Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, August 04, 1899, Image 4

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    C h e a p e st
House i n
Jervis !
A Few
Chainless Facts
Bi-King. Shoes?
Cycling has brought
into development mus
cles nnd cords of the
feet nnd Ankles before
but little used, so thnt
lasts of new proportions
were necessary. New
Leathers and new meth
ods for soles have ndd
ed to the comfort of
Fleetwing 1 00
Warren 1 25
Bike Comfort 1 25
Bi-Kini? 1 50
Golf Bike 2 00
Chainless, Grip soles.. 2 00
Cyco-Golf, Pneu. soles 2 00
Alpha, Pnou. Soles. . . 2 50
Fitter of Feet,"
Pure Norwegian Cod
Liver oil with Hypo
phospites of Lime and
The medicine for the
Season, at about half
the price of other
None better Try.
Stoves and Ranges.
Round Oak
For Wood and Coal.
Best Heater and Fuel Saver in
New Era
Two Flre In or
Jobbing promptly attended to
T. R. Julius Klein
&.$ife5$ir- Wc carry a We racein -
yV Mock ol food! "1 Iron IU.OU0 u
yrt 'i- 'S-Ti lucd at ib.UOU Iciten
W own ud occupy th tolUat mercantllt building In th world. We havo
over ,oooloye custom r. Sixteen hundred clerk or constantly
eng aged filling out-of-town orders.
OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the book of tho people it quotes
Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over 1,000 pag ts, 16,000 illustrations, and
to,e descriptions of articles with price. It costs T cents to print and mail
each copy. We want you to have one. BEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show
your good faith, and we'll send you a
The Literary
"All the Periodicals in one"
Discussions on all sides of all
questions selected from domestic
and translated f rom foreign period
ical literature. Thk Litkkary Di
okst is in the world of thought.feel
ing, and research what the news
papers are in the world of events
You find in the dailies the facts ;
you find in Thk Literary Diokst,
the reason for the facts.
All thnt is of prime interest in the
realm of thought and action, wheth
er it be politics, science, art, belles,
lettres, ivligion.BOciology, travel 'dis
covery, finance, or commerce, is, by
long-trained editorial skill, present
ed in condensed form, partly in
sunnnnry, partly in direct quotation
for the readers of Thk Literary Di.
"No other publication of its class
is of equal value. No one who des
ires to keep abrenst with informa
tion on all lines of curront, inter
est can afford to be without The
Literary Diokst.
It presents nil stiles
Condenses, Digests
f Importune nut1
translates, Illus
trates from nenrly
1.00U periodicals. "
tlon with the great
est impartiality.
Single copies 10 f . 3.00 per year,
New York.
Have You
Eye sight?
If so, you can tret a free test at
Courtrignts 10 Front St., Port Jer-
via. We have the latest improved
test case and ophthal monieter, and
guarantee to correct all cases of
Myopia, Hypermetronia or Astig.
mat ism. We are also agent for the
well known pebble lenses which
took the priM against all competi
tors at Chiongo in '93. If you have
any headache or eye trouble call
and let us see what we can do for
you. ,
10 Front St., Port Jervis, N. Y.
to ts tJ 9
c c x a .
2. -h 3 s.
. 5' 3 a
2 8c.Bg"
5 w?
3 at a W a
- o
S ft-
ST "3 B &
a a
ro b 5-o
For estimates call on or
Mitimoris Pa.
Ko-To-Bm for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco bar it cure, makes weak
neo strong1, blood Dure. too. Ii. All druewstr
copy r a.c, wuo an tni' pwy-'
No use growling nbout dry weather Any
Misery loves coinpnny.
The clock stopped, the watch traveled and
the roadhog stills holds the side walk.
Squire Sandford Nearpass will put on
his legal thinking enp nnd preside at asult
between Chits. Gcbhardt find Jas. Black.
A jury will decide the merits of the case
nnd the excitement will take plnce nt the
nrlckhonse Hotel on Monday afternoon,
August 21ft. Kntn or shlno.
