STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Cast Stroudtbnrg, Pa. THE LANE INSTITUTE, THE LANE INSTITUTE CO. II3S Broadway, St. James Build ing. Naw York. For trta Treatment and Cur of LIOUOR. OPIUM AND MORPHINE HABITS. NO HYPODERMIC INJECTIONS. A PERFECT HOME TREATMENT OH BAM TARIUM AOVANTAOE8 ill! SPORTSMEN ATTENTION 1 I J6M1. Cartridges. Powder and Shot, Caps, Wads, Hunting Coats, Leggings, Belts, Etc. Orders received for Guns, Killes and lie vol vers, "BERT" WALLACE THR FAM TfRM OF THIS PoriTAR INSTITirTIOif OI'KNS KRPT. 4, 1BOO. This Pmctlful Training Sohnnl fnr teach ers Is f ttnnted on the ltinln line of the J). 1j. & W. K. B. In Knnt Strondsbnrg, In the midst of th 3 great resorts of Monroe comi ty. Seven department nnd courses. Un excelled fnrllltl, strong farnltr, high stnntfnrd mnlptHlneH. Pupil couched free. Classes not ovet crowded. No extra charge made. It costs you less per year. We paid nil the state Rid to pupils, the only school that did this for the spring term. In seven years we have not had a serious case of sickness. Kloenflnn, College Vrm jinratory Hewlnir, Clay Modeling FHtel, ete.t without extra charts. We secure positions for our graduates. For full particulars, catalogue and Ech oes free, address GEO. P. BI BLR, A. MM Principal. All Around the County. SANDYSTON. n 00 Dyspepsia 7 n n 0)U Cure Digests what you eat. ItartlQcially diRpsts the food and aids Vature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It In itantly relieves and permanently cures Pyspepsla, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea, 6ickHeadache,GaRtralgla,Cramps,and all other resu 1 ts of i m perfect d Igestion. Prepared by E. C DsWUt Co., Chicago. HOLIDAY GOODS TOYS, DOLLS, NUTS, FRUITS, CANDIES, Etc., ETC. A full line at A. S. DING MANS BrondSt., Milford, Pa. HARNESS Of All Kinds and Styles. Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. Repairing j- done. Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. X. F. HAFNER. Harford St. - Milford, Pa. Table Dainties. Fresh groceries. Canned goods. Meats in every form. Turkeys and chickens. Oysters and vegetables. Everything for an elegant dinner at GUMBLE BROS. Harford St. Milford Pa, LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe . horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel, Corner Ann and Fourth streets MILFORD PA. J. C.-CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. Houses and Lota and lots without House. lu nil kinds of i'ruperty. Life and Insurance agent Notary Public. All business given prompt attention. Office on Harford Street Opposite office of C. W. Bull. Milford, Ya. ARMSTRONG'S DENTAL POWDERS FOR THE TEETH PLEASANT, REFRESHING, ANTISEPTIC. AT s P1IAUMACY, Milford, Pa. Life Insurance The iETNA offers special induce ments both on Lite and Endowment policies. Stable., cheap and prompt payment of all claims. For information apply to Leroy E. Kipp, Agent, Milford, Pa The hill by Contrevilln church bus been lowered over one linlf by din ging away the bank in front uf Hie church nul (temping the dirt into the hoi iw. T:ie upiioaraiice of the ground alion". tint cliurcii are much improved, iiud ni-.mi co lil li i done, and tuny be, later on. Fot sometime some of o.irwb 1- liavn been Out of cool und hiul lu Mil back on wood, but coal is being Uo liverod much to the delight of the teachers. I was wrongly (informed as to the dance on Friday last. It was at the residence of Charles Bensley, at Bav- Mis. and although not largely attend ed all voted it a good time. The one to be given on this Friday night will at Mrs. LitU' nud if all attend that are in receipt of an invitation it will be a hummer. While our Board of Education are supplying our schools with new books, will the Board take a look al the school grounds. Every school house in this town sits within a few feet of (he road, and if tho children wish to play they have to play in the road. A patron of the Layton school will give 25 dollars at any time toward the removal of the school house, (say 200 feet back) and grading of tho grounds. This will look much better, and give the pn nils more room for play. Will the Board take action in this matter? Eston O. Van Sickle, of this place departed this (Monday) morning for Philadelphia. He may stay a fort night or longer. An election for Trustees for the M. E. church nt Liyton will be held n the church on Thursilny afternoon Decembor 6th. Two cows of Alfred Ellett were attacked by a neighbors hog and so badly hurt that oue of them may die. Both were gored by the tusks of the hog. An animal of that kind should not be allowed to run at large. The game of 'checkers is attracting the attention of several of