PIKE COUNTY PRESS. FRIDAY. FEU. 23. 10OO rUBUHHRD EVERY FRIDAY. OFFICE, BROWW'B BUILDING, BROAD BT. Entered at the post ofTlce of Milford, Plko-County. Pennsylvania, n " class mutter, November twenty Unit, 18W). . Advertising Rates. H.fntnttllnM) nnnlnnerttnn -tl.00 lr.arH anhomniRnt Insertion ------- .no Reduced rates will le furnished on np plication, will be allowed yearly adver llsers. Legal Advertising. UmtntfltM.'. ami Exocutor'8 notices " Auditor's notices RhorlfT' sales. Oruhnns' court sales, County Treasurer's sales, County state ment ann election irouii""" w.... B by the square. 4. H. Van Ellen, PUBLISHER, Milford, Pike County, Pa. During the ten years prior to 1809 llv no new rnilronds were built in Iowa. And yet last yeai owing presuumbly to our "tempor ary" prosperity, 5H2 milea of new road were constructed. The January exports were the largest shown by any January in the bistoi v of our foieiirn comme ee amounting to $117,020,930. And yet th's happened under the p-oiee- tive Dinley law, which was b and ed by Democratic orato s as one which must injure tlie fo-eign i p.de of the United Bta'es by reason of Che fact that it was intended to e::c'ude fore'gn products coining into com petition with those of the U.v.ted States. In Its efflc'al repo 't the Philippine Commission has outlined a teii itoi ial form of government similar to that proposed and adopted by JefTei son for Louisiana, and the Commission quotes t,om the words of Jefferson on the subject. The bi inng to light, f' otn time to time, of Jefferson's p-ouounc-ed views in favor of expansion must be a sei Sous matter for those Demo ci atie statesman who have been pa rading Jefferson around as an anti e.rpansionist. What does an analysis show of Mr. Bryan's glib chatter that we should not "chain ourselves to Europe's golden chariot"? The natural Infer ence; then, is that we should a"y our selves with the silver counties of the wo Id. Let us see. During the past five yea s our agricultural ex ports have been $3,100,000,000, and of ihis 95 per cent, was sold to Eu:op ean gold standivd count ies and to Canada, also a gold-stauda' d coun try. Most of the lemaining five per ce ut. went to the s''ver count ies Me.:ico, South Ame iea and Asia into whose class Mr. B' van evident ly desires the United Slates to step. The Silver Democrats in the House are gieatly d'sgusted over Sib'ey's recent stand for prospe ity. The Pennsylvansa (statesman was a low er of st eni'th In the Democ'atic camp du 'ng the 1896 campaign, con sequently biB p eseat tu nnbout is keenly fe't by Irse Btwhi'e colleagues. The other day in Congress lie referred to the taunts and Jibes constantly di rected at him from the Democrat c side because of his expansion speech. They nv;jh,( he said, call h'm turn coat if it made them feel any bette', but he wouki neve- the'ess tu. n his whenever the Inside looked better than the ou.side. "Some of my Democratic "ends," he added, "would do we1! at this lime to luin their coals inside out and thus cover the rax a nil latteis in which they are clothed." The Eiyanite camp, which lias been flirting with the Republican anti-expansionists in the hoie of secur ing their votes, must be terribly dis appointed at Senator Hour's recent statement that the expansion ques . - tion must be fought out in the Ke . publican party, and that the alter native of electing Bryan is not to be coutempluted. for a moment. The Senator says, among other things: "Bryan's election means, if he and his party can have their way, the de struction of our unrivaled prosperity, lower wages, a scantier employment for our workingmeu, the deliasiug of our standard of value, tarnishing the national faith, the destruction of credit, bringing into contempt the authority of the Supi-eme Court, and undermining Uie security of projieity and values." Volcanic Eruptions- Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Buokleu a Arnica Balve cures them ; also Old, Running and iever (Sores, Ulcers, Bolls, Fel ons, Corns, Waits, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Kcalils, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Bost Pile cure on earth Drives out Pains and Aches.. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guritnteed (Sold by druggists. ITHE BOROUGH ELECTION. Ttie thoughtful mou of the bor ough, and those whose pockets have been depleted by reckless contracts, took a hand In the election Tuesday. The result was a forgone conolusion the moment the tickets were nom inated. It is no sense to be attri buted to a ohnnge from Demo cratic to Republican only so far as the latter were wise enough to ptit in nomination, for the important of fices on the ticket, men who com manded the confidence of taxpayers and who could be relied on to exer cise caution and discretion in r.he management of public affairs. Dem ocratic pockets are just as sensi tive to the touch of the tax collec tor as are those of the Republican and it was the feeling of constric tion and squeeze which constrained their owners to join in roversingthe usual order of things, and put a touch of some other color than green on the borough landscape We con gratulate the people on this awaken ing and hope that it 19 the dawn of that good era when a party name in local affairs will no longer be a shib boleth to election without regard to qualification or capacity. What Will They Do? Word comes from New York that Col. W. J. Bryan will in all proba bility be the Djinocratio President tiiil nominee. His recent visit there seems to have settled the mat ter. Four years or so ago. when he visited the metropolis in 1896 his presence sent a shiver through the financial centers. Prices were af fected in the exchange as if a great disaster or a colossal failure had tiiken pi -ice. It was the only ense on record where an individual visit ing New York caused general dem oralisation iu the markets. But it is different now. His visit there a few days ago did not have the slight est effect in the exchanges. On the whole, they were glad to see him, and will probably be much more so after he is nominated. They are, erhaps, fully aware of what is in store for him after he gets on the track and more. They have an idea that the Gold Democratic press will desert him as it did before, so they really have nothing to fear. If they don't desert him what an awful disli of crow some of them will have to eat. . And if he should be nominat ed on a silver platform with a gold basis, what an immense amount of crow he will have to swallow. No matter how it is fixed up, crow threatens to be a fashionable dish in this oountry in November next. Crows are usually in very good con dition during that month, and when properly cooked they are not such infernal bad eating. Peoria (111.) "Journal." Significance ot Postage Stamps. According to Postmaster Van Colt, the sales of stumps and postals at the New York post office for the month of January, 1900, amounted to $75,000 more than did s'm'.lar sales in Janu ary, 1900. This inciea.se ofTecs a cer tain standard by which to measure the e.vtent to which the t ude of the metitipolis of the country has in creased during the space of a s'njle year under the stimulating effect of the Uingley Protective Tariff law. For the increase in the sales of stamps and postals is due largely to the ln ciease of trade, (o the incease in the number of business letters sent out, in the number of