PIKE COUNTY PRESS. I'KIDAY, Al'KIL.5. 1IKI1. PUHUSHKII EVKRY FHIDAT. orricic, browm'b BUii.tniNa broad st. RrBWRIPTIOS: Onk Yf.ak One dollnr nnd fifty cent. Hix Months Heventy-tlve rents. PTRUTI.Y IN ADVANCE. F.nterod nt the post office of Mllford, Plko County, Fmmy Ivmiin, i xxnind cliws mutter, November twenty-flint, lHHtt. Advertising Rates. One q.iiimelrhtllnoti), one Insertion -II KI Kitr.h mibsiqnent innertion .to) Kodnoed rutin will be furnished on no plication, will bo nllnweil yearly adver tisers. Legal Advertising. Admlnlntrntor'g nnd Executor' notices - - - 8. 'JO Auriitor'fl noticon 4 (0 Divorce notices ft.H) Sheriff's mill, Orphans' court sales, County Treasurer's sales, County state ment and election proclamation charged by the square. J. H. Van Kttvn, PUBLIBHKK, Mllford. Pike County, Pa. TREE PLANTIN6. Two bills bave passed the House at Harriabnrg to third reading re lnting to tree planting. One author izes boronRh authorities to require property owners on public streets to plant trees in front of their property and the othe other remits one dollnr of road tax for every two trees planted by land owners along the courtry roads. There aeems to be considerable interest manifested among the members and it is likely both bills will become laws. No particular kinds of trees are specified bat those wishing to secure the bfst results would no doubt plant such hardy trees as maples or ash and in the country the chestnut would af ford both shade and profit though fruit trees might also be planted. Those are both good laws and while our borough in general is well shad ed there are several places where trees could lie placed to advantage. Along the country roads they would Afford the double purpose of shade and of making the landscape more beautiful. We hope both bills will become laws. Judge Boyd, of N. C, former As sistant Attorney General who wan in Washington, when the news of the collapse of tbe attempt to im peach the judges of the Supreme Court of his state wan received. Speaking of the matter, Judge Boyd said : "There could have been no other honest verdict. There was never any ground for impeachment in the first plaoe, but the places of the judges were wanted, and it was thought that they could be ousted by impeachment proceedings. What seems strange to me is that the trial did not attract more attention. If there had been an i apeachment of judges of any other state in tbe Union, there would have been col umns of the story printed with pic tures of the judges, of the Senators who formed the court, and of the principal lawyers in the cae. There were many interesting and evtn dramatic features iu the trial." Afcuinaldo lias taken the oath of allegiance.. His followors in this country have been lauding him as a second Washington and yet within a few days of his capture he "re nounces all his former patriotism and binds himself to his enemios, as be formerly considered them, of bis country. There is not much of the spirit of the Father of his country in this somewhat hasty action. I may be supposed that now tbe Fili pinos will give up the masquerade, that is all exoept those who are safe in Boston A' d other parts of this oouutry. This aot of "Aggie" is a sad blow to Mr. Brvans future hopes aud may be said to be very unkind considering all the Democratic lead er has said aliout imperialism. It is akin to tbe ingratitude of Bruta to ward Cnesar. It is confidently expected by the I'rf-sldunt and Secretary Root that the improved conditions ir. the Phil ippines will make it unnecessary to recruit the army to the full strength atuboriaed by Omgrmm. No orders will be iesued to stop the recruiting until (Jon MacArthur and the Tuft commission have btn fully hoard from, but bulb, the President and tV Sforetury of War nro fully da tioiuiiuij that no ni ne mtn shall be rocruiteil tl'itn Hie