1 I PIKE COUNTY PRESS. FRIDAY. MAHCII. 10. lOOO. PUHLIH1IEU EVERY FRIDAY. orricit, imows's bcildinq, broad st. Entered t the post office of Milford, Pike County, Pennsylvania, ns second class mutter, November twenty-first, 18116. Advertising Rates. One square eight llnes),one insertion -11.00 niton Buitwqiienn mscrnou - -- -- -- tW Reduced rten will lie furnished on ap plication, will be allowed yearly adver tisers. Legal Advertising. Administrator's and Executor's notices - -- -- -- -- - 8.00 Auditor's notices 4.00 Divorce notices - 6.0 Sheriff's sales, Orphans' court sales, County Treasurer's sales. County state ment and election proclamation charged by the square. J. H. Tan Ellen, POBUSIIEK, Milford. Pike County, Pa Noti ce of Election. The Republican Primary election will be held In the townships and election districts of Pike county on Saturday April 7, 1900 between the hours of 3 o'clock and 8 p. m. The following will be voted for : Seven County Committeemen. One Representative. One Jury Commissioner. One Delegate to the State Conven tion. One Congressional Conferee. One township or borough Com mitteeman to be voted for only in the election district in which he re sides. The names of the candidates must be filed with the chairman of the county not later than March 17, and those of County Committeemen must be accompanied with the sum of one dollar. By order of the Co. Committee. W. T. Strublb, County Chairman. Even the Kentucky Democrats are growing ashamed of the Ooebel law, and a movement is on foot in their own ranks for its repeal. ' Coke is scarce, and in spite of the largest output ever known, the price has advanced. As a natual sequence In these good times the wages of the hands have been raised 12 per cent., the highest ever paid. Senator Lodge made an ablesieech outlining his views of this Govern ment's duty toward the Filipinos and highly endorsing the administra tion, lie truly said that Mr. Mc Kinley's "own policy and his own acts in the East are his all-sufficient defence both now and in history." For the week ending March 12, 1898, Chicago made a new record, having shipped by rail 158,232 tons of freight. This was while the Lett er wheat shipments were in progress. This record was broken during the last week In February, 1900, when the freight shipments by rail amount ed to 212,312 tons. The average farm value of corn in 1894-1899 was 21.6 cents per bushel. Last year, when the crop was 195, 600,000 bushels larger, the average price was 30.4 cents per bushel on the farm. During McKinley's proiei- Ity there has been a greater demand for this leading product of the fann ers at much better prices. Kot a single failure was recorded last month among the manufacturers of iron, cotton gxxls, or hats. There were only five failures among all the earthenware, brick and glass manu factures; and in woolen and leather manufactures they were smaller than in any other year except one. And still the Democrats are not happy. It is reoorded that a farmer in Ful ton county, Ohio, recently sold 125 head of sheep for $800, being an av erage of t6. 