PIKE COUNTY PRESS. FRIDAY. A1MUL ll. 1IKH. PUBL.ISHK1) EVERY FHiOAY. orrice, browh's builwho broad st. si'bhckiption: OnR Year One dollar and Hfly cents. Hix Months Heventy-flve cents!. CTRICTI.Y IS ADVANCE. Fntonwt at the nnnt offlofi of Milford Pike County, Pennsylvania, as second- clnM matter, November twenty-Brut, WM. Advertising Rates, I iic wimtrefelirht 1 1 no . one Insertion -11 .00 Kiu-h subsequent Insertion .50 deduced rates will be furnished on ap plication, will be allowed yearly adver tisers. Legal Advertising. Administrator's and Kxemitor'i notice S.'K) Anditor'a notices -00 Divorce notices - ...... 6.00 Sheriff's sales. Orphans' court sales County Treasurer's sales, County state ment and election proclamation chargi'd by the square. J, B, Taa Ettea, PUBLISHER, Mllford, Pike County, Pa. There is uo foundation for the story that negotiations for a new treaty with Great Britain, dealiim with the Iithmian Canal question have been started. After the la pains of the JJny-Pauiicefort treaty by the failure of Great Britain to aooept it, President McKinley directed Sec retary Hay to ascertain, if possible from Senators, whether two thirds of the Senate oonld be counted upon to vote for the ratification of n trea ty that wonld, in its main features be acceptable both of this govern tnont and that of Great Britain This task, by no means an easv one, Secretary Hay is still engaged on, and until it Is completed, then will be uo negotiations, as until then Secretary Hay will be unable to even acquaint the British Ambassador with the basis upon which tilt government will negotiate. The cable news that negotiations had been started in London, was as false as the Washington story. When ever there are negotiations alone this line, they will be oondaoted at Washington. President McKinley has confidence in Ambassador Cboate but this matter is so important that he intends to keep it where he can personally watch every step takeu Those having the Driving Park and Athletic Association matters in charge are wasting no time in mak tag preparations to have the ground in suitable condition for usa this season. If a fair can be arranged for this fall the farmers and others interested should bo active in pro. motlng the soheme. It would per baps induce a considerable number of people to visit the town, foreigi dealers in implements and other wares would ooine here and trade would be stirred up and the town largely benefited by the influence of visitors. Keeping all the money w have in the county and spending it with local dealers is a way to - make the community prosperous, and one of the best ways. A great Improvement has been made In the State road leading from the farm house of A. V. McCarty, in Dingman township, over the hill to Lewis Garvoilles. Through the en terprise and get-erosity of the latter gentleman, who gave the land and interested himself lu the scheme, aid' ed by several neighbors a new road has been built which entirely obviates the hill, and will probably be free from snow drifts in winter. Such practical evidences of a deal re to make roads easier and better is worthy of emulation, and there are many places where a slight and inexpensive change in location would avoid bad Mils and make fur better highways The good work should go on wherev er practicable. Friday April 28 ia appointed as one of the Arbor days. It is a good thing to plant trees on the school grounds bat it is a better thing to plant them with care and care for them after they are planted. For several years the custom, to some extent, has been followed on our school grounds in Milford, but with perhaps two exceptions not a singlu trea of those planted now survives. Children should be taught the pro priety of preserving trees and teach ers