ouryoung men nnd ono party has learned the game so well that his opponent must be wide awake to reaoh the king row. Our mills are at a stand still, so far as steady grinding goes, nnd it (s hoped that this steady drizzle of to day (Sunday) may 'develop into f good soaking rain. I do rot hear of any great bags of game being taken, but almost every hunter gets some game, and quite often it is a very small some, too. As much game i oanght in traps as there is shot of the rabbits. Little Edith Cnrhuff, daughter of Ellis Carbuff, lias been brought home from the hosp'tal in New Yurk, While she (a not well there is hope of ultimate reoovery. ' J. V. Major, the veteran sharp shooter of this town, has decided to raffle off his rifle. The tickets are about sold and every holder of al ticket is earnestly hoping tiint bis, will take the gun and I am hoping the same for my tloket. Look Out! About Dec. is For the largest assort ment of Holiday Goods Ever shown in Milford RYMAN -:--:- & WELLS Milford, Penna. Blue Front Stables, Port Jorvia, IM. Y. Adjoining Oumaer's Union Honse Road, carriage, draft and farm horses for sale. Exohanges made A large stock from which to make elections. CANAL KT. Hiram Towner. Administratrix Notice. Wbeream letters of adiulDtbinttlon to the eMtute of John T. Armstrong late of the Borough of Milford deceased have beo ftrauted to the aulwcrtbor. All poruous lu dxhUul to the said ectute era requested to lititko limnetlinte pnytneut And thtwe bav- luv claims or (lt-umu(U nirainitt the eutat of the tutid di'ctHluiit will make ktiowu the aiue without rit'lav to NANC'V ARMSTRONG. Ailmlntrii ratrii Milfurd Borough, Pike Co., m Nov. luoo. for two days on Recount of Thanksgiving. 8 Krautnr and, wife, of Owpro, arrivej Thursday evening and are guests with ex-sheriff II. I. Cort- rights family Mr. Krauter was formerly with Carloy and Terwilli ger, of Port Jejvia and his wife is a sister of Mrs. Cortriglit. Wedding bells rung Wednesday nt H' i homo of E. Shay when his son. in was married. KIMBLES. Minnie Dnniolss of Singling N.Y., returned home after spending a week with her parents Lot Daniels and wife. . Peleg Edwards, of Buoba, and As.i Tyler, of Rowlands, have moved here and will occupy two of Miles Rowland houses. E1. MulOne an1 Irvtn Dawitt have returned from a ten days hunt about Shohola If tills, the former, and par ty got six- and the latter and party got lour deer ' ' ' Mrs. George Kimble and Lizzie Calkins speut last Friday at Hones dale. Dellio Pierson has returned from a two weeks visit at Scranton. Uev. C. K. ecudttor ts drilling a In rge class on a snored cantata which it is expected will be given aouio time during the holidays. These meetings afford nn excellent oppor tunity for musical culture of a high order nrd are w;thal of great bene fit to the community in improving a taste for a c'ass of mtisio which has, co some extent at least, been sadly encroached on by the friolus and nonsensical songs which are quite notalby m vogue. Dr. W. H. Lewis, Lawrenceville Vn., writes, "I am using kodol dy spepsia our in my practice among severe ensses of indigestion and find it an ndmirable remedy." Many hundreds of physicans depend upon the nso of kodol dyspepsia cure in stomach troubles. . It digests what you eat. and allows you. to eat all the good food you need, providing you do not overload your stomach. Gives instant relief and a permanent cure. OBITUARY. IMNIRf, 1. llOSKNCRAm. After nn illness of one week of pneumonin, Mr. Uoseticrans died at his home in Delaware township lust Sunday evening. He was a son of Simoon and Mnry (Van Etton) Hos enciHiis nnd wiis born on the furrn on which ho always lived anil where ne (lied Jan. 23, 1HH0. Ho w;is well known in that an well as Ihtsconimu nity and was a man of onorgotlc purpose, industrious in habits, cure ful and prudent in business and of congenial spirit mn king many friends He was a devoted admirer of good horses and during his lifetime own- id sevoral of value. Nov. 11 1802 he enlisted in the 18 Penna. Cavalry nnd was sergeant of Co. M and par ticipated in several battles, notably those of Winchester n nd Gettysburg. Ho was captured at Hngorstown and after three months incarceration at Bi'lle Isle was exclmuged nnd rejoin ed his regiment, serving until hon orably iliHchnrgod at the close of the war. He had some narrow escapes having had several horses shot from under him but fortunately was nev er wounded. Ho was entrusted by his fellow cili.ens with several loral oflijes all of which he filled with credit and satisfaction. Jan. 171866 he married Abbly II. Nichols of Newark, N. J., who with four daughters, Ida, of Now York, Mary wife of Arthur Geuung, of Rock Island