PIKE COUNTY PRESS. FRIDAY, ADO. id. 1901. I'L'W.TSHF.n RVKRY FRIDAY, OFFIOR, KIROWN'B BUII.niNO BROAD PT. Bi'HscHirTioN: One Ykar One dollar and filly rents. Hix Months rk-vent.v-flve renin. BTRICTI.Y IN ADVANCK. Fntorpd fit the post office of Mil ford, Plko County, Pennsylvania, ns second clnss matter, November twenty-flint, 1!1. Advertising Rates. One sqiinro(e1ght. linn ),nne Insertion - 1 .00 K:u-h suhsetiueiit Insertion .50 Reduciil rates, f urnlshwl on application, will be allowed yearly advertisers. Legal Advertising. Administrator'! and Executor' notices 8 00 Auditor's notice - 4.1 Divorce notices fi.lH) Sheriff's sales, Orphans' court sales r?.,,,i,.ir 'I'..,...,..-..'. u,il..u f'mmt.v nt.nl. merit and election proclamation charged vy toe square. J, H. Vil Etten, PUBLISHER, Mllford, Pike County, Pn. OUR SIDEWALKS. Rocontly a city guest wns so un- fortunate as to step in a hole in the sidewalk on upper Broad street and thereby sustain injuries which caused her much pain, necessitated the use of crutches and will proba bly detain her from her duties for some time. The complaint is frequently hoard that some of the sidowalks, more especially those in the very heart of the town and which are most used, are in a dilapidated and really unsafe oondition. That this complaint is well founded and that its cause ha3 long existed every one traveling the sidewalks of either Broad or Harford streets can tea tify. In summer the stones project to a dogree which makes pedostrianism painful and in winter when there is ice they are at such an angle as to make them dangerous. Oar towns people may stumble over these places at the risk of life and limb, but when we invite guests to come here and spend their money we should not ask them to incur the risk of being made halt or maim by our failure to provide safe walks in tTtfl mrmt prominent placpfl in the town. It is not fair, it is not right, and no one should complain if city guests gave suoh treatment as a valid excuse for leaving us alone in our glory to stumble over our side walks and fall into the holes left or allowed to remain in them. The weeds and generally dilapidated ap pearance along some of the streets are too patent to need any com ment. THE GAME LAWS. On another page will be found a digest of the acts of assembly relat ing to game in this state. We do not mean to express an opinion here as to whether the special act for this county is repealed by these later and general enactments, but it may be wise for those who insist that our speoial law is yet in force to obtain a legal opinion on the mat tor and not incur the risk of arrest and punishment by simply assum ing that it is and' will afford them protection. There is no doubt bnt that the game commission Intends to see that violations of the laws are dealt with, and inasmuch as the ptate lands have been, and will be, open to sportsmen the proper of ficials will be careful to protect them from unlawful hunting and fishing. Ignorance of the law ex cuses no one, and it would be nn wise to attempt to hide behiud either that excuse or the contention that the state laws are not opera tive here, unloss it is fortified with a carefully considered legal conclu sion. The digest we print covers all the essential points and contains sufficient information to make the law clear. It would be well to pre serve it for future reference. Josiah Fuller Keyes, a greatly re spected citizen of Mataiuoras, diod yewterday morning after an illness of nearly a year. He was born at Windham, Conn., June 1, 1822, and cuiiiO to Wayne county when a youth. Subsequently he removed to Sliohola, this county, where ho resided 25 years, and in 1872 moved to Matuiuoras, which has since been his homo. Ho was vigorous in his old eye ttnd an enthuHiaistio wheel-Jtiuu. THE CHURCH COLUMN (My v.v. C. E. Pci DHFii ) The congroRTition that greeted Mr. NefT Inct Sabbath morning was the largest that he ever saw at a morn ing service, so ha informs us. That is a compliment for the church, for the singing of Mr. I'risstnan, so greatly enjoyed, and for himself. His very