I ..,,(- It . '."s frtWj. .aw (tlUUJ4j THE LANE INSTITUTE, THE LANE INSTITUTE CO. lias Broadway, 8. Jamea Build Ins, Naw York. For thi Treatment and Cura of LIQUOR, OPIUM AND MORPHINE HABITS. NO HYPODKRMIC INJKUTION.i 4 PRHFKCT HOMK TKKATMF.'JT OH fliNI TAU1CM AllVANTAHEB THE LARGEST AS SORTMENT IN TOWN OF Tobacco, Cigars & Cigarettes. HIGHLAND BRAND OF CANNED GOODS "BERT" WALLACE Harford : Street. i Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat Itartlflclally digests the food and aids pature in strengthening and rccon Tructing the exhausted dieestlve or gans. It is the latest discovered dist ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efliolency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures nyspepsia, indigestion, ileartburo, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. 6lckHcadache,GastralKla,Cramps.and all other results of Imperfectdigestion. Prapirad by E. C DtWltt a Co., Chicago. HARNESS Of All Kind and Styles. Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. Repairing ;-NEATLY done.- Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. L. F. IIAFNER. Harford St. - Milford, Pa. Table Dainties. Fresh groceries. Canned goods. Meats in every form. Turkeys and chickens. Oysters and vegetables. Everything for an elegant dinner at GUMBLE BROS. Harford St. Milford Pa. LIVERY STABLES. If you want a styiish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. D. Van Tassel, Corner Ann and Fourth streets MILFORD PA. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. Houses und Lota and lot. without Houatui. lltnlor lu nil aind. of Properly. Life Insurance aeent and Notary Public. All business given prompt attention. Office on Harford Street OiipociU) ufllue of C. W, bull. Milford, Yd. STATK NORMAL SCHOOL East Stroudfbnrg, Pa. tot s b c r .r 6 . e THE rAI.f, TF. (M nr Til I I'OI'I I.H 1NSTITI TION OI'KNS S HI'T. 4, I!MM. Thin Prm-tlcnl Truhitn whool f r lr,i' l n N Httiiiitnl nn ihn m.iin lim uf ihn I) Ij & W K K hi K.iit Stmii'lMlmrt, In lU llliUt uf Itl Kii'Ht I'l-M'irl-iif Monroe com". v . Seven fli-MMi finertu mim) "nnr,(. 1'n mrt'llert fnrlllttrn, ntrntig ftu'iiltv, lilffH ttnntfttril tnniiilitiiif ft, I'mii K rom-ln-fl frei. I MiiKpeft not oviM tTowded. No exi i rlmi'K' .iiimIh. Ii ro-l-. ymi fill, less per ycivr. V . mid nil the Hfnte mIi! to ntpiU. lie nut ehool (lint did this for the sprint? term In PM'ven yenr wo huve not ImhI h serioii i-e of rit'kne44. VA irutlmi, 4'otlijre I'r-f-tmrntury Hcwlnir. tiny MtiilelinK I'mlrl, tr.t without, fx in. clmrKi's We mtiii tuxtlfnn for our Knulimti1. For full imrtimihuH, cut :i Initio nnti Krl. free, ml'tre UKO. 1 nim.K, A. M., -:- I'rlnrlim) HOLIDAY GOODS TOYS, DOLLS, NUTS, FRUITS, CANDIES, Etc., ETC. A full line ;it A.S.DINGuAilS Brotid Hi., Milfonl, l'u. Try Our COMPOUND Syrup of FOR YOUR COUGH AND COLD. 2 Set J DRUGGIST. Life Insurance - - The JETNA offers special indnce nents both on Lifo nnd Endowment (Kilicies Stable., olieiip nnd proipt lnyinc..i of all claims. For information apply to Leroy E. Kipp, Agent, Milford, Pa Fire Insurance RELIABLE CO.'S Prompt payment of losses The old established agency of RYMAN -:--:- & WELLS, Milford, Penna DON'T yoa can Dectirca ol any lorm ! t.iuaan lomi; tmtly, b mMle well, trt'tiw. ini,..i.-' u-, full, f new life mud viiiar by tLiu,,' itJ-1 O-BaC, tliat mkt-. wcik inu t.irt,:iy M.mv 1' i ten pound In lea U-iys. uve-r & t) O 9 Oil ii cured. Ail druy i-s. Lure i I'.ira.u. . . 1. Wt and ijviu HtH. Ail.ir. -s s'. l-.Kl.lN'i iLHSdrtOlf CO., tliuto ur Ktw York. 4- Eucklm'l Aruicn Slvo Has world wine f ame for in irvel louscuri"-. It stir (lasses any ot'n salne, lotion, niiilinent or l.;ihn f.n Cuts, t'lirni., B;;riis, iinl-. Sore-. Folons. Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Klientn Fever Bores, Clinpped ll-iielh. Slvii Eruptions ; Infallible for !';!.... Cin guaranteed. Only 'J'm at all (iiej x tores. Oil doll: nnd linoleums at 41. Mitchells. W. lite Fine Around the County. SM)YSH)N. In mv 1 i-"t I ineiitiimnl tlinl Sun uul Fiillor, of WiilpicW, hml !)i'c!i tnkeu to a N.nv Y'liK lnspitnl fur treat in 'lit I misunderstood mv in furiii nit ns In w is t ik in to tiio lios pitnl nt I'ort .1 ; vis. At 1 mt.re.pnrH lie wis sjeltini; tilling nie ly. A liill 1ms been iiitr.lnivd in'i Uonnro.is for tin payment ot )' n't si. ms monthly tout m 1 of nniii'lc . I ns Is 111) a- (1 inn. Tilt linMioil now nsi' l is -ivil o HUTili, nii.l tlio pen. sioner convivi.illy iii'Oineil ivmlil lm vo (inn e.inti lnotis spree inste id of ono eneli tnreo niontlis ns was the dsn nt Liyt iii the nast week. When a pensiniier heo unes uiiMble to oinitrol his Mipeti(o for ilrink mnl when that pensioner neoils evmy (1 iil.ir to on e liis home eomfortti ble it wouM he, tin proper thiiw; fur t tie propi -ielor of n lintel to refuse to furnish li i in ilrink anil H"iul him ho ne, li i t sue'i was not tlio ease lust week. Kickness is on the decrease, n nil in nearly everv e iso the patients tire i tiprovinx. () ir phys.ieians biive had their lmmls full, nnd will wel come n rest. The dance at the Ivivt in holel nn Thursday eyer.int? nlthiuish not largely nltend.-d was n urand sue. cess despite the severe cnlil. Every tlnrsj passed off to the satisfaction nf those inescnt and as dancing was kept up ii n 1 1 1 nearly il i vliiilil, nil had diini'iti!; in Uniir hearts content Clood order and uood musio made it il. asant for all, (inorjjn Williams will remove from the tenant house of 11. II. Everitt to that of ll.iniel II 'Vim near the Ferry t his spi inu. I I.i rtmiii (.'lill'ord, of W.ilpuck, has renled I ho Van Elteu farm near l'littli-H corner nnd will occupy tlie sanv Apvil 1st, Will li'van conductor on n trolley line i i Nt'W n li, came honin on H it urday last to spend n weeks vacation .villi liis parents. Mrs. Frank Merini;, of Will puck, is very ill nt present writing nnd faint, hopes are had of her recovery. Invitations nvu out for the tnar riaurn uf Krank O veil, of Newark, to a 1 idy of U.'llevillo, on Thursday of this week. Mr. Owen is a on of E. 1'. O.von, of Livtou, mid is engaged in business in Newark Etiuene Major, executor of the es tate of Francis Livtou deo'd will sell .it .veiirtue on Feb'y 28 the personal property belonging to the estate T'he assessment upon the zinc minen in Hardyston is not though to bo high enough nnd on top of that I am told that the B mrd of Assessors ordered n W rise upon tlio valua tion of Newton, and tnnt the order has been ignored an I if so, why? I understand Hint, our committee has asked for 1.400 for roads the coining year. Would it not bo a good idea to take 200 dollars of that money and expend in the purchase of wire and put, wiro fences on the West side of our reads to prevent drifts unci snow bills. The town t" find the wire and the owner of the land the posts. Ii wonlif'be a snv ing for the town for years to come. LElXiKDALE. Kveryhody und everybody's rela tives nre drawing logs for Frank K.van in the wilds of l'ike county. Mr. nnd Mrs. (). K. Simons were guc.