and directors would do well to see that they do. Only in this way Ctiu the oliormncw of the law be made something else than farcical Whn't'lS known as the "process" buttor bill hns pasied finally in the House, li luits an annual tax of 11000 on manufactories, $500 on wholesalers, HOOon retailers, 50 on hotel keepers and $10 on boarding house keepers nsing "process" or renovated butter. A large sign must also bo displayed informing their patrons that such an article is sold by them. The lax and notice are intended to be prohibitive. Lieut. Gen. Koliofield, who came to Washington to preside over the Congress of the Loyal Legion, of which lie. is President, held last week, said of tha Philippiuess : "I regard it as a good thing for the people of this country that there is problem to he worked out in the Philippines. The young men will find opportunities ont there and the improvement of them will be a benefit to the country." The U. R. Supreme court decided this week that a divorce obtained by either husband or wife in a Statu in which they have not lived together Is null and void in all other States excepting the one where the divorce was obtained. This will affect the cases of many who have obtained (li vorees In States where there was no Joiut residence. The Bliss Judical bill which has passed the House it is said will be amended so that Judge Purdy will remain in Wayne and Judge Craig will take the Monroe-Pike district which will be the 47th. Carbon will be a separate district numbered the 67th. Forest fires hive prevailed in many sections of the county tins week and many acres of woodlan been burned over. Almost the en tire timber lands on the f inn of Col A. E. Lewis, near the Borough, burn ed Wednesday. Milford Hi id L luniry. The undersigned has opened n laundry on Centre Square Milford, Pa., in the store room formerly oc cupied by Geo. Duumnn, and will do nil kinds of work pertaining to. 'he business with promptness and in n neat careful manner. A share of the public patronage is res)ectfully solicited. John L. Uourlay. Many persons have had the exper inline of Mr. Peter Sherman, of North. Stratford, N. H , who says, "for I suffered torture from chronio in ligestion but kodol dyspepsia cure iiiadt. a well man of me," It digests what you eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia and every form of stomae'- trouble. It gives relief a' one even in the worst cases, and can't help but do you good. . " mm We live by our blood, and on it We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high, we are being re freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con tinual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved ; our blood is poor; there is little nutri ment in it. Back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body going again man woman and child. if you hav not tried it. send for fre sample. Its sgrccabl use will surprise you. SCOTT BOWNE, Chcmlits 409-413 Frt Street, New York. joe. sad f i.so; all dnigguu- p rr a I hav M-ituv (akt AUi riau4 ft ft I Id ftuti eduoiire ld.tlT ui,y are hnuply ti fiorlul. Mf duuifUUir ud were b.Ui-rd vltti n-K lofuunti and oux brtb wut, Terr (mil. After UtKltJK it low d , of ( atM tarein we bvtf iuiiruv.-d uuJcrtuli. Tii-j are a (jteui tej lu kue tmlig." fl llst'.MIN A NAtifcL. lis liiiuibuu(Mi bL.Ctucluuail.Oble. "(KZJ) CATOARTIC ,4 Pleaunt. pulaLijie. hunt Tail Cot!. Do (Htv, Av"f tVv-k.u. Waakou, 01 intm. 10c. UM. ... CUfff CONSTIPATION. ... "fcg &rf tsMtMj, W4), MmItmI, t mrk. 3ift BRIEF MENTION. Through the contributions ot the children of the infant class a very neat carpet has been purchased and was laid this Wcea on their room in the Presbyterian church. W.A-G. Mitchell havcarranged for an acetylene pas machine to he placed in their store on trial and if found to work satisfactorily they will probably in future light the store will their owi. plant. The viewers appointed by tit.