Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, February 08, 1901, Image 2

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offick, urowm's m.'iuiN nwDir.
nrnHcmn n.v:
One Yeah One dollar ami 11 ft y centH.
Bix Months Seventy-live cents.
Entered nt the post, nlfiVe of Mllford,
Plko County, Pennsylvania, as noeonil
oIiihs mnttr Novemlior twenty-first, lN'.nl.
Advertising Rates.
Ono Riiar'(iitRlit II nos),nno Insertion -t 1 .'10
Eaeh Hiihwuuitiit Insertion M
Keduoed rates will be furnished on up-
f llciition, will bo allowed yearly atlver-
Legal Advertising.
Administrator's nnd Executor's
noticed - -
Auditor's notices 4.11
Divorce notices li-'W
Sheriff's sales, Orphans' court wiles,
County Treasurer's sales, County state
ment and election proclamation charged
by the square.
J. H. Van Etten, PUBI.IBHEIt,
Mllford, Pike County, Pa.
The township find borough elec
tions will be held Feb. 19th, per
sons will be elected to conduct locnl
affairs for the next year. The noin
illations are nmdo atid voters hove
an opportunity to select the men
best qualified for the respective of
fices. It Is simply K matter of ex
pending the taxes, which the people
pay, in the most judicious manner
and the men-most capable and will
ingly to do so should be selected.
If thore are men on the ticket who
will lend their voices nnd votes
to jobs or to the expenditure of
money for so called improvements
which will bear too heavily ou the
public they should be kept out of
the offices. It is proper that mi
provements be made, but it is also
proper that they bo made by having
regard for the taxpayers interests.
One of the most important positions
is that of assessor and only careful
men with good judgement nod fair
minds should be chosen. The re
turns mode annually to the commis
sioners show cases of gross neglect
and carelessness and if they wore
not serious would be ridiculous!
If voters are careless or hide
bound in sticking to the ticket they
have only themselves to blame if
inefficient and incompetent. or
worse, crafty aed scheming men in
volve them in a sloiagh of taxes and
The county commissioners recent
ly invited bids for printing the bal
lots for the Fobnary election and in
good faith the Pit ess bid $63.50 for
the work and the Dispatch htd 71 50.
Last Monday the two Democratic
members of the board awarded the
work to the Dispatch which it ao
copted at the figures bid by the
Prkss, While tho taxpayers receive
the benefit of this competition yet
we submit that there is, or should
be, after work is bid for a rinoiple
in the matter of awarding it to the
lowest bidder.
Notica to Purchas ia uf Tickets, Erie
Bailiott.l Ci mpa . .
All local one way tickets sold by
this company cm and after February
1st, 1!)01, will be' good only for pas
sage beginning on day of sale or on
next day. Coiiiiiieneing same date,
regular local round trip tickets will
be good for going passage beginning
on day of sale or next day, and for
return passage on day of sale or with
in thirty days next thereafter. One
way and round trip tickets Issued
prior to February 1st, 1001, and sub
sequent to December 1st, 1805, will
lie accepted for continuous passage
undo regulations In effect at time of
issue, tin and after February 1st,
1001, no stop-overs will be allowed
on tickets of any description, regard
less of date of issue, except regular
Hummer tourist tickets. I). I. Rob
erts General Passenger Agent. fl5
i- ixklen's Arnica Sal .
Has world-wine fame for marvel
lous cures. It surpasses any other
salue, lotion, ointment or balm for
Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores,
Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Bait Rheum,
Fever sores, Chapped Hands, Skin
Eruptions j Infallible for-Piles. Cure
guaranteed. Only 25c at all drug
Help is needed at once when a per
son 'a life is in danger. A neglected
cough or cold muv soon become ser
ious and should bo stopp-id at once.
One minute cough cure quickly cures
coughs and colds and the worst eas
es of croup, bronchitis, grippe and
other throat anil lung troubles.
Mothodis'c Episcopal Church.
RT. C. E. Scuri.ier. Pastor
Rl'NKA V SKHVtl'K.4.
Class Meeting O.oO
PrwichiiiH 10.30
KniiiliiT Bchool 11.45
Epworth Le.'igno 6.45
Prayer Mooting Weil
(Jliiss Muetintr Fii
I . 30
i . 30
rllfUCII NOTlr.H
The subjects for next Sabbath are,
Tho madness of the Prophet," and
Gods signals."
