Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, July 21, 1899, Image 4

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    : r im rr -ijir'tn jii nan i hhsjuiiij i
C lot hi ng
House i n
Jervis !
A Few
Chainless Facts
I RLIinrr Shnoc?
Cycling has brought
into development rous
cles and cords of the
feet and ankles before
but little used, so that
lasts "f new proportions
were necessary. New
Leathers and new nieth
ods for soles have add
ed to the comfort of
Fleet wins 1 00
V Warren 1 25
S Bike Comfort 1 25
Bi-King 1 50
2 Oolf Bike 2 00
Chainless, Urip soles.. 2 00
2 Cy co -Golf, Pnen. soles 2 00
Alpha, Pneu. Soles... 2 50
Fitter ot Feet,"
Norwegian Cod
oil with Hypo-
phospites of Lime and
The medicine for the
Season, at about half
the price of other
None better Try it.
Stoves and Ranges.
Round Oak
For Wood and Coal.
Best Heater and Fuel Saver in the
Now Era Radiator,
Two Flro In on
Jobbing promptly attended to
T. R. Julius Klein
Your Ear
Just a moment please, while we
mention Shoes for Men, Women
and Children. We have them.
Prices Just Right.
Many other things you want too.
Call and inspect. Our Bales of wall
paper were very satisfactory
thank you.
Milford, Penna,
The Literary
as MluS-
"All the Periodicals in one"
Discussions on nil sides of all
questions selected from domestic
and translated from foreign period
ical literature. Thk Literary Di
gest is in the world of thought, feel
ing, and research what the news
papers are in the world of events
You find in the dailies the facts ;
you find in The Literary Dmest,
the reason for the facts.
All that is of prime interest in the
realm of thought and action, wheth
er it be politics, science, art, belles
lettres, religion, sociology, travel 'dis
covery, finance, or commerce, is, by
long-trained editorinl skill, present
ed in condensed form, partly in
summary, partly in direct quotation
for the readers of The Literary Di.
"No other publication of its class
is of equal value. No one who des
ires to keep abreast with informa
tion on all lines of current inter
est can afford to be without The
Literary Digest.
It presents all sides I Condenses, Digests
of Important chips translates, iilus
tlons with the great- I trntes from nearly
est Impartiality. l.tJUOuerlixitcala.
Single copies 10,. $3.00 per year.
New York.
Have You
Eye sight?
If so. vou can get a free test at
Courtrights. 10 Front St., Port Jer
vis. We have the latest improved
test case and ophthal mometer, and
(luaranteo to correct all cases of
Myopia, Hypermetropia or Astig
matism. We are also agent for the
well known pebble lenses which
took the prize against all competi
tors at Chicago in '93. If you have
any headache or eye trouble call
and let us see what we can do for
10 Front St., Port Jervis, N. Y.
Of All Kinds and Style.
Blankets, Robes, Whips
and Horse Outfitting gen
Repairing ;-:
Examine my stock it
will please you. The
price too.
Harford St. . .Milfore Pa.
H to M 05
&5 r a
For estimates call on or
Matanrtoraa Pa.
-.Dr. David Kennedys
favorite Remedy
f -VI
g. 3 s. 3 a f
El -lis' o
Ml iM
2. 2-5 I ill if IN
sail! I JIMM
The sale cf the real estnte of the'late firm
of Smith and Dusenberry nt Layton takes
place Aug 10th, when this valuable prop
erty will be offered to the highest bidder
by Trustee Simpson of Newton.
A notification of C. H. Crlsmnn, of
Hranchvllle, the Committee of the Far
mers Mechanics, and Trndesmens picnic
ht Culvers Lake on Saturday August 5th.
The snle of privileges for this popular plc
ulo will take plnce ou the preceding Sat
urday July With, at the Crlsmon Boat
M in. F. Rosenkrans has added a record
ing attachment to his Graphophone, and
the machine Is now ready to reproduce the
efforts of local tuleut. It Is quit an at
traction. Merchant McKeeby. jf Ilevaus, Is In the
swim tiHi with a new Graphaphone. What
Is the use of going to hear the band play
when you can stack It up In the home, and
reproduce It whenever the spirit moves.
