V PIKE COUNTY PRESS. FK1UAY, JUMO 8. 1 JHK). PUMIjIHHKH KVKHY FRIDAY. OFFICE, BUOWN'B BUlLlllNrt, BROAD BT. WHscisitTliiN: Onr Year One dollar mid fifty eent. bix Month Hevent.v-IHe eent. STKKTl.Y IN ADVANCE. Entered nt the nost office of Milforil Pike County. I'eiiimylvKiilR, ns secoiul- class mutter, November tweuty-nr&, isim Advertising Rates. One sqimreeiiihtlliiefl),onc Insertion -1. Knell HuhwMiuent Insertion M) Reduoed rates will lie furnished on np plleation, will lie allowed yearly ailver tisers. Legal Advertising. Administrator's and Kjecutor'i notlivs S.'Ki Auditor's Hotlines Al Divony notices - ...... o.UI Sheriff's siiles, Orphans eourt snles. Oontitv Treimumr's mile I'minty emu' ment and election proelnmation ehnrgeil ly the square. J. H. Vn Ktten, 1 li H 1.1 HII K It, Milford, Pike County, Pa Republican State Ticket. For Auditor Clenerul, K. li. IIAHDEXHEHUH, of Va,yue County. For CongreMnpn-lt-I.arg;fi, KOHKRT 11. FOKDKREIt, of Philadelphia. UALCWIIA A. GROW, orSiiwjuehaiiiia County. For Ileleiratet-ftt-Lftrge, M. H. QUAY, W1LUKM A. STONE, FRANK KEKDEK, WILLIAM CONN ELL, (J. V. (iHEEXE, JOHN LEISENIUNO, . CHAKLI-M A. rOUTEH, JAMES ELVEHSON. For F.lertors-fftt-Large, CLARENCE AVOLF, FRANK II. RCHL, A. B. RORERTS, DR. THEODORE L. FLOD. County Ticket. For Representative, WILLIAM ANGLE, of Mllford. For Jory Commissioner, v. t. sthuble, of Milford. The only piece of national legis lation for which the .Democratic party has been responsible, ever since the election of Abraham Lin coln, is the Wilson-Qoriran tariff bill, a measure despised by its auth ors, hated by its sponsors, and which wrought rain to thousands of those who tried to be its f Heads. The Democrats are to have their great jollification this year on the Fourth of July in place of putting it off until the Idos of November. Democratic sympathy for the Boers is largely made up of a desire to put the Administration in an em barassing position with other pow ers. If Aguinaldo were wise ho would send half a dozen delegates to the Kansas City convention, not to vote, but to take np a sympathy collec tion. Tho New York World is not dis tributing free loaves of bread this year, as it did in 1894. The people can afford to buy their own bread now. Yet the World continues to rail at the McKinley Administration because it is a part of its stock in trade. What's the matter with having four years more of the Advance Agent of Prosperity? Hogs sold iu Nebraska at $3.85 per cwt. in 1896. This year they have sold at U.85. Yet farmers there are to" be linked to vote for a Demooratio President and a Demo cratic Congress aain so as to get back to the old $3.85 price. Platte County, Neb., mortgage indebtness was reduced by over $30, 000 during April, HDd no deeds in foreclosure were filled. The statemeut has been going the rounds of the press that "Bryan has retiied to his farm." This is all done for effect, and to make fann ers believe he is one of themselves. As a matter of fact, Bryan's farm has but recently been purchased out of the prooeeds acquired from his gas belt. Ha is greeu at the plow. New York bankers have loaned France $15,000,000, and would be pleased to do a little more acooui mo dating in that particular line. There luuttt be prosperity when our bankers uro compelled to go away from home iu order to fiud people to loan their money to. The Boer envoys will not make the mistake of ns-suming that Mr. Hulner is the Government of the United .States. The Democratic politicuu will not piiinl the prolongation of the wur In South Africa as long ns he thinks ho can utilise it to party Rilvnntntio by misrepresenting the real altitude of the President in tho nintter. Tammany will probably ho per- mitted to furnish the ice for the Kansas City convention. The railroads of the United Stntes the world's greatest cotiiMiereiiil ar teries, are. expanding i touch with public sentiment. These great or ganijitions do not respond to false alarms. American woolen goods are begin ning to reach the markets of the woi'.d, under a tariff that protects the farmers' wool clip. Last year wo exported over a million dollars' worth of American woolens, and our imports of woolens were a mere trifle compared with those under the Wilson law. Supplying our colonies with eggs is one of the benefits to farmers of the expansion policy. Last year we exported 3,700,000 dozen eggs, as compared with only 15 1,000 dozen in 1KD5. Lay on, O Hon I Uen. A. J. Warner, president of tho bimetallic league says :"T!iere is snnicient reason for not. making sil ver coinage the chief issue in this campaign." This is true. More gold has been mined since Bryan's defeat, in 1406, than was mined in the first half of the .century Just ending. Democrats in Alabama and Texas favor expansion. The foreign vessels sailing from tho ports of the United States for Europe during lastyearcariied 1)8.70 per cent of tho exports of the United States. A Democratic candidate for the Presidency one time rcniarkod that tho tariff was a local question, anil a good many Democratic managers now feel that silver is also a local affair. The cheering prospect of another big harvest is gall and Wormwood to Democratic issues. Another year of prosperity will make the advocates of free silver ns scarce as buffaloes in Kansas. The Democrats are moro interest ed in finding a question that will serve their purpose during the cam paign than in advancing any posi tive policy of government. With them it is "anything to get there." The Democratic party has twice been tried and twice been found wanting by the present generation of voters of the country. It should hardly hope to be trusted again. Teachers' Examination. Examinations for 1000 will be held as follows : Dingmnn, Union, June 4. Shohola, Shohola, June 0. Lnckawaxen, Lacka waxen, June 8. Delaware, Dingnian's Academy, June 11. Lehman, Meadow Brook. June 12, Westfall, Matamoras, June 18. Milford, High School, Juno 23 Blooming Orove, No. 1 (West brook's, June 28. Greene, Kipptown, June 27. Palmyra, (Red) Paupack. June 28. Professional certificates issueil prior to June, 1899, will be invalid after June, 1900. All directors and others interest ed are cordially invited to be pres ent at sny of the examinations. Geo. Sawyer, jl5 Supt. Pike Co. Our Latest Music Offer Please send ns the names and ad dresses of three music teachers or performers on the piano or organ and 25 cents in silver or post age and we will send you all of tho following new and most popular pieces full sheet mnsio arranged for piano or organ ; "The Flower that Won My Heart" now being sung by the best known singers m the coun try, "Mamie O'Rourke" the latest popular waltz song, "March Manila, Dewey's March-Two Step" as play ed by the famons U. 8. Marine Band of Washington, D. C, and fiva other pages of Hipular mnsic. Address, POPULAR MUSIC CO., Indianapolis, Iud. tf Free to Inventors . The experience of