-t.s of Burton Simons on Sunday. (jL'orge Killam, wile nnd niece, of l'aupac, were visiting I. K. Kell aiii on Sunday. Ide is under the doctors care, mid has been for the pat two weeks, lint is better. Mrs. .lube. Simons is visiting ut I. K. Kelhmis. A very little girl came to the home of llichard Bartleson and ife some three weeks ago. Mother and child are doing well. We have the sick nil around us. The telephones lire kept on the go us are Dr.s Ciipin und Simons. I) s'tor Simons goes with u sleigh, on foot, cru-v- lots, and round Hobin Hood's barn, but he gets there just the same. The sick ui li s vl liity on the teleiibone lines nre P. II. Cross und IZ?foln Mr- N"tl.a.l Grass, Karl, Olive VourLiioawavl 'and Cora Crass and Mrs. Wilmcr IIo.pson No. i line, bred Black, w ile nnd child, Ira Kellam and Arth ur Becker on No. 5 line and on No. Ii line ure two children of Samuel Si mons and wil"', who have had ty phoid fever nnd do not improve very f.ot. " I. K. "C. C. C." on Every Tablet Every tablet of Cascarets Candy Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C. Never soH ia bulk. Look for it and accept no other. Beware of fraud. ' All druggists, loc. See the new (lower pots and jardi . ijier. at V. & U Mitchell.. tf i.ii HY. Wooming ( trove appe irs to IhinU tnat I have a p .or -opinion of the Mople of Ihit tovnship. but the contrary is true. If I had to seleel n township in which the most straightforward and honest men in the county were to lie fi und to fill I he responsible otli.'es, that, would j lie ' 'in toivnshiuto which 1 wool. I first ! I :n o, and I know I would Hi id t hem . My criticism was not intended to apply farther than the lawful l ights of the I'ark Association, and the rights it has under its charter, which are just as lawful as llmse given by any other ai-t of our legis lature. The members of the Asso elation invested their money minor guarantee and they hive the lnmil right to its projection, and also the right to try trespassers on their lands hy its provisions. Custom may make law. but p -ople are nol b nniil by it in the faee of a p isiiive Mlatu'e and my contention simply is Hint the I'ark Association havii g a law, no matter bow stringent, bus the right to enforce it, and that people knowing this should not blame them forsodoing. Milford Borough by reason of its incorporation, has ordinances and other la ws which are not possessed by any other inunici pnlity iii the county, anil offender are tried nnd punished hy those or dinances. Why should any otn violating one of your local provis. ioiih he allowed to ho tried by nil' other than the ordinance he has vio lated? And if so in your case wliv not equally so with the I'ark? l'ike county's timber tracts tire about all gone, the population is de creasing and n superileial observer might say that we h ive a dark f tit ure, but thro is a bright side to il Under new conditions and with bet ter laws to protect 1 ind owners from irresponsible trespassers, city capi tal will come to build snnimei homes nnd put money made else whore in circulation here. O.i stone quarries which extend frotn Lehman to Westfall will nil be a source of revenue with n rail rnir: uu the valley nnd our agriculture interests nlong the river will ex pand. There aro quarries in thi township ns g od (is any in tin county nil they want is dovoloiie meut. Wo have gentlemen here to' who are fond of fishing and hunt ing, but not of work. They throw down fences, upset stone walls, ru on our kinds, steal our trout, shorn our game, nnd if wo only hud sonii such protection ns the Park his v oould sell rights to catch our fist and shoot our game to city sports, nnti who would gladly pay for tin privilege, and thus wo could secim some revenue to aid in paying tnxe nnd improving our lands. We nre right in fashion here with the grip. E. S. Wolf has removed his snw mill from the Wilson place to that of J. B. Shoemaker. J ; '-'I, r1 - ( ! -4 - This picluieis the trade imukof SCOTT'S lCMUI.SION, and is on every I mi lb; of SCOTT'S I'MUL SION in Hie Woikl, which now ainoiinl.'