coiihuIitciI nb.so lntoly noivMsnry to itn'itf, (tie cotnli tions, and both will be pxtnintly pratifiod If tbe total of tlmnrmy car. De kept far ImiIow the uummum fix ed by OongreKfi. Neithnr wishes for a larse army nnlcsa it is ncctwsary. A recent isuo oi Hie World con tained a cut of Frederick Mink ac companied by hii article dated at Milford guying that in pursuance of a custom yet existing in certain be nighted parts of this Htate he was soon to be sold to the lowest bidder for his board. Whether the article emenated from bore or a near by town which is always ready to accept our trade and whoso scribes delight to belittle our people in the papers nt the price of so much per, niakis little difference. It is creditable both to the writer and tho paper and we should be grateful for the notor iety mid renew our efforts to give both a hearty support Our representative J. B. West brook voted against local option when the bill providing for it was on passaga Tuesday. Temperance people will have no doubt now as to his position on the liquor question. THt CHURCH COLUMN. Methodist Episcopal Cnurcb. Rev. 0. E. Scudaer, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES. Class Meeting 9.30 Preaching 10.30 Sunday School 11.45 Epworth League 6.45 Preaching 7.30 WEKK DAY 8KRVICES. Prayer Meeting Wed 7.30 Class Meeting Fri 7.30 CHURCH NOTES R miember the weight social next Monday night. Next Tuesday we leave for Con ference. There will be preaching at Scho oopee next Sabbath afternoon. Next Sabbath will be aster ami services appropriate to the day will be held. One of the interesting features of the day will be our Kust er anthems. Dr. Arthur Edwards, the editor ol the Northwestern Christian Advo oate, died on March 20th. He had been in the editorial chair for thir. ty-seven years; had been a member of the General Conferences ; was a delegate to the Ecumenial Confer ence l:eld in Loudon in 1881 ; and twuie Came within' a few votes of being made Bishop. He has been a true servant of the church and will be greatly missed. The following gains in church membership have been made in the last ten years. The catholic 2,508, 212 communicants ; the Methodists stand second with 1,327,085; the Baptists third with 803,434; the Disciples of Christ fourth with 608, 931 : the Lutherans fifth with 429, 085 ; the Presbyterians sixth with 306,068 ; and the Episcopalians sev enth with 179,129. These figures are taken from the report of Dr. Carroll, who is in charge of the United States census of churches. Tbe Pastor has been appointed to write o. memoir of Mrs, Wuisor and rem! it before the Newark Annual Conference. This is the first part he has had in the conference pro ceedings. When you need a soothing and healingantisepticapplication for any purpose, use the original DeWitt's witch hazel salvo, a well known cure for piles and ?kin diseases. It heals sores without leaving a scar. Beware of counterfeits. of Cod "Liver Oil is the means of life, and enjoyment of life to thousands: men women and children. When appetite fails, it re stores it. When food is a burden, it lifts the burden. When youlose flesh.it brings the plumpness of health. When work is hard and duty is heavy, it makes life bright. It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick end is food. Hut what is the use of food, when you hate it, and can't di-"f-st it!3 ' Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is thefood that makes you forget your stomach. If you havo rot tried It. send for froe bampla, it fcl eeLIe taalt will ui i you. SCOTT A- BOWNE. Chonilsts, 4Gti f-tarl Ctrtor, New York. tu., ,iJ il.tOiail iruKisi. LAST OF TI1E BUFFALOES. Thf Only Rfinnanli of the Onpr flrrni Herri. How In KoolmKlirnl .iir- According- to ft coropntnt ion which Ins jut been made ns to the luintbei of Americnn bison Mill in existence, only a little ovpt 1,000 of