I ) mm THE LANE INSTITUTE, THCUNC INSTITUTE CO. 1113 Broadway, St. James Bullet ins, New York, For the Treatment and Cure of LIQUOR, OPIUM AND MORPHINE HABITS. NO HYPODKHMiC INJECTION'S. A FRRFKCT IIOMR THKATMRNT Oil 8ANI TAIIIUM AUVATAOKS. Try Our COMPOUND FOR YOUR COUGH AND COLD. 25cts C. 0. ARMSTRONG DRUGGIST. HARNESS Of All Kinds and Styles. Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARltlAGE TRIMMINGS. Repairing;-NEATLYDoNE. Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. L. F. 1IAFNEU. Harford St. - Milford, Pa. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. Houses and Lots and lots without Houses. lonlor In all kinds of Property. Life Insurance agent and Notary Public. All business given prompt attention. Office on Broad Street, Below Crissmnn House. Milford, Pa. LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel, Corner Ann and Fourth streets MILFORD PA. Stoves and Ranges. THE Round Oak For Wood and Coal Best Heater and Fuel Saver in the (Country. New Era Radiators, aAKUWARI, fi'TLKIlT, TIN, AGATE WAKK, tTC. TIN NOOn N a AND PLU MBtNO A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to T R. Julius Klein. BROAD STREET MILFORD. PA Life Insurance The JETNA offers special induce ments both ou Life and Endowment jKjlieies Stable, cheap and prompt payment of all claims. For information apply to Lcroy E. lUpp, Aent, Milford, Pa Syrup of White Pine STATE NORMAL SCHOOL East Stroudsburg, Pa. 4 fecfSss, a-- k - ' c at ' i i ' t ' Ji--- TffK VAI.I. TEKM OF THIS I'OITI.AR 1NSTITI TIOM Ol'KNS MiPT. 4, IIMK). Tliln Practical Trnlnfns School for teach em in Hltuiitrcl on tho niiiln linn of the 1). L. &,- V. rt K. In Kust Strninl!)iirg, In the midst of ttii! gn nt resorts of Mimion conn ty Seven iltp:irt ueiits and courses. V'n pipellctl furl I It les, strong- filculty, MkIi t:inlnrfl mRlntMlnMl. Pupil couched free. Classes nut overcrowded. Nnextra charge made. It co-ts you .'. less per yenr. We piiid nil the state aid to pupils, tho only school that did this for the. spring ti-rni In seven years we hnvo not hnd n serious case of sickness. Kli ntlnn, Colles-p ITe pnrntory Hewhia Clay Modeling; r.tcl, etc., without exirn charges We secure position! for our graduates. Km- full particulars, catalngmjimd Keh oes free address OKO.r.HIIIIE,A.II, -:- Principal. 'A POCURtB, ON IIBCWALTERMS' . Din luiumv ryAMINATIQN fRH PATENT! G DA R A N T F. E D 'A! 6f hh MiiNF.y.Ri;ruNnro,"S Inrn'invirc.PIIIIMPr.rAITHFUL OEflVir.CI taWRITE FOR BOOK'ON PATENT 3W , H0Wjo5IliTHEM ,-5,''1mv,a::-iiol'cate; T"rw.!PHUADELPHIA:PAl RYMAN S WELLS MILFORD, PA. You may get anything you may need in furn iture at bottom prices if yon may call and Inspect Our stock It is a pleasure to show goods. Lawn Settees $i, Porch Rockers Chairs $3-50 to S7.50 A Set. Tables at any price. Our shoe'stock is complete. Assort ment and Prices -will surprise yon. Table Dainties. Fresh groceries. Canned goods. Meats in every form. Turkeys and chickens. Oysters and vegetables. Everything for an elegant dinner at GUMBLE BROS. Harford St. Milford Pa. vtkt44 . SO YEARS' Vvy EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Invnn nn r11n.tr a akttt fh and rtPfSClivHmi mnT qnfcklT asorlAin our opliinm freewlieihor an Invptittnn In pr..t)lly pnuntali. 'niniunlc. tlonnilrtcllyoiitl.lpri!tal. Ilitniihmli on '.itetit Kiit frt (Jliicat Huenvf fur scrurimt puU'iilR. 1'ati'iii takt'n thrnmrh Munn & Co. tecelv tperbU notice without cbnrife, in the Scientific American. A hunrtfioTnelT tlln-trntivl wmlilT. J,nnrt rlr Ciilfttt.m uf any wientillf lournnl. Terms, f i a Mir; four nitiiithH, 1. Sol J Lt)" all newsdealer. tlUNN Co. New York Caveats, and 'i'rade-Mark obtained and till h"M cnt busineiiconducied (or Moderate Per. Ouh orrict is OppoaiTr U.S. Pattnt Offict ' Mailwoirtiiwairo Iuttiit iil Its Ui-iO UuW lUjc'f rercote from Washin jtoa. a