Tho exposition of tho Gospel nc
cording to (St. Mark is bringing out
some very profitable discussions, by
tho members of the Bible class. We
believe that the men of the congre
gation can find no more profitable
way to spend an hour, than by join
ing in these most helpful discussions.
Tho third chapter of Mark is tlie
basis for our next discussion. Mean
this before you come.
The new century homo book, by
Frank DePuv. is given to all sub
scribers to our church paper the
Christian Advocate. The books are
at, the parsonnge. If von take tho
Advocate, call and receive your
present. We will not venture a
review of the book, but will say thiit
it is our conviction that no one can
read the book and not feel a denier
interest ill the place we call home.
To make home the best place in all
the earth, for boys and girls, for
husband and wife, for all who enter
it 's, surely, a laudable ambition
Tho New Century Homo Book will
help yon in making a home.
Some familiar faces are missed
from our regular ' church services.
We trust that the ills of our physi
cal life will give place to general
good health, and that the remnirder
ot the winter may find us able, not
only to attend the services of tl e
church, but also to eng go in any
definite work that we may find to
do for the advancement of the re
ligious life of the community.
We desire to express our appreci
ation for the interest taken- in the
sermons on evidences. We believe
the people of Milford, at least appre
ciate the truth. We trust that this
interest may develop into life and
that in continued worship together,
that life may be developed and made
to abide.
Will Boom his Business.
8. Laval, a merchant, of Dallas,
Tex., writes: "1 thought I would
have to give up business, after two
vears of suffering from general debil
ity brought on by overwork and long
hours, but four bottles of Electric
Bitters gave me new life. lean eat
anything, sleep well and feel liko
working all tho time. It's the Lest
medicine on earch." It's a wonder
ful tonics and health builder for tired,
weak, sickly and run down people.
Try it. Satisfation guaranteed. On
ly 50o nt all drug stores.
Dress making in nil branches.
Will go to the house or do tho work
at home. A'ldres Mart Ludwiii,
opposite Sawkill Mill, Milford, Pa.
is destruction of lung by a
growing germ, precisely as
mouldy cheese is destruction
of cheese by a growing germ.'
If you kill the germ, you
stop the consumption. You
can or can't, according to
when you begin.
Take Scott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil : take a little
at first.
It acts as a
food ; it is the
easi est food.
Seems not to be
L od : makes vou
hungry ; eating
th.s pK-iute mi it, er. 1 alee more;
lake no oilier.
not too much ; enough is as
much as you Irke and agrees
with you. Satisfy hunger
with usual food ; whatever
you like and agrees with you.
When you are strong
again, have recovered your
strength the germs are
dead ; you have killed them.
If you have ncft tried it, send
for free sample, its agrticutlo
taste will surprise you.
"409 Pearl St., New York.
50c. and $I.OO; all druggists.
this illus
trate your
And are
you wor
ried for
fcT you
vv ;j
t l) u
are soon to t c br'J ?
; u r rg
vorry- If
is at
Then cease v
inrr. for help
hand. You need
something that will
Eut new life into the
air bulbs.
a hair
. 4 us .' a t
It brings health to
the hair, and the fall
ing ceases.
If always restores
color to gray hair.
You need not look at
thirty as if you were
fifty, for your gray
hair may have again
all the dark, rich color
of youth.
$1.00 a bottle.
All draftfata.
" I am a barber bv trnde and hnve
had a emit deal to do with your
llnlr Vigor. I hive feand time It
wttl do everything th:it yen claim
for It. It Ins gicn lno the nieHt
cnmiilete suttsfactten tn uiy busi
ness. " IlKSHV J. tlrOROF,
March 22, Ism). Kansas City, Mo.
Wrltm tha Doctor.
If oti (to nht. nMnin all thp-ben.'flt
jnn inMi-tr(i frem tlx' use of the
'iKOT, wrnf I Mr I tiii-mi it i
aaareii, uk,4.caioi,
Lor. ell, Mass.
Another Eitfrturpment Itrolien.
Tommy My sister Ethel has lots of
trouble wilh her teelh.
.Mr. Wappington Does she?
Tommy Yes; she dropped 'em on
the floor last, week nnd broke 'em.
Sonimerville Journal.
Husband It is a great pity that
women are not eligible us income tax
Wife Why?
Husband So ninny of them are ad
mirably qualified. Hnrlem Life.