them arc left These nre scattered through private collections, city parks, sroolnjrical gar dens and a few government preserves. In the neighlMirhood of 200 ofthem.it iA estimated, are running wild to the vrest of (ireat Blnve lake. In Canada rioth in Canada and in the 1'nited States they are now prnrtienlly extinct. Fewer of them by far were ever in Cnnnrifl than were in this countrj , but In Canada, too, they have virtually disappeared, says the St. Ixniis diode Democrat. ThiR 1.000 buffaloes are all that are left of the immense herds, number ing' many millions, which roamed over the plains between the Mississippi and the Pacific in such numbers as to mimw the earlier explorers, and w-hich were fouiut even ea-st of the Alleghanies by the first white'settlei on this continent. Cortpz three and three-quarters centuries ago, on hi? arrival In Mexico, saw images of the pnimal among- the Indians of that lo cality, though hct probnbly never met any of thejn alive. Cadeza de Vacca and his three oomwintons in the eight years of wanderings which led them from Florida across America's dark crvrttinent to the Gulf of California, three and two-thirds centuries agr. were probably the first of white men w ho ever set eyes on the American bison. Coronado and his fellow con quistfldores a few years later, in their chaw after Qnivira's golden phantom.1 sow vast numbers of the "hnmped back cows." Spaniard, Frenchman and Knlishman among the explorers of the great west of the early days saw and have left records of the buf falo. Lewis and Clark's narrative of their Journey from the Mississippi to the Pacific in the early years of the pres ent century is enlivened by many de scriptions of the immense herds oi buffaloes which they . aw1 Horace Greeley, in his journey across the plains in 1859, saw great 'herds of them at many (MtintH in his course, one of which he estimated, by the area which it covered, to contain about 1,000,000. They were numerous enough in the later 60's and early 7)'s in Kansas to delay trains op the Kali ans Pacific railroad for an hour and more at a time in rrosing the track. Poalmcn on the upper Mississippi used to complain, within the past 40 years, that they frequently encoun tered numbers swimming across the river which compelled them to "tie up" for several hours at a time. The transcontinental railroads, however, ended the days of the buffaloes. Great swarms of hunters were carried out by the railroads across the prairies and plains, and vast numbers of the buffaloes were killed out of sheer wantonness. .Next to the Indian him self the buffalo was the most pic turesque and distinctive feature of the American landscape in the wilder regions from the earliest days down to a comparatively recent time, but both the Indian by seclusion in res ervations and the buffalo by death have been overwhelmed by the wave of civilization. A Soft Aniver. The very superior titilehlndy hml Mu rlioURly ignored the efforts of the shop ping person to attract her attention. Finally, however, the eomiesoended to ask: "Is anyone waiting on you?" "I'm afraid not." replied the shop ping person, sweetly; "my husband was I left him outside but I'm afraid he's become disgusted and gonehoihe." Philadelphia Pres. How It Happened. He 1 have been late to work ever) morning since my employer raised uij salary. His Wife Yes; now that we are able to hire a cook you can never get your breakfast on time. Judge. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. 