Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, November 16, 1900, Image 1

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Office Nov I L. J
Comi b
NO. 1.
(From Onf Regular Coifcspitiidenco.)
Washinhton. I). U, Nov. 12, loon.
President Mr-Kinloy Is still receiv
ing comtrnttdntions on ono of flip
most remarkable endorsements ever
given n President by tbo American
people nnd I compelled to hold nn
almost cM.nt lintnl levee during office
hours. He does not regard Mm re
sult as so mneh n personal nnd pnr.
ty triumph ns It wns a triumph of
right over wrong, nnd ns Involving
now responsibility for himself nnd
the Republican majority fn Con
gross, in order that tlio people may
sou Hint their confidence nnil en
dorsement. win deserved. Ho liri
nnocoeded In conducting his first
administration uu to thin lime
through some very trying clrouin
stances without making a single
mistake of iniportniioo And he piir
poses to do Ms ntmost to continue
that good reoord thn.ugh Ins second
administration, nnd If the Annie
caroful consideration, dnlnrenne to
the opinions of the party lenders
pntrlotiHin whloh lins guided his
every net since lie became President
will mnke success, ho will nohiove
It. Ho will do hia best which Is nil
that nny nny innn can do, nnd nil
tbnt the patriotic people expect of
nny tnnn.
Washington In full of the tisunl
nftor-tlio election gossip about the
mnke. op of thn next C-nblnot, but
the subject has renlly not been con
sidered by .theme most interested for
the very good reason tbnt they have
not hnd time to do no nnd tbnt there
s no occnslon for hnrry. The
President In very well satisfied with
his present Cnbinot, and if nothing
wore to be considered hut bis own
wishes, there would be no changes.
But It is veil known that n mnjorlty
of the present Cnbinet bold their
positions not because they sounht
them, but because the Prosidont de
sired their assistance in making bis
administration a success and prob
nble thnt at least three of them,
possibly, more, will nsk to be allow
ed to retire at the close of the pres.
ent Administration. It is no holiday
Job to properly perform the duties
of a member of tbo Cnbinot nnd it is
not surprising that men having the
necessary knowlogo and capacity to
mnke their sorvices deslrnble ns
suoh are not hankering after the
Although Sonntor IJnnnn has not
yet named the Chairman of the
Washington Committoo which will
make the arrangements for mid
have chnrge of the second innut,nr
ntion of President MeKinley, the
prominent men of tho nntlonal oapi
tnl nre already discussing ways and
means of making tho event memor
able. The tenor of puhltosontiment
in Washington was rofleoted by Mr.
L. T. Miobener, Gen. W. W. Dud
1 iy's law partner, when be snid of
next inauguration dny : "All the
richness nnd granduer thnt we can
lavish upon thnt occasion will nol
be too much. It will be tho first In.
anguration of a new contury, mid
will mark a victory no less impress
ive or important than thnt of the
second election of Lincoln. We
should strive to excel in the glory
of tbnt day the splendor of the jub
ilee or England's Queen. We should
Ahow tbnt there is not hing mean or
cheap about a republic and that even
the oldest nnd greatest monarchies
oannot outdo us in doing honor to
the institutions And histrry of the
nation." With this spirit prevail
ing, President MeKinloy's second
inauguration cannot fail to be one
of the most imposing and mngniS
cent events in our history.
The yellow press is disposed to
make quite a mnro's nest out of the
cable news from Mndrid that this
government bad agreed topny Smit
$100,000 for throe islands, adjacent
to the PhiHippines, subject to the
ratification of the treaty providing
therefor by the Senate, and some
rock and mil stories About the re
gret of Secretory Hay at the giving
out of the news in Madrid have been
printed. To get down to cold facts
the matter is not news at all, as it
was fully published soniemonthsago
that rather than have a long diplo
mats wrangle with Spain over its
claim of sovereignty of these inlands
because they were outside of the
geographical limits named iu the
treaty ceding the Philippines to the
U. 8,, this eonntry bad agreed to
pay Spain $100,000 for them.