. to many millions yearly. This "real Iiiisiucss lias grown to such vast juopot lions, VrsiV-Beeatise the proprietors have always been most careful in selecting the various ingredients u:-e-cl in its composition, namely; the finest Cod Liver Oil, and the purest Hypophosphites. Sccoh:-Because they have sc skillfully combined the various ingredients that the Lest possible te:Hi!t.i are obtained Ly its use. T.n;-Because it "h; inaue si chiklrei. iu:iuv sickl delicate strong ?nd healthy, given healtl and ro.-y cheeks to so many pale, aiuc-iiiio g'irls. and l.ealed the lungs ani rs'ored to full health, so many tiiou-j litis in the first fctages of C):isu itipiiuii. Tf vm h-" e not Ined it. fen-l for free .ample, iU ay. ecu r l.i-le wiit .nri'Iiae v., u. s'.orr A liottst:, chemists. 4-V-i. I siS stree;. New York, aui ll.vj; all drugsiL. DIN i. MAN'S He i li.M yestresser wl O him been ill with typhoid fever is mound again. A Valentino socinl for the benefit of Hie Methodist church was held at the home of D. II. Middaugh, Feb. 14. So Tar 110,000 feet of lumber ha been sawn nn the Wilson side of tin bonalilsoii Inn s. Heeder Morgan who has been it for several week is slowly improv. log mid hopes to be well ngain by spring. CjksaR. IWUl'AC. A small blizzard Arrived here las week sweeping the snow from Some places in our mad nnd drifting it in others, making it impassible f tonne- in places. Our neighbors nre til1 complain ing of the scnrit.y of water nnd nn i .Mitred to still draw it from the liv it nnd larger springs. Adi Bono nnd Mark Edgar, ot Soranton, spent Sunday with the family of M. N. B. Killinni. ii. F. K illiain was confined to the house with the la grippe the greater part of last week. Mrs. CIiiih. Block is critically 111 with pneumonia. Dr. Simons is in attendance. Mrs. Herbert Adams is spending n short time with her mother, Mrs Agnsta Bennett. Mr. nnd Mrs. C, J. Sc.hlngor called on friends here Sundny. Mrs. El. Bittenbonder was in the place last week for n short time. Wilnior Clark returned to hi home on Saturday nfter two weeks stay at Bangor, Mainent which plao ins son, Ueorge, lias been serious!) ill with typhoid fever. We are p nsol to state that he left tb young man on the ronu to recovery I i spite of our tears nnd entreat ies Tommy has left lis to go nnd seek his fortune in the stnte of the lone .tar, where the enctus grows, the Texas steer doth roam, nnd the liz ar.ls bask in the sun. We miss you really Tommie, but our host wish. es go with you, nnd when you retun to the wilds of Pike you niny be sure f a heai ly welcome. Dkfvcto. M.VT.V MORAS. The school house (lag wns Bonn1 what torn by the high wind Lin eolusbirthdaybut.it is hoped wi ho ready Feb'y 22. The gentlemen of Epworth chnrc purpose giving a Wnshington sun per nt the church Feb'y 22. A vcr elaborate spread will be served am' each guest presented with a hand some 'sonvernir. Come nnd brint your fi iends. Mrs. D. B. Allen lias returned from Westtown. II. Phillips and daughter, Hut tie of Newton, were guests at the Allen House Tuesday. C. Bills lo'.l from the rail road bnd 'O Tuesday nnd was quite seri ously injured. M. Uch has put street lamp in front of his place of business which is it great public Ismeflt. Then should ba severnl more in the town The 15 cent tea nt Mrs. A. Van Ettens Thursday evening wns wtdl worth attending nnd was a pleasant id'air. Paul Kiame and family have tak- i a house on Division street. James Heater, of Sornorville lass., is visiting relatives here. The Valentine social held Feb'y 1 i at the home of Mrs. Frank Gunsiiul vas a pleasant affair nnd greatly en joyed by those present. Miss E nma Bnlman nnd sister Cora, are home from a visit to N.nt York. The J C. E. 8. of Hoe church enjoyed a sleigh ride last Tuesday iflernoon The L A. S. of