Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, June 29, 1900, Image 1

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mu my
Comrs Office ftov 1 MO
Q)t1 1LtQ
Press o
(Kruin Ojir H (fiilnr Orii-pmi'li'iit )
W akiiinuton. I). C, Junk 25. num.
President McKinley is Kralifl... ,
l.ut miMit nil hui .i iMcil r.l the com I
inoiiihilions ho is rooeivimr from nil
quarters for '.is prompini s in ord
ering tun his I" China to join with
those of otlcr civilized nations In
protecting (I10 persons and properly
of foreigners. Neither tliis govern
mcnt nor nny European government
considers itselt nt war with China,
hut thn Chinese government having
fniled to prefect foreigners from thn
'boxers" thn eivili.od governments
nro going to do it themselves. Li
Hung Chang 1ms cnliled to Secretary
Hay, promising to restore pence
nnd to sen thn nil foreigners nre
protected, nnd the Chinese Minister
to thn U' 8. litis received 11 cable
gram saying that nil the foreign
ininisti'rs nt Pcliin nro safe nnd
well, but nil t lift t hnsn't stopped
nny of thn prep'irntions for sending
reinforcements to China from the
Philippines just, ns (pick ns nicy
cm bo gotten thoro. Thn Chinosn
Minister insists that there cmi lie no
wnr between China nnd thn civilizoil
l.nlions, nnd that his RiiviTiimnnt
bus not sanctioned nny of the fight
ing. All that bn says inny be strict
ly true, bur. the fiiet. rcmninH that
thorn bus been fighting nnd thnt it
Is still going on, nnd tlint one side is
iniide up of soldiers nnd murine be
longing to the oiviliznd nutions, nnil
the other side of Chinese. The
question of the responsibility of the
Chinnso government miy lie deter
mined Inter, but the first nnd fore
most duty of the civili.nd powers is
to put 11 stop to the fighting by whip
ping the Chinese, lighters into sub
mission, nnd President McKinley in
tends tlint the U. S. shnll do its full
share of thnt duty.
Diroetor Merriiim, of the Census
Bnrnnu, lins given the press 11 state
inent, intended ns tin nnswnr to
thousands of letters nsking for fig
tires shown by the Census in vnrious
localities. IJy showing tlin routino
through winch tbo returns from
cneh enumerator's district tnnst go
the impossibility of giving the in
fornintion nt Ibis lime wns mndenp
pnrent As fust ns the official count
is completed the totnls will be bul
letined nt the census bnronu, cities
being taken first. Notice lins also
benn given tlint there will bo no
morn exnminntions for npnointment
to clericnl positions in the burenu,
tho eligible list nlrendy containing
. mnny mora tbiin will ever receive
The Trensury Department lins is
sued n circular crenting Porto Pico,
n Customs Collection District, with
Ban Junn ns the port of entry, nnd
PonqeMnyagnoz, Areeibo, Agnndilln,
Huinncoa, Araoyo, nnd Fajoardo hs
sub-ports, under tho lnw enacted at
tho Into session of Congress.
Secretary Onge, who hns been un
well for a couple of weeks hns gone
to the sensbore for a Bhort rest by
the order of his physician. There
is nothing serious the mntter. with
him, only a littlo run down.
Secretary Root hn9 gone to Dis
summer home on Long Island, to
sieiid a few days with his family,
v.-hich is of itself an indication tlint
there are no complications at the
War Department in connection with
tho Chinese insurrection.
Judge Denny, a prominent Ken
tucky Republican, who firmly be
lieves thnt tho. electoral votes of
thnt state will be cast for McKinley
and Roosevelt, who came through
Wnshington on his way home from
the convention, said of that remark
able gathering- "I have been going
to National Conventions as a dele
gate for 20 years, but I Iihvo never
Keen such a convention as that nt
Philadelphia, and I never expect to
see another such. I mean that
bnve never before seen both men
named on the ticket by acclama
tion. "
Mr. Henry C. Adnms, one of the
Repnblicnns leaders of Indiana, as
sured President McKinley tlint
In. liana was one of the sure Repub
lican states this year, and that the
majority would be quite as large
if not lnrgor than it wns in '98.