'Koiunthlng New Under The Hnn.M All doctors have tried to cureCATARRH by the use of powders, acid vases, inhalers and dr-tgs in paste form. Their powders dry up the munuous membranes causing them to criu-k open and bleed. Tbe pow erful acids used in the Inhalers have en tirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes aud ointments cannot reach the disease. A u old aud experienced prae tltloner who has for many year made a close study and specialty of the. treatment of CATAKKH, has at last perfected a Treatment which when faithfully used, uot only relieves at once, but permanently cures CATARRH, by removing the cause, stopping the discharges, aud curing all lu fiumniaiion It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the aflllct ed parts. This wonderful remedy Is known as "rNUFr"I.KS the (if A RANTEKD CATARRH CI' RE" and Is sold at the ex- Itremely luw price of One Dollar, each package containing internal and external medicine sufficient for a full monb's treatment and everything uecenaary to Its perfect use. ".S I'Fr'LES" Is the only perfect CA TARRH Cl'KK ever made and is now recogtiied as the only safe aud positive cure for that annoying and disgusting dis rate It cures all iulliiuiiualiou quickly and permanently and is alo wonderfully quick to relieve H A V FKVKR or COLD iu tho H KA 1. CATARRH when neglected often lcud to CON.SUPTIOS "rN I'FFLKri" will ave you if you u&e it at once. It Is no or dinary remedy, but a complete treutmeut which Is pobitlvt-ly guaraliKH-d to cure CA TARRH iu any form or stae if ua-d ao onling to the direction which accomiJauy each package. Don't delay but send for it at ouue, ajid write full particular as to y,ur condiciuu, and you will receive spuc Irtl advief from the discoverer of tlii won derful remedy rcttatdiug yourcaai without cost u you b.-vond the rt-guinr price of 'NL'Frl.KS" the "Gf AUANTKKO CA TARRH CL'RK." Seut prt-pnld to any al'.ills in the foil ed .Slatei, Or O luulauu rec-ipt of One I),il lr. Aii.li-..-.- Ih-.t H sTb. KDWIN' H. i. U.K.- ft. tiMI'iiS V.S-mu iiml -j.4 Mark et f"-Li(-el, l'liliall.-ljjlim. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An In? nlmtn Trcntim-nt hv wMrh IrunK arriR rr t4it ( nrcd thill? In fplln of 1'htmfltvp. No No Ion Imp. No Weakening of tbe Nfrrrn, A rit-mmnt anH Font five ' C'nre for the Liquor IlnMt. It I generally known nnd nnclcrstiHHl tlwit Drnttkentusft Is n dlsvne nml not wiMiknoHg. A IhhW (lllt'd with puirten, nml nerve completely shuttered by periodical or i-oiifljmit use of Intoxicating liquor, re quires nn antidote capable of neutralizing and eradir.ntingt.hl8 poison, and destroying the craving for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themRelreent home without pub licity or loss of time from business by thir u underfill '"HOMK (idlil) Ct'HK" w hleh has I teen perfeeted nfier litany years of rinse rtudy nml treatment of Inebriates. The faithful use uncording to drroeffona of thir; wonderful nibcovery Is positively guaran teed to cure thu most obstinate case, no mutter how hard n drinker. tnr records mIimw the marvelous traiiRformaf Ion of thousands of drunkards into sober, Imlus irhms and uprltrht tneu. VY1VKS t I KK VOI R HXSHANM)S ! ! t'MILDKKN VVHK VUI HKATHKKS ! ! This remedv in in no sense a nostrum but a peolflc for this disease only, so skillfully tit-vised and prepared that It Is thoroughly xoluhleand pleasant to t he taste, sot but it can Ih given In a cup of tea or coffee, with out the knoweledge of the person tnklnw It. Thousands of Drunkards have cured iheinnelves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and "made temperate meu by havlnu the "(T UK' ad ministered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in collet! or ten, ami tM'Hevc touay tney uinnnttnncd drink lug of t heir own freewill. DO NOT WAIT. Do not le deluded by npparene and inis leading "Improvement Drive out the disease nt mice and for all time. The 'HOMKHOUJCrKK" U sold nt the ex tremely low price of One Dollar, thus plac ing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others costing 45 to oU. Full directions accompany each pnek "ge. special ndvlee by skillet! physicians whi-n requested without extra charge. Sear iprepatd