Successors to We are now Prepared to Please the Farmers and the Gei . iblic by being ready at all times to Accom modate them. Plenty of Water to run the Mill Day and Night if Necessary. . :. ' ', V A Full stock of the Best of Flouf Constantly on Hand. Seal of Minnesota is A No. I. Try it. Washburn's Gold Medal, Arnold's " Superlative. Feed, Meal, Mid dlings and Bran. Buck wheat F'our in its ' Season a Spe- . v . 1 ialty I I I Onlnrs left nt tlio Mill for delivery will ivnrivo ir mi pt nttetitimi. iiford Mllforcl, Pike DO YOU EXPERT TO BUILD? . THEN SEE A. D. BROWPI and SOfi, Manufacturer's kinds Contractors and Builders. Estimates made ; personal atten tion given and work guaranteed. OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pa, Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. It artificially dijeSIs the food and aids Vature In BtrenuthenlnR and recon structing the exhausted dlRcstive or gans It i the iulest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in etllrienr-y. It Id- Marlijffpjjfca,w4'ffifiww)..r(, lyNpeia, Indigestion, Heartburn, 6lckHeadaehe,Gastrnlvrla,Oramp.nnd all other resu I ts of i in perfect d i etion. Prepared by E. C DWlt". Co., CljK'aa'v T. Armstrong a Co.,: 5" Successors to BROWN & ARMSTRONG. ' A We offer a lino of now Spring Goods, f .......UNSURPASSED AND COMPLETE Our point 1h that you need not go away from lmme to supply all your needs, or to secure ' Iwrpiins. We export to satisfy yon In both particulars. DRY GOODS, now an.l stylish. ' GROCERIES, fresh' 3 . and good. HARDWARE, B(K)TS, SHOES, ANp CLOTH ING. "Any tiling in nny lino at bottom prices.- To accomplish this end wo have adopted a now eyk'.eni.-' All our prices are fixed on a basis, of cash payiiumt.' This obviates the necessity to allow it nuiriu for bad debts anil ''interest. To accinnmoilnto respoimililo "parties wo cliopr fully open monthly accounts, nnd expect prompt payment monthly, as our prices will not emtblo us to carry accounts longer. ' Statement rendered the first of every . month, anil if paid within three days from date of bill, a cash discount of 2 is allowed. The same discount given im all cash pur-, chases exceeding $1.00. Goods, sent out, will bo C. O. D. unloos otherwise previously arranged. T. ARMSTRONG & CO., Rrnwn'Q PnilHinor Milfnrd. P-1 W jT i V'- "-' tJ- ' iHWr ' w--rop. , V .-TyK 1 , " W. carry V ' S- vaiurd at Mm v o W own and occupy the talle-at mercantile buiUHng Jn the world. " We have over 3,000,000 customers, butt-en hundred citrus are couuntly enfiateii filling out-o(toin orii,er. . , - - - r . ' . OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the book of the people it quotes Wholesale Price to fc. very body, hut over s.ou page litustrstioaa. od 60,000 decripUon of articles with prices. It coots ?a eetua to print and mail each copy. We want you to have one,, your (oud filth, and we'll send you a ksMMiiHkd llll AM A , ."s!i.wiiHUUii.tni UKfiJUbU. . Chicago. . . ... Jervis Gordon Brands Co., Penna. ii Sling and dealers in ail of Lumber, Ta'5 e Dainties Fresh groceries. Cs.nncl goods. . ' Mcitts in every form. ' Turkeys and cliickenn. Oyster and vegetables. : Everything for an elegant miner at v ', GUMB ,S BROS. Harford St. Milford Pa. We receive from lO.UfiO to SEND flT-Kf- CENTS o hor ; j copy FREE, with all charge prepaid. MM Mlrkinaii Iwd lull M j rl lansk ttttt "V TALES OF GAMBLING. Pretty Lvely Games Said to Be Played In This Town. "There ti n fns1il"ii in L'nnilillnit, an In r-vci jHilns l'e." sin Id Mr. (). K. Hiinily. of New Vork, nt lllnrd'n,'' n til Just now the sp'irllint nice In (Jiilliiini li nil In the tllreci inn of rou lette, one lunrs n lot if linker .vnrin, lint ttiey are mostly Iwiirj- with nn ll'inlty, fur the hlc paine nf- sipieene played nonnilnys nru like visits of an gels. aI wrts tnlUiiiR Iq the proprietor of a dwell vntnhlliiK plnce in tlie heart of New York