Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, January 18, 1901, Image 3

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    Successors to
We are now Prepared to Please the
Farmers and the Get.. . .'. jblic by
being ready at all times to Accom
modate them. Plenty of Water to
run the Mill Day and Night if
A Full stock of the Best Brands
of Flour
Seal of Minnesota is A No. I. Try it.
Washburn's Gold Medal, Arnold's
Superlative. Feed, Meal, Mid
dlings and Bran. Buck
wheat F our Ln its
Season a Spe
'alty I I I
OnliM-s Iff t nt thn Mill for dolivory will lvooive prompt ntteution.
Gilford iillini
Milford, PiUe
Manuf .turers and dealers In all
kinds of Lumber,
Contractors and Builders.
Estimates made ; personal atten
tion given and work guaranteed.
OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pa. !
T. Armstrong & Co.,
Successors to BROWN & ARMSTRONG.
- fin EL'
We offer a line of new Spring Goods,
Our point i Hint you need not go away from home fro
supply all 'your needs, or to secure lmrgnins. We expect
to satisfy you in both particulars.
DRY GOODS, new nnJ stylish. ' GROCERIES, fresh
ING. Any thing in any line at bottom prices.
To accomplish this end we have adopted a new system.
All our prices are fixed on a ha w of cash payment. This
obviates the mcossity to allow a margin for had debts and
interest. To accommodate responsible parties wo cheer
fully open monthly accounts, and expect prompt payment
monthly, as our prices will not enable us to carry accounts
Statements rendered the first of every month, and if
paid within three days from date of bill, a cash discount of
2 is allowed. The same discounts given on all cash pur
chases exceeding 1.00. Goods sent out will be C. O. D.
unless otherwise previously arranged.
Brown's Building, Milford, Pa.
W own and occupy the taUeut mercantile building In the world. We have
over aooo,ouo cuttomeri. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly
engaged filling out-of-town orders.
OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE it the book of the people it quote
Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over 1,000 pages, 16,000 illustrations, and
60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 71 cents to print and mail
each copy. We want you to have one.
your guod faith, and we'll send you a
I'ftVTPnMCDV UhRi. P. Pfl
BiUrVIUWiliL... UAiiUCftUU.
Largo, t and finest select ion of Mil
linery. Our designs iire the Intent,
juid 1 rices lowest consistent with
fiood work.
All orders promptly attended to and
satisfaction guaranteed to all our pa
trons. SALLEY fi ENHIS,
70 Piko Street, Port Jervis, IM. Y.
Jcrvis Gordon
Constantly on Hand.
Co., Penna.
copy FREE, with all charges prepaid.
Michigan Ave. and Maditon Strtet
(j By (n. Chnrlpa Kiwr, U. S. A. .'.
(CVijyt'iiht. iw 1, t.y the l'allr Kt ry l'ub. Co.)
Jnmlnn T M-n f 1 , u Co.. riilcjiRO, hivi
r iTMtly pnh:;iH(: n rharmli c MttlF- iN
inne. i:tltfl "Hhnrl-Stry M-isw-ndcc
In uMeii l lit y hn vp inmblnr rl T-n Tiirt
Mnrlep, v.rlttn Toy ;.4 different aiittir'. nil
"t whom nr1 Bmui:K t lie moM pn pillar v. r't -ii
of fii tfnn vf Hit ilay. Tut list nf hii
ttinrs Int'lTidr such wpll-knuvn r.ri1ri ns
'-n. rhntli f K:j'. M try K. Wllktrsr. KPsn
l'H'h 1'hlppa Train. Crortre Ade. Uplr K,
etc. The Follow In c tnry hy Urn "hf;rlfs
KInr in ov.r cf ih- two which thnt w.'ll
knnwn fJol(i;er-iiMil.cr htis Iti tl.e bt.ok.
'trpUKni; w;?s nut tiling iihont Hint
I tlllI'MlK' luisitlfSi tllllt IH'l'l'
pol into t lit 1 ;ti'r," rnid the tnll
cnjitnin, ktmrkin tJu nshes tuii f
iiis pipe (ti his spurred bootht'H and
deftly ifliiliiiir it H long bf tided
biK'kskin pr,uch tls:; hintjf licvt hi.
holster n 1 the waist belt. I don't
b'licve th'-n-'s a man her, 'ecpt Uay,
nnd myself, of tMni-M knnus how
jrot the alarm nt tin1 niit'tu'V.'
