Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, January 04, 1900, Image 2

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orricic, brown's buixdino, buoadst.
Kntcred fit the post office of Mllford.
Pike County, Pennsylvania, as necond
elas mutter, November twenty-first, mint.
Advertising Rates.
One sqtiarefclgh t llnesl.ono Insertion - $1 .00
Bach suhsiMjuent Insertion .fio
Reduced rat- will bo furnished on ap
plication, will be allowed yearly adver
tiser. LeRal Advertising.
Administrator's and Executor'
notices 800
Auditor's notices 4. no
Divorce notions .fi.ou
Sheriff's sales. Orphans' court sales,
County Treasurer's sales, County state
ment and election proclamation charged
by the square.
J. H. Van Ktten, PtlllMSHKH,
Milford. Pike County, Pa
The Pkehs find Weekly Tribune
The Pres9 nnd Tri-Weekly Tri
bnnq $2.25.
We want everybody to havo plen
ty of good rending matter Hnd to
furnish it within their means. We
do not expect the PitF.sa to take the
place of a metropolitan daily, or of
a Rood magazine, and ho have ar
ranged for combinations which will
give yon both at n price within the
means of any one with tho least de
sire for reading matter. Look over
our offers.
The 1 000 veteran employes of the
Pennsylvania Railroad who were
retired January 1st on pensions,
doubtloss believe that great, combi
nations of capital are not all tmd.
The calamityitos are jubilant
over the Missouri train robbery
which yielded the robbers only f 150.
One or two other lines of business
are not quite up to the usual mark.
The car ' famine, about which
Democrats have had so much quiet
concern, has now extended to the
coasts. Exporters in the Pacific
cities of tho United States say they
cannot get ships enough to handle
the business olTered.
Small wonder that the Bryanites
find it difficult to convince the
American peoplo of the hard times
when all the mints of the country
are running night and day to coin
money for paying American work
men who are working overtime to
supply the demand for every pro
duot of the land.
No better barometer of business
can be found thnn the railroads,
those great transporters of the pro
duots of Industry and labor. The
gross earnings of all roads in the
United States reporting to Dun's
Review for the first half of Decem
ber showed a gain of 10.1 per cent,
over last year and 21.3 per cent,
over the prosperous year 1892.
President McKInley's New Year
levee was one of the most brilliant
ever held In the White House. It
began promptly at eleven o'clock a.
m., with the reception of the Cabin
et and the Diplomatic corps, followed
by the Justices of the U. S. Supreme
Court, the Judges of the U. S. Court
of Claims, the Court of Apeals, the
Supreme Court of the District of Co
lumbia. Ex-mmbers of the Cabinet
ex-Ministers of the U. S., Senators
and Representatives, the Commis
sioners and Judicial officers of tjie
Navy, officers of the Marine cors,
officers of the District of Columbia
Militia, prominent bureau officials of
Executive Departments, the veter
ans of the Mexican war, the Grand
Army of the Republic, the Jiyul Le
gion, the Union Veteran League, the
Spanish war veterans, the Oldest In
habitants Asstx-iation of the District
of Columbia, and the general public
The Populist party has suffered a
material loss In the withdrawal of
such leaders as Kyle, Stewart, Jones
and many others, who are now an
nouncing their determination ( to
abandon that party, whose manage
ment has degenerated into supsrt
of principles dangerous to the Repub
lic Senator Kyle voices this sent!
ment when he says that the so
cialistic tendencies of the third party
people, coupled with the prosper
ity which Is being enjoyed by the
farmers of the country, have sounded
the death knell of this movement.
Commenting upon the fact that at a
a Populist meeting in his own State
the American flag was twice torn
down and the red flag of socialism
raised in its stead, he says: "I am
In favor of American Institutions and
would rather take the Republican
party with all In it that Is distasteful
to me than be allied with those who
have no respect for our flag and want
to tar down our Government."
(Kroin Our hVirnlnr Correspondent.)
Washington, . fj., Jan. 1st, 1H00.
Comic papers and n few Senators
ond ltepresenatlves who play Instead
of working when Congress Is In ses
sion, are responsible for much public
misinformation as to the life of the
average Senator or Representative.
Everybody in Washington who has
ever taken the trouble to ascertain the
facts, knows that many men in both
branchesof Congress break down their
health and often die from the effect
of their bard work during a session
of Congress. One who has been a
careful observer of Congressional life
said, speaking esecially of the illness
of Representative Hot'telle. of Maine,
Chairman of the House Naval Com
mittee,: "Hard work ond conse
quent irreglarity in eating and sleep
ing are responsible for the breaking
(low ii of Mr. Hotitelle's health, just
as the same things caused the death
of Mr. IMnglcy. Some of the mem
bers don't care a rap for the legisla
tive duties; they have a good time
and pay no attention to Congress.
