Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, August 25, 1899, Image 2

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VM DAY, AU(t. 25. 1WM.
orricK, brown's buildino, proadbt.
Knterwl nt. the post nfflce of Mllford,
Plko County, PiMinnyWnnln, n eocinil
clium mntusr, Novonibor tweuty-fimt, 18WI.
Advertising Rates.
One sMitmref eight Hmm),nnn Insertion - $1 .00
Euoh Hiihsciiui'iit insertion .50
Kwlurc.il rates will he furnished on np
pl lent ion, will he allowed yearly adver
tlsors. Legal Advertising.
Administrator's and Executor's
Auditor's notices
Divorce notices
4 on
Sheriff's sales, Orphans' court
County Treasurer's sales, County
numt and election proclamation chargiil
by the square.
J. H. Vn Ettfn, l'CM.ISHKH,
Mllford. Pike County, Pa.
The Republican State Convention
met at Harrishursr yesterday It is
probable that the candidates, J
Hay Brown, of Lancaster, for Su
preme Court Judge; Josiah R
Adams, of Philadelphia, for Su
perior Court Judge and Lieutenant
Colouel Barnett, of Washington
Co., for State Treasurer were nomi
nated. General Frank Reoler, of
Ens ton, was likely to be selected as
State Chairman.
Sunday and Monday of this week
were warm and sultry enough to
satisfy the most earnest seeker after
genuine summer weather. They
were days calculated to make corn
clad it was alive, and it rustled ac
(Jeneral Morritt, who was the first
American commander in the Philip
pines, has gone to Lake Champlain
at President McKinley's request,
presumably to talk about Philippine
affairs. This has revived the rumor
that General Merritt would return
to the Philippines, but no confirma
tion can be obtained in offioial cir
U. S. Department of Agriculture.
The year book of the Department
for 1899 stated "that special effort
would be made to prepare a publi-
(ntlan rYiati mYiovricl contain A lre
ume of the aohievmenta of tlie
United States in every branch of
service as related to agriculture
during the nineteenth century for
distribution at the Paris Exposi
tion." The secretary lias deter
mined to carry out the plan thus
outlined, and also to give an account
of the efforts of private land owners
to apply the principles of forestry.
In case yon have done any work
along these lines ; you are earnestly
requested to send your name to
Gifford Pinchot, Forester, Washing
ton, D. C, and the Division will
mail you a list of questions prepar
ed to assist you in mqkinx a state
ment about the details of the work.
This subject cannot be too earnest
lyjoommondod, or action thoroon too
cordially enjoined. It is one which
directly interests every land owner,
and by its far reaching results like
wise benefits every resident of the
State. That our forest are being
rapidly destroyed, in fact they are
now almost gone in this county, is
only too painfully apparent. Any
action which will increase informa
tion on the subject and excite ef
fort to diminish the destruction,
and reforest the large acreage now
denuded should be hailed with
pleasure and earnestly co operated
in by every person. There is a
practical method of doing this
which will enable you to favor
your forests and each year derive
therefrom, with less expenditure of
labor, more money than you now
obtain from the average cultivated
acre. Good timber land, well cov
ered with a healthy growth of
young trees, is of greater value than
worn out acres, which lie bleaching
in the sun evaporating moisture.
and which do not renumerate for
the naked cost of cultivation. They
might be planted with a crop of
trees which in a few years would be
a constantly increasing source of
revenue. The old Latin maxum
was "that the dilligent husbandmen
planted trees, the fruits of which
he would never behold," but he
thereby left an enduring monument
to pasterity and an abiding joy to
Lis fellow men.
The Washington committee that
is collecting money for the relief of
the Porto Rico hurricane sufferers
has received ohecks for 1250 each
from President McKinloy, Vice
President Hobart and Secretary
Root. The latter has appoiuted a
National Committee, to take charge
of the distribution of contributions,
to which all local committees will
report. Ex-Secretary Bliss is chair
man of this committee.