excellent sermon on "Lovo" will long be remembered. The outdoor mor-Hns nt Union was also well attended lust. S blmtli nf ternonn. The singing r.f the choir was enjoyed by t ho Union people, and many expressed the desire to have ii coinougniu. Next Subbn tli titnrninr the Rev. J. A. Cole of Newark will occupy the pulpit. Last, uuinmer Mr. Cole filled the pulpit very acceptably. He is one of the preachers of the Conference always in demand and we are sure that all will be glad to hear him. At the morning service a male quartet, consisting of Mr. Rogers and Mr. Miller, of the Yale glee club, who are attending the Forestry school, and the Rev. J.- W. Ryder, and the writer, will sing. We can assure all our friends that next Sab bath morning the preaching and singing will be good, exceptionally good. The writer has in his hands a subscription pnperon which ho de sires the names of all who are anx ious to holp paint the church. He will not fool insulted if you stop him anywhere and hand him your contribution, and if you do not see him he will appreciate any amount you care to send by mail. The church must be painted. $125.00 is needed. If you can not give large sums, give small amounts, and the amount required will soon be raised Next Sabbath evening the topio for the sormon will be "Daniel." This is the third in the series on the "Saints of the Bible." These short sermons for the hot weather are appreciated by our friends that is. the shortness of them. It ip the belief of the writer that the words of the great preaoher Whit Hold, are true durinij the hot weather of August, and especially in the evening, "After the first half hour more harm is done than good." Hon. J. A. Kipp made a short visit with his family yesterday. Dr. Hughes and family of Brook lyn are guests at Hotel Sohanno. Thomas Bradford of Woodtown wae in tho villasto e day this week X. P. Huddy, Esq , of Providence, R. I., will spend the coming Sunday in town. Miss Virginia Mott of Branchville is visiting the family of John C. Westbrook, her grandfather. The school of forestry which has been held near here this summer will break up about September 1st Hon. John B. Storm of Strouds burg, who for many years has been an invalid, died early yesterday morning. Miss Louisa C. Newman, whose health for some time has been de clining, is said to be in a very criti cal condition. Lncian B. Westbrook of Lehman, teacher in the intermediate depart ment of our schools, was in town a day this week. Louis de Berlhe has purchased of P. C. Rutin the bicycle businoss whioh the latter has conducted here for several years. Dr, David Chapin, after a two week's visit at The Anchorage, re turned to Philadelphia this week, going on his whoel. Ralph B. Thrall and wife while here recently sold two town lots on George street to William Gehrig for a consideration of 300. The school directors of this dis. trict have appointed John B. Mo Carty junitor at a salary of tlOO, and E. C Wood truant officer. Wm. Angle and wife were at Stroudsburg yesterday attending the funeral of Mrs. Amos Schoon over, who died suddenly this week. Mahlon Labar, aged 21 years and a lifetime resident of Lehman town ship, died at the home of Mr. Michaels Tuesday of spinal monin gitis. Dr. J. T. Rothrock, state forestry commissioner, will give an address at the club house of the Forest Lake Association in Lackawaxen Wednes day, Sept. 11th. In the great race between The Abbott and Cresceus at Brighton Beaoh yesterday the latter won three straight heats, the fastest time being 2.03,'. John Davis of Port Jervis, a well known clurinot p'ayer, fell from his whonl dead of heart faiiure near the Delaware House last FriJuy morn ing. Hu was born in Leeds, Eng laud, 72 years ago. Great reduction in shirt waists at T. Armstrong & Co.'. Prions now 3'Jc, B5o, 69(j and bOc. BRIEF MENTION. .Inly 21st. wns the fortieth anni versary of the battle of Bull Run. WANTED, TO RENT A small fflrm in fbla pnntilr Alflvnaa ving terms, this ofilce. The work of grading hns beon in progress this week around the proposed library building. The treasury department has de cided that bonds of executors and administrators requiro a 60-cent stamp when delivered after Julv 1. 