PIKE COUNTY PRESS. FlilKAV, J1AUCH !.". 1()t. I'l'MLIHIIM) I'.VDKY KHIDAV. oi'Firir, iiiiown'r miunNii imuAimT. sriisci(ii-no: (Ink Vk.wi One ilnlliir nuil filly cents. Mi x' Months Seventy-five cents-. FTIMCTI.V l-N AMVASrli. Kntrrril nt t ho post olllm of Milfnril. IMko ('tunny, I't'iitisylviinin. ns wi'nml class mutteri Nnvi'iiilnT tWBiity-llrnt, lwl Advertising Rates. Oiit'iiiire(cliiht linos), mielnsi'rtlnri -$l.no K.lch niilisoiiiont. Insertion .(! It, '(lined rules will Ii" furnUIiitl nn np-p'lf.-u.liin, will lie allowed jeurl.v lulvttr tisora. Legal Advertising. Adniinlstmlnr'a ami Kxecutor's notices Auditor's notices ' ' Divorce not toes - 'i. SliorilT's siiles, Orphans' court snli-, County Treasurer's sales, County state ncnt anil election prnclimintion charon by tin1 Mijum-L. J. II. Vll Kllrn, I'l BI.ISIIKIt, Mllf iril. I'ike County, Pa President Scott, (if tlio Union Iron Works, of Sun Fianciso, wliich built the bfittli'Hliip Oregon nml ia build ing tlio Oliio, which l'reaiilmit Mc Kinley is Ruing toee lnvmoliod, who is now in Washington, saiil of the President's trip to the P.ioifio coast : "Wo nro going to linvo n big time whou tlio Ohio is lnunelieii. Tlio people out our way nro all anxious to seo the President, and they will give him a great voeoption. We don't often have n Provident as a visitor on the Pacific const, and we are going to nuvko tlio most of our opportunity. If Mr. McKinloy iliitw not have a pleasant time, it will bi barauso the people of California have forgotten the art of entertaining, and we would not like to think we bad." If tlio muddy condition of the roads continues now ia the time to work them. Any material placed on the roads while in such n state will become firmly bedded and when tlio high ways dry off the surface will be bird and soon become smooth. If gra vol is placed on roads after thoy become hard it very soon crushes and makes more mud. The roads should bo rounded so that water will not lio on them. This is one of tli.) prime requisites in good road making, and if done even poor material will make a fairly good road. Wo have received the Ynlo Uni versity prospectus of the Bummer School of Forestry, which will bold its sessions at Grey Towers this summer opening July 8th and con tinuing eight weeks. It sets forth substantially- what was published in the Phksu last week regarding the school and Us objects. It is emtat lishod with two illustrations one of tlio cottage near the Towers whic) is for the sclurol and the other the house corner of Broad and Harford streets which it dononiinates the Milfonl Village Library. The Philadelphia Press strongly condenis the proposition to mnk Carbon ii'-il SVa.yno sepirute Judical Districts and to place Monroe and Pike together. It thinks such an arrangement wholly unnecessary and that it is only u scheme to make places for more judges, for which there is no need. Carbon by her population is entitled to a judge but Wayne and Pike together barely have the requisite number. It thinks .donroe could well lie attach ed to Carbon and this district left as it now is. During the recent tlinw, nml rnin, many of the sidewalks in town were in an nlmo.st impiwsablo condition. It would seem that the attempts to ninko decent walks of gravel where they aio much used have been fully demonstrated to bo fallacious. On the main streets flaS'-'iiiKonly should bo used. It would bo cheaper in the long run and would enable people