(From Our Regular Correspondent )
Wariiino row, D. C, Auo. 21st, '99.
Secretary Root is giving thecoun.
try a striking exhibition of what
can lie accomplished by hustling,
even in tlie month of August, which
has got to be so generally recogniz
ed in official circles as. vacation time.
He has caused every thing connect.
etl with the sending of the volun
teers to the Philippines to bo advan
ced considerably from the first esti
mates, and it is now practically cer
tain that the last of the first ton
regiments will bo landed at Manila
not later than October, and arrange
ments have already been made by
which the other ten regiments, the
order for enlisting of which was on
ly issued several days ago, will reach
Manila within a week, before or af
ter, of December 1st. No troops
ever took the field anywhere better
equipped than these men will be or
better provided in every respect for
campaigning in the tropics. They
will all le armed witli the Krag.
Jorgensen rifle, of which the war
department now has full supply,
and amply supplied with smokeless
aniunition. When all the troops
get over there will bo more than
60,000 men in the Philippines. It
is not believed that so many men
will be"needed to do the fighting, but
tlie Secretary intends to have them
there so that every town taken from
the Filipinos can be held, instead of
abandoned, as in the last campaign
If there is as much hustling at the
other end as there has been in
Washington, the campaign will be
short and decisive.
Now that the tickets, state ami
county, are completed and the is
sues thus made presented, it bo
hooves every Republican, no matter
what may have been his previous
notions regarding the candidates, to
give them all his hearty and undiv
ided support. There may have been
factions, and individual interests
and warring elements within the
party but now that we are arrayed
squaroly against the common ene
my, former predilections, differences
and contentions should be merged
in the one effort to overcome that
enemy and triumph at the polls in
November. We may have our opin
ions but when the people have ex
pressed their untraiumeled choice
and decided -whom tlie candidates
hall be. It Is tlie bounden duty of
every zealous Republican to unit
with the majority in carrying out
their expressed will. The party
can be best purified from within, by
educating the masses up to the idea
that only clean capable men shall be
the standard bearers, men of indo
pendent thought and fearless action,
having only an eye single to the
public welfare, who are willing to
merge personal and selfish aims and
objects for the sake of the general
good of the community. It is only
by inviting close inspection of the
ticket, the character of tho men
composing it, and favorably con
trasting their abilities to perform
their duties in a prompt and ecom
micial manner, with those of their
opponents that we can offer induce.
ments to men having the weal of
the public at heart to come over and
help us. Doing this we may oonfl.
dently urge consideration, refine-
tion and ultimately win over to our
suniort those who sincerely desire
retrenchment, reform and an econ
omicial administration of affairs.
Xj a. w. notes.
Pennsylvania is still way in the
load In L. A. W. membership, be
ing almost 1300 ahead of New York
in the fight for membership honors
According to the full official list
sent to the secretary-treasurer, the
total for the entire league last week
was 55,255, a big gain over the
previous week. Of this amount
Penn. has 13,137, or almost one-
quarter of the entire league mem
bership. Some of the L. A. W. riders who
have stood by the organization all
through the season are now nego
tiating t3 be taken into the camp of
the National Cycling Sssociation.
These cyclists adhered to the league
for the purpose of reaping the bene
fits of the world's championships
and the national meet at Boston.
There are more than one hundred
of them, and the situation confront
ing the L. A. W. pedaller is not en
livening. Few L. A. W. meets are schedul
ed and these are mostly amateur af
fairs. On the other hand, the N.
C. A. list of tourneys is steadily
growing and nearly every meet has
listed one or more professional
races with good money up.
The N. C. A. will stick firmly to
its ruling that no rider who has
quit them may return without pay
ing the fi le and penalty imposed.