1901. We have received a limited num ber of reports of the Pennsylvania cricultural department for 1900 which may be had by calling at this i flice. The street fair to be hold in Port Jervis the first week in September is engaging the attention of the local committees who are striving to make it a success. The venerable Nathan Houck, fnthor of Judge Houck of LnAnna, Greene township, is in a very feeble condition and bis age, 84, does not admit much hope of his recovery. Hon. J. B. Westbrook was the delegate to the demooratio state convention which met yescorday. If Jake attended no doubt he was forninst the Donelly-Ryan outfit 1 Frank McCarty, who was in jnil on a charge of burglary, was taken before Hon. Jacob Klaer on a writ of habeas corpus Monday and re. leased on giving bail in $500 for his appcaronce. Up in Bradford county a few days ngo swarms of grasshoppers invaded the buckwheat fields and entirely devastated them. Hard wood ashes sprinkled over the fields finally drove the hoppors away. Tuesday evening a skimmlngton was tendered a newly' wedded oonple, guests with D. Unsworth. on Harford street The results in dicated that the boys were well treated. Straw rides are a favorite species of amusement with the young folks Two parties indulged Tuesday eve. ning, one composed of people from the town and the other guests at The Homestead. The past week has been bad for oats and hay gathering. The oat crop in this section is poor at best and that with the added labor of se curing them makes farmers feol rather discouraged. Lightning struck the house of Harvey B. Compton on Long Ridge about two miloa from Hawley, hiBt Saturday afternoon and instantly klilod his wife and daughter, young lady seventeen years old. Charles Clark and Flora May Resor of Milford township were re contly united in marriage. The bride, a very estimable young lady, is a daughter of William Resor and wifo residing on upper Water street Last Friday afternoon the first passenger train started over the Delaware valley railroad. The en gine and car with the officers and directors aboard came up to a point this side of Marshall's creek as far as the rails have been la id. The report of the statistician of the department of agriculture for August shows that corn has been greatly damaged and gives its con dition as 54. Other crops show averages as fellows : Oats, 73 j hay, 84 j potatoes, 62 ; buckwheat, 91. A beautiful night blooming cereus plant on the porch of the Centre Square Hotel one night last week attracted a number of visitors There were several large and per. feet flowers opening which shel a delicate perfume in the vicinity and were the admiration of all the visitors. Vaudeville is just now a very fashionitblo form of amusement. It is defined as "a theatrical entertain ment consisting of a slight dramatic sketch or pantomime interspersed with songs and dances, or a series of farcical incidents, songs, dances, acrobatio feats, etc., having no dra matic connection : a variety show. " The tenth annual reunion of the Mount Retirement Alumni associa tion will be held on the seminary grounds near Sussex on Labor day, Monday, September 2, 1901. The ladies comprising the dinner com mittee will not notify oxy one by letter this year but hope each will bring the same as last year. Others not present last year will consult their own judgment regarding their contribution to the banquet. KLOCirJO " 1 FLECIE ?ln summer can be prevented , by taking " Scott's Emulsion ' I T i - . i-, I I I In winter. If you re weak or I run down. It will build you up. Snl lor free sarm.ie. 4 SCOl 1 a IM'W.NU, lurnii't. I i 4y-4o rcan hiicci, r,rw York n Liver Pills That's what you need: some thing to cure your bilious ness and give you a good digestion. Aver s Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation and biliousness. Gently laxative. W Hill your ni"nti,( lie or ln-aid beuUlul brown or rtrh Murk ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtfffir. MM, On