Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, July 27, 1900, Image 3

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    Successors to
We are now Prepared 1 Please the
Farmers and the Gei Mblic by
being ready at all times to Accom
modate them. Plenty of Water to
run the Mill Day and Ni&ht if
A Full stock of the Best Brands
of Flour
Seal of TJlinnesota is A No. I. Try it.
Washburn's Gold Medal, Arnold's
Superlative. Feed, Meal, Mid
dlings and Bran. Duck
wheat F'our in its
Season a Spe
ialty ! ! !
Orders li ft nt Urn Mill f-ir delivery will rorcivo iimmpt ntlcntimi.
Milford, PiUe
k 0. BROWN and SON,
Manuf.;tiiier5 and dealers in all
kinds of Cumber,
Contractors and Guilders.
Estimates made ; personal atten
tion given and work guaranteed.
OFFICE, Brown's Buildmj;, Miiford, Pe.
T. Armstrong & Co.,
Successors to BROWN & ARMSTRONG.
Wn offer n lim of
Our point is Unit you need not po nwny from Inmio to
rmpply nir.vour needs, or to seeuro Iminnins. Wo nxpoct
to Hiitisry yon in both inrtienliirs.
DRY tlOODS. new nn.l Htylisli. (iROCKUIKS, fresh
INU. Any tiling in imy lino nt lioMom prices.
To nceotnplisli this end wo linve ndoted n now system.
All our prices nro fixed on bu is of rush pnynicnt. This
obviates tho necessity to ullow n limriu for kid debts nnd
Interest.. To aeroniinodiito responsible nru ties wo i heer
fully onen monthly accounts, nnd expect prompt pii.yinont
monthly, ns our prices will nut eimblo us to curry nocounts
Stilteineiits rendered (ho first of every month, nnd if
paid within three days from date of bill, n cash discount of
2 is allowed. Tho same discounts iri veil on nil cash pur
chases exceeding $1. HO. Uoods sent out will bo C. O. D.
unless otherwise! previously arrani;od.
Brown's Building, Milford, Pa.
a. iAA v. ' " v" n e corn I a " c iciriic vkx v J tJ f, I
'V-'V.'r tlork of Rood. T, Itom 10.000 to : ST.E. I
lTVilKrfcr: i valued at ft SS.uuo Kaier. fiXfSKi?-i" i
f&rt'tf t&im -'V:. I M
vlt yn t; -' - -S
W own and occupy h tallest mercantile building in tho world. We have
over a,ouo,ooo customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly
encaged filling out-of-town orders.
Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has
,1 v
60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 73 cents to print and mail
each copy- We want you to have one.
your good faith, and we'll send you a
unwrnnMCDY wmm ft
UlUl. IUUlllL.il I MnllU w
Lurjrest ami finest selection of Mil
linery. Onr designs ai'e tlic hsle.4,
iind piieos" lowest consistent with
rood work.
All orders promptly attended to and
, Kitisfuction guaranteed to till our pa
70 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y.
Jervis Gordon
Constantly on Hand.
Co., Penna.
new Sarins? Hoods,
Is the book of the people it quotea
over I.ooo pages, 16,000 illustrations, ana
Sfc-ND MMbLn tcwiawinow
copy r Kfe-fc. with all charges prepaia.
rn Michigan fet.MdMdUOiitrMt
I Mirlm in firorr lonkod out tlirmmh
tin- Mk ivIiidiiWK of the hotel rending
room. Nljrlit van roinlim on, n tlioil
Hind twinkled In the Btore
frenlH, the forum of the pn-er were
iriowhitt lihureil nnd lliillstlnet. Hun
hnni ynwneil. lie wnH nt n loss to kill
time, lie linil Just !liilnhi'd hln dinner
nnd (lie evening wnn before lilm.