Kdward Decker and wife, of Newton,
were visiting friends and relatives in
Snndyston last Saturday aud Sunday.
We have so often been asked the dates of
the several depredations of the Snndyston
vandals that Is here given In shape to paste
In the hat. Scurrilous Circular Dee 81st,
211 apple trees girdled April asth, 4a apple
trees girdled, and polsened corn thrown
around the poultry houses May 17th, dog
and two cits polsened May 30th, a "Last
Warning" letter .Inly 1st, followed on Ju
ly Nth by the girdling of 11 apple trees, and
tearing out of 4 grafts AH undoubtedly
the work of the same hands.
B'or thu Information of those ordering
chickens for the table we would remark
that a broiler Is not a broiler after It reach
es two pounds in weight. Properly a
broiler should not exceed one aud a hnlf
pounds, after which they become "spring
chicken." A welt fed one pound chick
makes a line broil, and the two pjunder
Is generally jut in either two or fourpieees
for the table as the generosity of the board
lug house keeper may dictate. There are
n u spring elihkens at Pine Hill Farm, at
present, as the demand keeps them down
to broiler size. These can be furnished
at short notice either alive or dressed.
(ieo. Voorhees has signed a bill for good
roads appropriating $150,000. Would that
this amount might be expended In Sussex
Co. for a starter.
The showers of Wednesday last, though
light just at this place, were heavy else
where In the county, and the electrical dis
play was fierce In Its Intensity. Reports
came In for several days of buildings and
other objects struck by lightning. Novel
effects were the striking of a single shock
of rve ou the farm of Garret A. Van Auken
near Ileeniervllle, It took fire and burned.
An Incubator about ready to hatch wns
shocked by a nearby bolt of lightning at
"Pine Hill Kami," killing a greater part
of the chicks In the shell, and causing some
of thoso that did hatch to act In a peculiar
manner. This Is a very rare occurrence,
and the first of Its kind that has ever come
to our notice.
That was a flue rain last Saturday night
and did a world ot good. It has been
none too wet, yet this season, at "Pine Hill
The Pond brook bridge, Culvers Gap Is
completed, and being of different design
from those usually built in this county will
bear describing. The throat, or waterway,
Is 12 by 8 feet. Over this Is place flftoeud
riilli-oud rails each 15 feet long Flagstones
four Inches thick are laid on these, and
over all eight Inches of gravel . It makes
a very durable structure, and the work
has been well done by James Decker and
sons, of Hranchvllle.
John J. Van Sickle shook the Snndyston
dust from his shoes lust week for a two
months tour lu Ohio. He Is accompanied
by John C. Kitchen, of belvldere, and to
gether they are prepared to enter Into some
extensive hay aud lumber speculations lu
McKlnluys domain. We wish them abun
dant success.
1)1X0 MASS.
the farmers hereabout nre beginning the
gather! og of their hay, and if the weather
proves favorable this week there will ba
a great deal housed ere Saturday. The
crop Is very light.
Oats have shown a great Improvement
since the late welcome rains and some
fields promise a fair yield after all . Early
potatoes will produce but little, but we
hope for a better return from later plant
ings Kate Layton has been making her an
nual visit to her sisters In Delaware. She
Is still secretary of the Warren Insane
Asylum. She will return to her duties
this week .
Peter T. Dotey, formerly of this place,
but later of Jersey City, has given up his
business at that place sluce the untimely
death of bis wife, aud is now westward
bound on his wheel . His objeottve point
Is Wisconsin, whither be will Join a broth
er. Frank Buckley was thrown from bis
wheel while at Milford one day recently
and sustained serious and painful Injuries,
having his collar bone dislocated aud one
shoulder badly jammed. Dr. Emerson
set the collar bone, and Dr. Hughes bos
siace attended tbe Injured man.
The School Board of Delaware, on Sat
urday afternoon last employed teachers
for the winter term, which will begin on
tbe second Monday In September, and al
so received bids for tbe furnishing of the
wood at the different school houses.