to travel without ouch serious incon veaieu'.'e as they now exrierienoo. Senator Frye, who lias anaiti beeu liuiiore;l by a unaiiinioiis election to be President pro teiu of tho Kmiato, says he will devote a portion of the (.'uriirressionul recess to preparing a new shipping hill, which lie will use iiis bor.t tTioris to put iiirouh at the next regular session of Congress, in oidt r to t've American shipping the chance it desi rves to keep pace w ith the American industries that now 1. ad the world. THt CHURCH COLUMN Methodist Episcopal Church, feev. C. Scuilrior. Paritor St'NIlAV SKUVIChM. Class Meeting 11 Pruaehing 10. Hundav Behool it. Epworth Leagtle B. Preaching 7. WEEK 1AY SEliVK'KS. Prayer Meeting Wed 7. Class Meeting Fri 7. CHURCH NOTES Tlio topic for onr next Lenten Meditation is, The services of lifeV journey. We are greatly pleased at the special interest taken in tliesn Wednesday night services. The topics for next Sabbath are. Religious Dynamics and True (lieat ness. There will be preaching at the Union school house next Sublimit aitcruoon. The now organ in use nt the Sulm copee school house, adds very much to the interest of the Sabbath school and preiicbingservices. Theservict of Miss Rochotto, as -wrg.inist is reatly appreciated Forward should ever bo the watch word of the church as well as of tli. world. What can we do to make onr church more beautiful, and our services more helpful? Theso an legitimate questions, and if answer e l in the christian spirit, they will advnnco tho interests of Chrisli kingdom in the entire community. The Itov. T, II. Mackenzie gave us an address wellworth hearing Inst 1'nesdav night, on the religious life of Washington. Ho took the post Hon, that it was the character ol Washington that made him great, md that his character was tho pro duet of his religion. The nddre closed with a contrast betweei Washington and Napoleon. The heritage that Washington left hii country was religion and peace, while the heritage that Nnpoleoi left France was irreligion and war. Wo are glad to Ree such a lnrsir number of our friends from the sis. tor churches, and wish to express onr thnnks for their contribution The large number of dimes received, with a few larger and smaller coins nude an offering of nearly ten dol lars. 1 The most effective little liver pills made are Do Witt' little enrly risers, They never gripe. Get What You Ask For! When you ask for Cascarcts Candy Cathartic be sure you get them. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. A substitutor is always a cheat and a fraud. Beware! All druggists, ioc. f-N fLM"T" TOBACCO SPIT You can be cured of any form of tobacco using easily be made wplt, strong, nirurnetic, full uf new life and vicror bv takinor NQmYfi.RAti. ' " "J that malcea weak men strong. M;uiv nn iv niait.L-B hhk men strung. .Many v;.nn runds in ten days. Over HOOrOOO All dmpyi. Cure Kiiarniitt-e). Ilonk aiid advice 1RL?K. Ad!res S I KRMNtJ cure i let KHMUUV CO, Chicago or New York. 437 IT Man is all right, if you are too fat; and all wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. There are many causes of get ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over work and under-digestion. Stop over-work, if you canj but, whether you can or not, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, to balance yourself wi :h your work. 'You can't live on it true but, by it, you can. " There's a limit, however; you'll pay for it. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for "can't eat," unless it comes of your doing no work--you can't long be well and strong, without some sort of activity. The genuine has A inis picture on li, take no otner. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its a greeaole taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemista, 409 Pearl Street, New York. -7" 60c. and $1.00;all drUiSl3. 11 A rcrsis- li tent cough is at first a . :' friend, for it l ;., wain- ingoftheep- j proacn oi a ucuuiy ene my. Heed the warning hef . re it is too late, be fore your gs be- m t in- WW"1 flamed, he. fore the doctor says, "Consump tion." When the danger signal 'first appears, help nature with ( ? Don't delay until your lungs are sore and your cold settled down deep in your chest. Kill the enemy before the deadly blow kills you. Cure your cough today. One dose brings relief. A few doses make the cure complete. Tlire ilte! 2?c. fnf in rdttinrr cold ; Mc. lor the herder coltlq $1.09 the not econnnilcal tor older cafe. " I rntiBldpr ynttr Cherry rprtnrnl tti lst rcm'i'dv fnr enhis umi foii(;lis niHl Ihr'tat RflPrtioin. 1 hiivp n.'il it for ao ycnrB anil It rertaiuly iM-atd thorn nil." 1. K. I.t MVFV, Dra. 30,1km. Dillon, N. Y. Wrftm Ihm Doctor. . Tf T'HI linvrqny roinplnlnt whnterfr nml .Ip.1i the b.:t llii.ill,';il Hdvioe ynu can r".l!ilr rorelvp. wrlln the ilnctnr frfo'iy. Y,u will roi'lvt-a prompt ro. Iijr, H Itldnit rc,r. Atl.lrf., I'll, J. V. AVIili, LcikoII. Mm, A -- -' A -' A - Oil cloM" nml linolruniH at W. & (I Miti-lirlls. tf Miiny porsfins linvo lmil tlir pxppr lonreof Mr. IVtpr Sliprniflii, of Nurtli Ntrntforil, N. II., who says, "for 1 sulIVi-Ptl t' rtnro from cliroiiic in tlifiostion lint koilol d,VHppisin enre tnitilt, ii wpll tnnn of nip." It difjesls wlnit yim out nntl is H pprtrtin curp fur dyHjH'psin mid vpry form of iloniiip'" tioulilo. It (ivps rrlipf nt one evpn in tlie worst pusps, nml can't liplp but do you good. A m Kl.u.lwtn ISA Drartlita. Genuine itamped C. C. C. Never fold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to veil "lomething just as goou." FIVE TWO-CENT STAMPS will put you next tho VANDAL... an interesting mag azine of criticism . Send for one to-day. No Free Copies THE VAN D ALL, 5226 Butler St., Fittsburg, Fo. License Applications. The fulluwiiirf Miinlii-Mtions fur lirt'iis hnve been filed In l he illice nl the (Terk nt luiirti'i' N'Kiims (if Pike enmity mul will i e prcsenti'il In tin1 next Cnlirt nf (Quarter Si'Kslmi.i in ! In-Ill Mairii IS, liml: dklawahk- Kruni'ls Merdor. Knmlitl) Villi (itil'ilnll, i'liilip K. Kulnier. niNCMAN A linn Seliiiiiiui. K II I'oillntiii, W i I i 1 ti lit Met.. LACKAWAXKX- Wi'iL-(fe A KKton, Kintiiet II Asher, Atibiiisti. Hrtistailt, All" rt liimliti.it. LKHMAX Martin I.. Harli, Clara Olli-nlii'illler, M1LKOUI) 1IUHO l)i. Jul, n Kelly, Liillise .1 Krii-il, .Inliii H 'tliiiruiuii, .Ichn H. k, Pii-rie M . Nilin, Kredt'rick A. Heck, Mmie V. 'i'isut. PALMYRA Chira J. alien. pohtkh- Charles W. Cert right. rUIOHOLA .IdIiii Vuplit, Jr.. .b hii H I letllllaull, Maiy l-'uller. WKSTKAT.L I) It Allen, 'lit'iti.ina .llleller, Martin I ielit, Peler Ki'U, 1 .it fin jf. i 'ikey, Klo ll K tte him. JOHN (j WK.