City the other ilny, mill he eoiifirnieil what 1 have saM as to the popularity of roulette. He has In IT'S place . faro. Incnint anil the wl eel, and he told me Hint out of twenty rim tumors nineteen played the wheel, a eooelitlve nhntt-lni? that hank and hue. enrnt had lioth heen mipersedi'rt liy the ni'iliKttve Eame of ronlette. As to po ker, lie doesn't countenance It In liia eHtnhlMinicnt, for the reason tliat It Is a tedlntiH way for the limine to make money, however larce Hie rake-olf. as compared with any of the other until -n, "lie told ine that It was a common thlti!; for men to come Into his place and liet him $."iitn to. $1 .iw on a single turn of the wheel, ilnd I know he v-ms tolling t tie friitli, for many of his pnt rons are known to me, and they are Bliinlivr tlie high-rollers of the city, w ho look on hcttiiiK $."oo about as tie- aver ase piker regards the risklnc of a 5" 2 note. Thi'T plhnsers like ronlette for two reasons they net quick action for their money, and they are satisfied that tlie liiinie Is absolutely sipinre. In the first place, though, the pcieeiitngn in favor of the proprietor Is not large, holng only S Fi 1!) In It Ml, it will heat the player in the long run and, there fore, there is no reason to operate a dishonest machine. Secondly, the whrt 1 Is constructed so that the lift In of its top displays the Interior, mil tlie presence of wires would he readily detected. Without wires there Is no chance for fraud. The hlpger tlie I.eH the hotter for he house, although fhere are times when tlie plunger will make the professional sick. "There lias heen so much crooked work done In haeCnrat and faro tic t both have steadily lost popularity. Of course, there are tlends at both, who will take the chanees on hehiK robbed, though I do not mean to Imply thai all hank enmes are of the skin varie ty.. To-day In New York a citizen witli sporting blood III his veins can get all tlie amusement he wants at swell es tablishments, where entertainment as luxurious ns any 1 lelmonieo can fnr nlsh Is provided gl ut is fur tlwse who feel disposed to try the tickle goddesi of fortune." Washington I'ost. GUIDE POSTS OF THfc BLIND. Sightless Man Telia How He U Helped to Make His Way About. There is n blind man living In ih heart of the old quartet who walks nearly' every day to a ittle res near Canal street, fi.vs the New ( r lenns Times IH-inocat. The (lis nnce each way Is fropi sixteen to twenty blocks, according to his route, and to see lilni. sannh'iliiR carelessly aloiig one would iM ei-siisieet his iniirmlty. Talking yos-torday with an liiquisi tlve reporter he declared that he saw with tils nose and feet, and this was the way lie explained it: "When a man has his sight," he snid, "the smells of the street are nil mixed up, but when he's blind he learns to separate them, 9'he smells of the shops are almost as 1 plain to me now as the signs used to 1 1.. 41. .l,.....a ,.F .1.,,,., would hardly suppoi-e to exist. Take a dry goods store, for instance. It sum lis of oloih, ami has a very peculiar odor. Iron and tin have smells of their own, and I can tell a hardware store Imme diately. 1 pass two book stalls neailv every day. and I scent them yards off by the old hooks. Then there are a Krent many indescribable odors by which I know this place and that. if course, my feet are my principal guide, .and I've beeu over the same ground so often that 1 have learned every In equality by heart, but I couldn't get along without either nose or feet nlo'.ie. They work together, and where one fails the other helps out. lietwion them they make very good eyes. The secret of my slopping out Is this: I've learned how to stop. I'eople.who can see hu'rl themselves forward like loio niotives. That's why the shock Is al ways so unexpectedly violent when yon collidn with another person. I put no extra power whatever in my move ments, and If ihe toe of my hoot touches some unknown obstacle I stop still Instantly." 