"Mow was it, Iilnkc?' hnally asked
1' !- rir iit -) and th 1111 si'ri tyy that he
u nuld h' t sliovp a h'ud until bidden.
Hut bi-Torc "l.cfjs,' 1 he lon t ronji
Ififh'r w :is cftPed, rtild bi'iil'i. there
e:tnif frnm the direetion nf thr pwifi
rusliiny I.aramie a lonir. low, iiK'nuii ;?"
r.vy, r i s-i : 1 tr on the niuht wind nnd t
i npf away in a sob a wai !i n heart -brok
r n Knb that do mi na I ed e ery
sound, that s'i!lcd at onee Hi'1
"ch a m pi up;" of the horses at their
feed and startled the sedate "corral"
of mules, livery quadruped in camp,
pome few with 11 low snort of alarm,
turned erect cats to the east and
Pi ood qui verh:. Dead fdlence for an
instant fell on the group n bo tit the
camp fire. Then an uneasy shif;in;r.
"(iood Lord, what's that?" gapjud
the pubaltern ju.'-T off four years' fuit
.cy duty.
"Coyotes." hnznrded a rnllow yonnt;
pter, tiiuviliSnjjr to seem ignorant of
the zaor icnl possibilities of th'
front ier.
"I'tiyot i's!" prowled old St nnrtnrdj
'shbve ahead. Itlake."
('apt. Hay, an ne;ile, quick-movif!?.''
little fellow, without a word sprang
up at the sound and strode nway
through the dim moonlight in the t'i
rM't ion of 1 he st rea 111. The per pea 11 1
,of the guard, snatching his carbine
from its rest at the hub of a wngon
wheel, ran noiselessly after. Blake
puffed meditatively a minute, then be
gan: "Von know it. was winter, and bitter
cold. There had been bad blood be
tween the (Vulallas and the (hey
c tines ever since they kil led Crazy
Horse when he tried to skip from the
guard. The Cheyennes were camped
in the valley three miles above the
fo.-t and the agent heard, somehow,
that they had it in for him, and in
duced Crook to order two t roups of
eava'ry to take station close to hU
thieving old shop, and the detail fell
on Hilly and me. We were madder
than wet hens, for we had to tent out
there in the snow and stain! guard
over a swindler we'd rather se
hmttfed any day. AVe knew he'd sold
the hostile. bail cartridges by the
wagon load the summer previous, and j
ir mey u snot mm as inu or noies as
a sieve it wouhjonly hae served him
right. .
"Of course we hadn't been there 24
hours before old Two Moons, their
chief, with a dozen feathered b'ather
skites. came riding down to inquire
what our coming meant. The Indian
is never so sensitive to the presence
of soldiers as when he's planning1
hell-raising, lie couldn't speak Eng
lish, and no white man can talk Chey
enne without the sign la n go age. 0
it was lucky he brought little Alou
ette along his prandda ughi er. Her
father was French Pete, the half
breed scout lied Cloud's people killed
on the Ka wh ide three sum titers ago.
Ray had ridden oer to view old Spot
ted Tail at Sheridan that morning, .so
1 was in command. We had our pa
!atr. and it was, short, I cm tell you.
Two Menus went off mad hut xlign:
fied. and I thought I'd handled the
t h'iiL in style until Hilly got back
'long in the late afternoon. Then I
aw I hadn't, for he looked grave
a hen T told him the chief rode aw uv
without a handthake. We had onlv
7D men all told. They had Tut) in the
tepees, with a docu in the guard
house at the agency.
"Maker would bue so!d hts smil to
get rid of that d(en by the tin e w.
got there, for Two Moons told hnn
he'd hae 'cm out. He was afraid to
hold them, and he didn't dare It t
'em go.
"Til send Hat in to Laramie with
dispatches the moment he gels ia
from Chad run. snid Hay. 'Vhev would
follow and kill tny soldier they saw
g j! ng. Hut it w u two da s before
Hat got back, and Two Mmins struck
bt fore t h m t -- struck aiui i.t tierl;:.st
iti','!y trounced, fi-r ve were wiirued
in time.