Co. 111., Clara wife of Henry J. Stanley, of Newark and Phebe, and two sons Frank and Solomon at home survive. One sister Cornelia, widow of Major William J. Sciioon over of Bushkill, of a largo family of brothers and sisters also survives. The funeral took place Wednesday from the Reformed clinrch at Ding mans and interment in tho cemetery there. Card of Thanks. We desire to express onr sincere thanks to our friends for their ex pressions of sympathy and many acts of kindness during the late ill ness and at the death of our husband and father, Daniel D. Rosencrans. Mrs. Abby II. Rosencrans and family. t w "BEST OF ALL FLOUR." FEED, MEAL, BRAN, OATS, and HAY. 7 J When in need of any Hello to No. 5., or come to SAWKILL MILL, MILFORD, PA IBALi SHINGS If your can purchase good up-to-date footwear in town any cheaper than wc can sell it to you we do not expect your patronage, but the general opinion is that we have the lest value for least money and our busi ness indicates unusual sat isfaction to the customer as we sell thousands of pairs every month. Wanted. A case of liquor, mor phine or opium habit that wecannot oure in 3d to 60 days. Write for free trial treatment. . The Lane Institute Co., 1135 Broadway, N. Y. dl4 No other pills can equal De Witt's little early risers for promptness, certainty and efficiency;. Full line of ladies. Misses and childrens rubbers, boots and shoes at T Armstrong & Co. When yon want prompt acting lit ttie pills that nover gripe use De Witt's little early risers. New lot of hats & G. Mitchells. and caps at W. tf Oil cloth and linoleums at W. & G. Mitchells. ; . tf Subscribe for the Press. MATAMORAS. John Keys and II Keys and wife, of Brooklyn, are guests of J. F. Keys on River street. Mrs. Kate Irvin, of Brooklyn, is a visitor with the family of G. II. Langton. J. O. Ryder and family passed last Sunday with his brother at Pond Eddy. ,t A phantom social under the na spices of Epworth church took place Tuesday evening at the home of Robert Skinner. The L. A. 8. of Epworth church met this week with Mrs. Chas. Lord on Cookson street. Mrs. A J. Demorest and daughter Jennie, of Paterson, are guests of Mrs. Alfred Billman. The L. C. U. of Hope church met this week at Mrs. H. Soyuolta on Ad ams street. Mrs. J. L. Wilkin, son, Dor.ald, and daughter Silvia, returned from OtisviUe Thursday after a .weeks visit at that place. Loren Lnngton, of New York is at home here for a few days. Calvin Langton, who is in the in surance business in New York, will remove his wife to the city for the winter. His home here is now being occupied by Mrs. Westfall and fam ily. Miss HatHe Allen returned home Saturday after a visit at Middletown N. Y. The ladies of St. Josephs church are tusy this week making prepara tions for the fair to b held this week at Lackawaxen. There will be an entertainment also and the boy orator Jeromo Guerin will re cite. The high school closed, this week Rheumatism. Nobody knows all about it; and nothing, now known, will always cure it. , . Doctors try Scott's . Emul sion of Cod Liver Oil, when they think it is caused by im perfect digestion of food. You can do the same. It may or may not be caused by the failure of stomach and bowels to do their work. If it is, you will cure it; if not, t you will do no Tiarm. The way, tojeure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to its habit of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil does that, it cures; when it Uon't, it don't cure. It never does harm. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste- will surprise you. SCOTT &. BOWNE, Chemists, . ioq Pearl St.. N. Y, JOHN CHCRCH CORNELIUS. As briefly announced in the Prbss last week Mr. Cornelius died at Kan sas city. Mo., early last Friday morning. He bad been for some weeks in a hospital there suffering with typhoid fever, from vhioh he was apparently recovering, when pneumonin developed, added to this was a heart difficulty with which he had for some tilne been affected and the end c me swifty. Encouraging reports had been received of his con dition which allayed tho fears of his family and they did not start for his bedside nntil last Wednesday night when his wife and sister left but un fortunately too late. He was born in Milford Docemb'er 8, 1871 and was a sou of William and Maggie Church, Cornelius. He grew np in this place and several years ago became connected with a school of instruction for raiiroad men since which time he has been travel ing over the country in that employ ment. He developed nn aptness for the business and was very success ful in its pursuit. In 1894 he mar ried Mrs, Amy Payne, of Texas, who with an infant son survives him. He is also' survived