Subscribe for the Pukss.
The Montague creamery after a
successful season has closed fur the
winter, luring the summer a dully
Average or about ft, (toil quarts oT milk
was received. Farmers were paid
the price obtained for butter less the
cost of manufacture, this netted them
an average of about 2:2 cents n pound
and on an average twelve (uni'ts of
milk were reipilreii for a pound of
butter- They were also given back
the skim milk which Is of considera
ble value for calves and pigs. It may
lie safe to calculate therefore that the
milk has netted them over two cents
a quart for the summer months.
This Is profitable for that season and
If the creamery could be kept run
ning during the winter, as no doubt
in time It will be, farmers will find
that keeping cows will pay bettor than
other nny farm Industry. We hope
the elf' irt to establish n creamery In
this section will be successfully agi
tated and that by another season it
will be in operation. Nothing would
a (Ford so much relief to many farm
ers heie who arc now obliged to come
in competition with creamery butter
and Willi the result that that product
Is piefernvl to the! is at a higher price.
YV'lteie cattle ice kept farms Increase
in value and fertility. In fact they me
indispensable for manure which Is
the life of land. The creamery re
lieves of a vast amount of drudging
Inboi, for which them is no coiiipeu
sation, and mal.es farm life far more
pleasant especially for the females of
the household. They have become a
necessity in the economy of Agiicul
tuie and any community which does
not lecogni.e this fact and advance
in this line is -doomed to fall behind
In the nice for piogicss and piospeii
ty. Let us have a cicainevy In ibis
The Reading Koom.
Realizing tho great benefit to be
derived from a public leading room
wbeio men and boys may have access
to newspapers ami magazines or pass'
the time In harmless games, and
meet In a social way, the Republican
Club has been moved to make nn ef-
foit to afford such n place. The Idea
has met with a cordial response mid
its consummation now sceiiisnssured.
The purpose Is to supply several dai
ly papers and other leading matter,
to have a separate room where those
desiring tuny amuse themselves with
games in conversation, to keep
the place' open each evening,
during the winter at least, and
to have some oik' in charge who
will see that everything is quiet and
orderly. Thcie will lie no charge or
dues but those desii ing may contri
bute such sum is they deem pioper.
Everyone, however, whether a con
tributor or not will be welcome to en-
Joy the hospitality of the club and to
spend as much time as lie desires in
the rooms. It is to licncflt the public
by furnishing a place where the young
especially, may improve their minds
or be harmlessly occupied iluiing the
evenings with surroundings which
will not vitiate their mm til atmos
phere, OBITUARY.
Goorge Picot died at his home in
Delaware township, Monday after
an illness of several weeks of ty
phoid fever. He was born Jan. 2(1,
1HC9 mid was a son of John and Jane
Pioot. Sopt 30 1891 be married
Cnrmilla Japgcr who with six umall
children, one brotbor and three
sisters survive him. Philip, Mrs.
Philip Orban, Mrs. Louis Rockwell
nnd Mrs. William Irvin nil of near
Newark, N. J. The funeral was
held Tuesday Revds. Atwood and
Scudder offioating.
James a six months old grandson
of Michael Scott residing In Milford
died Monday morning. Tbo Mineral
was held Wednesday.
Spread Like WiUflri.
When things are "the best" they
become "the best selling." Abra
ham Har a leading druggist, of Bel-
levillo, ()., writs: "Eleetrio Bitters
are the best selling bit'ers 1 have
handled In 20years. Y'ou know why!1
Moist diseases begin in disorders of
the stomach liver, kidneys, bowels
blood and nerves. Electric Bitters
tones up the stomach, reeulates liv
er, kidneys and bowels, purifies the
blood, strengthens the nerves, hence
cures muhtudes ot maladies. It
builds up the entire system. Puts
new'hfe and vigor Into any weak,
sickly, run-down man or womau.
Price 60 cents. Sold by all druggist.
New lot of hats and caps at W.
& G. Mitchells. tt
l)r. II. B. Peed was In Philiv A few
days this week.
