Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, January 19, 1900, Image 1

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    Coara. Office Nov 1 19
NO. 10.
(From Our Regular CorfespnnoVnt )
Washington, t.C, Jan. 8th. 1900.
The Roberts report will go to the
House this"week, unci there isn't
the slightest doubt that Roberts will
go back to Utah, a -wiser, If not a
happier man.
Much of the testimony tnken by
the Senate Committee On Elections
in the Clark bribery case has been
sensational, but little of it has been
couvincing either one way or the
other. A number of the witnesses,
by making statement before the
committee, directly contrary to
those made by them to a Montana
grand Jury, have shown that they
ought to be prosecuted for perjury.
The testimony of the whole bunch
made it verj plain that the talk of
using money both for nnd against
Clark, was freely indulged in by and
among members of the Montana
legislature, just previous to Clark.s
election, and there is little doubt in
Washington that it was used, too ,
but no unprejudiced man expects
that the charge of bribery will be
proven against Clark. Bribery is
one of the most difficult crimes to
prove, for t o very simple reason
that neither briber is apt to convict,
themselves nor to carry on the
transaction in the presence of a
third party.
Mr. Or. M. Lambert-son, who, in
addition to being one of Nebraska's
loading lawyers, is an authority on
state politics is in Washington on
legal business. In answer to ques
tions on the political outlook in the
state, lie said he was absolutely
certain that the next legislature,
which will elect two Senators, will
be republican.
Mr. F. B. Shepard, who is U. 8.
Commissoner at St. Michaels, Alas
ka wiys the notion ofPres. MeKinley
in making Alaska a military divis
ion, under command of Gen. Randall'
will be joyful news to the law abid
ing residents of that territory, as
under exfsting conditions the civil
authorities are powerless Biid mili
tary authority is absolutely neces
sity to divide It into two territories.
The House Commicteo on In
terstate and Foreign Commerce. will
favorably report ChnirmoiiHepburns
bill providing for the construction
of the Nioaragua Canal, by this
government, as goon as the required
territory is acquired from Costa Rica
and Nicaragua, and Mr. Hepburn
thiuks the bill will pass tho House
at this session. That the sentiment
of the House favors the bill is un
questionably true, but the desire on
the part of some members to wait
for the report of the Canal Com
mission, which will be available
next winter, may prevent action
at this sessiou.
To Face Heresy 0 bargee.
Rev. Dr. Arthur C. McGiffert,
of New York, has been cited bv the
Presbytery of N. Y. to appear before
that body Febl2th and plead to the
Accusation of heresy ' made against
bim. One charge is that he pub
licly denies the fuda mental doc
trine of the immediate inspiration
by God, and the truthfulness and
authority of the Holy Scripture as
set forth in the confession of faith
and the Scripture itself, and another
that be denies the infallible author
ity of Scriptures by discrediting or
contradicting statement of its writ
era by teaching that the authors of
Holy Scripture contradict each
other, or that Scripture contradict
Scripture, aud by denying the
gonuineness, truthfulness and
authority of portions of the gospel
according to John and the dis
courses of our Lord as they 'are co-n
talned in said gospol .
Brave Men Fall.
Victims to stomach, liver and
kidney troubles as well as womeu,
and all feel the results in loss of ap
petite, poisons iu the blood, back
ache, nervousness, headache and
tired, listless, run down feeling.
But there's no need to feel like that.
Listen to J. W. Uardner, Idaville,
Ind. Ho says: "Electric Hitters
are just the thing for a man when
lie is all run down, and don't care
whether he lives or died. It did
more to give me new strength and
good j",ietite than anything I could
take. I can now eat anything (Hid
bave a new lease on life." Onlr
BO cents at C. O. Armstrong's drug
store. Every bottle guaranteed.
The modern and most effective
troubles the famous little pilia
J i;otii rs Dewitt's little early risers
Gus Deberble and wife visited in
town recently.
