Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, October 26, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 50.
In an allowed communication in
Mutchler' s paper of town, probably
written by "Howard" unci signed
"Reuben" tlit- writer says: "After
the election tho interest of tlie lis
triet will lie locked nfter by Howard
Mutchler with the same care and
fnitlidilnew t'tat they were by
Mr. Mutchler's honored fiitlier when
he was In Congress." What n bid for
votes! Using the reputation of the
fathcrto gain votes for thi' son! Sure
ly the name is the same, as fur ns emp
ty sound foes, hut the man, thoprinci
jiles, the reputiition, the oflicial con
fidence are as different as the "Day is
different from the night." Surely in
this ease the mantle of the honored
father has not fallen upon the should
ers of the son, the present would-be
Congressman of this district.
Jlesays "Howard Mutchler is go
ing to 1m1 elected." What a surprise
there will he when the returns have
come In! This is the independent
voter's opportunity and he will make
good use of it.
On the opportunity for the inde
pendent voter we quote the following
f:'om our contemporary the Bethle
hem Times of October 1(1, lilDIl:
"Tlie candidacy of Russell C. Stew
art for Congress in this district should
appeal witli especial force to the man
who prides himisclf on his political
indeem!onee and who never tires
of asserting that his ballot is always
cast for the nominee who is best fit
ted for the position for which he aspires.
Mr. Stewart is politically cleanw
Bble, honest and eloquent and towers
bead and shoulders altove bis oppon
ent in this contest in nil that goes to
make a well equipped Congressman.
He is no man's man. He lias well
settled convictions and beliefs. Po
litical manipulations, wire pullings
and the low tricks and devices used
to secure unworthy ends would en
list his opposition instead of his sym
pathy. As the Representative of this dis
trict In Congress bis sole aim would
be to further in every honorable way
the intercuts of bis constituents, and
that he would accomplish his nini
there can lie no question in tlie minds
of those who are most intimately ac
quainted with the man and who are
aware of bis industry, (logged jut-
severenee and ability in carrying out
plans and policies that be has out
lined. In a word, the people of Kighth
Congressional District ai-e to lie con
gratulated upon the fact that they
have an opportunity to vote for a
man like Russell C. Stewart."
We partly agree with "Reuben,"
"that the interest of the district
will be looked after with care and
faithfulness," but differ in this
that the man who will have
charge of the "looking after" is going
to lie Russell C. Stewart.
One criterion bywhich todeteomine
the strength of the anti-Mutcher feel
ing in the present campaign is the
great demand for "The (finite" since
Oetolier Kith. '
The demand we notice is not from
politicians alone but from the Inde
pendent voters, Republican and Dem
ocrats alike, in other words, the eiti
iens of the Bethlehenis are aroused
on the Congressional question. Many
callers for papers were Democrats,
free and independent ones, who refuse
to wear the Mutchler collar, and who
will work for bis defeat in Novem
ber. We quote one of the many cal
lers: "I am a Democrat, but when
it come to making a choice of voting
for Mutchler and against borne in
dustries and therefor against thecom
l'orts of my own family, I must draw
the line. My vote this year goes for
Russell C. Stewart." Another said:
. "Does it not take a man of more than
ordinary nerve to come Itcfore the
voters of this town for their support
after trying his lest to take our in
dustries away'."'
We rind the same state of affairs in
watching other section, in this Kighth
Comrressiotml District. .The fnct is
that Russell C. Stewart will be electM
ed with a majority so large that his
most sanguine friends will lie sur
prised. South Bethlehem Globe.
For Sale.
Tho noted Sa wkill House property.
About two and a half lots on corner
of Harford and and fourth streets
and running back to alley in rear of
barn. Inquire of J.C. Chamhkklain
Real Estate Agent, Olliee on Harford
street. - dl
For Rent, part of a house, con
taining five rooms, on upper Broad
Utrout. Api ly to P. 0. 188 Box. o2tf
Nearly every Democratic newspa- ,
per from the New York Journal bar-'
ker down through all its yelpiiv; ec
hoers are disfiguring their pag-s with
cuts of : gross giant, in varying pos
tures labelled "The Trusts. "
The rulings of -the Supreme Court
have pliown that as the Constitution
now stands Congress only can regu
late trusts engaged in interstate com
merce. To' this end the following
amendment was introduced in the
House of Hcpre.-eiHatives and press
to a vote June I. I'.KMI.