The l'lot That Failed.
"Arabella doesn't look at all happy."
"No; she married a man younger than
herself under the impression that lie
would be more manageable than au
older one." Chicago Record.
(jlrlns Away a Jleeret,
"You'd better eat it slow," said John
ny to the clergyman, who was dining
w ith the family. ".Manunn never gives
ninre'n one piece o' pie." Chicago
Tribune. '
Horn tarkr,
''Tommy," said his gentle-faeed
grandmother, "you're a regular IMtle
glTitton. How can you eat so much?"
'Don't know, granny. S'pnse it's J list
good luck." Tit-Hits.
"I know it is said." nverred t'nele
Allen Sparks, "that every family has
u black sheep, but sometimes il isn't
a black sheep nt nil it's nn old goat."
Chicago Tribune.
Trifle flrfore m Fall.
"Did you approach that member of
the lcgishtt tire with nn offei' of pe
cuniary compensation?" said one prac
tical politician.
"I did," answered the other. "He
repudiated 1he suggestion with
"Humph! I'm afraid we'll have to
discipline him for acting proud nnd
hnnglity, and trying to convey the im
pression that he doesn't need money
like ordinary people." Washington
The Moruinir After.
Mrs. Jii(,'f;s (the next nio'i ning) Ho
you know what time you got home last
.Mr. Jaggs It must have been pretty
late, but an important busim ss t rnn
aetion detained me at the ollice, and
by the way, dear, did jou Bee anything
of my shoes?
"Yes; you'll iind them hanging ofi
tlie hat-rack in the hail, just where you
left them." Tit-I'.its.
Then and Bitiw.
Some y,i hko we dHily heard
Of the new unman buhl.
But now we jtrktmn hear a word
Hbe nitisi be ist ttlt:tf old.
C'ldraKO U.iilv News.
In fuiii plrle.
TTe()f roin-NH. you took in the doj?
show. How did you like it?
She I waa disHpjH!nied. I was
particularly anxious to pee one of
those ocean prey hounds, but t here
wasn't a fcinle one there. I'hiludtl
phia I'ress.
Notice !
Ntt ice is htr.'by niveii tha- an uppli-a-tion
tAill be made lo the (iovernor i-f the
Stale of PeituM-lvanm. on Tuesday. Marrb
fjth, I'.kH. by Many i'eii rs, Sainuel Turn,
Diaries . Wall are, .luhn S. Hchooiiover
and John it WiPiatns. under the Art of
Assembly of the i '(-nnno wealt h of lYrin
svlvania, entiled "An Art lo p.ovide for
10,.1101," approved Apni -u. k',4.
alio 1 lie su ppieiiien i s i oei et o. uir i l.e call I-
ti r of an in l ended 1 01 pono ion i o be ca led
I he W i hi mere Water Colo puny, the ehai ac
ter and object w hereof is t he supply, sou aire
or t ransportat ion of water or water power
for com inereial n od iniinufaet urili purpos
es in the it int net coin pi ie,t of t he low osl: ip
of Lehman, County of l'ikc and Mat- of
i'ell lisyl v aliin, a lid for these purposes to
l ave, po-sess and enjoy all the lights,
benefits and prlv ilexes of said Act of As
sembly and its sujipienieiiis
,-obcit. r.
flnshkill. Pa.,
Kcb'y 7, lull, i mill
One Cent a .Word.
Fur I iicll ItiM't-ttmi, Ni A l vi rl Kniiiit
taken lor le. than lr ci nt. CASH
inn-t rtN ..inpnt.f nil orilrrn. AH'Iri-M
I I H k IM V l lll vs,
MIIMHill, I'A.
IUH SAl.K. A small farm located near
iMaianioras, known Ms the ll.-tiscl or
Hoinhiirdr place, containiitK -I acres.
Finely located, well wnlered. Hon-e ami
horn. Krtiit of all kinds. Part Improved.
Title clear. Kortoinis, pi ice. etc., address
Lock box (j iMilford. 1'a.
'pHKSl-ASS NOTK'K. Notice Is herel.j
driven t bat t revpat-tnix on t he premises
; opii-dbv the litulersi tied In Diruroian
a i. -tiip. Known as the Itochanan lann
t ijintintj-. IKInnr, herrvinfr or any othct
t;r J use w hatever is (ortiidden tunle; pe'i
iMyof the law. Any peisotl or persons
disoticytnir tliin notice will be dealt with
in the severest law ftlt manner.