40 per head. The farm ers there say that under the Wilson free-trade period that number of sheep would not have brought to exceed $125, and that the owner would have had to look around a long while for a purchaser at any prices. "Free bread funds for the poor" seem to have passed away with Cox ey's army. It was in 1891, under a Democratic low tariff, that the luiup posta iu New York's streets were decorated with uch signs and with contribution boxes to receive the funds. At the same time the great New York lk-iuwrutie dailies were collecting free clothe for the men w ho were unemployed under free trade. The Washington Post Inquires Why the bulunoo of our trade with South Anierii-an countries is so heav- Ily ntjtilDHt us. The prlnrlp.il reason Is lxTiuisp of llio luck if America! shipping to carry our goods direct to the Mouth. Most of our business in that direction has to be conducted In foreign vesstls and most of the goods first go to Europe and thence to 8outh America. This naturally In creases freight charges and delay:-delivery. Secretary Wilson, of the Depart ment of Agriculture, Is credited by the Senate Committee of Manufiict urea with much Interest and energy In endeavoring to excise the adulter ation of articles of food and drink that are too frequently foisted upon the American people. But these are not ail American goods, the commit tee finding "that large amounts ol ImiKirtetl goods are sold In this coun try, the sale of which would be pro hibited In the country from which they come." There Is an old saying that "you can't eat you cake and have It," but the case of the loan of 125,000,000 to Russia just made by New Yorkers comes pretty near upsetting that theory. The money, although loan ed to Russia, Is to be expended in the United States for the purchase of the products of American labor as well as capital will profit anew by till cumulative prosperity which loans the worklngmen at home. And yet there are a few men left who will tell you that this Is merely "fictitious prosperity." Industrial Ireland rejoices over ex- exlsting conditions In Cuba. Undei the Spanish misrule of that Island It was Impossible for the Belfast linen manufacturers to do any bus! ness there owing to the preferential tariff In favor of Spain and the extra cost of gold for London bills of ex change, ft r Irish goods over Spanish currency payments. Cuban mer chants are now buying where they can get the best goods at most reu sonable prices and are remittinp promptly. A Belfast linen iner chant attributes this "to the wise, able, and enlightened government of that country by the United States." THE COMING ECLIPSE. The Youth's Companion of Boston Mass says: Astronomers are busy with their prepa rations for observing theecllpseof the sun. which will occur on the morning of Mon day, May 28th, and will be total along a track varying from forty to fifty miles In width, and extending from New Orleans to Norfolk. From there the sbado will cross the ocean, will traverse the Spanish Peninsula, leap over Ihe Mediterranean to Algiers and finally leave the earth not far from ancient Thebes. Before reaching the United States It will have come across Mexico and the Oulf, Its entire path being over seven thousand miles lu length. It Is now more than thirty years since a total eclipse of the sun last visited the Atlantic coast of America in 1800; uor will the thing occur again uutil 1(135. At any giv en point, therefore, such events are extre mely rare, and for this reason, If no other, are of great Interest. Even to the non- astronomical observer the phenomenon Is perhaps the most Impressive that the heav ens ever present; the moon slowly and In exorably ereeulng over the face of the sun, the gathering gloom, the swiftly advanc ing shadow, the suddea darkness, followed by the woudorf ill spectacle of the jot black dink, set around with the solar prominence like blazing rubies, and suriouuded by the lovely radiance of the corona, with Us streamers of pearly light, and then, all too soon, the flashing out-burst