Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, January 18, 1901, Image 2

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l'UIDAV, JAN. 1H. 1Ol.
ns hii'tidx:
One Vkah One dollar nnil fifl.v cent.
Hix Montiim Seventy-live cent-".
F.ntered t the post nfllcm (if Milford,
Pike. County, I'ennsylvnnm, ns ocoiid
clnss innltorj November twenty-nrst, 11.
Advertising Rates.
Oncsqimrotelirht lines). one Insertion $1 on
Eiic.h Kiibseiinent insertion .(V
Reduei-d rates will be furnished nn np
plication, will bo allowed yearly ndvur
Legal Advertising.
Administrator's mid Kxecutor's
notices 3."0
Auditor's notices 4
Divorce notices - ...... 5. (hi
Sheriff's sales. Orpliims' court sale,
County TreastniT's sales, County state
meat iind election proelaniation charged
by the H.iimre.
J. II. Vn Ktten, I'lIRLIPHKII,
Milford, Pike County, Pa.
The reinnrk wits recently made
here tlmt wngos in Mil ford wore too
low. That n luimring itinn could
not support liis family properly, pay
rent and such contingencies as doc
tors bills, fuel, etc., on the present
price of labor. The gentleman qnot.
ed quite largely employs labor
and says he uniformly pays men
more than tho current rnte per day,
simply because he beliovos the go
ing price id not sufficient for their
needs, and that where a better price
is paid better results will be obtain
ed. He thinks a man will bo honest
enough to try to earn his money,
and that therefore both employer
and employee will bo gainers.
There is much practical philosophy
in this idea, and if true it is a strong
atgument for an advance in wages.
When a laborer makes an honest ef
fort to earn his money, exhibiting
care, skill and faithfulness to the in
terests of his employer his efforts
should receive recognition by an
advance in wages and if such an ad
vanee is incentive to others to be
come more proficient the experi
ment of an advance would be of ad
vantage to both classes. "The lab
orer is worthy of his hire" and the
converse of the proposition that the
hire should be commensurate with
the work done is fair and proper.
There is no doubt a tendency on the
part of the employers to grind tho
face of labor, and there is perhaps,
and it may arise from this cause, a
tendency likewise on the part of
some employees to shirk. There is
however this fact that a man who is
known to bo faithful to his work,
who is sober in habits, and capable
in the performance of his duty is
always in demand. Such men need
not be idle and they are always as
sured of good wages. It seems
therefore, that primarily at least
tho matter of a rise rests with the
laborers themselves. If thoy make
themselves worthy of a price they
can command it. The employer
doe not cure to t'ike tba risk of
having a poor job done and then
pay full price for it nor of employ,
ing a man at good wages who will
shirk and perhaps do him an injury.
There are a number of good farms
in this vicinity awaiting 'ireful,
competent industrious tenants.
Men who will strive to better their
conditions when they have the cap
ital offered them and are only re
quired to work to make themselves
prosperous Hhould the landlord
place his property in possession of
one who is careless and inefficient
and who will not use to advantage
his opportunity? There seems to be
room for reform and a, fair and
equitable effort ou the part of both
"nuloyers Hiid employees would
probably result in great em fit to
!oth classes.
The newspapers have been telling
all about the Vanderb'.lt French
wedding for tho past few weeks.
Only one thing was omitted and that
was which corner of her every day
hauderchief the bride used on her
pretty nez v hen she sneezed. Lack
of tLis information has caused much
uncertainty in society circles, an'
perhaps some iiomis have really suf
fered while their owners were de
bating the delicate question of the
pn j:er )'n us in quo.
The Icsmhitnm sh-mld p iss att act
compelling iiemrnnee companies t.
pay the amount, name 1 in the poli
cies they issue in full, except in
cases ef personal property whero
there may bo questions as to tho
daniaue iir loss. It. is not fair to
the insured to pav premiums for
years on an amount and then when
a- fire occurs to have the company to
cut it down because of over insur
ance or depreciation in value of the
building. Renewals are niado at
l jasf. every three years and then is
the proper tit 110 to adjust values,
and the policy should stand for its
face if no. reduction is made. The
company should not assume all the
risk, and the assured should not
pay premiums on a sum which the
company does not intend to pay in
case of loss. Life insurance com
panies pay in full though their risks
through ill health of the subjects
greatly increase or in other words
become much greater, why should
thoy not, ask 11 proportionate rebate
on nil lives which have not reached
the expectation.
