Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, June 14, 1901, Image 2

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KUHIAY. ..ITNrj 14. 1JOI.
iMTBr,iNiiiin bvkhy fwiiiay.
One Ykah One dollar bhiI fifty cents.
Six Mojjtiib Keveiity-flve cents).
Entered nt the post oftleo of Milford,
Pike County, Pennsylvania, na second'
clnss matter, November twenty-first, 18HB
Advertising Rates.
One squarefnlglit, lines), one Insertion -II .00
Knch Bultwnnifiit Insertion ------- .50
Keduoed rates, furnished cm triplication,
will tie ailoweil yearly advertisers.
Legal Advertising.
Administrator's nnd Eiecutor'B
notices 8.00
Auditor's notices 4.00
Divorce notices 6.00
Sheriff's sales, Orphans' court sales,
County Treasurer's sales, County state
ment anil election proclamation clinrgi-d
by tlie square.
J. H. Tan Btten, PUBLISHED,
Milford. Pike County, Pa.
Notice of Election I
The Republican Primary
Election will be held in the
Borough and Townships
comprising the several elec
tion districts of Pike count'
on SATURDAY, July 13th,
1901, lietween the hours of
3 and 8 p. m.
Printed Ballots will be
forwarded to the Town
Committeemen in the several
election districts and will
comprise the names of can
didates for
Committeemen (County),
7 to Ih3 voted for.
Associate Judge, 1 to le
voted for.
Delegate to State Con
vention, 1 to 1)0 voted for.
Coroner, 1 to le voted
Sheriff, 1 to be voted for.
District Attorney, 1 to be
voted for.
1 Township Committee
man in each election dis
trict, of which lie must be
a resident.
. The names of candidates
for the various offices must
1)0 filed with the chairman
of the county committee not
later than June 22nd, 3
weeks lcfore the election.
Those presenting their
names as candidates for
mcm!crs of county commit
tee will be assessed $1.
Each town committee
man will appoint one
iudp:e, one inspector and
one clerk of election and
provide a proper place for
holding the primary elec
tion on the date specified.
The copies of instructions
to election officers and rules
of the party will lie for
warded to each election
By order of the county
" Chairman.
The franchise bills which passed
the legislature lnst week, and were
Higned by the Governor, have been
prolific! of a large number of corpor
ations designed to oover by their
charters streets in Philadelphia nnd
other oities, and it is said will effect
ually prevent oheaper fares. The
bills were rushed through in hot
haste and grant most extraordinary
privileges to those corporations
-which are successful in obtaining
charters under them It is further
reported that present will be made
to those members who "went along"
on the two bills. Senate members
it is stated will be made richer by
two and House members by one
hundred saw bucks. As a muttor of
local interest it may lie stated that
our member and bona tor both voted
aye, and so, it the above reports
b.va foundation, they are in the
line cf vision.
Attention is culled to the synopsis
of the new flsli law iu this Issue.
Preserve it for reference for the In
formation of yourself and neighbors.
Tlie Cut in n cimstitutldiiiil conven
tion ikIiiiiIimI tlie I'latt nincndmciit
Velnr"lny. Now tlmt tlicy lmvo
(liMiionstrHtetl their good fnitli In the
United States It Is xKvttl tlmt a
rensontilily sieely evHcuntlon of tlie
Inland will follow, nnil contingent on
the esttibliHhiiipiit of a stable govern
ment this may be accomplished Ite
fure autumn.
The Industrial convention held In
Philadelphia tills week brought del
egates representing all the southern
states and most of the principal
cities. Seeche9 were made by many
prominent men representing the
commercial and industrial Interests
of the south nnd north and it is ex
M"cted that great benefits will accrue
from tills Interchange of opinions
and through tlie deliberations of the
delegates. It Is the first time the
convention has lieen held In the
Lnst summer the DoetpniU Uo
formed church of Port Jorvis iiisti-
tuf I'll twilight. Bcrviucs winch wero
so popular that they have Inst been
refill ii ml for 1 his seoson. It would
soetii much nlens.inter fru- n congre
gation to worship in the, early twi
light, before lamps were necessary
besides being to many people more
convenient, especially during the
warm sonson. The change has son.e
novelty nnd might perhaps be in
troduced here with the result of a
larger attendance at the evening
"The Manifestation of God'! is
the topio for next Sabbnth morning,
and for the evening, "An Open
The topio for the Wednesday
night prayer service is "Forgive
ness." "Forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass
against us."