of light, and day, and the restoration of the world to Its accustomed aspect. It is a glorious stght,not to be missed If Its seeing Is possi ble; ouoe seen, never to be forgotten. To the astronomer It Is much more a precious opportunity for them, during a lew moments, about ninety seconds In this case, he Is permitted to study the sur roundings of the sun as he uever can nt other times. All along the track observers will be stationed with telescopes, cameras, spectroscopes, photometers and other ap pliances, with which they hope, porhaps to win some new discovery concerning the mystery whloh Involve the great star that rules our system. Thm SkiUTHKHH Mkhsesorr adds to the above as follows: "There U a place In North Carolina that within a few years past, come Into considerable prominence on account of the large number of North ern people who winter there. They go there on account of the dry, dear atmosphere. It Is knowa as Southern Pines, N. C. Its location li on a high sand hill that over-looks the couutiy for many miles: slid as this plaoe Is In the direct line of the total eclipse, It Is one of, If not one of the most desirable points for astronomers and those vitblug to see the Suit's eclipse to the giuttst advantage. By the way, we might add I hat not only can people see the eclipse to ndvautxga at Southern Pines, but they can sea one of the most handsome towns tu the South; a plaoe built up by Northern meu and mon ey, and known as the healthiest spot lu America, enieciully for those suffuriug with diseases of the throat, chest aud heart. This plaoe was called to the alteutiun of the public oBir.lally by the State Authori ties of North Carolina, and the first devel opments made under the auspices of the Slate Agricultural Department. Those going to Southern Pines on the i8lb of May, will see a peach orchard of more than fifty thousand trees lu full bearing aud the peaches rlpeulng." Wm. Orr, Newark, O., says, "We never feel uafo without one minute com.' h cure in the house. It saved my little boys life when he had pneu monia. We think it is the best med icine made " It cures coughs and all lung diseases .Pleasant to take, harm-!w-s ami gives luiuiediute results. mm. A persis tent cough Is at f 1 r 8 t a friend, for It gives warn ing of the ap proach of a deadly ene my. Meed the warning before it is too late, be fore your lungs be come In flamed, be f o r e the li doctor says, "Consump tion." When the danger signal first appears, help nature with i Don't delay until your lungs are sore and your cold settled down deep In your chest. Kill the enemy before the deadly blow kills you. Cure your cough today. One dose brings relief. A few doses make the cure complete. Tare ulrnt 2ftc. for ss ordinary cold : BOc for tin hirder cotdi t fl.es Is aost scooaalcal lr tiller cues. M I consider your Cherry Prctornl the best remedy for colds and cotiphs snd all throat affections. I have used It for 80 years and It certainly beats them all." D. It. Ll'MKET, Dec. 20, 1898. Union, N. T. Writ thm Doofor. If ynn hare any complaint whatever and deitre the bpst inpril, ul arivlci Toll can poMllilT receive, write the doctor freely. You will receive a prompt re ply, without coat. Ailtlre.il Dr. J. C. AT EH, Lowell. Wan. -a. -a. - . ir your fowls have Cholern ( r Roup, use Ormige Electric Food st oncu. For snle at T. Armstrong's. CHURCH DIRECTORY MILFORD. First Piiesbttekian Cuvkch, Milford; Sabbath services at 10.30 A. M. and 7.3(1 P. M. Sabbath school immediately after h mornins; service. Prayer meeting Wed nesday at 7.80 P.M. A