't his Hever blind man leads a very . tranquil life. 'He has a small Income, and lives with a granddaughter. A ser vant Is hired especially to read to him every afternoon. Many of those wtio know hlin are unaware of his blind ness. - ' Wilmington Negro' Plea. T. C. Wilier, one of the negroes who last November Were driven out of Wil mington, N. ('., writes a letter to per sons there asking that he he allowed to return to1 wind up his business affairs. He rays he is summoned In a civil suit In tlie Superior Court and would lib rotnrtc trior It a n n a B.,n n rr like to return; that he was sent away November 10, lor things he was sup posed to have done or said, ami tor which he is now sorry: tiiat he owns over (1,000 worth of property in .Wil mington, and has lost over $1,000 by his nbsence: tliat he does not want to return to talk polities or things of the Kist. hut to remain a short while to attend strictly to his o n business, and begs the X'ople to grant this privilege. ..C, I. I.ockney, a great republican lawyer anil local pol tician there, who also left last November, lias returned. He Is the only one w ho has done so, with one exception, and Ihe hitter was given a solemn warning by a huge pnrtv to depart forever. Washing. ou l'ost. A New Invention. Electric capsules are one of the la test inventions. A comhlnatlon of 'chemk'ul has been invente'l, ani. ac cording to the company that munu factures It, a thrt-e-grain capsule of It put Into an ordinary battery cell wi!l ylefd enough eiectrk-lty to run a lrt candle power Incandescent Utht for one hour. There !h no more fatal blunder than he wlio oonuuies tfc- ;rea'er part of his life r'ttin hi? Ilrlnsr. You must get yniir - ' 18, litwn nnd tip-uiJ.- nmu'Ea The one sure cure for J The lidneys,l!.ver and Blood IN A SUBMARINE BOAT. Mishaps While Examining the Ground Under Lake Michigan, lilehard Iladdn'r, Inventor of the lladdalx submarine boat, and two in -pincers employed by lilin for Mir r k i'1-itlou of his craft, had a thrllng rod dangerous experience In trfike Michigan last Saturday, from the ef fects of which neither he, his nicu. nor his boat, fortunately, suffered any Injury. Kor some weeks past Mr. Had 'ata has been engaged in a survey of I c bottom of Luke Michigan, off the I ar bor enttnnee. To the souihiiist and about half a mile from the harbor en trance, there lies In the lake bet om a rod clay bank. Beyond and aioimd it Is a clean, sandy bottom, varying in depth from twenty-five to ttlty-tlve feet. Near the bank last Saturday Mr. ItaddatK sank his boat la what pi-overt afterward to be a depression in the bottom. fMtppovbifr that the ttionml was comparatively level, he- ordered the craft ahead, when suddenly she thrust her pointed prow Into a submar ine hank. The craft was niovlne at a sliced of about four miles an hour, and the shock of the collision was sullh-irut to throw the occupants of the bout with unpleasant force against the object in front of them. The boat was stuck f ist ami it was only after half an hour's churning of the propellor that Bhe was loosened. The some day the boat was lowered to tlie bottom about three miles from shore In a line directly eastwatd from the harbor entrance, upon what proved later to be a dark clay of an adhesive consistency. When an attempt was made to raise the boat, she would not move, to the consternation of the in mates. Here they were caught longer than at the other spot. Investigation showed that no Injury had lieen done the machinery, and that everything was apparently In working order. It appeared that the craft had been per mitted to rest too heavily npon the sticky clav, and was being held fast. The operation of the propellor, which Is driven by new ahd powerful ma chinery In tiie boat threw up the mud in a dark cloud about the boat, and she