Section 1. All powers conferred by
this article shall1 e:;tcnd to the several
states, the territories, the District of
Columbia, and all territory under the
sovereignity and subject to the juris
diction f the United States.
Section 2. "Congress shall have
power to define, regulate, control,
prohibit, or dissolve trusts, monop
olies or combinations, w hether exist
ing in the form of a combination or
otherwise. The several state' may
continue to e::ercise such pow er in
any manner not in conflict with the
laws of the United States."
Section !5. Congress shall have
power to enforce the provisions of
this article by appropriate legislation.
The clause saving all rights of stat
es was inserted in the hope of getting
States Rights Democrats to support
the amendment. Nevertheless the
vote stood 1 IK Republicans for and
l:!0 Democrats against, and the meas
ure failed of tlie necessary two-thirds
Loudly as the Democrats talked,
w hen it came to a vote they echoed
Bryan's declaration at the Chicago
conference: "We have not met here
to destroy the trusts."
Our Representative, Mr. Barber,
voted with bis party against tlie
amendment. The above is history,
w ho then supports and countenances
trusts? and why should not those
lapers label their pet productions
our trusts?
Repudiates Mutchler.
Tlie Hasten Argus is the leading
and most widely circulated IVmo
eratic newspaper in this Congression
al district, and therefore its emphatic
repudiation of Howard Mutchler, the
Congressional nominee of its party, is
of especial significance and import
ance. "The position of Congressman,"
says the Argus, "is one that requires
the services of a broad minded man,
one who goes to Washington with
tlie idea of representing the whole
district, amenable alone to the wish
es of his constituents. This is a trait
entirely foreign to make up of How
ard Mutchler. He has for some
years been accustomed to listening to
none. He has been guided alone by
his own imperious will. The public
and their desires worry mm at no
time excepting a few weeks prior to
election. Even now he has not
enough consideration for those whose
votes be asks, to intimate the course
he will pursue, if elected to Congress.
Is that the kind of man the jteople of
the r.ighth District would select of
their own free will and accord to rep
resent them In Congress? His nom
ination was secured by irregular
methods. It does not represent the
true Democracy of the district. Dem
ocrats are not bound by it and a worse
calamity to tlie district could hardly
lie imagined than sending to Con
gress such a man, unrepresentative
and unfitted in record, experience,
and natural abilities." Bethlehem
Wiuter Excursion Tickets.
The Erfo has placed on sale at
Erie ticket office Port Jervis, N. Y
winter evcursion tickets to Ashuvii
N. C, Atlantic City, N J., Capo
Muy, N. J., Gettsburg, Pr. Lnrny,
Va., Old Point Com tort, Va., Thorn
asville, Ga., Southern Pines, N. C
and Jacksonville, Fl .. at very low
rates of fare for tl.e round trip: f
rates and routes p'.ense ppply at Erie
ticket onico, Port Jervis, A. Y. r.
A Fiendish Attack.
An attack was lately made on C
F. Collier, of Cherokee, Iowa, that
nearly proved fatal. It camethrongl
bis kidneys. His back got. so Ian
he could not stoop without great
pain, nor sit m a chair except prop
pod by cushions. No remedy bellied
him until be tried Ele.ctrio Bitters
whiiiU effected such a wonderful
change that be write be feels like a
new man. This marvelous medicine
cures backache and kidney trouble,
purifies the blood and builds up your
heulth. Only Olio at ull drug stores.
This is the season when mothors
are alarmed on account of croup. It
is quickly cured hy cue minute cough
cure, which children like to take.
i -itod Newton last
E'nii Gamble spent Sunday in
Dr. V. B. Keiiworthy is on a 1ms
iness trip to Nc-v York.
John L. Bnrcber, of Rowlands,
was in town yesterday.
Bert Karl, of Mdl Rift, is visiting
bis n-icle W. T, Strublo. '
W. F. Choi drove D. McLaughlins
horse to Jersey city Saturday.
Lanty Armstrong, of New York,
was in town over last. Sunday.
Chas. Maync, of New York, was
at lintel S"hanno over Sunday.
Wilmcr IIopps, of Greene, visited
in this section for the past week.