Ukohok II. Ml.'CAItTV,
duly 1, 1S(lT. Lessee.
THKSI'ASS NOTK'K,. Notice Is hcrelij
jrtven t hat t respitssinjr upon I he soot h
eiu half of the tract ot land known as the
William Denny, No. ttii.ln Shohohi tow n
ship, lor hunting, llshintr, or. any other
purpose, also t rcspassinp on fNiw kl'll jiond
In llitiK'nati townsh'p. or, listiini in it is
forbidden under peiuill v of the lar.
M. CI.KII.AMi Mil. Milt,
Aprlfi-Im Atttirney for owner.
rrHKS'ASH NOTICK. Notice is hereby
J- Kiven that t respas-lnir upon the pro-
oerlyofthe .Forest Lake Association In
Ijiieknwaxcn township, i'iko county. Pn.,
for the purpose of hunt inir anil llshin, or
any other purpose is strictly forbidden un
der penalty ot tlie lavv.
Al.KXAN'liKIt Hanhkn,
Nov. "2, lSllfi. President.
THKSPASrt NOTICK. Notice Is hcrehr
X izivcn that trespassing on the premises
ot tne uuitersiirncu, sit untea in mnizman
township, for any purpose whatever is
strict I v lorliiddeu. and allotfi nders will be
promptly prosecuted. 1 it A I). (Jake.
net. U4. imi,ri.
NO TK'K All hiiutlni;. fishing or other
trespassing on tile premises or tlie under
sinned, in lliticman Township, on Kay
inondskill and Dwarfskill Creeks, is Jor
hinden under penalty of the lavv.
('IIAs .1. HlllI.RAU,
Dingnian Tvvp., N. Hoii.KAti,
May 17, is;. JnsLi'il K Htni.KAU.
rP It ICS PASS NOTICK. Notice is herein
X giwn that trespassing upon the pro
pony of the undersigned ill Milford tow n
-hip. Pike county, t'a., for the purpose ol
hunting, llshing or any other purposes b
strictly forbidden under penally of I l.e lavv.
Mas. S. ,l. CltAKT
Administratrix Notice.
Kslate of (Jcorm' A. Hill, Deceased.
Letters of Administration e. t, a. d. b, n
on the above estate have been granted t
the undersigned, all persons indebted t
the said Cstnlc mt: lupiesled lo make
payment, nnd those having claims to pre
sent the same without delav, to
. MliS. UK.IXK C HII.l,,
Adml. istiatrix,
Matanioras, Pa.
Or to her attorney
Pott Jervis, N. Y.
Notice 1
Hi tii w' iiiTi ( 1 t'"' Otplums' Court of
DnrasP.1 'S A'lkoC'ou ly.
T, JJrUi? C. Hill, Mrs .1. Dtiv.-v, Mr
Kiilplt V, KhmicIi, Kinh H. Hill, Krwt W
Hill. Wtnifinl V. Horn, Krininio Hill
Kitrni'st. (.) iStml, joniti aimII, i ruMon,
Hiid .loliu (J. Visi hriiok, Jr.. (-iuitntiMi
Att litem of Until S. Hill and Jolm Win-
frcd O'Ni'ill minors, ht-li s nt law nnd next
of kin of liuth S. Hill, deceased, andtoall
others inuin'sted;
Vou nif nre. hereby notified that the Or
phans I mill ol said (.otinly awarded nn
iiniuest. to iiinki) paitition and valimfion
of eertnin real ttate t( I he snid Ruth
fl ill, deceased cohMM inoi Ihiee plots id
ground situate in Wesitall ttiwnship, In
saitt i ounry, aim mat. saui tiiouest win Ik
held on said pieniUes on Satinda-, tho 1M
tiny of February, l'.ml At which tiincand
pi art you tire retiiiehted to atitend if you
1 1. Hi K proper. to. V A A lr.i i M AUK,
Sheiitfs Otlit'o, aSheriff,
Milford, I'a., Dec 81st, WW.
By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias
sued nut of tlie Court of Common I'leas ot
Fikeco'Mitv. to me directed, I will exnost
r,. e.,1., I .. ..1.1.11,, a ,l.w. .r..n,r 1..