There were (tn nt limine up town
where he would lie eoidlnlly weleoin.1,
hut I Muilin 111 Iind no denlie to make
nn preiilni; cull, lie fnnrled lie would
like Pi Hi let 1 1 f n tr new. Rome novelty In
the form of entertainment. '1 here
were Hie theatre. Hut no true New
Yorker ever jroo. to the tlientre nwny
from home. He remembered beliiR In
t'levelniiil the preceillms diuunier, nnd
how he had enjoyed hlninolf nt n pic
nic to which he wim nelf Invited, lie
ImiKhed nt the reinemhrniiee, nnd
picked up the pvcnhifc pnper nunln.
Ami then IiIh hIiiiicIiik eye cilUKlit
thl Item:
"The Indie of the Itnrelny Avemio
I'ree (linrcli will Ive n proKresxIve
euchre party this evenlnif nt the hoiiid
of .Mr. .Iiimc I(emmers, No. (V2
Scroop court, for the lM'iicflt of the
Siinihiy school Ilhrnry fund. Krlciuls
of the church nre Invited to he pres
ent, nnd lire n.jsured of a (rood time.
'I'nke the Kockport enr fioin tho
Kipinro nt 7:2."."
Iiituhnm stared nt the notice, then
he pulled out his wntch. It wa 7.KI
lie IoksiiI the pnper nside nail slepped
to the bin minor In the lobby. A ipil; k
Chinee assured hlni his npHnrnnce
was quite siitlMfnctory, nnd then he
stepped out II lid hurried to the Sipinre.
lie had Just time to cntch the Hock
port car and n ride of luilf nil hour
1 1 ci niu-1 1 1 him to Scroop court, n short
street of very new liousrs, nnild wliMi
he had little trouble In lorn ting No. 2!).
"I never went to n church enteitalii
inent," he said with n smile, "where
(limine wns mentioned, nnd I'm do
old to beirln."
A tall youiiK limn In ft lunpr Prince
Albert, n pale yoiitur mini with thick
black hair, looked around nt luinluiui
nud c'tvc him n pleasant smile nnd
nod. Iiuulinm nodded hack, nnd then
went up the stalls. j
"Hear mi'." murmured n voice over !
his shoulder, "hut t lint was stupid." I
must have ciiiurht my heel on the up
per step. New shoes, you know. It was
nwfully Rood of you to be In the wny.
1 mlpht have progressed down every
step to the bottom. It's Mr. Itlossom,
Isn't It V
1 Minim in looked nround. A pretty
phi with Kl'.vhiK cheeks, a pretty till'
In n pretty 1 i lit dress, wan looking
down on him from an upper step.
"No," he said, "It Isn't Mr. Hlossom;
It's Mr. Oieer, nnd Mr. (Irecr Is very
(.'tad Unit he could he of some nssis
tnnce to you durlni; the recent rush."
"Oh," said the pretty (,'lrl, "I
thought It wn the minister's friend
from the west. I mn May Fleming.
You know Mr. C'hnndos, don't you 7"
Iimihnm shook his head.
"The fact Is," he suhl, "I'm nbnost
nn etithe Hlriinu'er."
He put In the "nbnost" bocnuse ho
felt that he had some slluht ncqunln
tnnce with a young lady by the nniiio
of ricmlni;.
"I will Introduce you." she said, nnd
drawing li 1 tn to the tall yoiinir man,
presented him In due form nud then
slipped nwny.
inirhiitii'ii heart warmed to tho
yoimir minister nt once. He looked
so earnest, u kindly, bo good.
"I do not remember to have seen
you anionic us before," he snld.
"No," said Huiihnin. "It's the first
time I've been In this part of the city.
I'm an eastern mail, a New Yorker."
Koine free masonry of Instinct prompt
ed him to add, "Harvard, MIO."
"I'lliiceton, '1)1," cried the minister,
nnd then they shook hands a km In.
"Your name," said the young slep
herd as he beamed down on Iiimham.
"Is quite a familiar one. At least It
would be esteemed ao by most reader
of the dally press."
"Yes," said Dunhnm, shortly. And
he frowned.
He was about to add something
when Ids attention was drawn nway
by the pretty girl whom he met on
the stairway. She held a salver to him
and from It he drew a card. It bnr
the name "Jack.
