1 ) Cheapest C lot hi ng House in Port Jervis! CANNON & MULLIGAN, 6 & 7 FRONT STREET. : : THE HOLIDAYS ARE PAST - - But tlira supply of Fan cy Biscuits, Choice Fruit, Nut.i, Fine Cnn dies nul n large assort ment of Tobueco nntl C'H Hrs, Fishing Tackle, ammunition, nnd speci ally "The Lncke Roll" 2 for 5 cents is nmple at A. Q. WALLACE - Harford & 4th Sts. Milford, P. : : I : I Photo grapVicR AND DEALER IX Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing and Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 78 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y Grand Clubbing Offers. vt$4 rPS! ffS?$ Pikk Co. Press, Lad les'oWrld, Ainsloe's, Munsey's, Cosmopolitan, $4.15 " " ' " " MoCl ore's, 4. IB . . " " Cosmopolitan, ' 4. IB " " Leslie's Monthly, " 4.1c Yon make a selection from one of the four offers, which you send to ns, enclosing $4 15 and we will have the four publications mailed to the subscriber for one year ; or each to separate address if so desired. Address PIKE COUNTY PRESS, Milford, Pa. January iid FURNITURE, CARPETS, CROCKFRY, LAMPS, ETC. YOU CAN SAVE 20 PER CENT. Because now we are closing out the last of certain lines at "GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. And besides, we more time in Helping you maKe your selection flow is tho time. Come. N. Y. FURNITURE CO., 92 Pike St., Port Jervis. COD LIVER OIL with Mint nwfnl tnste, is like the proverbial roso with a thorn a good tiling witn a draw back. It is prescribed for wasting diseases, general debility, roughs, chronic colds, con sumption, etc.. and we are ex pected to Inakeit as palntnble as possible. QUR CUSTOMERS tell usonr preparation is re niarkably pleasant, and meets the demand of the times. It is pure, elegant and full strength. FI LLY GUARANTEED. C. 0. ARMSTRONG, Druggist - - Milford, Pa. "Wnrnith is T.ifo Colli Is 1 tenth." FALES' DRY-WARM WATER COLD-PROOF SHOES. The best winter shoos the world vtr saw I Thny keep the feet warm nnd dry. There will 1p tin snddntl chill to the feet, froinpfrum n warm nwmi to out of doora in the cold wenther. Your money back If you want It. Johnson, Fitter of Feet. Port Jervis. us To PATENT Good Idea may be aecured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Biltlmor. Md. EubMrlpUoDt to The Patent Becord tUJU per annua F ebruary Are the dullest months in the year for us. And they are the best months in the year for you to buy. are not so busy, can give you All Around the County. MAT A MORA 8. Rev. Fttther Trels pastor of St. Jore h Church, is attending the first niiulvi'rsiii y memorial sc-rvloe for the late Minliop O'Hura, held at ricrnnUiti Vn. this week. A prlvnte dance will be held nt Millers Hull Saturday evening and March 14th a Masquerade party in to be held which will be h pleanant event for our people. Revival service) held at Hope church for the pant weeks have had good results, over having united with the church, nnd five by letter. More nro eapectcd to join soon ou piofessloii. The pastor Mr. Lilly do serves great prale for his efforts nnd the success of the meettnged. A number of friends nnd relatives sui prlsed Chrl.stooher ThiaHker and wife, who live un the hill above the towu. Inst Sun day, the occasion being the celebration of the oOth nuutversnty of their wedding, n pleasant time was enjoyed by all ami the venerable couple were heartily congratu lated with wishes for many returns of the tiny. Kp worth, church received 14 converts last Sunday ou probation. The pastor Kuv. ripeuoer Is great ly encourage. Grey Cockiati, station agent and opera tor nt ParkvilleN. Y. spent Sunday with his mother. Mrs. Fred Sherwood and daughter li ale. of LWiugnton Manor N. Y. . are the gtients of ii. Hornbeck arid wifeou Wash Ingtou street. U W. Crawford, of Titusvillo !' who was a volunteer in the civil war is the guest of his broiher-in-law U. H. Lnnglou The ladles' of Hp worth church will hold a cake sale Feb. Dili at the post olllco Chas. Cook, of Newark, visited his fam ily here over lust Sunday. , IDr. Kelly Is now located at the corner of L'hlrd St. and lVnn. Av. where hu will bi plensed to reevh e calls nt any time. The Ladles' C. U. Society of Hope church expect to give an eutortalnmont nt Pros- eotts Hull botnu tlmedurlng March. Mrs. Luclnda Kelly, of Mldvalu N. J., a former resident of this village Is visiting