Walter A. Brad'ey recently killed a
very large rattlesnake on the Dtngman
turnpike near Mrs. Fleet's dwelling. The
reptile sported 14 rattles.
David Angle and Van Sant Hood are
doing a thriving business In tbe stone
quarries uear tbe "Simon I. Decker
place." They are getting out a number
of magnlflclent stones of extra slse.
Mrs. Emily Downs, whose shoulder was
recently dislocated by a loll, Is still suffer
ing considerably from her unfortunate
accident. .
Mr. Logon's unique aud excellently fin
ished cottage near Albert H. Dlugiuaus
la about oumpleted, aud U now being
painted. Mr. W. E Sin ley Is doing the
work of painting.
W. H L
Gottfrey Van Lang after buying a team
of horses of Evert Crone, of Port Jervis,
about two weeks ago rctnrned them to
Port Jervis Inst week as they were not
as recommended Mr. Van Lang return
ed home with the horses saying that
Crone would nut accept them back again.
So now there inty be a law-su't.
Mrs. Ira B. Kosetiorance called on rela
tives In McKrnn Valley last week.
Case Greening made a business trip to
Huwley, Thursday.
John D. Van Akin, of Lackawaxeu,
called ou friends at Shohola Falls lost
Vido Zecklck has completed a new bouse
on his farm.
Abiam Miller, of Hemlock Hollow, was
through town Weduesday.
Ira B. Kosencranoe aud son Harry, were
at Rowlands last Wednesday.
Another town charge fell on Lackawax
en township last week.
Pierre M. NUIs, of Delaware township.
Kepubllcau candidate fur Kounty Com
missioner, was In this vicinity lust Friday
In search of votes.
Charles M. Burcher, formerly of Bur-
cher's Glen, but now of Mlddletown Is
the happiest man of that city It is a boy.
Also August Peters Is lejolcing, tbe six
unknown to me.
Mrs. W. V. Burcher after spending a
few days with her son Charley, at Middle
town, returned home lost Thursday.
A dauoe will be held at the Greeley
Club House, July SW All are Invited to
attend. Oh, yes, by the way. why don't
you get a new flag on the club house f It
would look better than the one there now
John C. Westbrnok, Jr., candidate for
Prothonotary, was here lost Friday look
lug after votes .
A very nice rain fell here Saturduy night
which did considerable good.
Mr. Sawyer, of Sparrowbush, was in
this section lust Saturday.
Mr. Portinan, from New York city, Is a
guest at Fall's Cottage.
Irvln N. Dewltt. of Rowlands, was a
pleasant caller out here last Sunday.
The Misses Louise Wltte, iBabell B
Clark and Kilna Devoe, were callers at
Mrs. IraB. Kosencranoe's last Sunday
George Blerllng and a guest of the Syl-
vanlu House, visited at Shohola Falls last
I saw lu the Semi-Weekly Gazette that
the Rowland correspondent says that Mr
Kmmett Asher, of Lackawaxeu, will run
a foot race of 200 yards for $5.0). He can
And his match by calling on UNCLE SAM
Miss Flora Mlntrum aud ber sister Miss
Carrie, are visiting at the home of Mrs
Frank Corwln.
The Ladles' Aid Society, of Epworth
church, entertained their friends, on Frl
day evening, at the residence of Mrs. Frank
Quick at r) o'clock dinner.
Frank Kerr aud wife, of Newark, N J.
are tbe guests of Mrs. Kerr's mother, Mrs.
Frank Quick.
Miss Sarah aud her sister Miss Belle Bal-
more, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are visiting at
the home of Mrs. John Balmore ou River
street, Matainoras.
Mr. Price Hulstead, of Garfield, N. J.
Is visiting his sister, Mrs. Gilbert Remey
of this village. Mr. Halstead was a for
mer resident of this place. His numerous
friends are pleased toseehlin again in Mat
ainoras .