finally lifted clear of tlie dangerous bed, wtdlc her Inveutor proceeded at once on Ids return to the dock In the Klnnlcklnnlc Itlver. The surveys taken by Mr. ItaddatK, the tirt extensive ones lie had made, show that for about three miles from the harbor mouth there lies a clay bank on the bottom of the lake, al though the surround n: lau 1 l-i sand bottom. Apparently this clay was de posited where It lies by scows or washed there by the Milwaukee Itlv er. To the northeast Is a rock bottom coverins a large area. This Is near the Intake tunnel. The water there Is clear ns crystal and the rocky bottom plain ly visible. About three miles out the water has an average depth of tlfty nve feet. Milwaukee Sentinel. Paris Beggar Hire "Families." The police have just arrested outside the fashionable church of l.a Trlucte several professional beggars, . all of them accompanied by children ,o' whom they were not the parents. There are certain recognized centres for this abominable trnltie, and a reg ular tariff Is In operation al these child markets. The trade Is by far the brisk est In winter. In ordinary times, when no special holiday Is in progress, a child of from live to ten years may IV had cheaply, the current charge being elghteenpence a day or two shillings If the weather is very cold. arms or those who can only just tod dle are more expensive, fetching dou ble and treble this sum. On Christmas Day and New Year's Day, when box pars lire practically not Interfered with by tlie police nnd reap their richest harvests, the prices are much higher. As much ns a sovereign has to he paid on these special occasions for "a baby only a few months old, and even this sum is exceeded in the case of the hapless little creatines who are 111, and who are thus likely the mole rend lv to move tlie passer-by to pity. Older children on these holidays may be hired for eight Riiilllnas. If the bepgar continues at work throughout the nlng he has to supply the child With supper. He also has to undertake to pay for a doctor if his victim should fall 111 from exposure. Pall Mall iti ss ette. j Beggar Jim Was Rich. .Tames Orayson, a former Missourian, who has heen lh-ine in the Osage In dian country nearly a quarter of a century, and who whs thought to be quite poor, died last week. He lived iu a small hut, 10 feet by 12, and had a wife. His apartments were very tlin fry And he always went ' shabbily dressed, and was really a beggar ev erywhere he went, lie was known as "ltetrirar Jim." 'fhhfs d.athlel he called his wife to Ids liedside and whis pered something to her, and after death the feather bed on which he died was cut open and iflO.OOO in gold ta ken out. Hinctf that time other money and some valuables have heen dis -hv-erei In Ornyson's private boxes. His wife says on account of her hu-band's alleged poverty, she went scanti'y dressed for n:ney years, and als bun j grr ,ndess, wjtI1 'her OWn hands she - .... ... worked for food and clothing or solici ted among the neighbors. St. I.ou a Glebe-Democrat. - A Competent Witness. I'nlted Stntes District Judge Wll Hams, now holding court in Topeka, tells a funny story. Years ago he was a district Judge Ini Arkansas. At a certain term of court a murder trial came before hlin, and the most impor tant witness for the priecnticn wan a colored hoy only in years old. The law yers for the defence set out to show that the boy was too young to under stand the nature of an oath, and there fore was not coinpient as a witness. ''Boy," said one of them severely, "do you know what would happen If you swore to a lieV "Yes, sah. Mummy would lick me." "Would anything else happen'" "Deed dey wuuld, , case tie debbil would pit me." . At this point Judge Williams leaned over his desk and said Willi pretended sternness: "Don't you know, boy, that I would get you too?" "Yes. sail, tint's what I Jus' said." Kansas City Journal. "pjre yer hair Is falling trtghtfully. You'll be bald soon If It kapes on." "KBlth, I'll be bhl.ler still If It don't kape on." Melhoui ne Weekly Times. "Olio Minute Cough Cure i.i tin best remedy I ever used fur oi.ul'Iis and coldsj. It is unoqiiaihsl for whooping c ni'li. Children all Ilk. it," writes If. N. Williams, (h-ntrv villw, Iud. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that, gives immediate, results. Cures cousins, enlds, hoarseness, rroun jinen ne. nia, bronchitis and all thr-'af ami lung trembles. Its early Use prevents ooiisumpUoil.- THE PARIS EXPOSITION. How Our National Interest Will 6 " Cared Fof. There is a distinct difference he tMccn the methods pursued at the Chicago Kxposition of ISh3 and those which must direct the participation of ihe I'nlted Plates ill the fe hcomlng l ulls Kxposition. At the C ilnnihian Kvpesitioti we assisted foreign nations in exploiting the products of their res pective countries, and stood In the ca pacity of host; but In KiiNl the United States Is a guest of France and a vis iting nation, and exploits its resource and advancement in a foreign country. The space areas for exhibits at Car ls are so Ilinlteil tliat the most extreme nnd caieful condensation and selection of exhibits Is found necessary In each inottp. Kvery efrort Is being made to Hud the best In every class, lu order that our national hile'ie.-iis may be fit ly represented. The law confers a wide (Msi nthn on the C(,mndssi.ner-Oener-ii I iu this regard, and I Isdieve it Is our duty to exploit the tuition's pro ducts ntid resoorres from a natloi al standpoint, selecting Hie best In every field, rather than to exploit merely In dividual interests, though of cour-e absolute justice nnd Impartiality must lie given: and III this work of selection there will be no sectionalism, but due consideration w 111 be extended to every portion of our country In our national display. This commission has three headquar ters, at Chicago, New York nnd i nri -. Ihe heads of departments, so far ns possible have been centered nt the Chicago otllecs, although the h pay ments of Agriculture. Kdueatiou and K Ine Arts and Textiles are n ines' nt- d by their respective Directors nt Wa h ingion. New York, Albany and J'.os;o i. France hns been liberal toward t i country In the matter of space In com parison with other nations. There will be- appioxlmately liftv-sU nations win will exhibit nt the Paris Kxp)sl h.:i this year. The construction of the Amcrlcru Pavilion was begun last summer. JU dome will rise 1U() feet above the Heine. Exhibit annexes will be built to r.dd to our space In Agriculture, Fore -tries, Liberal Arts, and Navigation. In which latter department a branch of the I'nhed States Weather Huieau wl I be displayed In all Its workings. Various states hhve made special an preprint Ions though the Kxpositl-in will lie distinctly international, and separate recognition cannot lie given to titntcs or sections of nations. Call fornlu. New York and Massachusetts have already made appropriations which will be used to aid exhibitors of those states lu their displays. While t lie American may feel more nt home In the I'nlted States National Huihling nt the Kxposition, he must not expect to find in this place any of the Amer ican exhibits, as the French classifica tion under eighteen groups p o vhles for the assignment of Spnie to every large nation in the vnrious ex hibit buildings where each separata group Is located. The I'nlted States exhibits will be distributed according ly. ' As the grounds within the city lim its have not appeared ade unite to meet the demands at Yincennes, where the r lllrond e.vhlblts from all nations will be lns'alleil, athletic comp.