Iiunhnin showed it to the minister.
"1 fancy." laughed the hitter, "thai
you nre expected to look up a 'Jill.' '
Bo Dunham passed about the some
what crowded rooms, nn lo! when In
found his "Jill" It was the heroine ol
the staircase again.
"And Mill came tumbling after." h
merrily quoted as he thrust his card
before her. And presently they found
themselves at one of the little tabid
scattered about the room, and wliej
a bell Jangled the playing commenced.
Dunham had never played In Just thli
fashion before but he quickly caught
the fashion of It and entered Into tht
spirit of the hushics as If he had
found the one occupation that pleased
him most.
At Just 10 o'clock the playhui
stopped and the score cards were .ili
gathered up by the active small boy,
and then Dunham understood thai
this meant prizes. He fancied he haJ
discovered why the playing was car
rlcd on III such a grave and quiet man
There were light refreshment!
served by the young women aud Dun
hnm found them go.rd. He strove to In
tcicst the people at the table with bin
Hid soon had them In a Jolly uiood,
lie told funny stories and hum nice1
the latest popular song for the youu(
woman who sang and did a clevei
trick with the cards for the young
man who wondered how professional)
could become fco expert in handling
the iiiaglo pasteboards. Wheu the re
freshments were cleared away every
body was expected to join in social
Blue Front Stables,
Port Jervis, N. Y.
Adjoining Gumaer'a Union House
Uniul. c-arriuge, druft and, farm
horsea for tmlo. Exchanged mado
A large stock from which to make
stdeetions. CANAL ST.
Hiram Towner.
converse, and Dunham sought hi new
friend, the minister.
"You seem to be having a merry
time," said the hitter.
"Thnt I whnt I endeavor to do
wherever 1 go," said Dunham with a
smile; "nnd It ha required no effort
whatever on the present occasion.
This Is nil a delightful novelty to me."
"You linye a happy disposition,"
said the young minister.
"Not slwny." said Dunhnm. "I do
a great many things that are dlstnste
ful to me. I am not rut out for a
financier, nor even for an ordinary
business num. At the snme time, don't
set me down as an Idle dreamer. 1
look nfter my father's business Inter
est In a wny that I have reason to be
lieve meets with his entire spprovnl.
Oh, I can mnke myself do wluilcnr
occasion requires to be done. How Is
It with you?"
'"I'hls is the work I love nnd am
BHed for," snld the minister grave
ly. "M.V people are very dear to me,
nnd I feel that I am doing I hem good.
I have become so attached to tin so
labors and to these people that my
side ambition now is to grow old
among them."
"You shame nie," snld Dunham,
touched by the other's simple eninest-
' ness, nnd he grasped his hand nud
i drew 1 1 1 tn Into nn alcove. "I wa a
little vexed a moment ago at your nl
, lusion to the notoriety the mime of
Oroor had gained In the dally press.
' l'crhaps I am foolishly sensitive about
i It, hut It has never seemed right thnt
! they should enrtonn and vllllfy iny
father simply because he is a man of
I wealth. I know him to be a clean, lion
i o ruble citizen, and the best father In
I tho world."
"Your father!" said the young mln-
Ister, with a stnrt.
"Yes, but kindly keep the relation
ship a secret," murium Dunham.
I "Stand In front of me a moment,
' please." He drew a little wad of bill
from his vest pocket and thrust It Into
the minister's hnnd. 'Tut that In your
I church treasury with my father's com
: pllmeiits," lie said, "and the next time
yon read of his sclllsli greed don't bu
lieve It."
Itcfore the minister could reply a
clenr voice rang out: "The ladles'
prize Is won by Miss Mary McAlpin,
and the gentlemen's prize by Mr. Dun
hnm Oreer."
The gentleman's prize proved to be
a small mirror, much gilded and flll
greed, over which Miss Mny Fleming
went Into raptures as she congratu
lated him on his r. innrknblo good for
tune. And then everybody wns going
and Dunham Just hail time to give
the young minister's hand a Arm grip,
when MIsb Fleming hurried him up
"You're to see me borne, you know,
she snld.