Mrs. H T. Baker has been In New
York the past Week visiting.
Ed. Klein was In Mldtllctown, N.
Y. on n business trip this week.
Finnk IjcwIs nr.d sister Edith nre
visiting relatives In Nn York.
Will and Lnnly Armstrong of New
York, visited their family recently.
Miss Jennie Striithors returned
home Sunday after a weeks stay in
Brook ly ii.
('. (). Armpi rung wns In Now York
recently to make purchases for the
OeorjT't It. Hull, Esq., wns at Ejus.
ton, Tuesday ns return Judge for
this county.
(loo. Gregory drove a tenm of
horses to the city for Amos R. E.
Pinchot last Saturday,
.1. R. IVny. of Wiikeshnne, con
nected with the Peoples' railway Co.
wns in town this week.
Wm. Anglo was in New York
last Saturday purolianoiug goods iu
the line of bis business.
John Ij. Westbtook a surveyor from
Slroudsburg was at the (Joint House
yesterday tiansacting business.
C. P. Mott and daughtor, Elsie,
contemplate n visit to West Virginia
in Mm near future and will be guests
of Henry Eldred.
John Zimmerman, of Now York,
was in town the first of the week
and visited his country place in Dcl
a warn township.
W. II. Davenport and wifo bnve
gono on their nniiual visit to friends
at Mt Salem, Ns J., nnd will be ab
sent a conplo of weeks.
Dr. W. B. Kenwortby nnd wife
went to Now York this week to nt
tend the wedding of Miss Weaver
v.hi h occurred Wednesday.
Elmer E. Corey, of Greene, wnsnt
Milford Wednesday. Ho expoots
soon to accept a situation in norenm
cry in Susquehanna county for the
Dr. H. E. Emerson nnl daughter,
Nellie wero in New York a few
days this week nnd whPo there the
Dr. mado purchases for his store for
tbo holiday trade.
John C. Corn alius, who has been
seriously 111 of typhoid fever in a
hospital at Kansas city, is convales
cing and will oomo to Milford ns soon
soon ns his strength permits.
F. X. .lai clou a celebrated chef in
a southern resort who has been home
for a couple of weeks wiili his fam
ily expects to return In a few days
and will be accompanied by his son,
Mrs. Arthur Roo, of Brnnchvillo,
arrived in town this week for nfort-
nights visit with her father Ex-Pro-tbonotary,
J. C. Westbrook. She
wns accompanied by her, sinter, Mrs.
J. C. Price.
Mrs. Kelmol and 'son, Rndolph,
who hnve snocossfuly conducted
Glensido cottage this summer hnve
returned to the city for the winter.
Tho will return in the spring the
reiqien the house
Miss Bertha Willinmson nnd Miss
Lydia Brown expect to attend the
Christian Endeavor Convention to
lie held in Philadelphia next week.
Miss Wilinmson will nlso visit Balti
more nnd Washington during, ber
absence and Miss Brown will spend
some days with friends in West
chester, Pa,
A Pleasant Visit.
Arthur 15. McCarty and Alliert
Helms were guests of their brother-
in-law, George E. Melius, a promi
nent business man of. Bridgeport,
Connecticut, and one of the commit1
tee of arrangements at the Centennial
celebration of that city which occur
red Monday. They n!o attended the
banquet given in the Masonic Tern
pie in the evening, which was a
notable atj'uir and at which speeches
weie made by Gov. Ijounsbury, Sen
ator Piatt and other celebrities.
They hnd a most enjoyable visit and
Milford was well represented at that
festive board.
Do not got scared if your heart
troubles you. Most likely you suffer
from indigestion. Kodol dyspesia
cure digests what you eat and gives
tho worn out stomach perfect rest.
It is the only preparation known
that completely digests all classes of
foods ; that is why it cures the worst
cases of indigestion and stomach
trouble after everything else has
failed. It may be taken in all con
ditions and cannot help but to do
you good.
