Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, November 23, 1900, Image 2

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Onk Ybar One dollar Hud fifty cents.
Bix Months fevMity-llve centH.
Entered nt the post office of Milford,
Pike County, PetinnylvanlH, an Recond
claaa matter, November tweut y-flrst, 1BMH.
Advertising Rates..
One. tiqiinrc(lgrit lttios),nne Insertion -11.00
Eiich mihMcqnent Insertion BO
Kcdnoed rates will be funilnhrtl on ap
plication, will be allowed yearly adver
isers. Legal Advertising.
Administrator's and Eecutor'B
notices S'10
Auditor's notices i ")
Divorce notices 6M
Sheriff's sales, Orphans' court sales,
County Treasurer's miles, County state
ment and election proclainatiun charged
by tho itquara.
J. H. Van Etten, PUBLIRIIRR,
Milfortl, Pike County, Pa.
Buss Croker appointed a commit
tee to suppress vice iu New York,
gave orders that 1 should be done
and then sailed away to take the
ImiMis. People are not impressed
with his sincerity and think it i
simply a bluff in the hope to regain
standing with the hotter class of cit
izons. He evidently sues trouble
ahead and thinks a show of reform,
headed by himself as a reformer,
may avert disaster to his political
Farm and Garden.
A lata government bulletin in
forms us that there aro 250 varieties
of mosquitoes.
Iowa has 724 cows to the thousand
of population, leading all the states
iu this particular.
It is all right to study the weath
er signs, but don't pin your faith to
moon signs. The old moon is dead
very dead.
Aunt Dinah used to make a fine
Johnny cake by guess, but it is rare
that any one is smart enough to
make good butter by guess.
Most of the foreign and fancy
brands of cheese are now produced
Id this oountry by the Swiss and
German dairymen of Wisconsin.
A Missouri farmer writing to a
prominent horticultural paper says
that apple scions stuok iuto a pota
to and planted will grow into trees.
The one colony of New South
Wales, in Australia, has lost 32,.
144,000 sheep during the past six
years owing to the drouth which
ruined sheep pasture.
If you make your hired man milk
Biz cows morning and night besides
doing a ten hour day's work in the
field, don't kick if he takes three
spoonfuls of sugar in his coffee.
When you come across one of
these Belgian hare fellows, you can
not help calling to mind Colonel
Sellers. They are almost as smooth
talkers ah the lightning rod fellows.
We lately saw a fine blue grass
pasture rooted over by the acre by
a drove of hogs in search of the
earthworms which the rains of the
fall had brought to the surface of
the ground.
Nearly every homestead, whether
In town or country, has odd corners
where a grapevine or a fruit tree
might be planted and be an orna
ment to the place an well as a
acource of profit Look up these
The value of the strawberries
rai ed in this country is placed at
$80,000,000 annually and of grapes
at $100,000,000. As many as 210,
000,000 barrels of apples have been
produoed in one year, while the val
ue of the peach crop can hardly be
estimated. This is a great fruit
A friend wants to know if he can
safely transplant forest trees in the
fall reason. Yes, this tall he can,
for the earth is well saturated with
moisture and the trees so transplant
ed will probabably live and do well.
With the earth as dry in the fall as
it has been for several seasons past
it would be folly to try it.
Four hundred and three well fin
ished beeves were lately shipped
from an interior point in Kansas to
Glasgow. The cattle were landed
on the other side in good order and
sold at $8. SO per hundredweight live
weight. It cost $25 per head to
ship them which brought the net
price down to a lower figure than
they would have brought at home.
A complaint is made that the ap
ples on tho Northwestern Greening
trees grow so large that the stems
will not support the fruit till it gets
ripe. Don't worry. Nearly all
bearing trees of this varietyare very
young, and it is always the habit
of apples, trees bearing young to
produce larye sized fruit. As the
troo pots older and the crop heavier
the fruit will lie smaller and trouble
referred to will disappear.
No product of the soil is more' af
fected by the qunlity of the Foil in
which it is produced than tho pota
to. The very best potatoes we ever
ate wore grown upon a piece of
newly broken up hazel brush land
of quite sandy make up. They were
not so very large, but simply per
fect in quality. The same potato if
grown upon a pioce of heavily ferti
lized muck land, would have been
unfit to eat A clover sod in lieu of
a hazol brush tract will nearly al
ways produce a good quality of po
tatoes, provided the soil is not a
black muck Excollcnt potatoes
are raised in almost pure snnd when
following olover. J. S. Trkkj.
