5 -- l t laid THE LANE INSTITUTE, THE LAN C INSTITUTE CO. 1133 Broadwuy, St. James Build ing. Now York. For th Treatment and Cure of LIQUOR, 0PIU5I AND MORPHINE HABITS. NO HYHODKIIMIO IXJK'JTIOXS. A PRRFKCT HUM TIIF.ATMKNT OH SANI TARIUM ADVANTA0K3. Try Our conpoutiD FOR YOUR COUGH AND COLD. 25cts C. 0. ARMSTRONG 5 DRUGGIST. HARN Of All Kinds and Styles. Blankets, Robes, Whip3 and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CAPJilAOE TRIMMINGS. Repairing;-. Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. L. F. IIAFNER. Harford St. - Milford, Pa. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. Houses and Lots and lots without Houses. Dealer la nil kinds of Property. Life Insurance agent and Notary Public. All business given prompt attention. Office on Broad Street, Below Crlssninn House. Milford, Pa. . LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel, Cornor Ann and Fourth streets MILFORD PA. Stoves and Ranges. THE Round Oak For Wood and Coal. Best Heater and Fuel Saver in the Country. New Era Radiators, Two F Irom In one flAKDWAKE. Ct TI.ERY, TIN, AGATE WAKK, ETC. TIN ROOFINO AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to T R. Julius Klein. BROAD STREET MILFORD, PA Lib Insurance Syrup of lite Pine The JCTNA offers special iuduoe . menu both on Life and Endowment policies Stable, ch(iiip and prompt payment of all claims. For information apply to Lcroy E. Uipp, Acnt, Milford, Pa Tuition Absolutely Free fcast HtrtHKlftlMlrtt fttttlv Kormnl Nclmo'a Tlioff'ivnnirtr hn bIu'i-m, tliMiiH (rmnMnir this nHmi.l ft flp-inl Mfipruprlatlnn, well fti the hili muUlnn tin Tuiiion nf f fi fn thiam-linil H H KK. K;il Term open Sept. 1H. Hut M fxt per u.'i'k. Knrfull purtie ulfirs fttiilress KO. V. UIBLK, Principal. .nali iMiNaRvTf HAMINATIHN f WTI 111 bATeNTir.UARANTF.KPl J l I J i 'or MllN',r4R:uNn:l),- irsTTnvic.fimMT.'ri'BfUL BrRvtcH I 5j.u;iiiTr irnRtBnrtKlnn'PATfNTRw HowsaaniEM 2 :;Wt5t!Egi8teredJattohneW TlHll"ADELPHIA!P0 Furniture ...AT... RYf.lAN & WELLS MILFORD, PA. You may get imylliing you may need in furn iture at bottom prices if you may call and Inspect Our stock It is a pleasure to show goods. Lawn Settees Si, Porch Rockers $i., Chairs $3-50 to $7.50 A Set. Tables at any price. Our shoestook is complete. Assort ment ur.d Prices will surprise you. Table Dainties, Fresh groceries. Canned goods. Meats in every form. Turkeys and chickens'. Oysters and vegetables. Everything for an elegant dinner at GUMBLE BROS. Harford St. Milford Pa. Artistic Monuments IN WHITE BRONZE Cost no more than plain ones in stone and they are more durable. Don't invest money in a monument be fore investigating the claims of White Bronze. Write for information and designs. J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt., Milford, Pa. . t i L Oh Caveat, and 'i rade-M arks obtained and all fat-' ent business conducted die MODtMTI FtC. Our Office is Opposite U.S. Patcnt Officc uid we i-tubo me .lcl.i m ic Uiuc UiUk Uium: gemote tiom S ashin;ioa, 1 Stud tDuJtrL, diuwuig or photo with drsrrip tion. Ve advise, ii patentaule of Dot, Uem OJ hargtf. Our fee not due till orient ia accurx-d. A PAMPH LtT, Hi'W to Obtain J'aleiita," witli cot ot uiie in th U. S. lutd loica cuuautc scat tree. Adrcu, f!.A..nnnw on m m 'war- m tT Opp. Patcmt Officc. WABMtnaTON. D. C. Blue Front Stables, Port Jorvls, N. Y. Adjoining Gumaer's Union House Road, carriage, draft and furm horaes for sale. Exchanges made. A larj;e stock from which to make elections. CANAL ST. Hiram Towner. CANDY CATHARTIC , SIM. WK." Genuine stamped CCC Never sold In bulk, beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something Just s J00U." imi CORRESPONDENCE. SANDYSTON. Tlicrn is some difficulty In the conn fiction nf the FlnthrookviHe innil from Layt.m. The nriinnlivilie mnil p-.'tM to 1,-iyfoM nsually about 3 p. 111., but t iic s.t'11-tini? cf the lower mail, as W( call it, a '2 15 and this delays their mail o::e du .Tusl sot the lower mail's time bii'-k 10 irs old tinio of 3.15 and connection &m he made satisfactory to all. People harint? occasion to drive across the mountain are loud in t heir complaints of the condition of the mad. They say it is the worst, ever known and threats are heard that a resort to the law will be made unless the road is repaired. But our roads throughout the town are in about the same condition and, if anything, going from bad to worse. When the filling in of the road was done last