Hut the committee Chairman, the
floor leaders, and the legislative
wheelhorses, often sit up all night go
ing over documents and figures relat
ing to contemplated legislation. They
get only n few hours rest and then
tired, listless and Irritable, they no
to the capital for a day's work. Al
ter hours spent in mental activity in
committee rooms, they will In the
course of the afternoon, go into one
of the Capitol restaurants and eat a
heavy, indigestible meal. With that
that sort of thing going on daily for
months, it is surprising that thert
are not more break downs among the
working members. Not out? man in
a hundred can stand it for any length
of time."
To the close observer who hail been
present at many New Year recep
tions, the most notable tliinr about
to-day's reception was the attitude
of the European members of the Dip
lomatic Corps towards the President.
Instead of the perfunctory anil super
cilious politeness with which these
men used to greet our Presidents,
which has made more than one
American's blood boil with Indigna
tion and his foot ache with a desire
to kick somcliody, these diplomats
tried to outdo each other in the cord
iality with which they greeted Pres
ident McKiuley, showing very plain
ly their desire to stand well with
him. There is a meaning in this
changed attitude a moaning that
makes a good American's heart ex
pand with pride. In formers days,
diplomatic representatives of the
great European powers regarded the
U. S. as a second or third rate nation,
not worth cultivating; to-.lay they
recognize the C. S. as a world power
second to none, the goodwill of which
it is not only good policy to cultivate
but actually dangerous to lose. As
a deep student of politics and human
nature, President McKiuley is fully
awareof this change, and doubtless
proud of the part he played in bring
ing it about. More than once while
he listened to the expressions of good
wishers for himself and the nation,
by the diplomats, a merry twinkle
was soon in his eyes by those who
were in a position to see, and it is
quite certain that he saw the humor
as well as the honor of thesitu
ation, and that he enjoyed It.
The gold which is going to Europe
need not worry the cnlatnity criers
at all. It is going there because it
commands a higher rate of interest
there than can he obtained for it
here, and not for the purpose of
debt-paying. So long as tho trade
balance is in the neighborhood of
forty million dollars monthly in
favor of this country, it will not be
necessary to exjiort gold to Europe
for debt-paying purposes.
The fellow newsptters which hud
lieen arranging a war with England
because of the seizure of American
flour, consigned to South Africa, and
a new Fenian invasion of Canada,
made the decision of the President
and his Cubinent to send more troops
to Alaska, to keep order and protect
the ntarests of the thousands of
AuurKttn gold-seekers who will
flix'k there in the Spring, the basis
for a new batch of sensational stories
quite as ridiculous as those which
preceded them. If certain newspu
pers arecriou.-ly taken by the out
side world as representing American
sentiment, we shall soon lie known
as a nation of the most colossal liars
on earth.
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly leave you, if yon
usohI Dr. King s jNew .Lite Pills.
Thousands of sufferers have proved
their matchless merit for Sick and
Nervous Headaches. They niHko
pure blood and Btrong nerves and
build up yuur health. Easy to take.
Try them. Only 25 cents. Money
back if not cured. Sold by C O.
Armstrong, druggist.
Bait-fish nets at Wallace's.
Chicago's Clrcat Tree.
Cook county hps a tree lmost with
in the limits of ChlraRO that Is trying
In modest way to keep pace with the
city In growth. It rears Its majestic
hclRht In a field on the farm of Charles
Kotr.. two miles and a half west of
Urosse Point.
It Is the biggest known tree In the
United States, the great sequoias of
California alone being excepted. Three
feet from the ground Its girth Is 41
feet. The diameter la 13 feet 6 Inches.
The height Is 130 feet.
Yet this marvel, which hundreds of
years ago may have been worshipped
by a savage race, has gone on year by
year producing Its foliage and In the
order or nature casting It off. all un
noticed by Chicago. About Its only ad
mirer has been the owner. Charles
Koti. He guards It as Jealously as be
does his own children.
Aside rrom the great height and girth
of the trunk Is a remarkable hollow
or room at its foot. This hollow is 26
feet In circumference. 8H feet In diam
eter and 20 feet In height. A natural
doorway 9 feet high and 4 feet wide at
the broadest part. A horpe and Its
Idcr can easily pass through to the
Interior. Three horses can easily be
sheltered Inside the mammoth trunk.