- court to assess the damaves on tip- Pierce place in Westfall towi.-l; . occasioned by tho occupancy of lin Milford and Matamoras projerteil railroad, met Wedno day und fixoil the amount at $189 ('H. Rytnnn & Wells have a cosy corner in their store where feminine hearts will bo filled with hinging and un certainty. The line of millinery they display is so varied in style, handsome in design and tasty in workmanship, that the Indira will he very undetermined as wliirli bat is the prettiest and most becomini; and will want, them all. Captain Lafayette West', rook, of Slruu'lshnrg, has just awarded a contract for building one of the handsomest houses in this part of the State. It will be located on tin site of his present residence and will bo colonial in style. Fanners by reason of lust seasons experience should he convinced ol the utility of planting forage crops this year. The grass was probably permanently injured by the drouth and will not afford n full crop hence it would be wisdom to supplement it by growing green foodi-r, peas, oats une coi n should be liberally planted and now is the time to sow the form er. Ijorenz lu-iger lias n .-lynci as ov erseer of tho poor. N'niv Unit he is nit if he will stay out it will be a g.eat relief to the community and a eason for especial thankfulness on he part of those unfortunates whose iccessities compel them to ask aid of ihe Iliirotigh, The friends and well wishets of Frank Crissman, and the number is legion in this section, will be pleased to hear that his prospects for a good season at Uergeu Point are excellent. All his furnished rooms are taken and he thinks prosperity is about to take him on a warm embrace. He has our congratulations. Don't, nse any of the counterfeits of I)e Witt's w'tch hazel salve. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause injury. Tho original DnWitt's witch hazel salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores and skin diseases. The condition of William Holbort. a town charge; who is at present bil leted on Chippy Cole, is deplorable, and he shou'd he transferred some where where he could receive prop er attention. There is such a thing as reasonable economev in the main tenance of the indigent and there is also a demand for the exercise of n rensonablo amount of hnmnmty in seeing that they are decently cared for. It is a shame for any coinnmn. ity or officials to wholly sacrifice the latter for the sake of foe former. An Attrmrit In IntlmltlHte. Postman Wei!. Hat's great! Citizen What's grrnt? Postman 'flint woman over there gays if I don't come along enrlie she'll get her letters of some other postman. Indianapolis Journal. DlTlrllnjr the Tusk. Cleverton That man Van Piper is good fellow to cultivate, lie baa three lovely sisters. Dasliaway All right. You cultivate him, and I'll culiivnte the Bisters. Town Topics. Marb tli Same, Mrs. Hayseed Pid you go to hear the howling dervishes while you were in the city? Mr. llnyeeen o, but I went to Cousin Miranda's, and she's got twins. N. Y. Weekly. Hit or Mla. "You must have had a pood time on tht trip." "Fine, Whenever we hit anything? we took a drink to celebrate the vent; and whenever we missed we took drink for consolation." Puck. HKley' Opinion. Belkins Prof. Huxley says an oyster is a far more complicated piece of machinery than the finest Swihs watch. Mifkins Oh, well, he probably ate too many at onc-e. N. Y. Weekly. fth TboUKht Otherwise. Ada Here is a professor that ob jects to coeducation because much time is lost in flirting. May Goodness! Dues he considei that an objection? Puck. What Conlil tine Mrnnf Miss Homeleigh Weil, after beauty is only skin deep. nil. Miss Gaubeigh Yes? isu't it a pity you are so thiu-skinped? Baltimore American. Llvlnar Up 1o Her Claims. Jack How full of life Mis Anteke is! May Yes, she appears to feel lino-t as young as she fca she is. To u Topic. A Type. Mr. Jones I'm afraid Mrs. llrown sacrifices her couif jrt to her appear ance. Mrs. Joue-Ye hd sacrifices It lii fsJli. 