Governor Stone on Saturday is
sued A Thruiksglrtng proclntnntion,
ns follows :
Following the example of the
President of the United States, who,
in oliedience to A national . enstoin
bnllowed by glnd observance, hns
set apart n dny of prnisn and thanks
giving to Almighty Ood for the on.
precedrtnted blessings with whloh be
hns filled and crowned tho preceding
year, ), William A. Stone, Governor
of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl.
vnnia, do hereby name Thursday
November 29, as a day of thanks
giving and prayer.
The citizens of our Commonwealth
have enjoyed a condition of unusual
prosperity. Labor has had constant
employment nt good wiges. Our
crops hnve been bountiful nnd the
various products of industry hnve
found new markets in all parts of
the world No great calamity or
epidemic hns visited us and the
genernl health of our people lias
been excellent. Our state hns oon
tinucd itsstendy and healthy ndvnnce
toward A higher oltt7ienship and trie
future is bright nnd promising, Let
ns, on this day, put aside our nsual
on res nnd labor and Join with one
nnother in manifesting oar gratitude
to the divine sconrces of those mul
tiplied evidences of progress nnd
human advancement.
To this end I advise that religious
exercisos be conducted in all
churches and that devout prayers
be offered to Almighty God for a
continuance of His guidance nnd
oare. Let ns osjieclally remember
the sick, the noedy and the poor,
and endeavor, so far (is in onr pow.
er, to seo tint no one within the lim
its of our Commonwealth shall be in
Given nnder my band and the
great seal of the Slate at the city of
Harrisburg this tenth day of Nov
ember, in the year of onr Lord one
thousand nine hundred And of the
Commonwealth (bo one hundred and
By the Governor, : .
WifjjAit A. 8T0NB.
W. W. URIRSti" '
Secretary of the'Common wealth.
. All Precedents Broken. -All
preoedonte have been broken.
The election of MeKinley has made
n new record in Amerlonn politios.
For ono hundred And four years the
loser in evory Presidential contest
has defeated his opponent the next
time he ran ngninst him. In 1798
John Adjims defeated Thomas Jef
ferson. ) 1800 Jefferson defeated
Adams. In 1821 J. Qaincy Adams
defeated Andrew Jackson, In 1626
Jackson defeated Adams. In 1888
Benjami4 Harrison defeated G rover
Cleveland. In 1893 Cleveland defeat
ed Harrison. In 1898 Wm. MeKinley
defeated Wm. Jennings Bryan, and
in 1900 broke all precedents by de
feating his former opponent Again,
Another precedent broken by Mo
Kinley 's election is that slnoeUrant's
second eleotionoda 1 1878 no other
President has boon chosen for a sec
ond term. Still aaotber precedent
is that in the same poriod New York
state had not been carried by the
same party In two eonsecnti ve Pres
ideutial elections. -
Kansas Prosperous.
Through theeouxtesy of J. W Nyee
Esq., we are In accept of the Mail
and Breeze a Topcka paper showing
how Kansas buried populism, and
gave a large Republican majority,
MeKinley carried 83 and Bryan 22
counties. - The Kepublicans outnum
ber the opposition two to' one in the
legislature and retain a solid delega
tion to Congress.. ' The result Is attri
buted to the magnificent, patriotic,
prosperity making administration.
Thanksgiving Day Excursion.
On Thursday November 29, 1900
"Thanksgiving Day" the Erie will
sell special excursion tickets from
Port Jervis to New York and return
at the popular rate of of $1.00 for
the round trip. Tickets will be
good going on the, O.ange Co. Ex
press, leaving Port Jervis at 9 a.
m. And will be good returning on
Any train leaving New York Nov
ember 29th, exoept trains' No.
and 7." , n23
Great Lock pt an Editor.
"For two years all efforts to care
Eczema in the palms ot my hands
failed," writes Editor H. N. Lester,
of Sayraouse, Kan., "then I was
wholly oured by Bocklon'a Arnica
Salve." It's the worlds best for
Ernptions, Sores and all skin dia
eases. Only 25o at all druggists.