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Rev. 0. E. Scudder, Pastor
Class Meeting 9.30
Preaching 10.30
Sunday School 11.45
Ep worth League 0.45
Preaching 7.30
Prayer Meeting Wed 7.30
Class Meeting Fri 7.30
Next Tuesday night revival sev
vioes will begin at our church
The subjects for the week are as fol
lows : Tuesday evening, What is a
revival? Wednesday, Do wo want
a revival? Thursday, Can we have
a revival? Friday, Are we ready
for a revival? Think about the
matter of religion, think honestly,
think devoutly, and settle your rela
tion to God iu a way that will help
yon live right and die right.
Tho Thanksgiving service will be
held in ohr church next Thursday at
10 :30. No service of al! the year
strikes a more responsive chord in
the human heart Family reunions
and varied gifts, characterize- the
day. The union Thanksgiving ofi
ering will go to the Bible society.
In few w ys can we better show oui
Thanksgiving spirit than by giving
the word of God, to those who need
The speoiol services at Union have
measured up to our expectation in
interest and in character. We be
lieve that the work begun last year
was but the seedsowing and that the
harvest is yet to be ripened and
gathered. That genuiue christian
character is being formed there is
no doubt. May the good work go
on till a large class of devoted fol.
lowers of our Lord shall be. formed,
to live and to teach the salvation of
our God.
In harmony with the recommend
ations of our general conference we
observe next Sabbath as temperance
day. The time is well chosen. The
political situation is settled for the
present. Let the political consider
ation of the question be set aside for
a little, while we calmly consider
the ravages of the liquor traffic.
The Rev. G. II. Winans will be
with us next Sunday and will help
in the revival meetings that follow.
We are glad to have with us so ex
perienced a servant of the Lord.
Spread Like Wil Ifiret
When things are "the best" they
become "the best selling." A bra
ham Uar a leading druggist, of Bel
leville, O., writs : "Electrio Bitters
are the best selling bitters 1 have
handled in 20 years. Youkuowwhy?
Most diseases begin in disorders of
the stomach liver, kidneys, bowels,
blood and nerves. Electrio Bitters
tones up the stomach, regulates liv
er, kidneys and bowels, purifies the
blood, strengthens the nerves, hence
cures mulitudes ot maladies. It
builds up the entire system. Puts
new life and vigor iuto any weak,
sickly, run-down man or woman.
Pride 60 cents. Sold by all druggist.
Thanksgiving Day Ezcutsion.
On Thursday November 29, 1900.
"Thanksgiving Day" the Erie will
sell special excursion tickets from
Port Jervis to New York and return
at tho popular rate of of $1.00 for
the rouud trip. Tickets will lie
good going on the O.ange Co. Ex
press, leaving Port Jervis at 0 :29 a.
in. and will bo good returning on
any train leaving New York Nov
ember 29th, except trainu' No. "5
and 7." n23
Both makers and circulators of
counterfeits corn mil t fraud. Ilonest
men will not deceive you iuto buy
ing worthless counterfeits of De
Witt's witch hazel salve. The orig.
inal is infallible for curing piles, in
juries, eczema and ski a iliseiti.es.
P. C. Rutan has opened his bicycle
and repair shop on Broad street,
where may be found a good stock of
wheels and sundries, and tin exjier.
ienced workman in charge to make
necessary repairs. tf
Wanted. A rase of liquor, mor
phine or opium habit that we can not
cure in 30 to 60 days. Write for free
trial treiirment. The Lane Institute
Co., 1135 Broadway, N. Y. dl4
The best method of cleansing the
liver is the use of the famous little
pills known as DeWitt's little early
risers. Easy to tako. Never gripe.
Pain back of your
eyes? Heavy pressure
In your head? And are
you sometimes faint and
dizzy? Is your tongue
coated? Bad taste in
your mouth? And does
ycur for-d distress you ?
Are yci nc-rvcus snd ir
ritable? ID j y u often
have the blw ;? And
are you troubled abou!
Then you liver la
mil wrong.