Epworth church net this week nt the home of Mis (Jr. H. Largton. The rummage sale under the au spices of the C. E. 8. of Epworth church will be held March 21 and 22 Frank Blakeuy and wife, of Brook lyn, nre guests of her parents T J Ketclmm and wife. Miss Flossie Niles was tendered h pleasant surprise last Saturday aft ernoon by a numlwr of her liftb friends and all bad a merry time. Now is the-time when croup and lung troubles prove ri.pi.lly fatal The only harmless remedy that pro. luces immediate results is one min ute cough cure. ' It, is very pleasant to take and can he relied upon to qnickly cure coughs, colds and a' lung iiscuses. It will prevent com iinptiou. When the stomach is tired out it list have a rest, but we enn't live n bout food. Kodol dyspepsia Cure digests what, you eat" so that you in cut nil the good food you want bile it is restoring the digestive rrBin to health. It is the only prep ut tition that digtibtsiUI kinds of food. SPONGE CROP OF THE GULF. Oovemmritt V Itl Tn I r Mrmnrfi in 1elnp (hf Iniltivlrv In Ktnrliln. Th Mmly of the Jpotiirc flrUln of Flovidii In to bp mutrrliikm hy Hie ffnvptnnit'nt ivith 11 view In drvHnpinff , an hnnnrdint imhiMry. Flnrifln i the only pHrt of Hip I'tiitPfl St nlm pro ducing ppongm nf n coinniprcinl value, Kny k h Wnnhinptnn report. Thpre Are 310 vprt;')-i with more thitn 2.ixi0 men employer! in Hip tmlustry, nnd it is Rtimiited thnt the 1WiO-i'.M1 rrop will 2've a commerciril vnlne of $S50,00, &ponprR nre found on the eastern nnd went Pi n ronM. but nre more Hbun dnnt on the western cohkU mvinjr to the equnhle temperature nnd moder ate oVpih of the wnter and the nb Benoe of fiVree liurriraneR. Die upoiifre pronnds of the (iulf of Mexioo extend from the Florida reef to Bt. Mnrk nnd for n distHiice of IS ml!e from Bhore. The best npotipes In eolor, texture nnd size nre indip enouR to deep wnter, and at these command the hichrst prlres in nil markets the Rponpin vessel fre quently work for dnyR together out of aiht of bind. There would neem to be no reason why a flourUbing Industry should mfl be built up. The poverninent. hnn lieen no Rurressful in the vnrioiin effortR. it hnR mnde of this ehnrnrter thnt much 19 to be enpented of Its enntemplated work. LEPROSY IN PHILIPPINES. Fvllr Thirty Thon.anrl f'n.e. In thm I. land, AFeorrllnv to Fran el.ean Father.. An appended report to Oen. Mac- Arthur's review of the civil nffnirs of the Philippines for the ln.t fiscal year gives some rather startling facts re- gnruing the introduction and preva lence of leprosy in the Islands. Ac cording to the eRtimnteg of the Finn clscnn fathers, says Mnl. (iuv b. Kdie, the writer of the report, there are no leas than 30,000 leper, in the archi pelago, the major portion of these be ing in the Vi.cnyaa. Leprosy was In troduced in Ifi.'JH, when the emperor of Japan sent a ship with l.'iO lepers on board to the Philippine, hh r pres ent to be eared for by the Catholic priests. thus the seed wns planted, anil as no practical methods ever were adopt ed to eradicate the disense or pre vent. It. sprend it has taken firm root A house-to-house Inspection begun Inst January found more ttinn 100 lepers concealed in dwellings. 