to anv part of the world oil receipt of One. Dollar. Address Dept. H KDWIN B (ilLKrt & COMPANY. l;iO and 2:ttt Market Street. Phlladel) hla. All correspondence strictly contidential. KHAKI AS A LIFE PRESERVER. A. Fart That Has Been Demonstrated In the noath African and China Win. In the Century, under the title of "With the Peking Relief Column," are printed a correspondent's notes of the fighting in China, by Frederick Palmer. The writer la eloquent on tlie advantages of khaki as a iini form. He sayR: "The accuracy of the Chinese rifle fire is amazing. I noticed that the bullets were knocking up the dust in front rt our men after theysprang over the mud wall (where the writer was) and charged bctokb the thousand yards between the mud wall and their present position. That is alwayu proof of pood shooting. I snpjtose that the Wels'h fusileers must bridge the break in the line where I can see no blue points. They are in full khaki. Our marines and the Ninth t'he Ninth, so far as I can learn, is in a cil-de-sac on the other side of the road from the marines are wearing their b'.ne shirts. (Theoretically, all our regiments In Wie Philippine are In full khaki. Virtually, none is ex cept those on police duty in the towns. For campaigning, both men and officers prefer the blue woolen shirt, which absorbs perspiration In the daytime and keeps off the chill and vapors at. night.) The British blue jackets are completely In blue, with white straw hats. The French ma rine Infantry is in blue, with white helmet. The Russians in their white blouses, with the average field as a background, are as distinct as the week's washing on the line. As for the Japanese, the white crown of their caps make so many bull's-eyes as the little fellows bend to the double in a charge; and the .Taps are so cleanly that, umike the Russians, they never allow their white to be soiled and become "natural khaki." The advance this morning, when every man except the fnsileer was a moving target, if viewed by the home staffs, would be suffeient to hasten the adoption of Unakl by all the arm ies of the world. After South Africa, one would expect at lenst an attempt to discolor white helmets; bnt every army get Ita reforms out of Its own experience.'" - Advantages of Edaeatloa. Successful Farmer (whose son has been to college) What was all that liowlln' you was doin' out in th' grove? Cultured Son I win merely showing Miss Ilrlghteyrs what a college yell is like. Farmer Wall, I swan! Colleges Is some good after all. I'm goln' Into town to sell some truck to-morrow. You kin go along an' do th' eallin'. N V. Weekly. The Wro(f frort. Mr. Subhub Out of work? Non Hiibe! you could easily get work if you wunted it Hungry IiipiiiH Well, ter te.H yer the truth, nm'uin, what I'm looking fur 1b a snap. Mn, Subbtib A xnwp, eh? Here, Rover, Rover. Sic im. Philadelphia Preew. The Grateful Maid. Young LadyGive me orw 3ard of why, hmeu't t ueen you before? Shop AhKittant Oh, Maud, can you have forgotten me? I saved your life at the lieatiidi! last sununer. Young- Lady (varnily) Why, of course you did! - You may give me two yard of thi ribbon, pleatse. Tit-Hit. ft. Haekbller. Mr. Johnaon Did you remawk at de club hut night dut I looked like a lob ater, sub? Mr. Jac kaon No, uli; I am no back biter, euii! If 1 wit-hed to catt any a persionti upon de lobbter family, 1 fcbould go right to a nbh-market and do it tratght to deyr facet, ubt Dut' my style, biih! Puck. 1IU Niuic fur II. "Johnny," buid Mr. tiyzain, lr. Doce haa left his caic of medicines and Instrument here. Ciet ou your wheel aud take it to hi ortice." Whereupon Juhnoy mounted his bl rcia siid delivered the cae, with this reuiarkt "JItre, doctor! You left your rrpali kit at our huune." X'uck. i i ) 111 A ........... JT. .,,aK., , Many a school- (ill 13 OUIU IU be lazy and shiftless when she doesn't