spring near the resi deuce of Dr. Hughes it was under stood that all tnkiug part in filling in with stone was doing it for noth ing. But when one party takes stone from his lots, and then gets a bill paid for those stone It is certain ly peculiar. Capt. Simpson has the finest pair ot twin colts to be seen anywhore, and now they are for Bale or swap. Any one wishing to deal will find the captain ready for business. I do not hear anything as to whether tlio Delaware valley rail road now building from St.roudsburg up the river, will cross at Fiathrook villo and come up on Jersey side or not. As I understand it, all depends npon the cost of right of way and if the Jersey sidy costs less thatroute will be selected. Wo will only be too glad to have it ou this side of the Delaware, but either side will do, only so we got the road. A number Interested in the good appearance of the cemetery at Lay. ton nssembled there on Saturday and removed the brush, weeds, etc, and left the cemetery in a very neat appearance. If those having friends or relatives lying there would attend to their graves and headstones the looks of the cemetery would be further improved. I have yet to hear of any one claiming to have a good .yield of potatoos, and if all reports are true the crop is very poor. Corn never looked bettor aud everything favors an excollsnt yield. Now that haying and harvest is over the farmers are thinking about which picnio to attend. First oouies Lake Grinuell the t7th and closely following is the Granger's at Deck ertown on the 22d, and two days later the Farmers', Mechanics' and Tradesmen's picnio will be hold at Culver's on their old grounds near the boat house on tho 24tb, and lastly, tho Delaware valley Sunday school picnio takes place iu the grovo of V. E. Bevans near Bevans on the 29th and If your are not tirod iu attending the above, then go to Buffalo and view the wonders of the Pan-American. The morits and demerits of the Roe flsb or free lake bill will be discussed by Hon. L. J. Martin and Judge Henry Hus ton of Newton at the first two named picnics aud all interested in this bill should attend, as it is im portant. On Monday a new schedule went into effect on the mail route from Layton to Flatbrookville. The mail will leave Flutbrookville at 5.30 a. m., arriving at Layton at 8.30 p. 11a. Returning will leave Layton at not later than 3 p. m., or on the arrival of Brauchvillo mail. William Baird was getting over a fence on Sunday last when the stake broke pitching him into a pile of stones and breaking his left arm just above tha elbow joint. Dr. Hugb.es attended to the injury. Tho condition of Mrs. Sue Myers is Elightly improved, although her condition is critical. Astounded tha Editor. Editor S. A. Brown of Benuetts viile, S. U., was once immorsely surprised. "Through long suffer ing from Dyspepsia," he writes, "my wife was greatly run down, suffered great distress fiom her stomach, but she tried Eloctrio Bit ters which helped her at once, and, after using four bottles, she is en tirely well, can eat anything. It's a grand tonic, and its gentle laxa tive qualities are splendid for torpid livur." For Indigestion, Loss of Appftite, Stomach and Liver trou bles it's a positive, guaranteed cure. Only BUo at all druggiwts. To Suvo Her Child From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nannie Gitlicfer of La ( IraiiL'e. (ia.. appliud Bucklon't) Arniei Salvo to gr'-at siiros on her head and face, ami writes its niiirk cure pvtwltl all bur hopes. It works wonders in Sores, liiuisus, Skin Lruptious, Cuts, Burns, Scalds and Piles. 25c. Cure guaranteed by all druggists. M ATA MORAS. Mrs. W. H. West fall and dangh ter Josie of Long Island City were recent guests here of Mrs. J. L. Frindenstein. Archie and Ralph Ball of Carbon- dale are visiting at the home of L'trsand Ball. Tuesday, August 20, tho L. C. U. of Hope church will hold a la-cent tea at the homo of Mrs. A. Van Etten 011 Pennsylvania avenue and a lawn social the same evening nt Mrs. H. Brink's at which ice croam will be served. Mrs. (i. II. Langton entertained the primary class of Epworth church Sunday school last Thurs day. Rev. Francis Craft will deliver n lecture in St. Joseph's church this evening on the topic, "Experiences of a Missionary in the Wild West." Wednesday, Aug. 21, the 15th an niversary of the priesthood of Rev. Joseph Treis will be celebrated. Some 30 young people from here visited Raymoudskill Falls last