PIKE COUNTY PRESS. FRIDAY, J UN 10 15. 1 OOO. PUnUSHRt) EVERY FHIDAT. OFFICE, BROWN'S BUlLDINd, BROAD BT. rihhchii'TIon: One Year One dollar und fifty cento. Six Months Heveuty-five centH. STKU'TI.Y IN ADVANCK. Entered nt the post nflira nf Mil ford, Pike County, Pennsylvania, n second class mutter, November twenty-first, 181M. Advertising Rates. One. furunreleliiht lineal, one Insertion -tl .00 Each subsequent insertion BO Reduced rates will lie furniHlii'd on np pltuntiun, will lio allowed yearly adver tise ra. Legal Advertising. Administrator's and Executor's notices N-00 A uditor'H notices 4 (Hj Divorce notices MH) Sheriff's sales, Orilians' court sales, County Treasurer's sales. County state ment mid election proclamation charged by the siiaru. J. H. Van KUnn, PlWUHHKli, Milf jrd, Piko County, Pa. Republican State Ticket. For Auditor CJeiieral, K. B. IIAKDKNBKKGII, of Wu.vne County. For ConffroHRiiifiii-at-IHrffe, HO BERT H. KORDERER, of Pliiltideliihin. OALlT8HA A. UKOW, of HuHqueliiuuia County. Far lclegto-Ht-t.arre, jr. H. QUAY, WILLI EM A. STONE, FRANK REEDER, Wi LLIAM CONN ELL, O. AV. OliEENE, JOHN LEISENRINO, CHARLES A. POUTER, JAMES ELVERHON. For Klectors-at-I.rge, I'LARENCE WOLF, FRANK H. BUHL, A. B. ROBERTS, DR. THEODORE L. FLOOD. County Ticket. For Representative, WILLIAM AN OLE, of Milford. For Jury Commissioner, W. T. STRUBLE, of Milford. Tammany is anxious to inject n "sweeping .reform" cry into the national campaign. At home, in New York State, Tamany has to do fend itself against its reoord for the highest tax-rate and for its Tam many ice trust. Reform should be gin at home. With free ships out of the way, us an alternative proposition with which to build up the Ameiic;n merchant marine, Congress at the coming short session can apply it self to the consideration and passage of the Ship Subsidy bill. That act ion is already assured. The prosperity upon which the Republican party mainly relies for victory is the genuine article. It is unexampled in the history of this or eny other country. It is so great find all prevading that the calamity howlers of 1896 have lapsed into eilence. Washington Post. It having been made clear , that the free registry of foreign-built ships meant merely the building of the ships our commerce requires in British instead of in American ship yards, the Representatives in Con gress of each of the political parties nre opposed to it. It is a dead is sue. In 1896, Presidont ilcKinley said 'I hope that the time will not be far distant when every workingman in this country can get work, and get it, too, at fair and remunerative . wages." The time wos not far dis tant, and it is still with us. Free traders who have been advo cating as the only needed remedy for the building up of American ships the free registry of foreign vessels, are in a quandary now, due to the fact that no party Congress favors the proposition. The total amount of money in cir culation has increased by 182 per cent in the last thirty years, and the deposits in saving banks by 327 per cent. There will be no campaign "issue" in the sense in which that word is generally accepted, on the shipping question during the coming cam paign. The American people are unanimous in behalf of effective legislation, and Congress is pledged to enact it at the short session. Export of agricultural products have increase 1 117 per cent in the last thirty years. Who says the foreign market is of no value to the farmer? Young W. R. Hwirsh is develop ing his political aspiration in the Democratic party. It has long been Lis fond ambition that his lute fath er's Senatorial toga should full upon 1 lis own (boulders. In New York he das many times been flattered with the prospect of n nomination for governor of that State, and it has even been hinted that he may be the Vice Presidential running mate of Mr. Biyan, on the Demo cratic ticket. The Ways and Means Cotnmittoe very properly sat down upon Rep resentative Richardson 's (Democrat) proposition to admit sugar and mo lasses