deserve iiVthe least bit of It. She crn't study.easily tans ask-p, is nervous and tired all the time. And what can you ex pect? Her brain is being fed with impure blood and her whole system is suffering from poisoning. Such girls are wonder fully helped and greatly changed, by taking mm Hundreds of thousands of schoolgirls have taken it during the past 50 years. Many of these girls now have homes of their own. They remember what cured them, and now they give the same medi cine to theirown children. You can afford to trust a Sarsaparllla that has been tested for half a century. II M ksM. All ranlstt. If your bowels are consti pated take Ayer'a Pills. You can't have good health unless you have daily action of the bowels. II cti. a m. One box of Arer's l'f Us cured my dyspepsia." L.l. Caiwill, Jan. Ml, IBB. Bsth.H. f. Wrftm thm Doctor. If you hs.e S117 complaint whatever and deilre the leat niemctl advice jan can coialhlT receive, write the doctor freely. Von will receive s prompt re ply, without coit. Addreil, j . v. a 1 r. n, 1, (1 wen, mm. In tho mater of tho en- ) In the Orphan-' late of HL Tii S. H ILL, Court of Pike deceased. ) County, Poiinn IN PARTITION. At nn Orphans' Court hold at MITtord. on tho ISth day of Match, A. I. b"U, ll tippt urliitf to tho Court, from tho rot ui n of ihe Sheriff and the Jury of Inquest, under i heir re peel ivo hands and sen In, mado I he loth day of Kobiunry, A. U 1WU, to th o idor or writ, of lutiuosr, that tho inrtto in said writ a mod had heon severally Mimed, (as many n choso being present), i hut l ho property described in the said . rtt cannot Ih parted nnd divided Into -I ui res to necommodate tho parties entitled vvii hunt prejudice to or spoiling the hole I hereof, hut thnt the sntue can Im divided into pu pares, and that the "aid Jury o Inqnisliinti hud therefor divided aid lands and promises Into throe purparts a d val ued unit Mpprnhted each purpart as follows, to nit; Purpart No. 1 at $9,500. Purpart iM. 2 at H0U. Purpart NY. 3 at wK). Amounting In tho aggregate to thn sip of Four Thousau l One Huudr d DtiHui'-I (94.100.) On motion of Alfred Marvlu, Attorney, for tho poutaujcr. the Ct tirt tlo order an " decree that tho aforesaid 'iiuNlttin confiriuod, aud that a ruin dlreoted to ih phi i ies interested as in said writ of inquei mentioned, and nil other persons iutfi eted, citing thorn and p'w of th m to Ih and appear lie fore ihe Judgos of ?iU Or phniib' Court to lie held at Milford h'o aid, ou the firt M.miiny of Juno next at tw j o'clock in tho afioru(M!i, their an then to accept or refuse said real os'nte the valuation ho, ns aforesaid, mitdo, -iiow cause why thn same should not Mild, in on so mid pin ties shuld ii j, loct o refuse to take and accept the i.ine a aforoMiid, Valued and nppralsod; sah I nil to lo served (KMsonnlly upon tho pi.rtie In interest wheresoever the snmu may Is totind. if personal service as nforo-nH litM and may be practicahlo; aud lu tho dent of failure to so serve personally as nloro Kttid, then by publication for sis succ- fslve weks In the Piko County Pies',' a newspaper published In said ('otinty of Pike, nnd by mulling to each of said par ties n copy of said paper containing said uotice to their rcspcctie Post Oil ce ad dresses (nostnga prepaid) at least twenty days prior to said rottirn dnv of km I rule. HY THE COl KT. Pike County, ps. . . From tho Reord, J SKALJ Mnndi With. llltU. y J. J. WEST BROOK, JR., Clerk C. To Belle O. Hill, Mrs. Ella J. Davey. and litiuii J Dnvey. hur husband, Mrs. Jessie It. Kreiu h, nnd Ralph H French, her hna band, huth Hill, Wlmilirvd C. Horn. Krm nle Hill, John C. WesthnMtk, guar d'an ad litem of Ruth Hill, nnd John Wlnfred O'Neill, Fred W Hill, Ernest U N. ill ai d Mrs. Ix)uIko O'Neill. Triu-e. K VANDEKMAKK. Sheriff ' Offloe, Mllford, Pa., ( Sheriff. April 4, 1901. ,i. 17 II UuW