C. A. Snow & Co. in obtaining moro than 20,000 patents for inventors has enabled them to helpfully answer many questions relating to the protection of intellectual property . This they have done in a pamphlet treating briefly of United States und foreign patents, with cost of same, and how to procure them ; trade marks, de signs, caveats, infriiigments, decis ions in leading patents, etc., etc. This pamphlet will be sent free to anyone writing to C. A. Snow & Co , Washington, D. C. Puin Unntcesssy in Childbirth. Pniu U no longer ueoensary in clilldb.rth; morning bickuetM, fcwoMoii limbs, and like eviU, tire rt-miily coutiollod, und womb diseases vpeedily cured. Xevur Lnown to fail. lJli'MeiKii pronounce it woiideiful, mid over uO,("U ltulies u(tott its merit. Lady render, cut luU out.; it may nave your lite; sufttti-no longer, but selul iih;i Ji cent slump and receive iu seal,! euveloiie. full partic ulars, Hiid valuable proof of our wonder ful reiuody. AudrcsS Fralik Thulium 6i t'o iiiilliiuore, Mil. W. S. Musser Millheim, Pa., saved the life of his little girl by givmu her one minute eolith euro w hen she was dying withcio ip. Itistlteonly harmless remedy that gives immed iate results. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, asthma and nil throat and lull;; troubles. TIPPING. It Seems to Bs Legal as Well as Gen eral In Germany. The question of giving gratuities to waiters and servants Is as much a vexed one In this country as It Is on your side of the Channel. TCven your man servant or maid expects In Ger many a "tip" from your guests after they have dined or lunched with you, and It constantly happens that on en- gliding a servant you are asked: "How about tips? Can I expect much from this source, iiid may I keep all I get, or have I to share the t'ps with other servants?" I have even known mistresses to hold out as an Induce ment to servants the fact that they entertain a good deal, wherehy the wages are connltlerahly supplemented by gratuities from guests. One very curious feature about German everyday life Is the rendlness of people to give a "trlnkgeld" the equivalent of the French "pourtmlre," under which name the donation Is more familiar to English ears. The feature Is curious, because the Teuton Is by nature thrifty, and many of them are more close than thrifty. And yet the same person who will expect a hnrd-worklng teacher of latiKimneB to give' lessons at from sixpence to one shilling an hour whl often be seen to bestow a groschen on the shop serv. ant who hns brought a parcel to his house or halfpenny on the tramway conductor for handing him his penny ticket. The postal officials who pny the money orders and bring the money to your house are entitled to charge a halfpenny for doing so, but look very sour If rou do not add an other halfpenny of your accord, bmall "tips" all around are de rlgueur in German dally life. It Is always understood that tho porter and the hoots at a hotel may expect a gratuity t orn the guests. Now, the porter does little more for you than hand yen your key and take oft his hat. to you as you enter and leave your hostelry, and in small towns he summons the bdtitB at your departure by vigorously ringing his bell, and for these amenities he is "re warded In a sort of geometrical pro gression. The boots renly doels ren der services. He blacks your hoots and brushes your clothes and Is ready to assist you to pack, and sits on your portmanteau for you if need be