friends and relatives here. Mrs. S. London and daughter Lucia arc visiting la Hinghaiupton N. Y. F. Kllpatrlck a formar employee in the paper factory of Blsland Bros. Is now will: GJ. H. Laiigiouon Main St. and Herbert Depuy a former clerk In that store, who Ip a very obliging young man will engage In oliu intiumncc bttbiuess. Theo. Uilmwald Is yet ndsslng and any informaiiou as to his location would be grateful (o his mother. Miss Adn Halpln narrowly escaped in jury Wednesday. -Her dress caught fire from alive coal as she wnsrnklug the stove but her presence of mind In enveloylng hereof In a rug prevented injury. Our paper factory, to our great regret, has left towu. It was our only industry and we hope soon it may be replaced by some other. S. BUSIIKILL. Mrs. David Boucher was called to Scrnnton by the illness of her daugh ter Mrs. Franz. Clarence Waltors. of Stroudsburg, spent Sunday bora with his parents. James fckdioonover unfortunately niii the tine of a fork through hi left band last Sunday while feeding bis entile. Al'en Brown and wife, of Ding mans, spent Sunday here with the piirents of Mrs. Brown. Mary nnd Jonnto White the sick list the past week were on GREELEY. PoliT Greenlnff whu for the past two ar lata bivn working nt Peckville Pa. rutnriK'd liuuie to Spi-lugbrook Sunday. Mra. J. F. Greening hits betm Yinlll ng her sou t lYckvllle I'a (or the piwt week. Tiiiiies Quick, of Snwklll whs iu this decttou rocuutly looklug for frusli luilk cow a. Afiher Pelton of Rowlands, win hure on business a few (lays ago. , Our roads are vory Icy now and one needs spikes In his shoes to travel Willi wifely. Unclk Sam. Story of a Slave. To be bouud baud nud foot (or years by the chains of disease is the worst from of slavery George IX Williams, o( Mali Chester, Mich., tells how such a slave was made Tree He nays: "My wife bus boon so helpless (or five years that she could not turn over lu bed aloue. After using two bottles u( Klectrio Bitters, she is wonderfully Improved aud able to do hei jwq work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervoumiisa. aleeplehsuess, luelauclioly, headache, backache, (alutiug aud dl..v sp01s Till, luirncle working mediciue Is a godscud to weak, sickly, run-down people. Kvery Iwttle guaranteed. Ouly 50o bold by all druggists. Wanted! Keliablo man for Managing of Branch Ollioe I wish to open in this vicinity. Good opening for an energetic sober man. Kindly men tiou this paper wlieu writing. A. T. MORRIS, Cincinnati. O Illustrated caUtlogue 4 cts. postage. Blsmark's Iron Nerve was the result of his spleudld health. doiuituble will aud tremeudous euergy are not found where stomach, liver, kid neys aud bowels are out of order. If you want tbee quulilloutious and the suuees. they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills They develope every power of brain aud body,. Only 2iw ut all drug stores. Mrs. J. K. Miliar, Newton Humil ton, Ph.. writes, "I think DeWitt's witch IihzmI salve the grandest salve made. It cures piles aud lamia cv erythint;. All fraudulent imitntioiih sre worthless. SANDYSTON IN (JENERAL. Lnst Saturday innriiiufr my ther- fii'.nueter marked 13 di'srees below aero nnd it, nindo one think of life in the Arctic regions. However we were able to stiinil it sitting by Urn stove. Clins. Bensley, of Dingmuns, bus cntetl flu fnrin of Mrs. Coss nenr Bevnnsi and will take charge of it April 1st. Our singing school tins exceeded ill expectations, niul new members (ire joining nntil over 30 ere now in the class. Its success is now Hssur ed, nnd as the minils esteem the Professor so highly nnd entor upon the work with so much vim thnt nil will bo. benefited. ' Work npon the creamery bus been suspended for n few dnys owing to the severity of the weather, but upon the return of moderate weelli er the work will be rushed to ft fin- Mi. I notice that Ueo. Bowman, of Braiichvillo has presented the public school of that borough with n set of (JlintiibeVs Encyclopedias. I only wish there was u Georye Bosnian in every school district in the coun ty, for both teacher and pupil Hie benefited, and besides, where a. pu pi I wishes to know some point m his lesson, there is the encyclopedia to help bim out, the chances nre that he will remember what the book tells him. Thanks Mr. Bow man for your example. Floyd Be