free of duty from CuImv and Porto Rico. Its effect would have been to make a present of 114,000,000 to the Sugar Trust. The record of President McKin ley's first term will not b complete until provision has been made lor the upbuilding of our merchant ma rine in the foreign trade, a question to which Congress will give its at tention as soon a9 the sossion begins next December. Of the four reports on the ship ping bill filed in Congress during the session just chised, each one speci fically declared against the free American r,'?istiy of foreign-built ships. The free ship proposition, so far ns the United States is concern ed, is as dead as Pharaoh. Cotton, provisions and mineral ills fliow larger export values dur ing the ton months of tins lisonl year ending April 30 histthnn atany time since 1092. The people of the United States have tired of paying foreign stea n ships 1200,000,000 each yenr for car rying our imports and exports. A bill to put an end to that is pending in Congress and will bo passed at tin next session. The prosecution of Neeley and hi- associates for the Cuban postn frauds is being 'vigorously contin ued by the Administration, and w'U not cease till sentence has been pro nounced upon the guitly. The Republican party has persis- ently endeavored to strengthen and upbuild the-American Navy. The Democratic party has just as per sistently opposed such a policy nt every possible opportunity. The Arbnckle Sugar Refining peo ple have beaten the Sugar Trust in legal battle in Ohio. Arbuckles held stock in the Trust's coffee fac tory and wanted to inspect its books a right to which they are entitled under a recent decision. Another blow for an octopus. If the filing of the reports in favor of the shipping bill during the session of Congress just closed have accomp lished nothing else, they have, nt least, buried for nil the so-called "free ship'1 proposition, which on ex amination, is found to he a measuie for the promotion of British ship building. Since 1870, the population of the United States has increased 100 per cent and the production of cotton 300 per cent. With 200 per cent more in rcease in production than in popula tion, the decrease in price has been less than 100 per cent, and the quant ity used by American mills has in creased 300 per pent. This indicates the growth ami value of the home market. The United States now lias a do minion nearly three times greater in area than it possessed whenitbeeame a nation. We have been expanding all the time, and most of it was ad ded by the party now opposing ex pansion. Civilization and commerce always go together. It was so Hawaii. It will be so' in the Philippines nnd Poito Rico. The policy of expansion, which gives us a foot' hold in the Philip pines, and enable us to increase our commerse with China, and will be of great benefit to all our people, nnd more especially to farmers and wage earners. Free to Inventors. The exponsnce of 'C. A. Snow & Co., in obtaining more than 20,000 patents for inventors has enabled them to helpfully answer many ques tions relating to the protection of in tellectual property. This they have done in a phamphlet treating briefly of United States and foreign patents, with cost of same, and how to pro cure them j trade marks, designs, civeats, infringements, decisions in leading patent cases, etc., etc. This pamphlet will be sent free to anyone writing to C. A. Snow & Co., Washington, D. C. Yellowstone Park, Wyo., Excursion Tickets. Commencing June 10th, and until September 9th, 1900, the Erie will sell etcursiou tickets from Port Jer vis, N Y., to Mammoth Hot Springs, "Yellowstone Park," Wyo., good to return to October 23rd, 1900, at !9. 