$10 to Chautauqua. K. Y. and return
On Friday July 6th, 1900 the Erie
will sell special excursion tickets
from Port Jervis, to Chautauqua,
N. Y.. t ten dollars far the round
trip good to return up to August 4
moo. It
Thn Bopr Dnli-gnto.
Tho liciff delegates have been very
I considerately treated in the United
I States. For nun thing thoy found
ithn Administration at Washington
. , , ,,,,.,. ,. .1 .,. ,.M tlmn
.,, ,,..,:,, 1, () ,,,,
fnrnst! could go in Hie offer of its
good ofllces, unless if wns noxious to
involve the country in wnr with
Gront lb iinin. This course none of
the j 11 1 ltd critics of they know not
what ndvoefi to, licit her nre t linen voys
quite so ridiculous ns to suggest this
niternntiv" ; nnd yet some of their
flnnl nttornnnees seem to indicate
thn'. they n-tpecled the people of this
country in some Irregular way to
transcend thn forms of our own gov
ernment nnd slop England willy-nilly.
The-' is trifling with n great
government, none tho less orderly if
lit bn n government 'if thn people.
As they go it cannot be said the
envoys have added to their cause by
their peculiar ndvocacy of it in this
eoiinlry. Thev have evidently been
made the dupes of irresponsible par
tijians who misled them ns to the
kind of a government that, of I lie
United Mates vvns mid ns lo the pos
sibilities of interference outside of
diplomatic pres-turo Phlla. Press.
8hpp Grazing- in Forests.
A controversy has Arisen on the
question of allowing sheep to graze
on the forest reserves in the West,
and recen'iy there bus been 11
movement iigniiist it on I ho ground
that the young forest growth is
killed by tho sheep nnd the future
forest seriously damaged. Thn soil
is also sni I to bo trampled down to
such 1111 extent that, its absorbent
qualities iiue materially affected.
This mutter is to be ltivestUatod
during the summer by the Division
of Forestry nnd Mr. Clifford Pin
chot, Forester, is now in California
and will go to one nf tho reserves In
Ari.ma, where tho feeling is most
intense, nnd iorsonally examine in
to the matter, so thnt tho effect of
sheep grazing on forest lands in the
various reserves will probably be
settled beyond dispute.
For several yenrs she has lived
nlono on the premises in Dulawnre
township nt Cnvo bank whero she
wns born some eighty yenrs ngo nnd
on Thursday 11 week ngo Mrs. David
Jagger, who had boon accustomed
to cull occnsionnllv nnd attend to her
wants, knocking nt tho door rocoiv-
id 110 response. Hhe enterod nnd
found Miss Van Anken lying on the
floor whero she had fallen from tho
fleets of paralysis. Bho rapidily
sunk nnd passed nwny tho next dny
She wns a dnugbter of Aaron and
Catharine McCnrty Vim Aukcn and
hnU always resided on the same
place. Besides nephews nnd nieces
she is survived by one brother, Jno
ob, living in California. The funer
al took plnce Tuesday.
Will be Admitted.
George It. Bull, who for three
years has pursued his lnw studies in
the U. P. nnd in the ollico of his
father C W. Bull Esq., wns Monday
evening examined by the committee
Hy. T. Baker, Hon. D. M. VnnAuk-
on, and J. 11. VimlMtdii esqs., ap
pointed by the court to enquire into
his fitness for admission to the bar,
and pnsscd a highly creditable, ex
amination. The committee was un
animous in approval nnd ho will be
luly sworn in July 2. The young
man evinces cure in his preparation
mil application to his studies and
remembering the adngo thnt law is
an extremely jealous mistress he
.vill no doubt bo highly successful
in his chosen profession.
Real Estate Transfers.
John Ketzy and wife to Max. Bey
-u-, 25 acres Lnil.nv 11x111, con, $100.
Ix-wis 11. Smith to F. A Erhar It
md others, 5 acres Greene, for cem
tery purposes, con. JU31.
William F. Bock to Louise J.
Frieh, lot on Contre Square, Milford
Boro, con. f2,500.