The Children's day service at
Union was largely attended and
was a grand success. Mr. Airgle,
the superintendent, may well be
proud of the school. The earnest
effort and devoted services of Mr.
and Mrs. John Durling and Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Gnvoillo, together with
those of the faithful nssistnnt super
intendent, Mr. Frank B. Pletcher,
have made the school at Union a
great blessing to the community.
The entire school and nil their
friends express their hearty thanks
to Mrs. Nobs for the kindness shown
in the treat that she gave to the
primary department at the close of
the Children's day service. stuck
thoughtfulness is vory commend
able and calls for our highest appre
ciation. The Children's day services nt the
home church were largely attended
there boing over four hundred pres
ent. . Those are occasions of great
rejoicing. All the children who
had parts did nicoly and deserve
credit for their efforts. Those who
have bad charge of the training
know best how to thank all who
have given their time and effort to
this occasion. The personal thanks
of the writer are extended to all
such and to all who labored so hard
to decorate thechuich.
One of the subjects of great inter
est to all lovers of peace and order
is temperance. Tho general public
still needs enlightenment on this
important subject. Mrs. L. E
Bailey, a national temperance lec
turer, will vlit Milford on Juno 24,
and 25 and will give two of her pop.
ular lectures. The following is a
report of her work iu this state :
"One could hnrdly conceive how a
human being could put forth such
untiring efforts, speaking in colleges
and publio schools nnd holding
ladies' parlor meetings during the
day, traveling and Bpeaking to
crowded houses, frequently so full
that standing room was impossible.
Yet her brain never seemed to
weary while dwelling npon the all
absorbing theme, the crushing out
of the liquor traffic. Her clearness
of thought as regards methods, her
kindly, though energetic, forcible
language, so convincing, won many,
very many, to action and duty. May
God send more such lecturers into
the whitened field."
Rev. C. E. Soudukk.
Temperance Addresses.
Mrs. Ij. E. Bailey, the national
lecturer of the W. C. T. lT., who is
to speak at the M. K. church here
Monday and Tuesday evenings, June
24 and S?.r, will speak at Uowlaud
Wednesday lii'lit, the l'.ith, at
Walker l.ake Thursday and Friday
nights, the 20th and 21st, and at
liinginan's Saturday and on Sunday,
the 2'nd and 2:ird. The Isolde of
these places will do well to attend
her meetings for she Is spoken of in
the press as of unusual ability.
.. ..... I
Auuutonai Lorni .jailor.
lloyd has bad a nent sign painted
to adorn the front of bis meat sh ip.
Mrs. Allan Kverett of Montague,
who Is III of pneumonia, is slightly
A. I). Hrown anil daughter, Mrs.
Frances Westfall, are on n trip to
New York.
Miss Until liiiiderman of Bethle
hem, Ph., i.- visit ing tlie Misses
yse on limad street.
The force of men on ti e Iielnwnre
volley railroad has boe;i lanrelv in
creased nnd efforts lire being mailt-
to have the road iu operation l
The shale business has been re
sinned at Matamoras mid it is said
large orders have been received
which will keep the works active for
some time.
Latest reports as to the condition
of Hev. Thomas Nichols are that be
is improving somewhat In health,
and will has gone fur a sojourn at
Atlantic City.
Pop Curry, well know n by visitors
to Hunk pond, Is lying very ill at
the home of bis son In Maainoras,
ann it is uniiiiteii it lie will ever re
turn to bis favorite haunt.
"Humbler" wishes to correct his
item regarding the cause of death of
the horse of ('has. Courtright recent
ly. The animal was afllicted with
a heart trouble which caused its sud
den demise.
Hmall worms resembling caterpil
lars are reported to be destroying
lams and stripping apple trees of
their foliage over in Orange county,
audYuit growers are in consequence
considerably alarmed.
The drug store of '1'. H. Anderson
A Co. of Port Jervis was considera
bly damaged by fire Wednesday. A
lighted match accidentally dropped
iu a barrel of liquid dryer in the cel
lar started tho Haines.
The marriage of Emma, a daugh
ter or Horace I-.. Kipp and wife of
Wils-iiiv i!!c, to Guerdon Pellett, n
prosperous druggist of Paterson, N.
J., will occur next Wednesday, June
10, at the bride's home.
1 lie wrangle over the name of
Ieckertown, Is. J., seems nt last to
hnve been settled so far as the post
ofllce authorities are concerned for
last Friday the department announc
ed the change to Sussex.