Rut there is a cure.
'Tis the old reliable
They act directly on
the liver. They cure
constipation, biliousness,
sick headache, nausea,
and dyspepsia. Take a
laxative dose each nieht.
For 60 years years they
nave Deen the standard
Family Pills.
Prici 2i ctnti. All Drurtljlt.
" I have taken Aver'B l'lllamn-
lnrljr fur lx months. They hiiva
cured me of n severe hpntlnciie, mid
1 cm now walk from two to fonr
mile without petting tired or out
of breath, nouiething I h.ivo not
Btwn auie to uo lor manv year."
July 13, 1699. Kaleni, Man.
Wrllm thm Doctor.
If Ton liRve any comprint whatever
and cleftlre the bent iariiir.il nrivlre vnn
ciiu possibly receive, write the doctor
ply wit
Dlv without cotit. Aiiiirtm.
ireeiy. ion wm ipi-eive a I'rutmit ra.
i'u. i. . a iit, iwen, nail.
It is well to know that DeWitt's
witch bazel salve will heal a burn
and stop the puin at once. It will
cure eczema and skin diseases and
nifly wounds nnd sores. It is a cer
tain cure for piles. Counterfeits
may be offered you. Keo that you
get the original DeWitt's which
linzel salve.
One Cent a Word.
For Kftoh Inaertlon. No Aflvt-rttHtnent
taken for icaathRnlA nruta. CASH
ninat fetompftny nil order. Addrvaa
IT'OR RALE. A small farm located near
r Mntnmnrafl, known as the Hensel or
Keitihnrdt place, containing SI acre.
Finely located, well watered. House and
barn. Fruit of all kinds. Part lmurovcd.
Title clear. For terms, price, etc, address
l.ock dux u Minora, fa.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby
(riven that trespassing tin lite premise's
.jo ttpied by the undersigned in JJingiiian
OA'tiship, known as the Iluchunan farm
r hunting, fishing, berrying or tiny other
nrpose whatever is forbidden under pcrj
flity of the lttvv Any person or persons
disnlteying this notice will be dealt with
iu the severest lawful tnnnner.
Geohob H. Mccarty,
July 1, 18H7. Lessee.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
given that trespassing upon the south
ern half of t lie tract of html known lis the
William Denny, No. 8, In Shohola town
ship, for hunting, fishing, or, any other
purposo, also trespassing on Sawkill pond
in Dingmitn township, or, fishing in It is
forbidden under penalty of the law.
M. t'l.Kll.ANII Mll.NOR,
AprlMm Attorney for owner.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
given that trespassing upon the pro
perly of the Forest Lake Association in
Lackawaxcn township, Pike county, Pa.,
for the purpose of hunting and fishing, or
any other purpose is strictly forbidden un
der penalty of the law.
Nov. 22, 1896. President.-
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
given that trespassing on the premises
of the Undersigned, situated in Ojngman
township, for any purpose whatever is
strictly forbidden, and all offenders will be
promptly prosecuted. Ika 11. CASK.
Oct. 24. 1UU6.
NOTICE All hunting, fishing or other
trespassing on the premises of the nnder
signed, lu liingman Township, on Kay
mondsklll and Lwarfskill Creeks, Is for
biudea under penalty of the law.
( HAS. J. boiLBAU,
Dingtnan Twp., N. Holl.KA!',
May 17. lHUii. Jostl ll F HoiLKAU.'
ri'KESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
X giv.'ti that trespassing upon the pro
pcrty of the undersigned in Mitford town
ship. Pike county, l'a., for the purpose of
hunting, flt-bing or any other purposes is
strictly foruitldcu under penalty of t!.e law.
Mus. 8. SI. Ckajtt,
Administrators Notice.
letters of administration on the estate
of Kiizabeth J. V'au Aukt n late of Ilela
ware township, dccA'itsed have tst-n gfant
ed to the uutit-rsiy tied. Ail HT4.ii having
claim againt said estate v lit present them
and those indebted to said decedent will
please make iliimedlnte pnynirtit to
Miltord. Pa.. Oct. 80. WO.
Auditor's Notice.
jAFioeK, I1" tOjPh"''i' Court
Deceased. ) of Pike Couuty.