85 for the rouud trip. jc22 Pain Unneceseay in Childbirth Pain Is no longer uecessury lu chililu rth; morning siekuebs, awoilen limbs, and like evils, are readily controlled, and womb diseases speedily cored. Never known to fail. Physicians pninnuniH, it wundeiful, nnd over oo.uoo Indie , itect its nieriis.i.mly reader, cut this out; it may have your life; sutfi-r uo longer, but send us ! cent stamp and receive la scaled envelope full partic ulars, and valuable proofs of our wonder ful remedy. Address Frank Thulium & Co. liullimoro, Md. jvxt A FEW ANIMAL NOTES THINGS A CLOSE OBSERVER HA9 FOUND BY EXPERIENCE. Something About Game Birds. A Fox's Brush. The Vixen. Peculiar Acts of the Mother Fawn. III Tempered Horsee Mules are Cads. Every game bird, In ' Its native haunts, has a hnblt of association which Is differently expressed. Thus sportHinen who know, Bay a bevy of pnrtrldpres, a covey of quail, a bunch of prairie chicken, a plump of wild fowl, a wiRp of teal, either green or blue winded, a file of geese, R flight of pigeons, or woodcock, a line of Bnlne. Pheasants are so nearly do mesticated they are said to eome la clutches, rail and plover in balls, and cranes and heron In Blunts. Everybody knows that a fox's tail Is In hunting parlance his brush, but few perhaps know further that his scuif) is technically a "mask," or that if he is superlatively game, it Is torn off, nailed on the kennel door of the pack In at his dath, and marked with three crosses to show that he died only at the end of a ringing run. The brush, of course, gnen to whoever is nearest when it Is taken. The trophy next in value 1h the right forefoot In hunting phrase "pad thief." The left forefoot "pad mino," ranks next. After them the hind feet, "the pegs" which only very young or very avid hunters care much to claim. One amazing thing regarding the vixen the she fox is that no dog will follow her trail while Bhe carries young. It Is uncertain whether Bhe then leaves no scent, or whether the dogs obey some pr.mal instinct. In passing over her track. A certain consideration for the female Is appar ent in most of canine species. One of the surest signs of rabies is for a dog to attack a bitch of his own spe cies. Fawns when first dropped are for some hours unable to stand. - The dog does not remain beside them, but pa ces slowly around at a considerable distance. Every now and then she gives a little tremulous bleating call, at sound of which tne fawn lifts Its head and tries to struggle to its feet. Should a man or dog appear mean time, the doe runs away in a straight line, but laggingly and halting as though herself hurt unto death. When she thinks she has lured the enemy far enough away, she gives three great flying leaps, which take her at once out of sight and goes hack to her baby upon seven-league boots. Hut if left undisturbed, she keeps up the pacing until she sees the fawn stand ing, tlien paces oaintlly away in a straight line, choosing always the easiest grade. Ab she paces she calls faintly and every now and then halts, looking over her shoulder, to see that she Is followed. Ill tempered old horses delight to attack very young foals and will kill them if permittod. Mules have the same cheerful habit, unless they are under the influence of "the bell mare." She is the queen of the herd a kind ly creature who has grazed an1 fed with them, wearing a tinkling bell about her neck. If sha snorts de fiance of anything, all her followers rush to the attack. If she sniffs tol erance, they pass it by. In all things they obey her abjectly. Back in the old days, when horses and mules throughout the southwest went to market in droves, the rough riding highwayman of that epoch always tried to capture "the bell" and make off with It, knowing that nothing could keep the drove from following. Similarly, drovers tried to save the "bell." She was led, never ridden, so that In event of attack, she might be fresh for a game run. A light lad led her the owner or chief drover brought up the rear. The lad had strict orders at the first sign of trouble to go his very best, caring for nothing but "the bell." Mules are on the whole something of cads. They are very proud of their horse kin-folk and very much asham ed of the other side of their ancestry. One horse in a lot full of mules Is a royal personage. Poor Neddy, con trariwise, is kicked and cuffed nipped most cruelly. Exchange. and Among the Wise. First Young Woman Let's s who wrote ' Pickwick Papers?" Second Dittos Dickens. First Of course. I couldn't for the moment think of his name. Second He was the author of "Pendents" and "Under Two Flags, you know. First Oh, yes, I know that. Bos ton Transcript. Established. . - lau ' CsVMTf. LABELS. TRADE OCSICNS. Marks.