WluTi you nei'd n snot bin rr nnd
b''lineanti.-rPMPH!udU'ati;in for ;,nv
I tuiims.e. use the original lh-Witt's
witrh bii.el salve, a wvll known euro
tor pib'rt and pkin diseases. It beals
tori's w lthotit h vihg a .scar. Ik-watt
f counte -fi-iU-
Kull line of hi dies. M ises Ml:d
bildroiis rublers, bmds ami hhoen
at T Ai iiibt rung Si Co.
"It wn the dnrV of the moon. The
snow lay only in patches in 1he cnul
tcejt and the vnlley wan black as a
hat by nine at uifcht. Way nnd I tent
ed together, and ns we lay with feet
to the sibley. with our hrrnth going
up in steam, he made me go over
Alnuette'fl eery word and gestme. Me
nkrrt me If her baby were with her.
"She mn fried Hierre Hoisbla ne three
years ba"k, and ! e was employed as
tcumater on the Sidm y route and had
to be away much of the time. The
kid got pneumonia the previous spring
and Hay and his wdfe with the doe
tor, of course just did everything for
them and really saved tie Hltle fel
low's life, and Alonetle's gratitude
wan something ilogiike. Next 1o that
little brown pappno:-e. and Hiene, she
worshiped 1r. Hay nnd Hidy.
"Next day we had a pow-wow that
was n hummer. Two Moon1--, with ?H0
braves, all paint, feathers and fire
arms, rode into the agency and dc
nianded speech wii,h Maker. Maker
barred his dour etid signaled for he'.p
and Hilly g 11 1 loped r er and n'-ked
Two Modus what ..e meant by all this
nrcs pa raoe our.! n ess. wit h 1 he mer
cury belr.w zero. Two Moons said he
wanted his brothers, whom the agi nt
had boxed up hi h i tmI the bars, and
you could ec their saHge faces
KTiwling out at the sunshine at t!i
iv r men t . i )f course I had ga Hoped
alter Hilly ns (win as I had got the
men in saddle, and Dana out of bed'
and at their h'ad. Hay k( d fori
Alouette to interpret, and that old1
polyglot villain, Med Wolf, answered
in Cheyenne English: Sh Vo.ie I.ar
nmie.1 Two Moons presented Hay with
a fen I h er pi pe sw ore t hey wrre
brolhers his soldiers and their
braves were brot hers 'no fight ever
a nd wound up by shaking ham's.
Then he made a loud speech, echoed
by grunts from his band and howls
from t he agency prison, flu id 1 heir
hearts were sore, ashed if their great
fat! er's aeent wouldn't release their
brothers, wouldn't he permit them to
po in Chadron to salute their other
brothers the Ogalallas. and his great
chief brother. Red Cloud?
"This wastlat against orders of the
Indian bureau, and Maker poked his
he'd out of an upper window and said
so-then ducked in aiain for fear of
a shot.
" 'Then our great father's heart is
flint. said Two Moons, 'and hirt chil
dren will go to the Creat Spirit's
throne and dance all night to him.'
That so-called throne was over on the
Niobrara opposite the moulh of Old
Woman's ford, and Maker had orders
to let l lie ! ndians go t here t o how 1
nnd dance aud prnv, as they called it.
Hut whoever heard of their going in
midwinter before? Vet our scouts
came In at sunset and swore the
whole village tepees, lodge, poles,
ponies, pappooses, pots, kettles and
dog- had moved off at noon and were
out of sight toward the Rawhide,
'(iood riddance to bad rubbish,' said
I, but Ray was thoughtful. That
night just at taps an Indian pony
dropped exhausted in front of our tent
and Ray picked Alouette up in Ids
arms and toted her In by the stove.
The sibley was ed-hot. but it couldn't
warm her. Her teeth chattered and
her slender Mt e body shook from
"head to foot -..s she told Hilly her
story. That move was all a bluff.
They had sent her to Laramie to get
her out of the way, but she suspecled
and stole away from her party, leav
ing her baby boy with her twin sis
ter. Two Moons had camped the old
men. the women and children in the
sand hills and was even now on the
way back with his braves. He would
attack nnd burn the agency before
dawn. She wept and urged Hilly to
mount his men at oncV and flee. What
hope had he with 71) men against Two
Moons and the braves of a doen vll
l.Tes of the fiercest warriors of the
"There wasn't a second to spare.