when you want to lock It. Notwithstanding this It often happens that he comes off second or third best In the way of re wards. It has, however, always been sup posed that the laigesee assigned to him was a voluntary one. This Idea has now, according to the decision of a court at Chemnitz, In Saxony, been shown, st the expense of a certain commercial traveler who recently visited that town, to have been an Illusion. The man In question re mained at CremnitE for four weeks at a local hostelry, performing his mer cantile duties, and on leaving hand ed to the boots for the usual service rendered by that functionary the sum of four shillings as a gratuity. The boots demanded twelve shillings, that Is to say, at the rate of three shillings a week. As the higher sum was not paid he brought an action against the traveler, and the court declared that the latter was to pay ten shillings. The reasons given for the Judgment were that although the boots received board and lodging from the landlord. he was paid nothing In cash; on the other hand, he had to give remune ration In money out of his own pocket to two assistants who helped him to do the work. London Post. Worse Than War. France loses every year by Infec tious and contagious diseases 240,000 lives, or nearly double the number of lives lost In the Franco-Prussian war of 1870. In China an Inferior on horseback meeting a superior dismounts and waits until the other has penned. COM ! ! DR. S. ANDRAL KILMER The Skilled Expert-Specialist f A MO CDC Tumoi a. Growths, UHI1UUIW Bunches, ec (lNTRICN'AL AND EXTKlfNAL) WITHOUT KNIFE, PLASTER or ELECTRICITY. All Chronic and "Given up" cases successfully cured. He Sura to he Him. Tell your pick Mends and neighbors. This Is the same Dr. Kilmer that visited in 'bis vicinity years ago and cured go many. i;onsulntlon Tree, ioine cany GOSHEN,. St Klmo Ho tel, June 10. POUT JKKVIS, Delaware House, June SO. And every 8 weeks there afier. If too feeble or unable to see him. writ your dilllculilea l-o Dr. S. Andrul Kilmer, 22U Chenango .St., IJiugliamtou, -I. . Orerworked Nerroa n.lw!:!!'.vU?,,1.y.In?.kh rii , iXr. . u K"1"1" run-aown con dition of the system. These siirns are sometimes accompanied by u.u luljria, hysteria, rheumatism or nerv ous prostraliuii iQ some other form. lo remove tliesa troubles, cure the nerves. '1 uey need feeding strength emrutid buiiding up, an'd will 5o t his ? quickly Dd so surely M Ir. Miles' Nervine. This trulv remarkable medicine is gaining hun dreds of uw friends every day. 1 e? Mr'GUreyM. mm t?1"'' 1 u ,WcKeau. who writes: A chronic stomach trouble, which my physician as unable to ove2 come, so wore on my nerrous srstem that, I broke down wilU nervous pros tration. 1 could not s.,.(.p day or night except in fltful ,lap,. ciu,I scarcely eat, any kind of food and wasted a war t u . , ift... a mem suaao u p " ,eT oJU.oo la vain led w; ines Nervine, lit i camn Immi-jti,!. i 1 le bottles and today am a well sunn Dr. Miles' Nnl,,. i ..., j ts! I - - . .mo out? he. an Wrf;!"; ,00 P'v B'larant,' i . . J, "U,V1L na booklet to Vt. Hlle MedluJ U., Ukh.rt, lud. Our tec ictuiucu it t liil. Auyouct Bkctrh and dcciiiitiuii of any iuveutt CUdlll: piuaiptly receive our opiuiuu tree cuuieiniug liie patentability of same. "How to Otilam a l'ateut " KUt uptll request. hleuu itecuied rliruuh um uiivci ti.ned tur 0.1 le at our trieuse, Anient lakt-o out through us receive Mpeoiat ttottt f, without charge, iu Tuh