Fire insurance companies provide
that loses shall be subject to arhi
t ration, why not arbitrate when the
risk is taken and thus have the val
ue definitely fixed.
Serator II mn.i usually declines to
take notice of charges made against
him by unsriendly newspapers, but
he ni ado an exception of the charge
that he had a personal interest in the
pas-sing oft he Ship Subsidy bill and
authorized the following explicit,
denial: "I say that tho assertion
that I am interested in any way or
in any com piny that has given old
ers for the construction of colliers
through which it is expect el to par
ticipate in the benefits to be detiv
ed from the passage of the Shipping
bill is absolutely false and without
foundation. My sole interest in the
Shipping bill is that of an American
citizen who honestly believes in the
upbuilding of the Merchant
The goose bone, hogs melt, wild
geese and conjunction with Mars
and Jupiter weather prophets are
all having an inning on their pro
phesy to wait and see. There is
nothing very peculiar about tho
weather except that it is a little re
markable for the season of the year
and that it does not seem to be in
the railroad coal trust.
The BurlMgh Reapportionment
bill only needs Pressident McKin
ley's signature to become a law, and
that it will get during tho present
week. It wont through the House
by a majority of 63 and through the
Senate without a division.
is all right, if you are too fat;
and all wrong, if too thin already.
Fat, enough for your habit, is
healthy; a little more, or less, is
no great harm. Too fat, consult
a doctor; too thin, persistently
thin, no matter what cause, take
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
There are many causes of get
ting too thin; they all come
under these two heads: over
work and under-digestion.
Stop over-work, if you can;
but, whether you can or not,
take Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil, to balance yourself
wi :h your work. You can't live
on it true but, by it, you
can. There's a limit, howeverj
you'll pay for it.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil is the readiest cure for
"can't eat," unless it comes of
your doing no workyou can't
long be well and strong, without
so'.ne sort of activity.
Te genuine has A,
this picture on it, -
If you have not i I
triea it, sena lor t. ; r, ';t
f roe sample, its a- ,' 51
Krtitjciuia liisuj win .t i v 1
b'jrnrisa you. - i l J I
409 Pearl Street, a !
Ntv York. ..-
i and $S.OO; all 'drULista.
M-jthorlist Episcopal C .lurch.
, Hev. C. E. Souddor, Pastor
Class Meeting 9.30
Preaching 10.30
Hninlav School
Epworth League
Preaching .
Prayer Meeting Wed
Class Meeting Fri
Next Tuesday night the "Uant,;sa '
will ho given. The music is first
class and the rendering promises to
be good also. Yon can't afford to
miss hearing it.
Our Presiding Elder sti nulated
our faith, last Wednesday evening,
with accounts of revival work, in
this disdrict and in the church at
large. Shall we join in the forward
movement 't
Why should there not he a united
evangelistic movement in this place?
We need it not because wo are the
worst people on earth, but because
there are riches of grace not yet at
tained. Give the mutter your ser
ious thought. When the people of
Milford want a forward movement
they can find leaders.
Next Sabbath evening the pastor
will begin a series of sermons 011
christian evidences Is there a Uod?
Is there a hereafter? Do we know
that there is? These questions
trouble the human heart still. The
purpose of these ser.nons on evi
dences is to set forth the reasons tor
our faith, and to help men to believe
unto salvation. Do not expect a
scholastic discussion, or a theologi
cal rehai-h. Come seeking the truth,
knowing full well that they who
seek ahull Qu i
The text for next Sibottli morn
.ing is found in Isi 52:1. Put on
thy strength. O Ztou.
I; --lives us great pleasure t) an
.1 v.ui tli it Fred Schweiker the
1 -.on:. 1 tenor siiiger, of Port Jervis,
.Ml! aid us nexi Tuesday niglit.
Prof. Cross, the organist of the M.
10 ("nurcli, of Port Jervis, will also
be here aud give us tho benefit of
his musical utility.
Senator Piatt, of Conn., stated
the case in a nut shell when he aaid
of the Democratic pretense of bo
lioving that the President -would
abuse the dis cretion vested in him
by tho Army bill to increase the
Army when necessary: "If wo could
eliminate politics and argument for
political effect from this chamber
for a single day, I believe it would
be the unanimous sentiment that
there should bo somo flexibility in
the army."
y Nlmnlfl He Caret
Mrs. Smith repeatedly reminded her
hushiind that the siler was Ihts, the
furniture was hern, nnd so on, until
poor Smith almost wished he had mar
ried a g-iil without n penny..