Excursion to Now, York July 4th.
On Wednesday July 4th, 16C0 the
Erie will soil special exclusion tick
nts lrom Port Jervis to New York
:it one dollar for tho round trip, pood
aoing on siiecinl train leaving Port
Jervis, at 7 n. m. Returning leav
ing 23rd street New York nt 7 :40 p
m. Chiimlers St. New Y'ork at 7:45
p. m and Jersey City, at 8 p. in.
samo day. Remember only onedol
lar for the round trip. It
Small in size nmi great in results
are DeWitt's little early risers, the
famous little vails that cleanse the
liver and bowels. They do not gripo.
Kllis Lewis vl ifed in New York
i the week past.
.Tas W. Pinchot wns ntflrey Tow
ers over last Kpnday.
l!ev. C. H. Carpenter, with the
Hoys Uuild, went fishing to Brink
Pond Monday.
TTnrnen K. Kipp, of Willsonville,
visited his daughter, Mrs. (hi iible,
over last Sunday
di n H. Hnchanan, of Now York,
Is visiting lis aunt, Mrs Thomas
Armstrong, this week.
Mrs. R. F. Ijoesch, nnd daughter
Helen, of (lien Ridgn, nre visitirgln
the fninily of Hv. T. Raker Esq.
M. V. Ibiseo, of To' man town
ship, is seriously at bis homo with n
complication of disorders.
Rev. .T. A. Meyer wns instnlled
Tuesday ns pastor of tho Reformed
church of Montaime, N. J.
A. H. Mottle, of Philadelphia, with
1 wife nnd daughter, visited his
son-in-law, Dr. Otto von dcr llcyde,
this week.
Miss Li In VnnKtten is home for n
summer vacation, nnd is nccompnn-
led by Mrs. Edwnrds. of Raidgeport
Ct, who will visit, iu Milford.
lion. K. Pinchot expects soon to
visit bis daughter, Mrs. Dr. King,
nt (Irnnil Rapids, Mich., and will
probably be absent for a month.
Ed. Wolf, who is connected with
(ho "Daily Express," of Sin An
tonio, Texas, is rusticating hero for
his health nnd is staying at the Hotel
Thn Misses I fnttin and Ettn Deck
er, Misses I tattle llorton and llul
dah RuU nttended the Pike Conntv
Sunday school convention held nt
Lacka waxen Tuesday.
Hy. lined, having graduated from
Prntts Institute in Brooklyn, has
passed bis examinations nnd been
admitted to Lehigh Univernty,
where ho will take 11 course in engin
eering Hon. Howard Mntchlor, of Eas
ton, nnd J. D. Herfass, of Effort,
Monroe county, nre the delegates
from this district to the Democrat
io National Conwintion which meets
in Kansas city Jn y 4th.
Elkannh Custard, who many years
ngo resided in Dolnwnre township,
latterly but hns lived in Easton,
went this week with his son Ellis
to Kinsas city to attend the Demo
cratic convention. "Decon" Booms
to bo true to bis curly teachings.
Mosdnmes B. E. Brown, Dunham
Gregory and C. E. Scndder attended
the Pike county Sunday school con
vent-ion nt Lnekn wnxen Tuesday the
two former as delegates from tho M
E. church here nnd John Durling
represented Union school in Ding
mail. Piko has 2101 children of school ajre.
Tho marriage of Arthur Roe, of
Brnnchvillo, N. J., and Mrs. H. G.
Wjlli.mison took pinna Wednesday
nt the residence of the brides father,
ex-Prothonotary J. C. Westbrook,
in the presence of a few immediate
relativos aiid invited guests.
The ceremony was performed by
Rov. Thomas Nichols.
Aftor a brief wod.linaj tour thoy
will reside in Brnuchvillo. Mrs. Roe
will be grenf.ly missed in Milford
both in the chnrch and society cir
cles where she hns boon very prom
inent for many years, mid the kind
est wishes 01 numerous friends go
with her to her new home for a life
of unalloyed happiness.
Vital Stalls' icr.