We routed out the camp on the in
stant. We ran the horses, the sup
plies and ammnnHifin over to the
nfercy: stirred up Hnker and his ban
ditti -for riice we had to fight with
them for allies. We stacked up sacks
of grain and sides of bacon for shel
terthe ground was too hard for pick
and shovel. We ironed the prisoners.
We worked with the mercury at ten
below zero till the sweat ran down
our backs. We left the tents stand
down by the st rea m and the w agon a
with a few (iod-forsaken old nudes
corralled alongside lienped fresh fdel
on the Are and then lay low und wait
ed for Two Moons.
".Inst at dawn they hurst in from
every ridge around us with a perfect
pandemonium of yells, and we let em
change till they'd thundered down
within a hundred yards, then let Yin
have it a fast ns we could work our
levers. Mow they were piled up on
the Ic-.el bucks and ponies by the
dozen -before Two .Moons could draw
them off! Our tents and w inns were
all they got for their palps, hth! of
cours;e they saw some one h;id given
them uv;i, and weren't hug liudirg
who did ii. We had Alt, 10 tie where
she was safe but the d vils dashed
the brains out of her bnhy hoy the
very next day, 'killed Mautka, the
twin sister, and ten d;; later poor
l'lerre was found down at H'atie
croii g, riddled with arrows and aw
fully mutilated.
'What become of the Cheyennes?
Oh, they got a new reservation, a new
agent und a r.ew outfit. What became
of Alouette? Listen!"
Again that weird, prolonged, motiu
inff cry uplifted through the fa wit,
mystic iiht "f the midsummer moon.
Again tiiat heart-breaking wail as of
a soul in desolation and despair.
Then, only the soft, soothing murmur
of the Laramie rushing ccer its rocky
bed. Then the distant voice of Capt.
RmV calling through the peaceful
"Alone! te! Alouette! Where are
t ou V"
IIel is needt tl at once when a per
son's lift is in danger. A neglected
Coinb or cold tnav soon Leeome sor
ioiiH and should b stopped at once.
( fie minute cough cure (juickl y cures
coughs ami colds and thti worst can
es of croup, bronchitis, gvippo ami
other throat and lung trouules.
New lot cf lmts und cups at W.
X- O. Mitulu-lU. t(
nrif e nm hep nf Ton n In t li c I n 1 1 oil 1
Kin tea with "I 11 hm" In '
Their !niirw.
Awhi le ago an A in erica 11 s( ory
writ er gave an cNceetl i ug ! v vivid i I-
lust rat ion of the love for our unitcc
country v hieh is felt eer where
through the republic. He was wriiiior
a story of patriotic character, and
the events described were supposed to
take place in an American village. Jt
occurred to the writer to giu the il
lage in the story an a pni -'.pi iat c name,
and the first one which occurred to
him was "I "nion."
" The lit t le ullage of Cnion Jh,it
would sou ml nice and nature! and
pat riot ir," he t iio ught . but . being a
praclhal author and noi wishing to
have the local ion of Ins story pinm d
down to any particular spot, he
turned to his postal and shippers
yuide to assure hine-clf that the name
was purely tlct it ions end iuiulh nary.
He was aslotuw'ed to discover thai in
the Cnited States t In re are 'M '
lages. named "Cnion." Then "I'nien
vi He" and "I "11 ion t own" occurred to
him. He found that t hre were 21
of the former and 1 t of the I: Her.
Continuiinf his rest nrclu he discov
ered Hint 1 here vvre lh-i -d : v. n
Center, H; Cnion Church, 3: Cnion
City, f: Cnion Corners, t; Cnion
drove, 5: Cnion Hill. r; Cnion Mi ls
10; Ciiionburg. 1: Cniocjiort. 4, and
other combinations of Cuii:. .Vi.
So he gave it up nnd decided to fall
his fictitious rillaire "( olntubi," n d
later .looking in the guide, he found
thnt there were 2' of 1h-e.
London Telecrnpti C 'ti tit p u n Icm Ilnve
Been For ceil io Ailopt nil
In 110 vntlon.