John D. C. Van Etten, of Now
York, visited bis pareuts over last
lien Kyte and wife attended the
wedding of a cousin nt Conterville
Chas. Mayno, Dr. Parker and
Lrtin Sehanno drove to New York
last week.
Frank Crissman, of Bergen Point,
arrived in town yesterday far a
short visit.
John Quinii and wife and father,
of Milirift, were at Milford-on busi
ness Tuesday.
Chester Smith of the census bur
eau of Washington attended Insti
tute this week.
Roosevelt will bo In Port Jervis
to-morrow at 1 p. in. and will speak
for 30 minutes.
William Down, of Stroudsburg,
recently visited bis sister, Mrs. J.
O. Chamberlain.
Amos II. Eno, Jr., of New York,
was a guest at (jiey Towers the
first of t'sis week.
Sheriff Vnr.dermark took the two
De Groat boys to tlie Huntington
Ret ormatnry Wednesday.
David J. Newman and family, of
Rnwkill, were over at Greenville, N.
J., recently visiting relatives.
H. S. Mott, of Washington, D. C,
attended the funeral of the late It.
B. Van Anken last Saturday.
Charles Van Etten and w ife of N.
Y. will spend the winter with their
aunt Cornelia Van Etten in town.
Oscar Shafer, of Stroudsburg, re
cently visited bis father, Jacob K,
who it is naitl will remove in the
near future to reside with his eon
during tlie winter.
Prof. Geo. P. Bible and wife, of
the East. Stroudsburg, S. N. and A
W. Dickson and wife, of Scianton,
were guests at Hotel Fauehero last
The Misses Cora L. Lay ton, of
Port Jervis, Helen B, Rowland,
Carrie W. Dewitt. Mrs. F. R. Brirk,
jf Rowlands, Isabel Tntbill, of Haw-
lev and Flora M. Heidenthal, of
Mala'tioras, teachers here attending
Institute, graeed our sanctum with
i call and we trust carried away ns
pleasant recolloctions as we retain
of their visit.
Russel C. Stewart is all that How
ard Mutchler Is not. .South Betide-
hem Star.
Correct ! That's w hy Stewart is to
be elected. Easton Free Press.
Yes and what's more Sewart will
be elected and South Bethlehem will
do her full share of her work. Judg
ing by all the latest reports R. C.
Stewart is daily gaining In strength
and more particularly because "he is
all that Howard Mutchler Is not."
South Bethlehem (flolte.
Free to Inventors.
The experience of C. A. Snow &
Co., in obtaining more than 20,000
patents for inventors baa enabled
them to helpfully answer many ques
tions relating to the protection of in
tellectual property. This they have
done in a phampblet treating briefly
of United States aud foreign patents,
with cost of same, and bow to pro
cure them ; trade marks, designs,
caveats, infringements, decisions in
leading patent cases, etc, etc.
This pamphlet will be sent free to
anyone writing to V. A. Suow & Co.,
Washington, D. C.
Dr. W. H. Lewis, L'lwrenoeville,
Va., writes, "I am using kodol dy
spepsia our in my practice among
severe casses of indigestion and find
it an admirable remedy." Many
hundreds of physicaus depend upon
the use of kodol dvsitepsia cure in
stomach troubles. It digests what
you cut. and allows you to eat all
the good food you need, providing
you do not overload your stomach.
Gives instant relief aud a permanent
No other pills can equal DoWitt's
little early risers for promptness,
i certainty and efficiency.
Henry Kirk
That those of our readers who may
not have an opportunity of seeing
our candidate in person, can form
some idea of his appearance' we pre
sent a very fair likeness. '
Republican Candidate for Congress.
The picture was not taken on a
porch and does not overshadow that
of any other man, but, the man him
self does overshadow his opponent in
all that would go to make a fitting
representative for this vast district.
His platform is clearly defined, bis
abilities are apparent, his sincerity is
frank, his integrty of purpose unques
tioned and his zeal unflagging. Send
him to Congress and you will be
proud of tlie day.
His Chance Improve.