Dr. R. G. Borckloy was visited by
his brother last week.
Horace E. Kipp, of Wilsonville,
Pa., was at Milford Tuesday.
County Supt. Sawyer visited the
public si h -ols here yesterday,
Rev. C. B. Carpenter will spend
next week in the city of New Yoik.
Leon Scbanno who had been make-
ing a visit in N. Y. returned home
Auust Motz Sr., of Dingman Tsp.,
will spend the balance of thd winter
in New York.
Miss Annie Kipp spent a day re
cently with the family of G. 11. Mc
Carthy in Dingman.
Ex-county commissioner Jas 11.
Heller has been spending a few days
in Scranton this week.
Bertha Williamson has been visit
ing Mrs. J. C. Price, her aunt, in
Branchville for several days.
Miss Anna Schuuno will leave Jan
23d for a visit to friends in Europe
to remain during the winter.
P. N. Bcmrniqne, wife and Mrs.
Shcror returned homo Monday from
attending the funeral of Frank Lud-
Susie Seeley who has been wak
ing a protracted visit with friends
in New York returned homo hist
Chas. B. McOarty and wife of
Ravmondskill are at present in New
York where he will take a course in
Louis Cbattillon, of Dinginun
Tsp., who has been in New York
tor several days returned home
Miss Addie Scott, of Port Jervis.
who has been visiting her friend
Ann Bilker since Jan. 1st returned
home Monday.
L. Sohanuo and Esq. Canne re
turned from a visit to New York Fri
day. While there they witnessed
a pugilistic contest.
William A. Shafor Esq., of
Stroudsburg, has been in Milford
this weok on business connected a
mercantile agency.
John C. Warner and wife aro now
at Punta Gorda, Fla. They will not
go to Cuba on account of the quar
antine at Havana.
Hon. W. E. McCormick, of Port
Jervis, well known in Milford, is
not in good health, being afllicted
with a serious throat trouble.
Mrs. Percy Lyman and children
who have been visiting her mother
Madam Tissot for u couple of weeks
returned home to New York Sat
urday. Dr. H.E. Emerson will visit New
York next week on business aocom
panied by D. H. Hornbeck. v They
expect to visit tho Automobile and
bicycle exhibition.
A number of Milford people have
enjoyed the flue sleighing this week,
among those visiting Port Jervis
wore C. O. Armstrong and family,
Dr. Emerson and wife and M. Arm
strong and wife.
Hon. J. J. Hart having disposed
of the Dispatch will visit Florida in
search of relief from a persistent
malady winch has for some time
seriously troubled him.
Charles Scbanno left last Sat
urday for a visit in the South.
Ho will siiend a few days at
Old Point Comfort Va and in North
Carolina. Wm. Travis, of Monta
gue, accompanied him.
Runaway Accident.
D. 15. Olinstead's hoixe, to w hich
was attached a sleigh in which his
wife and child weie cowing to town
last Saturday, rundown Harford St.
but kept in the loud until opiosite
Dr. Custis house when it cnine in
contract with a tree with such vio
lence us to break its neck. The oc
cupants of the sleigh were thrown
out and fortunately but slightly in
jured, nor was the sleigh much dam
aged. Railroading- Patent.
A sinylo firm of Patent Lawyers,
d. A. Snow & Co., of Washington,
D. C, have in the last year procur
ed l,6;iU patents for their cliimts,
many of them for rejected inven
tions. C. A. Snow & Co have been
sccused of railroading patents
through the Patent Otliee, but they
insist that this locomotion is better
than ox-cnrting them for by the lat
ter process the inventor often dies
before be gets bis patent.
3T Advertise in the Phkss.
Lnldes Aid Society ot the Presby
terian church wet Tuesday afternoon
at the paisonage.
Dr. Johnson said "perfection is
composed of a' multitude of trifles,
but jierfection is no trifle."