1'uek. a You know till ohnnf if Thi rn c ti ti a v orry, the exhaustion. r, 1 1 rr r efiAiir 1 wnn a creat ' TXirbt recfiro- nnnn you. lou can't throw of? this feeling. You are a slave to your work. Sleep fails, and you are on the verge of nervous evhancllnn i What is" to be done? hi Take For fifty years it has been lifting up the dis couraged, giving rest to the overworked, and bringing refreshing sleep to the depressed. No other Sarsaparilla approaches it. In age and in cures, " Ayer's" is "the leader of them all." It was old before other sarsaparillas were born. tl.M S Milt. AM frciclstt. Ayer's Pills aid the ac tion of Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. They cure bilious ness. 25 cts. a tot. I hnvo used Ayer'B mcdlf iocs for moro thin 40 jrars ai;l have psirt lrum the vrry'("t;irt tliat (m nmde the hpst ni' ilioincB In Die world. I am suro vnur S;irpaj'iri'; paved my liic when I first to'.k it ft yfars afco. I am r.nvr i-;iflt To rnd am never without vour Eivdioines." Fkask Thomas. P. M., Jan. 21. E1.011, Kanas. VMtmlha Doctor. If Ton Imv( jiny cr.mi' a;nt wliMlTOT ati.l dcfliie I ho 1 Bt mtflicid nrtvice you c;i:i y rTflv... wri' tl e (-ortor f rtlv V.mwill weivo n r1'""'! r- in:, j. A r r.n, i.nweii, amil. Win View. Jack Bachelor (enaecl) Of course, I realize that matrimony is a very important step, and all that! Ned Xew'ywed (hoarsely) Step? Great Scott, man! It's a whole flight of steps and something to fall over on everj step! Puck. A Connndrnm, "Why fl!d the little fly Ayr June asked the pirl beside her. "EccRiif ," she answered with a sigh "The little epInVr spied er." Boston Transcript. MEAN TIIIXG. 4 ' : : .v iiv i"i She I just re!,' n,y niinrl, that's what I do. Hp I nolieed 1' -it ymi hadn't fcaid sn tliin;;. C'hic-Ko Daily News. THE KOIKE GOLD CURE. An InKcnldiiit Trcntmrnt liy w'tlch Driiiik ardH arc Ht iug C ured l:ily In Nptt (if 'I h riiselvf n. No Nnxiniui IMeH. Su Wfalceninef of Hip Nerves. A I'lettftttid and PoNltlre lir for the , mior ItHhit. It Is gcntTiilh Unovn and understood hut DrrinVenm -s is n dUene and not weakness. A htwly filled with poiii, and nt rves completely si attend by periodical or tons ant use of Into.v jcnl hit litjuor. re qi in s an antidote cnpahle tit neutralizing nnd eradieatlni this pei-en, nnd destroying t he cravinu for. intoxicants JitifTciers may now cure ;l,t m ltat hoinc without puh licity or loss of time from hu.-iness hy thi woi.derful 'HOME GOMJ Cl'KK" which has I'cen perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inchrialcit. The faithful use according to directions ot thi wonderful discovery U positively pmiran tecd to cure tho most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous trnnfoi nm'ion of tiioiisai)d- of drunkards into sober, iudua trioiis and upright men. WIVK.SCI HK YOl'H Hl'SHANUS ! ! CHII.DKKN Cl'UK VOl KFATHKKS ! ! This re i lied v iin nobene a nostrum lint a sH'ctIic for thi-. di-cai-o only, so skillfully devistd and pn pared that il is thoroughly soluble and plea-ant to the late. so that ft can bo given in acujj of tea or coffee with out the knouelediiu of the person taking it. Thuusaudd of Drunkard have cured themselveii with ihi.