... run, i.i .1111111, Miiiiiir.n utiutv, in It
CoUrt House, at t he bor tmh (f M ilford, on
ary, a. i).t m,
at 2 o'clock p in. (if Raid dav, tho follow
Inir di'M i 1 1 vd ten) estate, to w it : All I hose
t wo certain messuage? and lots or pieces of
laud minute in the township of Ixieene,
the county -f I'ikeand State of V nnsvl-
vania. bounded and tlesciilxtl n follows
(o w il : Nn, 1 Jh uinnini; at a coi nt r ou
the public road Itatiinr t cotith Sterling
near a iji umo owi i in; j u t ic Miliar ti 1 1 1
cret k thence hoiitli by land of Art. Myers
ota' hundred cven tV ne half j crches to
stone coiner, thence west hv laud of Mrs,
Felt on and iem ue I .anmi one h undred
i w ent y-f-i'Vi'ii 6c a half pei '-ht s to fi stones
coiner, north by lands of .laccb Hoher-
tiaeker ct nl. one hundred forty-thiee 6c
a half pel dies, i hence ninth sixty-eiht dc
tfice by 1. nd ol ..aufcr& Houle'abotitone
hundred twenty seven Sc a half perches tu
I lie mure ot t K"iutitLr, com niionu much
nine acre, more or less, fitly nnesof which
nre cleared, the haiamo ynnntr umber
'I he improvements thereon i iiMht of two
huiiM'A ihr first one, one and a half Mora
bifrli, hs.x.iO feet, kitchen aftarlud bsx.'.
teel i-ih' him y bin h ; the tseeond one jh
f e! . one and a half stories Iry li ; bam
'.i-Jx Hi bet ; shed ;lv:u b ct ; liou-pen -jXR
I ret ; carpenter and olackr-nm h sin p l'i.:'
fi el . Well of wilier at l lie hai li a ix
spi iny ncai I he houe. 'imni oicliard 01
i lie pi im" ty and a sinnti M n am How
ihr- 1.1 h the premiM H.
No ;J lit prnnihtf at n point a little wax
f Mini t lie sell wieasiei n coi ner i. (he aim
kii U li act No. 1, theme soli')) itnee tie
KM es wesl one h limbed uinel. i n (V
ihl-tt U! htt relics to st lien coi ner.
; In me ninth eiu h'y .-ix and I iin c-tpiari et
(tcyleejs I ,isl fi X I CVCU Mills to s(nH- cut
in I', tlient- tioilh I li ice tlewi ces ta.it oo
1 1 u i til i rd and l v. ent naif l o : t oi:cs ct irncr.
and l hence Hoi i h t lbty-even dej:nr
.eM fi.Mj-n.-ven n-d it. (h,- phice of b -ftnmii.
coniaimsifi filty ai ies and tiiirij
- ix ( t rc!;ef, I w di I aci e t w inch a
eli an d. be ha lane i i ml nr. '1 here are no
impiovc men:.
j(fO, u o cei laie otiicr pices or parcels
of land .-ii naiu in h.r to n.-ip of (iieenc
alon--a'd. one . i lo- ioi i', :'i td I he divis
ion of the luir lot kno.vu as Howe ami
Kiiioi . nu iiiln it d on (he Vm inif.-inners'
bi.ok Kid. In urded ly h Is if said Howe
iV h liiiti i i a i i r- on 1 1 i iiort li jy o, ;Vt on
tlie t a-t I v No ( ntainii.jtf eighty-seven
ac u- and f-mm y : hree n-i che,. mot e or Jess.
Mnunl-'l he oiher 1 1 it y: lot known as
No IV on tlie i iov.e and KHioi. tract num
lii'U tt u a I on f it id (oniainini, ninety-six
aeien and tin iiuee - rcl.t -. more or lesf,
ai.d luiundi'ti on the l iiJ. Iy h( No, IS.
on iLi . af t by lot No. In and on tht
rouih hy lot No Hi and on (lie west hy lot
No. 11 of mid 1 1 net.
Heiztd and taken into exeention as the
pioj,. ityot Allien Niin it and & t Al
len Nijiii and oii t.nd vill be M.id b
me r.inlu K. VA.NUKHM hK,
heIilV-.s Mlbec, M lb rd, I'a , i
Ji-.U. .fl, !'.:..