DO YOU EXPECT TO BUILD? THEN SEE A. D. BROWN and SON, Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of Uumber, Contractors and Builders. Estimates made ; personal atten tion given and work guaranteed. OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pa. il.incry largest and finest selection of Mil linery. Our designs me the latest, and juices lowest consistent with good work. COMPLETE LINE OF INFANTS WEAR. II. IR SWITCHES AND BANGS IN ALL SHADES. All orders promptly attended to and natisfuction guaranteed to all our pa tions. . SALLEY G ENNIS, 70 Pike Gtreet, One Cent a Word. For r nrh I n rt in... N A (ivt-rtifttitt-nt ttthn for Icnr limn t rciitn. I'AnH tun ft a i-mjii. 1 y hi) riif-rn. Adilrentt 11 K K ( OI M V I'HK.Sf. m it.i-uitp, r A. If'H SAI.K. A Nimill furni lorn tod nor .M.MHinniiis. known ns the Hrtiwl or H itn ha 1 ill pliirr, contnf ninfr SI nr fr'im ly IiM Mir!, woll wnt.jml. IIouhp mid on rn. Ki uit t if nil kind. I'nrt Improved. Title rh-nr. Kor trnuR. pttro. rtc.. fuMrofw Look !x ii Mllford. Va THKSPASS NOTK'K.. Nut lev Ih hmby pivui thnt ircpMRKiiiK on thr proiiiiKon i, up.rd Iit tho uiHior:iftnod in UinwinHii A-ii'-hip. known hk th Ititohnnnti ftirtn t hntii iti(r. lisliiitfr, Iwrrrlnji or miy othor mposo vlmtovot ih fortiiddou untli r poii nMyof 1I10 Inw. Any pot-son nr p'-ron df'-.-N-j In this not loo will Iw doalt with in the M-vorost Inwtn! innnnor. (iKOl.OK H. McCartt, July I, iai7. IHitre. TRKfiPASS NOTICE. Notice Is horoby (i-i von that iroKpHKsing mmn tho south ern hull of ihe trart of land known rh the William Denny, No. IW.l n Shohola town ship, for humiiifv'. fishing, or, any other purpose, alho Mvspiissing ou Saw kill pond In DinMian township, or, tlnhtnff lu It Is forbiUdou uudot p iialiy of the law. M. C'l.KU.ANI) Mll.NOH, Apr.5.m Attorney for owner. prKEsrA4SS NOTICE. Nolluu In horehr A niven that trehpaHsinR upon the pro- uerty 01 me fonw . utRf aksociiuiou in Iaekawnxen townt-hiti. ike oountv. Tf.. for tho puipou of huntlnfr nnd tiHhinjr, or any otnor purpoHo lh sti tolly toroittuoii un der ptnatty of tho luw. A LEX ANDEH H ADPKN, Nov. 29. 1WI6. Pnnidont . TKESPASS NOTICE. Notice m horohv J. piven thnt troHpnssinn: on the protutm-s of tlie tmdorHipnod, situated In Dtnpinan township, tor any ptirpow whatever is strictly frhut(lcn, ana nu ortf nUors will rtc promptly prosecuted. Iha B. Cahr, Oct. 24. 1HW5. NOTICE All liiintliig. fiRliiitfir or other tiospnsRiiifr 011 tno prt miho. oi liio uinior Klfruod. In DiityniHii Township, on Hay mondskill and Dumfsklll rookn. lh for hlnden uudoi pomiltT of I ho Imw. lTIIAh J. lH)l.fc.At Dininttn Twp., N. Hoii.rau. May 17. JoHKI'H V lioiLKAt TRESPASS NOTICE. Notleo heteh Klr.'ii thnt trcspnsi-li.fr upon the pro 1'O'tv of the uiidorsiuni-d tn Miltoid lowtt- -hip. Pike ootiuty. Pa., for tho pm pose of nuniinfi'. i.iiiiik or any otnor pinpos I- Htuol rj 101 UltHlou uiitlor pcminy or t:;o in w MKfl. S. M. ("liAFT PIC1PI.ES my wife had pimple on her face, but he hn bem tukioe CASCAKfclTS aud they have ull Uiaappea,red, I hud boon troubled with uontljNition for somu time, but after tali infr ine tirat t awnret i nave uud no trouble with this till meat. We cannot sr-ak too high lyof Cnscurets." Frkd W a rim an. 5708 Gurmuntowu Ave., PhUadolphia, Pa. rlesiisnt. Palatable. Potent. Tart Good. Do Oood, Never Siuken. Weaken, off Grtpe, MM. 2i0, SOo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... attttttti lM4t CMpiif, rhlta, awtrr!, Trtl. Mi CMITiimouj lUbIL kOI4. BO TEARS' V EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks -a Designs r'rff COtVRIOHTS Ac. Anyone wendlnB; a skrtrb and rttcr1Ption mny niilcklT asrrtnn mir optnion free whether an tnrentlnn in pmhniily pntentuhle. rommunlra tlonn utrlctly oonntnttriL HnnrtlKioli on I'atenU aenl free Oldeint airenry for acrurms patent. I'nteiita taken thnmith Munn