The number of births and deaths
in this county as shown by the semi
annual return of the assessors of
the several townships is as follows :
Males Females Deaths
Blooming G'e 3 3
Delaware 3 2 7
Dingmnii 3 3 3
Greene 6 8 ' 10
Lacka waxen 6 3 12
Lehman 3 7 8
Milford Boro 3 2 7
Palmyra 2 8 2
Shoholn. 3 8
Westftill 10 5 17
Totnls 39 41 77
Tofal Births 80
Tickets to Points on Long Island B.R.
The Erie company has placed on
sale at tho Erie ticket office, Port
Jervis, tickets to all points on Long
Island reached by the Long Island
railroal at very low rates through
' to destination.
Tuesday evoninglfarry Onrrctson,
of Dingmnus, wbo claims trf bo a
Fisli Warden, saw little Walter Rot
tier fishing in the Dolnwnre near
Milford nnd wfhen the boy came
ashore arrested hiin for having in
his possession a bnss loss thnn nine
inches in length. We understand
t'nat llottier did not. catch the fish
but thnt it wns given him by anotlici
boy. lie wns brought before Win.
Angle esq., who held him to bail for
the nlleged offense "of bnving the
fish in bis possession. The com
plaint w is not sworn to and no wnr
runt wns issued, the whole proceed-
ing being of a highly informal char
acter. The law providing thnt bass
less than nine inches shall not be
taken may be a proper enactment,
nnd, if enforced on persons old
enough to be presumed to know thai
there is sunh an net might be com
mended, but to pounce on a chihlaml
bale him before a justice and plnce
him under bonds seems like n high
ly ridiculous performance, Wesn!.'-
gest thnt tho offieinns warden post
notices in tho river wnming tho ba
by bass against tha danger of ap
peasing their hunger hy taking the
juicy worm on the hooks of little
boys, lest, they be placed on exhibi
tion in a magistrates office, nnd per
haps of ha ving their bodies preser
ved, in alcohol to be ovidnncengninst
the kjds in court. Such eul simply
brings the lnw in diiesputennd mak
es n farce of it. There nro numerous,
wilful violations of the fishing laws
and the Sunday laws mado by men
and grown up boys and the Warden
would have bis time fur better oc
cupied should be attempt the sup
pression of such flagrant and open
To Ail Fusion,
The Patrons of Husbandry,
through their Legislative committee
have issued an advisory circular to
the patrons nnd farmers, of Pen
nyslvimia "irrespective of party af
filiations or factional associations
in the support, of fusion members of
tho Senate nnd House of Represent
ntives in districts where the rights
of the peoplo bnve been persistently
disregarded by thelocnl leadersof the
dominnnt party and thnt mem
bers bo chosen from tho most com
petent and trust. ' worthy citizens
who will exert every honest effort
to redress the wrongs tinder which
tho farmers bnve suffered." They
have also retained counsel to advise
in such legal matters ns mny arise
Congressional Talk.
Tho Easton Free Pross comment
ing 011 the Democratic cougression
til situation in this county says
"Pike has several candidates for the
honor of nomination by tho D.m.)
emtio conferees. Thoy are Edwin F
Peters, of Busbkill, nnd Joseph J.
Hurt who has already served a term
in the House of Representatives. It
is said that the coming out of Peters
and Hart, the later, especially, was
to hend Off Case Bull Esq., of Mil
ford, who is strongly mentioned us a
Congressional candidate."
This latter is news to us here, hut
as Mr. Bull has this year been the
recipient of some very great favors
the rule may apply that to one who
has received much, more shall be
Excursion Tickets to Charlestoa.$. C,
On account of the National Educa
tionnl Association Convention to be
held at Charleston, S. C, tho Erie
will sell siiocial excursion tickets
from Port Jervis to Charleston S. C
on July 6M1, 7th, 8th and 9th, good
to return on or before September 1st
1900, continuous ptssnge 111 each ili
rfcetion except stop over will be
granted at 1 Washington on return
trip within limit of ticket, by depos
iting retnrn portion of ticket with
joint agent, and payment of fee of
one dollar, nt the low rate of t.5 for
the roui d trip from Port Jervis. 2t
Didn't Marry for Money.