-i pi hvlcss remedy , and as many more have been cured and made lemperate men by having thu "CI II E" ad ministered by hiving fiitnd.s and r httives without their knowkdgi' in cofee tr tea. and Iflieve today flu y iil-e ol inm-d di ink ing of i heir own fiec will I'O NOT WAIT Do not le Uiludcd ly app:uent and mis leading i m prove n ;eii t " Drive out t he iliMii-i' at tur.o and for all lime. The "HOME COL!) Ll'HE" is sold at the ex tiemely biw price td One I dho , I hu ph c in j: w it bin u ;u li of evei) in dy a t u ui ua ui more ciTtciual ;hati othein costing :b to 4j0. Full direct ion accompany e;ich pacL i.ge. special luh tee by skilled physician. when inpie-itd without exlni fhi.rge Sent piep.iid to any pa;t of the world on tec- pit of Onu Dollar Address D-pt H T5. EDWIN li ti"I. ES to COMPANY. 'i:iii ami 'X-tt -M.til.et Mn ei. Pidlad.-lphia All cut rv-pouUeocw etiicily t-HiUdcuiia', 1 1 1 3 w- l . -1-. X WjXJ V '. 1 Jwiii Ilia ft hlflnl 1 h, AW.. nr ,1 . '. ' ! I 'J H tl I Notice of Application for Charter. Nut ice t-- iH'i rliy (iivnn, t lint- mi itpi.llcit riuii will c nuiilf iti tin (iiiVfiiHM tif ihr Stnic ( I'. nit-yhaiii'i, mi rinii'tlnv. the 1 hi- Mill dity of Mji.v. A. I. Hil. tiv j;iiinfi P. Vhii 1 iK'ii .h. tin IV Vim Kiii'ii, K J, Dnnnwli mihI (icn. K Hull, tmili-r i ho A-t tit AM tiihly of 1 hi; ('nitniH-itw nil h uf i't 11 ii,, Iviiniii. n pruvt ti A pitl JAhIi, 171, t iiiiih tl "An An 10 pnividc for the Incor ptiiniiun ami Ht'milaihtn uf rt'iinin ur- IJiUnlitillP." mid lilt' Mil plrliu'lits tlU'M'Ul. lor 1 he chnrn r of 1111 intt'mli d cm ptn-ut )in 10 he CMllt-il "V1111 I'iUc rflfiihinii' 'mn- jiiiny," which furpiiMitinti is 10 lm formed fnr the piiiM!-ci'f I'U'ttin, cmisi incline, pun hiiMnu, Icasiiiu. iiuiiiilnininir tnid oti- ci nt i iiff line, ot ch-piimic nm) csrliHiur In and Ihionfih the C'mintv i f Pike, in the tato nt PwniSylviiniti. with I lie rnht to nm r ct-nni-ciimi-. 1 .r ihr iHii"'cof nnir, ciiiniiiunicationB with other Bimilnr tlllC- III I'thtV CUIIIUlCh Ol Mi (l .-Witt, t. well ms It. othi r r-iatcs, as wcil lor the pi I vale ii-c f hhmvhIijuIm, (Inn-, cim noiMth-n--. iminkipal and oihcrwi-c, ml lor nolici Hi c Mini in or iiii'M jifrt'i hnlnos. m fur t h transaction 01 any itiinintsin which clcc tticity over or tiiimili witcs may he. np plii il to any UM'ful iu: poc. incliniinp t)i lttinihin ol all Mippltcn, appliances, a n tnachiii iy necessary to the cmidut t hih tiiniilit iiiilice Mtul op'ration of Mich I n t -i- k. l.h H. H , j. IMilfoi-il, Ph., .Solicitor. A pi il n. liU'i. 4-2- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'l'h.-.t np;il icat ion will he made to i li i invi'i iiu?' of Pen v lv ii in, on .Moiida April lic',.;h, A I) UKil, hy Joseph H V f nu 1, Jes? YiiniiK, John Crawford A r . Joseph Kinicv and Thotiut H Hicks, nndr the Act of General Assemlily of the 'omnioiivwah li of Penn-vl vania. entitled "An Act to provide for ttie Incur- poi a l ion a tul hernial nm ol ei i a ill o- poialloiis apptovt (I A pill ,'VM tl PS74, Milt i he supplement thereto for the Chin ter o ,iii 1 1 1 tenth d Cot poia tii Hi to lie cal ci JjacUawttxeti uni er Pnw er (.'oinpnny.' the on jeer of w hich is t he supply. toi n. and t raitMiiifsion of water and wait r pow -r lor coin met cial and man it fact uriiif? pni poses alotiir I.acktiwaxen Creek In Pik t'oiinty; and for this purpose to have, po? -.ctHS, and enjoy nil ihe riyhrs. hencftts ate privilegcri of said act nnd its siippl'ineuts I'KANK M CAMP. .1DSKPH K KIXPKY. IlHi Metz liiiildiMi:, .olicitorh. Phil delphia. Pa. Ap.il Will. l'.d. 4-2n Auditor's Notice. !u the mailer of the t- 1 In the O'phflns' ate of CHAKLES L Court of Pike .iKLLER, deceased. )Cotini. Penna. The under-iu'i.ed ai-pointett by i he Court 'to make di-t ii lint ion of l he fumlr-in hands if Chit ii-sa I). Heller. Adminitiitrix, as how n hy her account," etc., will it cot nil .artics iuli'MMcd for the purpose of his ippoi