bead model, drawing or photo., with deerip-i fuoa, we anvie, it patrntauic or not. lrc 01 f ciuArire. tur lee not due tnl patent is sevur-d. A riyPMi r-r tl"W to Obtain J a tents, withi cost uf wiue in the U, S &d lorcia countries' bent tree. Audresa, C.A.GriOVV&CO.i !U.M J On. P. ParcNT Orncr. Vashington. D. C. Blue Front Stables, Port Jervis, N. Y. Adjoining Gunmer's Union House Road, carriage, draft and farm horses for sale. Exchanges made. A large stock from which to make eleoiioua. CANAL ST. Hiram Towner. BOYS Hm'l yuur chance to intake liiouvy .fler .chuol, .elliny Wall li-r Cleaur Kt-cipe.. Cut yon l.KKS tliau 3; you .ll litem tur lov, . t!l-nr 1'ltOrlT of ovrr ?o ou eurli one. ou -u uijtke 4 to e;i every even lug. Cil KLS kIo wiite4t, 1-rlee.: hntiil Kecllie 1U! 1, AO; X4I, 1.v; or for SIIMI. A,l.lr..., J. J. IM l.A.N, tiu. 6 1 weuty-lir.t .treet, J'llt.buif, 1'.. I Furniture BViflFllF'l e0EHESF0NDEN0K MA TV MO HAS. Dr. E. Ilartwig, wife and daughter tif Hackcusnck, N. J., biarders ill Eddy firm, Spirro wbnsh, spent runstlny with Mis J. 8. Pnlinntiei nt Riverside Villa. The L. U. U. soei.-iy of Hope church entered for tlm Jr. O. A. V.. at tlit'lr reception Tuesday eve-'.in-. . A number from here nttended. Tim l:lies of 8t. JosnpH'n church will hold n soeinl nnd entcrtninnieiit at the church hall July 17 when n plensing progrnni will be fjiven. The Misse M. Knox nnd Jennotte (lilmtin nre nu -sts with the fumily of Allen Horn beck. William ('oleinnn nnd wife tire visilina a .v.stor of th: 1,-itter, Mrs. Ida .Smith. Little Lulu VnndiM-vort fell Tivjh 1;iy nnd ili-tlooitud her ilb:vv. Mrs. (l.to. Kinp nf II Mheti is n 'nest of J. A "t'llkin nnd wife The Ktystone bieveh) club met this week nt I In- homo of Miss Br rlin a il. The pr iceitd-i of tho dinner nnd supper -riven bv the L. C. U. of Hope church July 1 were M5. Neither the L. A. K. nor the L. C. U. societies held ineutius this waek. (ieorpn Mnrtiii of New York spent Sued if with bis pnrents here. Mrs. John Myers nnd two sons of luboken nre guests nt. the Wohl- scheidr. homo on Third street. Jesse Biek nnd Oeorure Klein of New York after n few dnys Bojourn Kie returned home Sundny eve .iin$. Miss Fredn Kess'er is home ngmn from Ellen rille. Miss Annie Biljs is visitms friends in H iiiDsdali' nnd Hnwley. li.iv. i) Luck wood is home ngnin . tier visit in New York. Mrs. (ico. Bonnell received two fresh nir children Monday, Mrs. John Carney, Mrs. Jntnes Gross. Mrs. Mntt. Curtis nnd sevornl other Indies nre nlso entertniuing them. Miss Bessie Strnit is visiting fr'ends in Pnterson nnd Pnssaio for ft few weeks. Frank FitzVingh of Jersey City apont Sunday with his family here at Riverside Villa. Mrs. Chns. Toollly of Brooklyn is visiting her mother, Mrs. J B. Pnluiatier. SUMMER BOARDERS SECURED. How Judicious and Inexpensive Ad vertisements Can Be Made to Fay by Using a Select ed Medium. The Brooklyn 1 aily Eagle is the ideal Resort medium. It reaches the people you want to reach. Its cir culation is the largest in Brooklyn, and goes into the best homes in the entire City of Now York, its name stands for excellence, quality, fair, ness and nn unparalleled advertising reputation. Its resort rates are equitable; its monthly rate so low thnt you can afford to keep before the public every day. Tho Eagle maintains two froe In formation Bureaus for Resorts one in Brooklyn and one in tho hoart of the shopping district of Manhattan. They distribute your circnlnrs, tell visitors about your house, ami in every way further your interests. An advertisement in the Eagle, sup plemented by the free sorvice of its bureaus, is almost a sure invest ment. Upon application listing blanks, rate cards and further details will be sent, EAGLE INFORMATION BUREAU, Rooms 28 and 29, Eagle Building, Brooklyn, N. Y. A Poor Millionaire. Latoiy starved in Loudon because he could