By the way, Milfotd hns n very smart
young chtip who delights In Insulting nnd
Annoying young Indies belonging on this
side of the river. The last time thnt chnp
amused himself was lnut Thursday oven
Ing. It he will tnke n fool's ndvlue we
would say let It lie the last before some
thing drops nnd heavy too, nnd don't for
get it.
Politics nppear to be getting hotter than
ever over In Pike. The crop of candidates
Is fair, so let the best men rcgnrdleSB of
politics win.
Tas. Kundlo nnd wife, Henry Brink,
Alice K. Haulage nnd Mrs. Alfred
Martsiini were taken In full membership
of the M. K. Church Sunday afternoon.
The officers of the M K. 8. S for the
coining year arc: Supt.Mrs. Burley, Asst.
Mrs Geo Hooker, Secy. Alice E. Rnmngo,
Asst Lester Hundle, Trons. Mrs. Jus.
Rundlo, lilbr. Henry Brink, Organist Mrs.
Jas. Hundle, Asst. May Hooker.
Martin Cole visited Portland Inst week
Jake McCarty Is the first to harvest oats
around hero.
Creamery butter Is In great demand.
Live nnd learn Is n good rule. But It ap
pears some will never learn, in lact II you
judge by actions nnd conduct the reveres
seems to be the rule.
Fish don't bite around the NAIL Kko
Haying is progressing very slowly on
account of the Inclement weather.
Mr Ch.ii'es Qulnu, candidate for Colin
tv Treasurer, made n hasty canvass of
this vicinity last week.
The new dwelling of William B. Horn-
beck Is lieing rapidly pushed to comple
tlou by Messrs. Joseph nnd Wallace Bens
ley. The Meadow Brook Sunday School held
Its annual picnic In Depue's Grove Wed
nesday, Aug. 3rd.
The Kgypt Mill creamery Is now under
the management of Frank Cook. The
patrons of this creamery, certainly have
some choice cows, ns their milk shown by
test produces nn nvernge ot more than
four pounds of milk which Is claimed to
be more than usunl.
The School Board of Lehman Township
hnve engaged tenchers for a term of seven
months for the following schools:
Snw Creek, John Clnrk; Pine Ridge,
Alice Hognn; Hemlock Grove, P. F.
Chamberlain; Brodheads, Clara Gnrisa;
ISchuylers, F. L. Layton,
No teacher hns yet been employed for
the Barn Timber school. The school
board bns decided to purchase a new set
of books for the schools.
F. L. L
Hon. E B. Hnnlonbergh was the guest
of C. A. Pol let t Sunday.
Rlctinnl and Cora Kollnm, ot Rnhwny,
N. J , are visiting relatives lu this place.
Miss Helen N. Kellem, who has spent
the past week at Big Pond, returned to
her home, Thursday.
Miss. Heynlger, of New York, ts staying
for a short time at Smith's Summer Re
sort. It weighed sixteen pounds; a present
from his wife to John Bidwell. 'Twas a
Messrs. Sand ford Williams, Clay Clark,
Lyman Wlllinms and Miss Simons were
the guests ot Mr and Mrs W. H. Clark
Mrs and Mist Van Gordon are spend
ing a few days with M. N . B. Klllaiu and
family .
Miss Yolande Klllam spent the past
woek with friends at Honesdale.
Dr. and Mrs. Edron Green, of Snranton,
Pa , visited her parents, B. F. Klllaiu aud
wife, last week.
In the physiology class, the small boy
when asked on what article of diet he
would choose to live promptly replied,
"pie." Defacto.
Mrs. G Van Gordon and daughter.
Myrtle, of Green Ridge, are guests of her
uncle, M. Killam, also Miss Anna Taft, of
Hawley, staid with them Friday aud Sat
urday nights.
Mrs. A. K. Killam is entertaining
guests from Ithaca, N. Y and Wach'ta,
Miss Y.ilanil Killam was the guest of
Ml.s May Wood, of Honesdale, for the
past week, returned on Tuesday and
brought Miss Wood with her.