As the days go by there appears
good ground for the belief that
Stewart will be elected. The Inde
pendent voters, those who on a pre
vious occasion aided to elect ft Re
publican Congressman, are again in
evidence against bossism, trading
and commercial methods in making
nominations. Tlie growth of oenti-
ment in favor of Stewart has been
steady and general and the disaffec
tion against Mutohlorism surprises
and nne'erhandedness Is wide spread
and sincere. The honest Democrat-
feels that ho is .pot bound by any
party ethics to support nominations
made in such manner. He is not
discarding his democracy he Is only
rebuking men who have no political
honor and whosought his vote simp
ly as a stock in trade with which to
barter for their own gain. The deal
has been made the boodle poaketed
or the promises secured and the vote
is now being besought by earnest
appeals to stand by the party, no
matter who the nominee or the
methods employed. The henchmen
have the pill In their fingers and
they are making frantic efforts to
force it down the throats of honest
and marly voters but they will not
A Small Fire.
An alarm ot tire Tuesday morn
ing proved to bo a small blaze
in'tho house of Col. A. E. Lewis
on upper Harford street. A
book case had been stood In front of
an open fire place the flue of which
connected with another in use The
sparks had evidently fallen down
and ignited some paper which com
munlcated with the wood of the
oaso. A number of books were
damaged and had the fire occured
during the night time it might have
been very serious.
The Institute.
The Teachers' Institute this week
has been well attended and very
large audiences have been present
each evening to bear the able ad
dresses. The instructors were Dr
C. C. Rounds, of New York, Prof
Bible, of the East Stroudsburg State
Normal, Byron W. King, of Pitts
burg, and Dr. J. T. Rothrock, State
Commissioner of Forestry occupied
one evening assisted by Prof. Saw
yer with a steroaptican. A fuller
report will be given next week.
New York and Return, Sunday $1.
On Sunday next October 28, the
Erie will sell special excursion tick
ets from Port Jervis, to New York
and return at the popular rate of one
dollar for the round trip, tickets
good going on train No. 80S leaving
Port Jervis at 7 :45 a. m. Returning
ou any train Sunday October 28 ex-
cept trains No. S and 7.
P. C. Rutan has opened his bicycle
and repair shop on Broad street,
where may be found a good stock of
wheels and sundries, and an exper
ienced workman in charge to make
necessary repairs. tf
New lot of hats
& G. Mitchells,
aud caps at
II, C. Loudensbigor, Representa
tive In Congress front New Jersey,
who is in charge of the Eastern
headquarters of the Republican Con
gressional Commit too, being asked
relative to tlie Congressional strug
gle between ex-Congressman Mutch
ler, Democrat and Russell C. Stew-
irt, the Pepnbliban nominee, stated
that the committee is very much
encouraged over the reports from
that district which they have gotten
from many sources ; they all indi
cate thut Mr Mutchler will be de
Mr. Loudenslnger remarked that
be was astonished when the papers
announced that Mr. Mutchler wms
'surprised" when he received the
Democratic nomination, and said
that It would seem to him impossi
ble that any Democrats in the district
who were acquainted with the can
didacy of Dr. Shull, of Monroe coun
ty, and Mr. Barber, of Carbon coun
ty, for this nomintion, would besat.
lsfied with Mr. Mutchler's declara
tiou of "surprise." Mr. Louden-
slager said that at the Republican
National Convention bold in June
last, ho met, Mr. Mutchler In Phila
delphia and that Mr. Mutehlor then
informed him that be would be a
member of the next Congress,
When Mr. Lnudonslager informed
him thnt ho thought Mr. Barber was
to be renominated or that it would
go to one of the other counties, Mr.
Mutchler stated to him thnt ho would
secure the nomination.
This conversation took place while
Mi. Barber and Dr. Shull were each
working like beavers to secure their
conferees and while Mr. Mutchler
was declaring to them that he did
not want and could not. take it.
In view of the performance of Mr.
Mutchler's conferees and of the Pike
county conferees at the conference
in Easton it is no wonder that the
friends of Dr. Shnll and Mr. Barber
feel that the nomination was stolen
by Mr. Mutchler.
Not only is Mr. Mutchler criticis
ed by loading Democrats m the four
counties for his unfair treatment of
the candidates who were working
in an open and manly way for the
nomination, but they all admit that.
be is not fit for the position. Those
who are opposed to him are there
fore working aotively for the elec
tion of Mr. Stewart, who is known to
be a conservative, hard-working
lawyer, and who is thoroughly able
to represent all the interests of
that district.
Tlie question of patronage does
not interest either the friends of Dr.