nt tnent at his oflit-e. lirown's Build .iir. Pioad Street. Milford, Pa, on Satur my. May 11th. P. Ml, at a o'cloek p ni., Ht .vhich timeall pari ie shaving at hum upon i he funds or interest in the distribution tion thereof, must i.ppear and proe their laiins or be debarred fr incoming in up- m said funds. ,T. II. VAN ETTEN, ilford, Pa. Auditor. pnl u, pfot. 5-8 Auditor's Notice. n tlie inni ier of the ) lu the Otphans' ate f HENKY LONU. Court ol Piki '-mm il. Conntv. Penna The undersigned, appointed hy the Court, in in.iKi' tihomiiuiiii i i no fti ids In tin amis of .Icnni cLong, Executrix of suid es aie, as show ii by her in count," etc., wil i. eel all panic 'nrercsied for the purpost I h irfl appoi.il ment at bis oftiee. E. Cor Min and Third Street. Milford P., on don day, May 13th, lf)ol, mi 2 o'clock p. in t which ti 10 all paiius having a clain ipon t he funds or interest in the distribu ion thereof, mustMppe-r and piove thet laim-or be deh.irred frnm coodtig In Up- n raid funds H Y. T. BAKER, liliord. Pa , Auditor, p il 9i h. h-nl. 6-h MM 50 YEARS' Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. VVv flulrltlv iiscertiiin our opinum free whethor an f iivpit"i(in is pruhiililv p aontnhlp. rnninninlrn ttotiB strictly cmirt.lcttttiil. Hftndh-olt on Patent scat fri'ft (Hflertt inronev for seeunnn patentfl. I'ntt'MtR taken ( hroiiuh Muim ft Co. retieir pperial ru)ticey without clinnre. Id the Scitmifie JIncrican. A litinilnnmelv tllntrRtfvl Wftettlr. I.nnrewt ctr. dilution nf niiv nfitMHitl jmirnrtl. Tprnm, ft a vi-tr: four months, 1. tkttu by all newBc1ealer. "MNN&Co.36"5'""' New York . tor iu-h imr!. C2S r St.. Wafhintfton. D. J- Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all a- cnt bu.'inessconductetl lor Modcratc Ptctj. Oun orrtcr. is Oppopitc U, 8. Patent Offick x. lwocauwnire putt nt in ic&s Uuo liiaa Uxomc ' re. ote from Washunrton, J Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-j 'ion. ltd uv;sr, ii paicniat-io or net, ires or. charge. Our fo not due Oil patent is tvcur.d. ! A PAMFMLt;T, tlow to Obtain Patents." withi cost ot fctunc in tho U. S and toreien countne! 5 seat lree, Auurcss, C.A.GrJOVV&CO. Opp. Patent Opficc. Washington. O. C. DO YOU EXPEHT TO 41 - ' LrlllqiiSl i m i is I I il llm ilii mi i i swli . D. BROWN and SOU, Manufaotui ors and dealers in all kinds of Contractors Estimates made ; personal atten tion given and work guaranteed. OFFICE. Brown's Building:. Milford, Pa. Millinery 4 " jrood work. C0MPLFTE LINE OF INFANTS WEAR. HAIR SWITCHES AND BANGS IN ALL SHADES. 70 Pike Street, One Cent a Word. For P.Rrtt Innrrttoti. Ni A(lvrtttncnt tRhen for Ichm lliHii 15 pciitn. ( AMI m tint 1 ompM.) ntl i.nlcri. Addrrna I'IKfc I IHMV PHIH, .M.MKI, PA. pP : i Aim Al.K. A Miiftll ftinu located nenr nTMinoras. known rin the Henm! or KeiiiliHHlt place, enntnlninff 21 ncrofl. Finely hK-nteti. well watered. House nnd hfirn. Fruit of nil kinds. Pnrt improved. Title olfftr. For leinift. fiiee. etc.. nddrefts LtK k hox U Milford. Pn. TKKSPASS NOTIOK. Not Ire 1h herehy ffiven thnt tresp(isin on the premiums .t npied hy the niuiersiKiied In Dinfftniwi A'li'liip. known as the HuchnnHii farm i linntinif, fli-hin, Iwrrylnn or Miiy other in pose w I, mover is forhidden under per nhyof The hnv. Any person or persons dioliryinjf this notice will ho dealt wlt-h H the stnerest lawful mnnner. iKui;K H. McCAKTY, July 1, iyi7. LesHee. rKEPASS NOTICE. Notice Ik herehy given thnt trespassingunon the south Lrn half of tho tract of land known ah the vVilliam Denny, No. i'8.lnShohola town ship, for hunting, fishinfc, or, nny other put poe, alho tret-passing on Sawkill pond in UiiiK'nivn townhhip. or, fishing In it lb forbkUleu tinder penalty of the law. M. Cl-KI LAND MlLNOK. VprlMm Attorney for owner. rKKSPASS NOT1CK. Notice is hend.y Ifiven that trcspnMMnft upon the piu ,jtrty of the Forest l.nko Association in Lackawaxcn townshi), Pike county, Pa., oi the purpose of hunting nnd fishing, or ny other purpose strictly forhidden un lor penalty of the law. Alexanhkk Haddkn, Mov. 23. 