The other niht Mrs. Smith awoke to
hear strange voices in the lower part
of the house, and, viporously punohinj.'
her husband in the ribs, called:
".lohn, pet up! There are burglars
down below,"
"Kh?" inquired Smith, sleepily.
'l!nrtf lars downfall's! ' hhrieked
Mrs. Smith.
MturfrlHiK?" paid Smith, as he turned
owr. "Well, there's nothing of mine
there!"lluKtra1ed ltits.
AdvantHRP of Kiluention.
Sueeessf ul Furmer ( whose son has
been to college) What was all that
howlin' you was doin' out in th grove?
Cultured Son I was merely showing
Miss Urighleyes what 1 college yell is
Furmer Wall, I swan! Colleges is
sime pood after all. Fin goin into
town to sell some truek to-morrow.
Von kin g along an' do th' cnllin. N
Y. Weekly.
The Wronv Sort.
Mrs. Hubbub Out of work? Non
sense! you could easily get work if
you wanted it .
Hungry Higgins Wei!, ter tell yer
the 1 rut h, ma'am, what I'm looking
fur is a snap.
Mrs. Hubbub A snap, eh? Here,
Rover, Rover. Sic 'i in. J 'hi ladclphlu
Tbe .ral-ru! MmII.
Young' I.ady (live me onv yard of
why, haxen't I seen you before?
Sli:p Asistunt Oh, Maud, c:in you
have forgotien me? 1 satd yiuir life
at the seaside lat futniuei-.
Young- Lady (w a rni I y ) Why, o'
courbe you did ! You may gi vc ihl
t wo y u rds of 1 hit ri Ubou, please.
Sti llaeUltller.
M r. , Toll nson Did ou remawkat de
etui) iast niht dat 1 looked like a lob
bler, tub ?
Mr. Jackson No, sub; 1 am no back
biter, sub! If I w bl.t tl to vn.it any a
'fr ions upon de lobst t-r la n.i ly, 1
Mtould go right to a fi
do it st raight to de r fa
my style, suli! 1'nek.
.-h-uiHi ket und
b, suh ! Dat'a
Hit rtMtue fur It.
"Johnny," tnid Mr. (lii.am, 'l)r.
Doce has left his cad of medicines und
instruments here, (iet on your wheel
and take it to his urlice."
S hereupon Juhnny mtjunted his hi
ccle and deiivvred ihe vief with this
"Ure, doctor! You left your it pal I
kit ut our hoiiae." I'uck.
ah? mi htv
Tain back of your
eyes? Heavy pressure
in your head? And are
you sometimes faint and
dizzy? Is your tongue
conied? P. id taste in
your mouth? And does
your food distress you ?
Are you nervous and ir
ritable? Do you often
have the blues? And
nre you troubled about
Tkon y.-?sw f.Ver1 fa
8.11 wong.
But there is a cure.
'Tis the old reliable
They Ret directly on
the liver. They cure
constipation, biliousness,
sick headache, nausea,
and dyspepsia. Take a
laxative dose each night.
For 60 years years they
have been the Standard
Family Pills.
Price 2S ctoli. All DrtijjtMs.
' 1 hnvr tnltfn Avar's 1'ills rc-ii-tirly
ter tix n nnflis. Tin v li:tve
curnl me u( 11 iTt' heniiiu lic, :oi'l
1 c;ui iinw wti!1 trt.m tuo to four
nitlfs without. t ttini,' tiled or out
of hriMtii. som.. tliiiif. I liave not
luennhlu to do tor nunv years."
S. K. WAl.tVMltK.
July 13, ls09. S.iU-ui, Ma.
Wrtfo tho Hector.
If Ton Lit v an ertnip! ojit harori-r
niirt (li'.lre tla. l.Jt ni'.dtrMi ii.lvirc voi;
c oi io,inli y ri .'eiv,.. unie Uie rii-otor
fveiy. Y .11 ivl!) ip-.-ive n jtri.i.iiit re
ply without cost. Atlitrc1..
i)K. .1. C. AYl-Ot, Lowell, Maps.
One Cent a Word.
Fur Fnrh lnM-rtlon. No Advi rtiinrnl
t uken for Ichm tluni Ift rfiitR.
iiiut fi.'nn(ifti-) h'1 ortlrrft. AlIf-H
FK SALK. A small farm loented near
Matamoras, known as the Hensel or
Ki'iidumlt plaice, containing 2 tu-n-A
Finely located, well watered. House and
harn. Fruit of all kinds. Fart improved.