Miss Marlon Charleaworth, of Hones-
drle, Is the guest of Miss Francis Killam
IMlss M ibel Pellett celebrated her eighth
birthday July 31st. Three of her little
friends came to pass the day with her and
had a very pleasaut time.
Mr. J. Cranston, of Wllkeabarre and
Mrs. O. Down, of White Mills are guests
ot their sister Mrs. G. N Killam.
Senator Hardenbergb aud wife, of
Honesdale were guests of ber brother C
A. Pellett, Saturday and Sunday and a
sister Mrs. B. Pellet, of Patemon, return
ed with them. On account of the wreck
their train was late leaving Hawley It be
ing near eight o'clcck.
Miss Frank Pellett is visiting frieuds In
Hawley aud attended the Red Mens' pio-
nio at the Lake Tuesday.
Miss Gertrude P ellett, of Scranton, Is
oomiuiug home oo Saturday for her
Joe Wa'e, of Waverly, ts speudlug a few
days Id this plaoe.
The politicians arc almost as numerous
as crows In n field of corn. The shenves
will soon be gathered It Is hopeful they
will then have time to rest.
UK Nyce now locnted nt German,
mnden flying trip to this place Saturday
evening he nlso brought n gentlemen to
the camp near H. Simons. PAUPAC.
Henry 3. AllirigHit enndldnte for com
missioner was In this sectlou last week
looking for votes, don't full to give him a
lift bovs.
Messrs Lon Anderson, Rnss Lord. Rob
ert Plerson, John McConnell, Chns nnd
Will Hatten, Allen Smith, Will Mador
nnd Wllbert Hazen wheeled to Greeley
Tho dance held nt the Club House was
well attended considering the bnd night
we hnd.
A small straw ride pnrty pnssed through
here Inst Thursday night nnd made nn
enormous lot ot noise according to the
size of the crowd.
E. A. Greening, of Spring Brook, wns
a Lackawnxen visitor Inst Snturdny.
Ira B. nnd Hnrry M. Rosencrance wert
In Rowlands Inst Wednesday.
Two Inches of rain fell here on the sur
face of the ground nnd It hns cleared off
hot enough to ronst n turkey In the shnde.
J no. C. Westbrook Jr. from Milford
jnndidnte for Pronntbonnry put up three
kegs of beer In the G. C. H. Inst Wednes
day night with which to secure votes.
I just received n letter' from n friend
Frank Piefer who dlsnppenred froin home
Inst spring he we went tn Blnghnnton nnd
enlisted III (Coinpnny 1(1) nnd wns sent to
Snn Francisco, On? sVid on the iftd of Ju
ly sailed for Manila. '
Rolen Willis, of Milford. wns a guest at
the Red cottage, on the hill, la-t week.
Messrs Jacob Knoedler, George Blerllng
and Robert Clnrk took a fishing excuislon
down to Shoholn Kails Inst Wednesday;
they report b-n-d luck.
John F. Greening, of Spring Brook, wns
In town Wednesday.
Whnt became of my letter of last week
Editor, didn't you receive one from
Unclk Sam?
Miss Cora Blllmnn left town Saturday
morning for Rlnghamton to visit h?r
sister, Mrs. Ed Lord, who Is spending the
summer in that city. Cora will be absent
a week or ten days.
Floyd Kllpatrick, who has been spend
ing part of his vacation at Yulan, at the
Brookside House, returned home Thurs
Miss Sarah Drlffle and Miss Rose Sim-
mens, both of Brooklyn, N. Y., who have
been boarding at Brookside House, at Yu
lan, N. Y , for sometime, are now the
guests of Mr. Young Kllpatrick of Cun
ningham St. for a few days.
The Ladles C. IT. 8. connected with
Hope church, contemplate holding a mid
summer fair on August 17th aud 18th at
Prescott's hall .