With this Issue the Fntss begins
Its sixth year.
Moses Davis is suffering with A
badly swollen arm.
There will be a shooting tnntch
Thnnkcgi vlng nt the Half wny House.
Snow foil yesterday In pnrts of
New York stato to the depth of 30
Mitchell Bros have sot A good ex
ample by flngging the gutter in front
of their store.
Rnsllng Dewitt hns the contract
to build A Inrge chicken house for
Mr. Kerr over in Montague
Seivice may bo e. peeled at the
Sawkill school bouse Sunday Nov. 18
at 2:30 p. in., thewenlber permitting.
The fire dopnrtmont had A chase
down Mott street Inst Mondny noon,
bnt fortunately it wns a false alarm,
only a chimney burning out.
Mrs. Dunham Gregory expects to
build A house nnd large lumbor shed
on the lot lately purchased by her
adjoining the Boro. building.
Henry Villard a millionaire rail
road man died at his home, Dobbs
Ferry, the same day, Nov. 12, that
Daly, of Montana passed away.
WHEELWRIGHT, Wants place
heavy or light country or city shop
can paint stripe and trim. Address,
II. W. Sai'ndkks, Scranton, Pa.
The ladles Aid Society of the
Presbyterian church will hold their
first meeting In the lecture room on
Tuesday evening Novemlier 20th, at
It lins just Ixen discovered tbnt
tho reason why the Republican inn
jorlties were so large in the late
election wns because the Democrats
forgot to vote.
A horse, harness and buggy were
stolen from the stable of Chas. Aug
ustine In Greene township last Fri
day night. The thieves have not
been captured.
At A recent meeting of the rectory
of the Episcopal church Rev. C. B.
Carpenter, Dr. Otto von dor Heyde,
Dr. H. E Emerson and Hon. J. J.
Hart were appointed trustees of the
boyB Gnlld.
Mrs. Willlfred Brodhead, who for
A few weeks hns been sojonrnlng at
the Vandermark hotel with her two
children, lias been qnite ill but is
now recovering.
John V. Ennis died at his home in
Pillipsport at the aged of 74 yenrs.
He is survived by one brother, Dnn-
le1, of Spnrrowbush, N. Y., and one
sister. Mrs. Catharine Quick, of Mil
Those who have pinned fnith to the
New York Journal mnst feel happy
to rend In an Issue Just after elfcction
thnt it diet not believe in the doo
frinea It advocated in its party plat
form. Marcus Daly the millionaire cop
per King ot Montana nnd the politi
cal foe of ex-Senator, W. A. Clark of
that state died at the Hotel Nether-
land In New' York, Nov. 12, after an
Illness of several months.
Joseph C. Chamberlain, renl estate
ngent and notary pnblio, has remov
ed his office to the now Wells build
ing on Harford street. He has com
fortable and pleasant quarters and
is ready for any bnsines in his line.
The high wind Inst Friday did
considerable damnge In this vicinity.
Watts bath houses at the Vantine
Honse were overturned and the cow
shed on the Horton farm at Hchoco
pee was blown down killing one of
Dan Olmsteds cows and injuring
Geo. Rnser, of New Jersey, stole
a horse And wagon of Jacob McCar
ty, of Montague, early Inst Friday
morning He was pursued and ov
ertaken the same day near Ira B
Rosenorans, on the Turnpike, with
the property in his possession. He
offered no objeection to return to
Jersey, waa taken back and now
board in Newton jail.
Cheap Bates to the West.
On November 13th, 20th arid 27th,
1900, the Erie will sell special sec
ond class settler's tickets from Port
Jervis, N. Y., to points in British
Colombia, Colorado, Idaho, Manito
ba, Minnesota' Montana, North Da
kota, Oregon, Utah, Washington
and Wyoming, At very low rates of
fare. For rates and routes please
apply at Erie ticket office, Port
Jervis, N. Y. n23
De Witt's little early risers are the
best pills ever made. Easy to take
and never gripe.
Subscribe for the Press.