not digest his food. Early use of Dr. King's New Life Pills would have saved him. They strengthen the stomach, aid diges tion, promote nssimilatiou, improve appetite. Price 25o. Money back if not satisfied. Sold by all drug gists. The J. W. Pepjier Pinno Mnsic Magazine, published at fcth and Lo cust streets, Philadelphia, is one of the newest magazines in its field. Nolnxly can compluia of not getting the worth of their money, us it pub lishes 21 pieces 10 vocal and 11 instrumental making 6i pages of the best music and all of it oiigimtl and written by the most jiopular composers of today. Price fl.OU per yeur. Two barrels good roasted Rio coffee 12 cts. per lt. ; one burrel Maracaibo and Mocha mixture roust ed 18 cts. per lb. at W. & Q. Mitch ell's. Johns and DoVoes paints at W. & G. Mitchells. John E l -.rin ds f H :id'ord visited friends hero recently. Mis. Frank Cooper anil da lighter of Minneapolis, Minn., visiled Mr. Cooper's mother, Mrs. George Kim ble, last wreck. A. J. Bush waller and. wife are en. itainiiisi two fresh air children from New York for three weeks- The foot bridge li ailing from the river mid canal bridges to the tow- path is in a dangerous con ition. Joseph Griflin and John Loher of White Mills were callers nt. F. Malone's one day last week. Rosa Krcllwitz spent tho Fourth with Ilonesdulo friends. M. U. Rowland and family spent the Fourth nt Hig Pond. Fiwnk Burkliaidt took in the ex cursion to jMutv iork last week. Joseph C'h'itnhei'lain, wife nnd son were uuo.sts of M. C Il iwlanil an . wife Sutnl iv. itv. W. S Pjrcy of Tfuvle.v- Dip tlst clmrcli aavo us an interesting sermon Sunday iift"rnoon. Jep. Kirketulall spent tho Fourth at Ki't-.intoti. Ira Binionson of Baoha nttended church hero Sunday, Mis. James Sheridan nnd three children of Hioolilyti are making n two weeks' visit with her brother, Thomas Donlon. Thrcssa Donlon of Scranton is making an extended visit, with Mis. M. Donlon. Mrs. Edward Malone went to White Mills Sunday to visit her mm her, Mrs. Charles Edwards, who bad n paralytic stroke nnd is very low. Ed. Dicker of Scrnnton spent the Fourth willi friends here. Mrs. Harriet Atkinson nnd dnugh- ter, Lila, of Itawley visited her brother, George Kimble, last week. Mrs. Emma Mosher nnd daughter and Mrs. Delia Bonholdtnnd daugh ter of New York are visiting their parents, L. Daniels and wife. John Malone of Port Jervis spent Sunday with Ins parents, E. Malone and wife. Lulu Guilkey, who has been spending two months with hor sis ter, Mrs. John Kirby, lins gone to Shohola to spend tho summer. It Dazzles the World. No discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excite ment that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption. It's severest tosts have been on victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has lestorod to perfect health For coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fevor, Hoarseness and Whoop ing Cough it 18 the quickest, Burest cure in the world. It is sold by all druggists, who gunrnntee satisfuc tion or refund monoy. Large bot tles Due and tltlO. Trial bottles free. Milford Hand Laundry. Tho undersigned has opened laundry on Centre Square Milford, Pa., in tho store room formerly oc cupied by Geo. Daumnn, nnd will do all kinds of work pertaining to the business with promptness and in n neat careful manner. A sharo of the public patronage is respectfully solicited John L. Golulay. P. C. Rntan, tho bicycle dealer and repairer, is prepared to sell wheels from f 5 up on tho instalment plan at both his Port Jervis and Milford rooms. A discount given for casli payments. His shops an the resort of all wishing bicycle sun dries nnd neodinu; repairs to wheels which nre mado in a skillful, work manlike manner. 5-22-tf. 1&" Advertise in the Pkess. YourHair "Two years ago my hair wis falling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, tnd soon my hair stopped coming out." Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. tl.M a kuiU. All SnirUt. It yuur unit-vt cuifiwt .uply tm, B-iid u. on !tr and we will eAprm. )ou a lottle. itj .lire uli-1 (five tliu u.iue 01 Jour nearest x r-i3 ulli. e. A tll rt-Bj, J. C. A i l.U CO., Lowell, Uol, HORSES IN SPRINGTIME. Borne ftrnnnn. hy Th.f Ihonlil B. Cared For, In.tend of Nral.rted, at Thl. r.rlod. The wrnthpr vl this wnson of th year Is apt to be very changeable, and tlie ground mttddy. With March and April ttsunlly come a good many disagreeable dnys, which, with the frost leaving the ground and the midden chnngc, render it unhealthy for both man and beast, and 1 be lieve that the horse comet In for s Inrger share of neglect, or suffers piore from mismanagement, than any other animal, at this time. The farm horse does not usually shed his winter coat until along in March or first part of April, and at this season, while his hair Is long and thick, lively exercise causes him to sweat freely, and as the days get warm he Is liable to be left without being covered while the air la really cold, and the necessity for blanket ing while standing after exercise Is fully as grent as in the middle of tho winter. It Is In the warm, spring like days when dampness arises from the appronch of the glowing sun, while snow Is yet on the ground or in the nir, that man and beast "take cold," rather than in the seven cold din's of January. Vhen the horse stands exposed to the cold winds the neck, chest and baclc should be covered; but how cnnnion it is to see horses, wet with swent, hitched to the fence, and if overed at all, with an apology for a blanket, short at both ends, while the chances are thnt the driver Is comfortably seated Indoors; and then perhaps after standing in this way for two or three hours, he Is driven home through the mud and placed in the stable without further attention. Horses that are bitched out of doors should be placed in sheltered positions, well blanketed and left to remain there no longer than neces sary, and, after a drive through the mud, with a handful of straw or piece of sucking brush the mud from the le-rs and fetlocks, cover with a light blanket and shut all doors so as to keep out the draught. Ohio Farmer. STABLE CONVENIENCE. Table Thnt Can lie Tied for Man? rorpose. and Take, t'p Tfo Room Whatever, The cut shows a wide board hinged to the wall of the barn or stable, onto two triangular bits of board hinged beneath it. A button holds the board ogninst the wall when not in use. Pull out the two triangular pieces, and let down the wide board, and you have 'hit' ' HANDY CONTRIVANCE. a bench or tnble, on which the palls of milk can be set, or the feed boxes, or on which some bit of repairing can be done. Such a table is a great con venience oftentimes, and when not in use is entirely out of the way. N. Y. Tribune. Hnl.lnir Cattle on Farm.. It Is not true thnt the cattle busi ness to be profitable must be con ducted on the broad ranges of the western plains, says Texas Farm and Hnnch. That is one profitable system of cattle raising, but there is another which yields fully as great profits for the capital invested. liaising cattle on the farm has In all countries and all ages been found profitable,- and more so now than ever. By raising cattle on the farm the fanner has a good market for all the feed he can raise, snves labor and expense of transportation and avoids much loss from waste and hocus-pocus of com merce. And one of the main features of stock farming is that it can be mnde to continually improve the fer tility and value of the farm. I.lttle liar Ooe. a Lorn War. Hay for work horses should not ba fed in excessive amounts when they are upon the road or worked hard. Stuffing with hay when required to exert their strength or speed is