The body of Kldred G. Reynolds,
the boy who was drowned iu the
Lacknwnxen river at Honesdali
Memorial day, was found at Hawley,
ten miles below the scene of the ac
cident, last Friday in a badly decom
posed condition.
The bronze monuments advertised
by J. F. Huntington are neat and
durable as may be seen by the one of
a similar kind standing in the upper
part of the borough erected several
years ngo to the memory of Tom
Quick, the Indian slayer.
Mabel L. Hurt, a former student of
Smith college, Mass., who has been
Indicted for tlie larceny of money
anil Jewels from students in that in
stitution to the amount of 1201)0, has
been released on bail and will be
placed in a sanitarium. It Is alleged
that she is of unsound mind.
The United States leads the world
in coal production. Olliciul reports
show that in 1000 over 12(17 million
tons were mined worth nearly 1100
million dollars. Pennsylvania led in
the amount produced with over 57
million tons of anthracite and nearly
80 million tons of bituminous.
Twenty-eight states mined the rest.
While tanked tip to his fullest
capacity lnst evening, Philip Moisen
helder amused himself by throwing
a dead rattlesnake which be carried
in his pockets, his boots being al
ready full of live snakes, around
people's necks. He was interrupted
in bis diversion by Oflicer Wood
and escorted to the lockup, and this
morning the burgess imposed a fine
of 13.
Clarence Hewitt, whose radiant
orbs are barely free from the penum
bra 1 shades cast upon them by the
dexter fin of J. A. Watts last week
while in a little discussion over a
telephone wire, bad his opponent
haled before F'squire Schorr last eve
ning on a charge of assault and bat
tery. After hearing the respective
stories of the disputauts the justice
concluded there were two sides to
every johnny cake and that in this
Instance Watts hud the butter on his
and discharged him but to teach him
the le.sson not to deal too harshly
with impetuous youth lie suggested
he pay the costs, which be didn't do.
in dbsn
I where it b hot all the year round t
Scott's Emu!sion
tell better than any where else j
In the world. So don't ftop taking
tt In summer, or you will lose , !
, what you have gained. f i
' b-nd lor fu r- sample.
1 6COT1' at now Mi, lllciuftts, t j
409-415 ftarl htitcl, New York, t ,
50c. wild Ji.t.) n't dmi.'i:iM. i!
- '
rompnlRnrr Cleanliness.
t'nele .Ir remind llnyrrnft bad re
innied from n visit ef a week with his
rtinlivrs In tli great ritv, anil was
st his customary place in the villnge
grocery store.
"Well, t'nele Jerry," asked onn of
thp loungers, "how dees livhi' In the
pi t y compare with livin' in the coun
try?" "Will," he snid, refleet ively, "In the
country, ye know, we wnrsh nur neck
an' years every day. 'cause hit's the
rifrlit an' proper thing to do, but in
!he big civ, 'y George, ye've jist got
lo do it ! An' that," added I'nele Jerry,
Ih'fting his quid to the ether cheek,
s tlilTer'nt." Chicago Tribune.
I'or Tropin on ttte Iturk now.
Dnn't fret Rlmut ynur hidden worth;
r-Hte knows just wlial ihe mesne.
S"iiiti fi'iks in ttoli at till nn earth
Milft wurk behind the scenes.
l'uck. .
little Hoy (from next door) Mam
ma said would you please loan her
few of your flalirons?
Mrs. Kitule (Vrtninly! Mamma go
ing to iron, to-dav?
little I lev No'm; she wnnts them
,0 throw Rt your cuts to-night. Chi
cago Dnily News.
Deputy Collector of Internal fiov
enue W. D. Evans of Cnrbondnle
was in town this week and now
some gentlemen here nre more fa
miliar with Uncle Sam's rules nnd
regulations respecting bis methods
of raising income.
Cheap Excursion Rates to San Fran
Cisco, Cal.
On account of the Epworth League
International Convention to be held
at Snn Francisco, Cal., July 18th to
21st, the Erie will sell a specinl
round trip ticket from Port Jervis
N. Y,, to San Francisco, Cnl., from
July 4th to 12th, with return limit
to August 31st, nt tho low rare of
C7 for the round trip. This is an
opportunity never before offered to
the pnblio, with the delightful tri
across the continent, nnd the attrnc
tions offered by the State in which
the meeting will bo held, will help
to make the attendance larger than
at any previous meeting. Tho glor
Ions climate of California and 111
ducoments offered by the exceeding
ly low rates, "just think of it only
87 for the round trip," will induce
ninny to make the trip who would
not go otherwise. A trip to Califor
nia, will repay you iu more way
than can be imagined by a porson
who has never been there. For
routes and best train connections
plenso call or address tho Erie ticket
ollioe, fort Jervis, N. Y., and re
member the low rate only $67 for
the round trip. C 14
Saves Two From Death.