Ft. M Ll CO.. Ntuwi) Judge Furdy Leave TJf. At the close of the session of court last Snturdiy, Judge Purdy, who was legislated out of this county last wiutor, took the oppor. tunity to part with the members of the bar and court officials and spoke as follows : "As the now judicial apportion ment takes the county of Pike out of my district and places it with Monroe in a new district, this is. doubtless, the last session of your court at which I shall have the honor to sit as one of its members. I regret exceedingly that I am not permitted to complete my full of ficial term, as the presiding judge for the district as it, formerly exist ed, but the authorities that make our laws have provided otherwise. In vacating the position, which I have held for nearly eight years, os a member of this court, I desire to express my sincere thanks to my associates upon the bench for their counsel and valuable assistance in the discharge of the duties of the office during that time. And I also wish to express to the members of the bar my appreciation of, and thanks for, the aid which you have so genorously given me, in the way of suggestion, etc., from time to time, regarding the practice and other questions before the oourt j but for wliioh assistance, through lapse of memory or other cause, embarassing complications might havo arisen. I feel that whatever suocess may have attended the ad ministration of this court, since I became a member of it, is largely due to the wise counsels of my as sociate judges and to the loyal sup port that has been given me by the members of this bar. I assure you all that my official connection with your court will everbe kept iu mem ory as a very green spot in my life's pathway." Responses were made by Messrs. Baker, Bull and Van Etten, of the Pike county bar. Mr. Baker con gratulated Judge Purdy upon the .-nccessful administration of his office, whicli he said was evidenced beyond question by the fact that, as he remembered, there had been but one appeal from his decisions and no reversal. Mr. Bull, following, said he heartily endorsed all of the sentiments expressed by Mr. Baker j and that whatever influences had operated to sever the counties of Wayne and Pike in the new appor tionment, he was certain that none of them emanated from Pike coun ty. Mr. Van Etten said that with out any disparagement to Judge Craig, with whom he was not ac quainted, he regretted that Judge Purdy wtt9 not to complete his full term of service for which he was elected in Pike and that he would have beon pleased to see him suo oeed himself for another term. Court then adjourned to meet Sept. 3d, at which time Judge Craig is expected to preside DISOMY'S FERRY. We will bo pleased to see our old time friend. Professor Sommerville, once more on the porch of the Saw kill House this fall. Arthur Emery of Centre does not improve iu health. David Cron of Centre has gone to work for James Ayers near Branch ville, N. J. Miss Ada Brodhend of Nebraska, who has been visiting friends here, has returned to her home. Boarders are more numerous than they were earlier in the season A peculiarity with them is that they want an 18 or 110 table for from 13 to 15 per week. Beware of the peach peddlers who have nice frnit on top and culls nn derneath. Buckwheat straw is large but it does not seem to load well. Much hay ye,t ,,to be gathered. Low ground cannot yet be cut. Potatoes are a good price but few farmers have any to soil. The corn that escaped the worms and was planted early is earing fuirly well. Beans are a poor orop all vinos and no pods. Mrs. Sarah Cole of Dunmore, Pa., is visiting friends here. She for merly resided in this township. Mrs. Jane Angle has the pleasure of having her two daughters, Ella and C'ainillo, with her this Hummer. Cjksar. Subtjcribo for the XUK4d. 1 MKXPMKST TO TPK CONSTITC V TION I'HOPdSKl) TO THK CJT IZKNS OF THIS COMMONWK ALT 1 1 roil THKIR AITHUVAI, OR HK.lh.c TION HY THK IIKNFHAIj ASSKMHI.V OK TDK COMMONWEALTH (IF I'KXNS YIjVAN I A. lTHI.HHKII HY OH11KR (IF THK SKCUKTAKV OK THK COM.MONVKAl,TIIt