Sabbath woi nliig next the collec
tion in the Pieslivteriuii church w ill
lie for aid of Foreign missions.
A warrige license was granted
Jan. 12 to Samuel .1. Frick and Esther
C. Dunning both of Greene Tsp.
John Hant'A had the misfortune
a few days ago to lose a fine Gordon
Setter, but has recovered the (loir.
George P. VanWyck who ha
been quite ill with gastritis at. bis
home in Washington is now reci-v-ering.
Reverends NefT, of the Milford M.
E. Church, and Hurley, of Haines
ville, N. J., exchanged pulpits lust
Sunday. 1
Jas. Christian and family are ar
ranging to occupy their new homo
at the upper mill where he is em
ployed. Miss Emily Cornelius, who some
weeks ago was severely injured I y
a fall, is making fair progres toward
Fred Bertboud has rented hi i
house on upper Harford St. to Mr.
Hildebrand who will occupy it if
fer April 1st.
The iron work for the county liir1
bridge at Cromwelltown near Iluw
ley arrived Inst week, and probably
by this time is in position.
A large fire in Hawley last 8und::y
night near the centre of tho toAii
destroyed over 1(30,000. worth i f
property. Five two story buildings
were burned.
Wesley Rodgers, of Hawley, Pa.,
was found dead on his engine Lift
Saturday about one mile west of
Lackawaxen. Heart failure was
1 rohably the cause.
John Dotrick, of this Bnrnngh,
has taken an agency for lubricnting
oils, axle grease, etc., and is pre
pared to sell to farmers and others
in largo or small quantities.
Services wo.e continued in the
Piesbylei inn chinch here during this
week, sufficient Into est In the meet
ings having been manifested to en
courage the extra eft'oVis being wade.
A. C. Janscn of Stroudsburg died
at bis home Friday Jan. 5th n:.d
about 56 years, of typhoid fever.
He was for many years an express
agent and latterly in the fruit busi
ness. It is reported that Floyd Bevans,
of Egypt Mills will succeed Maurice
S. Quinn us proprietor of Ibe Half
Way House In West fa H, Ap'il 1st,
HiiiNhiit Mr. Quinn will reside in
When John Beck was returning
irom his farm in Scliocopee Monday
nisfht the colt he drove ran all the
way home and near the hotel npset
the sleigh, bringing up ngainst the
barn and breaking the shafts.
A flock of dippers disports them
selves in an open space in the river
below town, and apparently enjoy
life playing with each other like a
lot of school boys, They are not
edible and should not be wantonly
Frank Ludcy. who some two years
ago married Meitn. a daughter of
Dr. C. S. Ryman, of Summit N. J.,
died last week of typhoid fever, leav
ing his wife and a smalt child to sur
vive. P. N. Bouinique and wife
and Mrs. Jennie Shc'-ec, of Milford,
attended bis funeral last Thuisday.
Judge Thomas, in the criminal
branch of the U. S. Circuit Conit
Jan 12th, sentenced L. E. Gold
smith late Asst Cashier of the
National Bunk of Port Jervis, to
eight years imprisonment in Sins
Sing. Commutation will reduce this
to' five years aud four months
The County Auditor finished their
work last Saturday, occupying about
! twelve days in making the settlement
They were prompt and faithful in
their lalsirs and somew hat curtailed
the usual time employed In the work
to which eewnomy taxpayers will
say, uweu.
Charles M. Swuyze, of Walker
lake, died very suddenly Friday
winning Jan. 12th. He had been
to tho barn and returned to the house
w ith the horses bridles to waiiu the
frosted bits, and sat down in a chair,
when dentil came swiftly, and he t?.t-
piicd without a struggle. His wife
and several children survive. The
funeral w as held Sunday, Rev. Thus.
Nichols oftleiating and the remains
were Interred In Woodtown cenie-
I tery.