Title clear. For terms, price, etc.. address
Lock box (-3- Milford. Fa.
TKFSPASS NOTIOK. Notice is heret
given that trespassing on the premises
,c upied bytfu! umiersijjiH'd in Dingmai:
),vnhip. known as the Buchanan farm
r huntintf, fishing, IerryJng or any otliev
u r post; whatever in forbidden under peti
n'ty of tho' law. Any person or person
di'oheving this notiee will be dealt with
iu the severest lawful manner.
Geouuk H. McCahtv,
July 1, 18if7. Lessee.
IMtKPASS NOTH1K. Notice is hereby
given that trespassing upon the south
ern half of the tne i ot land known as the
William Denny. No. I n Shohola town
ship, for hunting, fishing, or, any other
pin pose, also trespassing on Saw kill pond
in Ding'nan township, or, fihliinyr in it Is
forbidden under penalty of the law.
M . ( 1 K I LAND M ILNOll,
Aprl51m Attorney for owner.
Notice is hereby
X given that trespassing
utMUi ihe nro-
nerty ol tne r-orcnt Lnki' Association Oi
Lackiwvaxen township, Fike county, Fa.,
for the purpose ol' hunting and llshing, or
any other purpose is strictly futbidden un
der penalty of the law.
Nov. , 18;,". Pn "ident.
'PRFSPASS NOTIC'K. Notice is hereby
A givt-n that tiespassing on the pri'iidses
of ilie untleixignetl, situated in Dtugiuan
tow 'ii ship, tor any purpose whatever is
strictly forbidden, and allofb liders will Ik1
promptly proseculed. I it A H. Cask.
Oct. 21. lv5.
NOTU'K All hum ing (Ish bur or other
trehpjif.p.lng on the premises of the under
signed, iu Dinman fl'n nhip. on Hay
imaidskill and i)w arfskiil C-reeks, is for
binden under pi-nall v of the law.
nintzman Twp., N. lioii.KAl',
May IT, lM'S. .lo.ski H F liolLKAt:.
'ritKSPASS NOT1CK. Notice is hereby
A giv.'n that liepashinif iin.n the pro
perty of the undci sunn d In Mihord inwn
iiip. Pike county, F.i.. for tlie purposi of
hunting, lMiiiitf or any otlx r puies i,
st rictiy Itirliittdcu under penalty of t !;e law.
MhS. S. M. CitAh l.
Notice !
Hi TM s' Ul I ' n rpl,;iK' Court of
D.cenH.d "S I'lket ou ny.
To, li.-lleC, Hill, Mrs J Davcv, Mrs.
Hnlpti W, French. PiMh S Hill. Fred W.
Hill. Wtnifi.d Horn. Knninie Hill.
Ivillli".! O'Neill Loiii-e O'Neill, Tili-lee,
and .lehn (V Wot In lMdi , (JimnliAn
Ail iii. 'in of Ruth S Hill mid John Win
in d O Neii) u.iiiniK. i,-iis at law aiid lit xt
nt kin of ti ii. ii s. 1 i ill. dt ceased, and lo all
other, hi i re-ted;
You me an- heieby nml fled il,t the ()t
)liiil.' t'nint of aiii t'l.im! y itwanhd in
ii i) .ii -I to n.iiKe p;,i i ii !,iH ami il .,.; j.
f ei l.iill leal t-IMe ef I ).( -niil Riilh
I1 ' I t'cei d ei ii!-i- it i oi i Ii i ee pn t -
ground lIUilte in WcMiuil tuuii.lii;i I
fii! ( ii riiy, that ..ut i; i;i,t s i ' I I.
he 1.1 nil .;iui J, t llii-l w .( fui llll'i. '. , I he 1'
ii.-.v of Fbiui.f. :o At wl-:. h i:m am
plate Villi ait I't(l.t-I'it lo n ' I ' i 1 1 1 1 i I ym
I Inn I; proper. K AT.Dr.RM A Hi-.."
he, tli S ( Min e. iii
MiifoMi, i'ji., Dtc :iM,i.io.
Kdrte ut 10. Ml.
AVife .lust t hink of your hits ing to be
aw ay from home t lire- long w teka !
I'm sure you'll nit - me, won't you,
Husband Of course f will. I wish
ou would write me a curtain lecture
tn rv dey , so I'll hr a hit t o go to sleep
nights. t hiciuro Daily News.
Killed Ihe lilor..