by his mother and two sisters, Buttie, of this Borough, and Annie wife of Frank Hullot. The remains were brought here Monday and the funeral held Wed nesday afternoon from the Sawkill House. Interment in Milford cemetery. KAN 21 Front St., Port Jervis. A New Store A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES. FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. Soaps, Perfumes, Proprietary Articles And Everything Usually Found in a First-Class Drug Store. Sr H. E. Emerson S Co., gjOT Next Door to Hotel Fnuchere. Proscription caret u Compo Broad Street, Milford, 1103. MAKUEK? H1SSAH. After an illness of some months Mrs. Hissam relict of the late John C, who she married July 4, 18G0, died at the home of her son Lucia n B. on Water street last Saturday morning aged nearly tuty-Uirou years. She was a daughtorof James J. and Melina Baruhardt VauAnken who were residents of Shohola town ship, this county. She is survived by three daugh ters, Grace wife-of ClovU Loreaux, of Flatbush, L. I., Lizzie wife of Lafayette Lattimore, Kate wife of Wm. McCown and two sous Lucian B. and John C, all of this Borough and two brothers, Samuel L., of Lackawaxen, aod Abrabiin of God defroy, N. Y. Tho funeral was held from the M. E. church Monday af ternoon and interment in the Milford oemetery. MRS. WARKKN C. RAL'B. Died Nov. 23 at her home in St. Louis Mrs. Lizzie J. wife of Warren C. Raub formerly of this place. She was eldest daughter of Hon. George Geyer, now of Matamora, and was born in Dingman township in 1863. She married Mr. R'iub in 18S2 nnd two years later removed to St. Louis whero they have since resided. Besides her husband she is sur vived by three children, Alice M., A'arren C. and Florence J. her (wir nts and one sister, Mrs. Fred J. lever, of Malamoras, one brother, ieorgo J. anil a Bister. Mrs. George itudolpb, of Newark, N. J. The Mew-York Tribune Tim LEADING NATIONAL REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER, thoroughly np-to-dntfl, (nul alwiivn a Htniu;h mlvocuto and supporter of Republican principles, will contain tho most reliable news o( THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN Including discussions, correspondence nnd pp'ohea of the nbleat political leiideri, hrlllinnt edtrorhds, r.'Krt from all section of tho loud Knowing proffrean of the work, etc., etc , uml will commend itself to tho cnreful pcrsunl of every thoughtful, intolli- got voter who Iihs the true intoresiA or hw country nt benrt. Published Momlny New York Tri-Week!y Tribune W mint's uiynntl Kritiuy 18 In it rcilry n fine' frt'-jh. rvery-ot her-day Daily, giving the latest news if th nt her three. It contains nil Impor tant foreign war and orhor cnhlo news which appeniH in THE DAILY TRIBUNE of satnn date, 1ho Dmiifstio nnd Kon'iprn Cor cospomlenc, Short Stories, Elegant Half tone Illustration, Humorous I tenia, ln diistriai;intoriuutioi, Fanlilon Notes. Ag ricultural Matter nnd Comprehensive nnd Reliable Financial and Market reports. Regular subscription price, $1 IW per yenr Wo furnish lb with THK PRESS for & 8f per year. Send all orders to PIKE COUNTY PRESS, Milford, Pa. Published on Tlinin- Nguu dny, nnd known for nenrlyNlxtj'yoirsinev- Ynrk ery piirtv of the UiiImmI State nNntlounl Knm- Vlaolrltf lly Newspnuer of the ivcenij highest olnsn for farm- Trihunn r ni viiiubm. it duiio oontnitm nil the most Importnnt general newa of THE DAILY TRIHUNE up to tho hour of going to the press. Iihh piit-ortnining rending for every member of the fmnily, old nnd young. Market report which are accepted an nuth ority by farmers nnd country merchants, and Is clean up-to-date, mid Interesting. Regular subscription price, 11.00 per year. We furnish It with THE PRESS for 1.65 ' per year. New Winter Stock. WASH FABRICS, WOOLEN SUITINGS, WHITE GOODS, UNDERWEAR, HATS and CAPS, WALL PAPER, LADIES' SHOES, MENS' " . MISSES' " CHILDRENS' SHOES, AT PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, GLASS. Also ANTI-RUST TINWARE, All kinds of OILS & PAINTS, PURE LEAD & ZINC PAINTS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, HARDWARE, MATS and MATTING, OIL CLOTH, ETC., ETC. W. & G. MITCHELL'S, MILFORD, PA. Great Clubbing Offer. The Pike County PitKsa has made arrangements with the publisher of the Vermont Farm Journal" which enables uh to make the most remarkable olubblug oUor ever be fore heard of in this sectiuu. Here it U: Piko Co. Press I vr. Vermont Farm Journal I yr. N. Y. Weekly Tribune I. yr. American Poultry Advocate I yr. The Gentlewoman I yr. Marion Harland's Cook Dook. Ten Nights In a Bar Room. All for $2.00 Regular Price $5.50 Pike County PRESS, Renewals $2.25. Milford Penna. 50C, and $i.oo ; all drugjista,