-' vv-copyrichts. Thtrtv-one ve .ri a, tlve practice. Opinion as to VHlWlitv and liHtentabilitv. Write for look lliftmi-1-n? and references. EPSON BK0S492I P street, Waablngtoa, U. COMING!! DR. S. ANDRAL KILMER The Skilled Expert-Specialist PRflPCDC Tumois. Growths. UHllUkng Bunches, e.c. (ISTEIINAL AM" EX1 '.HS'AL) WITHOUT KNIFE, PLASTER or ELECTRICITY. All Chronic and "Given up" cases successfully cured. lie Sure to K,-e liiui. Tell your Sick fi lends and uciglih r?. This is the name l)r. Kilmer that visited in Uiis vicinity years atzo nnd cured u many. (Jousulatlon Tree. Come. early. t.OSHKN,. St Elmo Hotel, June 10. l'Olir J Fit VIS. Delaware Hume, June 20. And every 8weeks there after. It too feeble or unable to we him, write your dilliutillicft to llr. S. Andral Kilmer, .1) Cheuantfu St., liiugliaiutou, Y. (Jur lee reiurued ii we Ibil. Any one Bending aketrrj nud dvw;riptiua of auy iuvcutiou will promptly receive our opiuion free coucerntug the patentability of same. " H w to GbUuu a Puletit" beat upun rt-quest. I'altnta secuied. Jhtuiili us advertised fur tale at oui rxpeusiv. Fateut: takeu out throunh un receive tptcial fJirfK't't without charge, in The Latent Hfcai.io, u niustruted and widely circulated joiuuul. consulted by Maiiufacluit rs and Inve;tors, bcud tor Maiiuple copy FREE. Addtta. VICTOR J. EVAN9 A CO. (ilatcat Attorneys,) Cvr Building. yWA.HINGTON. 0 C Why let all your and friends think you must be twenty years you are? 1 older than Yet it's impossible to look young with the color of 70 years in the hair. It's sad to see young persons look prematurely old in this way. Sad be cause it's all unneces sary; for gray hair may always be re store a i av. .ffTt to its Mr n a t -Ll'lrl' u r a I color by us ing For over half a cen tury this has been the standard hair prepara tion. It is an elegant dressing; stops Fall ing of the hair; makes the hair grow; and cleanses the sclllp from dandruff. $1 .00 bottle. All dronlltl. " I have been using Ayer'a Hair Vigor for over 20 vears nnd I can heartily recommend it to the pnlillo as tuo bent lialr topic in existence." Mrs. O. L. Aluekson, April 24, 1M0. ' Ector, Tex. If yon do not obtain all the baneflta you expected from the Vipjor, write the Doctor about It. Address, Da. i. O. AVER, Lowell, Mill. 4 One Cent a Word. 'or Kach Inacrtlon. J'o AilverttMitienl taken for lea tlinn lrt centa. CASH must awoinpftoy Rll orders. Addres. I'IKE HOI NTV TRUSS, MII-KH1I1, PA. I7KR SALT!. A small farm located neiii L Matamoras, known as the lleiisel i Heinhardt place, containing 21 acre Finely local ed, well watered. House and barn. Fruit of all kinds. Part, improved Til le clear. Kor terms, price, etc.. adilr Lock box (5 Milford. Pa. RKSPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby uiven that trcstiasinir on the nrcniiKtj occupied by the undersigned in Dingman townsiiip, Known as tne luiceanan inriii ror liiintniK, Usinng, ocrryiiig or any otnc iniriiose whatever is forbidden under per nltvof the law. Any person or person disobeying this notice will be dealt witt m tne severest lawnu manner. Ugokok H. McCaktv, July 1, 18117. Lessee TRESPASS NOTP )K. Notice is hereby X iriveu that tresuassiiifif unon the south ern half of the tract of linid known as the William Denny, No. li:!,ln Shoholn town ship, tor liuntinit, lislunir, or, any oth purpose, also trespassing un Sawkill pond in JJinniau township, or, llsiung in it r forbidden under penalty ot the law. 1 il. Cl.KILANII MlLNOli, .prl51ni ' Attorney for owner. rpHKSPASS NOT10B. Notice la hereby x. given tmu ttespussmu; upon tne pr perty of the Forest Lake Association Lnckawaxell