-tltions will he held hee. all sports encouraged, and fhere will be a special celebration of Olympian gaipes. A special track will be provided for trials of automo biles and bicycles. There will be cils played a magnificent American vesti bule railway train, in addition to Am erican bicycles. American automobiles, a workshop for tool machinery, ar,e slan well and oil well appliances, agri cultural Implements, and perhaps twenty American locomotives. Ilo:i. Ferdinand V. Peck, In Frank Leslie's Popular .Monthly. Strange Beasts' Flesh as Food. It may be doubted whether we do not lose much from the gastronomic point of vlevbyonrover-fastldlousne s In eating. One who has recently exper imented upon the tlesh of strniige :mi mals says that the crocodile, tlio gh tasting somewhat of musk, is yet far from unsavory 'meat. Klephant's foot Is a delicacy well known to African travellers, aud tho flesh of lions is said to taste well, differing therein from that of the tiger, which is dry and full of nerves. The rhinoceros is said to furnish a sort of cross between pork and beef, while all are agreed that the monkey Is capital eating, nnd better thnn the best rabbit. The op-s-sum and the kangaroo only require to lie known to be appreciated, while the ' tlesh of the seal, though rather dark, is extremely nutritious, and. above all, very digestible. All these animals which, although unfamiliar to most of us'have in themselves nothing repulsive or unsightly. When we come to hear that locusts are at least as good eating ns shrimps, and tliat nlne lentlis of the potted lobster In cii dila tion is made from oetopods, we think It well to drop the curtain. There are some mysteries which should not he pried Into too closely. Pall Mall tiaz ette. The Best Horseradish. So too poopht care for nothing hut lemon on raw oysters, but there are others who desire horseradish. I'sually such folk regard the strongest horse radish as the bent, but an experienced vendor Of the condiment, Peter O'Neill, of Castle Valley, pooh poo lis this point of view. "Why should the- stioug horseradish be considered good?" says h."lr brings tears to your eyes and lifis the top of your head off and piakes yon want to sneeze. It has no taste whatever. The mild horseradish that which has stood a' while, is the best and pleasantest always. There is nothing so foolish as to think tliat the strong, biting, kind is tlie fresh thai is tlie reasi n why It is preferied to tlie mild, sort for the very at a 'est, weakest horseradish can he made in twenty minutes strong enough to blow your head off. All you need to do is to add salt to It. Try this some time. Just take nny old horseradish, dump hi up. sinful of salt aud then notice tlie difference. I don't know why salt should have such a powerful elt'i ct en tlie stuff, hut no doubt a chemist could tell you that." Philadelphia Kecord. Unappreciatefl Vocalist. Clara (au amateur vocalist) If you had my voice whst would you do with it? Maude I don't l:now, dear but I be lieve I would give it holiday till the man came round, then I would have It tuned. Pearson s. I was nearly dead with dyspep sia, tried doctors, visited mineral 0rin,.n,- nnd prew worse. I u-mmI Kodol ilyiiepsiiD cure. That cured mo.'" It dmests what you eat, cures indigestion, sour stomach, heart burn and all forma of dys) epsia. - ttnrs)- may l8 kejit free frutn Coiio if Orni pa Kluctrio Food is Oc-r-asionully ji'veii to tlicm. Fur sale it T. Armstrong'n. (;ji) F1ASLH0A0 TIME TABLE. Corrected to Date. Polhl Pullman trains to HufTalo, Nlag Knlls, Chaiitaiiipin Lake, Cleveland, Chicago and ( ireinnatl. TK'kols on side nt Port. Jeivis to nl! points in tl,e West nod Soiuhwc: nt lower rates Hum via any other first-class lino. TliAINS NOW l.KAVK 1'OllT Follows. KASI'WAlti). JRIIVIS AS No. 1:?, Ilnily K' presK St 21 ; hi. Ilnily l,niesH 5 ei 1''. Daily K.xcept .snmlny , . t) -.'11 '.'x. " " " ' 7 4ii fitm, Sunday Only 7 4f its. Daily Fxcop't Sitcdnr.. in 07 li. Daily Win- Train ...,'.. . p f,i :to. V) i'V-i-e t. Sunder., ii :.'7 t. Daily Kxpress 4 ss Ceil', Hominy Only 4 no N. Daily Kxpi'css 6 '.'0 IH. Sunday only 5 45 sii Dally Kxcept Sunday.. fid I I. Daily Hi 00 WKSTWAKl). it, T)a!lv Express 17, Daily Milk Train I, Daily K.