The undersigned Auditor '"appointed by
the Orphan's colltt to tmikedisirihutiouo'f
futut i.j the handsot tiio sdtniiiistrator to
and amongst, tiie parlies tiiid make report
at next icnn returning the evidence there
with" wlil attend to the dune of his ap-
K ointment on the 7th day of day!of Ueccui
er, A. 1)., hot), at 2 u'clock p in. of sa:d
day at his olliee tit the Court House in the
liorouph of Milfotd, Pa., nt which time
and place all persons iuterestt tl iu said dis
lribntiu are requestt d to be present and
prove tho saute or bedebarred toreverfrout
pat titicipaliiijf in said fund.
1) M VAN Al'KF.N,
Milford llorotiL'h. ) Auditor,
lull Nov., 1UJ j
Register's Notice.
Tho following nrrnnrita have been fllrd
with tho Register and will be presented to
the nt xt Court to bo hi Id tiie third Mon
thly t December next for Confirmation
nnd allowance:
Kstntcof Henry Worzol, dee'd, nccotint
of AlmaC. Wnrzel, niltti inlst nit , ix.
Estate of Henry Long, dt tt'd, account of
.fetinlo Ijitig. Fxeciiiix, in the mntter of
snle of Heal Estate.
Estate of (ieorge A. Ki lt h, dcr'd, nccotint
of Louise J. Filch, administratrix.
.1. C. WE.s rHROOK .TR ,
Nov. 19, lm. Register.
Court Proclamation.
State of Pennsylvania )
County of I'ikn. (
Notice ,s hereby given to nil person,
ootid by rerngnlznro or otherwise to no
.ear. that the December Term, liio. of th,
j'vernl Courts of Pikcconntv will be hcV
nt. the Court House in the Hormigh ol
Milford tin the third Motidiiv. ttTilil i.t
li o'clock p m., i,tid conilono one week ti
necessary. t.. VAN DERM A It K .
Milford, Pn., Nov. 20, HUN).
Notice of Application for
To tlinr'ntipit ,r r1,.,,,,. di m.
County. No H!i October Tenn UK ).
no i ice is mircny given t not. an II pp lent inn
C 1 1 1 1,1, llnwln tn I 1, c 1. 1 ij...: .
, 11 1 . ... . 'ii i , 1 1 ii . ,,eot gc
h. Purely, I-'iw Judge thereof, on Monday,
the 17fh day of December. A. I), lis ,, at'ji
o'clock, p. in., under the "Corporation Act
of one thousand eight handled nnd seven
ty-four" and the supplements thereto, b
.iiiiin . iiittx, r int uitu h. Holmes .(nice
R Smith lleulion l,i,,,,.nt,,,- 12
f'lll-ltllll )l,wl fitlioia fur tl... ..'l - ... ...
'" s , , fl r i,i in
intended corporation to be culled "Tin
niei iniuisi episcopal i nnrcii or Ln Annn,"
the character nnd object of which ts lot
the support of public worship according tf
thefallii. doctrine, discipline nncl use..,.,
of the Methodist Kniseopnl church t
1'nlted StatcH of America, and for I hesi
purposes to have possess and enjoy all tin
rights, benefits and prvilcKcsconicrrcd In
mini mvnuu lis Slipp'omcn ts
ll'Y T RA u-lrn
V.t., j Solicitor.
Milfoid, Pn.. Nov. 22nd, !(K)0.
Sheriff's Sale.
Br virtue of n writ. -r,f T..,vi,i.t I-
sued out of the Court ot Common Pleas ol
t-iKe county to me directed I will sell nt
Public Sale on
'jEMHKR, a. D., 1'JUu-
nt 2 o'clock ln thenfternoon atthe Sheriff's
uuicc in tiie Horoiigh of Miltord: All the
following real estate, the estate, share,
loiij'iim, in, imdii. rimit, tnrerest, proterty
claim and demand w hnteverof then, Krmi.