township, I'iko county, 1; for the purpose of hunliiifi and iisinnr, oi any other purpose i strictly lorouklen un uer penalty oi uiu law. ALkXANJlKli HAIIPKX, Nov. B, 18H5. President T'RKSPAS3 NOT1CK. Notice Is here) X (riven that trespassing on tho preinis. of the uiidersijined, situated in Dingnim township, lor any purpose whatever strictly forbidden, and ull offi nders will 1 promptly prosocuteu. UtA 11. CA&E Oct. 84. ISHfi. NOTICK All huntiufr, fishing orotlu trespnssinir on tne premises or the uml signed, In Dingman Township, on Hay mundskill and Ilwarfskill Creeks, is for biuden under penalty of the law. ('HAS. ,1. Hon.EAU, Dint-man Twp., N. Hoii.kap, May 17, loUS. JOSKPH F ilOil.EAt! Application for Charter. In the Court of Common Plena of Hike County. Notiw is lioroby pi von that nn nppl lent ion will be iiiikIo to Hon. (ieo S. Purely, JJren hli'itt nnd Imw J intgo of said rotirtn, on t hi thirtieth day of June, A. ). HM, at 2 o'elocl in the afternoon at hU cliamhers in limits dale. Ph.. iHider the cornoratimi act of April !. h7J. and theanpniements rhen-to. by William Kdwards, Kli.slm N. VMerson Wilson Ijosey, lulwiird G. MiafTer hiii' . ranklin Sin th for a charter of an Intend 'tl corporation to be called "The liloomint (rre Jiiiptit Clmrch," the chat act.T and object whereof -s tho worship of Aimiuhi (ud aecordinrto the conlil ution. ciiiiiin discipline, faith, povei nment and forms of the liftptist Chureh in the I'nited Srate of America, ami for this purpose to have and enjoy all the rights, benefits and priv ileges of the said act and its supplements. '1 he proposed charter is now on lile in the Protlioiiotarv'ti oil ice at Milfoid. FRANK P. K1MHM5, June 8, lm.r0. holicitr. MSA. Caveats, and 'i'rade-Marks obtained and all l'at ont buainew conducted Ut Modcratc Fees, iouit Orncc is OweiTi; U, 8. Patent Orncc .11.14 HCIJUM.1 JIO i.Utll 1U UUU VUUM. ica;ote from Wiishiiij'toa, J i iscuU mudel, drafting or phnto.. with dcirrip-i ticn. d advise, if paLeaiaLta or Dit tree ul .lurge. Our fee not duo till uatcnt is sccurcti. ) m d.u-...p. Huw tu Obtain latent" vith, .-ot i t bwiuc in' the U. w. aud iorciu couatiit icut iree. Audrcaa, 5 c.A.snovv&co.i v-r-. rsTINT wrnwi, sniiiuiUN, O. 1. r V'rrrwrVVwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwl m TlTo PATENT Good Ideas ii may be aecured by our aiil. Adtire. H THE PATENT RECORD. Baltimore. Md. bub.vriuiiuua to lUtf faivut Bacord iljjuitvs mun.iia A Wwm . .,m fiwff'n 1 1 wi 1 1 Mi mVa t EVERYTHING 0 UM Do you want some Knives and Forks. We sell Rogers Triple Plated Knives and Forks for $2.48. CROCKERY From the commonest kind of Earthen Ware to the Finest 'French China. CARPETS Froui 14 cents jer ysrd to $1.75 f er yard. .5 r A single piece or a car-load. From a cheap wash -stand, to a Fine Parlor suite. PRICES LOWER THAW THE LOWEST. N. Y. FURNITURE CO., 92 Pike St., .-. Portjervis. - ' WW w I 3 and 3 i Also High Grade Shoes at $5, H It will pay you tetter to buy an iTkl article of known value than l-S $7- 7 to experiment quality. The shoes have always found them to be as represented. We keep a full line in CALF, RUSSIA CALF, Via KID, PATENT CALF, Etc., to fit any foot, and give you Style, Comfort and 5 WARWICK- Port Tervk THE W!, i Grand Clubbing Of ers 1 . "11 y ' V A X ' M Pikk Co. PitKSS, Ladies' Woiltl, Ainsloo's, Munscy's, CoHTnojiolitnn, US 4 44 41 " MctJiure't. 4.15 44 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 . Cdsmojtolitni). 44 4. 15 44 44 44 " Leslie 8 Wont lily, 44 4. 1 5 'Yon mnko n Holeclion from one ua, enclosing f M5 nnd we wilt (uivb the four pnMiciitHina iiuulcu to thv. subscriber for one year ; or ench to hp) hi hU nddrcss if so uVsiretl. Address P.KK COUNTY PKESS, Milford, Ph. A SENSATIONAL REVOLUTION IN PRIOES OF CLOTHING For the next sixty days, I will quote Unheard of prices in Mens', Boys and Cliildrensk Clothing, that will astonish eveiylxMly. An invitation to the public is extended to in spect the largest assortment of Clothing and Men and Boys Shoes ever shown in Tort Jer vis. Prices Will talk. Call and le convinced at SCHAFRANSKY. 