I he hollow Is big enough to permit a
dining table to be spread In Its bounds,
nnd there Is room enough to spare for
i hairs about the table.
The height to the first limb is 70
f?et. A man of average sine must take
1!4 paces to complete the circuit of the
big trunk.
A competent authority on forestry
has estimated that the tree, which, by
the way. is of the Cottonwood family,
s no less than 600 years old. In the
days of King John and Magna Chart!
this tree was flourishing. When Co
lumbus discovered America it was as
large as its companions In the forest.
It Is known that even half a century
ago It was as big and majestic as it is
.Tim Knew.
For several years my early morning
walk lay through the first block of
West Fifty-seventh street, New York,
where I used regularly to meet a milk
man delivering milk. He would take
from his wagon a rack containing sev
eral bottles and go from house to
house, while his old gray horse walked
Redately on alone, says TJtir Animal
One morning as I was passing tk
pair midway the block the man said
to his horse:
"Go on. Jim, and turn at No. 7."
I watched with interest. Jim did go
on intil exactly eppostte No. 7. Then
he carefully turned and walked back to
his master or shall I say comrade?
Cheaper the Other Way.
Watis I see Tesla now claims hf
can telegraph clear around the world
without wires.
Potts Clear around the world? 1
should think it would be cheaper tc
Just telegraph, across the roum. Waah
ington Star.
The Sultan's Gifts to I'ni-le Sam.
On the seventh day of the month of
Schawwal. In the year 12(4 of the He
glra which Is the Arabian way of
writing Dec. 25, ISM the Sultan of
Oman, whose name was Beyyld Saood,
Din Sultan Bin Ahmed, addressed
gracious letter to "Hi Excellency,
Martin Van Buren, President of the
United States of North America," In
which he informed the President that
he had sent him by the royal ship Sul
tanes a few trifles as a token of friend
ship and good feeling. These trifles
constated of two Arabian horses and
their groom, one bottle of attar of
roses, two pieces of gold, five demi
johns of rose water, one Pernian car
pet, one gold ornament with silk tas
sel, four camel's hair shawls, one gold
mounted sword, two large pearls, a
string of 160 pearls, one gold plate, one
bottle of diamonds, one gold snuff box
studded with precious stoaes, and one
box of mixed pearls and diamond.
Under th Constitution, the Presi
dent is prohibited from accepting a
personal gift from any foreign State
or power, and as the Sultan's gifts had
arrived in New York and the com
mander of the Sultanee would not
leave the country without presenting
his master's offerings, an sm barrel
ing complication was the outcome.
The matter was finally referred to
Congress, and after three months of
correspondence, red tape, diplomacy,
and legislation the Sultan's Christmas
presents were Anally accepted; and
then the President was put to the
trouble of selling the horses, the
shawls, and the rose water, while Un
cle Sam was given th further trouble
of finding a suitable place to (tore the
remaining gifts and was afterward put
to great expense In capturing the thief
who carried oft the entire collection in
a bag and was only caught after a long
chase. T.he Ladles' Horn Journal.
S Advertise in the V'kess.
To the buyers of Mens', Boys', and ChiMrcns' clothing,
Boots, Shoes and Fiiinisliins. We are build
ing business on the great and strong
power of '"(iood (Jot ids" at
- low prices -We
have bargains that are recognized at sight. Don't
take our word for it but conic and see for your
self. Gorgeous displays ! Tremendous
stocks! Complete assort
ment! To this add
our low
Ajava yeasure Full of Satisfaction."
We extend to all an invitation to call and examine
the largest stock and lowest prices in this vicinity
15 Front Street,
1st tho BaokT
men pronabiy th kidneys. jJ
' in vnenxT t
Then probably th lungs. fr.
In tho Joint T
Then probably rheumatism.
Kft mattar b-V... it lm .k.t
- ...i.uuit, " in i w iv in, mil i.riHh
kind ; you nasd have it no longer.
It msy b aa bur, a day, or a
year old; it must jiM to
fty Immediately after aeslyisg K ysi
j icti it seotsisg, wsmug, swesgts-
4 amnr B.w.r
It anietn eoagMtie ; draw
It i a new p?ter.
A sew esnllinatioa ef sew
remedies. Utile aftr aew
memoes. KUrly anlik sny
eteer a lentor.