invoices mailed, and In the number of advei tising cir culars distributed. It takes a good many stumps to amount up to $75, 000. Many times that amount of money was undoubtedly jepiesented by the orders for goods wh:ch the letters contained. Sales of Postage Stamp. The Washington postal authorities have discoved that the friends of country postmaste'8 in business in the large cities help them along in Uie way of a percentage by buying the stamps, which they use in their busi ness, at country poet offices. More than tl.OUO.O(K) in stamps bought in the country post offices are handled iu this city yearly, and, as a result, the local authorities get no credit for the work they have to do with this big mail. Steps have been taken to stop this scheme to benefit tiie coun try postmasteia at the expense of thooe In the large cities. Hereafter all postage stamps delivered to post masters will bear a department pri vate murk, which, it Is thought, will put a stop to the business. This new rule will go into force pretty soon. N. Y. Tribune. Railroading Patents. A single firm of Patent Lawyers, C. A. Snow & Co., of Washington. D. C, have in the last vear procur ed 1,630 patents for th r clients, many of them for rejao id inven tions. C. A. Know & Uj have heen accused of railroading patents throiiKh the Patent Oilioe, but they insist that this locomotion is better than ox-carting them for by the lat ter process the inventor often dies before ke gets his patent Fancy nuta and crackers at Wul-litce'. mm Slow growth of hair comes from lack of hair food. The hair has life. It is starved. It Keeps coming out, gets thinner and thinner, bald spots appear, then actual baldness. The only good hair food you can buy is VOSOIn 1 1 feeds the roots, stops starvation, and the hair grows thick, and long. It cures dan druff also. Keep a bottle of it on your dressing table. It always restores color to faded or gray hair. Mind, we say " always." tl.OOafcettl. All aruigtsU. " I hT found yonr Hair Vigor to be tha best remedy I bare ever tried for th hair. My nair was falling out very bad, ao I thought 1 would try a bottle of It. I had used only orw bottle, and my hair Stoni uteu laninfr out, anu it is uuw real thick and lonir NANCY 1. MOUNTCASTLE, July M, 18M. Yonkera, N.T. Wrfta thm Dttalmf. He will aetid joa ht book on Th Halt and Scalp. Atk him any qul tion you wlih about your hair. Yon will recall a nmmut inir free. Addrui. !.. C.AYER. Lowell, Haai. m m u m v T2 Mrs. John Hissam Is quite serious ly ill ut her homo on tipper Broad street. CHDECH DIRECTOR! MILFORD. JTihst Presbyterian Church, Milford; .Sabbath- services at 10.30 A. M. and 7.80 P. M. Kabbath school immediately after the morning service. Prayer meeting Wed nesday at 7.H0 P. M. A cordial weleomt will be extended to all. Those not at tached to other churches are especially in vited. Rev. Thomas Nichols, Pastor. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD, Mll forii: Sorvices Sunday at lO.ao A. M. ana 7 DO P. M. Sunday school at 12.00 M. Week-dav service Friday at 10 A . M. Holy Communion Sunday at 7.46 A. M Seats free. All are welcome. Rev. Chab. B. Carpenter, Hector M. K. CHURCH. Services at the M E. Church Sundays: Preaching at 10.80 a. in. and at 7.80 p. in. Sunday school at X p. m. F.pworth league at 0.45 p. ui. Weekly prayer meeting ou Wednesdays at 7.80 u. 111. Class meeting conducted by Wm. Anglo on Fridays at 7.80 p.m. An earnest invitation is extended to anyone .vlio may desire to worslisp with ns. Rev. W. R. Nkkf. Pastor. MATAM0RAS. F;pwoiith M. K. Church, Matnmoras. .Services every Sabbath at 10.80 a. 111. and p.m.' Salibath school at 8.80. C. K. meeting Monday evening at 7.80. Class meeting Tuesday evening at 7.80. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7.80. Everyone welcome. Rev. T. Q. Spencer. Hope Evanoklical Church. Mata moras, Pa. Services neit Sunday as follows: Preaching at 10.30 a. in. and 7 p. m. Sun day school at 8 p. in. Junior C. FS. before and C F.. prayci meeting after the even ing service. Md-week prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.80. Seats froe. A cordial elcome to all. Come. Rev J A. Wieqand, Pastor. Secret Societies. Milford Lnitot, No. 844, F. & A. M.: Lodge meets Wednesdays on or heforr Full Moon at tht Sawkill House, Milford Po N K.mrv .Tr . S.w.rtiirv. TVIilfonl John C Westbiook, W. M., Milford. Pa. Van Dkk Mark Lodok, No. 828, l.O. O. F: Meets every Thursday evening tit 7.30 p. 111., P-rnwn'n Huililing. 1). H Hornlx)ck, Srr y .laeob MeCarty, N. (1 Pkudknce Rebekah I.OIIOK, 17, I. O O. F. Meias overy sivnd nnd fourth F'ri- daya in each month In Odd F'ellows' Hall, Hrowu s nuiiding miss Katharine Klein N. ii. Miss Wllhelmine Beck, See'y iir AnnouQcemen To the buyers of Mens', Boys', and Children' clothing, Boots, Shoes and Furnishings, We are build ing business on the great and strong tower of "Good Goods" at - low prices -We have bargains that are recognized at sight. Don't take our word for it but come find see for your self. Gorgeous displays ! Tremendous stocks! Complete assort ment! To this add our low prices, kJ! "Measure Full of Satisfaction." We extend to all an invitation to call and examine the largest stock and lowest prices in this vicinity H. SCHAFRANSKY. 15 Front Street, Port Jervis, N. Y. One Cent a Word. For K.ach Insertttm. No Advertlaiiit-jit taken for less thnti 1ft rrnta. :Asll mttat aot-t-tiipat:, nil order. Address I'IKK Clim NT rRfcKS, MILFORD, PA. W)H HAIjK. A small farm lixnted near Mntnrnoma, known ns the Hensel or Ki'inlmnlb nliinr-. t-mittiliiini; -21 nt-rcs. Finely litoitti'il, well WHti-nil. Hoiism hiuI burn. Kruit of all klnil-t. I'nrt linin-'ivitl. itlp clour. F(r ttM-ins. tri(!o. r-te.. mliln-ws Lock box O Mllforii. f. L plven Unit tri'spiiHNinM on Hie pnmiisi'K KH'iipiotl by thv uni!i!r-iKni'l In liiifninn townsltip, known mm the lltichannn fttrin for hnntintf, ftshiiiMr, iM'rryin or miy ollmr pnrposifl wlmievtu- ih forlmiiL-ii uniler k-u-tlty of llii' litw. Any pii-son or pi'iHons lis'olpi'j lnit this hotii t! will In: lli'nlt Willi in the severest lawlnl nifiiiner. Ukoiiuk H. Mi:(jAKT, July 1, 18H7. IBsee. rKKSPAS.SNOTlf:K. Notice is liorrby Kiven thai tritHpiiKsing upon the souilt-di-n half of the trnct of land known tig I lie vV'illiatn iJenny, No. i n 8iioliotu town ;liip, for buniiiiK, fishing, or, tiny other purpose, ttlso trespaswiug on Sawkill pom! tn IJihinniiii township, or,- llstiing in n it- (oi blilueu uiuli-r penalty of I lie law. M. L-LKILANH MlLHOII, prl64m Attorney lor owner. IHKSPASSNOTICK. NoMcu is hereby given that trespassing upon the pro perty of the Forest Lake Association in Liiickawaxcn township, fine county, ra., for the purpose of hunting utiil lislung, oi my other purpose is strictly loruiuuen un ler penalty of the law. Alkxandkk Haihikn, Nov. aa, 18il5. President. IiRKSI'ASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that trespassing on the preinines jf the undersigned, situated in lltngiiiau township, for tiny purpose whatever is itrictlv forbidden, nnd allotTi nders will b( promptly prosecuted. lit A B. Cask UUt. H4. 1MB. NOTICK All liiintlng. Ashing or other ,1-espassing on the pr. inlses of the tlnder 'gned, in Dinginan 'I'ownsliip. on Hay- inontlsklll and IJwarlsKIll t reeks, Is lor 'I'nden miller penalty of liie law. C'll At. J. liOILKAU, Dinginan Twp., N. Hoii.kaii, May 17. 