-xpress II, Im, 1 ilo 111,11- h pt Sun . tt. 1 .deal K.xci pi Sunday i!7. Daily i'.xccpt Sunday.. 7, Daily Kxiiress No 13 MA M 8 Oti 11 !W ' l 111 P. M. u 5 Oil " 10 If) " Trains leave Chambers street, New York for Port .lervis 011 week (lavs nt 4 (10, 7 4ft, (IKI. (lift, 11) llll A. M. 1.(10, H.(K). 4 :fo, 0 an, 7 .V, S) Iti r. m. On Sund ivs. 1 10. 7 :sn. 0 00. tt lo a. in.; 12 Ho. 00 7 Wiaml 9.15P. M. I. I. Rolierln. General I'niwnR-cr Agent, New Vork, "THE - YAZOO" We nro 1:( uilfimii tors for oils, Toys and Games, Story Eooks, Christ mas Tree Trimmings. Our selection is now the best, and on can get just what you want. on't V ait, Visit Us Ear y . Do not delay 'lint avoid tlio r i.lm lust days. When 111 vis walk 111 it lid look around "THE - YAZOO," 94 Pike Street, Port Jervis "Formerly Wells' Bazaar.' f(S IF VOV7 WANT (- KENTUCKY W H I SKY- ORDEB IT FPOM KENTUCKY. SEND US $ 31? AND WE WILL SHIP YOU 4 FULL QUARTS Of Trie CELEBRATED OLD sV II ' (To sny point m U.S. East of Dsnvsr) Securely pecked without marks indicating content! IT WAS MADE IN OLD KENTUCKY AUG.COLDEWEY&CO. -S N 131 W. MAIN ST. S LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. EST 1848 - PtFERtNCe-ANV LOCAL BAH K T'1!l''-MWy Automobiles. The (re of horelei vebtrlen in nrtimlly here. Such iuu-nte ami i: vernal int-pret hh oot been shown in anvtlu .? i-tnre Itt-U Telephouv. Every one want- to heitmoiiirthe tti lUf own no autuintlik-; everyone want to hare in th eiu'rmoiitf prollu of the bUbUieus. iiy Beuiliug a muiiii to the Strathmorc Automobile Co. 1 Beacon Street, Boston You rnn fln-i out all n ImutH. Th-y Will tell tou ' liuw mi itiii r-tmi e In the m-I)U. A limited amount of ineir liea-tiry Htttrk it offered fttr pale. Tiio- who wi-li to Mime in the frreat divhleuti iure t (iitUi -lniulil write at om.e as the im h e of tlie htock will he advum-eil rap. hllv. V.verv block huh ter will le trlven soeciul ler'uit for tlie pmchaoe of au auto mobile fur bU owu use. The Stratlimore la one of the verr flrt In the flehl, Id Uie bel vehicle mte, hiuJ lit Urtt kei by uicu ut Ui big le l cuuracier aud Ability. I I Pi" ii'f . PETERS' NEW RESTAURANT AND CAFE No. 9 Front St., P. J. Everything to Eat & Drinlc Oysters and clams UIIIK' a Specialty. PETERS. EVERY HOUR Is an effort - put forth to. deserve, obtain and retain your pationage. GOME with your very best . $10 suit thoughts and se cure one of these MeiVs W i n t e rjS u its at$6.98. t Broken jlois of Men's Winter Ov ercoats reduced to less than cost. GUNNING & FLANAGAN, Cor. Front and Sussex St's. Port Jervis N. Y. S.0J 99 S-f SD SB r. ft a s a r w er. S'3 E a 2 IS SB'S ' "rS C5" fcS sTS'gS- to 3,2 i a 1 9 t c ET s 3 5is- w . 10 a 5t o M . S' I t "2 " " 9 tr ST r- pro 8 For estimates call on or address. -J. C. PRESCOTT. Mstsmorss Pa. Stoves and Ranges. THE Round Oak For Wood and Coal. Best Heater and Fuel Saver in tlie Country. Now Era Radiators, Two FIrss In on rl A ROW ARK. Cl'TXERY,, TIN, AGATE WAKE, Kit. riN ROOrtNOAND PLUMBINO A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to T. R. Julius Klein RROA D KTREET MILFORD. PA AGENTS WANTED In Every County to Supply -the great popular demand for AMERICA'S WAR FOR HUMANITY TOLD IN PICTURE AND STORY, COMPILED AND WRITTEN BY Senator John J. Ingalls, Of Kansas. Tim most, brilllnntly written, moat pro- fuM-ly and nrtiHiically illustrated, and inohC tntt-utiely popuiitr book uu the sub ject of Uie war wall Spain. Nearly 2G0 Superb Illustrations from Phototographs. taken specially for this great work. Ageiits ant making If) to $1U0 s week selling II. A T.-rttiible bonanza for live oaiiTauwera. Apply fur description, terms aud territory at onue to N. B. Thompson Publishing Co. ST.LOUIS.MO Orw-VCISy.