"Our little daughter had an almost
fatal attack of whooping cough nnd
bronchitis," writes Mrs. . K. Hnv
iland, of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when
all other remedies failed, we saved
her life with Dr. King's New Discov
ery. Our niece, who hail Consump
tiou In nn advanced stage, nlso used
this wonderful medicine nnd to-day
she Is perfectly well." Desperate
throat and lung diseases yield to Dr.
King's New Discovery us to no otfier
medicine 011 earth. Infallible for
Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1 bot
tles guaranteed by all druggists.
The J. YV. Pepper Piano Music
Magazine, published at 8th and Lo
cust streets, Philadelphia, is one of
the newest mngnzines in its field.
Nobody cnu complain of not getting
the worth of their money, as it pub
lishes 21 pieces 10 vocal and 11
instrumental making C4 pages of
the best music and nil of it original
and written by tho most popular
composers of today. Price (1.00 per
Notbiug, that conies in a bottle, is
more important for children than
Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil.
And "important" 'means that it
keeps them iu even health on the
highest plane of physical life.
"Do they live on it then?"
No; they don't touch it, except
when they need it.
"When do they need it?"
Whenever they show, in what
ever way, the least disturbance of
even balance of bi-a'tli. It is not
for acute diseases, with some excep
tions; it is for i slight falling off
from tirst-rate condition
D is to bo used as a food, when,
ever their Usual food does not quite
ui .swer the purpose of food.
f. .
II I f.
Docs your head ache? Pain
back of your eyes? Bad
taste in your mouth? It's
f'our liver! Ayer's Pills are
iverpills. They cure consti
pation, headache, dyspepsia.
25c. All dro(T(lits.
Wdn. your lui.ii.lnrlin or eenrtl a beautiful
nrown or rim run,.? i (,.
for ihn
H.l L 4 C. , Mi.Hi ., H M.
M hnt UflitiHl VVonlrlf
"Ueorge, what is this closure that
thev talk so much about?
Don't mention it, my dear. It's
something that you wouldn't tolerate,
in the house for a single minute."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A loaer fop Norn.
Mrs. Youngwife (at brenkfast)
There Is no bread on the table, Nora.
Nora Sure, there's none in the
bouse, ilium.
Mrs. Youngwife (severely) Then
make some fonst. Tit-Tilts.
Sow Ive F'nrt.
Irftte Old Uentlenmn (to snoring in
ebriate) Don't you know if you kept
your mouth shut you would make
less noise?
Snoring Inebriate (drowsily) Po
would you. Leslie's Weekly.
that he is
"Is it true
a self-made
'Well, he rolls his own cigarettes.
but he 1'tivs readviuade neckties.
Town Tr pit
Educate Your Bowels.
Your bowels can be trained as well
as your muscles or your brain. Cas
carets Candy Cathartic train your
bowels to do right. Genuine tablets
stamped C. C. C. Never sold in
bulk. All druggists, ioc.
Artistic Monuments
Cost no more tliah plain
ones in stone and they are
more durable. Don't invest!
money in a monument be
fore investigating the claims
of White Bronze. Write for
information and designs.
J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt,
Milford, Pa.
Fine Groceries, Flour, Pure Coffees and Spices,
Selected Teas, Butter and Cheese from Best
Creameries, Fruits and Candies, Canned Goods
in Variety, .Sporting Goods, Tobacco and Cigars
A Complete Assortment of the Delicacies Usually Kept
in First Class Stores. Goods Delivered Promptly
Telephone Call 62
A. D. BROWN and SON,
Manufacturers and dealers in all
kinds of Lumber,
Contractors and Builders.
Estimates made ; personal atten
tion given and work guaranteed.
OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pa.
Largest and finest selection of Mil
linery. Our designs are the latest,
and prices lowest consistent with
trood work.
All orders promptly attended to and
(satisfaction guaranteed to all our pa
trons. SALLEY & EfimS,
70 Pike Street,
0no Cent a Word.
For Fitch Insertion. No Aflr-rt. Anient
tftken for lfn tltttn 15 rent. CASH
in not .teeomiinny ll tin!-. AdrirrM
Mu rium, pa.
