mmm THE LANE INSTITUTE, THELANC INSTITUTE CO. II3S Broadway, St. Jamas Build ing, New York. Forth Treatment and Cure of LIQUOR, OPIUM AND MORPHINE HABITS. NO HYFODKKMIC INJKCTIONS. A PEtlFKCT IMIMK THKATMRNT OU 8ANI TAIIH1M ADVANTAOKS FISHING TACLKE Files, Rods, Lines, Reels, Hooks, Baskets, Etc., Etc. An assortment of (roods where Fishermen will iinil just what thev want A. Q. WALLACE Hiirfcml & 4th Sts. MH,fortl, Pit. To npjmlr Broken Arti cles use Major's fjCciuent Remember 4 MA.IOH'H Itmuorn MAJOR'S JjKA'I'HFTl HARNESS Of All Kinds and Styles. Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. Repairing;-NEATLYDONE. Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. -L F. IIAFNER- Harford St. . .Milford Pa. Table Dainties. Fresh groceries. Canned goods. Meats in every form. Turkeys and chickens. Oysters and vegetables. Everything for an elegant dinner at GUMBLE BROS. Harford St. Milford Pa. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. House mid Lots and lota without Houses. Dealer Iu all kinds of Property. Life Insurance agent and Notary Public. All business given prompt attention Office on Harford Street Opposite olllce of C. W. Hull. " .Milford, Pa. Life Insurance The iETNA offers tipecial induce ments both on Life and Endowment policies. Stable, cheap and prompt payment of all claims. For information apply to Leroy E. Kipp, Agent, Milford. Pa T. Armstrong & Co. Sccessors to BROWN & ARMSTRONG. Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Milford, Pa STATE NORMAL Hl'MOOL, 1 rrL,A j 1 EAST STIiOl'llsBUItO, Pa. Rprinc Tkhm Opens Tuksimv March 27, ltmu. Hpocinlolnsses for t-nehors pre niinnir for the sprint; examinations. For full partienlarR. address, Uko. P. Biblk, A.M., Principal. COD LIVER OIL with that awful taste, is like the proverbial rose with a thorn a trood thing witn a draw back. It is prescribed for wnRting diseases, coneral debility roughs, chronio colds, enn sumption, etc.. and we are ex peeted to make it as palatable as possible. OUR CUSTOMERS tell us our preparation is re innrkably pleasant, and meets the demand of the times. It is pure, elegant and full strength. FIM.V OUARANTKEII. C. 0. ARMSTRONG, Druggist - - Milford, Pa. UK For estimates address. call on or -J. C. PRESCOTT Matamorss, Pa. WALL PAPER Complete new stock . of the latest designs in paper and borders for spring and summer trade now on hand. Also lots of new DRY GOODS and notions. Please give us a, call and see some of the special things we are offering cheap. RYMAN -:--:- & WELLS, Milford, Penna. LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel, Corner Ann and Fourth streets M1LFOHD PA. T r?i r!1 0 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. It artificially diRPsts the food and aid( Vature In Btreimttieiiiner and rivon. otructing the exhausted di'titive or gans. It is the latest discovered ditrest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it iu erlicioiicy. It in stantly relieves and periuaneutlycures jiysiH'ps.a, liitliyi'Kt ion. Heartburn, J'latiiiciire, Knur Siomach, Nausea, fcick Ht'aduehe,(Jiistralk.'ia,Cran)i8 and Bll other results of impel f net liiestioo. Prsparsd fcy E. C CsWitt ft Co.. CrjIcogT. a c u a'W 3' 5 s 3 "rJ g 3 s g, 03 K:?,.-"-f."w4-i " 3 f 3 B ? i 3 V s " i r i 2. W7 n - o 2 u B !&e." s . V ? b- era 3 S fir Vil S. s i s tt Jr B P O - tr il S & a . o 2 rf ii Ml t-.. 