Get a bicvele of Rutan and take a
After a lingering illness, occasion
ed by a gradual decline of physical
powers incident to age, Mr. Van
Etten passed from this life Sunday,
Aug. 20. Ho was born in Delaware
township, near the spot where he
has since lived, M-iy 6, 1816, and
was a son of Cornelius and Anna
Smith Van Etten, taring descended
from one of the oldest families in
this county and section. His grand
father, Johannes, wns n captain in
the war of the Revolution, fought in
the battle of the Brandy wine under
Anthony Wayne in 1777 and subse
quently commanded a company
which defended the frontier from
Indian incursions, and was com
mander at the bloody battle of the
Conashaugh which took place in
He married Eliza Palmer in 1843
and located on tho farm at Cona
shaugh which has ever since been
his home. Some years ago he es
tablished a boarding house, which
under his management, hided by
his sons, has grown and prospered
unfil it is one of the largest and
most successful enterprises in the
Delaware Valley. His life was one
of quiet attention to home duties;
seldom mingling in the hustle and
confusions of the outer world, he
yet by foresight, prudence and good
business tact became highly success
ful and prosperous by buildinj? up
the business to which he devoted
his time until within a very recent
period. He was honorable in deal
ing, upright in all the concerns of
life, patient in manner, and won
many warm friends among those
with whom he came in direct con
tact. His gentle, loving wifo after more
than half a century of happy mar
ried life left him in March of this
year, anil his spirit seemed trans
lated with her's to tho other shore.
He hardly realized the loss, feeling
that she had gone on the long jour
ney only a little previous to the
time when be wouhl join her, and
without murmuring or complaint,
but witli a strong desire to he ac
tively employed even to tho last, he
began the rapid descent which led
to a reunion with her in the great
He is survived by two sisters,
Catharine A., now in her eighty
sixth year and Amanda, wife of
Henrv M. Cortright both of Dela
ware townalilp, and by sons and
daughters as follows : Cornelius,
and Mary, wite of James P. Brown,
of Htrourtsburg j Lydiit A., wife of
Frank Singmaster, of Washington,
Iowa j James P., John P. and Han
nah at homo.
The funeral, conducted by Rev.
1 nomas iNicuols, ot Miltoru, was
held Tuesday ot 3 p. m. and tho re
mains interrod in the cemetery at
Millions Given Away.
It is certainly gratifying to tho
public to know of one concern in the
land who are not afraid to ta) goner
ous to the needy and suffering. The
proprietors of Dr. King's Now Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, have given away ovpr
ten million trial bottles of this
great medicine ; and havo the satis
faction of knowing it has abslutely
cured thousands ot Hopeless cases.
Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and
all diseases of the Throat, Chest and
Lungs are surely cured by it. Call
on C. (). Armstrong Druggist, and
get a free trial bottle. Regular size
(). nndfl. Every bottle gnu ran
teed, or money refunded.
First Phksbvtkkian ('htkch, .Milf.ird;
Salihath services at 10.30 a. m. and 7..'i I'
M. Salihath school Immediately after
morniiifit service. Prayer meeting Wed
nesday at 7. Mi p. M. A cordial wclcomt.
will lie extended to all. Those not lit-
tachul to other churches are esHi'ially in
vited. Kkv. Thomas Nichols, Pastor.
CHL'KCH OR THK (iOOll Sll Kl' II Kit II, .Mil
ford: Services Sunday at lo.:m a. m. and
7 :i P. M. Sunday school at 11.4fi p. u.
week-day services, r riday, 4. no p, M
Saturday, ".an V M Scats Inn. All are
Kkv. Chas II. Caiii'Kxtkh, Rector.
M. K. CHintcH. Services at the M E
Church Sundays: Preaching at lo.;kl a
in. and lit '.Jii ji. m. Sunday school at i
p. m. r.pworin league ut n.4o i. in.
w eekly prayer meeting on vt tilnesdays nt
7. Ho p. m. Class meeting conducted hy
Win. Angle on Fridays at 7. lid u. in. An
eruest invitation is extended to anyone
wuu limy UUBire Ml worHIlHp Willi US.
Kkv. W. K. Nekk. 1'astur.