("You're to see me home.")
It wnsn't a long walk, but In
course of It Dunhnm presented
merry maid with his prize, alleging
that he never could get it safely to
New York.
When they reached the gate of the
Fleming home they paused.
Did a little bird tell me right that
you are soon to be married?" Dunham
asked at a venture.
Yes," she answered frankly, "In
June, If all goes well. George Is a civ
il engineer, and U in Mexico now, but
he's to get a place in the engineer's de
partment of the Lake Shore, and be
stationed here."
Will you come to New York on
your wedding Journey?" ,
Yes," she laughed, "we have
planned to stop there two or three
days three if we can afford It."
Then," said Dunham, "I want you
to be my guests. I fancy I can show
you some things about the city which
you otherwise would not see. It will
be a pleasure for me, I assure you.
Here is my card. Write and let me
know when to meet you."
'You are very, very kind, Mr.
Greer," said the girl gratefully. "I be
gin to think there la something quite
wonderful about you. We never saw
you before to-night, and yet every
body Is delighted with you. It is Just
as if you were a fairy prince. There's
your car. No, I won't forget. Good
night aud good bye."
As Dunham stepped to the dresser
to turn off the gas in his hotel room
an hour later, he looked at his redec
tton lu the glass and smiled and said:
"Well, my boy, you're out a hand
some prize and some money, but
you've passed a decidedly pleasant
and useful evening. Good nhiht and
pleasant dreams." Exchange.
Statistics show that man bears false
witness 100 times to a woman's 17; man
for forgery and counterfeit coining
was convicted 100 times to a woman's
11: in France women are summoned be
fore the tribunals four times less than
men. Tuklng the whole of Kurope, wo
men are five times less guilty than
A gentleman recently cured of dy
spepHia gave the following appropri
ate of. Burns' famous ble&ung :"8ome
have meat and cannot eat, but some
have none that want it ; but we have
meat and can eat. kodol dyspepsia
cure be thanked." This prejiaratiiiu
will digest what you eat. It instantly
relieves and radically cures indiges
tion aud all htomach disorders.
Subscribe tor the Phkss.
Gen. Sternbsrg Saved His Money but
It Old no Qood.
Pnrgeon-Ociiernl Sternberg of the
army says thnt when ho wn going
Into the battle of Hull Hun, the Irish
sergennt-ninjor of hi regiment came
to him with a big bag of gold coin
weighing three or four pound, and
"Doctor, I know thnt I'm to lie kilt
entirely, an' I want you to take rnre
of this money nn' see thnt It gets to
the ouhl folks nt home."
There was no time to remonstrate
or to nuike any other arrangement.
nnd, dropping the bag into the sur
geon's lap, the Irishman hurried nway
to hi place at the head of the column.
Ail through two bloody days Dr.
Sternberg carried the ling of gold with
his surglcnl Instruments, and It was a
burden and euihitrriissmcnt to him.
He tried to get rid of it, hut couldn't
find any one willing to accept or even
to share the responslhlllty, and he
couldn't throw It away for the sake of
the "ouhl folks nt home."
Toward the close of the second day
the surgeon wa taken prisoner. Ho
lost his surgical Instruments nnd his
medicine case, hut clung to the gold.
and, making a belt of hi necktie ami
handkerchief, tied It about his waist
next to his skin to prevent it confis
cation by his captor. During the
long, hot nnd wenry mnrch that fol
lowed, the gold pieces chafed his flesh,
slid his waist became so sore and blis
tered s to cause Intense suffering, hut
he was bound thnt the "ouhl folk nt
home" should have the hcnetlt of thnt
money, and by the exercise of great
caution and patience managed to keep
It until lie was exchanged with other
prisoner and got hack to Washing
ton. There lie found his regiment In
camp, and one of the first men to wel
come hhn wns the Irish sergeant
ninjor, who wn so delighted to lenrn
tnnt the din-tor had saved hi money
that he got drunk and gambled It nil
away the first night. Washington
Correspondence Chicago Hecord.
induces Two Indian Maidens to Hav
Face Masks Made.