"Yes; they tried to ihe oil bien-i
and clieese und Ivi-ses."
'Lidn't it wors '"
"-No. Mo- inn. . the hreaj und
Cieoiye furuished the I !. n.lu-f urt , and
fct'lrr thut noljodv Mantid any klbac."
t leieland 1'iuin lJealt-r.
r. i
Is not so far away!
Presents f:pr everybody;
from the grand-father
down to the baby.
Toys! yes, lots of tltcm.
Useful homo furnishings;
Dishes, Rugs, Chairs, Silver Ware,
Lamps, Stands, Blankets, Bric-a-
Brac, Chiffoniers, Side Boards, Etc.
You can't miss it!
Vo havo got just
92 Pike St., . .-. Port Jervis.
Grand Clubbing Offer.
-VV' '
Pikk Co. ritr.ss, Ijiulies' World, AiiitdreV, Mnnscy V, CMiiojiolitim, !fL5
" 44 t4 MclTure'B, 4.15
" 14 " ' " " CttHincpidiliiii, ' $.15
'"'- ' Lfslie'H Monthly, ' 4.15
You make a stdertion from one of tln tour olTirs, whirl) ym send to
us, tmcloninir 4 15 and we will bnvo tbe four publications ntaib'd to the
subscribor for tine yettr ; or oaHi tosr) arato addrrss if so desired.
Address PiKti (OUNTY I'hKS, Milton,, Pn.
Big linigiiins in lion's, oys.aii(l t'hildiens win
tor clothing-, boots, shoos ;ml rulihers.
All tho hitost styles and colors in Overcoats and
.,, ,;i 1 j . ., . , , , . - . , .
suits uoi constantly in stock", also m our iiunishin"'
goods departnienl .
All kinds of felt Imols and ruliliers.
If in need of anything
our lino xve can save you
money liy tradino; with us.
15 Front Street,
Ift're'i your rluuirf to nuilte
money allt r Imm'(, .lltii(
im rirri liiini r i:'t't'iM-i.
r"t H I.K.s limn .1; inn di tlx in lor
(tie, a clt-Hi' ritliHT of ov.-r lv tn t m )t
one. Vitn i nn milk to m; -v r t v-n-lnf.
t.lltl.N ni mo Miiiiri-d, I'riett: Kitmplt
INi lpt- ltlr; !, oil; i, 7."ir ; nr XM'nr frloo.
AililrrMM, .1. IM.I AN, No. oo Twr lit y -Ii it
strvtt, I'tttliui ti, 1'a.
Tliirtvoni ye .m a rive triV't'ee. Opinion a to
v-jiiditv und puL-ntatiility. N nte tor I ooli ol
111-1111.'-: ii. mid T.-I, i..i... s. L!SON BWOS2i
! ttrcct. V. j.hington. Ii. 1
will put you next the
an Interesting mag.
ciinoof criticism. Send for
one to (ley. No Free Copies
522G Eutkr St., Tittsburg, Fa.
what you want!
" "ivAv ,?'-'.:
Port Jervis, N. Y.
i t Cavi sts. and I'rade-Marks obtained and all Pat-J
ftiit bu.mcsa conducted l-.r MOUCMATC Ftc.
Ovn orncc is Orpocrrr U. s. Patent oinecj
t ivcc niso .:e i-.iiciit ill Uiutt tautt liiuc J
ye. .( Irjin as'iiirrton. j
I hcud t ioiltl, diatui.g or prioto., ith drvrip-l
, J lir,fe. Our ice ii't due t..l n.ttriu is kci ur d.
j S A P Wl PM LET, H "W l-i (.'NT. lit! I ' r trim," W'itt 5
1 -ti.it ('I haUlO !U ttiC U. S. BUid luta WUUU.ttaJ
J cut Irce. At.drt.,5,
Opp. pTtNT O.rice. Vashinton. D. C. f
1'iir kc titi t net I il w c I ail. Any one cudiin
Lt U li uud iti.acri;i iuti il any iiivcilttou will
prtuupLly rc'five oi.r oiiuiun free conctrrning
the tMit-nKiUhtv ot Mine. ' H"w to utH.nu a
Litem" Adit Uil re-iuest. 1'iiteiild seeuicd
Hi i ' - vr Ti us .i.ive i liet. .or s..leut our ex kmix.
i'lteiHA tken out thiuujh u reteive Mprcinl
not ifr, with.Mit ch in i uk I atknt Htto d,
au iliu-.li.tltU and widely cin.iil-.tcd jnutUiii,
coiiiiiilud Ijv M.iimi.ii tin uid Invot jia.
toclia lor ijin.ic FMkC. Addicaa,
U aicut Attorney,)
twara Buildii.g, WASHINGTON. O C
ITd PAUST Gaad Idea
nmy he t:.'iirt-if.y
our aid. AtlduVj,
ba tiniitr. Md.
fiCUt KcWlJ tl-iAyiwi miimut-
. W. DEST, M. D..