The Triimpk ef Ueatrs Medieal
The I'erfeeM Predict ef years of
Tatiest Til.
riacrd tt the fleet it h a
I powerfsl aid t Ayw's Cbtrry Pee-
torsi is the treatmtat ef all threat
and lang afTer.tie.ne.
h riscet ever th stnetsea. it Vr
ninea and temitiag; ever At
bentla, it csatrol crimps and llc.
j Tlsced vr Oie small f let ksr k,
? it removes all eonfestio from th
j MneTS as greatly trtngtM
For pal Vy all Drsfflets.
1. C. Aytr C., Uw.ll, Mis.
For comfortables, woolen blankets
and counterpnnes go to Armstrong
& Co 'a.
Siiblnitli services nt lo.Ito A. M. nnd 7. ill) I'.
M. Sublmth school lmnunliHtoly nftr tl-.t
morning service. Prayer meeting Wed
nesday "nt 7.:i0 V. M. A conlinl woleoim
will In. extended to all. Those not at
tached to ot her churches nre csjH'cbilly in
vited. Kkv. Thomas Nichols, Pastor.
Ciiuiicit ok the (iooi) rHKi'HKiti, MiN
ford: Services Sunday nV 10.H0 A. M. nm.
7 an P. M. Sunday school at 12.00 M
Weck-dny Rervico Friday at- 10 A. M. Holy
Communion Sunday at 7.46 A. M . Scat!,
froo. All are welcome.
Kkv. Chah. B. Uaui-knteh, Rector
M. K. Cmmcil. Services at the M K.
Church Sundays: Preaching at l(l.;to a.
in. and nt 7. .to p. lit. Sunday school at it
p. in. F.pworth leowuo at (1.46 p. m.
Weekly prayer mcctiiifr on Wednesdays hi
7.itu p. in. ClasH liieetitifjr conducted lij
Win. Alible on Fridays nt 7.11'ip. ni. Ai'i
earnest invitation is extended to nnyom
who may desire to worshsp with us.
Kkv. W. K. Nkkk. Pastor.
KewoicTH M. K. Cninic ii, Matanionis
Services every Salilinth nt 10. Ho a. m. and
7 p. to. Sabbath school at U.H0. O. E
meeting Monday evening nt 7. .HO. Clasi.
meeting Tuesday evening at 7.30. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening at l.'Ab.
Everyone welcome.
Kkv. I' d Si-Kscmi.
moras, Pn. Scrvloes next Sunday as follows:
Preaching at in. HO n. m. and p. ni. Sun
day school at S p. in. .Junior C E. befort
and C. E. prayei meeting after the even
ing service. M-week prayer PHM'ting
every Wednesday evening at 7.30. SealF
free. A cordial -cleonie to all. Come.
Kkv ,7 A. Wikoanii, Pastor.
Secret Societies.
MiLKonn Loin, No. 1)14, F. & A. St.:
Ijodo meets Wednesdays on or ls'fon
Full Moon at the. Sawkil'l House, Milli.nl
Pa. N. F.nierv, Jr.. Secretary, .Mill'.inj
John C Westlirook, W. M.. .Milford. Pa.
Van I)i:u Maiik 1.oim;k, No. ss. I o
O. K: Meets every Thursday evening at
7.80 p. m., K-own's Hnlldtng. 1). H
Hornbeck, Ser y Jacob McCarty. N. ti
PlillllKNCK KKBKKAH I.ollliK, U7, I. ()
O.K. Mis-ts every si-ond and fourth Fri
days in vnch month in Odd Fellows' Hall.
Brown's building Miss Kathnrino Klein
N. . Miss Wilheliiilne Keck, See'y
Port Jervis, N. Y.
One Cent a Vord.
for Tech Ineprtlon. Mo A riwrt lament
tnkn for 1r ttisn 1ft rents. CASH
imiM wimnTy all orders. Address
riKB Cnt KTV l'KKH,
MiU'onn. pa.
L"H1R SALK A small farm located near
r Mntamoras. known as the Hetlsel or
Helnhnrdt place, containing 21 acres.
Finely hx-ntcd, well watered. Hovso nnd
barn. Fruit of nil kinds. Part, linpr 'Tcd.
Title clear. For terms, prl'jo. etc . addnws
Lock box OMP.fonl. Pa.
TKKSPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
given that l-respassim; on the premises
occupied by the uiulo-s'gnc'l In lllngmnn
lowiif-hip. known as the Ituebauali farm
for bunting. Ilshiug, Is-rrying or any other
purpose whaievor is forbidden under pen
alty of the law. Any person or tfrsons
disobeying tb's notieO will tie tealt. with
in the severest lawful manner.