-'I iiKOOK. .TH . Keh'j- :i. ltKil. t li rk. Court Proclamation. State of PeiinM lvtinia, ) ('(unify of I'ike. v Xot h e ih hereby given to nil pet noim hound by reo uiiiiiec r oi Imi b-e to tp peaj'. that the Mftrrh icrin, liml, t)l the sev eral coin t a of Pike county ill tie held at rhe Court Hou.m'. in tlio hoiohh of Mil foi d, on the l hint MotohiV t 11 h ) " - O'ehnk jj in and wul be nuiiimii'il one week if ii.tv.Mirv. K. V A-.liKHM A UK, Milloid. Ffb'y 'M, I'.tM. MioiilT. Executor's Notice. Estate of John Pi reival, Deci-a a. I.etlL'id of Adiiiiiii--.fratiin c, t. a. on the? I above e-title ha e been niMiMrtt lit the. lin ! ilt ri'u U, all prisons iodeblctl to the said ; estate n re i e(( 1 .e-.; eO to niiike p.i v inetit . and 1 l hoe having t 1 alius to present i lie sune Uvithout u Jay. lo W M PEitClAL. M.iiainoru.-., Pa. Or I o his al toi in v A LI HKD MARVIN. ESQ , Poit JervU ,. Y. Man-h rt. l'ed. :i (k!f ,71 One Cent a Word. For litMrUri. N A rt vi rt iKim-nt Inttrn for lent thftli 1 .1 t'ftitft. AH mutt twi ninsi.) hl onlrrn. Aitilrt I'l H K rl M V Ml I- iS, Mil MUtlt, I'A. PA LR. A stniill fnrni litrntH noni M nt niiifii s. known (is thp Ilt-nsl or Rfinhfirdt. j1h cnntniiting ! I iutcb Finely liK-ntrd, well wnlcml. Hniiw nnd burn. Kruit f if till UIihIh. 1'nrt hnpitivfil. Titlt' olrnr. Knr terms. pi'U, 't. adrlrnfip LK'k brut R MUfuid. n. TKKSPAHS NUT1CK. Nuticn Is hen hv jfiven i hat trvspnssinj tin the pri'inist'. , npi tl !y the nnuersiuned tn Dininrin .vnshlp. known mh the ftiM'Imnnn farin r hunting, (lshin, liecryinK or imy othet nrpnse w hntevcr in forhiililen nnUcr pen 'Ut of I hp Imw, Any perHon or person li eol hv i njf this nntitt" hr delt ft ith n tliP sevtuent. liiwftil mnniier. (iKoi(,K II. McCAHTV, July 1, 1HU7. Lessen. IMiKHPASS NOTIK. Noliep Is hrreltj iven that r pi-pnssinp upon (In1 south ern lmlf f the trnel of liind known nn the Willhun Denny, No. t n Shoholii town ship, fop limiting, fishing, or, nny other pui poe. nlso trenpaKiiiK on awki'll ptnl in l)infrnmii township, tir, fishhiw In it i forhitlden nndet peiuthy ttf the htw. M. Cl.KII.AM) MlLNdR, .Vprlfrlm Attorney foruwtier. TUKSPASS NOTR'K. Nntiee Ih lierel.y (riven llial trespaslitr iipnii tlio pn'i perly nf the 'ni-esl Lake Annelni inn in 1 jickawaxell tiiwnslilii. I'ike ennnt v, Pa.. fill' the )mriii8e nf lintit inir anil (ili i lir. nr hut inner titillinw is RtlleilT till' ill ell mi tier penalty of the law. Al.fc.KANIlKH IIAIIIiKN. Nov. 22. 1S!lfi. ' PrcHiilent. rI'KKSI'ASS NOTICK. Nntien IB heri bv 1 itivcn tlmt MespusKlnp en the ireiniM'8 nf the tinilersiriieil, sit liatetl In Ilinirinali township, tnr any purpose whatever is tiicMy forhltUleii. and alloITi iidei-8 will In proniptly iiroseeuted. I It A H. UASB. Oct.. at. lw5. N DTI I 'K All InnilliiB. flsliltiK nr other irehptiusitifr on the pretniseH of the under pinned, In iliiiinnii Toynshlp. on Kay- iniinitsKiii unit uiMirlsKlll l reeks, Is fm hindeti nntlei penalty of the law. rii.ss. .1. lion.KAi;, Diiifiinan Tp., N. Hoii.kau, May 17. 18fi?i. .Iokki'H K Holl.EAn. IHKSPASrt NOTICK! Nnlln is hvvvhy Miv.'H that rnjm-isltiff upon the pro Mt'rty nf t lit unlM-sium 1 In Millnid town- -hip. Pilu; rnunty. I'm., for tlio purpose of miiiiniif. iisnini; or any otnrr pin puses l). rAirieuy lurniuurn under pontilty or t f:e Inw MllS. S. M. V It AFT. Notice of Application o Incorporation. In he Conrt of Cotninon IM(n for the t onnty tf Vike No. Us Docvinher Term. Notirn Is herrhy piven Mint nn iijipUrn tlon will ho innde to tho Kaiii Court. Hon Georuro S. Fnrdy, lnw jl'iltfe thereor, on the lHth iny of Mtireh, A. 1). liHil, nt three o'elork p. m. of