1898. JusKI'H F lioiLEAti. Register's Notice. The following accounts have been filed vlth the Register anil will lie prociitcil 1 he court for confirmation at.d allowanci' 111 the THIRU MONDAY Of MARCH NEXT iTstnte Louis Dalloz dee'd account oi leonllue lnlluz AduiinlHt ratrix . F.state of .Tncob Kleinhans dec d nccount if Mary M. Kleinhans Atliliinistrix. Flstato of Clyde K. Van Atiken tlic'd ac wuntof V ilson S. Van Auken. Kstatc of Julia Ann Van Gordon dee d iccount of Moses W . Van Goidon. J. C. W EST B HOOK JR., Vlilford, Foby. 10. 11K.J. Register. "Twenty-four Carats Fine." Twenty-four carat gold is all gold twenty-tvo carat gold has twenty-two parte of eold, one of silver and one of copper; eighteen carat cold has eight een parts of pure gold and three parts each or silver and copper in its com position; twelvq carat gold Is half gold", the remainder being made up of three and a half parts of silver and eight and a half parts of copper. Patriotic Tradesmen. In view of the war In the Transvaal a London photograhper anounces his willingness to photograph sailors and soldiers and sailors In uniform free of charge, and to present a cabinet por trait to every one accepting the offer, while an installment -plan furnishing company gives notice that it will sua pend payments for goods to all re serve men called out, and that In the event o any of its customers being killed during the war the company will forego the balance of the account and make a present of the whole of the goods to the widow or children. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- ent busincMtonducted for Modcratc Fits. Our office is Ofpobiti; u, S. patent Orner and we can secure DatcntiO leu tiuo than tluue Crr:uta from Wash tnsr ton. 1 beaa model, Drawing or pnoto., witn ae&enp- tion. we acmse, 11 patentable or not, tree ot charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, 1 a hHPKLrr. " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S, and foreign countries sent iree. Address, Has ASH1NQTON, D. C. i 4, vwwwwwvv TV irst t anuary tid Are the for us. months FURNITURE, CARPETS, CR0CKFRY, LAMPS, ETC. YUU LAJN SAVE Because now we are closing out the last of certain lines at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES." And besides, we more time in helping you make your selection. Nov is the time. Come. N. Y. FURNITURE CO., 92 Pike St., Port Jervis. Grand Clubbing Offers. Pikk Co. Phess, L.idio.s' World, Ainslne'8, Muiuh.v's, CtMiuop'ditiin, 11.1 " " " " " " " " " " " " Yon mnke a solo(!tion from one of us, enelosiiiij $i 15 nnd wo will hivvo tuhsdi'iber for one ymir j or enfih tos(mntn hcMi'.'hs it s i d. -ncd. Address PIKE COUN VY Ailf.rd, in s "Star" tin tngs (.(bowing Biaa'l stars pviatod ou nndor tide of tag), "Horse Shoo," "J. T.," ' Good Luok," " Croi-1'ow," and "Druramond " Kiitnr.il Lea? Tin Xa-jS aro of eqnitl -v.lu3 in fiecnrinp; proBents rienticmod below, and may be assorted. Every man, woman and child cnu find something on the list that they would like to have, and can have JE 123 S 1 MutrTi Bot . . 2' 23 Clorlr, B-day, Calendar, Therroorn- 8 Kn fe, one b1ad, (foo-1 steel S e nr, Birome er '3 8 Si'tBora, 4i inclies 2-' ' 24 finn leaf h:', no better 'nade. 6UU 4 Child' bnt. K iifr. Fork a:ui .' no i z M KvoIvir, inuoioatio, dutible act! m, i fcait an1 Pupiwr Sct.n-.ifr.ac-h, quad- SJor ;-Z rainier 600 it it 5; nrpic rnarp on wmre metal r" t Freru li Iiriaf iVoort l'tn 7 Kaz r, ball ,w ground, liue Eu, I. -ti B'eet ,6t? 8 Butter Knife, trlpiit pita, b t qualify to 9 Pujjar Slirtll t pi pln'o, Va qiab. S ID S'awp II n, 'vlint stive. 11 Enife, "Rot Kir .,' t v, blaJ1.1., Si 12 lisitojier "Inio, ' K,an X..tror," t In blftdff . If. 13 : iit-ar, "Kef.n R'tttov." f .Jfn:i .. . ... U 14 Knt Hot, Cia.