Two of the fairest mnldens of th
Winnebago tribe of the Indians went
through an hour of abject terror th
other afternoon, when they had theli
"faces pasted with white mud." The
"pasting" wns only the efforts ol
Hugo Loch, sculptor, to get masks of
the young maidens.
T. II. Hoddy, the newly appointed
chief of the Wlnncbngoes, brought the
two girls to Chicago on a visit. An
nie Itlucrliig, the fairest of all Indian
maidens, attracted the artistic eye of
Mr. Loob, who asked to be allowed to
made a mnsk of her fnce. Mr. Hoddy
led the two girls to Mr. Loeb's studio,
and the mystery of the masks was
explained. When everything wns
ready, both girls declared evil spirits
lurked in the plaster and refused to
"Chocolates," said Mr. Loeb. Both
maidens became attentive at once.
Mr. Loeb made the mistake of feed
ing them a pound of chocolate before
he completed his work. All the ex
plaining of Mr. Ioeb nnd tho com
mands of Mr. Hoddy were of no avail.
"Hcd ribbons," suddenly snld Mr.
Loeb. He brought forth several yards
of the reddest of red ribbons, and
both girls made a rush for them.
"After I have taken the mnsk," said
the sculptor, with a winning smile.
The bright colors proved too great an
attraction for the young Indians, and
with the rewnrd of ribbons suspended
from a gns bracket they at last per
mitted their faces to be covered with
the plaster. Chicago Inter-Ocean.
Editing a Proposal.
The young man took a piece of pa
per and pencil from his pocket and
laid the paper on bis knee.
"I will have something important to
say to you In a minute, Miss Jones," .
be said. !
Then he read over carefully whnt
he had written and crossed out a
word. 1
'Superfluous," he said, half to him- '
He went over it again and crossed
out another word.
"It's Just as strong without that,"
he muttered. "We are all too proue
to use adjectives and adverbs, any
way." He picked op the paper and seemed
about to begin to read from it, but
suddenly stopped.
'That whole sentence might as well
come out," he said. "The meaning is
perfectly clear without it. Concise
ness is really the crying need of the
Then turning to the girl he said:
"Be mine."
Thus we see the power of habit.
For years his duty had been to edit
the "copy" of proline correiHjndcuts.
Chicago Post.
Locusts Saved Them.
The Household Cavalry Composite
Regiment being met by an overwhelm
ing force of Boers, from which there
seemed little chance of escape, the sky
suddenly was darkened by an im
mense swarui of locusis, which fell
between the troopers and the enemy.
The Boers could not locate the caval
ry and fired at random, wounding one
or two men. The regiment, however,
screened by the locusts, eventually
galloped back safely to camp. Ex
change. rhotograpbs of the enemy's en
trenchments, tnkrn from the wai
balloon, greatly helped Lord Roberts
in his "closuring" of Crouje at I'aar
del'iirif. It has been demonstrated by ex
perience that consumption enn be pre
vented by the early use of one min
nto couh. cure. This is the favorite
remedy for coughs, colda, croup, as
tbma.Trnppe and all throat and luug
troubles. Cures quickly.
For burns, injuries, piles and skiu
diseases use DeWitta witch hazel sal
ve. It is the original. Counterfeits
may bo offered. Ube only De Witt's.
yy -i
Corrected to Date.
Solid I'lilltiinn trains to 11u(Talo, Nlag
ra Knlls. ( 'htiiitf,ii(iet Duke, Cleveland,
('liiciign and ('It clnnatl.
TlrkHs nn sale at I'urt .Tcrv' ...1
liiiints In the West and Sunt liwct nr lower
rates than via any ol her iii-ht chihs line.
Tim ins Now
Jkiivis as
No. I-.1. Dally Kxprcss
" 10, Daily Kviirenw
" hi. Daily Kxecpt ,clinihiv.
u i !
" (H;, Sunday Only
11 as, Daily fi',xccit Sunday
" tl, Daily Way Train
" I. Daily llxccp iimlav .