1815. PreHident. I KKSPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereh I given that trepasing on the premiwr i the uudeisigned, situated in l)igimu unship, tor any purpose whatever if t ict ly forldddeti. and nil ofT nders will U nnptly prosecuted. Iha H. Cask Oct. 24. 18H5. NOTICE All hunting, fishing or other trespassing on the pre mines of thu under dgned, in Dingman Township, on Kay- monasKiii ana uwnrrsKiti Creeks, Is for hindeu under penalty of the law. CHAS. J. UOILBAU, Dingman Twp., N. Hoileau, May 17, XWS. JOSEPH F BoiLKAtJ . TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice In hereby givn that trespassing upon the pro perty of the undersigned in Milford town ship. Pike county, Pa., for tho purpose of limiting, iismng or any other purposes If- strictly loroiuuen under penalty of tr.e law Mas. 8. M. ChAFT. In tho irrnrr of the es- ) In the Orphnnr' cte of RUTH S. HILL. Conrt of Piki- (leceaked. ) County, Peuun IN PARTITION. At an Orphnns' Court held nr. Mlliord. on ihe 18th any of Miueh. A. 1). Ii 'tppt-Hriiig to the Court, from the return of he SherifT hihI the Jury of Inquest, under heir rchuecti e hands and st-nln. matie the lth day of February, A. U l!il, to the iruuror writ ol inquest, that the parili-i. in sniu writ Htneu tiati Deen severnll) A-nrueti, las many iih cnoe ih1ii present) that the property deiierlbed In the Kali rlt cannot be parted and divided lot. nhares to aocointntKiaie the parties ent It 1. .viihour. prejudice to or Kpoiling the v htn thereof, hut that thu same can 1h- divith uto purparts, and that the mi id .hiry .oqulfiHun had Iht icfor tltvideil raid la .ud pieinihes Into ttiive piirjiat-.t. ai.d t tett and appi ated t aeh purp.n t tu.l .o u it: Hut part No I at ti 500 Purpart .mi. 2 at frtoO. Purpart No 8 ai tsi.O. A mount! nit lu the nunrtlnn- to i he h. if Four Thousand One Hundivd Did. a. tt.iou.) On mot Ion of Alfred Marvin. Attorn .or the petitioner, the Court do order ai leeree ihat the aforesaid inquisition I. confirmed, and thatti rule direeied to th. ,ii, ri ii x Interented as in said writ of inqui-.- iii-niloned, and all other nelsons Intel sted, citing tlieiii and each of th in to In inu appear t efore the Judires of said Or ,ihaii' Court to lie held at Milford afore .aid, on the fli-st M .nilav of June nexi ,.t tw j o'clock in the afternoon, there mid i heu to accept or refuse said real es'ate hi ihe valuation so, as aforesaid, made, or .how cause why the saute should not lie old, in case said paitics should neglect or etuse to lane nun -iccept the same as .foresaid, valued and appraised; said rule to be served personally iiuull the Darties in Interest wheresoever the same may lie lolllld. It personal service as aforesaid shall nnd may bo practicable; nnd In the event of failure to so serve personally as afore- -iiiil. then by publication for six successive .xeeks in the ' Pike County Press," n new-paper published In said County of Pike, and by mallitifr to each of said par lies a copy oi saui paper cotiiaintiisT said notice to their respective Post Office mi- dresses (iHMtnire prepaid) nt. least tweuty .oi b prior to salu retui ti day of said rule MY THKCOUKT. Pike County, ss. ioiii the Heoord. Mnmli -rtih. Hml J. . WKST11KOOK, JR.. Clerk O. C To RelleO. Hill, Mrs.EllaJ. Davey. nnd l.ouN.1 Davey. her husband. Mrs. Jessie B. K.ench. and Ralph H French, her bus sun!, Knth Hill. Wiunifti-d C. Horn. Krin nie Hill, John C. Westhmnk. iruar- l-an ad liiem ol Kuril Hill, and John VVinfred O'Neill, Fred W Hill. Ernest O Neill and Mrs. Iconise O'.Neill. Trustee. K V a N liKRM A R K, ff -Olllie, ilfo it, Pa , Sheriff. A . . 