-I;ar and i fciivcr I'l itcd o 15 Ikis ball."Af '-ri.t'iji.," boat quai.l 16 Al.trm clork, itifkttl 1 ,o 17 Bis Genuine ttugem' 1 fa:-po ;m, iMit J'lrtted Rnu,! . J 18 Watrh, nickftl, stem wi td a-id --t . . oj 19 ilarvurfl, good steel, btKkliurn handles 3ut SO Bix Opnnios Krrs' Tle S -ooi.g, Irnat plrvl ifoods 260 91 Bix ea-h, Knives and ITorkd, buck born handles ST U Bit each, (ianMi i Risers' Kuivos audi Jfurks, best plutna g wds too it it it it it Tf wove ow-fi erpfR?ivoyeM9?R both, 1900. Cnorlal PJnfira I Plain M Star " Tiu Tajra ftbat la, Star tin tai witb no small OfJDlld.1 t JllOa 1 ttarjpHated m un.ier aMe of tafi), are not gxxt iwpwvnfi, but will be paid bundled. If rfv.i I bv us on t hp foro vfa MTBEAU IN MIl that m. dime' worth or STAR PLUG TOBACCO will last longer and afford mora plcarara thaa a dima wortli of aay ..hw.r.nd. MAKETHETE8TI Send tags io COTI F.TAI TOB1CCO CO., St LOUIS, Ms. it it it it it it it it Mil Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Itartlflcially digests the food and aids Vaiure in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans It is the latest discovered digest mt and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In etllclency. It in utantly relieves and permanently cures Iyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, f latulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps.ana all otherresultsof imperfectdigestion. Prepared by E. C DaWItt Co.. Chicago. Our lee returned if we 1ml. Any one sending akctch aud description of any invent ton will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the p-ilcnlaliility of same. "How to Obtain a Vritcut" fcent upon rcijueat. Patents secured through ua aUvertisec lor aale at our expense. Faicut4 titk.cn out through us receive MfjeekU noiu , without charge, iu Tuu Patent Kkco.'.u, an iilUittrauU aud wltlely circuluied journal. Cunsulltril by Mauufac-turrra aud Investor bend lor aj.ui pie copy FREC. Addicaa. VICTOR J. EVANS 4 CO (fa ten I Attorneys,) Cvara Butldinc WASHINGTON. C Fe bruary dullest months in the year And they are the best in the year for you to buy. 20 PER CENT. are not so busy, can give you " ' MoUlure's, 4 1 " Comii()i))lit.in, " 4 " - Leslie's Monthly, " 4 the four offer, which yon send t the four pul'lmili ins miiilcd to tl i2 it it it it it it io'i wi, uot piaytuings, due roai 6&a J7 T. -.1'; S-it dyco'-ati porcelain, very liaudsonie rj(M) Ri'ininKton Kitle No. 4. 2 : or 81 at . W -i V n c;i, H'et'liii' mlvtr,full owpI'1 1000 M Urcu Stir. ( a:e, leather, haudsome and inr.-'ole 1000 31 B -wi'U ac'iine, first claas, with fll r.tt.icli ,iiy 1600 "2 Ev.ilvcr, Cult's, 38-calibai-, blued ! lfiOO SS B ;llft, Oo)''. S3-a!tlier 1600 JlO ii ir ( -A.iliburo, rosewood, In laid aooo "l iJi-Iin, very handeoine 3000 :t4 Vf:irurKTr Kepeattcg tihot Gun, lJfcaaua SU00 1 BtMuiutuu, double-barrel, batn merLvt Gun, loor Uauff 9000 9 bicvi9, standard make, ladies or gents saw 39 Stiot Ono, Fern ins ton, double bar rel, lia.u Horl.il-.,... 3000 40 Retina Maaio Box, 16 iuun OUo..e00l) it it it for m cahh on taouaaia ot twenty oonwpar ch 1st. lono. it it it it it it it it it it v4 60 YEARS' 'EXPERIENCE D mm Tradc Marks Oesions copyriohts ac Mil 1 1 k It HjioMriAin our ouiiiton frtta whether Invention uprutiahij patent able- roniaiunir tk(nmtrLctly (lonB-lenttaJ. liiuitlboolt on PatuUl ent, frm tHuesl hkwim-t for Brx-urintf twnenta. Futatita taken thn.unn Wuun Co. IWHtlTi tptcuu tutt, without cbarua. La Ui Scientific Jlntrican. a hnininAlT UlnBtnatftd weeklr. I.rt rir. rulmion of any iiitinc jiurnal. Terms, 3 m year; fur montba, L Bold by mil newadealera. WUNN&Co."""