IN I'l HSI' ANI'R OK ARTICLK XV III OK THK. CON'STlT'l'I'lON. A JOINT HF.SOI-I'TION. Prnpofl iir m nmomlnH-nt to the OntiRt.l ttitlntl of l!io Coninniliwenllli. Paction 1. He it rtsnlv'l ,y thn Semite and Houso at Kcpn'snlntivoi uf the Coiu HKtinronltli in (-ipiiprrU Ajtflcinhly met, Tlmt the following Is proposed its itint'tnl incuts to tho Constitution of the Oo union wealth of IVmiHylvniihi, in nreonlalico with the provisions of tho clfihtoenth nr tielt thereof : Amendment One to Article Klght, Petition One. Add at the rod of the first pjirnprnpli of snld section, nfter the words "slmll be en titled to vote at all elections," the words "subject however to such laws requiring and regulating the registration of electors tis the Oeneral Assembly may enact," so that the. said section Fhall read ns follows: Section 1. Qualifications of Kleotol'H. Every male cltir.ens twenty-one years of age, possessing tho following qualifica tions, shall be entitled to vote nt nil elec tions, subject however to such laws re quiring and regulating tho registration of electors m tho General Assembly may en act: 1. He shall have been a citizen of the United states nt lenst one month. 2. Ho shall have resided In the State one year (or, having previously been n quali fied elector or native born citicn of the State, he shail have removed therefrom ami returned, then six months,) immedi ately preceding the election 8. "He shall havo resided In the election district where ho shall offer to ota nt least two months Immediately preceding the election. 4. If twenty-two years of nge and up wards, he shall have paid within two years a State or county tax, which shall nave been assessed nt lenst two mouths nnd paid nt least one month befora the election. Amendment Two to A rticlo Eight, Section Seven. fl.rlko out from said section the words "but no elector Bhall be deprived of the privilege of voting by reason of his name not being reglstoreu nnd ndd to said sec tion the following word, "but laws regu lating nnd requiring the registration of electors may be enacted to npply to cities only, provided that such laws be uniform for cities 01 the same cins, ' so that the said section shun read ns follows: Section 7. l:niformilyof Klectton Laws. All laws regulating tho holding of elec tions by tho citizens or for the registrntlon of electors shall be uniform throughout the Mtit, but laws regulating and requir ing tho registration of electors may be en acted to npply to cities only, provided that such laws bo uniform for cities of tho same class. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. W. V. GRIKST, Secretary of tho Commonwealth. A MF.NDMENT TO THK CO-STITU Jl TION PROPOSED TO THK CITI ZKN.S OK THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR RE.IKC! TION HY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, POHLISHEI) HY ORDER OK THE SKCRETARY OF THK COMMONWEALTH, IN PUR SUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OK THK CONSTITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION. Proposing nn nmendmcMt to tho Consti tution of the Commonwenlth. Section 1. Bo It enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Com monwenlth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and It is hereby enncted by the authority of the same, That the fol lowing is proposed ns nn amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvnnla, In nccordnnco with tho pro visions of the Eighteenth article thereof. Amendment. Strike out section four of article eight, nnd Insert lu place thereof, ns follows: Section 4. All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot or by such other method as may be proscribed by law: Provided, That secrecy In voting be preserved. A true copy of tho Joint Resolution. W. W. GRIKST, Secretnry of the Commonwealth. How Are Tour Kidney t Ir. HobbHparairiis Ptllsenreall klrtney llln, Sato Did free. Add. bterUog Kouiedy Co., Chicago or M. f. Advertise in tho Prkss. BdacAte Your Boweli With Cm caret. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. lOo. 25o. If 0. 