van for many yenra clerk in the employ of the firm of Smith & Dnsenberry, nt Dingmans Pa. started a store nt Ejjypt Mills Pa. last spring, has now disposed of his business to CliiitonSmith of Wal pack, and rented the well known ho tel, known as the hnlf way bouse be tween Milford nud Port Jervis whi jh he will occupy after April 1st. The flrizzle of Sunday culminated in a heavy fall of rain lasting nenr ly through the night cnusing the streams to overflow their banks, but doing no damage that I am aware of. IN A WAGON. How a Circus Man Slept During i Season's Traveling. "I slept in a "wagon all summer,1 said Dolph Gessley, the well-known ticket seller of the Robinson Circus which has made Its seventy-flfth an Dual season of travel. Yes, sir, in wagon. The rest of the show people Blent in regular sleeping cars. Now you would think they had the best ot It, wouldn't you? Dut they aian t. My bed was made up in the wagon in which I sold tickets. Along th slfTfcs o( it are benches. I had a cot bed from which the lees were re moved. The benches had lids, and inside were boxes where the tickets and other stuff necessary were kept in one compartment I had the bed ding, in another towels and other toilet esentlals. After the count up at night I pulled down the cot top, got out my sheets and blankets and made tip my bed. Then I turned in, after folding up my clothes. The ticket wr Eon is a finely constructed affair, with platform springs, and rides likes a fashionable carriage. The "razor backs," or common laborers with the show, would, when tho time came to pntrnin. rim the wacon onto a flat rar nnri rhnrlr tha whf.plfl RfHMirplv The car has super-springs, and rides like a passenger coach. The cot top was laid across the aisle, of which the benches formed the sides, so there were three places to take up the mo tion the car springs, the wagon Bprings and the elastic cot webbing, I was as snuga as a bug In a rug. Ily leaving the windows in the rear open I got a fine breeze, and in the hottest nights was cool and comfortable, Many a morning I woke up to find the wagon on the circus lots miles from the depot. I slept so soundly that never felt the wagon being detrained or driven uptown. Then my wagon men would bring up water and my toilet was a matter of only a moment or two. Bathing? Why a man with circus can bath every day in the dressing tent. The folks in the sleep ing car had many discomforts. Any body that has traveled in a crowded Pullman car appreciates this fact. All want to go to bed at the same tim and get up together. The aisles are crowded with clothing and Impedi ments, and then there Is the snorin and talking that Is inevitable. Oh tell you, I was comfortable. Some of the razor-backs had a novel way bunking (or the night. They slept 1 hammocks, which were slung unde the wagons from axle to axle. I never tried it, but those who did tell me that it is exceedingly comfortabl lots of fresh air, you know. Curious ly enough, they didn't get wet, an the cinders don't fly under the wa ons. On dusty nights they get a littl of loose Mother F.earth, but not much as you would think. Nothing could Induce me to change my Gess ley palace sleeping car, as I called my wagon bed, for one of Pullman's make. I have privacy, room and comfort, and no sleeping car can boast of this triple advantage." Exchange. Tan Accidents a Day. The street accidents of London amount to about 3,500 a year nearly 10 a day. T. Armstrong & Co. Sccessors to BROWN & ARMSTRONG, Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Milford Pa. FEATHER DE09 AGAIN. hange In the Science and Practice of Bed Making. The sclr-nce snd practice of bed making has undergone a radical change In the pant few years. In new ly clone-over and decorated honnps. nothing could be more Imprpsslve, ore luxurious and more radical In Its parture from the hitherto accepted laws of hygiene than the new beds. 1 he model just now In tho houses here antique mahogany completely wepps evprything before It is the eorelan bed. Three could sleep, Ith an abundance of stretching room, ! in tne area inciosea oy tne iour mas sive carved posts of one of these big couches and three Distresses are re- ulred to bring the slepplng platform to the required height. One Is of hair, one of cotton, and in winter on op of thpse repose a mighty tick