Shull in Monroe county or the
friends ot Mr. Barber in Carbon
county, because they know that
Howard Mutehlor, even though he
would promise anything before elec
tion, would givo all hispatronagg to
those who have heretofore worked
so hard to build up his influence in
Carbon aud Monroe oonnties. Phila
This very aged lady died at her
homo in Montague, N. J., Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o clock. She was
born in that township Aug. 19, 1811
and was a daughter of Peter and
HuldiihWinfieldVanGorJen. Feb
4 1832 she married Albert S. Weed,
who died June 17, 1883. She issur
vived by one sister, Maria Davenport
aged 86, of Colenville, N. J., and
three daughters, Seeny, who lived
with her, Mary Ann, widow of Levi
Van Etten and Julia widow of Jas
Bowker. The funeral takes place
to-day at 10 :30 conducted by Rev
A. J. Myer and interment in Mini
siuk cemetery.
And so They Come.
C.F. Van Inwegeu President of the
First National Bank of Port Jervis,
Dr. W. L. Cuddeback President of
the National Bank and Benjamin
Ryall all life long Democrats and
prominent business men have de
clared their intention to vote Mc
Kinley and Roosevelt.
What's Tour Face Worth.
Sometimes a fortune, but never, if
you have a sallow completion, a
jaundiced look, moth patches and
blotches on the skin, -all signs of Liv
er Trouble. But Dr. King's Nesv
Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy
Cheeks, Rich Complection. Only
25 cents at all drug stores.
Dress making in all branches
Will go to the bouse or do the work
at home. Add res MiRV Luuwui,
opposite Sawkill Mill, Milford, Pa.
Subscribe for the Pkkss.
Commonwealth vs. Mahlon De
Groat, larceny of bicycle. Dcfcnd
endt plead guilty mid sentenced to
State Industrial Reformatory at
Com. vs. Clarence DeGroat, larceny
of money. Deft plead guilty and
sentence the same as above.
Com. vs. Geo. Morgan, burglary,
'lea not guilty and verdict so enter
ed by direction of the Court.
Com. vs. Bert Hull, nolle prosequi
allowed by Court.
Com. vs. Stephen Drake, assault
and battery, continued.
Com. vs. A. V. McCarty, surety
peace, proceedings dismissed and
Lynn Hubbard and deft each to pay
half the costs.
Sheriff acknowledged deeds to John
W. Frazier for land in Matamoras
con. $t;0(t, and to Geo. Mann Peck
1,200 acres West full, con. $150.
Mary Weill vs. Alexander Weill,
divorce decreed.
Alfred Develin appointed guardian
of Henry J., a minor child of Jose
phine Becker.
Rogers vs. Ross, partition, contin
Petition of overseers poor of Shoho-
la for rule on John Voght and (fen-
ovef Voght to show cause why they
hall liotmaintain their daughter,
Mary Jane McKean.
Com. vs. Eugcn Feelden, arson.
Deft plead guilty and sentenced topay
costs, a fine of $000 and undergo im-
pr'.sonment in penitentiary for 10
Com. vs. Harrison Spangenberg
and Joe Bolts, larceny and burglary.
Deft plead guilty and each sentenced
to pay a fine of fifty dollars and un-
lergo Imprisonment for three years
in penitentiary.
Bridge over Wallenpaupac in
Greene at I-jincnshers' Gra id Jury
report favorably, estimated cost of
same will be $1,500.
Court adjourned to Nov. 8, 12 m.
An Encourageing Outlook.
As the campaign progresses the
prospect of the election ot Russell C.
Stewart to Congress from this dis
trict grows decidedly brighter. The
Republican candidate Is making an
energetic canvass and is gaining new
friends and supporters wherever he
appears. Jle Is a man to inspirecon
fldence and respect, and the voters of
the district are not slow in taking
note of the fact that while he is fear
lessly, intelligently and eloquently
discussing tlie issues that are before
the people to-day, his opponent, How
ard Mutchler, Is conducting a still
hunt for the office he is so anxious to
secure. The latter realizes that Mis
appearance on the hustings would
not be conducive to vote getting.
People are very apt to draw compar
isons and in this instance such pro
cedure would be inimical to the ends
Mr. Mutchler has in view.
On a number of occasions in the
past the people of the counties com
posing this district have shown their
political independence, and the time
for another exhibition of this kind is
due. There is reason, too, for the
belief that the cry of party regularity
will not avail in some quarters that
are confidently detended upon by
Mr. Mutchler and his lieutenants.