liable to cause serious and lasting Injury, It is also without doubt a more fre quent cause of henves and wind break in horses than In anything else. When either of these troubles exists it so aggravates the disease as to endanger the animal's life. At morning and noon only very little hay should be given with enough grain to keep up the strength and flesh of the horse, but at night a lib eral amount of hay should be fed. Lewis Olsen, in Farm and Home. The Maturity of Hon, nogs vary to an astonishing degree as to the time in which they will ma ture. We hear yet of breeders that cluim to have hogs that go on grow ing till they are five or six years old, but of course breeding in modern times tends to eradicate this late Biaturing habit. Isow most of our swine reach maturity in a little over a year and reach a marketable growth in ten months or less. For breeding animals it U advocated that the hogs be fed so that they will ma- lure rapidly and make their growth during two years, it being argued that such hogs will have more vital Ity to transmit to their offspring. lariutra ltevi.w. Ktiperatltloa. Hicks You say you haven't single siiperstit ion. Would you start a journey on Friday? Wic!H Never! Saturday is pay tiiv' S.iiiit-r ille Journal. 150 patterns of wall paper at W. & G. Mitchells. Chase & Sanborn's Old Homestead Java coffee at Armstrong & Co, T. Armstrong & Co., Successors to BROWN & ARMSTRONG. We offer a line of .UNSURPASSED Our point is thnt you need not go n way from home to supply nlljyour needs, or to secure bargains. Wo expect to sntisfy you in both particulars. PRY GOODS, now nnd stylish. GROCEltlESj fresh nnd good. HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, AND CLOTH ING. Any thing in nny lino nt bottom prices. To accomplish this end wo have adopted n new system. All our prices nre fixed on n basis of cash payment. This obviates the necessity to allow n margin for bad debts nnd interest. To accommodate) responsible parties we cheer fully open monthly accounts, and expect prompt, payment monthly, as our prices will not enable us to carry accounts) longer. Statements rendered the first of every month, nnd if paid within three dnys.from date of bill, a cash discount of. 2 is allowed. The same discounts given on nil cash pur chases exceeding $1.00. Goods sent, out will bo C. O. D. unless otherw'iso previously nrrnnged. T. ARMSTRONG & CO., Brown's Building, Successors to We are now Prepared to Please the Farmers and the Gcttral Piblic by being ready at all times to Accom modate them. Plenty of Water to run the Mill Day and Night if Necessary. A Full stock of the Best of Flour Constantly on Hand. Seal of Minnesota is A No. I. Try it. Washburn's Gold Medal, Arnold's Superlative. Feed, Meal, Mid dlings and Bran. Buck wheat Flour in its Season a Spe "alty ! I I Orders loft at tho Mill for dolivory will receive prompt attention. HlforcJ Milling Co., Milford, Pike Co., Ponna. Full Line of HOLIDAY GOODS A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF PURE DRUGS AND MEDICIXES. FANCY TOILET. ARTICLES. Soaps, Perfumes, Proprietary Articles And Everything Usually Found in a First-Class Drug Store. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded H. E. Emerson & Co., tf Next Door to Hotel Fauchtr. NEW Spring&Summer Goods Woolen Dress Goods, Wash Fabrics, White Goods, Wall Paper & Window Shades, Shoes, all styles and sizes, Farming Implements, Paints and Oils, Asbestos Roofing & Sheathing Paper. W. & G. MITCHELL'S, MILFORD. PA. Clover and grass seeds of all kinds at W. & G, Mitchells. "BEST OF ALL FLOUR." FEED, MEAL, BRAN, OATS, and HAY. When in need of any Hello to No. ").. or come to SAWKILL MILL, MILFORD, PA new Spring Goods, AND COMPLETE g Milford, Pa. Jervis Gordon Brand Broad Street Milford, Pennsylvania All kinds rubber footwear at re. duced price at Armstrong & 0,'q.