00 )C 111 g.1 b s- ? ca-iLi-i AH Around tho County. SANDYSTON. Wickhnm Pillar living alon the River toad died at his home on K;tt ttrday. Aged CS.years. Mr. 8ij;hir had lived all his life in this t'lwn but for the hist few years had been in failing health. He Is survived by a wife and two sons grown to adult age. A gentleman on his way from Branehville to Dingnmns lost his pocket book on Saturday. He came back inquiring for his lost properly and happoning to stop at the P. O. at Laj'ton was maki:i inquiry whon Mrs. Daniel Bevans who was pies- ent asked him to describe it. He did it to her sntUfaetion and receiv ed his pocketbook after piesentinij Mrs. Bivi it with nut relied. It isn't often that a person finds a twenty dollar bill, but such was the luck of Fred Kinner while tearing a wav the stops along the front of tho Hainesville hotel. A Haines ville ptrty lost a bill there of that figure some time ngobutitis migij.y doubtful if he get sight of this bill The R "formed church at Hivans will hold childrens day exercises on Sunday eveuiug next, and Haines ville will do tli'3 same on tho same evening. Oonterville n not in the procession this year aul 1 don't know as it is any great loss. Tho patrons of the Bjvans school will raise a fine polo on tho sch grounds on Tuesday afternoon, if nothing happens, and the flig that will float from it is the fl'iost in the valley . On Wednesday last the frame for the large barn of J . J. Vansickle was raise land will bo one of tho largest In the vicinity. Miss Cora Hursh returned on Sit urday fioin a weeks visit to friends and relatives in Newark and enjoy ed the trip very much. Our schools are annually growing smaller, and this year tho total number of pupils of school age num hers 23et. The schools individually are small and the idea of one ceu tral school which the present sohool law provides for must be carried ont at no distant day . Wo would save money and have better schools an the sooner the central idea is put in effect the better for all concerned. The question of good roads is one that will claim attention for years to come and while nil' are shouting for MoAdam would it not be a good idea to change the location of some of our roads to shorten distance and avoid the hills. Take for instance the road ncross the mountain. Say start in at Evi Brinks and follow up the brook to near Doc. Utters, striking the main road near Culvers Gap, all the hills w mid be av.rided and a road secured with not a hill in it. If we can not get McAdam let ns change our roads shorten dis tances and lower our hills and some day we may get MeAdam. Bettor made would bring tho city resilient here, but with the present roads they will stoer clear of such locali ties. The Farmers Meeting hold at. Branehville on Siturday was sliinly attended from the fact, partly, that the funeral of prominent oitisiou was set for tho same hour. Som ) fanners whose ambition it is to succeed and keenabreast of the times and noxious to learn newer and bet ter methods were present and had a very interesting sossion. It does seem strange that the farmers as a class should flook by thomsel vos and continue in th same old rut nn l frequently in the third feneration bring np where their grandparents began. These meetings oannot fail to do great iocd, but the farmer must attend if he wishes to secure that good. The next meeting will be held at Lafayette and now let the farmer take aday off and attend. The writer would be glad to be one of a party of 4 or 6 members to take a trip to Gettysburg some time during June or July for a weeks outing. By going inthis way cheap er rates may be secured of tho rail roads and the trip wouUV not cost a great deal. I would be glad to cor respond with any comrade about tho trip. Just drop a line to Box 22 Lay ton N.J. F. Lester VanKtten, a former teacher iu this County, but now em ployed in the N. Y. Custom Houe is pleased over a little d.ingnter in his household . John A. MoCarriek, of the Record passed through here on his wheel on Sunday. I wont say John whs on newspaper business, but thank him for bringing my Sunday World. Mrs. Amanda Berton an aged lady of Hainesville