The Boston man, who lately mar
iu (1 a sickly rich young woman, :
happy now, for he got Dr. King
New Life, Pills, which restored her
to perfect health. Infallible for
Jaundice, Billiousuess, Malaria, Fev
er nnd Ague and all Liver and Stom
ach troubles Gentle but effective
Only 25c at all drug stores.
Excursion to Kansas City, Mo.
On account of the Nationul Demo
cratio Convention at Kansas City
Mo., the Erie will sell special txcur
sion tickets from Jort Jervis
Kansas City, Mo., on July 1st, 2nd,
anil 3rd, goou to return to July Bth,
1900 at I -JH.75 for the round trip from
Port Jervis. je29
A complete line of Mens flue shoes
aud Oxfords at T, Armstrong & Co.
Howard Reed fell from n cbi rry
tree Tuesday and was quite badly
shaken up.
American trade with China has
been especially heavy in the chief
towns of the present hostile district.
There will be prenching nt the
Mnwkill school house next Sunday,
July 1st nt 2:30, the weather per
mining. A marriage license has been issu-
d to William E. Major, of Lnyton,
N. J., and Lnnrn Wilsrn. of Fair-
old, Illinois.
The Chinese troops hnvo gained n
victory over thn nlliel f roes, but
mnny missionaries heretofore sup
posed to lie killed are safe.
It is desired that the sporting pub.
lie understand that 1 lie la ws will be
igoronslv enforced especially those
elating to violations of the Hah-
John Wniinmakcr, ox-Post Master
General, is reported seriously ill nt
lis home in Jenkintown, but. hopes
are entertained for his recovery.
His ailment is chronic.
Edwin Everhart, a fast young mnn
Scrnnten, is in prision charged
with an attempt to procure the mur.
if bis father becansn he 10'used to
longer furnish him wfih money.
Joseph H. Bromley, of Philadel
phia, has just completed a handsome
md commodious house near Silver
Lako nnd several loads of furniture
or it passed through town tliis week
Thoodoro William, the son of Fred
rick Lock wood and wife, was
baptised last Sunday in the Episco
pal church. Four generations were
represented, the great grandfath
er lieing Win. H. Eno.
A bull belonging to Henry Tisst,
being led along Water street last
Saturday evening, badly frightened
several ladies by bis antics, nml one
was somowbnt in jurcd by a fall in
her endeavors to run away.
The New York Journal says the
investigation of the ice trust in New
York by the Grand Jury this week
was a farce. I he foreman was a
ramiiiniiy man and would not allow
any information to be brought out.
Thirty-five people were killed in a
railway wreck Inst Sunday on the
Macon brunch of the Southern rail
way in Georgia. The train ran iu a
washout, the wreck caught fire and
the whole train except the sleeper
wns burned.
Morris county fanner who raises
sheep told only the other (lay, with
in earshot of the "Era,'' that he had
11st sold his wool clip, unwashed, for
22 cents a pound, udding that under
the Cleveland regime he sold his wool
for 12 cents. Dover (X. J.) "Iron
Hon. David B. Hill is one of the
Democratic Vice Presidential possi
bilities and it miy be that he will be
forced on the ticket because of the
necessity for the party to carry New
York. He is probnbly the strongest
man thnt could be nnmed from the
Empire State.
Rev. Andrew J. Meyer, pnstor of
the Minlsink Reformed church, of
Montague, and Miss Lucia, a daugh
ter of the late Dr. Henry Miller, of
A litany, N. Y., were united in nitir-
rigc Thursday, June 22. The cere
mony took place in the Fouith Re
formed Church, of Albany.
The commencement exercises of the
East Stroudsburg Normal Schcol
took place this week. The address
was made by ex-Governor Hon. Rol-
ert E. Pattison. There were sixty-
three young lady and twent-niue men
graduates. William W. Ramsey was
salutatorian nnd I juira B. Gciser val
edictorian. More contributions to our institu
tion of learning bnve been made un
der the present administration than
any other period in the history of
the country. Education is receiving
its lull share of the profits of pros
perity, and education will contribute
liberally to the sentiment for good
The Chinese minister has proposed
an armistice, and that no more
American troops be sent to China.