--'-New York Mruucn Ufflo. to w au. waanuxtfiun. u. i 066. tABELff. Tkaoi r 01SICWS. MARKa CO'YBICHTS. Thlrtr-ono Teia arOAi practlc. Opinion at ;iiitiv ,iifl iiuWnuibiUtv. Write fur Nwk Iii9tru. fl nuand rtferemta. El&ON BKOi, tit If Mnrt, Waaalaytaa, u. Business - Cards. COniNGll R. S. ANDRAL KILMER The Skilled Expert-Specialist OAHPTDC Tumors, Gr wthi, UHllULilAU Bunches, etc. (INTFKNAI. AND EXTKIIN AL) WITHOUT KNIFE, PLASTER or ELECTRICITY. All Chronio and ' Oiven up" en mn ru ws fully t run tod . H Hnr to Rmh Him. Toll your Sick trit'iHM ntitl iu'ihtnti H. I'hia in tui muq Dr. Kilmer that viwitod 11 Mils vicinity yenf txfto and tMirt'd go nauy. Cotisultatiun froe. I'omo eitrly. Goshen, At. Elmo Hntrl, Fb. 587. Port Jrl, D lnwitrv llottne, Feb. 98, And evry fiirttt week tlipronfter. If tun fi't'i lodr tmnhlo to wo him, Write ur difficulties to lr. S Andral Kilmer. 20 Chenai:go St., Ihnhamton, N. Y. F. W. DEST, M. D.. 16 Ball Street, PORT JERVIS, N. Y DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. 9 to II A. M. Office Hours 2 to A P. M. 7 to 8 P. M. WILLIAM B. KENWORTHY, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. Office nnd residence Hnrford street It home Intel; occupied ly I)r K H. Wen- ner. AUlrOKU, FA. Dr. von der Heydo, DENTIST, Hrlck finso Oppot-ite VniHlcrninrk Hotel jirniid sm-et Muroia fn. OFITICK HOURS: 8 to 12 n. m.; 1 to t. in. H. E.Emerson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad Street. J. H. VAN ETTEN, Attorney- at- Law, DFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pike Co., Pa. John A. Kipp, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FFICE, opposite Court House Mn.FORD, Pikis: Co., Pa. -fNA LIFE INSURANCE CO AVE. TERM, ENDOW MENT and ACCIDENT INSURANCE D. E. Van Etten, Agent, Dingmnns Ferry, Pa. Washington Hotels. RIGGS HOUSE. The hotel par excel Icnco of tlio capital, locntud wlihin one hlock of tlie White Houso nnd til root I y oppc.slte tho Trensuiy. Klniist table in the cily. ' WILLARD'S HOTEL. A fninous hofvlry, reninrkahln for ltn historlonl nsHiK;iiiliona and l ino;-8iiKtnliiel pcipulnrlty. RectMitly renovated, rt'pninted and partially refnrnlBhed. NATIONAL HOTEL A landmark among the hotcla of Wash intcton, pntron'il In former yearn by presidents and hifrh official,. Always a prime favorite. Kecently remodeled nnd rendered better than ever. Opp. Pa. K. B. dep. WALT Eli BURTON, Keg. Mgr. These hotels are tho principal political rendezvous of the capital at all' times. They nre the best stopping place, at rea sonable rates O. O. STAPLES. Proprietor. O. DEWTT.ManaiaV. A BIG CLUB. Cut this out nnd return to. us with ai.oo and we'll send the following postage pre paid i VERMONT FARM JOURNAL 1 YR. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE I YR. AMERICAN POULTRY ADVOCATE I YR. THE GENTLE WOMAN I YR. MARION HARLAND'S COOK BOOK. TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM. All For $l. Regular Cost $4.00 This combination fills a family need 1'wo farm paper for the men The "Gen ilewoman." an Ideal paper lor the Ladles N- Y Weekly Tribune for nil Marlon Harlaud's Cook Book with 300 pages nnd I.UOO practical recipes for the wire, and the Hook, "Ten N'ighls in a liar Room, the irreatest temperance novel of the age. A two cunt sinnip brings samples of papers and uur great clubbing list. Vermont Farm Journal, Wm. L. PACKARD, Publisher. 673 Milr St. WILMINGTON, VT. Blue Front Stables, Port Jervis, N. V. Adjoining Uuniiier'a Union House. Roml, curritiKH, draft and farm liorses for snle. Exchanges tnade. In riro stock from which to make Hilni'tioiiH. CANAL BT. Hiram Towner. To PITEKT Good Ideas may be aecurod by our aid. AiUireaa, THE PATENT REC0N0, Baltlmoir. HdL ilM ftutwci-lpUuiia U 1U Funi Rord tiJALmt tumuu 4