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lilly, of Hope church
Matnmoros, left town recently for Read
ing, Pa., ond other cities. Mr. Lilly takes
his vacation now. They will be absent
three weeks.
Mr. S. Willlmas and wife, of New York
city, are on a visit to this village. They
are at present the guests of Alferd Bill
man and wife, of Crookson street.
Misses Mary V. Squires and Huttle Al
len spent Friday at Greenville, N. Y., call
lug upon friends.
Miss Lottie KU patrick and her two oous
lnr, Miss Alice aud Master Graham Ad
ams, returned from N. Y. city, Sunday ev
euing, where they have been for the past
two weeks visiting relatives.
Floyd Kilpatrick Is spending a few days
with bis grandparents at Shohola, Pa.
Miss Leila Vandyue, of Waldwiok N. J
has been visiting friends In Matainoras
aud Port Jervis.
Mr. Charles Garrabrant visited Mato-
moras, on Sunday.
Miss Grace Seybolt, who has been lu
New York and other places the past month
has returned home.
The L. A. S. connected with Epworth
church will give a dtuner at the home of
Mrs. Frauk Quick, ou Friday afternoon
All friends are Invited to be present.
OnJuue 20th, at half-past twelve o'clock
as Mrs. R. S. Dandley, of Matainoras was
coming home from Port Jervis (be was
thrown down by a bicycle on the bridge
and very luuoh Injured. Mrs. Danley has
been confined to the bed for three weeks
and is still quite seriously 111.
A little later there was another ac
cident on tbe bridge. A lady and a gentle
men were on their wheels and a wagon co-
nuea witn mem, one of the wheels were
broken, bat no Injury to the present
Some thing ought to be done to have the
company make a place tor people to walk
aud not to be molested with wagous and
Mrs. Irwin Young gave a very pleasing
inuslcale ou Tuesday evening at Prescott's
Hall. It consisted of muaio both lnstru
mental aud vocal.
Miss Viola Crane, a young violinist,
made her appearance on Tuesday evening.
She is a musical genius and bandies the
Instrument to perfection.
Mr. Fred Winkleinan, a blind pianist,
favored the audieuoe with several piano
solos He executes finely and cannot see
a note. His playing was grand.
Mrs. Young Is deserving of a great deal
of praise, aud the Matainoras people ten
der their thanks for the gieat treat she
gave them on Tuesday eveulug. After
tbe musicule cream aud cake were served
by the J, A, 8- of Kpworth Church, (j,
church Dedicated.
Montag-ues Nsw Borne of Worship-
It &ttndt Complete Free of Debt.
No lovller day could have been
chosen for the dedication of the new
Reformed Church than Tuesday
proved to bo. The Church was filled
to its utmost capacity at the after
noon aervioe which opened at S 30
with prayer by the Rev. J. L. Ktill
well of Blooiningburgh. Hymn 231
was sung by the choir Miss. Maggie
Westbrook presiding at the organ,
Rev. A. W-Mackensie of Port Jervis
read 9 chap Kings 1. 9 verses and
Hebr. 13 chap. 10 to 21 verses. Rev.
Tho8. Nichols of Milford offered
prayer which was followed by sing
ing hymn 100. Rev. T. N. Mackenzie
of Port Jervis preached the dedica
tion sermon from the words "The
Church of the Living God." The
sermon which was a masterly effort
and well delivered was full of excel
lent advice. Mrs. A. Phillips of Pt.
Jervis sang Building in sorrow, after
which Rev. T. A. Morris of Port Jer
vis offered prayer. Hymn 201 was
sung which was followed by an ad
dress by Rev. Stillwell congratula
ting the people on the success of
their undertaking. The dedication
service was then conducted by Rev.
W. Mills D. D. of Port Jervis.
The service closed by singing the
iloxology and benediction by Rev.