Some weeks ago a Port Jervis
dominie nn wittingly- entailed a lot
of misery on Sonny Greening i-y
joining him in the bonds of holy
wedlock to MisSj.Villoughby Black
of Montague N. J. Not long after
the mukiug of the two one.the brides
mother attempted to persuade- her
to Ijjave the bed ana board of her
newly made husband, but was not
successful. Later however the bride
was induced to go homo on th re
presentation that her mother was
ill. For some days thereafter she
was not at home to callers and Sonny
employed eminent counsel in N. J.
to right, his wrongs and tind bis
wife. It was understood that on
her return he was to. be informed
and grunred an interview which
was to decide his fate for she would
then choose, between Rattlesnake
aud New Jersey. She arrived home
last week, aud last Tuesday Sonny
went over to cuiry his bride in
triumph to his mansion, Alas; she
coldly greeted him with the an
nouncement that she did not wish to
see his face or fonn, and then swooned
and was suddenly, touseSonnys force
ful English, yanked in an other room
and out of his sight, and as he turned
he was greeted by an assortment of
Jersey justice embodied iu the per
sons of several constables with a war
rant of arrest for assault a nd buttery.
Sonney got away from the minions
of the law, and lost no time in cross.
ing the river back to Pike, at which
safe distance he can brerthe out
threatening and slaughter, and de
molish in one breath the whole
Sussex constabulary. But his wile,
that was of his bosom, but is now of
Montague, has not yet signified her
willingness to return and be to! given
and if Sonny revisits the state of the
Pennsylvania rail road he may per
haps be compelled eather to give
bail or sojorun for a season in the Sus
sex county jail. These are hard lines
for a young and ardent groom and
he way well pause and wonder win t
It was begun lor if it was so soon
done for.
Sunday School Week.
Sunday School Week now known
throughout the countiy as the "Phil
adelphia Movement," and is being
widely copied in other gi eat cities.
It is the most energetic, wisely plan
ned, and successful effort yet made to
capture a gieat city for Christian
work. By the union of all Sunday
School forces in great sections of the
city, a series of mass meetings after
temoon and evening for a w hole week
ore held, five or wore eveiy day, en
gaging a great and notable company
of speakers and institute teachers.
These District mass meetings con
verge on the County Convention held
on Saturday ifhd on Decision Day on
the Sabbath. The- "Sunday School
Week" this year is planned for Jan
uary 21st and 28th. Pittsburg is ar
ranging for such a movement in May
and Reading has the "Week," Jan
uary Hth to lHth. Think of two
hundred Sunday Schools engaged in
evangelistic efToi t on the same day!
Three thousand souls probably, were
brought to Christ In Philadelphia on
that day last year. Ciicuhus, fee,
on Decision Day, way lie had f oni
StaieS. S. headquarters, 913 Crozer
Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
Nomination for Justice.
It has been a soma what un
determined question as to the proper
time within which to file certificates
of nomination for justice of the
peace, whether the of file is a state
office and the nominations should
be filed at Harrisburg or whether a
township or borough office and they
should be filed with the county com
missioners. If the former then the
certificate should be filed 28 days be
fore election and if the latter then
18 days. The question has been
decided both ways in the lower
courts, and the state Department
to avoid controversy ad vises that
such nominations should be m i l.)
prior to Jan 23 a mLthe certificate fil
ed iu the Department, no later than
that date. A certificate should also
be filed with the commissioners bo
fore Feb. 2 to avoid a question.
Working Night and Day
The busiest and mightiest little
thing that ever was made is Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Every pill
is a sugar-coated globule of health,
that changes weakness into strength
listlessuess into energy, brain-fag
into mental power. They're wond
erful iu building up the health.
Only 25e per box. Sold by C . O.
Buit-fbsh nets at Wallace's.