" .'ill, Wav K.xcci.l. Sunday. .
H 21 A.M.
li t'O "
11 tl "
7 i; "
7 tr "
10 07 "
I:! ir. p.m.
a i -; "
U, Daily kxpn-Ms 4 i'5 "
" It.'n, Sunday (inly 4 "0 "
" S. Daily kxprcss 6 SO '
" 1H. Sniiilavinily ft 15 '
" li'.'s. Sticilav only (I oT "
" Daily Kxecpt, Sunday . Mn "
" 1 1. Daily '. . . lo (Hi "
No a, Dallv Kxprcss PJIKIA M.
" 17, Dally Milk 'I' rain H no "
" 1, Daily Kxprcss 11 :W "
" 11. For ll'i'dalc K pt Sun . I 10 P. M.
" u, Daily Kxecpt Sunday . 1.' an '
" :i:i, Sntuida.y only 4 111 "
" ft. ('Iilcago I, bailed Dally. 5 la "
" 87. Daily Kxecpt Sunday., ft Ml "
" 7, Daily Kxprcss Ill 15 "
Trains leave Chambers street, New
York fur Port .Icrvis on week days at 4 oo,
7 1a. lino, I' K, I" :w A. M. I on, a nn,
t nn, (1 :m. 7 :tu. II la i m (in Sund i.vs,
I no, .7 :m, H is , n tr, . m.; la 1.., 3 W,
7 .11 and u 15 P. M.
11. t. Itclicrt.,
(icm-riil I'ssMftiK'T Agent,
New York,
Souvenir goods made
by the INDIANS from
WOOD in large varieties
Also goods made from
skins of
Pike Ccunty Rattlesnakes
Other nice sovenirs
are found here in views
of Pike county, also in
paper weights.
The Yazoo is the only
store carrying a full line
of souvenir ware in addi
tion to the large stock of
Yankeo -:- Notions.
Walk In and Look Around-
91 Pike Struct, Port .lorvis
feifuu-.n. jr.:; imif iii i'.
e-ryi IF YOU WANT iT)'-
Cxorisa Paid
(To ny point in U.S. Cast of Denvrj
Securely packed
Without marks indicating contenlj.
CNi3l W.MtIN 9T.O
est 1848 BtreetNce -any local bank
Siihlmth services lit lo.lio A. M. 1111(1 i.Wl
M. Sahlmth school Iniincilliitely lifter t!
inorninir service. Pniver mceiiiiK Weil
ncso'ity ut 7.110 P. M. A conliul wclcoim
will 1m extended to nil. Tht-o not nt
tiwlicd to other cluirclii's nre .'S(icciiilly in
vited. Kkv. Thomas Nii iioLn, I'.ininr
C'lll'liCH OF THK (illllll tMI KI'IIMID, Mil
ford: Services Miiidny nt lo :so A. M. nod
7 ) p. m. Suiiduv school at 12.uu M
Weok-ilny service h'ridny at 10 A M. Holy
Communion Sunday at 7.15 A M .Scuts
free. All are welcome.
K kv. ( mas b. C.Mti'KXTKH, Hector.
M. K. Clli'itcil. Services at the M K.
Church Sundays: PrciicliiiiK at lo.;i(l a.
in. and at 7. .Hi p. in. SnrJay school ut
ll:4."i. in. Kpwortli leainie at rt. I; p. in.
Weekly prayer incctiutr o.i WcdncMhiys ut
7 :J p. in. (.lii!-s nieetiiiK conducted by
Win. A nle ii Fridays at 7.iHi p. in. Ao
earnest invniaiuu is extended to aiiyout
w bo may d- sire to worstc-n iih n.
Hav. C. K. Scruufcu, Paetor.
Kl'WoiiTH M. P.. Ciirun, Matanionw
Services every Saiil-arli at loj-o u. m. and
7 p. III. Salilmth school ut a.:l. '. K
meeting; .Monnuy evening at I i iiim
meeting; Tin day eveuin at 7.;io. Prayer
mcctiiiK Wcdiienday uvcuilitf ut 7.3U.