cordial wolcoini will be extended to all. Those not nt tached to other churches are especially iii vited. Rev. Thomas Nichols, Pastor. Church of thb Good Shkfiiekd, Mil ford: Herviees Sunday at 10.80 A. M. anil 7 80 P. M. Sunday school at 13.00 M. Week-day service rldny at 10 A. M. Holy Communion Sunday at 7.45 A. M. Seats free. AT; are welcome. Rev. Cras. H. Carpenter, Rector M. E. Chdhch. Sen Ices at the M K. Church Sundays: Preaching at 10.80 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Surdny school nt K p. m. Kpworth league at 6.45 p. m. Weekly prayer meeting on Wednesdays at 7.30 p. m. Class meeting conducted by Win. Angle on F'ridays at 7.80 p.m. Au earnest Invitation is extended to anyone who may desire to worshsp with us. Rev. W. R. Neff. Pastor. MATAM0RAS. Kpworth M. E. Church, Matamoras Services every Sabbath at 10.80 a. m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath school at .80. C. K meeting Monday evening at 7.30. CIiisf meeting Tuesday evening at 7.80. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7i80. Everyone welcome. Rev. T. Q. Spencer. Hopb Evangelical Church, Maia moras. Pa. Services next Sunday as follows: Preaching at 10.80 a. m. aud 7 p. m. Sun day school at 8 p. m. Junior C. E. before and C. E. prayei meeting after tho even ing service, ft.id-week prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.80. Seats free. A cordial welcome to all. Come. Rev J A. Wikuand, Pastor. Secret Societies. Milford Lone, No. 8, F. & A. M.: Lodtre meets Wednesdays on or before Full Moon at tht Sawkill House, Milford Pa. N. F.mery, Jr., Secretary, Milford John C Westbrook, W. M.. Milford. Pa. Van Dkk Mark Loimib, No. ran. I.o. 0. F: Meets every Thursday evening at 7.30 p. m., P-rnwn's Building. 1). -H. Hornheck, Ser y Janob MoCarty, N. G Prudence Rkhekah Lodoe, hit, I. O O. F. Meets overy secanul and fourth Fri days In each month In Odd Fellows' Hall, Brown's building Miss Katharine Klein N.U. Miss Wllhelmlne Beck, Sen'y I Fir A SENSATIONAL REVOLUTION IN PRICES OF CLOTHING. For the next sixty days, I will quote Unheard of prices in Jlcns', Boys' and Children Clothing, that will astonish everybody. An invitation to the public is extended to in 8peet the largest assortment of Clothing and Men and Boyis Shoes ever shown in Port Jer vis. -Pikes Will talk. Call . and be convinced at I. SGHAFRA 15 Front Street, Port Jervis, N. Y. The UP-TO-DATE CLOTH I Ell, One Cent a Word. For l.nrh limcrtinti. No Ailvt rtlMinpiii taken for lens tlimi ttl crulK. ( Asl. II nnlcri. Ailurtft, I'IKfc rillKU l'KKW, MILFORD, A. IjMMt SALE. A small farm lnrnted ncti MmmnoiaH, known as the liciisri o Keinlmidt place, containing "1 ncro Finely located, well walcicd. House hoc: burn. Fruit of nil kinds, t'nrt improved Tith' clear. For teiniM. price, etc.. midre Lock l-ox ( Milford. Pa. TRESPASS NO l'K K. Notice Is hercle. given that trepas.,ing on the prvniihe: icctipicd by tlni umli'ftduued In llnieiiwu lowliNhip, UiHiwn as the Ituehaliall Int-u for li li in n iff. llsliing, berrying or any oil.u purpose v Imlev cl 1 foi'lmUu-u under :i !. illy of ilio law. Any prison or pcis-nn lisoU-ying this notice will lie dealt swll in the severest lawful manner. tiKoliuh. 11. McCAinv, July 1, 18!)7. Lessee. IltKSFASS NOTICE. Notice U hovel.) given that Itvspassinu upon the south oiu hall of the tract ot laud known an I la W 1 11 linn Denny, Jo. SH.lii Miolioia town ship, lor limning, fishing, or, any oiia i purpose, also tiespassiiig on awki!l pola iu liinizumn lowuslnp. or, lishiug In it i lol liKMcll uuuer pvminy oi uie law . M. Ul.fc.U.AMI Ollt-MIK, prlMm Attorney (or owner. 