Fri day. Geo. Stiles and wife of Kingston, N. Y., are guests with Jolm Sliee han, and Miss May Mead of New York is also visiting the same house hold. Misses May aud Grace Reeves of Howells, N. Y., are visiting the family of Clmrles Nichols. Mrs. John Simpson and her sis- tor, Miss Laura Ackorson, of Pas saic are in town. J. S. Palm itior, wife and daugh ter Hazel have gone on a visit to Jersey City and other places. Mrs. Frank Blakeuy of Fairfield, N. J., visited her parents, T. J. Ketcham and wife, this week. Miss L. May Cottrell has gono to Middletown for a few days. J, Mulhearn. and wife of New York are guests of the latter's sis ter, Mrs. LaForge Caskey, at Hick ory Grovo Hotel. A party of young lit,dies visited with Mrs. Harry Clark at Hainos- ville, N. J., Monday and enjoyed a pleasant day. Misses Bessie and Blanche Warner of Deposit are visiting friendi) hero. Harry Perolval and his sister Lena were presented vrith a new Edgemore wheel last Monday. George W., the fifteen-months old son of Fred E. Hornbeck aud wife, died last Monday afternoon of cholera infantum. The funeral 00 ourred from tha house Wednesday afternoon, Rev. II. W. Gross offici ating, and interment in Laurol Grove cometery. KIMBLES. J. O. Carmichael and wife and C, J. Stanton and wife of Bingharaton are visiting relatives through Wayne and Pike county. They are driving and expect to be two weoks ou the road. They were the guests of R. W. Kelly and family Sunday. Mrs. Andrew Gelderman and two ohildren of Brooklyn and Mrs. Geo. Snyder of Somerset, Kentucky, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Frank Docker. Aaron Visenius of Manitoba, N, J., called on friends here one day last week. Charles Pholps and Minnie Dan iols of Ossining spent Sunday with Lot Daniels and family. Eugene Picrson of Scranton spont Suuday here with friends. Two barrels good roasted Rio coffee 12 cts. per lb. ; one barrel Maracaibo and Mocha mixture roa.st ed 18 cts. per 11). at W. & G. Mitch- ell's. Fine canned peas, equal to French, 12o. a can at Mitchell's. My Hair "I had 1 very severe sickness that look off all my hair. I pur chased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor and it brought all my hair back again." W. D. Quinn, Marseilles, 111. One thing Is certain, Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It fced3 the hair and the hair grows, that's all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al ways restores color to gray hair. 1 tl.N a butt. All araulite. If )nur ditii:it cituiot iy yuu, tuj u. one l l'r and we iit viprtn )ou a buttle. Ho dure and (rive the name of yuur ut,rM fx prf H od'u e. AitiUrrsa, J.t'. AlrHlO., IaiwcII, fctMt. THE RAMBLER'S PICKINGS. The Milford driving park associa tion is to bo congratnlalel on being able to f .ii nish somo excellent sport for those who enjoy a good race. The first trained bear of the eea- son made its appearance in town Monday. Several nights last week the gns light was rather dim in town Not pressure enough . Some boys still get bol l of cigar ettes Frank M.iCnrty of M Jiitagnu re turned to his home Monday. Ilo furnished bonds. Our ball players added one more game to their credit lint Saturday afternoon when they walloped the Edgemore nine to the tune of 16 to 10 Another smash-up enlivened this borough Saturday evening when a rig driven by Frod Collier of Port Jorvis collided with the carriage of Dr. H. E. Emerson driven by Mich ael Scott. The Port Jervis rig got tho worst of it and the team ran away leaving the carriage minus the tongue here in town. No one was hurt. I understand there will be a wed ding in the M. E. church after the evoning service noxt Sunday. Time changes all things more or less, but it has not changed the Hou. John D. Biddis much. He is the same Johnuy he was twenty-five years ago. Jim Bennett, the snake editor of the Port Jervis Gazelle, is in town this week looking after the interests of that paper and picking np such news as will astonish the natives when it apnears in print. A newly married couple arrived in town Tuesday on a visit. Their host gave the boys the tip and a grand serenade in tho evening was the result. Another dance was held at the Grand View hotel Wednesday evon- ening. Those who attended had a good time. Real Estate Transfers. Alfred Devlin, guardian of Horry J. Becker, to Fred H. Wiegand, one sixth interest in lot No. 45, Mata moras. Consideration 116. J. B. Wostbrook, treasurer, to commissioners, 282 