Patent Kkco.iu, IU iHiiitiatcd and wWirly circulated juuiUaL, cuiibiilttd ly M.tiiufaciui t-rs aud Iiivcntur. bead tur katitlc voy l-'REC. AddiCMt, VICTOR J. EVANS A CO. (Patent Attorneys,) Cv'ft 0ultdifig, WASHINGTON. D' C 1 i Weal It! of hair is wealth Indeed, e special 1 y t o a woman. Every other physical attraction is secondary to it. We have a book vc will gladly send you that tells just how to care for the hair. If your hair Is too thin or los ing its luster, get W3i MM IT Growth becomes vigorous and all dan druff is removed. It always restores color to gray or faded hair. Retain your youh ; don't look old before your time. ' ft 00 bottlct. All druggists. " I hriTft nsM yonr Hair Ylor now for nlwvit" . ypiir nml I liuva fnurnl it ilen(iiii and fmtisfnctnry in nvprr Hiiv. I li"Hlve 1 have r'-notmnt'-nilet! thin Hair Vigor to immlrt-Us of mv frlfinlf and they nil tell the Mine fitory. It any Itody wants tin best kind of Hair Vigor I nhall certainly recommend n them just nt utrongly bs I can t!i it tli 'y get a bottle or Ayer's Hair Vigor." Mrs. N. E. Hamilton, Nov. 28, Ibtii. Norwich, N. T. Writ thm Doctor. If Ton don't obtain nil Hie bpppfits ym fiinlre fimn tho inn of the Viur, write the Doctor nhnut It. A'Hrtm, Utt. J, A l.u, Lowell, Man. One Cent a Word. For Knch Insertion. Wo Arivt-rtliimeii1 taken for lemi tlmu 10 cent. t'ANlt miiHt ffeeoniiianv u orders. Add re I'lHB OOINTV PKKMB, MILFOIU), FA. TiOR SALE. A mmill farm located noa r Mittiimorns, known nn tho Henwl or Koinhititlt i)law. csontnliiuiir 21 norm Finely located, well watered. House mid harn. Fruit of all kinds. l3nrt improved. Title clear. or terms, price, etc.. addretss LOcfc Ih.x Li Almord. 1 u. HpKKSPAHS NOTICK. Notice is hereby L pi veil til ax trespassing on tne premise occupied by the umlersiKiied in Dinpina township, Known as the Buchanan fan for hunting, fishing, berrying or any other purpose whatever is forbidden under pet. nllv of tho law. Any person or person disulH'ving this notice will be dealt tvil iu the severest lawful manner. liKOIUJK 11. McCAHTY, July 1, 18UT. Ijeiwce. TRESPASS NOTKIR. Notice is hereby given that trvspassinpupon the south ern hull' of the tract of land Known as the William Denny, No. W.in Shohola town ship, lor hunting, llsliing, or, any ut In purpose, also trespassing on Snwkill pen tu ihug'tian towiihhlp. or, lishing in it 1 forbidden under penally of tho law. M. CbKILANP MlLNOK, prl54in Attorney for owner. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby J. given tnat trespassing upon tne pro perty ot tne forest JjUko Association li Lnckawaxen township, Pike county, Pu, for the purpose of hunting and fishing, or Hny otiier purpose is strictly loruiuueu un tter penalty oi tne law. ALfcXANDKit Madden, Nov. 22, 1896. President, TRrCSPASS NOTICE. Notice Is herul X given that trespassing on tho premise oft he tmdoi digued, situated in J)ngmi. township, tor any purpose whatever 1 strictly forbidden, and ttllofft nders will be promptly prosecunnl. J It A 13. UAhk. Oct. 24. 18V&. NOTICE All hunting, fishing or ot signed, in Dingman Township, on ii moiidskill and lwarfskl)l Creeks, is 1 Linden under penalty of the law. t'HAh. ,T. liOILKAU, Ulngninn Twp., N. lioii.KAU, May 17, lhUH. JOHKl'H F liOILEAIJ lav for- Application fcr Charter. In tho Court of Common Pleas of Pike County. Notion is hereby Ivon tli.it im application will be mmlo to linn, iivn S. Purdy, Prt'-iili-nt jind Law Juile of naid cnurtj, on the thirtifih (tity of Jiint. A. 1). at 2 o'clock in tiie ufuu nuuu at hin clmnihcm In Honc.