sniil duy, under tho "Cor poration Art of one ihoiienml oiiiht linn dr) unit Hcventy ionr," nml tlm stipple meius thoreti . by Jhn H. Thornton, .f H VHt brook, (-foorfft E Hrton, il. K. F,m eiKon. Paul N. lioiirniqno nml othern, for the chiirter nf an Intended corporation to he railed, "The Pike County Driving Park and Athletic Ansoelntioii." tho chnrarter and objert of whirl) Ih to promote the In terest h of horsemen nnd plrannnt driver,; (he ndvanceniunt of hot 8 breeding and rarJnixnnd thp encouragement of all ath letic HpurtR ainrprovhlo and maintain a park and place therefor with track nnd other faeilitica for friendly contests of ipeiil in hoife raising and trottiiiK; nnd for plnvlnp Golf, Hiihp Iatl, Tennis, mul other paineK, r.nri the pnjoymir and exer cise of all indoor nml outdoor innocent amtiscmcntfl and athletic sports; and for these purposes to have poHsess nnd en joy all the rights, benefits nnd privileges ronforroU by 'he snkl Act nnd Its supple ments. The proposed charter is now on file in tho Piuihohutnry h ulth o. M V. T. 1UKKR, Milfonl, Pa., Feb'y 21, liml. Solicitor. VOTICKIS HKHKHY GIVEN that lin apilieation will m ninde to the iiov ernor of Pennsylvania on '1'hursdav, March fHth, 11H. by P. F. Hothennel, .Ir., John Crawford. ,lr . ('harleK U. Stern, .1. Harry Canip, .Jess Vouoand Frank M. Camp, under the Act of the tienernl Assembly ot the ('Ommonwcalt b of Pennsy Ivania, en titled "An Aet to ProviIe for t he I ncorpor at ion and Heuubtlion of ('ertain C'orpora- tioiii,'' approved April 'ith, 1HT4. and the supplements thereto, for t he charter of an intended corporation to bo called "Pike Water Power Company," the iharaciet and 'hji'ct of which t the supply, stoiairi and t ransmis1iiu of water and untcr pow er lo I lit -public for coiiiincreial manofa't uiIiik pui poert, ulontr the Wtillenpai'.pnck ti'Hi K ami irinuinries, which is the hotiu dury between Pike and vayne Counties. I'ennsyl viiiiia. And lor this puipie to have, posses and enjoy all I he i iuhts. benefits :ind privileMes of aid Act and its supplement. Fit A NK M. C A M P. 10SKPH f. F1XLKY. No. II 10 Beiz It IV, SolicUrs Philadelphia, lJa. Widow's Appraisements, The lollowlng apptaiementH art ap rt to widow have lnen filed with the Register ami will be presented to the next Couit to he held on the third Monday of Match next for con lit nu.i h u : Folate of ,Iu..tin Nilis, dre'd, apjiraise meiit of "et-Mtnal e-tjitt set apart lo Julia A umi.- ta N li. v. idow. Estate of Levi i-osiy, doe'd. nppr;ilst mcni of real estate set epuri to Klizatielh Losey v idow. Estate of Lewis Spni'fivnhrrg, dee'd, in ventoiy and appi aift ntcnt of personal es tate tet apart to widow Roslllu SpniiKen heiK. JOHN C WESTUHOOK. .1 R , Register's OlH- e Wiltord, Pu., t Hi-ginter. Feb'y lw, I'.ml. ( Rsgister's Notice. The follow ing acco ntH hnve hern filed it li ( he Krif-ier ami w ill t nroeuteil to the next Conn, to be hcid on the third Monday of Mutch ntxt for contlrinalioii nnd allowance: Eft at v ot W i 11 bun I)ov ny, deceased . The account of Tin -ma Motrin, Km cmur K-ltue tf Sat ah lii Ikco. tb c d. '1 he hist and nnal aceount ol tieo. E. H ntou, Ad miuist ralor EMali; of John A. Labar, dee'd. The ac count of Daniel Labar. AiiinuiihiiHlur. E tale ol .loiiti H Newman, der'd. The aceouni of Ebj..h Vanih mark . I'rutee. Jt)HN C. V KTBKOt)K, JH , R.