"If you please, sir. hi re's the toe.--Fenger
boy, said my maid, with a
smile, the other afternoon, as -!ie ush
ered into my room a neat !y dressed and
not ill-looking younir girl." sa a writ
er in the London King. "At tlrst I
thought there must be some mistake,
but her ladyship soon di abused me t.f
that notion, and with a good deal of
self-possession, but no trace of for
wardness, i n for mod me that she w:
discharging messenger boy's duty. !ie
took my teleernm. und the money
therefor, wilh the customary "tup
pence for the rne-'-:t T'. p'e ie." and I
have no doubt iieipMi t ed hei - e' f of t h"
not very onerous task of bearing it In
tlie post ofliee as neatly ns the human
boy would have done. Hut the next
time I passed the cilice I made in
quiries, and was told that it was only
in a few of the West em! eiLces that the
experiment of using young girls In
stead of boys was being tried, and that
.even in these districts they were only
used when the duty was a filling one
for a girl to undertake. The fact is. the
clerk in charge assured me. the com
pany finds it impossible to jet a suf
ficient supply of boys. They have late
ly been enforced to employ men at six
pence an hour at some of the city oT
fices. nnd when the go evnment royalty
in taken into nr count this does not leave
much of a profit for the company. '
hear the cable companies are nlso nt
their wits' end to find messenger boys."
Vnconiiclotmly Traveled hy ihv Aver
nice lnn Dnilnsr HU
rife (tin f.
The many thousands of miles wl ici
a man unconsciously travt's in his, life
time, taking into consideration tl.e
paces his footsteps measure us ! 1
walks about each day. are enough t(
make him sit down to n ; for t'
remainder of Ids life, scivs the Londor
Hut now a derma u seicnt ist -he
come forward wit h some si ill mm t
startling fntn concern i ng t he jour
neys which our -eyelid under! a
every time it winks, and it is not pes
sible for us to see, he say, intlos we
wink. Cnconsciously we wink once a
second, so that for the time we nr?
awake during the day we voluntari''
wink from 4S,fif)0 to o'-.miU times. T!
distance that the eyelid travels in It
great speed is measured from n sing'e
involuntary wink.
This, the scientist says, is a ipiarte
of nu inch both ways, the eyeliu umv
ing ecpially up and down ; so t t . tak
ing the movemeiit of both eyelid into
consideration, they cowr some "':.( 'e
inclies in a day. The eyelids of a man
who has lived for ,V years wi'l have
tinconsciously traveled a tiiird of tin
way around the earth, or about 7.:? n
miles, a calculation sutticUnt in itself
to cause the victim of insomnia to fall
into a dreamless sleep ns he reads it.
How an Fnulnerr Feel
A veteran railroad engineei
ty s :
"It may sound strange to you.
Cm a heap more nerxnns when
traveling as a passenger than w he
the throttle. 1 don't know what'
ing on in the cab, and I want
Kvery time I hear n whistle my
pulse Is to go out there and run
n nt
; go
to, iin
t he
engine myself. In fact, the only
1 ever am anxious is when Cm
passenger conch. I su ppt st I
about tlie same way a man do
has driven a lively hor.-e for cnr.
in a
w ho
once in awhile lets some other fe
hold the reins."
A Uilnp ;neelt.
The Chinese think they ccci.py the.
Uiiddle of the e:i"lh, and that all other
nations are merely dwelling- on the
tog-es. Their mit rcspecltul term to
dt.signate a foreigner is "tlie ocean
The win. I , are hifch,
And otii-e more
We h-itr the cry;
"Shut the riuwr!"
l'h t lade la lre as.
Don't use nny of tho connti i ft'its
of lleWitt's w'tcli luizi'l wiIvk. Most
of thfin tire woitbli-ss or linliln to
ciiiiso injury. Tlio ovininal IirWitt's
witcli 1'iizi l slvt is 11 ci'itnin i-ure
for pili'M, t'czi'iini, cuts, si-nUls, bin ns,
sores mm skin tlisi'iiscs.
Tlie most t -ffi-cl ive liriU- liver i,ills
nniile m e Oe W it 's lit tie early risers.
They never grieo.
Corrected to Date.
Solid Pullman trains to Hii'Talo, Niag
ara halls. I liMiil'iiMpia Lake, Cleveland.
'hii n;ro and ( it '-in 11. 11 1.
Ti' lo is on -.ai.- at Port .lewis to all
points jn t h- W est and Hon! hwtst ,ir lower
rates than via any 01 her first-class lino.
Thai s Now n- wr Pout J mvin as
No. p., Hatty Kxpren Ii i' A M.