tuffed full of the best white goose feathprs. When these requirements re fulfilled the full-fledged Georgian ed Is dressed with great attention to etall and elpgance. Old brocade edged with bullion fringe Is used for the hangings and counterpane that weeps the floor, and the coat of arms of the owner Is carved on the head hoard of the couch. It Is not everybody who can lay ands on a genuine carved Georgian bed or dress It In antique brocade, hut even with the modern brass and lion hPd, curtnlns about the head and big feather-stuffed mattresses for win ter use are no longer a mere fashion, but are a general custom. For half a century the feather bed has been look ed upon very coldly by Experts In hy giene, but recently, both with regard to the hangings and the feather mat tress, a change of heart has come. nd delicate, nervous, neuralgic, rheu- mntlc women, and particularly elder ly persons, and those afflicted with in somnia has been recommended to takp the feather bed cure in the win ter. Queen Victoria Is one of the shin ing proofs of the efficacy of the feather bed. for where she goes a big tick full of feathers, In Its leather traveling Jacket, goes too, and always the cur tains are drawn about the head of the bed to shut oft any draughts. Queen Victoria and her doctors be lieve that the proper way to sleep in winter Is in a cold room luxuriously lapped In a nest of feathers that pre serve all the heat of the body and necessitates In the coldest weather a covering of only one pair of blankets and a down quilt, the modern bed. so called hygienic, requires more heavy covering than a pair of tired shoulders can stand, and a hair mat tress constantly dissipates the human heat Instead of conserving It, besides drawing away that priceless force. human electricity; at least this Is what advocates of the feather bed sny. All this drain the feathers prevent, the easily yielding surface they pre sent permits perfect relaxation of the muscles that can never be gained on a bed of even the best hair. With the coming of the eighteenth century type of Knglish bed the feather mattress was Introduced, and now there are numbers of women who have not only learned their virtues, but, like the Queen of England, travel about with their beds done up In leather cases, some of the rheumatics and sufferers from cold feet have pronounced them selves free from their afflictions when luxuriating among the feathers. Feather beds are coming into use as well In nurseries, and though for children the Georgia four-poster is not yet the fashion, the gayest beds are made to chime in with the schemes of nursery decoration. Charmingly carved and painted wooden beds are newly Introduced. else they have brass or sometimes silver let Into the dark wood in appropriate scenes and In scriptions. On the headboard of a light maple bed. Tor example will be painted a night scene of clouds across the moon and a flight of owls; on the footboard a line of caroling cocks greeting the sun typifies morning. N. Y. Sun. "Silencing a Gun." There Is a great deal of ignorance as to what "silencing a gun" means. A gun is silenced when tho gunners are disabled or driven back and the gun or guncarriage damaged. It Is a common enough phenomenon for weapons which have thus been sil enced to re-open fire after repairs have been made, the gunners rallied or a fresh crew obtained. It is a rare thing for a gun to be so damaged by hostile Are that it cannot be refitted and brought into action again. "1 saw," says Prince Kraft, of the Ger man artillery, In the battle of Grave lotto, "many guns during the cannon ade lying miserably on the ground 'winged,' that Is, with a broken wheel. But not one was withdrawn; the In jured guns were always quickly re paired with the help of the wagons which were near, so that after the battle I could not tell exactly how many pieces had been temporarily out of action." The Navy League Journal of London says this expert opinion should put a stop to Ignorant witticisms on the frequent silencing at Ladysmlth of "Long Tom," as the biggest of the Boer guns was called. The navy had day after day to look after this weapon and dose it with lyddite shells, but on each occasion the work was skillfully done. Army and Navy Journal. Wife in tha Shadow. It is only Binco Mr. Moody's death that Mr. Sankey