cl ick McCarty, Jacob McCnrtv for self nnd
us guardian ot Ihoniiimrrhildrcn of James
McCarty, deceased. Philip McCarty for
sen mm oniiner .loseplt aiel arty who as
signed nil- his interest to same nnd Elln-
ttenoerson anil lletsy, his wife, the ubovi
being the sons and daughters of Philip Mc
Carty, dweascd, in law equity or other
wise of in or out of the following tiaci
of land sllunte Ivinir and helm in ti
township of Delaware in the county ol
Pikcand Stnte of Pennsylvania where-
no mo saiu t-ony now resides, llegln
ning nt a stone on the bank of the riv
er Delaware thence along the land of Phil
ip McCarty north 61 degreess west fioij
perches to the back lino ol tho old place ot
what Is known as the Allen line thonn
along the snino south 4 degrees west 2fi per
ches to a stouo thence north Mf degrees
west 7li?J perches to a stone thence south
5 degrees east ti tierclics to a chestnut, onk
tree thence south 20 degrees ca- ttil perches
in n inuo iiieuce soiitti wi3 degress east
2015 perches to a stone to the lti.lr.,r.
river thence up the same to the several
courses aim distances to the place ol
beginning, containing 46 acres now In
possession of the snid Pollv. The deed
of the above conveyance IsdaUid the lHth
day of May ls'lfi and being the sami
premises conveyed by Abraham A. Van
rtiiKcn, administrator, to Elizabeth J,
Van Auken dated tho 27th of Cntoo..
her 187H nnd is recorded in Deed Book
it o. oo page Di .
House, barn and ntit-hulidlngn nhont
twenty acres cleared, tini-nce wood land
(seized and t. ken In execution as the prop
erty of Elizabeth J, Van Auken. deceased,
mis win uc sum iijt me mr ensn.
ou , , E. VaNDERMARK.
Sheriff's Office, ( Sheriff.
No. 12, limo. j
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas ol
Pike county to me directed I will sell at
Public Sule on
at 9 o'clock in thenfternoon at the Sheriff'
Otliee in the Borough of Milford: All thai
certain lot, piece or tract of land sittinteiu
Diuginan tow nship, Pik county, Penn
sylvania, lielngpartof a larger tract sur
veved ou a warrant from the land i.iilee ol
Pennsylvania granted to James Reese be
ginning nt a heap of stones for a corner
i hence along the line of a tract of land in
i he name of John Jones west two bundled
and forty-live and t wo-thirds porches to a
hi np of stones thence north by lands in he
omne of William C.raig and others tw o
hundred and forty perches thence east two
Hundred nuu forty live nud two third ner
ches thence north two-hundred and forty
perches to the place of beginning contain
ing thm-hundred and forty eiirht. acres
and one hundred and twenty peiches of
inmi iroiu V, men sain quantity Is to he de
ducted fifty acres sold and convoyed by
David Cleves to Enoch Honeywell.
House and barn a d about twenty ncees
cleared balance woial land well llmliered
Seized and tnken iu execution as the prop
erly of Jesse Travers nnd Eliza his wife
and w ill be sold by mo for cash.
Sheriff's Office, ) Sheriff.
Nov. 12, lyuo. (
Orphans' Court Sale.
Hy virture of nn order of the Orphans'
i-ouri ot rise coui.ty, uie roMowing de
-cubed renl estate, of which John H. New
tiiHii. lute of the township- of Ilingmnn
eoiinty of Pike and Stale Pennsylvania,
died, seized, will lie exposed to sale by pub
lic vendue or outcry, on
at two o'cloc- 111 the afternoon of said day.
inll'etroot hall of the Court House, in
the Itiweiigh of Mtlf'ird, Pike citunty, Pa.,
said rrrl estate hi ing situated In t lie conn
y of Pike, adjoining lands of Walter H.
Wnrr.er (or huais i.o v in his iH-ropanoy
itid imsscssinti 1 William Hoyd, Philip o.
Kiiikle. the Public1!. ih hway kuowu us the
Miltuid and Owt go Turnpike and other
lullds; ihe same Is ing described iu the wit)
f said John H. Newman, deceased, as
'my fiiini io Diiicicnn township, In said
eoutitv of Pike adjoining hinds of the
l mail restate,' i nan. Mid Kd. uulnu. and
otheis, con'iiiniiig nln ut three hundred
lu res, excepling llu-rt fn in, however, liny
.-iglit acres, more or less'' said lauds so ex-
cepttd being, t-lit v I t it iu raid will, do-scrils-d
by courses nud distances. Of tiie
above luiiils about 7u aens are imnroveil.
whlli tiie htthilic is in timber. A large
yielding npplle orcliard of nnn thrifty
iris's and ciioice fruit are cn the lauds,
and there ate creeled on same a good
fiame dwelling house, a gcod barn and
oilier out buildings.