--d.ilt-. la., under the corporation act of April 1K71, and th(:fiii'pit'in'ntt thei-ctn, by William fcdward, Klihha N. Plerwii, Vilson- J(siy, Kdwartl ii. hLaffcr and . rankliii Sin tli for 11 charter of an intend ed corporation to he called "The Blooming tiro e liaptii-t Church," ihe character i;d objfpt whereiif t hn worship of Almighty (f(Hl nccordinir to the constitution, canons, discipline, faith pve: mnent and fortioi of tlie iiaptist Chiuvh in I he I n i ted Mates of Atnt-ricji, and for this purpose to have nod ei!jy nil the ritrhtn, In-neiitit and priv ileges ot the said act and it tiUpplemeiitH. The ptopfwed charter is now on lilu in the ProLuouotarv b lti at Milford KHAXK P. KIMHLK, Junn 8, P.KK). Solicitor. t Caveats, and 'l'rade-Marks obtained and ail Vm- cut bu3ineseonducted fur Modchatc Fees. aOun Ofvicc i opfovitc U.S. Patent Office J -tU'l V. U Call bt k ill 6 paicnl U) lUUO UuUt UiuM. 1 bend model, diawmg Of Jihnto., With dcHp- i:ion, vq itiivie, it l(ienLb. or Hut. irc uij 4jur fee ut duo till utctit it fteurt-d. 3 a piyaui r-r " iii.w to u tii. ii rale ii i. wr tat oi kuic in the U. S. ud lorciu ouuuuti..? iit free, AtlJrt, J C.A.SNOVV&CO. PATENT OrPICC, VAtHINQTON, D. C. 5 To PiTEKT Cood Ideas may be- aecurt-d by our aid. AtUlitfMi, THE PA1EN1 HECOHO, Btttttmote. Ud. Um: nil l lout) to i tailit Boord iUiK;r aWUUalk 1 Si I a Y WEAR W. L. DOUGLAS THE... 3 "i 3-50 SHOES S Also High Grads Shuts at 5, H 2 so & 2 !5 Jt will rav vou better . .ft ..... article of known 1 X to experiment with others of unknown quality. The patrons of W. L. Douglas shoes have always found them to be as 1 represented. We keep a full line in CALF, RUSSIA CALF, Via KID, PATENT CALF, Etc., to fit any foot, and give you Style, mm Comfort and J JJ0HNS0M x Warwick"- port Tcrvis. i Port Tervis. EVERYTHING TO FURNISH A HOUSE CUTLERY Do you want some Knives and Forks. We sell Rogers Triple Plated Knives and Forks for $3.48. CROCKERY From the commonest kind of Earthen Ware to the Finest French China. CARPETS From 14 cents per yard to $1.75 per yard. rURNITURE: A single piece or a car-load. From a cheap wash-stand, to a Fine Parlor suite. PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. N. Y. FURNITURE CO., 92 Pike St., .. Portjcrvis. Grand Clubbing Offers. Pikk Co. Press, Lnclic' World, Ainsloo'B, Mimscy's, C smopolitnn, 14.15 " " " " " " McClureV, 4.15 ' " " ' " " C(imoi)olilnn. " 4.15 " " " " " " Leslie's Monthly, " 4.15 You mnlcR R w'leotion from one of Hio fnnr oITith, which yon Bond to us, enclosina $1 15 and wo will hnvo the fimr jHil'licntions moiled to the subscriber for one year ; or pch to sevninte nrirircxH if so desired. Address PIKE COUNTY PRESS, Milford, Pn. A SENSATIONAL REVOLUTION IN PRICES OF CLOTHING. For the next sixty days, I will quote Unheard of prices in liens', Joys' and Child rens Cloth in , that will astonish everybody. An invitation to the public is extended to in spect the largest assortment of Clothing and lien and Boys Shoes ever shown in Port Jeiv vis. Prices Will talk. Call and lc convinced at H. SOMA 15 Front Street, . Port Jervis, N. Y. The UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIER, Dress nmkiiiK in nil 1 nil ( lies Will (ro to the hou-e er do li e w lli ut home.. Address M Ahv 1 l ilu, onposite Kit w k ill Mill, MUiord, Pu. to biivan r-.'V. . , , i value than u V fi