Monday evening a large and ap
preciative audience filled the M. E.
church to listen to the new Mason
Hamlin organ which has IJust been
purchased by thnt congregation.
Several selections, showing Its isiwer
and beauty of tone, were rendered by
Mr. Gale, which he brought out with
an artists touch and expression. A
prayer was offered by Rev. Thomas
Nichols and an appropriate selection
of Scripture read by Rev. C. B. Car
penter. Rev. mid M rs. Scudder sung
a duett, The Iirds Prayer, with fer
vency and power, their e:;cellent voi
ces blinding finely and In excellent
taste. The choir rendered two an
thems with spirit nnd Mrs. von der
Heyde, as usual, charmed her hear
ers with a solo "I will lay me clown
In pence." A cpini tet by Rev. nnd
Mrs. Scudder and Albeit Onrville
nnd wifo was well given nnd their
cultivated voices expressed with fine
eff jct the sentiment of the snored
song. Mr. Scudder made a short
dedicatory address nn,d gave as part
of it the verses which follow:
We dcdlcnto to Mini, Oh Hod,
This limtrurnnnt of prntso.
'TIs 111 thy houw snd for thy homo,
To worililp theo nlwnya.
As Dnvld plnvod utrlng'Hl Instrument j
And organ, pruning thco,
Bo, nmy we priiim) thy holy nmno
With honvcnly hiwiiony.
But, wlioonn alog n-doinptiona song,
Tho ming of htm. Hud glvcm,
And who can keep In hn-inony, .
With antntftd on en In hrnvon.
Can mortal trii(rn1lng he bolow,
Hcwt on evnry hnml?
Cnn earth born ercnt,irc rliio and slna;
With hofivon'ichorun sjrnndf
Yc, harmony hnn born rontorod,
And ponce hnn bmiixhcd four,
In Jpbub Christ onr ndvocato,
Onr God Is over nciu.
A conl of Are tho nltnr glvos,
To purge from every Kin,
To ou n new Hong in our mouth,
A spirit new within.
The iamo rekindled from on high,
Mndo beautiful In God,
Will ntng the snme Ming,
With this olaf bonenth the sod.
Grunt nt thy quickening pir't Lord,
To ono whnt thon hns given.
That we may ever hnrmonlzo,
With the chnrna choir of heaven.
The organ Is of supci lor quality, of
sufficient volume of toie to fill the
room and will lie a great addition to
the musical part of the worship. The
congregation may well be proud of
this acquisition, and return hearty
thanks to the pastor who has lnbored
assiduously and successfully to ac
complish the happy lesult.
Court Notes.
Adjourned com t held Nov. 9th,
fore Judges Purdy, Iiouck and
George R. Bull appointed return
Judge for the Vlllth congressional
Estate of Jacob Klicnhans, amend
ed report of auditor confirmed nl. si
Estate of Jacob Klicnhans, dee'd,
petition of Marry White for writ of
partition. Writ awarded.
Grosch vs. Giosch cli voice. C. W,
Bull, Esq., appointed commissioner
to take the evidence.
Com'wealth vs. Chas. II. Quinn
Rule for new trial argued. Rule
dlschaiged. Motion for airest of
judgment filed, and rule granted re
turnable forthwith. Rule discharged
Defendent and surety called and de
fendent not appearing recognizance
forfeited and respited until Nov. 19,
Court adjourned until Nov. 19, 11
a. in.
Winter Entertainment.
The organ fund society of the Piw
byterian church purpose giving three
entertainments in Brown's Hall this
winter to furnish variety to the moir
otony which usually pervades the
town and also to add to their fund.
The first will be held Thanksgiving
and will be by home talent. The
others, the dates for which will be
duly announced, will probably be a
lecture by some one prominent In
the field, and one of a musical cha ra
fted by a celebrated quartette. Sea'
son tickets will be 11. each, single ad
mission 10 cents. It is hoped that
the people will cordially respond to
this effort, which is deserving of suc
cess, and which will afford entertain
ment of unusual at traction and in
terest. Degeneration.