Kpwohth M. K. I'liuncii, Matamoras
fvrvices every Milihnili at 10..W a. in. and
t p. in. raolialll scliisil at e..ln, C. K.
meeting Monday evening ut 7. an. Cla
meeting 1 ticsuay evening at 7.S1U. Pray
meeting mnewlay evening ut 7.30.
.vcryuno welcome.
Kkv. T. G. Spkxckh.
Hop Kvasukucal Chi;i:ih. Mm
moras, Pu. Services next Sunday us follows:
Preaching ut loan a. in. uud 7 p. m. Sun
day sch'Mil ut 3 p. m. Junior V. K. before
una c. pruyci mii'ting after the even
ing service. .v.M-Wtvk prayer meeting
every Wednesday evening at 7. an. Seuli
tree. A corilial welcome to all. t ome.
Kkv J A. WituAMi, Pastor.
Secret Societies.
MlLFOKD LoiM'E. No. 844. F. & A. f
Lodge meets Wednesdays on or ls-fore
r uil Moon ut tlit. Miwkill Houne, .Milford
Pa. N. Kinery, Jr., Secretary, Milford
John C Westbrook, W. M.. Mllford. Pu.
Van 1)ku Mum I.oim.k, No. k.'h, 1.(1
I). K: Meets every Thursday evening a
730 p. in., Pn.wn's Building, i). Jj
Hornlieck, Sir y Jacob Mcl'urty, N.
1'ltl IIKXC K KKHKKAH I.OIK.K, l!l7, I. (1
O. 1 Meets every smyind and fourth Kri
days In euch month in Odd K. -Hows' Hall
hruwu'i building Miss Kaliu lienuiw
N. li. Miss kutie Klein, Heu'y.
Subscrilie for the 1'hkss.
is mm y
What d'Jks your mirror say?
Doe it I'&iui of some little
streaks oil "gray P Are you
pleased? Do your friends of
the same age show this loss
of power also?
Just remember that gray
hair never becomes darker
without help, while dark hair
rapidly becomes eray when
once the change begins.
will bring back to your hair
the color of youth. It never
fails. It is just as sure as
that heat melts snow, or that
water quenches fire.
It cleanses the scalp also
and prevents the formation of
dandruff. It feeds and nour
ishes the bulbs of the hair
making then: produce a luxu
riant growth. It stops the
hair from falling out and gives
a fine soft finish to the hair
as well.
Wo havs n hnnk on the Itnlr nnd
Sfilp nlii.li yuu may ubtuin tree
upon rfqufNt.
If y.u il nnt ,,M;iin all Oi'1 honofits
yon oxiifclfl frnm Hit H"f l'1
viRor, w ill- tin. linrtor about It.
Aililns., int. J. C. AVKR
Lowull, .ifaftt.
Great Graiig -rs' Picnic Exhibition fjr
189928th Year.
The Kieat Picnic for 1 8! . will be held nt
Williams' Hiove. Pu., All(inst ;.'Stll to Sep.
temberfM, 'I'lie ilispliiy of Fnrni Miicliln
ery will ceilainlv he tlie. Inst ever shown
The CiirriiiKe Kxhlhlt will ho somethtiiK
Immense. HoitieultMial Hall will hi
attractive us ever, ami tlm Live Stock l)r
pHi tment w ill he fully up to tlie standard
Anions tin: attractions will he a Ferris
Wheel, Steam Merry ()i-Hound, Hiitl
Tent Shows, Hands of Music, Klcclrlc
Limits, Kleetric Fountain and a 2l,ouu
Candle. Power Search Uuhfe.