met with a terrible .iccidoiit on tho 29 ult. It is pre sumed that she was building fire wheu her dret-s caught in some way. She rushed out of doors screaming when Wilson Gunn noxt door neighlMr saw her. Running ovor he began cuttiug her clothes from her but not until the noor woman was literally rousted. She suff 'red greatly until d.'ith cimn in tlie evening. A .red 7! years. Teachers are being hired for the ensuing year ill some townships and our Board should take action in this matter so that applicant may have some ihance. Tlie Clerk Of tho Board will call a meeting for this purpose in n few days. PLSdMAYS FERRY. J. C. Chamberlain Esq.. of Mil ford, visited relatives here recently. William Emery and wife, of Branehville, visited their parents here last Sunday. D. V. - Jaggor who fell from n platform at D.irraghs mill a couple of weeks ago severely injuring his head is rooovoring. Miss Mattio Mi.llangh is ill with pneumonia, Georgo Jaggor and wife took ad vantage of the excursion Memorial day and visited tho city Mrs. H.ittr E nory has returned from Newark to spend the summer here . Joseph Snyder has resumed lumb ering for A. D. Brown. Louise Jigger is visiting her par ents for a few days. Tho crows this y nr do not wait for the corn to come np, they dig it out as fast as planted. MATAMORAS. Kpworth church C. K. Society elect edolllccrsTtiesdiy evening as follows: Mrs. S. A. .films in IVesi 1 !'it, Vic? Miss Nellie Laiigton, Miss Irene Kimble recording and '.tiss Katie Wells corresponding secretary. Ida Pelet and Mary Sidiiiier Librarians and S. A. Johnson organist. Ira Vtmdervort was awarded first and Harry Clausen second honor of the graduating class in the High school. Miss Adgela Orce in class prophet. Lillie Speer and Sara McKeusie, of Newark, spent Memorial day with Mrs. Walls, on Adams street. Mrs. M. S. Quill and daughter, Mamie, with Mrs? -Irving Clifford sM."it a few (lays recently with Dirk ertown friends. Emma I Si 1 1 ii in i) is visiting friends in Paterson nnd Brooklyn. Mrs. Orin Shay wasat Newark nnd New York Inst week. Mesdnmes L. Fliiuienfeld, Peter Mager, and daughter, F. A. Kossler, and (laughter, visited the city Wed nesday, as did also Misses Nellie Westfall, Nellie Langton, Mrs. II. Seybolt, daughter, May, and son, Ray, C. II. Seymore, J. C. Prescott and daughter, Rena. Mrs. Harry Moore, of Jersey City, is visiting her sister on Main street. Mrs. Alice Evans, ofMountCarmel, Pa., is visiting her daughter at Kp worth parsonage. Daniel Everett, of Montague, visit ed his daughter, Mrs. J. II. Wood, Mvninriul day. Prof. H. A. Johnson is rehearsing two choruses for Friday evening June 15. The several church choirs all participate. Henry Strader presented the sub ject of Fresh air fund to a large con gregation at Hope church lastSunday morning. Sunday evening next chil drens day will be celebrated both nt Hope aiid Kpworth churches. Anna May, nfter having sent the winter with her brother in New York, returned home Saturday. Mrs. Alice Brown will give a piano recital in Kpworth church June Is. Naval cadet, Clarence Daly, paid a a brief visit with his parents herethi week. Mrs. Luciiida Kelly, of Midvale, N. J., a former resident is vi.sitingfriend. and relatives here. Fred liillman and wife have'gom on a visit to New York. Commencement exercises of the Matauioras High school will occur nl Kpworth church June 15. Miss Susie Seeley, Miss Carrie VanWornier and Miss Hazel llornbeck will sing. J. F. Keys, of Matumoras, held a family reunion June 1, the occasion being the seventy eighth anniversary of iiis birth. Several members of hi family were present and a number of friends called to pay their re.seets. TbeW. C. T. I'., of Port ' Jervis, gave a social last evening tit the resi dence of