15 Front Street, . Portjervis, N. Y. The UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIER, Press iiiHliinr in till liimcliou Will (.'ii to tlin lmnso or do II. n work at home. Aililress MiKY Liuwiii, ojiiiupite Suwkill Mill, Miiford, I'h. ISH A HOUSE Eirs I UNION MADE -7 $2-50 & $2 25 4TW with others of unknown patrons of W. L. Douelas Service. ? J s T. S j AHfc.Nl. t V J of tho fonr offers, wliioh you soiwt to Miiuinioth and medium clover :-i i'd. Ked top, Kentucky nnd C'an imIh Hue fii-Hi-H, Orchard and Tiino. thy seed at W. & O. Mitcholl'g. Business - Cards. F. VV. BEST, M. D.. IS Ball Street, PORT JERVI5, N. Y DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. 9 to If A. M. Office Hours 2 to A P. M. T to 8 P. M. WILLIAM B. KENWORTHY, M.D. riiypicinn and Surpcon. Ofllnn ,1 vnl.l,.nn tln..r... . . I. homo lati iv occupied hv Dr K II. Wi n ner. MILFOKI), PA. Dr. von der Heyde, DENTIST, Hrlck House Opposite Vanderninrk Hi tel liroad si reel Milfoid Pa. OFFICIO HOURS: 8 to la a. m.; 1 to p. m. H. E.Emerson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Bread Street. J. H. VAN ETTEN Attorney- at- Law, OFFICE, Brown's Building, Mm.fohd, Pike Co., Pa. John A. Kipp, ATTGRiNEYAMAV., OFFICE, opposite Court in Mll.KOIdi, PlKF CO.. I AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. LIFE IEI.M B:M)(1W MliNT nod AtC'lDENT IXUliAKlE 1). K. Asm Lllcii, 7f(nt. Iiipj-iiiiii s Ft t i y , Vn Washington Hotel Q t RIGGS HOUSE. Tin' l iiicl par cxi i lli iii c nt iln M il nl . Iiicnn il v i i h i ii inic lili'i-k ,if iii. H ini-i' nnd ilirci iiy eppe file 1 lie Ticiinn v. Kim-si tnlilc in tlir i: i t v . WILLARD'S HOTEL. A fnmoiis hntclry. riiimi kiilrlc fur Its liistitriciil iiwMiciniitins mid lonfr-Biihttiiiioil IKipulnrily. Hci i litly ri'iinvati'd, n piilnli'd mid piiiiliilly rcfuiiiislii'il. NATIONAL HOTEL. A lniiiliiiiii k niiKiiiar ilip IioiHh nf WhsIi in "i , luitMiii'cd in fciim-r vi'iim by pii'-iiiiiiK inul liih (.fliciiilK. AhvnjK it pi inii' riivnriiu. Kcci'iitly rcniddch il ami " iKi'iid lii'iici limn cvi'r. tipp. Pn. R. H (Up. WALTKli KCKTON. Hs. Mgr. TIicm' In .1 1 a un' the principal piililirnl ri i ii'.i'.vi hi s (.( i in, capital at all tiniof. They ari' i hi' lii'Ht stiippiii)r plnci'B al rcii liciiiiiili' rail's O. G. STAPLES. Proprietor. G. DEWITT, Manager. A B!Q CLUB. Cut this nut nnd return io.uh with W1.00 and w I' ll send Un-fu1 low ing pustagu pre paid VERMONT FARM JOURNAL 1 VR. NfcrV YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE 1 VR. AMERICAN POULTRY ADVOCATE 1 YR. THE GENTLE WOMAN t YR. MARION HARLAND'S COOK BOOK. TEN NIGHTS INA BAR ROOM. All For $1. Regular Cost $4.00 Tills iiTiiililnalimi (IIIh a fninilv mud Twii fin in unpen, for the nien The "Wen ilewiiniiin," an ideal paper fur the. Latlii'8 N Y Weekly Tiilmne for all Marlon U.-ii iand'H C'uok Biidk wlih iidO pajirea and 1 un pnu tleal nt ipcK for l lie wife, and the lunik, Ten Nlnlim in u liar Room, the im-nti'sl leiiipeiaiiee novel of the ne. A iwiiieni hiiunp biindh Hinnplea of papers nnd oui' great cluliliiir list . Vermont Farm Journal, Wm. L. PACKARD, Publisher. 673 Male St. WILMINGTON. VT. .fcltiMI 60 YEARS' . - rvDceiciuri: 'f??f 1 COPYRIOHTs't&C. Anyone neniling a ktch and risrrinttori ninr quickly Httf'urtain our nplntnri frue whcihcr hii IliVHtilion m (irohniilj? pnttMitahlo. rfnimiintrn ttiui8tiitiliy mitiiidfiithil. Hoiidtxvtk on lateiit Kfiit tvim (tl.lt'Mt Mucticy fur hmuiiihk pat wt its. Putfnti inkeu thrmitrli Muim A Co. ruutflva IjwliU rvticy without ulmvijo, tu the Scientific JlRterkan. A hunrtftoinel j tllimtrnted wenklf, Tnrent rlr. eiiluti.Ki of kiiv Hi-iuiiliiln lourrmi. Turin, fli ft re'ir; four nimt!L, 1. Sola by all newtMl.-AlurK. IJNN & Co.3,Bro"'-New York tlraucli oniuu. (SB V Ht.. Waabliuluo. D. u. PViciograpKcR AND DKALKB IN' Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing and Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 78 Pike Street, Port JorvU, N. Y i