I'llrliiK the wtKrlc H(,me of the most prnml
ment UrinK.m, A nrleiilturluts noil States
men will occupy tliH platform nml discuss
the question now ri)KiiKlng tho attention
of the people. Aniraitf these we mention
Hon. John Hamilton, Secretary of Ak-I
culture; Hon, Alxeraon L. Martin, Hi
puty Secretary of Agriculture; Hon. Levi
Wells. Dairy and Food Commissioner;
Hon. Alpa Messcr, of Vermont. Worthy
Lecturer of the National tiratiKc, one of
the editors of Unr timmie Homes and In
structor of Teachers' Institutes; W F.
Hill, Ksij., Worthy Master of tlie Pcnsyl
vania Stale OnuiKe; .1. T. Ailman, F.sq.,
Worthy Secretary of the State (iranu of
Pennsylvania; W. 11. Packard, Kij.,
Worthy Lecturerof the State (irnnj;u of
Pennsylvania. Statesmen prominent In
tlie State Legislature aud In Congress, of
both political parties, and candidates for
judicial honors Hiecerlaiu to be present
and deliver addresses.
Hon William Tukvkin Chkasy. the
Granger Democratic candidate for State
Treasurer, will address Ids fellow farmer
and Patrons on Wednesday. He sure to
hear him for he litis KomctiiinK of Import
ance to tell you. In addition to the fore
going other speakers of National n puta
tation will be present to take part In the
discussions on dilTerctil subjects of inter
est to farmers
Evening Entertainments.
Oil Monday evening there will he an en
tertaining hand concert by one of thelead
lng musical organizations of Central
On Tuesday evening Prof. Frank K.
Itoberson will give all illustration lecture
on Japan, that strange people tlu.t hut a
few years ago were scarcely deemed worthy
of a passing mil ice, hut who are now
among tlie powers that must lie reckoned
with lu the settlement of great intcriia
tlonnl problems.
On Wednesday evening Prof Frank li
Knliersoii will give an Illustration lecture
on the battle of Manila, and show as well
as tell how Dewey and his brave men
swept tlie Spanish llect from tlie sea with
out the loss of a single man or damage to
t single vessel of his own squadron. This
will lie tlie only opportunity our people
will have of seeing pictured ticforc them,
truo to life, the event that electrified the
world only a litl lu over a year ago. Prof.
KolM-rsou Is one of the most entertaining
lecture before the American people, aud
will tell the story of the battle In lu a most
delightful and instructive way.
On Th ursday and Friday evenings The
New York Ladies IJiiartette, uf Philadel
phia and Miss Margaret tiitruer, the charm
Ing Dramatic Header and Impersonator,
teacher of elocution and physical culture,
will entertain tlie people lu tho Auditor
ium Tlie new Century Ladies' Quartette
cmbrnsc some, of the tlrt musical talent
of the country and never fails to delight
the audience. Miss (iarner is a favorite
where ever she goes, and displays excell
ent taste In the selection of hur exercise
as well its luasturly ability in their rendi
tion it is but seldom tiiat people away
from tlie great cities are given an opportun
ity to enjoy such entcrtainineiiia as these
at any price, but here at Williams' tirove
they will he given a chance to witness
these exhibitions of musical aud dramatic
excellence tree or charge.
Half rates on all K.iilroails. Impure of
U. K. Agent or write to It II. Thomas,
licucinl Manager, Mcchanicshurg, Pa
If you want papers for placing un
der curpuU cull ut Tiik l'luisa ollioo.
111 f
Catarrh Cannot be Cured.
they cannot reach the scat of the
disense. Catart-h is a hlood or con
stitutional disease, and in order to
cure it yon must take internal reme
dies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, and nets directly on the
hlood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
atnrrh Cure is not a quack medi
cine. It was nrescrihed bv one of
the best physicians in this country
for years and is a rcrtilnr prescrip
tion. Composed of the best tonics
known, combined with the best
purifiers, acting directly on the mil
ms surfaces. The perfect combin
ation of the two Ingredients is what
produces such wonderful results In
curing Catarrh. Send for testimon
ials, free.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Props.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by druggisst, price 7.V.
Hall's Family l'ills are the best.
In Every County to Supply
the great popular demand for
Senator John J. Ingalls,
Of Kansas.