KfO ll.o IH' flower j'ot" anj janli
bu isiit W. & Li liitclii'lls. tf
Let us name a fr.w:
Fine, solid oak bed room suites,
$17.50, Parlor suite, $20.00,
Rogers, best, triple plated
knives and forks, $3.49 doz.,
All wool ingrain carpets, 49c yd.,
Tapestry brussels carpet 49c yd.,
Full size bed blankets 47c a pr.,
Wall paper, any kind, 2c a roll.
EVERYTHING to furnish a
than you can buy it elsewhere.
92 Pike St., .-. Port Jervis.
Grand Clubbing Offer.
WP:h. I j (k 11 'V ' vil
I'ikrCo. Phkss, LmliiV World, Ainslcc's, MnnsoyV, ('osttioiKililnn,
" " " " " " " MKMniv'w, 4.15
" " " " " " Cosinoiiolitim, " 4.5
" " " " " " I,c.sliiH Monthly, " 4. if,
You tiuikc n sclccliiiii from onn of llio fmir offers, wliioli you ncikI tn
is, cni'lcsiim $4 15 nnd wo will Imvo tlio four ml'liciiiiuis m'iiiloil to thi'
uhscril)or for 0110 ycitr ; or oiich to yoiiiiiit(- piWIrcss if so ilohircd.
Aililicss 1'IKK ( (HiNTY 1'KKSS, Milford, I'n.
Pig liargaiiis in Men's. Bnvs nnd Childicns win
ter clothing, 1 tools, shoos nnd rubbers.
All the latest styles and colors in Overcoats and
suits kept constantly in stock, also in our furnishiiv
goods department.
All kinds of felt boots and rubliers.
If in need 'of anything in
our line we can -save you
money by trading with us.
15 Front Street,
EJU TO '"""'.V lifter mtmol, hiIIihk
Wall l'Hnr ( liamr 1 ! ipi w.
fowt ytii I.K-m than .T : ymi -II M,. n, for
loi, m i liar l llen T ol v r ;- rt U
niie. Yon en ti n.ahf 'i lo ; v rv cvt-it-
iIJ. ! rtl.S Hl-.ll U.alll'!, I riii i: Sttlllplt-
Hti- Jtl-; i, A); iO, t'tr; nr V (.r W.tMt.
AildrrMM, .1. .1. lOl, A S, No. Mi T nl (i r-,1
ntrrrt, I'ittslmiaf, I'a.
TA0 t X OtSICNS. "
Marks. vvcopvrichts.
ThMvsne -r a five praetlee. Ooininn eu to
vuli.lilv ami l.io-iital.iiiiy. Write For '(ink i.(
in-tnii"! us and tvlereno Et'SON bUO V2S
f street. U uhlngton. O- C
will put you next the
an interesting mag
azine of criticism. Send for
one to day. No Fre Copies
5226 Butler St., Pittsburg, Pa.
house about 25 per cent, less
Port Jervis, N. Y.
r N oil
Cavrin. and Xrade-Aiarks obtained and all I'M-'
y-Ul Vi,i'A colour Icl lor Modcratc Fec. I
3uh OFncc is Opposite U. S. Patent Oincr
f.u l wot i im-i me iJUitiiCio IcbS liuic UiMX taottc?
J.Xi niu fr .in Vt'it!:iir;ton. ff
I Si-uU n.J. 1, diaw.r.rf or photo., with d--irrin-
r i-iti. i c ;.c, ii pau-niaue or nr-t. lies 01
j ii.irjTc. ir.ir lire tmt One I,. I natrnt is sc ur. d.
A PAMPHLFT. hV to Obtain )'alt-nti." with
J.M-uC free.
hauio m me u. d, ana lorciuu counuict,?
Opp. patent Oi'irc. Washington
i mm u-e returned n wetmi. Any one sendmi
sketill aud d'.-n'iipiiou ot' any iuvriitiutl will
jirumptly rrreivc o.ir opinion free cotirt-rnitig
the p uciitalaiity ol satiie. " II(w to Obtain a
I'-'UeiiL" htnt up'm n-'iut-st. i'.itrnta st-cured
In . mtih ui ailvui u-ct. ,ir .ie at our pen he.
l'.uniit t ilcua o;it lliioiiv1! us reivc ni-chtl
vein '-, witinmielv.rge, in iiii; 1'ath.nt Klco .i,
mi inu-tn.itd and widely cmuUitcd jourual,
con-ii'.U il !-y M.tnn tiu-Utr--' s and Xnvotui a.
toc-ud lur MUitlecupy Fl4E. AddieiaH,
i-atcnt MZcrncys,)
Cvars Building, WASHINGTON. D' C
Ta PATENT Good Iders
may lHset'Ui td by
our aid. Aiittrt;?,
BdKunore. Ma.