4. I'M. i BUILD ? THEN SEE Lumber, anH Builders. Parlors L;ugo: t and lincst : election of Mil linery. Our designs sue the latest, und j rices lowest consistent with AI! orders i ronij tly attended to :md Ktitisfnction guaranteed to all our pa trons. SALLEY a EKFJIS, w I V. rfbiyiS! l, 1 . 'Business - Cards. F. W. DUST, M. D.. IG Ball Street, PORT JERVIS, N. Y DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. 9 to M A. M. Office Hours 2 to A P. M. f to 8 P, M. WILLIAM B. KENWORTHY, M.D. Pliysician and Surgeon. Odlce nnd residence Harford street It home lately occupied by lr E. JB. Weu ner. MILFORD. PA. Dr. von der Heyde, DENTIST, Brick House Opposite Vnndeininrk I otel lirond street Mlirmd t"it. OFFICE HOURS; 8 to IS) a. ni.; 1 to p. m. H. E.Emtuo , r . L. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broa Street. John A. Kipp, ATTORNE -AT-LAW, OFFICE: opposite Court House, Milford, Pint Co., Pa. J. H. VA TT Attorney-at- Law, OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pikf. Co., Pa. Cheapest C loth i n g H ouse i n Port Jervis ! CANNON & MULLIGAN, 5 & 7 FRONT STREET. P kc t o g raphe F AND DEALER IN Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing & Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 7H Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y. CHURCH DIKECTOEY MILFORD. . Fikht Pkkhhytkiiian Chubch, Milford; rfalilinth services at 10 ,(0 A. M. and 7 !i0 p. M. Salilialh school iminediatel.v after tha inornin service. Prayer meeting Wed nesday at 7.80 P. H. A cordial welcome will lie extended to all. Those not at tached to other chnrclieH are esiiecialiy in vited. Rkv. Thomas Nichols, Pastor CinuicH op thk (ioou Shephkiui, Mil ford: Services Sunday nt IU.0 A. Id. and 4:00 P M Sunday sent ol at 11:45 p. tl. Week day service Piklny at 8 45 A. M. Holy ('oiiimnnlou Sunday at 7:46 A. M. vats free AI are welcome. KBV C'HAB. B. CAitrKNTBll, Reelor. M. K. CHiilicll. ,Serics nt the M K. Church Suiulays: Pivm liintr at 10 80 a. m. and at l.M p. ni Sui lay school at ll:4ip m. F.pworth lcnKlie at B.45 p. m. Wi kly piiiyer iiicelinR o i Wednesdays ac 7 :;n p. in Class inimiliiK conducted by Win. AiiKle on Fridays at 7. HO p. in. An earnest iuvilaiion is ex tendril to anyone no may deshe to worshsp with lis. Rkv c K Scuddkh, Pastor. k:atamora8. Ki'Uoiith M. b. CluuiiH, Matamoras Serv ices every nliliHth at 10.80 a. m. and 7 p. m. SnhliatL fclail at 2.JO. C. k mielinn Monday evening at 7 80. Class meeting Tuesday ceiling at 7.80. Prayer mrciinp Wednesday evening at 7.80. H'.vi'ryone welcome. Hkv. T. G. Spknckk. Hul'h K AN EI.1CAL Chiikch, Mm morns. Pa Sen h es next Sunday us follows: Preaching at 10.80 a. in. and 7 p. ni. Sun day school at 8 x in. Junior C. E. before and C. K. prnyei miwting after the even ing service. N M-wM-k prayer nieeiiiig every Wednesday evening at 7.80. Seals free. A cordial In, me to all. Come. iBv. (' H Lilly. Pastor. Secrf t Societies. Mn.riiuii Loin K, No. 844, V. & A. M. : l.oiiye meets V'ednesdays tin or before K ii J I Much at tin Wallace Untitling. Mil fori. Pa. N. h-lnery. Jr.. Sec y, Milford; (j.o A Suepeuiser. W. M.. Milford. Pa. Van Dull Mauk Loiiok, No. (Csh, I.o. '). F: .Meets every Thursday evening at 7 8i' p. in.. Pawn's Hui.iling. li. H. Hon. ' ii (i Sk y Jaeoli McCuity. N. 6 Phi I'I.m h KtHhRAH Lodok, 107, I. o tl. F Meets every s..nhi. and fourth Frl days in each inoiith In Odd Fellows' Hall, Mr. nil', i milling Miss Katharine Klein Miss Willn linlnc lieck, See'v To PATEKT Good IdeEt us be SKured bf our aid. AtlUress, THE PATtNI KECUHD. Baltimore. Md. ultrio. to Tut Pwasi Bmllluiw mm