The most brllliantlv written, most pro
fusely and artistically Illustrated, and
most intensely popular book on the sub
ject of the war with Spain. Neatly
200 Superb Illustrations
from Phototographs.
taken specially for thisreat work. Afjcnts
arc making $vo to $PHi a week selling it.
A veritable bonanza for live canvassers.
Apply lor description, terms and territory
at once to
N. B. Thompson Publishing Co.,
ST. LOUIS, MO., Or Kl - Y. City.
A. Kirkman
Wholesale Dealer and Jobber In
Port Jervis, N. Y.
A. Kirkman.
FiirniH, Town Lots,
Dwellings mid Rciil
Eswtti nniHirnlly dealt
If you want
to buy or sell
a Farm, a Lot
a House or a
Business stand
Call on or addres,
J. C. Chamberlain,
Real Kstnto Agtmt,
Milford Pa.
The Literary
t Vi C f" Issued Waeky
L lr VOU 32 Psgetllluc
-5 trated
"All the Periodicals in one"
Discussion (in nil sides of nil
questions stilt'ftt.tl from (lotnostio
11 ml trittislutiid from foreign pt-rioil-itiiil
litcritturt). Tim I.itkuaky Iji
tiKsTis it; tlm wot Id of thought, foil
ing, itiul rcsc'itffh what thu news
pullers 11 ro in tho worM of oviMits
You find in tho dailies tho facts;
you find in Tiik Litkkahy Diukst,
tho reason for tho facts.
All that is of iriino interest in the
realm of thought and action, wheth
er it ho politics, science, art, hclles
lettres, religion, sociology, travel dis
covery, finane, or commerce, is, hy
long-trained editorial skill, present
ed in condensed form, tiartlv in
summary, partly in direct quotation
for the readers of Tiik IjITkuakv Di. 1
(tKST. I
"Xo other ptihlication of its class
is of equal value. Xo one who des
ires to keep ahrcist with informa
tion on all linen of current inter
est can atVotd to ho without Tiik
I.ITKlt.MtV DltlKsT.
I It uicciits all
('ii::(lrllMrs, l)j;i'stli
tr!in)atcM, lllus
trutrii from 11,-urly
of important ipies
i "on wuu tin, gr
i -t 1 in p.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 y
Kinglo copies 10. H.OO per year,
FUNK it WAdXALLS CO., l'ubi.,
Now York.
One Cent a Word,
For Kuril IiMrrtlon. n A.v-rti!inritt
tHkt'fi for len thnii lt rent. 'AN1I
tliut i OfionpfMiy nil nrilcrn. Add rend
MllMOltl), I'A.
1?OK SALK. A siimll farm located near
MataitHtrns, known as tin- Ht'iisd or
Kr.nlianlt. place, contatntntf l'1 acres.
Finely located, well wntcml. IIouho unci
barn. Krnit of all kinds. Part ttnprovid.
Title clcav. Kor terms, price, etc., address
Lock lox (i Milford. Pn.
THKSI'ASS No l lCK. Notic.
Is hcrcl.v
J. jriveti t lint trespning on the
occupied P)' the timtcrMtf m-U in Dinmati
township, known ns the Hnchaiian farm
for lin nt in jr. fl-diiiur, lterryinjr or any other
purpose whatever ! forbidden under pe(
alty of the law. Any person or persons
disobeying this notice will be dealt witli
In the severest lawful maimer.
July 1, 117. Lessee.
'PKKSPASS NoTlf'K. Notice is hereby
X Kivcn thiit t respassinir upon the south
crn half of the tract ot land known as the
William Denny, No. '.fit. i n Shohola town
ship, for liuniiriLr, lishiuu. or, auv othei
purpose, alo trespassing on Sawkill pond
In JJiiiLrinan townshm. or. iisIiiult in u
forbidden under penally of the law.
