I have to pyovoke him sometimes," was the placid answer, "ao that he will lose his temper and then give me anything I want so as to atone for the way he has acted." Wash ington Star. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunk ards are Being- Cored Dally In Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doees. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It Is generally known and understood that Drunkenness Is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poisen, nnd nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquor, re quires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying craving for Intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without pub Uclty or loss of time from business by this wonderful "HOME GOLD CURE" which has been perfected after many years of close study aud treatment of Inebriates. The faithful use according to directions ot this wonderful discovery Is positively guaran teed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of drunkards into sober, indus trious and upright men. WIVES CURE YOUR HUSBANDS I I CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS I 1 This remedy Is in no sense a nostrum but a specific for this disease only, so skillfully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that It can be given in a oup of tea or coffee with out the knoweledge of the person taking It. Thousands of Drunkards hare cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the"CURE" ad ministered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today they discontinued drink ing of their own free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not te deluded by apparent and mis loading "improvement." Drive out the disease once and for all time. The "HOME GOLD CURE" is sold at the ex tremely low price of One Dollar, thus plac ing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others coating $J5 to ITiO. Full directions accompany each pack age. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on reoeplt of One Dollar. Address Dept. B 275, EDWIN B GILES fc COMPANY. itoO and Market Street, Philadelphia. A.U correspondence strictly oonlldcntlal. ASTHMA CURE FREE! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. SENT ABR( )LUTELY" FREjTrECEIPTOF POSTAL. VRITK VOtiR N AMR AND ADDKP.KA FI.AINLY. CHAinCD FOn TEN YEARS r?l8i RKLItr. After haying It carefully analyzed, we can s',nte that Asthmalene contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours REV. DR. MORRI3 WECHSLKR. ... Avon Springs, N. Y., Feb. 1. ltxn. Dit. Taft Bros.' Medkmnk Co. ' Gentlemen : I write this testimonial from a sense of dutv, having tested the won derful effect of your Astlininlene, fur the cure of Asthma. My wife ha been offllcted with spasmodic asthma for the past 13 years. Having eihnuxtod my own skill as well as many othera, I chnnced to see your Rign upon your windows on 130th street, New York I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife cominenoed taking it about the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical Improvement. After using one bottle her Asthma lias disappeared and she Is entirely free from all symptoms I feel thnt I can consistently recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this dis tressing disease. Yours respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M. D. Dr. Taft Bros.' M kpicink Co. Feb. 5, 1(101 Gentlemen: I was troubled with Asthma for 23 years. I have triad numerous remedies, but they hnvo all failed. 1 ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle I found relief at once. I have since purchased your full-size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have n family of four children, and for six yenrs was unable to work. Iain now In the best ot health nnd am doing business every dny. This testi mony you can make such use of as you see fit. Homo address, 236 Rivington street. 8. RAPHAEL, 87 East 12lh St., City. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Do not delay. Writo nt once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MEDICINE CO . TO East li)th St., N. Y. City. Gotd-ftrlckefl. "Your hair Is rarept gold," he cried, "You are the maid I've plrked;" But after he became his bride He found he'd been gold-bricked. Baltimore American. PIL1PL 'Biy wife had pimples on berfaee, but he has been t.iulnu CASCA.KKTS and they have all disappeared. I hud been troubled with constipation for some time, but after tak ing the first Cascsrot I have had no trouble with this ailment. We cannot speab too high ly of Casoarets." Fhed W A ai-at ATf , (70S Qermantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa Pleasant, Palatable. Potent, Tante Good. Do wood. Never Slckon. Weaken, or Gripe, Mto. Z30.UI0. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Btarnaf SMatey Cmpy, China, Malral, S.w Tare, lit Hfl.Tfi.Rlf So'4 snS gunmnteed by alldrng-KU-IU-BAb giiUMtilijaK'iobaocoUablk vvy 60 YEARS Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. An rone Rending fleeter) and dpscript ton tuny q tit ok If ucertntn our opinion frea whether an Invention it prohnbly pfiteiitahle. Communion, tlniwitrictlr cmitlrtentifiL Handbook cm PateuU Bent froe. Oldest nuo.ncy for gocuruift patent. Patent taken through Wunn & Co. reoelY tpteUU notice, without cimrga. in ton Scientific JlKierican, A handirtmelT llhmtratpd wflnkly. Lanrctit cli cu latum of any m-lenliuo journal. Tor inn. t$ t yonr; four months, tfL Sold by all nowHdealer. WUNN &Co.36,Bre'"-N8W York . Branch Office. 626 F Bt- Washington. D. C . HOAGLAND'S Dig China Storo -IN- PORT JERVIS, N. Y. Largest Stock. HEADQUARTERS For Sets of Dishes, Lamps and Glassware, Occupying the entire floor of Building. We buy Butter, Eggs and Grain. Hoagland's, PORT JERVIS. N. Y. UP TOWN. Our Ice reiumeti it we luiL Any oue acudiua sketch auci description ot any luventiuu will promptly receive our upiuion free couetrniug the UatellUbihtv of Suine. "How to OblMlu a Puteut" aeiit upon reorient. pHteuta MreuicU sUiroutfh u& aiiverli.-ved tor Kile at our ex ptute. pulcutu takcU out tliroiiKh ua receive toial noiue, withuutchaige, in Tuk Patknt, n iliutrle(i aud wUI?ly circulated juiuuttj. Cxnuiicu ny Mdiiiiiiictiiit i s nuu nivoioi n. tfrcutl tor ahiiii pie copy FKE. AdUietut, VICTOR J. IVANS A CO. (intent aitomcs,) Kvr Building, WASHINGTON O Q fpfYl CANDY I Jr CATHARTIC ,rattaaeBarnnar There is nothing like Asthma lene. It brings inst-nnt roliof, even in the worst cases. It cares when all else fails. The Rev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridgo, 111., Says: "Your trinl bottle of Asthma lcno received In good condition. I cannot toll you how thankful I fool for the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with pntrld sore throat and Asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever belngoured. I saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting' disease, Asthma, and thought you had ovorspoken yourselves, but resolved to give It a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full-sized bottle." Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnnl Israel. Nkw York, Jan. 8, 1901. Dits. Taft Bros.' Medicivr Co., Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene Is an ex cellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and Its ooinpositlon alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success Is astonishing and wonderful. f ;7$ RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Corrected to Data. Solid Pullman trains to Bnffnln. Nine. Bra Fulls, Chautauqua Lake, Cleveland, Chicago and Cincinnati. 'tickets on siilu at Port Jervis to nil points In the West and Southwest at lower rates than via any other firut-cluas Hue. Trains Now Lkavk Pout Jirvis as follows. EASTWARD. No. 12, DnllyKxpress 8 24 6 DO 8 85 7 40 7 68 10 20 12 261 2 2tl 8 22 4 25 4 HO 5 20 6 40 6 07 8 50 10.00 10, Daily Kxpross W, Dally Except Sunday. . tm', Sunday Only 88, Dally Kiorpt Sunday.. 8, Dally Way Train 4, Kxpross except Sunday. 80, Way Kxcopt Sunday. . . 2, Daily Express 608, Sunday Only T.. 8, Daily Express 18, Sundayonly 608, Express Sunday only.. 22, Daily Exoept Sunday.. 14. Daily WESTWARD. No. 8, Dally Express 13 80A.M. if, i-rmiy miia irain s.oo " " 1, Dally Express 1188 " " 11, KorHo'dHleE'ptSun .. 12 10 p. U. " 9, Way train except Sun'y 12 20 " " 88, Deposit exp. Sat. only. 4 4 " " 6, Daily 6 15 " ". 27, Dally Kxoept Sunday.. 6 60 ' " 7, Daily Express 10.16 " Trains leave Chambers street. New York for Port Jervis on week ditvs at 4 IM). 7 18, 9 00, 9 16, 10 80 A. M . 1 00. 8 00, 4 80, 8 80, 7.80, 9 15 p.m. On Sundays, 4 00, 7 80, 9 00,9.16 a. m.; 12.80,2.80, 7 80 and 0.15 P. M. D. I. Roberta, Osnaral Passenger Agent, Mew York, Washington Hotels. RI66S HOUSE. The hotel par excellence of tho canltal. located within one block of the While House and directly opposite the Treasury. Finest table in the oily. WILLARD'S HOTEL. A famous hotelry, remarkable for Its historical associations and lonK-sustalned popularity. Recently renovated, reuainted aud partlully refurnished. NATIONAL HOTEL A landmark among the hotels of Wash ington, patronised In former years by president and high officials. Always a prime favorite. Recently remodeled and rendered better than ever. Opp. Pa. R. R. dep. WALTER BURTON, Res. Mgr. These hotels are the principal political rendezvous of the capital at all times. They are the bwt stopping places at rea sonable rates. O. O STAPLES. Proprietor. O. DEWITT.Manag.r. FIVE TWO-CENT STAMPS will put you next the VANDAL... an Interesting- mag. aslne of orltloiem; Send for one to-day. No Free Copies THE VAN D ALL, 5226 Butler St., Pittsburg, Pa. f n M O HerVi your ohsoM to mak. J I ) niauer after aoaiuul, aelliua; Wall Paper Cleaner Keelpea. Coat yon LKKN than 3; you sell tlaem for lOe, a elear FIUII'IT of over 7e on aaok one. You an nutk. S to S3 every .veu InK. UIHLS aluvauWI, rrleest Sample rteolpe lo is, so i no. 70e or 34 for Slou. Adureee, J. J. 1M.LAN, No. fttt Tweuty-Urat aLreet, fUUbursj. Pa. Bubucribo fur the VltKoa-