'PUKSI'ASS NOT1CK. Notice Is herehv A given that trespassing upon the pro uerly of tlio l'orest 1.UKC Associai ion i Lackawaxen township, Pike county, Pa.. for the purpose of hunting and lisliiiiK, oi any other purpose is strictly forbidden un der penally ol the law. ALe.AAI)ll.lt nAI'I'r. s, Nov. 23, 18(15. President. IiRESPASS NOT1CK. Notice Is hereby given that trespassing on the premise of the undersigned, situated in liingmui. township, tor any purpose whatever it strictly forbidden, and allolTdideis will hi promptly prosecuted. lttA 14. Cask. Oct. U4. Ib!i5. NOTICK All huntinR, flshiiiR or othei tt-espassincr on the premises of the under -ipucd, in DiiiKtnan Township, tin Hav liiondsklll and llwarfskill Creeks, is for biudeti under penalty of the law. CIIAS. J. itoiLKAti, Dinitninn Twp., N. Hou.KAt;, May 17, lsiio. Jorkth F HolLKAt;. REGISTER'S NOTICE. The following accounts have been filed with the Register and will nc procmcd f ihe court for confirmation ni.d nlluwiiuci on the THIRD MONDAY OF MARCH NEXT. Fstate Louis Ttallos dee'd account oi Lcrniliiie l.'nlloa Administratrix. Estate of Jacob Kleinhans dee'd nccotini of Mary M. Kleinhans Administrlx. Estate of (Jlydo E. Van Aukeiidec'd ac count of Wilsim S. Van Auken. Estate of Julia Ann Van Gordon dcc'! account of Moses W. Van Gordon J.C. WESTBKOOK .IR , Milford, Fcby. 1U. KKXJ. Register. COURT PROCLAMATION. State of Pennsylvania, j County of Pike. j .Notice Is hereby given to all person bound by recognizance or otherwise to ap pear, that the March term, lonO, of the sev eral courts of Pike cnm.ty will be held al tho court house, in the borough of Milford. on the third monday (lllih) at 2 o'clock p m., and will be continued one week if necessary E. VANDEKMARK, Milford, Mch. 1, WOO. .Sheriff. LICENSE APPLICATIONS. The following applications for license have been Hied in tlio office of the Clerk of Quarter Sessions of Pike comity and will bo presented to the next court of Quarter Sessions to lie held March 10, 1IKW. llelnnare township Kandall Van Gor llen, Francis Meicicr, Philip F. Fuliner. iiliigmnn Anna irehauno, K. O. Jloillo tat. SV illiam Metr.. . I-ackawaaen George A. Elston, Augusta Kettstadt, Eiiimeit 11. Asher, Albert U. Rowland. Lelmiaii Martin L. lh.ch, Clara Ctter helmer. Mlllord rtorongh Dr. John Kelly, Ijouise J. Frieh, John C. Heck, Marie Freid eilka Heck, Mario V. Tissot, John K. Thornton. Frances A. Dlmmick. Mlllonl Tap. John A. Watts I'almyra Clara Labcs Felilei Kholiola John H. Hetiinann, John Vogt, Jr.. Adolph Fuller. Mentlall Laforge Cafkey, Christiana Mueller. Nil holas Gebhart, Floyd E. Bev- ans, Peter Fets, D B. Allen. J. C. WESTBKOOK.JR., Feby26, 1000. Clerk. DB.DMID Irhvorite Remedy The one sure cure for The Kidney's, i,ver and Blood NSY CARPETS r CAR Pi-T All-wool Carpets- at 47 cents per yard. Lace Curtains at 29 cents per pa r. Oil Cloth at 17 cents per yerd. Wall Paper et 2 cents per roll. N.-Y. FURNITURE CO., 92 Pike St., Grand Clubbing Offers. Pikk Co. Piiim, Lmlios' Woflil, Ainslee's, Mmiscy's, Cotnn)iolitnn, $1.15 " " " " " " McCltire's, 4.15 " " " "' " " ( 'nsTr.fijHilitiiii " 4.15 " " " " ' " Ij'slit! s Mnnllily, " 4.15 You innko n kcIitIioii from omwf tlie four cft'.-is, which yon sonil to us, iMiclositicr $1 15 nnd we will hnvo tlio ftmr jiulOit Mtimis mailed to the subscriber for imp vcar ; or cm li to sfimrnfo nddross if sn (lcsircd, Adiltcss PIKE COUNTY I'RESS, Milford, Pn. SAVE 4 t; ' i.1 it "Star" tiu (.or.i(? "mcll fifp- p-:nAp(3 on nnrtrr tido nnd "Drummou-l " T;-.r.;-nl IiJ Tiu 3 nro of equal v iiue ia bp curing pnscnts j.iLv;'.:t.r.c- .1 f.icJov, and may be assorted. Every man, vouina nnd child cc.i JLind noiaetiiiiig ou the Hat that tliey would like to liuvo, anl eau li.re it i frr vac; . . ... ... i ,:- ... . .. ... 