'Ihe whole couipri.-ing a very desirable
farm pn pertv. near Milford, Pa.
TERMS OF SALE: furicnh on day
of sale, and l-nleiiee on cuutiruiatiuu llicrt
of and delivery of deed.
Appointed by the Court to make suid sale.
Miiiord, Pa., Oct. Bl, llJO.
Is not so far away!
Presents for everybody;
from the grand-father
down to the baby.
Toys! yes, lots of
them. Useful homo
made furnishings;
Dishes, Rugs, Chairs, Silver Ware,
Lamps, Stands, Blankets, Brie -a- ,
Erac, Chiffoniers, Side Eoaids, Etc.
You can't miss it!
We have got just what you want!
92 Pike St., .-. Port Jervis.
Grand Clubbing Offer.
Pikk Co. Pkkss, Linlics' World, Ainsk-o's, MniiHpy's, CoFinojiolifnii, 4.15
' " " " " McC'luro's, 4.15
" " " " " " ('(isiiioiiolilni), " 4 15
" " " " " " Ln'sliosilontlily, " 4.13
You ninko n selection from oner f tlio four offers, wliieh you semi to
us, enelosins $1 15 nnd vn will lmve tiie funr ml liciilioiis mailed to the
substTilx r for one yenr ; or eneli to sennriitu .'iddicss if so desired
Address IMKK COUMTY 1'KKWS, Milford, Pn.
Special clothing and boot and
shoe sale during Street Fair
Week. Commencing
Monday, Oct. 8th until Oct. 12th
Our Fall stcck is all in and we
offer it at prices never before
approached inPort Jervis.
Our Special Clothing and
be a hummer.
Men's Overcoats from
Men's Suits from
Boy's Overcoats from
Boy's Suits from
Children's Suits from
i5 Front Street, .-. Port Jervis, N. Y.
Here' your clinnre ti ninke ;
Cnnt you LKSS tltmi H; yo nll tliciu for
tOc, a clr FIIOUT of ovfr 7o nu fH-h
onr. You ran iimkv ft'j.to : every fvt n
Ui(f. Ilti.S aIho wnnlfd, I'rU'fM: HHinple
It flftm Klff I'i, Ml; 40, 75c( or 3ft for ftiOfl.
AddrrM, J. .1. IXH.AN, Nn. r, Twrnty-tiiHl
tre-t, littbiirg, l a.
Cstaslisheo cyrT.
I5. UT. 3 lABtLS.
TtitrtT-oneye'. s t1ve rirmctlfv. Ontnlnn u tn
Taliilitv and ltUMitability. Write for took nl
liiitnii nn nrl rvfireniv-.. Ef'SON BKOS 921
F Mmet. WuhloKtaa. O. C-
will put you next the
an Interesting mag
izlnaof criticism. Send for
one to-day. No Free Copies
5228 Butler St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Boots and Shoe Sail
3.-.l0 up to 18.00
3.7.1 " 18.00
2.50 " 10.00
2.30 " 12.00
1.60 " 1.50
1.50 " i.m
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all kL-(
cnt DUr.mesconUuciea tor MODERATE Fees
OuROrncc reO-FOMTE o, 8. Patent Ofncc f
ami we tsi'iscruro catLULiU icka tiia Ltuui lii1u i
ici. ota from Wafchini'ton, t
Send model, diMwinjf or pito., ith desrrlp-l
Uiare. Our fee not due till patent is aeciirt d, a
i A PAMPHLCT, H wr to OUain J'aiciit," with)
roit Ol h-iiue in tins II. S. ami tir...rn n..mir,.. 4
u"u. fo uwb, ii paifniatde or nc lito oil
Or. Patent Orpice, Washington, O. C.
our fee relumed it we tutl. Auy one acudius
sketch aud description ol auy iuvetiliou will
promptly receive our opiuiou free concerning
the patL-ntatnlity o( same. "iuw to Obtain a
1'ateiif wrut ujwjii rciiest. l'ateiit Mx-ured
ihrtftiyh u ailvertised lr s:ile nt our expense.