Miss Grace Rymna, of Marksboro, and
Miss F.mma Ryman,of Newark, and Wm,
Ryman, of Montague, are guests of Mrs,
Abe Huff on PenBylvanla avenue.
Miss Tessle Manulgnn and friend, Miss
L. Wilkes, of New York, have been the
guests of Miss Tessle's father, John Man
nlgan, for a few days.
Thomas Armstrong, wife and daughters
Bessie and Ruth, of Milford, Pa., called
on Prof . and Mrs. 8. A. Johnson on Sun
day afternoon.
William A. Roberts and wife returned
from their wedding trip Sunday afternoon
and are now at their home on Mountain
avenue, P. J.
Martin Fisher and wife, of this place,
spent Saturday and Sunday In Decker
town, N. J. They were the guests of
Edward Fisher aud wife of this place.
Miss Lottie Cottrell, of this village, who
went to New York about two weeks ago
for an operation, haa developed diphtheria
and she has been removed to Wllliard
Parker Hospital, r Jars. Cottrell, her
mother, visited her Tuesday and she re
ports Lottie doing well and hopes to be
home shortly .
The Epwortb Church Sunday School
held their annual plcuio, Thursday at
Frlck's Grove.
Stanley French, a clerk In Anderson's
drug store. Port Jervis, It on his vacation
He left town Wednesday on his wheel for
Mlddletown, Goshen and other placet In
Orange Co. We wish him a pleasaut
trip. Stanley la a Matamoraa boy.
Abe Huff and a party of ladies visited
RaymondsklU Falls on Tuesday. They
report having had a pleasant time.
The pretty new house of Mrs Kimble's
on which Willie Wugner Is doiug the
carpeuter work Is nearlng oompletiou It
is situated on Washington street. Mr.
Wagner haa bulit several flue houses tn
this village aud all have given great satis'
faction. We congratulate Mrs. Kimble
upon her handsome house.'
The rain on Saturday evening, made
great havoc in the opper part of our pleat'
ant village, not in many years past hat
their been such an Immense quantity ot
water preclpatvded aud so much damage
done by one rain storm. A brook run
niug along aide of the riad down Heaters
hill was overflowed in front of the residence
of Win Danty aurth onoa- bard and
smooth road was transformed Into a liter
al mountain gully, for a dlstat.ee of SUO ft
It will be mauy days before travel can
be returned there. The lower portions of
Danley't barns aud home were InuAdatod
Three bridges across the road were swept
away . This spot of desolation was visited
by fully lit 0 people on Sunday afternoon
Driller's brook was also over-flowed and
the water flooded the street to Keasler's
store aud thence along the M. & M. Hail
road. That road had seven washouts
Seymour Coykendail lost a hundred chick
ens by the water. Buttermilk r ails was
again made beautiful aud were visited by
a large number of people Sunday after
noon. It it to be hoped Matamoraa will
not be visited again by tucb a sever ralu
storm. Fifteen Tears ago tl.lt brook over
flowed its bank aud doue considerable
damage but not to much at It did re-
oeutly. 6
Crooked Scheme.
According to the usual methods
pursued by those who believe in,
and practice, the dark lantern and
star chamber system of politics, the
present Republican County Com
mittee is witholding all information
as to it operations and intentions
from all save the chosen few whose
political Interests it is its solo aim
and object to further. There are,
we understand, some amendments
to the rules proposed, but, ao fir as i
we can learn, no means have been
taken to give them general publici
ty so as to allow general Informa
tion of their character or a public
discussion of their merits. These
are mutters which pertain to the
welfare of the pnrty and should be
widely known and fully understood
so that the voters to whom they
are to be submitted, for adoption or
rejection, may vote with an intelli
gent conception of their merits. If
there are good reasons why th
rules should be altered or amended
there certainly can be no hnrm in
making them known and allowing
the intelligent Republican voters
in the county time to discuss and
weigh them. Such mntters should
receive consideration and ample op
portunity afforded for it. Tho rules
were held over for a montn before
adoption, by those opposing them';
in order that all might lie fully in
formed as to their character and ef
fect, now that changes are proposed
why should not eqnal publicity be
given and the same opportunity af
forded for publio review? Such
methods are unfair, underhanded
and bode no good to the general
welfare of the party, but they are
a part of the tactics usually employ
ed by those who rae in it to rule or
are so invested that each land own
er receives a dividend from the in.