1 Mnti)i Pot 2 Kit J. (hip lilf.il. ".I, d i-'i 8 H' i i-'ir. 46 i'l- cf 4 IT) t-t'-t .-'- K !".:' i Sft t HTl J i'v j)ir . '-!l - ruj'l" phifc lu vhi'f i"C t ft'.-n- li 1'r.i.r ... J Pi-,-7 Ka..ir, iv t.iitn!, ti:. n'r1.! ft. it it it M I it 6 liut'op Kiiifo. c v.H'v 1' . O, h.::i . . l.'rtt ci..:l.. v M.-.' j . l.r - ; '. 9 Pi'tfiir HMoil til -i f.l.i-. . M F amp i: t, h'i. In II fi'iiic. "K , i ; .- ," f , 13 ' :ir.. -'Kfru K-;t:--r." 14 Knt rtft, (lia- iitr 4 i- J'l 15 )M -.n Halt. -As" rii-. ri,'1 10 Al.irm ( !. .(. M:,-1 .1 '.ii V.'. f 0 rUtf tl fl.K.ds. 18 TVnf, h, fu'.'kol. . tola n-1 ;i 19 Crvrs socil t -l. '.r .-; I1..I1 lies 80 Hix i"nilln" Il;.':;e-:s' T.i..;. H Iwst plit't'.l uno-t- 81 fill furh, Ktiivo-i At.a l' ;-, I Jiorn han.i:t'9 33 Six tnih. Gi-'ct ie Il.---r-i' nii'orks, tobt plat -il ..df, ..a-Hi TH acq:'? ft,- v? f Special Notice ! K.?'". WBKAIi i.N ,IUU li. it ii .l.an 'n url'j ol STAR PLUG TOOACCO wllllast Ittnicrr nnd aflTuM marc iilranure ttiitn a dime's wortb of muy othr, brand. MA!I.": THe TESTI Sendtaqs !o COVflSKVffA ! TOBACCO CO., St. tOUiS, Mo. it it ititizititizititititititititititit: Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartl Hcially dijri-sts 1 hf? food and ;iids Vatwre in stn-nxt himiiiff and rccoD ..'oructing the fxbuiifli-d dini'stive or Kans 1 1 is t lie litt est d iscovcr.'d dicest ant and tonin. Nootber preparation can aiproacti it in eilineimy. It in mantly relievos and Hima!ienl ly cures Iyspcpsia, Iiidiiirsiion, I lean burn, Pl.il un'tii'e. Sour SiotiKicli, Nausea, fcliclc Ik'adacho.fiast ra!u'ia,(.'ran)s.and aliotlKiriviikscf in.)M rf-ci.ili'.'i'st.ion. Prcpired ty E C DnWit. aco., Ciilcaa". Uui Uc rcturucil il we l.iil. Auy uiic bcuamw" sketch and dcnptiou of auy invtriitiou will jjroniptly tertive our uiuiuu free touccr uiutf tue pjlcutu'tility ot auitit?. " lluwr to ObUiu a I'altrnt " fct-ut Ufxni rei ,iiL-.t. TalculB seemtd iluoiii'h Uft adwrit.iei. fur s-ilc ot our cxpeIle. P.ilcuti L.tkcn otil Ihioi.-h ua receive 4fnfi,U ttoinv, w illmut ch uye. in 1 UK I'atknt Rtco. :i, au ilUiIrLit:tl and wl.kly ciicuUlcd Journal, toilful ltd by M.iHut.'H'Iui t-rs ami 1 u t-toia. focuU tor sample L--iy f MCE. AUJieaS, VICTOR J. EVAN8 A CO. (Patent Attorneys,) (wars Building. WASHINGTON. P O r.DAwn'PORT JERVIS, N. Y and UPHOLSTERY SALE. 'I his Spring we mean to out do ourselves. Don't think we do not carry any higher priced goods. We have them just as high as you want to go; and can save you money ail along the line. This sale continues only 30 days. If ytu want to have some fun, come in our store any Friday morning, be tween 8 and 9. We have special sales every Friday morning. Port Jervis. it T&GS it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it TZ' T1 v - 1. 1 TAflS. Clock, S -lny.OflrtnflBr, Thermom- 1 (".-, li n-.'ino r W0 ! ni ('-'in , J'arlit", no lttr innrlo. 600 j -o lii'vul -t, :iu'::.ruti'j, double aotl'.p, i ; J nr .-Hliin'r. euo i t6 Iv "1 H1. i.o? iilaytliiiu's, lut reel 2j j i'"!- 0W fM vi-iy h;i'i'.l-iMi 8;)0 l.f!UI!!',H..H KH 'lit, 4. 1! ' itV i'HI . M(.0 f'( ' J W:i i, phi: ; "ilvr.full j'WBlt l liWO t U -? '"'iir i lyathar, iiaudorue I ii'.-i '.'.nv"i. . . luue 7:" ;'l 13 v i !' . .-..-liitK, ftrs'- i'Iuhi, wiih j -1.11 i; ;. .-, tWW v.; 'i l.