The request was referred to tho
President who declined to consider
the proposition. Colliers at Nor
folk were t rdered to be in condition
for Chinese service which indicates
that the trouble may be of long dur
ation. Croker, the Boss of New York
Democracy, is violently opposed to
trusts so he says aud is virtuously
indignant over the turpitude of Car
roll and Van Wyck iu becoming
tentacles of the octopus and
compromising Tammany. He pro
loses to make an example of some
one, As Mr. Croker holds 1,500
shares of Ice Trust Stock he may
wreck his righteous wrath at home.
The Fhwp Induntry.
Enquiries were recently sent out
asking for information In regard to
the number nnd value of sheep now
ns compared with four years ngo, In
order to show the dill'ercnce in ('fleet
between free wool anil protection.
The following table exhibits the re
sult Hint Is nil object lesson for sheep
Reports received il(i
Sheep owned In March, "Mi
(Wilson law Free Wool
period) l,l.rM,!i0
Sheep owned In March, '00
(Dingloy law Protection ,
Increase, 10(1(1
Percentage of increase. . . .
Average value per head,
March, !!( (Wilson law
Free Wool period)
Average value per head,
March, limn (Dingloy
law, Protection period). .
Increase of value mt bend
Percentage of gain in value
per head for 1!MK
121 .Till
Crop Conditions.
Crop statistics show that over five
million acres of winter wheat have
ls'en cut for forage or plowed under
this spring nnd the condition of that
remaining-dcclined over six points in
There is also n reduction of half n
million acres in spring wheat and its
condition June first was not so good
as Inst year. The average of oats
sown this year exceeds that of last
about three percent, nnd the average
condition is also good.
Rye show ns a general reduction of
over four per cent, but Pennsylvania
shows nn increase over shortage of 10
per cent .accounted for sowi ng of spri ng
rye on winter wheat plowed under on
account of winter killing.
The eondiontion of the apple crop is
exceptionally favorable nnd tho pouch
crop promises to be phenomenal, all
the poach growing states reporting a
oondition far above the average.
A Suggestion for the Churches.
It might lie desirable, for our
churches to have the service Sunday
evening nt say 5 p. 111. instead of Int
er. During the warm nights of July
and August the necessarily lamp:
oauso considerable heat, and insects
nro more annoying, t hurch goers
could Justus easily attend, and would
then have their evening nt home with
the family. We think the change
might boapprecintednt alleventsthoro
is no harm in offering the suggestion
for consideration. The plan has Is'on
adopted elsewhere and has worked
very satisfactorily. The number of
attendants was increased nnd gener
ally tbo change seemed to be favor
ably received.
Teachers Hired.
At a meeting of the directors of
tho Independent school district held
last Friday evening the former teach
ers were all re-elected: Salary.
John C. Watson, Principal (U.
L. B. Westbrook, Intermediate. 40.
D. II. Hornlieck, 2 Primnry 30.
Lizzie Rochotte, 1 Primary ... . 30.
Flora Rochotte, Shooopee 30.
Oliver S. Pitney wns appointed
janitor at a salary of f too.
Dingmnn township directors have
employed J. K. Hogim for Rattle
snake and Dora Rochotte for the
Franklin school, and hire the remain
ing teachers to-morrow.
Two Acrostics.
B ad money.
R uin and wretchedness.
Y ellow politics.
A bsurd doctrines and theories.
X o more good times.
M ore work, more wages.
C redit, confidence, certainty.
K indler of factory fires.
I ndustry's best fried.
N ow and always a Protectionist.
L arger exisnts, hoavicrtrude balance
E ssential to the country's welfare.
Y ou want him again!
A Fast Bicycle Rider
Will often receive painful cuts,
sprains or bruises for accidents.
Bucklen's Arnica. Salve, will kill the
pain and heal the injury. It's the
cyclist's friend. Cures Chafing,
Chapped hands, Sore Lips, Burns,
Ulcers and Piles. Cure guaranteed.
Only 25o. Try it. Sold by all Drug
gists. Neglect is the short step so many
take from a cough or cold to con
sumption. The early use of one
minute cough cure prevents consump
tion. It is the only harmless reme
dy that gives immediate results. It
cures all throat and lung troubles.