IjXU SALK. A finiill fnr.n ltK'ntnd tionr
Mm it moras, known ns the Urnwi nr
Koliifutrdr pi nee. emit Mining 21 Wires.
Finely Inrntcd, well wttt.cicl. House nnd
hnrn. Kruit of all kinds, f'mt. Improved.
Tit le cli r, For trWus, jn icu. ete., juldnws
Lock buy. li Milford. Fa
TRESPASS NOTH'K. Nut urn l hereby
(riven that trespiifitiK on the premises
.ic u pied ly the uinierslniHl In Dinpinan
jtfliKhii!. known ns the Uuchanan fnrin
r hunt inr. !l.-liin;, tn-rrying or any other
tirpic w Ji.-.: ever is liu hltltlen under peii
sltv of ll:e le.w. Ally person or persons
dlsi.l'evti j i his not ice will lie) dealt with
Iu tho sevivest lawtul niMiner.
July 1, lHil". Lessee.
THKSl'ASS NOTirK. Notice Is hereby
ilveii tlmt ti-estiivKKliiff upon the south
ern half of the tract of hind known us the
WiUinin Dennv, No. ti:i. I n Shohola town
ship, for hunting, flshiiifr, or, nny other
plli pose, also trespassing on Snwkill pund
in liilift'nan township, or, llshiiifz iu It is
forbiuUcu under penalty ot tlie law.
.VprlWm Attorney for owner.
Notice Is hereby
J. vtven that
trespass! tiff upon the pro
perly of tho forest i.nkc Association In
Lncknwaxcn towii.--iiip, Pike county. Pa.
for I lie purpose of huntinff and fishing, or
any other purpose Is strictly loromuen un
uer penalty of the lnw.
Alkxandfh Haiiiikn,
Nov. 22, 18iio. President.
T'RKSPASS NOTICE. Notlco 1a horohy
tiven thnt twspHssinjr on tho premiseR
of the umlerHltfned. sitiuiied in Duiinnnn
township, for any purpose whntovtT is
strictly forbidden, and all off nders will be
promptly prosecuted.
I ha li. Cask.
net. SH. Itf.rU.
NOTICK All huntlnir, fishlnit or otht
trespMsninif on the premises of tins muter
timied, in JHiiviiihu Township, on Kuv
momUkill nnd Dworfskill Creeks, Ik for-
bl mien under penalty of tlte Imw.
Chas. J, Hnu.KAUt
Dinnmn Twp., N. Hoii.KAr,
May 17. 18(.H. JOKKl'H F iJOILKAtl
TRESPASS NOTICK. Notleo Is hereby
X fiv;Mi that t reBpasfiliiff upon the pro
perty of the undersiuned in Milford town-
whip. IMke county, Vn., for the purpose of
huntlTi, llshinR or any other purposes 1
strictly forbidden under penalty of t !;e law
1MUS. S. iM. (JKAKT.
rrR'ASS. Notice is hereby plven tlmt
L iresiuiKsloe upon the prepertv ot tlx
undersigned iu Mil ford and Dinirmiin
townships. Pike Co, Pa, for tho purpose
of hunting, tishtntf In hiiwklll ureek or any
other purpose Is Ftnctly prohibited unite
penalty oi the law.
Milford Township, Vn.
Genuine stamped C. C C. Never sold In bulk.
Beware of the dealer who tries to sell
"something just as goou."
- IB6S.
Trade f 4 dcsicnss.
. Marks.- ,Copvrichts.
Thtrtv-one ye'irs ftrtlvp practlee. Optnion sa r
Tftti1lt"y sncl pstentaritlity. Write fnr lok of
bis'nie'l -n and reterenees. EPSON 921
P treat, Wuhlngton, D. C
Harford St., Milford, Pa
Port Jervis, IN. Y.
"' I.HliI ti-1 tM."- UriRlu.
jn -r "San rr "rrj
Business - Cards.
F. W. DEST, M. D..
16 Ball Street,
9 to II A. M.
Offloe Hours 2 to A P. M.
7 to 8 P. M.
riiysirian and Surgeon.
t'fllce nnd residi nee llni foid street It
home liiicly occupied by lir K. Jl. Wc n-
icr MIl.K(lHI), PA.
lli-lck lliuiM' Op otlte Vnnrtci mark Hotel
isi-mui street AllllOMI t'R.
OKK1CK IIOl'HS: 8 to 12 a. m.;l to
i. m.