Kveryoue welcome.
Kkv. T O Si'LN( eh.
Hol'K P.VANUKLICAL ( III li( ll. Main
moras. Fa. r-erviccT, next Sunday in. follows:
Preaching at lo.Jiu a. 10. and 7 p. m. Sun
day sch'Kil at a p. in. Joiiier ('. K. lie fort
mill C. K. placet meeting alter the even
inir scrvi e. .V.!J week prayer meet inn
every Wednesday evciiinu ut 7.0. cat(t
free. A cordial 'elcoine to an. i ome.
Klv J A. W J eg AM), Pu.or.
Secret Societies.
Mtl.Fonu Loixn, No. ll, F. & A. M. :
Liwl'e meets iilnesdays on or lieloru
Kull Moon at tht SuwkiU House, Milford
lJu. N. K.iuerv, Jr., Secretary, -Milford
John V Weslhrook, W. M.. Milford. Pa.
Van UhK Mauk Loix.k. No. .s, I.O.
'I. K: Meets every 'i'liursday vveoiiij at
7 ,10 p. m., rnii li 1 1 1 1 1 n . u. H
liorulieck. Hf y Jacob McCarty, N'. (i
Hki iiksck Kkbekah Loiuik, 1U7, I. ()
O. K. Mcelscvt ry Msuael and fourth Kri
davs in each monih in Otld Kcllows' Hall
Hrown's Ouildiiirf Mi Katiiarino Klein
H. (i. MIm V Ulieluiu't) iieck, sw'y
H ouse i n
Jervis !
r aaaaaaasjat)
Is nn effort
iit forth lo deserve,
olitnin and retain your
Avilli your very
best $10 suit
thoughts and sc
cure one of Ihese
Men's Winter Suits at $6.98.
Broken lovs of
Men's Winter Ov
oreoitts redueed to
less than cost.
Cor. Front and Sussex Sts.
Pour Jku'vis N. Y..
Stoves and Ranges.
Round Oak
For Wood and Coal.
Host Hunter nnd Find Knvor in the
New Era Radiators,
Two sriroe In ons
,1 AltllWAItK. ( I TI.I I1V, TIN, AGATB
Jobbing promptly attended to
T R. Julius Klein.
In Evary County to Supply
tho great popular demand for
Senator John J. Ingalls,
Of Kansas.
The most, brilliantly written, most pro
fusely and artistically illustrated, and
most Intensely popular hook on the sub
ject of the war with Spuin. Nearly
200 Superb Illustrations
from Photographs.
lakcii siH'cially forth is great work. ArciiIs
are makmu .iO to 100 a week uillillK it.
A veiltalile lioniiu.a for live canvasseis.
Apply for dcMU'ipiion, terms and territory
at oncu to
N.B. Thompson Publishing Co.
Look for tie Warning.
Heart disease kills suddenly, bat
never without warning. The warn
ings may be faiub anrf brief, oy may
be startling and extend ever many
years, but they are none t'sa ls
ceruln and posiLiva. Too oftea tna
victim Is decalved by the thought,
"It will pass away." Alas, It navsr
passes away voluntarily. One In
stalled, heart disease never gets bet
ter of itself, it Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure is used in the early stages re
covery Is absolutely certain In erery
case where its use Is persisted In.
"For Biany years I was a great suf
ferer from heart disease before I
finally found relief. 1 wa subjest
to fainting and sinking spells, full
ness about the start, and was 'Jnable
to attend to my household duties. I
tried nearly every remedy that wa
recommended to ma and doctored
with tne leading physicians of this
section but obtalued no help until I
began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cur.
It has done ma more good than all
the medicine 1 ever took."
iiitS. .hsm. Holi-owat,
Geneva, lad.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cur Is sold at all
druttcrlBls on a positive guarantee.
Writ for fr-e advice and booklet to
lit. iiiitt UsUkal Cta, la shaft, lad.
Ladies' tdiirt waists all styles and
prices at T. Ariuutruug & Co s.