acres, Thomas Heinberg, No. 100, Porter. Consid- eration $14.85. Commissioners to E. T. Riviere, same land. Consideration 11. SO. Mary Fahrenback to Ftauk Now. man, 132 acres, Lackawaxen. Con sideration 1800. BUMMER BOARDERS SECURED. How Judicious and Inexpensive Ad Tertisements Can Be Made to Pay by Using a Select ed Medium. The Brooklyn l'aily Eagle is the idoal Resort medium. It reaches the people yon want to reach. Its cir culation is the largest in Brooklyn, ami goes into the best homes m the entire City of New York. Its name stands for excellence, quality, fair ness and an unparalleled advertising reputation. Its resort rates nra equitable ; its monthly rate so low that you can afford to keep before the publio every day. The E:iglo maintains two free In formation Bureaus for Resorts one in Brooklyn and one in the heart of the shopping district of Manhattan. They distribute your ciroulars, tell visitors about your house, and in every way further your interests. An advertisement in the Eagle, sup piemen tod by the free service of its bureaus, is almost a sure invest ment. Upon application listing blanks, rate cards aud further details will be sent. EAGLE INFORMATION BUREAU, Rooms 28 and 29, Eagle Building, Brooklyn, N..Y. Their Secret Is Out. All Sodieville, Ky.. was curious to learn the cause of the vast improve ment in the health of Mrs. H. P. Whittaker, who had for a long time endured untold suffering from a chronic bronchial trouble. "It's all due to Dr. King's New Disoovery," writes her husband. "It complete ly cured her and also cured our little granddaughter of a severe at tack of Whooping Cough." It pos itively cures Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis, all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and f 1. Trial bottles free at all druggists. IAD 4. -lAtLf. MARKJV "C0rRICrlTS. Thirty-one ye in active practice. Opinion as to Tali-iity and imuiUiUmy. Write ti.r l.iuk nt Initio, tijln !..! Itlmuta. tl'SUrt bKC'SVij fr kliKl, Vt e.buik'toa, L- C T. Armstrong & Co., Successors to BROWN & ARMSTRONG. Wo offer a lino of .UNSURPASSED Our point is that yon need not go away from homo to supply alljyonr needs, or to secure bargains. We expect to satisfy you in both particulars. DRY GOODS, new and stylish. GROCERIES, fresh and good. HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, AND CU)TH ING. Any thing in any lino at bottom prices. To accomplish this end we have adopted a now Rystem. All our prices are fixed on a basis of cosh payment. This obviates the necessity to allow a margin for bad debts and interest. To accommodate responsible parties wo cheer fully open monthly accounts, and expect prompt payment monthly, ns our prices will not enable us to carry accounts longer. Statements rendered tho first of every month, and if paid within three days from date of bill, a cash discount of 2 is allowed. The same discounts given on all cash pur- 5 chases exceeding J1.00. Goods sent out will bo C. O. D. unless otherwise previously arranged. T. ARMSTRONG & CO., V Brown's Building, Milford, Pa. S Successors to We are now Prepared to Please the Farmers and the General Public by being ready at all times to Accom modate them. Plenty of Water to run the Mill Day and Night if Necessary. A Full stock of the Best Brand of Flour Constantly on Hand. Seal of Minnesota is A No. I. Try it. Washburn's Gold Medal, Arnold's Superlative. Feed, Meal, Mid dlings and Bran. Buck wheat Flour in its Season a Spe alty ! ! t Ordors loft at the Mill for delivery will receive prompt attention. dlilford Milford, Pike H. E. EMERSON & CO. Have REPETTI'S CELEBRATED CARAMELS, CHOCOLATES and BONBONS. The delight of every lover of confections. Their purity and delicious quality make them everywhere the choice of connoisseurs. Prescriptions) Carefully Compounded H. E. Emerson & Co., l& Next Door to Hotel Fauohero. NEW Springs Summer Goods Woolen Dress Goods, Wash Fabrics, White Goods, Wall Paper & Window Shades, Shoes, all styles and sizes, Farming Inplements, Paints and Oils,. Asbestos Roofing & Sheathing Paper. W. & G. MITCHELL'S, MILFORD, PA. Clover and grass seeds of all kiudi All kinds rubber footwear at re st W. & U. Mitchells, duced prices at Armstrong & Co. BEST OF ALL FLOUR." FEED, MEAL, BRAN, OATS, and HAY. When in need of any Hello to No. ")., or conic to SAWKILL MILL, MILFORD, PA new Spring Goods, AND COMPLETE. Jervis Gordon Co., Co., Penna, Broad Street, Milford, ilililling