16 Bell Street,
9 to II A. M.
Office Hours 2 to A P. M.
7 to 8 P. M.
Physician nnd Siinrcon.
OfMn1 nml ri'f iili'iirci Marfoitl street It
himiB li.toly ot'cu pi il liy l)r K 1). Wi n.
tu r Jlll.MIK ), PA.
Dr. ven der Heyde,
Hrltk HmiM! 0 .ohlti' VitiulcrimiiU Hotel
Hmiiil street. Milf.iiil Pit.
OH'ICK Illll KS: 8 to 12 11. 111.; 1 to
p. 111 .
H. E. Emerson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broa
Attorney- at- Law,
OFFICE, Brown's Building
Mil Koni), Pikk Co., Pa.
John A. Kipp,
OFFICE, opposite Court House
Mn.KdHii, PiKh I'o., Pa.
ME NT iind A( CIIitNT
1). E. Van Ktten, Agent.
I liiiftimins Kerry, Pn.
Washington Hotels.
Tlie lititci pur excellence of the nipitnl,
loenteil willmt one liloi k of the White
House Mini direct ly opp. site the Trentiuiy.
Finest tahh! in the city.
A ftimoiiR hoteliy. remntkiihlB for Its
hisioriciil iissocintions nnd lonir sustained
popnlnrity. Kecently ri'noviiteel, repainted
nml paitinlly refurnished.
A hiiulniin k Hinonit the hotels of AVash
inctoii, piitronvcd In former yenrs hy
pieM.ents mid hli;h (.(Ticints. AlwnyK n
prime fnvoiite Kecently reniodeli'd nnd
tendered heiter t lints ever. Opp. I'n. H
It. dep. WALTI'.K Ul'KTON, Kes. MKr.
These hotels lire the prlnelpiil poliiical
rendeyvotis of the cnpitiil at. nil limes.
They are the hest stopping plnees at. lea
sonahle rates
O. O. STAPLES. Proprietor.
O. DE ITT.IVanagor.
f'iit tliis out nnd return to.ns with SI.OO
,H"1 WBl1 "'"il lU ftiowing pohtnge pro
All For $1. Regular Cost $4.00
This conililnaiioii fis family need
Two farm papers for the men 'Ihe "(tcii
llevMMoan." an lile al paper for the l.mlie
N V Weekly Tiilmne fiir ail Marion
Hut hind's eiiiik Hook with Sod pnfrcB nnd
I IKill pi aitlenl I ecipi s for I he iff, and Ihe
hook, '-Teii Nil.. his in ii Hnr Hooni. ihe
ltealest temperance novel of the aye. A
two ct in stamp htitiirs samples of papers
and on if real el n hliin list .
Vermont Farm Journal,
L. PACKARD, Publisher.
LHt4j bo YEARS'
Ton rw Mibmb
n f t i r. n v
Copyrights Ac.
Anvnnp on.Htn? ;i ph-trh nnd df.rrtptlon may
ri'ii'-Mv ns'-t-riai. ; i ; nun froe wlithtr an
InvHNtn.n it pnn. .n.,, f iu ntrthle. ( tin:niniii-ii-tmiiH
! i n i ly i 'mi; ! .1 !nniibiok on fnicuim
mill 1 ( M tf!t fi,r sti'urisiif puteiiC.
I'.tti iitP tnkeii 1' roiiuh Munn A Co. rucolva
jrfi i.U Hftu, Wllhouk L l'lfO, IU tbo
Scientific American.
A :ndfnniiV tltn t ralpd wwktv. l.nrsnt ftN
rtiliiiMii if xiikr f.'ii-iii.ili. toiirnul. 1Vrtn. a
y ir ; t -i i r ni . it in, tl. Sjiii by ail newiMit'iilwrn.
brmicli uilmu. t2i If Ht.. Wajibiuu luu. U.
l-l- "L ,Q
Photo Supplies,
Printing and
Tdl'lko Street, l"urt Jervis, N.