Ukomuk H. McOAtttv,
July 1, lSi(7. lessee.
TKESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
given lhat trespassing upon Ibe south
ern half of tht truei. of land Known as tin
William Denny. No. J':', t n Shollola towu
ship, for liuniing, lishing, or, any other
purpose, also iresirissing on Sawkill pond
in Jiingoian township, or, ttshinv In it Is
forbidden under penalty of the law.
Aprl54in Attorney for owner
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is horehy
given that trespassing upon tho pro
perty of the Forest bake Association in
liiukawneii township. Pike countv. Pa..
for the purpose of hunting and fishing, or
any other purpose is strictly foilmlden mi
der penalty of the law.
Alk.'Aniikk Haiipkn.
Nov. 22, 1WI5. President.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
given that trespassing on the premises
oi me unucrsigncu, situated in npigman
township, lor any purpose whatever is
strictly loroiouen, una an oni nders will be
promptly prosecuted. I ha H. Cask.
Oct. iJ4. 1S115.
NOTICE All hunllng, fishing or other
i. respnssing on uie premises oi Die under
signed, in Dingman Township, on Rnv
moodsklll and llwarfsklll Creeks, ts for
bimlen under penalty of the lew.
Dingman TVp , N. HoM.KAtt.
May 17. 1S!. Joskimi F Hon.KAt:
Executor's Notice.
Letters of administration with the will
annexed upon the estate of Julia Ann Van
Gordon, late of Jjchman township, deoeas
ed have been granted to the undersigned
All persons having claims against said es
tate will present them nnd those Indebted
thereto will plense make Immediate, pay
ment, to
EgyptMills. Pa. Executor
Sept. 18, ItClH.
Auditor's Notice.
l-ranH.' Maaicy, 1 1,1 the Orphans, Court
decease!. S of 5 lKu "'
The undersigned "appointed Auditor to
make distribution of the funds In handset
J. H Van Kttpn, Trustee, ns shown by bis
account and make report to next Term,
with tbil vidennetakiuibeforehiiu 'will at
tend to the duties of his appointment nnd
meet the putties Interested in said Estate
on Tuesday, the 3h day of January A. D,
1IMI at a o'clock, p. in., at tils oftiee. corner
of Ann and Third streets, In the Itnrough
of Mllfoi-tl. Pa , when and where all pan
ics entitled to share In said funds, or who
are In any way Interested therein, nre ic
(uired to present and prove their claims,
or Ik- debarntl forever from pni ticipiitin i
iu said funds, or coming in upon the same.
Milford, Pa., Dec. 30, .
Auditor's Notice.
.rami. Kllwangcr ( In the Orphans' Court
deceas.d tho Comity of Pike.
The undersigned "appointed Auditor to
mnke distribution of the funds In hands
ol I'hlllp I llwaiiKcr. Executor, ns shown
by his third account and make report to
next Term," will attend to tho duties of
his appointment and meet the parties in
terested in said estate, tin Moailny the !?th
day of .Inmiary, A. I. I0n, at 1! o'clock P
M of bis oftiee, corner of Ann and Third
streets, In the Horough of Milford, Pn ,
when and where all parties entitled to
share in said funds, or who are In anyway
interested therein, nre required to present
and prove their claims, or lw debnrred
forever from participating in said fuudB.
or coming in upon the same
Milford, Pa , Dec. !th, 1MI9. jjw
Photo Supplies,
Printing and
78 Fike Strfiot, Port. Jorvis, N. Y
But tho supply of Fan- j
cy Bist-uits. Choice i
Fruit, Nuts. Fino Cm- I
dies niul a largo nssort-
J ment of ToIiuppo anil S
C'i(.nrs, Fixliinp; Tno.kle,
S nminnnition, nnd eri- j
i ally "The Luoke Roll" t
J 2 for S centH is ample nt J
Harford & 4th Sts. J
X .Milford, P J
Horse may be kept free from
C'olio if Oraiifre Electric Fuixl is Oc
casionally B'von to thorn. For sole
tit T. Armstrong'.
A. Kirkman
Wholesale) Dealor net Jobber In
Port Jcrvis, IT. Y.
A. Kirkman.
Don't Miss Our
Holiday Display
Our two stores arc jamm
ed full of Toys Dolls, Books,
Blocks, Sleighs, Go-Cnrts,
etc., etc.
It will do you good to
sec tlic display of
New and. Beau
tiful Goods for
-:- & WELLS,
Milford, Penna.