H. E.Emetson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
John A. Kipp,
OFFICE: opposite Court House,
MlI.FORD, Pikk Co., Pa.
Attorney-at- Law,
OFFICE, Brown's Building,
Milford, Pikk Co., Pa.
Sold by All Newsdealers
To all lovers of Song and Muitc a vast
volume of N E W choice compoiltiona by
tha world's famous Authors.
64 Pages or Piano iioslc
Half Vocal, HK Wnmwntal
21 Compiefe Pieces toi Piano
Once a Month for 10 Cents.
Yearly Subscription. $1.00.
If bought In nny music ntnre M
one-half off, would coat 9&.3S,
A MTlng of $5.16 monthly.
In oot year you get nearly 600 Pagta of
Music, comprising 252 Complete Pieces
for the PUno.
If ymi cannot get e copy fmm your Hwt
dealer, send to ui and wo will mail you ft
.pie Fre,
J. W. PEPPER, rubii.h.,,
tlthth Locust u., rhlladalphla, fa.
Photo Supplies,
Printing &
78 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y.
Snbliuth wrvirfH nt 10.30 a. m. ami 7. BO P.
M. 8iilibuth sc-hool liiiniediHUly after thd
niorninar wrvlce. Pruyer mtmtiiia; Wwl-ni-Mlny
at 7.30 p. U. A coniial wuloouu.
will I mi Bit.'iuli-cl to nil. Thomt not at-tai.-ht-tl
to othiT r.huruht-s nr especially in
ritinl. Kkv. Thouah Nicholu, Paator.
C'miKCH of thii Good Shki-hkhd, Mil
font: ervliaHi Suiiilay at 10 !J0 A. Si. and
4:011 P. M. Mllulay achool at 8:45 P. al.
Week -day service Fridny at 8 46 A. al.
Holy Coiiiniuiilou iiiuiny at 7:46 A 11.
Seats friw. A 11 are welcome.
Kkv. Chas. B. Cakpkntiir, Kector.
M. E. Chiihch. Services at the M K.
Church Sundays: Preachiug at lll.tfo a.
in. aud nt 7 Ho p. in. Mil day school at
11:45. in. Kpworth league at 6.46 p. in.
VVti-kly prayer meeting oa Wednewlays as
7. HO p. in. Clas uieeting conducted by
Wm. Alible on Kiiilnys at 7.30 p. m. Aa
earnest invitation U exteuuinl to auyoua
who uiiiy (lesire to woihhtip with us.
Kkv. (V E. cciiuuiut, Pastor.
El-woUTH M. IC (.HfiHCH, Matajnora.
Services every Saliiuali at 10.30 a. in. and
7 p. in. Sublimit bi-Ium J at U.:iO. C. K.
uiiH:iin Moiitiay evening nt 7.30. Claas
uieetiiiu; Tuesdiiy eveuiuu at 7.80. Prayer
meeiiitg Wednesday evening at 7.80.
Everyone welcome.
Kkv. T. G Sphnckii.
Hopk Kvanuklical Chiiki.h, Mat
moriui. Pa. Service next Sunday as follows:
I'l'i iteliiiiK ut 10.80 a. in. and 7 p. in. Sun
day school at 3 p. in. Junior L". E. befom
and U. E. prayei ini-etlng after the even
ing servioe. .lil-week prayer nieetiiiir
every Wediiewlny evening at 7.30. Seals
rue. A eonlliil velcoine to all. Coilie.
Kkv. H. W. Ghosm, Piwtor.
Secret Societies.
MiLKiiliO Loni'it, No. 844, K. & A. M.!
Lixtue inectrt Wetlncsilays on or before
Eull Moon at the Wallace Ituildiiiir, Mil
ford, Pu. N. Emery, Jr.. Sett'y. Milford
Geo. A Swepcniscr, W. M.. Milford. Pa. '
Van Dkii Mark Loduk, No. fciH, I. o
'-). E: Meets every 'ihursilay evening at
7.30 p. in., Pmwn's Huiliiing. I). H.
Huriibcck, Str y .lueob MoCarty, N. G
PlIl liKSCK Kkbkkah Loduk, h7, I. O
(). E. Meets every .-.. nd and founh Erl
dnys in eacli month in Utld Kcllowa' Hull
brow n's nuildiiig Miss Katharine Klein
S. G.
sliss W uhi liiiinu beck, SWy.
Siiriiitf tooth liiirrow and cultiv.
tor at W. 6i U. Mitohellu,