In other daya the aongsWji,,a lays
Were dedicated to the moon ;
Or Blue hla lilt waa at a-t:lt
At blUuful love In balmy June.
But now, alaal Ita come to pans
Tbera'a nuugh but mzzera and the
coon I IndlanapolU PreM.
Oil cloth and linoleums at W. &
a. Mitchells. tf
Wo bavo had most all kinds of
weather during tho past woek.
Rome people think others are
moan, but tboy ennnot nee their own
moannoss and shortcomings. Hap
py U ignornnco.
The chnp who stolo Jake MoCarty 'a
rig last Friday morning is nssnrod
of a homo for somo time to come.
Chris. Lnidle and Motjs Bros, in
tend to use town water herenftor.
John T. Van Etten and wifo, of
Port .Tervls, wore soon in town Sun
Sussex county voters voted funny
at tho last .election. MeKinley ro
ooivod 2,879 j Brynn, 3 396 ; Salmon,
D, forOmgrnss 8,415 j Kerr, R. 2,
854 ; State Sonntor. Martin, D, 3,
271 ; Margnrnm, R, 8, 097 : Assombly
Theodore Roo, R. 3,179 nnd McBrido,
D, 3,088. If thnt is not mixing np
things I would like to know whnt Is.
Our assessor Frnnk Van Cnmpon
has been making bis annual calls to
look after your riches.
Tho people have gone thronghan-
othor Prosidontial cnmpnlgn. ' It
looks to ns thnt It would be a bono
fit to tho country in goneral to
oh an go tbo Constitution and length
en tho term of the prosidont from
four to six or eight years nnd not. al
low a re-election. It would do
awny with thoconfnsiou in business
whloh always precedes and follows
a chango of presidents.
T. V. Colo, P. M. of Montagno,
mado Milford his annual visit Inst
Andrew Yettor, tho Lumber King,
mas In town Mondny.
Acoordingto latest roports times
nre gotting bettor. The boof trust
hns ndvnnoed tho price of all kinds
of meat ono cent per pound. Stocks
have gono np in Wall street but I
have not hoard of any wagos being
The organ recital at the M. E.
chnrch Monday evening wns well
attended nnd all woro ploasod with
tho program rondorod.
Ho snid : "You shall not toss
Mankind npon a cross
Of shining gold."
"Nor press his brow with thorns,
Nor trend npon his corns
When ho Isold."
Ho snid : "No fires will burn,
No wheels, no spindles turn,
Without my hnnd
Is nt tho nation's holm ;
Dictator of the realm
Chief of the band."
He said "the metal white
Is strictly in the fight
(I lugged it in).
We'er on silver bent,
Without tho world's consent
And it will win."
The voters heard him shout,
Then straightway went abont
To give him fits ;
They said "we want no stuff
Half money and half bluff,
A dollar worth four bite."
It took his breath awaw
When the people had their say
Jn N O V.
But he's got his second wind,
Thinks he'll not again be Bkinned ;
Wait and see.
C. L. Frazer.
Real Estate Transfers.
Olivia B. Armstrong and husband,
to E, Li..ie Gregory. Lot on Cath
arine street adjoining Boro. building
SO x 160 con. $300.
Christian Herman and vife to
John 8. Schoonover, 100 acres Leh
man, con. $17.50.
Philip B. Clark to John B. Will
iams 40 acres, Porter part of twelve
mile pond con. $250.
Frank Janota to Thomas Dotter
and wife 50 acres part of John Mus
grove Lackawazen con. $1.
Unclaimed Letters
jList of unclaimed letters remain
ing in the post office at Milford for
woek ending Nov. 17 1900.
Ladies Miss Lelma Kelum, Miss
Anna Ratchford.
Gents Wm. A. Baynard, John C.
Persons claiming the ubove will
please say "Advertised" and give
date of this list.
Charles Lattimorb, P, M.
When yon want prompt acting lit
tle pills that nover gripe use De
Witt's little early risers.
See the new flower pots and jardi
niers at W. & G. Mitchells. ' tf