' 1". H i:!: Kxpnvm a.r.u "
" to. L'aiiv Kxcept Hundav . it '
. :Si . 7 4 o
" )"', Sunday Only 7 15 "
" :ts. Daily Kxccji't Sundny.. lo x'l "
" U. Daii'v ;t 't'niin Pi la M.
" :ti. Wi.y Kxee t Sunday .. : -.' "
" ri. I)a !y h.yprcss 4 5 "
" (., Miiu'luv 1 inly -1 '.m "
H, Daily Kx press 5 X.M1 '
'' Is, Miida only 5 -)u '
" H-i. Daily i-lxccjit Sundav . tl fdi
" I I. Daily . . . 10 (to "
No !t( Daily llxmcss 12 HUA M.
IT. Daily Miik Tridn H it:) "
" 1, Daily l .xpn s I :t:t
" II. l".i Do Hale K'pt Sun . ',' H( v. M.
" a Dad .5 15 "
" "JT. Daily Kxccjd. S 11 tula y 5 fin "
" 7, Daily h'xnrcss. lu la "
Trains have Chambers street. New
Voik lor i'oit .b-rvis on week dnvs at 4 (hi,
i ' .5, 10 ::o A. M. I JHI. li UU,
I .(o, li '( to ( a C. M (111 SutidlV,
4 7 :;o. i mi, n. m ; 12 Jin. a 7' an
and ! 15 r. m.
I. T. lUthcrtfl,
iieneral I'nsoi(; r Agent,
New York,
Oig China Store
Largest Stock.
For Sets of Dishes,
L:inis iind (ihisswiire.
Occupying the entire floor of
Wc buy Butter, El's and
e-r,"i IF VOU WAN1
1 . K?..:. :tf
U - - v-wnmn-,- ,J
Cxprsssaa Paid
(To any point in U.S. lasl of Denver)
Securely packed
'without mar lis indicating contents.
; t... i .
Kll.vT I'liKMlV TKIII AN ('Hl'ltClI. Alilford
.-ilhliUltl MTVici'n lit Id. -tO A. M. Mini 7. .Hi
w. iilliiith SfhtKil iiiiiiirtliutt'ly iii'ii ti.i
iiiuriiiii j Mil ire. I'rn vrr iihmm in Wed
mi -Uav at V. M. A -tntin vsrlt'tiiiii
will he rl' imIiiI 1 r jill, Thi.s mr nt
fiu lied to .ithrr churi hi H arc . r-pfchtliy in
'itrl. Hkv. TiinMAh Nn:H(ts. Pastor
('in kCH K THK (i(j(I SlIKrilKliH, Mll-
ont: Services Munlay M l".;to . si. hih:
', iiti V M. illuhtv "s. In 41I nt l-'.tn- M
v k-(lay H'rvitv Krithiy nr. Ui A m. Ilulj
( tlii in li 1 1 ion S uiahi y at- 1 At A M vut
f 1 re. A I - 11 i f u i'li'i'iiii1.
Hkv. ("has li. t. ui-kntkr, Hfct.ir
M. K. Citi'Ki it. S rh,'K at the M K
( Iiui' h Miiul,iy.: I'n jH-liiii at Id ;t(i a
111. ;iiitl i.i 7 p. hi. lay m'IhmiI a
M : Mi. Kjm ni l li h a'iir il ti.-h'i , in
't U ly jiray- f nu t-i intf i 1 W eil ut-MlayM
7 . 'M i. Jn ('lass iii.'i'MHjj: c'lHilurli'ii In
'.'in. Ami'Icom h riiijiy at 7 .'.' t. in. Ai
n invitai i--u- i.- xtfii'li'd to aiiyon
v. bo may iit -i iv to w i - tir-p it h us.
Khv (' i intKi;, l'uritur
Kl'WM;'iil -M. K CuriM . MataiiMtri
Si-r iif I'vt rv ;J)!i;;!h at in '.ii n. ni uip
. in. S.iMi.iih M-iiuol at 1; -id. ('. h
.i-tviiiitf Si ihil.iy - t Pi 1 1 1 u ai 7 ( la
nu-'! ink Tu.t.iy rvt iiiiir at 7 .: . i'rayr'
nuri iiiLr ilin-thii v t-'diitg nt 7. Mi
Kvfiyoun fifoiiii'.
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:1.1V M'hool at .i (. in. Junior t. K. Ix-fun
ami C K. t ' avi i 1 t 1 1 t i n y ulii-r tin ven
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