has come out with the statement that the late evangelist's 8ucceaa waa due more to Mrs. Moody than to any other person. That ia of ten the case. The wife stands in the shadow furnishing the inspiration while her lord la out on the balcony in the sunshine getting the applause. Rochester Democrat and Chroniccle. An unknown man invaded the At lanta Constitution building the other day, and, discovering Frank L. Stan ton, the poet, leaped upon him and pulled most of his hair out. Perhaps the unknown thought that if he de prived Stanton ot his hair he would case to be a poet. Mobile Register. Julia Ward Howe's remarks aa to the degeneration of modern society, as compared with that of the old days, has occasioned a good deal of discus sion, but it seems to be due to the venerable and accomplished lady to say that they hava not yet been suc cessfully controverted. Boston Her aid. Pickerel books, linen and tip-ups at Walluoo s. 115.WV15 Iravorite Krtemcdy The one gure cure for J tte Sidneys, liver and Blood HURRAH FOR RUBBERS ! We don't mean the stretchy kind, but we do mean the ones that you will find easy work to make ONE PAIR STRETCH YOU LONGER Than any others you have worn. ATRIAL WILL BE CONVICTION KAN A New Store A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES. FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. Soaps, Perfumes, Proprietary Articles And Everything Usually Found in n First-Class Drug Store. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded H. E. Emerson & Co., 1355 tM Next Door to NEW YORK TRIWEEKLY TRIBUNE MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, PRACTICALLY A DAILY, AND THE CHEAPEST KNOWN. A new nnt remarkably attractive pub lication. piifiiR'ly illustrated with por traits and half-rouiM; contains all the striking news feature of The Dally Tri bune. Special War DeKpnlcheH, Domes tic and Foreign CtrreM,mlenee. Short Sto'ies, HumnrnuK Illustration. Indus trial Information, Fashion Not Agri- cultural Mil I UTS carefully treated, and Comprehensive nnd Reliable Financial and Market Reports. It Is mailed at same Hour as the daily edition, reaches a lairo proportion of subscri Iters on date of issue and each edition is a thoivHtghfy up-to-date daily famiiy newspafter lor busy peo ple. Regular subscription price, $1.50 Per Ye?r. Wo fiirnMi it with the PRESS . r $2.25 Per Year. Send all orders to PIKE COUNTY PRESS, Milford, Pa. 4 Win x all an WOOLEN and COTTON DRESS GOODS; WOOL and COTTON FLANNEL OUTINGS and FLAN NELETTES; BLANKETS, COMFORTABLES. HONESDALE FLANNELS a SPECIALTY. Underwear All Kinds and Sizes: LADIES' GENTS' and CHILDRENS' SHOES, RUBBERS, RUBBER BOOTS and FELTS. GRO CERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY and GLASS WARE. W. & G. MITCHELL, MILFORD, PA. Millinery Largest and finest selection of Mil linery. Onr designs are the latest, and prices lowest consistent with good work. COMPLETE LINE OF INFANTS WEAR. HAIR SWITCHES AND BANGS IN ALL SHADES. All orders promptly attended to and ' satisfaction guaranteed to all our pa trons. SALLEY & EN MS, " 79 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y. Great Clubbing Offer. The HikfLTounty Pkkh8 has ninriu HrrniiKOiiPiitti with the publisher of thVtrmoiit Kurm JoultWI" which euttbles ut to tnukt the must remarkable clubbiutf utfer ever b fore buttrtl of in this c;tiou. Hure it U. Pike Co. Press I vr. Vermont Farm Journal I yr. N. Y. Weekly Tribune i. yr. American Poultry Advocate I yr. The Gentlewoman I yr. Marion Harland's Cook Book. Ten Nights in a Dar Room. All for $2.00 Regular Price $5.50 Pike County PRESS, ' Renewals $2.25. Milford Peana, 21 Front St, Port Jervis. 'J reet. 'nla Hotel Fnuchere NEW . PUBLISHED ON YORK THURSDAY. WEEKLY For over fltty-ei(fht years a TRIBUN E N,"lonnl Family Paper for farmers and villager, whoso readers have represented the very beet element of our country population. It gives all important news of the Nation and World, the most ro! labia Miirket Re ports. Fascinating Short Stories, an un- excelled Agricultural Department, Scien tific and Mechanical Information, Fash ion Articles for the Women, Humorous Illustrations for old and young. It is The People's Paper" for "he entire Unit ed States. Regular subscription price, $1.00 Per Year. Wr fu. ni-li It with the PRKSS for $1.65 Per Year. Ler troods . Parlors