-v- i fi'j r.'U's, 3ti-palHwr, blnwt S'P1 Ilk V. : (JoJ -h-jf. ...I60O lfn I SWOO MiTinlin, vo-y li;md3omo aoou '.(4 M i j:t-r licpeitinjj Bhot Gun, U 2000 r.Mni';i.-''T!. ilonblc-bRrrol, hara iiwr '.: r.'t ii ;u. lJor 1 1 .mo SK)0 ".1 I'.ir'.'f'.'. f;r.rHit(l mnlrii la. Una n' I .,.ali , i&00 lOtUiir.. l'..'iuEnaton, double bar !.a.u y'-i'.-s.-- 3O00 U Oe-fiin Ucw Box, Ut Inch Oiw.AW A'f?"f.V9fff 30th, 1900. K with no mall tint ijiitvi fnt nrmtn. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 3 ' TRADE MARKS im, Designs rrnv Copyrights Ac. Anronn Hftn11ng a nketrh and dpjwrl niton may qutfklf uit'fn'tin nur opinion free whether an tuvfitt ii hi i im.hitHjr jtait'titwl'le. ('ininiLintA - UmtriMl fiiBitt(Hli. IhnirtbooKon i'MimUI wiit Irt- I iI'Ihhi uuf m y for sri'Ui ing plf ni. Patent tuki'ii tlimuuh Munii A Cu. rttculr Scientific JIntcricaa. A hanrlxiRiBlr intintratml wnklr. l.nnreat fit. mluii.iii of hut 'itHii4n: loutiiiil. Turin. f. a yi :tr t ftmr niniitUa, L tiulil by all newmliilem. TINN & Co.36,Bro"i'- New York - Ui iiucb oitiott. (US V Ht.. Waabtutf (uu. D. CSTABLISHCO fi.'4 CrVIATS. Lap i S- immm THAUC "V. f OtSIUNg. Marks. wCopybichts. Thirtvon Te ,m s. tlve prai'tli. Opinion ss to vah'lilv n(i HiU-iitulility. nle Inr l.jok (J l-ii.n. ', i-on,l r..,.,vii,.- El'SON BklO,VJI Hil, WuliioKtaa. U. O- . V. , Business - Cards. Frw7DEST. M. D. ie Ball Street, I DISEAS of the eye and ear. 9 to II A. M. Office Hours 2 to P. M. 7 to B P. M. WILLIAM B.KENWORTHY, M.D. Pliypichui nnd Surgeon. Offlee nnd renlileiHse Iliirfunl street If innio lately otTiipieil by Dr. E H. Wen tier. W1LKORU. PA. Dr. von der Heyde, DENTIST, Itrlck Hniisi' OMint.it r Vnnili'ininik Ilotol in. inl m im'I .M illuKl yn. OKKII'KHOIHS: StoiaB.ni.il to p. in. H. E.Emerson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad Street. J. H. VAN ETTEN. Attorney- at- Law, OFFICE, Brown's Building, Mii.kord, Pike Co., Pa. John A. Kipp, ATTCRNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE, opposite Court House MlI.FORU, PlKKi Co., Pa. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO LIFE, JERM, ENDOW MENT ni'd ACCIDENT 1NSCRANCE - 1). E. Van Etten, Agent, Dinpmnns Ferry, Pn. Washington Hotels. RIGGS HOUSE. Tln hotel pur oxrellrnco of tho cnpltnl, liuittiMl within otm block of Hie white llimw imil tliivctly opju.site tho Treasury. Kinest Inlilu In the city. Wll LARD'S HOTEL A fiiinons holi'lry. rvnmi knl.le for Its histiii'lciil nsviK liitionH nml lonir-HiiRtiiliii'il popnlnrliy. Rcit-ntly n-nnvnu-d, rvpainlrd mill parriiilly rcrtiiiiiBliod. NATIONAL HOTEL A Inniliniirk iiimuiB: th hoti'ls of Wnsh iniftoii. pairon'.ril In former years hy pn-t(..'iils ii ml hlKl, flicinis. Always a prhno fnvorlti'. Ki-viitly n-moilohil and nMnleiid liiTier 1 1 win i.er. Opp. Pa. K. R. dep. WA1UCK HUKTON, Hes. Mgr. TIii'm. hotels nro the principal imlltii Hl reinlezvoiiB of the tapital at all times. They are I he best stopping places at rcn sollnlite rates O- O- STAPLES. Proprietor. O. DCWITT, Manager. A BIG CLUB. Cut this out ami return io.ub with itl.oo ami we'll send the following postage pre paid . ; VERMONT FARM JOURNAL t YR. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE I YR. AMERICAN POULTRY ADVOCATE 1 YR. THE GENTLE WOMAN 1 YR. MARION HARLANO'S COOK BOOK. TEN NIGH1 S IN A BAR ROOM. All For $1. 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Our f to nut du tul intent is cured. i i SV Piuhi rr ' llow to Obtain J'iitent." with J ruit it muic in the U. & svud twciu tuiauwti C.A.SNOW&CO. I On Orr. Ptcnt Ornct. Wkshihgton. D. C. i iy-subbcnbe for the Pusaa, r 1 i