-gUtorV iHlire. Miltotd, Pa. i Ri-Uter. Feb'y lii. l'.U. S Administratrix Notice. Ertaleof (ieoryc A. Hill. Decrad. Lett-r- of Adinini-1 ' .it ion c. t. n, tl, h, n, on l .e tihnve e?-l al e hti e been anted to the tiluicir-igll" d. all pelons llulehleil lo the siiit oi.iic mc ui'i.csted to make pa meiit, and ilm- IimMiih claims to pre- relit lite ran.e ii hopt ilei;iv, t' MRfv liELLE t;. HILL, Attnn, i-tiiitrix, M a' a inoras. Pa. Or lo tier ui tot nev ALFRED MrtUVlX, I'ort Jervis.. N. Y. Eilu'itte Your Huwcli With Catcarvta. CuiHiy Call. mile, cuio conm lpa ion foieier. lOv, :-:h;. 11 v.'. C-O. ti.ll, Urusi.n. r.luiul ujuury. BARGAINS! . HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Lot us name a few: Fine, solid oak bed room suite, $17.50, Parlor suito, $20.00 Rogers, best, triple plated knives and forks, $3.49 doz., All wool ingrain carpets, 49c yd., Tapestry brussels carpet 49c yd., Full size bed blankets EVERYTHING to furnish a than you can buy it elsewhere. N. Y. FURNITURE CO., 92 Pike St., ' .. Portjervis. PEOPLE'S NATIONAL Pn'illP IkmI Mmit .y, Wr -nrsitny nit K I dnv, 1 In rt nlliv n llin. ftrt-h i-v- NEW YORK pry - other - 1nv TRI-WEEKLY on davs of isene on days of isenr n ii d covering news of i he ot h er three. It con tains all iuipor TRIBUNE taut foreign ca ble news whicii nppentsln THE DAILY TKIHl'XK of same date, also Domestic and Foreign Correspondence, Short Stories, Eh-tfant Half-tone Illustrations, Humorous Items. Industrial Information., FashlonNotes. Ag ricultural Matters mul Comprehensive tnd reliable Financial ami Market reports liPKiilnr subscription price, f 1.50 n ,ear. We fuiutsh It with THE PHES for 2'y per year. Send all orders to PIKE COUNTY PRESS, Milford, Pa We have the Largest and Best Lino of Rubber, Leather & Felt Boots You wish to select from This "iid"' and 1. will liny n pair of men's good Arties before Tuesday. r f-4 IV H. SCHAFRANSKY, The IT-TO-DATE CLOTJIIElt! Iig laigians in Jlcn's, Joys anil Childrcns win ter clothing:, boots, shoes and rubbers. All the latest styles and colors in Overcoats and j suits kept constantly in stock, also in our furnishing i i . JAWIIU UCJIiM IIIH'IH. All kinds of felt boots and rubbers. If in need of anything Jn our line we can save you money by trading with us. 15 Front Street, T)ri'ss iinikintr iii nil 1 riiiuln'M Will tu to tlie liuv.se or (liitiie wmk Htlintne. .Ai'dies l aky I 1 1, wiu, niiobile Hiivskill Mill, Milfonl, I'u. 47c a pr., Wall paper, any kind ,2c a roll. house abcut 25 per cent, less FAMILY NESWPAPER Punished on Thursday, aod NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE k now ii for near ly Bistv yenth in evei ptiit of tin Inited Static as a National Family New-- p ii p e r of tin hluheSt I'lHH for fanners and Villauers It eon tains nil I In most Important general new s ol THE DAILY TRIHUNK uj tolhchom goin tn press, an Agricultural Pepart mcnt of the highest order, has entertain iiK reading for every member of the fain lly, obi and young, Market Reports, whirl are accepted as authority by farmers an country merchants, and is clean, up-io-dal lnfcrcstlng and insti uctlve. Keuulnr subscription price, f 1,(HI a yeai We fnrnUh It with THE PRESS f $1 (15 per year. L. Port Jervis.. AFRANSKY. Port Jervis, N. Y. Di-WittV liltle Hrly risors are (liin.ty liltle ills, lul they never fiiil in cliiiiise tlie liver, remove ohtruc- tiuus nml iuvigurute tLu systuiu. Business - Cards. F. W. DEGT, M. D 16 Ball Street, PORT JERVIS, N. Y DISEASES OF THE EYE AKD EAR. 9 to II A. M . Office Hours 2 to A P. M. 7 to 8 P. M. WILLIAM B. KENWORTHY, M.D. l'liypician nnd Surfcon. DflliT and re'hleiiee Marfoid street ll ht'tiip lately oeinptitl hv llr K H. Weli ner M11.KDK1), I'A. Dr. ven der Heyde, DENTIST, Ri irk Iiotie Oppoite Vnt t!i in ail- It tel lltoan Mr. ct a.Hlo-d 1 a. OFFICE HOt US: Stolen, in.; 1 to p ui. H. E.Em utoi , . t. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Brca Street. 'ohn A. Kipp, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE: opposite Ccurt Hcrr, Mil Kdllli. 1'IKr t ll.. I'A. J. H. VAN E.7TELN, Attorney-at- Law, OFFICE, Ercwn's t liiidir j, Mll.K(iHI), 1'IKK ( O., I'A. CHUKCH D1EECT0RY MILF0K0. MUM l l(K.-H i KI1IAN '.'HI III II, MiKnm j 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 scrvicr. Ht.,Ht a. M mid 7. HII F. I Sulilitilli srlioiil I II i ii ii' ! i m t ) v iifti'i- !.. iiH.iiiinj siTvirc I'rnvii iniiiiiii; SchI- 'M III 111 7.tf V M A I'tirilii.l ....I........ nill lir fxti-ntliil to nil. TIhwi. uni nt. Iinl to othrr i-liurclii'K nn- .'sni'i-ijillv i.. viiiil Kk Thomas iciiiii k PiiEi,.!. ( Ill liltl OF THK (illllll HKI IIKUK, Mil. " - Sri vlci i- fniiiilnj i.i iii.; a . M . nun T :m I'. M Siimlny s In o) tit l.mt m N i I'k oi.i si rviru Y ililnj in Id a m Huly i I'li'tiitlliluh Mimiiij hi ', 4Ti a M -Ms I I'l- Al ii. wi'lri.nip Hkv (Has. Ii. ( aiiI'Kmkk, liici.ir Al. (i. (Jm iiLH Si.Plivs in ilu. m d. IlllUill ."MMMll.ys I'llllllllllK I Klifli ii. iiii.i ill i Hi p iii Mil lay siliiml i .1:4ft i 111 Kliuni I ll li'iiiinr r).4ft I. m . klj lili.Vi I llil i IUI(J n . Wi'illli slllivs ..i p. iii ( ihks niiviiiiit i hkI in i id n in AiiKlcnn rriiln at 7 ii p. in An iuiii-sI inviliiliiiii is rxli inlid in Hliy.ii, ' hi. limy ili -lrc Id wurslisp ivilli us. Kkv (! K :i iiiikic. I'ii ii.i MATAIK0RAS. . I M l. ll .1 K ( HI , l ,. Xnilill l,!, . I 'C. ! IA- 1 .1 i. J L hi (l.;,( ,11. 1111. . Ill Sulilitilli -ci nt ;ki (' r mi'iiiil. .!innlii .vii iiiji hi ; .a ( In,, in. i linn Tin . diij niiv in T I'mii" iici'iiiiir Wi'iliii'Nilnv I'vi'iiin ai 7'. vi-ryniii' '. I'lciii'ic. Hm I . M'KXcKi. II. IK KAMKIIIAI ( HI l ll. AWlll his. I'ii Sci vi. i'r in xi Mi iiiln j us fnl i,. iriu liillf; III In (1 1 n III. mill ; p. in .Mm ny m liiiiil at tf . iii .luniiii c. j.;, iH-fnn 'ixl ('. K. prnyi'i iiuvtiiift aftiT the rvi n mir si'rvicc. . 'l-ntvk prnyi-r ini'i'tlnn very vv cu licsdiry evcmiiji al 7.11. Si'nt fri'.. J ''iiruinl "icdiiic tn all. (nine HKV. C M I.ii.i.y. Pn.ior. Secrf - Societies Al II.KIllllt I.HIM K. Nil. HII, H". A; A M, . I.mllfc IlliHts VV I'll iiistav nn nr lufnn H ull Mni.ii ai tli. Viill,u',. 1 1 1 i 1I i ii w. Mil fnnl.t'n. N Kiihtv. Jr.. Sit'v. Milf.ir.' (4io A S.cH.il-iT. W . Milfni'il. ,' Van Dkh M.mik I c.ih.k Nn o 'I. Y' : .Mi'iis r i-n 'I lini'Minv cvcnii.j . i 7 .'di p. in . I'l-i'wn's hiiil.ii'nx I' H. Hnl'llllt-rk Si j .In. nil Mi ( inev . (, I'm iiKSiK Hkiikkaii I,iI(IK. IW7. 1.(1 It. K. .Mi'cts I'vi'n K.i-i.iKl nnd fnurtl' Ki-i- 'liiys in cncl ml. m (i,,l Kcllim-s' Mail, Hr n .nil, In, i, Kni ,,i, ..,. Kl-iii V Mis- W ill,, In, in, Hi'i k Cheapest Clothmb H ouse i n Port Jervis ! 5 4- r FI'OX I STIiKKI O 11' 1 i -V-l -H n , P KcicqrcpKcH AND DKAI.KK IX Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing & Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 7 I'ike Stru t. P,.ri icrvis. N. Y. TTT1T9 P1TESIT Goad Ifej 1M VI mar te iteturr-d bv our aid. AUdret, THE PATENT RtCOhD. Bttltimur. Hit