6iUijariHliui I
lite JJteiH Reuuid 1 uuuuf
1 1 ri r-r'j vi La i
; Jr h 1
Business - Cards.
F. W. DCGT, M. D..
IS Ball Street,
9 to II A. M.
Office Hours 2 to p. M.
7 to a P. M.
riiysirian nnd Surgeon.
(ifllcc anil ri'f lilinic Ilarfiinl Ktrccf. l
hiinie lately oor iiplul liv I)r K H. Won
nvT. iClII.KOHI). FA.
Dr. ven der Heydc,
Uriok IIiiiim ()pn.sltc Vaintcrinark Hotel
lirnnil Mr. ct Mllfmd I'a.
OKFICK H(l'l(S: 8 to 12 ft. m 1 to
p. m.
H. E.Emerson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broa
Attorney- at- Law,
OFFICE, Brown's Building
John A. Kipp,
OFFICE, opposite Court House
Mll.KOHD, l'lKK; Co., Pa.
1). E. Vim Elton, Agent,
iJiiipimiiiM Ei'trv, I'll.
Washington Hotels.
The lioffl pur ciotUc'Iim of tho cnpllnl,
locaii'd wlihin one Mock of the While
HotiM' and iliici lly oiii.Kitc tho 'f ronnmy.
Kini sl talilo In tho city.
A famous hotclry. rcmiirkaMo for Its
liisinririil asMii iaiions anil Urns aiiKtainrrl
popiilnrtrv. Kcc ciitly n-novnu-i, ropaintrd
and partially rwl'mninhoil.
A landmark aiming tho hotcl of Wash
iiurion, mii luiri'd in furinop years by
prcxii.i'iitH and hi(ih oftioiain. Always ft
primo favorite. Heci ntly remodiled ami
rendiMid lienor than ever. Olio. Pa. K
H. dep. W AI.TKH HURTON, Kes. Mgr.
These hotels are the prlnripal political
rendezvous of the capital at nil times.
I hey are iho hest stopping pluocs at rea
sonalilo rates .
O. O. STAPLES. Proprletoi,
Cm this out and return to. us with 1.00
anil we II send the fo'hiw Ing poitage pre
All For $1. Regular Ccst $4.00
This combination fills family ncid
'IV u I'm m paper for 1 lie n I, 'I 1 e "(ion
lev. oinan." an Ideal paper tor the I.adieg '
X V Wcckl) Till one for nil Million
Ha l.n ,l n.-l, II. , I, will, :(i'ii pam.s and
l.tm poll lieal n i i i s fol I In- w if,., am) the
hook, "'leu Mollis in a liar Kooln. (he
iroiiie! Ii niperaiiee novel of the ajre A
tv o i'1-lll slntlip biillir sample of papers
nod our frreal clulililn list .
Vermont Farm Journal.
Wm. L. PACKARD, Publisher.
-4 rvnmirkirB
Trade Marks -
iv Designs
'rf ii n Copyrights Ac.
Anvonn iwndl' n Khrb Hitd riertlfnn may
qnti klv ti"f-'Tf -"ii , 7 wiriH'ir free wdt'tlipr an
InVHutu.n ih tf( ti:u.v n-ittfUitlila rummuntCB.
tl'-nsBtnrtlyi'ot :ii.ltl 1 1 him! txrk on fjitenui
writ Iri'M lllil' iin-m y 1 or ni''unn patftilit.
I'.ii"iit8 tnkci: t irh Aliinti A Co. recelr
SclenilfaC Jlftcrte.
A hutrimnrifly iMiufn '-xl wppklr. J.nrvtut rlr
rtilalniii ( nirv sci-'jititlo Jniirtntl. T'riii. $.i
voir: -nr nioiit lis. L tfotabfiill newtlfHlri.
Ut .in'h oiii. m. tVh V St.. Wuhluirluii. D.
1 K c i c c r c p K c R
Photo Supplies,
Printing and
7H 1'ike fiin-i't. Port Jervis, Y