Our government claims to be Dem
ocratic. Its laws ore supposed to be
made in accordance with the wish
;'.nd will of flie people. Asa people
we hold tenaciously to the theory of
popular icpresentatioti. Any planer
suggestion to cut off from this divine
privilege any class, large or small,
would be wet with such a storm of
opposition as is rarely seen. Its advo
cate would be denounced as an enemy
of. our institutions, as a traitor to hu
man rights, and his measure would
lie struck dead by that fatal word,
"unconstitutional" and buried for
ever lienoath the avalanche of public
And yet in this Hand of the free
and home of the brave," in this year
of our Lord 1!MI0, in an age of en
lightenment, progress, thioughtand
t nth. In this fiee, educated, Demo
c atic America, our nation is hug
ging to its bosom an Inconsistonc;
and on absurdity, In Its continual ri
f.isal to entrust with the privilege
tiie right, the duty of the ballot, woi
tliun one half her citizens.
The ignorant foieiner, knowing
little or nothing of our free iustitu
t!( ns, can vote. He can help say
w hat our laws shall lie. The educat
ed woman, boin and luiscd here,
trained, it way be, in our higher in
stitutions of learning, with the broad.
p;ogiessive, enlightened views, must
lie dead as a mummy on election day.
The tramp, whiskey-soaked and
t .hacco-cured, way drag his lags
back to his native town and sell his
wite on election day for a few drinks
of poor whiskey, hut the noble-hearted,
pure-minded mother must sit
itill with as little influence as a stat
ue, while the tramp helps to wake
laws which way wake her boy a
tramp too.
The low ward politician, who keeps
tho "dirty pool polities" as muddyas
possible in order that he, with other
reptiles, way wake a dirty living,
bus a voice and vote, but the noblest
woman in all the land stands Is-fore
the law as a nonentity, while he is
If there is a bare-faced adsurdity
anywhere on earth which exceeds
this, will someone, somewhere have
the goodness to point It out? We
say to womanhood:
"You shall olicy our laws, if you
steal, we will iwprision you, if you
kill, we will hung or electrocute you;
if you own property we will
lax you, but we will not
give you a chance to say what
fiose laws shall be. You shall 'be
our sisters, wives and mother, you
shall train up our children, shall he
educated, we want you to think, but
you shall have no voice in that which
has to do with the larger affairs of
government. When it comes to this,
we put you lielow the tramps, w e
class you with the criminals, ' witl
the slave or a former generation, w e
will give you no wore voice than we
accord the horse or the ox which ser
ves us. Foreigners, trumps and
drunkards, saloon-keepers, libertines
and schemers shall have a hand in
this law-making business; women
and children, idiots, criminals and
cuttle shall not."
It is the nightmare of paganism
struggling against the progress of an
awaking age. It is the narrowness
of despotism lingering In thebreadth
of democracy. It Is out of place and
is destined soon to te sentenced to
death by the untrammclcd thougtand
resistless logic of an advancing agii
Rkv. C. C. Pikiu e.
List of Unclaimed Letters
List of unclaimed letters remain
ing in the Post Office at Milford for
week ending Jan. 20th, 1900.
Ladies Charolette Furmnrj, Sarah
Hurtig, Mrs. Atwater Merrien.
Gentlemen Samuel Miller, L. A.
Morgan, C. T. W. Williams, W:n.
Lopworth & Son.
Persons claiming the above will
please say "Advertised" and give
dare of this list.
Charles Lattimore.
Red Hot Froni the Gun.
Was the ball that hit G. B. Stead
man, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil
War. It caused horrible Ulcers
that no treatment helped for 20
years. Then Buckleu's Arnica
Salve cured him. Cures cuts,
bruises, boils, felons, corns, skin
eruptions. Best pile cure on earth.
25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
C. O. Armstrong, druggist.
G. H. Appleton, justice of the
jieace, Clarksburg, N. J , says, "Do
witt's little early risers are the best
pills made for constipation. We use
no others." (Quickly cure all liver
and bowel troubles.