Of All Kinds nd StyloR
Blankets, Robes, Whips
ana liorso Uutttmg g
Repairing ;-NEATLYD0N-
Examine my stock it
will pleas? you. Th3
price too.
Harford St. . .Milford Pa.
Cut this out and return to,n with t.oo
and we'll nend the following pontage, pre
All For $1. Regular Cost $4.00
Thia combination All a family noed
Two farm papem for the rhen The "(ion
til-woman.'' an Ideal paper for the Ladle
N Y Weekly Trtbuna for all Marion
Harland'n Cook Book with 300 page and
l.fxm prnetical reotpes for the wife, and the
Ixiok, "Ten Night In-it Bar Hoom. the
greatest tomperanee novel of the ngn. A
two cent Ktnmp hriiiRs anjnple of papers
and our great olubhiug Hat
Vermont Farm Journal,
Wm. L. PACKARD, Publlsri.r.
Real far
Farms, Torrn Lots,
Dwolhr.gs nnd Riml
Fstnto sreTiertilly ili a It
If you want
to buy or sell
a Farm, a Lot
a House or a
Business stand
Call en or addres,
J. C. Chamb)rlaiTi,
Real Estate Agent,
Milford Pa.
T. Armstrong & Co.
Sccessors ts
Dealers in v
Milford Pa,
Business - Cards.
F. W. BEST. M. D..
IS Ball Street,
fit to M A. M.
Offloo Hours 8 to P. M.
y to 8 P. M.
I'liysicinn and Surwon.
Pftee and residence Harford street ),
home lately occupied bv fr F H. Wen.
iter. MT'jFOUI), PA.
Dr. von dor Hoydo,
Prirk Mone (ppoite Vanrlermnr!; Hotel
Proud street Mllferii Pa.
OKFK'K, HOURS: 0 to 13 n. in.; 1 to
p. in.
H. E.Emerson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drue Store on Broad
Attorney- at- Law,
OFFICE, Brown's Building,
Mn.roni), IfKH Co., Pa.
John A. Kipp,
OFFICE, opposite Court House
Mtvortp, Vint. Ci)., Pa.
0. E. Van Ettcn, Agont.
Dir.trnintK Ferry, Pn,
if you v-ant a stylish s!n
gls or double rig, ssfe
ho.'s-is, good harnsss
and clean, comfortable
"-:.!tos at reascna-h'--
rrlcss call on
J. B. Van Tessol,
Corner Ann nd Fcmrth etreots
Blus Front Stables,
rt Jorvis, N. Y.
Ail joinhiK (Inmnor'B V nion Hi mco.
Ronfl, r'tinngp, drnft untl farm
horsf-s for sh1. EitchAritrps mmlr
A Inrce stnflc from whirii to mnkn
nolecttops. CANAL ST.
Hiram Towner.
Washington Hotels.
The hrm-1 pnr excel lncB of the ennltnl,
lorntorl within one block of tho Whlti
House nn ilirertly rmtx.sit the Treanry.
Fineiit talile In the city.
A fnmonB hntelry, remarknble for iti
histo"-irnl Bstuwiiitlonn nnd !on-ustnl')i d
populnrlty. Rwently renovated, rer)Blnict
and pnrtinlly rofnruUhed.
A landmark amnnjr the hotels of Wnli
Initton, piitron'wd In formor year lit
proBldontK and hi?h offlolnlH. Always a
prime favorite. Recently remndolc-d nml
rendered Iwtter than ever. )pp. Pa. H.
K. dup. WALTKIl BVKTON, Re. Miir.
These hotels are the prlnclpnl political
rr-nrlezvoiiH of the cnrtft.l all .1,,....
They are the best stopping place at n a-
O. O. STLI8. roprltr.
East Stkoudhburg, Pa.
It offers HUPEHIOR educationnl ml-vnntajfi-si.
Healthpil and PictvhekvI'R Lo
cation in Hie resort region of the
Bl'ii.dinik now and modern.
Ktcpk.nt's K(X)m funiislid with
Bruhski. (Jarpkts No othi.-r st-bool
providns such luxurious home com
forta. Trnc Bust Boakdin. The Mont
renwmnble ratng. The Fimt Nor
mn t:i tho ltr.ta to introduce Plain
and fancy sewing.
Coi.lkiis Pkepahatohy. Musio
and Ki tK-UTioNAKY Dkahtmxnth.
Writoat once for a catalogue, free.
Winter term opens Jan 'y 2, 1S9D.
Address, Obo. P. Biblk, A.M.,
' Principal.