M. KM, AND Mll.Sni:,
Aprlfilm Attorney for owner
NOTK'K. Notice is herebv
X given t h
t hat trespassing upon t he pro-
jcrty ot the Forest. Lake Association in
jackawaxen township, I'ike count v. Pa.,
for the purpose of hunting and fishing, or
any other purpose is strictly forbidden un
der penalty of the law.
Nov. 2'2, IHUfi. President.
1'RKSPASS NOTICK, Notice is hereby
given that trespassing on the premises
of the undersigned, sit ualed in Dingman
township, tor any purpose whatever Is
it rift ly forbidden, and all oITi nders will be
promptly prosecuted. Ilia H. Cask.
Oct. LM. IS'.)-).
NOTICK All hunting, ishlng or other
trespassing on t he premises of the under
signed, in Dingman Township, on Uny
moudskill and Dwarfskill Creeks, is fur
bimleu under penalty of the law.
CHAs .f. liol I, RAIT,
Dingman 'I'wp., N. Hmi.KAr,
May 17. Inin. .Ioski'H K Hoii.kai;.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary upon the estate of
Kli.ahcth Carney, hite of Matamoras,
Westfall Township, deceased, have bee
granted to the undersigned All persons
having claims against said estate will pre
sent them, and those indebted t hereto will
nlease make immediate pavnieut to
Westfall, July 17. isisi. Kxecntor
or to his Atty Alfred Marvin, Hoom 4.
Farnmn H'ld'g, Port. Jervis, N. Y.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on tlie estate
of John I' indlay late of the II ugh of
Milford, deceased have been granted to the
undersigueil. All persons 'laving claims
against said estate will present tliein, ami
those, Indebted to saiil decedent, will
please make immediate pavement to
Milford Horn , July 1MHI.
Orphans' Court Sale.
Ily vlrroi r mm order of the Oi-ftan
i our! oi in, only ol i'ike, nM. f,,(,jiv jt u
real esiale will ue i.iilil liy milille vendue or
olitcrj , on
Satiii'ilii.v, the Hay ol Septeloticr, A. II.,
I !!!,
at i! o'clock p m ill the hall of the Court
House in the llorough ol' Milford:
:.' lots in said llorough on llar 'ord St ., Nos.
no and SI.
Lots in F.lilrcd's addition to the Ilnroiigli
of. Mi. ford:
4 lots corner 7lh anil Harford Sts.,Xos.
7b". 70s. 7ii'.i and 7711
I lots on mill St.. Nos. 17, IS, In and 2n.
I lot 011 luih St , No -.'1
4 lots 011 llaiford St , Nos. ir.'o, sr.'l 'rund
1 loisoii Harford St., Nos s7.". S7C N77aml
lots on Kiglrli St , Nos H7I and H7:
1 has on Kigliih m.
si ,7
I lots on Ninth St ,
4 lut on Ninth St.,
I lot in Malaiuoras
Nos. n;, .Mi'.i, wks ami
Nos lilii. (117, ills and
Nos. ir. :t, (in and
. No. Tl, corner 4ih
ami .lelleison Ms
Traclsol land In Palmyra township.
Lot No P.N, Stephen Austin. Sll acres
' " 1-7, llciijauiin Mason, i:ta. loop.
' " l.'!i. William Philips, 4:ia mop
" MM, Ib bccca Philips, l.ll acres.
Terms u sale, casli
Admiiilslratrix estate of Jacob Klcinhans
deed, Milford, Aug 7th, IWltl
Blue Front Stables,
Port Jervis, N. V.
Adjoining f Jumaer's Union House.
Koad, carriage, draft and farm
horses for sale. Kxclianges made.
A large stock from which to make
selections. CANAL ST.
Hiram Towner.
Of All Kinds and Styles.
Blankets, Robes, Whips
and Horse Outfitting gen
erally. CAIMIJAdK
D( XE.
Examine my stock it
will please you. The
price too.
Harford St. . .Milford Pa.