Children all like it and mothers in
dorse it.
(From Our Kognlnr Corrni'poiidrnt.)
Paris, Fhanck, Ji'NK 11, 19(H).
T see in a Paris paper this morn-
j ing that Senator Hale characterized
tho runs Exposition ns a "bad per
formance." This was the opinion of
M. Retion, of nil expositions; he de
spised them and blamed women for
them. I't anyone recall his own Im
pressions of the Chicago Exposition.
Nine out of ton will first think of the
.Midway Plaisanee attractions; a ma
jority of visitors will recall the taw-
Iry insubstantial architecture, the
fireworks, the Ferris wheel, and a
wilderness of show-cases differing lit
tle from those of the great stores in
mnny cities of the United States.
Well, the Paris Exposition is not
substantially different from this. Its
Mid wny Plaisanee Is not cramped, it
is scattered here and there In difTcr-
nt parts. There is a great display
of architecture tlint will lie torn down.
riiere Is a Ferris wheel nnd the Eif
fel tower. There is the same iK'wild-
ring array of show windows with
their seductive displey .of frocks,
furniture, jewelry, huts, bric-a-brac,
ill arranged to tempt the modern
Eve and swell the tide of luxury and
extravagance, as M. Renon might
think, though he would say it Is'ttor.
If all this is so why do jioople go to
Expositions? Because Expositions
nro tremendously advertised, and lie
cause the human heart nnd foot is al
ways in pursuit of sensation; always
socking the will-o-the-wisp novelty.
Because the world loves to lie hum
bugged a groat many times, vowing
after each deception it will not lie
caught again, but ever hungry for
the next thing. The Paris Exposi
tion, like all the rest, is a mammoth
nlvertising scheme, nnd France has
of course the hog's share of the ad
vertising and Pari! will profit im
mensely by the show. The part play
ed by our country here is, in com
parison, far from conspicuous. We
appear only here and there by an ex
hibit marked by an American flag
and there is nearly always adjoining
us or ncross the aisle from us an ex
hibit of the same class by another
country, it may be Italy, Hungary,
or Belgium that vies with us or
eclipses us in richness and taste nnd
extent of display. Of course this
means nothing to whose who think,
or know that the United States ex
hibit Is nothing more than tho "lay
out" of some firm or firms that strive
to find or increase their business on
this side of tho water. But to tho
average tourist from rural France,
Germany and Belgium who make
the bulk of those who seethe Exposi
tion and who know as little about the
United States as a horse does of as
tronomy, the impression is that Bel
gium and Italy have more taste and
better things than the United States,
and that France has everything.
These International Expositions are
much like the hospitulities of the Fox
and Stork. How can our country,
considering the three thousand miles
of sea and the even more obstructive
miles of railroad under the peculiar
French management compete with
France or other contiguous countries?
The way to get even with them will
be to have our next Exposition at
Cape. Nome.'
Anyone who has traveled in Europe
knows that the French are the great
est, most skilful and most mobile rob-lx-rs
on the contiment. A contract
for a dinner is followed by an over
charge for the napkin and the plate.
A ride in a cab means invariably an
additional payment to the driver.
Shopkeepers and officials in the rail
ways seeing that you are American
and knowing your ignorance of the
money and carelessness alxiut little
things will not always return your
full change. You must watch them
all the time. Their nonchirhiiice
when detected is fine. Their faces
are tix red to show a blush. The
American Commission here is some
what luxuriously installed. They
' not. denieil thelilsel ill flue
desks and chairs and carpets, and
quite luxurious offices. "Republican
simplicity" is not very severe here.
It may be "good business," as we
w e say, to let all the world know that
we live well w hen we are at home in
Paris. On the other hand it may be
that the whole American official en
tourage is here on a junket.
Reports show thatovor fifteen hun
dred lives have been saved through,
the use of one minute cough cure.
Most of these were cases of grippe,
croup, asthma, whooping cough,
bronchitis nnd pneumonia. Its ear
ly use prevents consumption.
tubbcribe for the Phkss,