Fred Wiekham. S. uon t diop taking; Scotrs Emukton be- J cause it's warm weather, h firep taking; it until you are cured. It will heal your lungs and give you rich blood in sum mer as- in winter. It's cod liver oil made easy. 50c sod SI. AU drufgi". siiHr:3sa WOODTOWN. K I jar A. Wells, of 1'ort Jervis, ae pompiiiied by a fi'ieu.l, arrive I at his camp M in 1 ty, and expects to re.n lin several il.iy.s. L.'vi Mid. I Hili visited his cousins at "Vac.itio.i U Hrett" hut wvek. W. U. Parker Is occupied witli the census enuiiurntion, and Hu ll plenty to d i. There is con-tid jrable det.iii work. Mrs. V. C. C.irtrlghtanJ daughter, Ada, of Lackawaxen, paid a short visit to relatives here on Saturday, returning hoinj Sunday. Francis de Hiatph mi I wife, of N. Y., spent Saturday and Sunday at their summer residence on Brink Pond. v Sotni oorrespindouuo arrived too late for this week . Additional fj oal Httir. Oregon went Republic in Monday by ab iut 0.000 tuarj irity. Pretoria, the capital of the Bier Repubho, is no y occupied by the British. Henry Wohlbrandt has renovated the interior of his barber shop with now wall papor. Ladies Aid of tho M. E. our. : j'.i enjoyed a picnic and snpptr V ; 1- nesday with Mrs. John Darling in Dingman. The New York State D imuv atic Convention Tuesday refused to adopt the Chicago platform of 189(5, but it endorsed Bryan. All members of the Milford Fire department are requested to meet at the Uouncil rooms Monday evening June 11 at 7:30. By order of Wil liam Anglo chief. The D la ware Valley Union Y. P S. C. E met here yesterday and the exorcises, ns previously announced in the Prkss, were held. There was i good attendance. P. C. Ratan has opened his bicycle mil repair shop on Broad street whore may be found a good stock of wheels and sundries, and an exper ienoed workman in charge to mike necessary repairs. tf Hon. Gjorge M. Dallas a Judge of tho Circuit Court of tho U. S., and Geo. L. Crawford, of Philadelphia were guests at the Hotel Fauchere this week. Judgo Dallas spent sov )ral summers in Milford years ago. The School board organized Mon lay evening by electing Hon. J. J Hart President, H. E. Emersoo Sec rotaraud Hon. Jacob Kloar Treas. file Auditors met previously nnd settled tho accounts of the past year. It would be a great benefit to any young man to tatco one or more of tho courses iu Agriculture offered by the Pennsylvania State College There is no charge for the tuition to residents of the Stale in any of the oourses. Charles Cook, of New York, who is well known in Milford, is assist ant engineer on the now East River bridgo now in process of construc tion. Roy Pel., a grandson of Mrs. H. E. Heller, is also in the ongieer iug department. Lightning Saturday evening struck the barn of Josoph Garvillein Ding man township. Killing a cow and considerably injuring the building. The fluid also passed to the house shocking the inmates nnd tore things generally in the cellar. Subscribers to the stock of the proposed bank met Tuesday evening and adjourned to next next Monday evening whon a meeting of the subscribers to the stock will be held in the rooms in Brown's Hall, for the purpose of selecting officers. Peter Rudolph Pickell, who has for some tuno been ill, doe not im prove and it may lie n long time be fore he recovers. His "Charity Buns" evoked considerable harsh i!omtnent in the South and, it is said, made tho Spanish war a certainty, Frank Henessy was released from Qoshon jail Wednesday whero he served a thirty days sentence. He immediately camn np to P rt Jervis ind by representing himself a la wyor imployed to defond a young man he succeeded in obtaining 5 -151 from the boys mother. He was arrested for the false pretence yesterday flu ti ")0 and sent to the Albany jail for