0. C. fall, drugKlBU refund money. We Have Them: Fine Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars, Sporting Goods, Golf Sticks, Fresh Candies and Fruits, Ammunition. Other Things, Too, You Want. CALL And See Us. Wallace & Thrall Telephone Call 62, Harford & 4th Sts., Milford, Pa DO YOU EXPERT TO BUILD? THEN SEE A. D. BROWN and SON, Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of Lumber, Contractors and Builders. Estimates made ; personal atten tion given and work guaranteed. OFFICE, Brown's Budding, Milford, Pa. m Millinery Largest and finest selection of Mil linery. Our designs are the latest, and prices lowest consistent with pood work. COMPLETE LINE OF INFANTS WEAR. HAIR SWITCHES AND BANGS IN ALL SHADES. AW orders liroiniitly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed to all our pa trons. ' SALLEY & EtlNIS, 70 Pike Street, 0no Cent a Word. For Fnrli Insertion, He Arlvt-rtlKiiimt takrn for lr tlmti t rrntR. CAH tnitHt e (mom puny ftl) nrtlrm. AdftrPM 11 K F C(.l NIT 1'RFSK, Mll,FORI, PA. F ( H PALK. A Rinnll fnrm located tionr M:if nnmiiiK. known nn thn HpiihcI or HtltiliiinH place, coiitii.niiifr 21 nc'rcft. Kitirly loenfcri. well wnitm-d. Hon no nnd bin n. Kruit of nil kinds. Part improved. Tit le elenr. For lerms. piieu, vtc, nddross Lock hox (i Milford. In TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice In hereby given tlint tie.KpPNlng on tin premises c:npied hy thn umierHined In Dlntjninn .Oiviiship, known ns tlm Buohmmn farm :T hiiniin, (Isliin, lerrylnff or imy other nrpose v h:itevcr 1 forbidden under pen alty of i he. law. Any person or persons disobey inn this notice will be dealt ftith In thn so urest lawful nmnner. i.EonuK H. McCaiity, July 1, lvt7. - Lessee. T'HKSPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby j triveu Mini i.rvMpiiHmiig upon ine souui et n half of tho tract of land known ns the William I)enny, No. tW.ln Shohola town ship, for hunting, fishing, or, any other uu i rrw ninu ui i n j u mn i n ft uu iu ivu 1 Miini In liiiginan towiiHhip, or, fishing In It 1b forbidden under penalty of the law. JH. tl.KII,ANI AllLNOlf, AprlMm Attorney for owner. TRESPASS NOT1CK Notice in hereby given that trespassing upon tho pro perty of tho Forest Luke Association in Lackawnxen township. Plko county. Pa.. for tho purpose of hunting and fisliintr. or any older purpose is strictly lormuuun un der penalty of the lawT. ALKX ANPKH ti APPRN, Nov. 23, 185. President. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby X given that trespassing on tho premises of the undersigned, situated In Dingman township, for any purpose whatever Is strictly forbidden, and all offenders will be promptly prosecuted. IliA B. CASK. Oct. 2-1. 189ft. NOTICE All hunting, fishing or other trespassing on tho premises or tho under signed, In Dingman Township, on Kny iiiondsklll and Dwnrfsklll Creeks, Is for bindeu under penalty of the law. CrtAfi J. Hoii.RAU, Dlngmnn Twp., N. Boii.kau, May 17. 18i8. JosKPH F Bo ILK A TJ . TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby x giVin mat trespassing upon tho pro perty of the undorsiifiitHl In Milford town ship. Pike county, Pn.( for the purpose of hunting, fishing or nny other purposes ie strictly loromuerj unuer penalty oi tr.o law. Mns. S. M. C it A FT. TRESPASS. Notice is hereby given that L trespassing upon tho property of the undersigned lu Milford and Dingmtm townships, Plko (Jo., Pn , for the purpose of hunting, fishing in Sawkill creek or nny other purpose Is strictly prohibited under penally or ine law, JOHN F. WALTER Milford Township, Pti. Executor's Notice. Letters testnmentary upon the estnto of imniei vv. fisher into or the township of Dingman, deceased, having been granted ro the undersigned, nil persons Having claims ngainst the estate of said decedent will present them and those indebted thereto will pUnso mnke Immediate par ment to SAMUEL A. DETR1CK, Dingman Twp , July 22, ll)l. Executor To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid. Addres, THE PATENT RECORD, RaltlmnM Mrl Subscriptions to The Ptteot Record tMUperauDuufc Buy and Try a Box Tonight. While you think of it, go buy and iry a dox ot cascarets Candy Ca thartic, ideal laxative, tonight. You'll never regret it. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Parlors Ife- - w Mm Port Jervis, N. Y. Business - Cards. F. W. DEST, M. D.. 16 Ball Street, PORT JERVIS, N. Y DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. 9 to II A. M. Office Hours 2 to P. M. 7 to 8 P. M. WILLIAM B. KENW0RTHY, M.D. riiysicinn nnd Surgeon. Oflloo nnd rrplilrnro Hnrfnnl Ktrrrt !i linmo IMi'ly (H-euk'c! Iv r. K. U. Win ner. MILFORD. VA. Dr. von der Heyde, DENTIST, Urlok Hmisn Opposite Vnmlertimrk Hotel Jlrrmcl MiN-ot Mllfoirt OFFIOK HOL'KS: 8 to 12 ti. m.j 1 to p. m. H. E.Emerson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad Street. John A. Kipp, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE: opposite Court House, MlLFOUD, Pikk Co., Pa. J. H. VAN ETTEN, Attorney-at- Law, OFFICE, Brown's Building, Mii.ford, Pikk Co., Pa. Sold by All Newsdealers ;iiro m FURNISHES MONTHLY To til lovers of Song and Muilc a viit volum o H Eltf choice composition! bf the world's famous authors. 64 Pages of Piano idnsls HU VocI, Half IiuttununMl 21 Complete Pieces fiir Piano Once Month for 10 Cents. Yearly Subscription, $1.00. If bonxht In nr muilc ttnre M I one-hall off, would cost $6.26, , MTlof of 15.16 monthly. V . In on year you get nearly BOO Paget of Music, comprising 262 Complete Piece (or the Piano. . If you eannot get eopy from your Nawe flMler, tend to Ui and we will mall ton ample Free. J. W. PEPPER, rub...h.r, v tlghth Loeuat St., Philadelphia, Pa.' "undelvLic Pho tog raphe R AND DEALER IN Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing & Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 78 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y. CHURCH DIKIpOTORY MILFORD. KlKKT PBKSBYT8WAN CHURCH. Milford: Sitbbnth sorviiwa at 10.30 A. M. ami 7. BO P. M. Sulibrtlli school liTiiiicdiiiuily ftr tha morning service. Pruyur muitting Wwl ncwiny at 7.8o r. M. A uonliiil wolooiut. will be extended to all. Those not nt tmihotl to other churches ftre esi)eclnUy in vited. Kkv. Thomas Nicholu. Piistor. CnoiirH or thk Good 8hki-heku. Mil. ford: Kcrvicea Sundity at 10.W AH. mid :M P. M. Kunduy school at 8:J5 v. at. Week-day service Friday at 8 45 a. m. Holy ('oiniiiuiiion Suiulav at 7:45 A. u. Seats free. All are welcome. Kkv. flHAS. B. Cahi'Kntkii, Rector. M. K. Chukch. Service at the M K. Church Sundays: Preaching at 10.30 a. in. and nt 7. .Hi p. in. Siii duy school nt ll:45p. in. Kpworth league at 8.45 p. iu. Wet-lily prayer ineetiiiK ou Wednesdays as 7 IU I p. in. Class meeting- conducted hy Wm. Anifle on Fridays at 7.ao i. in. An earnest invitiitien Ik extended to anyone wuu may uenire in wui-KHHp witn us. KKV. C. K. MCUDDKll, Flistor. MATAh'ORAS. Kpwohth M. K. Council, Mntaniorna. Services every Snblmtii at 10 , '111 a. m. and 7 p. ni. Saliludh sclnii.l at 2.M. C. K. mcct.nifr Monday evening at 7.-10. China meetlnn Tuesday evening at 7.1)0. Prayer meeting vv ediiciKtay evening at 7.iW. Everyone welcome. K.KV. T. li. SPKNCKlt. Hope Kvaniikmrai. Chiihcii. M.ita moras. Pa. Services next Sunday as follows: Preaching at ill. HO a. ui. and 7 n. in. Sun day school at H p. in. Junior C. K. befon, and C. K. prayei meeting after the even ing service, fold-week prayer uutciinit ' every Wednesday evening at 7.aO. Scattt free. A cordial welcome to all. Conin. Kkv. H. VV. Ghosh, Pastor. Secret Societies. Mll.KOHD LolH'K. No. !!I4. V. & A M . Lisle iniH-ls Wednesdays on or before Full Mihiii at tilt Wallace Unll.il nir. .Mil. ford, Pa. N. Emery, Jr., Sec y, Milford; (jeo. A Swepeniser, W. M.. Milford. Pa. ' Van Dkk Mahk I.oduk, No. !t;s, I. o ). F: Meets every Thursday eveinmr nt 7 110 p. in., P-n.wn's liiiiiilimr. II. H Hornbcck, Scry Janob McCarty, N. li PlIlIDKNCK KKHKKAH LoiXIK. 107. I II O. F. Mitels every second and fourth Fri days in each month in Odd Fellows' Hall, in-own s iiujiuing miss ivainarlne Klulll N.U. Miss W llhulmltiu lirck, Seo'y. opriiiK looiti uurrow una cultiva. tori at W. & U. MitcUullM.