Dr. David KcnncdyS
favorite Remedy
Cures all Kidney. Stomach '
JCilu, lo Vour l(oeis With t'mi ariiu,
t'unly "in hin t U', cur coiiHtipulion torevaf.
0t.v''i;. Jii". i. c. fi.il. ilraibu rcl uuU uiuuc.
Business - Cards.
F. W. BEST, M. D..
le Ball Street,
9 to II A. M.
2 to 4 P. M.
7 to 8 P. M.
Office Hours
Physician mid Siinrooii.
Ollli-c mill rcsidi'iicc lliiiTonl street in
homo lately (ircupieil liy l)r K II. Well
ier Mli.KOHl), PA.
Dr. von der Heyde,
Hrick Hmi-.e (ppodtc Yandernmrk Hotel
litoad street Milford Vn.
UKKII'KIUU KS: S to !: a. m. ; 1 to 6
p. m.
H. E.Emerson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
Attorney- at- Law,
OFFICE, Brown's Building,
Mii.kohii, I'ikk Co., Pa.
John A. Kipp,
OFFICE, opposite Court House
Mn.Koiiii, Pine; Co., Pa.
I'lie hun-1 imr cxci'lli'iicc nf tho ciinltul.
lurnrcil witliiti utic hlurk of t hi White
Ilou-c :inil (lirccily opM.siti' tho Trcrtsury.
Finest titbhf in tho city.
A fimuiiis hutolry. remnrkiiMe ftir Its
historirnl nssiiointiiins and lonp Husttiinoil
nnpulurity. Kooontly roinivutoil, rrpiiititotl
utid partially rt'furiiislicd.
A luiKlmiirk ainimr tho hotels of Wash
Innhm, patnnrod in fornior years ly
presiuen Is ami hiirh nflfieials. Always 11
prime favorite. Recently remodeled nml
pondered better than over. Opp. Pa. K.
K. dep. WALTKK Hl'HTON, Kes. Mr.
These hotels are tin principal political
roiiuozvi ms or tno cfiinral nt nil ttmoti.
Hitii;itlf i-fitt-
It offers sri'Kitioii educntional ad
vnntn ges.
Hkai.tiiki i, nnd I'icturksoi k Lo
cation in the resort region of the
Ht ii.MNos new and modern.
Sti uknt's Kdom furnished with
Bid sski.s (Jaki-kts. Xo other school
provides such luxurious home com
forts. Tiik Bkst Ddakihno. Tho Most
reasonahlo rntes. Tho First Nor
mal in tho State to introduce I'lain
and fancy sewing.
Ooi.i.kuk I'iiki'ahatory, Musk;
and Ki.oittionaky Dkpartmknts.
Wrileat once fora catalogue, free.
Winter term ojx'ns .lan'y a, 1n9'J.
Address, (Jko. 1.' Bihi.k, A.M.,
Cut thU nut and rrtiirn fn.ns with l.oo
nml vi;'ll srnil tin; fnl lowing piihtniri? pm
All For $1. Regular Cost $4.00
ThU rombinutioH fills a family nnd.
Two farm mrrs fur the men Tho "lien
tli'Wiiniiin," an ittcal papiT fur tho Iailiftt
.V Y WVekly Trihuiii for nil Marion
Harlaml'K Cook Hook with -HHt pairH anl
I.inio rm rirnl rfcipH fur thn wU ami tho
hiM.k, "Ten Nilitw In n liar Kihhii. the
limut'st, t.fiiiifiainr inivi'l of tin atfe. A
t wo ivjii j.iamp liririLTK saiuplcs of pa) rn
ami our ircai, riuiiiaiii I
Vermont Farm Journal
Wm. U. PACKARD, Publlahar.
ain St.
ClUlllt'll Ji'lllltls.
Meats in cvci'V ftirin.
Turkeys and tliickens. .
Oysters ami vegetables.
Kven tliiiiii- tor an
dinner at
Harford St. Milford Pa.
, Pa.