As the days pass voters are realiz
ing that there is a great deal at stake
in this (Jongressional election. They
clearly see that it is vitally important
that this district, having within its
limits a great number of industries
of all kinds and descriptions, should
be represented at Washington by a
thoroughly capable man, one who
understands its needs and is able to
present them in a way to Insure a re.
spectful hearing. Bethlehem Times,
Unclaimed Letters
List of unclaimed letters remain
ing in the post office at Milford for
week ending Oct. 27, 1WH):
Ladies Mrs. W. E. Hangen, Mrs.
Bertha Johnson.
Gentlemen Chas. Duuson, N. M
Persons claiming the above will
please say "Advertised" and give
date of this list.
Chaulks Lattimohk, P. M,
Torturing skin eruptions, burns
aud sores are soothed at once and
promptly healed by applying De
Witt's witch hazel salve, the best
known cure for piles. Beware of
worthless counterfeits.
Wanted. A case of liquor, ntor
phiue or opium habit that wecannot
cure in 30 to 60 days. Write for free
triul treatment. The Lane Institute
Co., 1135 Broadway, N. Y. dl4
tjV Advertise in the 1'utstt
Are somewhat few this week.
The demand for fire wood is
Ernest Wood is painting tlie Dela
ware bridge.
Geo. Slawson is adding a coat of
paint to tho residence of C. Leidel.
Strublo pays the toll for Jorsey-
man who make cidor at bis mill.
R, D. Sayre and wife visitod Pau-
pao friends last week.
Cyrus Custard looks hale and well
and yet wears a stove pipe hat.
How did Frank S miss the doer?
Ninety one hundred was the
weight of the load that Lou La bar's
mules bauied from Port Jervis last
Sorry to learn thnt the estimable
wife of the Editor of the Press is
yet on the sick list.
Honry Stubendoff is building an
addition to his wagon house.
The chestnut crop is light and the
nuts small.
It is rumored that Rev. George
Lnckenbill who was pastor of the
Hef 'd church at Dingmans a year or
so ago and more recently of the
Ref'd church at Glen Rock, N. J.,
is dead. Ho was struck by an Erie
train at Ferndale when returning
from a meeting of clnssis
Hotel Sehanno has several city
W. S. Ryman and wife and Wm.
Aimer and wito went over to Mon
tague Friday evening and enjoyed
a supper with Jas. Dennis. Roast
pig was on tho bill of fare.
The Brick house school is gottin g
a reputation. From an attendance
of over forty it droppod to less than
a dozen and Prof. Huston the teach
er sought a new field of labor.
Mrs. Geo. McCarty, of Montague,
spent Sunday in town with relat
ives. It is reported that Mrs. Jas. A.
Rundle is seriously ill with typhoid
There have boon some ideal Au
tumn days this week particularly
last Monday.
An Opportunity for the Independent
The candidacy of Russell C. Stew
art for Congross in this district
should appeal with especial force to
the man who prides himself on his
political independence and who nev
er tires of asserting that his ballot
is always cast for the nominee who
is best fitted for the position for
which he aspires.
Mr. Stewart is politically clean,
able, honest and eloquent and tow
ers head and shoulders above his
opponent in this contest in all that
gojs to make a well equipped Con
gressman. He is no man's man.
He has well settled convictions and
beliefs. Political manipulations,
wire puffings and tho low tricks and
devices used to secure unworthy
ends would enlist his opposition in
stead of his sympathy.
As the Representative of this dis
trict in Congress his aim would be
to further in every honorable way
the interests of his constituents, and
that he would accomplish this aim
there can be no question in the
minds of those who are most inti
mately acquainted with the man and
who are aware of his industry, dog
ged persorvance and ability in car
rying out plans and polities that he
has outlined.
In a word, the peoplfe of the Eigh
th Congressional District are to be
congratulated upon the fact tliat
they have an opportunity to vote
for a man like Russell C. Stewart.
Bethlehem Times.
The "Heralds" Poll.
Last Sunday the Herald gave the
result of a very careful poll of the
country made by it. The canvass
was made simply for the purpose of
ascertaining the situation and was
without bias, it is therefore valuable
as showing a result fairly obtained :
It gives McKiuley 281 and Bryan
166 electoral votes. In 1896 the vote
was 271 and 176. Total 447 to elect
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