Charles Cook, wife and daughter
Bertha of Now rk N. J., will r.wnme
their residence in Matamoras, and
will occupy tho new honse on Main
street opposite the High School.
Miss Carrie Lof'kwood has aocopt-
ed the position offered her at the
market uptown in Port Jorvis. She
formerly clerked nt the B in Ton,
and Miss ClarA Heidenthal takes her
situation there.
Tho gentlemen of Epworth church
will hold their annual sunncr at tho
church this, Friday, evening.
MisffEtta Kipp, of Milford, was
the guest ot Miss Hattio AHon Tues
Miss Nellio Westfall is teaching
in the High School and her plaoo at
the Rosetown school is filled by Miss
Flora Heidonthall.
H. London and family have left
Hie Allen House and are now house
keeping on Washington street in
the bouse formerly occupied by the
Cory family.
John Virgil Carney rfged about
)igiteon months, a son of John and
the Into Elizabeth Virgil Carney,
lied last Monday of long trouble.
The father has the sympathy of the
soinmunity. The funeral, conduct
ed by Rev. Father Treis. occurred
Wednesday and interment in St.
Marys cemetery.
The Ladies Christian Union (f
llopo Church held a five cent tea
Thursday afternoon at the residence
-f Mrs. Martin. The afternoon was
spent socially and it was decidod to
hold a chicken supper at Proscotls
Hall the evening of Jan. 25. The
society always gives an excellent
mppor and all are cordially invited
to this one.
Rival meetings are being held ev
ery evening in-both Hope and Ep
worth church which are largely
ittended and groat interest mani
fested Tho ladies of Epworth cbnrch had
a cake sale last Friday afternoon at
the Post Office which was very sue.
cessfnl financially.
Mrs. Lydia Rymon, formerly
fJofl, loft town Soturdoy to spend
sometime with her brothers George
and Thompson Ryman in Newark.
She will go from there to Chicogo
where she expects to moke her home
in future with her sister. Mrs. A. G,
Ftuy She has resided here for tho
past 16 years, was a member of Hope
church and the ladies C. U. 8. and
has many friends who deeply regret
ner departure
Ira Cole and wife spent Sunday in
Jersey city.
Rev. Kinert of the Evangelical
church, of Po -t Jorvis, gave a very
interesting discourse at Hope church
Tuesday evening. S.
Additional Local Mattw.
Poor master Geiger who was quite
severely injured in an accident some
days ogo is improving.
J udge P. P. Smith of the Superior
court is in ill health and has not oo
c ipi-id his seat since last April.
Lewis Gregory after being con
fined to his bed for some three weeks
with tonsilitis is now able to be up.
Services mny be expected at the
Saw-kill school houso next Sunday,
Jan. 21st, at 2:30 p. m., the weather
The House committee in the
Roberts case has found that he is a
polygomist and should not bead
mit ted to a seat.
Henry Tissot who bought the farm
of Mrs. Brown in Ding mam Tsp. is
branching out in the poultry busi
ness and now has about 150 fowls
Several Milford people have sub
scribed for shares of stock in the
National Bank of Port Jervis and it
is hoped that institution will open
for business at an early date.
Real Estate Transfers.
Alvuh Seaman and wife and others
to Harvey N. Goble dated Sept. 26,
18!)8. 108 acres Lackawaxen, con.
$1100. .
John S. O'Conner and wife to Mrs.
Margaret Ilodgkiss, dated Dec. 15.
1-1 acre Palmyra, con. $1.
Lorenz Goetz aud August Witt
for Taylortown Farmers 'TJlub to
Augusta Witt, dated Deo. 27. Land
in Lackawaxen, con. $1.
John W. Beelin to Thos. H. Gil
pin, dated Deo. 22d. 107 acres
Greene, con. $300.
Horses moy be kept free from
Colio if Orange Electric Food is Oc
casionally given to them. For sale
I at T. Armstrong's.