Service. J ? EXCLUSIVE 1 AUtWI. FRANSKY. Mini moth und medium clover -iid. lJc d top, Kentucky and Can hi'ii l ine cihi-s, Oi hard and Timo thy teed Ht W. & (i. MitchuU's. 2 Business - Cards. F. W. DEIST, M. D.. 18 Ball Street, PORT JERVIS, N. Y DISEASES OF THE EYE AtiD EAR. 9 to II A. M. Office Hours 2 to A P. M. 7 to S P. M. WILLIAM B. KENWORTHY, W.D. Pliysicinii and Surgeon. Ofllcr nml n"1l'ln'i' IlniTuirl slice) li lHimt' lnti-ly (M'liitil l.v )i K II. W't-ii-hit III.K(lHl), VA. Dr. von der Heyde, DENTIST, lirick Montr O) ( !-ii( Viintlnmai k Iloiid , Hrond r. id Miltmtl l'n OKKICK HOI KS: 8 to 13 n. m.; 1 to I p. 111. H. E.Errerton, K. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad Street. J. H. VAN ETTEN, Attorney- at- L&w, OFFICE, Brown's Building, Mn.Kini, 1'ikk Co., Pa. John A. Kipp, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE, opposite Court House Mn .roitn, Vikk Co., Pa. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. LIFE. IERM, ENDOW MENT nml ACCIDENT INSURANCE 1). E. Vsiii Ettwi, Agent, Diiif!iii(ins Ferry, Pa. Washington Hotels. RIGGS HOUSE. The lintel pur excel IcilcB of the cnpitnl, IiimikI wlihin line hliM-k of the White llmi-e ii ml diiectly epn site the Treasury. I- iint inhle in rhe city. WIILARD'S HOTEL. A fninoim JtDtcliy, rctitHrkftlde for its 1 i-ii-ricnl tisMicfm h iii8 nixl loiifr-RUKtHincd i i.lniiiy -Hit ntly lcimvntcd, repainted . i (1 pin hilly refill tiinlifd. NATIONAL HOTEL. A h r.i. nun k nnioiifr the lintels nf Wash in. I'litiiin'i'il in former veHrR by i ei i.nd hlph (.flU'iiiis. Always a ii' tMiiite Hi n in I y n im itt'ii l imtl i i!i i1 d" lidli'i l li ii ii iMT. (ipp Vn. K. ' dip WAI.TKH Hl'KTON. Hen. Mgr. 'I hoi hotels are the prlni ipnl political ' 1 mleyvi ir of the ci.eilrl it all tinier. 'I ht y ate i hr 1-est stopping places At rea lionrl lc nilc-v o.o. STAPHS. Proprietor. O. DEAITT,Mnar. A BIG CLUB. Cut this out und return to, in with l.oo ami wti'll Bi'iul the following pontage pre paiil VERMONT FARM JOURNAL 1 YR. ' NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE 11 R. AMERICAN POULTRY ADVOCATE 1 YP. THE GENTLE WOMAN I YR. MARION HARLAND'S COOK BOOK. TEN NIGHTS INA BAR ROOM. All For $1. Regular Cost $4.00 Thlx roiiihiniitioii fllla n family need Two fi piiperH for the men '1 he "Gen I lewomiin." mi idi'al paper for the Ladies X Y Weekly Trillium for all Marlon Hai liuid's Cook Hook wilh iK) pages and I.hhi piai-tienl ri'cipcH for the wile, and the honk, 'len Nip In a in ii liHr Ki. 0111, the gieuiot. tt-ni'riuiee novel of the age. A I o coin Kiniiip tiring Kniiiples of papers ami our great cluliLiiug libt. Vermont Farm Journal, Wm. L. PACKARD, Publishar, 673 Malr St. WILMINGTON, Vf, BO YEARS' , - , experience D "V, -a TBAOC MARKS Ocign IQHTS AC An Ton wnrtinif m nketrh and rtncriiitinn maT qulcklf utcerlHiii our tjfuiinni fruj wlitlbr mi IriVHiitKm in prohnbiy rn'iittthl. rmnunlriv tionn BtrlctlyfVindtltHitlKi. HmnlcMiok on I'litmiU tent fro OMertt Hucncy for i uriiiK pattf ntn. f:i!eiits taken ttjrouuti tluiiti 3l Co. rvcelv tfteruU Hotictt wit ht,ut climvo, la the Scientific Jlrcericam A hnndiiomWr tllui4f rnfvtl wwkly. I nrvmt Air. dilution of nnr m it-ut idc Jiuirtiut, Turin h, H yi';ir; four month, L H-jIcI bjull newadHlem. WUNNiCo.38'8""-'- New York PKctcgrapKcR AND DKALKK IN Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing and Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 78 Tike Ktreut, Port Jervis, N. Y mm