six months . T. Armstrong and Co. have just re ceived a complete line of mens', worn ens' and childrens' shoes, the finest ever brought ill this town, which you are invited to call and inspwt, with in assurance that any taste or desire is to shape, style and quality can lie entirely gratified. rtf J. C. Kennely, Roanoke, Tenn., says, "I cannot say too much for De Witt's witidi hazel salve. One box of it cured what the doctor called an incurable ulcxr on my jaw." Cures piles and all skin diseases. Look out worthless imitations. Hats and caps. Latest Styles at T. Armstrongs & Co'n. F" Advertise iu the Puusri. pan "BEST OF ALL FLOUR. in Mn tLJL HURRAH FOR We don't nmn Vi: stretchy 1W ones that you will fiii easy work to make ONE PAIR STRETCH YOU LONGER Than any others you have worn. ATRIAL WILL BE CONVICTION 1 A M t n IV tU A New Store A NEW AND COMPLETE STO'JK OF PUKE DRUGS AND MEDICINES. FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. Soaps, Perfumss, Proprietary Articles And Everything Usually Founil in a Fir-it-ClMSs Di-us Store. Prescriptions IS H. E. Emsrson S Co. uareruiiy Compounded Next Door HEV-Y0RK Ath,Ht TRI-WEEKLY TRiSU.'JE. THEEE TIMES A WEEK- Tho first number of THK TRt-WK KKIjY T KIUl'NK wjw published Nnwntbrr Mth. lH'.t: Tho iiiiml.iMi and cordial v'looui anourded it fnni Kits tern and Wei t irn state Insured an unexampled success It ts published on, Wednesday and Krhlay, nnd uae,h nunilor Is complete up to-dato daily newnpapor, with all important news of the world up to the hour of k intf to ureftS. Contains all striking new features of THK DAILY TRIHUNK. Special War Disput-ehes. i).rn'Mtio and foiviirn (3 lrrp mdenoo, Shitrt Storitw, HtimoroiM Illustra tions, Political Cartoons, Industrial Inform ition. Fashion Note., Agriculture Matters, Conprehensivn and Reliable Financial and Murknt; Reports. Profindy illustrated with half-ton an 1 prorniios of prom'inont pooplo. Rjal ir subscription prico (15) par yer, but wo furnish it And THE PRESS I Year for $2.25. NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBtWB. lbs Afrrlniiltiiral IVpnrtmAiit Is utn-zuulloil, and Murkat ft -ports aro authority for the come ry Contain nil the noivs of the Nation and World, with Inturnstinu nnd lnstruolivn riv(lin for Hvury member of of ev uy family on evory farm and in every villnmt In the United Suites. Rug liar suhscrlptiou prlne 11.00 por y.'iir, but wo furnish It And THE PRESS I Year for $1.65. Send all orders to PIKE COUNry PRESS, Milford, Pa. ew Summer Goods. WASH FABRICS, WOOLEN SUITINGS, WHITE GOODS, UNDERWEAR, HATS and CAPS, WALL PAPER, LADIES' SHOES, MENS' " MISSES' " CHILDRENS' SHOES, AT W. & G. MITCHELL'S, MILFORD, PA. Great Clubbing Offer. The Piko County Pkksb has iiihiIh iirrnnto'iiuMits with the publisher of the Vermont Farm Join mil" which enables us to umku llie most remarkable cluljbiiiif offer ever be fore heard of In this suction. Here it Is: Pike Co. Press I vr. Vermont Farm Journal I yr. N. Y. Weekly Tribune I. yr. American Poultry Advocate I yr. The Gentlewoman I yr. Marion Harland's Cook Book. Ten Nights In a Dar Room. All for $2.00 Regular Prico 35.50 Pike County PRESS, Renewals $2.25. Milford Penna. FEED, MEAL, BRAN, OATS, and HAY. When in need of any Hello to No. or ciiiuc to SAWKILL MILL, MILFORD, PA RUBBERS ! kiad, but wa do msan the r 21 Front St., r . I . 1 ron jervis. : Broad Street, Milford, j Psnnsylvsnla to Hotel Fauehere. Kor newly sixty y;irs tlio IivkUiik National family ntiWspiipDr pi'oxivsslve farmers and vil!i;it?.!r. PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, GLASS. Also ANTI-RUST TINWARE, All kinds of OILS & PAINrS, PURE LEAD & ZINC PAINTS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, HARDWARE, MATS and MATTING, OIL CLOTH, ETC., ETC.