Talk of Great Interest
Rev. Charles B. Carpenter rector
of the Church of the Good Shepherd,
gave last Friday evening a very In
teresting talk on a trip made by him.
in company with others, to Green
land In 1H9I. The vessel in which the
party sailed, the Miranda, was ship
wrecked and lost and of a large
number of cameras onboard, the one
used by Mr. Carjienter was the only
one saved. The talk was illustrated
by many views of scenes and of the
Eskimos inhabiting the frozen land,
showing their habitations and meth
ods of living. The expedition reach
ed as far os the Arctic Circle and was
organized for scientific purposes.
Mr. Carpenter is willing to repeat
the talk, or address, accompanied by
the storeoptican views, sometime dur-
ng the next month for the benefit of
the Milford Lyceum association.
This will be a rare opportunity to
listen to an intelligent and interesting
description of a very exciting ex.
perience illustrated with views
which will more vividly present the
subject and as It will be given to
benefit a very worthy cause should be
largely patronized, as no doubt it will
be. When arrangements can be com
pleted the time will be announced
which will probaly be about the mid
dle of Feburary.
Called to a Pastorate.
Rev. John Rold who was reoently
called from Detroit Mich, to the
Mission Presbyterian Church of
Brooklyn succeeding Dr. Thos. A.
Nelson preached his first sermon
there as paator last Snnday morning.
A reception was tendered him Wed
nesday evening. Dr. Roid, who was
pastor of tho Church here in the
early seventies and marrlod Lizzie a
daughter of Ebenezer Warner, is a
graduate of the New York Univer
sity and of Prinoeton Theological
Seminary and has held several im
portant charges among them a pas
torate of fifteen years at Yonkers N.
Y. His son Robert W. Raid is well
known here was for several years
employed In the First National Bank
of Port Jorvia and is now in the
National Bank of North America, in
The Best Bouts to Travel is From
New York to Norfolk, Va., by
the old Dominion Steamers.
The most elegantly fitted boats,
finest state rooms and best meals.
The rate including meals and state
rooms is less than you can travel by
rail, and you got rid of the dust and
changing cars.
If you want to go South boyound
Norfolk to Southern Pines and Pino-
bluff, the Winter Hoalth Resorts or
to Vaughan, N. C, the Pennsylvania
Colony headquarters, Peachland, N.
C, the New England Colony, Stat-
ham, Go-, the Ohio Colony and
headquarters of the Un'on Veterans
Southern Settlements, you can oon.
nbet with tho Seaboard Air Line.
For information ns to rates of travel
address H B. WALKER, Tnifflo
manager New York City.
For information as to farming or
mineral lands, water powers, manu
facturing sites or winter resorts,
rates of board rent of cottages eto.,
address JOHN PATRICK, Chief In
dustrial Agent S. A. L. Pinebluff,
North Carolina.
Place to Best.
The busy man who needs rests can
find no place so pleasant as the
pine woods riegon of North Carolina.
There one finds perfect rest in the
newly built up town of Southern
Pines, N. C. and he will find a wide
awake group of Northern people
who have found climate particularly '
healthy and pleasant during the
winter months. The healthfulness
of Southern Pines and its Immediate
vicinity is becoming widely known
and physicians all over the laud are
sending their patients that way.
For health, pleasure and comfort It
is in every way desirable. Buy an
excursion ticket to Southern Pine,
but do not forget rite in advance
to Pine Woods Inn for your ao
oommodations. j28
Wanted !
Reliablo man for Managing of
Branch Otliee I wish to open in this
vicinity. Good opening for an
energetio sober man. Kindly men
tion this paper when writing.
A. T. MORRIS, Cincinnati. O.
Illustrated catalogue 4 eta. postage.
Size doesn't indicate quality. Be
ware of counterfeit aud worthless
salve offered for Dewitt's witch
hazel salve. Dewitt's is the only
original. An infallible cure for piles
and all skin diseases.