I'aieul.i taken out through ua receive jn-cirtl
noiif-it, witin)utchmye, in Tun Patent Kuco.-.u,
au illiiHlruted and widely circulated juuruul,
conulted ly Manufacturers aud Juvestora,
feeud tor tuple copy FfttC. Addte,
(Patent Attorneys,)
Evars Building, WASHINGTON. D C
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
Biittimors. Md.
ttuLHHjriLiiiuua Ui lite iittat Btioord tlJjjimt fi-'i"""-
I'll mi
Business - Cards.
F. W. DEST, M. D..
16 Ball Street,
9 to II A. M.
Office Hours 2 to 4 P. M.
7 to 8 P. M.
riiypician and Surgeon.
Olflee nnd recfdeiien tlui.r.,1.,1 i.
home lately occupied by Dr. K. 11. Wcn-
11T. .'SI I. HI IH II
Dr. ven der Heyde,
Hrlik Ifniisr- 0iptlte Vnnrlprnmrk Hotel
llriinil Mr.ct Mllfonl I n.
OFKICK HOUHS: 8 to 12 . m.j 1 to
p. in.
H. E.Emerion, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broa
Attorney- at- Law,
OFFICE, Brown's Building
Milfokd, Pike Co., Pa.
John A. Kipp,
OFFICE, opposite Court House
Mii.kohd, PiKk Co., Pa.
I-jFE. teem, endow.
I). E. Viin Patten, Agent,
I)iiiinnns Ferry, Pa.
Washington Hotels.
The hotel pur ejccellence of tho cnpltnl,
luciited within one lilnek of the White
House tint! direetly opposite tho Tretwury.
r Inest liihle in iho city.
A fnnioiis hotelry, remarktil.lo for iti
liiMiirifiil iissiiciiiiiiinn nnd long-snstnined
pcpiiliint.v. Kei'cntly n novoted, repnintod
ii ml piirtially refuruihhed.
A lnmlninrk nniotiK the hotels of WaHh
liiU'on, pntriin'.ed In former yenra hy
liirsii.entK mid hiiih ofllcinlH. Alwiiya a
prime fnvorito. Keeently remodeled and
rendered lieiter thiin ever. Opp. pn K
11. dep. WALTKli BUKTON, Kes. Mgr.
These hotels nre tho prlnclpnl politlenl
ivt tlezvotiK of tiie enpitnl at nil times.
I hey me ihebeHt stopping pluces at reu
sonii lite i ntes
O. O. STAPLES. Proprietor.
O. CiEWlTT.Mflnag or .
Cut this out and return to.us with I.OO
and we'll send tho follow ing postage pre
All For $1. Regular Cost $4.00
This combination fllla a, family need
Two farm papcrx for the men The "(Jen
tleivonian,'' an ideal paper for the Ladles
N- Y Weekly Tribune for all Marlon
llailand's Cook Hook with 300 paged mid
l.trntl piaetieal ri-eipeH fur the wife, and the
lunik, Ten NImImb in a Uar Kooin, the
greatest temperance novel of the age. A
twoeenl stamp brings samples of papers
and our great clubbing list.
Vermont Farm Journal,
Wm. L. PACKARD, PublUhar.
Trade Marks
rffi Copyright Ac.
Anrnn npnillng a nkptoh nnd lwr1itinn mT
qnIfklT .n-rtHiii t.tir opinion fre whether ah
InvfiiMon i iirnbnHy prtU'iitHhlp. ('otniiniiiiOH
tlonn Ktrletly rvtiilhtMiil inl. Iliinilhnok nn I'ttfent '
imrit fna (I'1ihi huimm-jt fur n-runng pattrrits,
1'ittiMits Uiken tlirnuvb Munn A Ou. rvowlv
prruM noiue, wn nuui oiifirire, iu Ilia
Scientific Jlmericaa.
A hmiflnomelT Mlnptmtod wooklr. I Jirvost dr-
rulnlturi uf iinr nciei.titin Journal. Tfriim. $Z
Tc.ir; f't.iir month, L Sola by ull newMlt-alers.
W!)NNXCo.3B,Bh'-New York
- Urmucfa umoa. 028 F 8tu. Woaliluwluu. D. 5.
Photo Supplies,
Printing and
78 Tike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y