terest, on fhe money. It may be
optimistic to hone thnt this might
happen here hut at least with no ex
traordinary demnnda we might ex
jiect the country to be free from
debt. Voting should be a serious
question, and carefully done. The
voter should exercise his best judge
ment, unswerved by personal in
fluence, lavish promises, or mere
friendship. No ninn who has been
tried and found wanting should
again be elected. Thiuk of your
unnecessary taxes nnd cast your
ballot for a straight forwnrd, hon
est, oarefuland economical man.
Alfred Marvin.
Matamoraa, Pa.
Dos't Tobiooo Bpit and Bmors Tour Lift Awsy.
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
tud forever, beuiudewell, strong, magnetic.
full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Buc.
the wonder-worker, tiiat makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,uiio cured. Buy No-To-Bac of your
druggist, under guarantee to cure. Wc or
11.110. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad,
nterlinu Remedy Co.tChuKO or New York.
Your Ear
Just a moment plonse, while we
mention Shoes for Men, Women
and Children. We have them.
Prices Just Right.
Many other things you want too.
Call and inspect. Our sales of wall
'paper were very satisfactory
thank you.
PYMAN -:--:-
Milford, Penna.
T. Armstrong & Co.
Sccessors to
Dealers in
Milford, Pa.
If you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. D. Van Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth streets,
For Summer Girls.
Tan and Dongola Oxfords in Graceful Styles.
"Snappy" Cycling
A New Store
Soaps, Perfumes, Proprietary Articles
And Everything Usually Foui'd in a First-Class Drug Store.
H. E. Emerson & Co.,
gjV Next Door to Hotel Fauehore.
Bargain Day
At Our Store. Plan to be in Port Tervis on Fri
days, it will more than pay your fare both ways.
Every Friday Something New
Desirable and Cheap. We have gone into Crock
ery and Glassware head over heels. Resp'y,
92 Pike St., Port Jervis.
..GO TO.
R. B. Yai Kfcfccn
Made-to-Order Suits, Pants and Overcoats
I Suits Made to Order fl mid up.
I Pants r-M ' "
I Overcoats Mado-to Order fi.tJO ' "
They combine the very latest styles, elegance of finish, tlurnbility and grace
ful appearance, especially pants, being made with patent safety seam less
pockets, nil buttons lieing put oil with their nover-to-come-off process, and
sewed throughout with silk aud linen, and so the seams never rip.
Please look at my line of samples
ments. I can save you money.
Centre Square,
Largest and finest selection of Mil
linery. Onr designs are the latest,
and juices lowest consistent with
good work.
All orders ju-omptly attended to and
satisfaction guaranteed to all our pa
trons. SALLEY & ENNIS,
79 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y.
Great Clubbing Offer.
The Pike County Pkkss has made Arrangements with the publisher of the Vermont
Farm Journal" which enables us to make the uut rcuinrkuble clubbing offer ever be
fore beard of in this section. Here it is.
Pike Co. Press I vr.
Vermont Farm Journal I yr.
N. Y. Weekly Tribune I. yr.
American Poultry Advocate I yr.
The Gentlewoman I yr.
Marion Harland's Cook Book.
Ten Nights In a Bar Room.
All for $2.00 Regular Price $5.50
Pike County PRESS,
Renewals $3.25. Milford Penna,
21 Front St.,
Port Jervis.
Brand Street,
I send vimr order lilrect to American
Woolen Mills, World's Largest Tailors,
Chicago, 111.
before ordering or
buying new gar-
Milford, Pa."
Parlors H-