A Co. reoelT tprruu notice, without etinrve. In tbe Scicntuic Jir.tf.can. A handsomelT lltnfit rated weoklf. Larrrat if- ciilBtlon of ahr nctentinc Journal. Ternii. H a T"r; rnur montba, L Suldbjall newn1enlra. rilNN&Co.38'-" 'New York annch liltloe. r Rt.. WwhlDvKHi. D. O. Marks. '',Coviichts. Ttilrtr-onT J tlw pmrtt'- Opinion u tn Tlii1itr r.d rtntllity. Write (nr-hnok ol li,.tni,-': ii.arid r(enrncrt. ElSUN BHOaVU IP tnrt. Waeblngtoa. D. & Parlors Yfp$ CANDY LJJ CATHARTIC . V TWADf MANN MOTlMO ... T 1 Port Jervis, N. Y. Business - Cards. F. W. DEST, r.1. D.. IS Ball Street, PORT JERVIS, N. Y DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. 9 to II A. M. Office Hot. rn 2 to F. M. 7 to 8 P. M. WILLIAM B. KENWORTHY, M.D.V riiysician nnd Surgeon. Ofilro ntl(V rt.RllliMK'1. HitrfurH Rtrpt It home Intt'lT orf'iiilfd j lr K I). Vn- ' nor. MILKOHl). PA. Dr. von def Heyc e, DENTIST, Brtt k HotifP Oppot-ltp ViiittlrtriiBik l otel riruno sm-t't 0llliottl t a. OFFICE HOl'KS: 8 ttrlSn, ni.j 1 to., p. m. . .... H. E.Em tiion, It . L. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Brca Street. John A. Kipp, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, OFFICE: ctpesite Court Hcisr, . Mil.roHii, TiKk Co., Pa. J. H. VAT y ,r TTCf i, Attorney- i -. - Ltiv, OFFICE, Erevan's Euilding, Mll.KOHli, I'lKf ( (I., I'A. CHOBCH LI It LCI OB Y MILFOhO. .' ii:m l liKMH tKltiAN v. Hi Ht , Millun, . til -I'litl. M-rvur. nt Kl .lti A. M. nml J.iki M Milil'iitli M'IiihiI IlllIlilMlititfly aftrr -,,-HM.iiim M-rvlt'f. fnijfi nievtiiiK Wnl iin in i hi i- m A ti.nllitl Wfltoiiii i ui 1 1 I'Mi i.tiiti tn nl TIiiim' mil nt :..rlllll Intillii'l r ll tl l't"llt H rl VHIHtilt I ly 111 lliil Kk Tikimap' Mt'ltiiLH. I'aslor I HI lit H (if TIIK (itMiJi r-HKI Mll f it:: r-i ivm .- .-tiinln) i,t iii.h, A. tt. Hlin l:iO r . riiiiKluy si In ol nl 8:J5 T. u V-iki:.v h.itiif Kin'iij HI H 46 A M. IK ' I ll li lit n n .-l.liui.j nl 7:4f, A M -iflll-. f.l'l' At II ' ' 't I'll t'llll Kfv.l HAf. li 'AI:-TKI.. Ricl.il to r. i;nt i.tl, . .-ii r iic, ut th,- M f. i It II It'l. .Mimlll)) . I'iriirliiliu At Hi .Hi li 111 llllll lit ', Ml li. in. fr.ni li,y xk,1 -I II :45 111 KllHIIIlll H'liLTlll "ll ti.4fl li. Ill nUi p"l.Yl i I I III I V hi A J' 111 't illi.-- it Y, I lH MltiS r ti ll I i ll'r' iniutlit-it-ii i V -! i i) - nt 1 : p. in a', ' " ' !!: : iiuy i.' ' ' I . 01 tilth 1 . i 'iirl. r ' V rl.r. , ,. III. Ml.itli IIHI't tll- I -T . ;ii ' 111' I llllt. I III .- I.. '. 1 miH'tiiif; W n j. Kvi-ryniH i ii'iiim l: I:k. . 'I -I KM H i'. .. I Kill I K A M I i i n iiri.l ii -i'i ji i in '.i-iii rilit; nl li.. a. n .. 1 ' 1 , . . l.l -illiulil lit ;t li In .i;.J.,i,. I I, t i'' iinii l . K. prnyi't nullu m uiin iVi' i vn iiifr wrviw. i'.l ii k pniyii tin in. , every WikIimmIh.v t-veiiini. m' 7 :. mm. free. A unltiil virnnn- ti. nil linn. HBV. I' H 1 II I Y 1 ii ii.i Secrf Societies. Mii.Kokii LtiiM it. Nu. H44. K. '& A .V.. LiMlp- nii'i'tH WetlneMliiyit on or Ulnr. Kull MiMin nt th Walliici! linil.l i n. Mil ford, Hit. N. Kmrry, .Ir.. Set'y, Niillur ; Geo. A StMMilhT. W. A)., ililfiiui. Vah Dki. .Vakk I.hm.k. J.ii K!f,i t . !). K: .Mi i tc I'tirj '1 lii.in n i i t ji , f i 7 So ji. ii'.. jTi wn'it Im.Ci'i 1 ji, h Hornlitili. hi y .'iirnt N; t jvi I v i. Pnt'lMk HkHhKAII 1,1 It.r. i'.iT. I ll O. r. Mi'i'li" rj i mi mm intii tl K i. iliiyn In I'm h mi'iii in l.'tli. hi i!i v ' li. : ', Brown- i tiililinir AH. Knthii. ii Kli-ln N. li Mllr W iilnllllil'H llei , fw'l Cheapest Cloth ing H o use i n Port Jervis ! C-ANN0N;:;& . MULLIGAN, 6 & 7 Fi()NT STREET. undclvus iogrc-pKc-R ' ; AND DKALKtUN -- Photo Supplies, Developicg, Printing & Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. " 7H ilk 8imm, ft.n Jttrvio. N. Y.' TTTIT. PiTEXT E:ci Idaaj 1 " 1 ' ku.v t wm-.uj t-rfJ b THE fAittil HtCUHll, fcuOvrlluil Ut t U fi(Mtl K4MM6 ityt fctsMMMfc