'These were sent to Knn I-Rznro hospital in Manilii, but many others escaped into the surrounding country. A commis sion is now engnged In the work of se lecting n suitable islnnd or islands for the purpose of isolating all the lepers in the archipelago. A Itemed? for I.eproay-. ' Ily using a lymph discovered by a Tarls physician, it is now possible, ac cording to reports from that city, to re generate the red globules in the blood of lepers. Dr. Metschinkoff, of the Pasteur institute, is the discoverer, and he thinks that when he has improved the serum he may be able to rejuvenate the organs of the human body. Hlarh-Prleed Cherrlra. At a dinner given by Count Boni de Castellane in Paris recently, dwarf cherry trees loaded with fruit wcr. used for ornament and the cherries foi de&rrt. The cherries, it Is said, cost four dollars each. The trees had been 'orced in hothouses. When Hello SAW A Full Line bf HOLIDAY GOODS A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF PURE DltUOS AND MEDICINES. FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. Soaps, Perfuinss, Propristary Articles And Everything Usually Found in a First-Class Drug Store. Preacrlptfons Carefully Compounded H. E. Emerson & Co,, g&T Next Dnr to Huti'l Fiiucher'. ww mm jliristffias4!ew Years w. J? Rnrr. tlntlnrai Altllllr. Ol'l lliirdensh l')e (Ifeiilnl to tnk yon o g Slniriilciiih Into liiisinen. with nil nn room hr hp nnd niy ilflugliter grt hiirk frmn thrir lioiir tiioon. llalllmi HoimIs - lint I thought you ariw lie pord in llir fellow. Old Iliirilcnsh - I d'nhrt nt flmt, but. I'vp chnngi'il my nind. I told liim lie couldn't linvp mv diinlitcr till he hml at lcimt t I.IKKI In the brink. Ho got me to put It In writing, nn'l then wrnt out nnd Inirrotvet trip t !.((' on the strength of heenming my non-ln-lRW. Snrli 1iiisIih(.k nbilit.v n Hint nuctn't be showed to go to wnste.--Tit-itits. The Srlf-rr-orlnlinefl NoTlee. "No." Plllil Iti nnco Ilnh, "we j( s' let thnt young tiller from the east alone." "He .reins linrmless enough." "Yes. Hut lie pais around nekin' people to teii-li him to piny poker. We've bein anight once or twice by hnt nmi low-down hvpocrlsy nn' we lon't Intend to pit keerle-n nny more." WsKliiugton Stnr. 1'eimll.r of llelnr. I fhmmht the entr rnrtee too ffrent Avfi o I i i'ir h t-iin It, A l""l rui-li' (1 in 't ii phw me welt A ti e he it whs who won it. Chlcnrro Tlrnrs-lli rnld. A Victim of Hml t.n. "What are yon lining?" Mud the clerk in the hotel. "Do i'" wish to stille yourself and die on our hands?" "What's I he matter vuth your "You've none and blown out the gas." "Nothing of the kind. I'm entil led to the use of t his gas, nin't I ?" "Yes." "Well, I can't get any satisfaction hy lighting it. The only way 1 can get my money's worth is to sit here nnd smell it." N. Y. World. Woikmg Osrtims. Eight hour laws are ignored by 'hose tireless, little workers I)r. ing's New Life Pills. Millions nre dwavs nt work, niirlit and day, cur inr Indigestion, Biliousness, Consti n t ion. Sick Headache nnd (ill Stom. nil. Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy leasaiit, safe, sure. Only 2."c nt all 'rug stores. Vfnw Are Yonr Klnneya t T)r Hnhl.v Si-ftrii'iii Pill. r-nrp nil klnney inn. Sam ple fren. Ailil. Klerleiw Heiot'.ly Cu.. ClilPHiro or N. V. To PATENT Good Ideas mny be sooirpd hy our aiI. Ariilrena, THE PATENT RECORD. Baltimore. Mil. nimriiiliiiK t 1 tic ptirnt Record i iu pur aaouia "Tor nix ymrn I xvnm m vletlm of pep.tt hi its worst form, i ioukl cut notlilne bin. mill; tfiiKt, :um1 ut tlniomny Ktonmch would lint roMin ruil dl'rf"-:t (ivm tiiut L.ist March 1 botfiin tiikiiitf CASCAliKTS ami stnt'fl then I bvo Kfoudily Iniprrtvcd, until 1 am u well at I ever was in my Iffe." David H. Muhpht, Newark. O. ppftiant. Pfilafahte. PnTnt. Tnntm Oood. T0 Ootid, N.vor Si!Koii. Wpuken. r Grife. 10c. Stoc. M)o. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SUrllnf Upm.? fmpHr, t kiff, HMrtrrsl. How Tort. 911 KO-TO-BAC Hold nnd Rtinrnnfofd by all rtrtif liall to I MK Tobacco lUtilk DVSPEPSA "BEST OF ALL FLOUR." FEED, MEAL, BRAN, OATS, and HAY. in need to No. ')., of any ot come to X1LL MILL, MILFORD, PA Broid Striata Milford, Pdnntylvanle And lots of them FOR G. MITCHELL'S, MILFORD, PA. V