The New Cliuroh stands about 50
feet east of the old one, is 28 x 45 ft.
with basement, and has a seating
capacity for 200 persons. The build,
ing was erected by A. D. Brown &
son of Milford, the contract price
being $1090 enclusive of basement
and furniture. The cost of the pews
hard wood and finely finished was
t21G. The building committee of the
congregation consisted Messrs L. A
Martins, Geo. Cortright, D. H. Pred
more, Jacob Mc Carty, Geo. Arm
strong, John A. Everett, Chns. Grau,
O. Bevans, and Jus. A. Rundle.
There wns an indebtedness of $252.-
49 with $85. 00 promised, which left
$167. 45 to be raised. At- the conclu
sion of the afternoon service theje
was subscribed and paid in $190.00
leaving the building free of debt
with a small surplus.
At the evening service the church
wns again filled, the service opened
by singing hymn 254. Rev. D, J
Harris read psalm 24 after which
Rev. C. N. Whittaker offered prayer.
Hymn 229 was followed by an ad
dress by Rev. Harris, in which he
feelingly alluded to the late Rev.
Gilbert Lane. After hymn 181 Mr
Whittaker followed ou the ''Respon
nihility of the people on the comple
tion of the church. Mrs. Phillips
sang World of tender beauty, after
which Mr. Mackenzie spoke on "To
what we own the success of the new
church, and the cancellation of the
debt." He paid a high tribute to the
L, A. 8. and to the building com
mittee and also paid a very flattering
compliment to Randle Bapre who
alone, when all others were discour
aged persevered and worked faith
fully to raise money, in which effort
he was successful. He concluded
his remarks by advising the people
to get a permanent minister. The
evening collection amounted to $4.3.
Hymn 100 was sung and the benedic
tion pronounced by Mr. Harris con
cluded the service.
The L. A. H served tea to fifty
fivo visitors in the basment of the
church. Nail. Kko.
Statb of Ohio City or . .
Tolkdo. Lucas County, j :
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is the senior partner of the firm
of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing busi
ness in the City ot Toledo, County
and State aforesaid, and the firm
will pay the sum of of ONE HUN.
DRED DOLLARS for each and
every case of Catarrh that cannot
be cured by the use of Hall's Ca
tarrah Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscrib
ed in my presence, the 6th day of
December, A. D. 1886.
f S Notary Public.
Hull's Catarah Cure is taken in
ternally, and acta directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials, free.
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggist, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are tbe beat.
If you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth street,
For Summer Girls.
Tan and Dongola Oxfords in Graceful Styles.
"Snappy" Cycling
A New Store
Soaps, Perfumes,
And Everything Usually B'ound
Prescript Ion
Cm rAfu 1 1 v
H. E. Emerson & Co., I
Next Door to
Need not run all
tire yourselves
time and inonev,
want. We have
There is no
that can dwthis, is there?
Pave money 1 y buying all in one bill.
92 Pike St., Poit Jervis.
.GO TO..
R. B. Vai7 Kttcn
Made-to-Order Suits, Pants and Overcoats
Suits Msde to Order 00 and up.
Punt ... .'. 2.ik " "
Overcoats Mnde-to Order I7.UU ' "
They combine the very latest styles,
till appearance, espclally pants,
p(x:kets. all buttons twins put on
sewed throughout with silk aud liuea, and so the seams never rip.
Please look at my line of samples before ordering or buying new gar
ments. I can save you money.
"Centre Square,
Largest and finest selection of Mil
linery. Onr designs are the latest,
and juices lowest consistent witl,
good work.
All orders promptly attended to and
satisfaction guaranteed to all our pa
trons. SALLEY & ENNIS,
79 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y.
Great Clubbing Offer.
The Pike County Prbss has made arrangements with the publisher of the "Vermont
Fariu Journal" which enables us to make the most remurkahle clubbing otfi-r ever be
fore beard of lo this sectiun. Here 11 is.
Pike Co. Press I vr.
Vermont Farm Journal I yr.
N. Y. Weekly Tribune I. yr.
American Poultry Advocate I yr.
The Gentlewoman I yr.
Marion Harland's Cook Book.
Ten Nights in a Bar Room.
All for $2.00 Regular Price $5.50
Pike County PRESS,
Renewals $2. 35. Milford Penna,
21 Front St.,
Port Jervis.
Proprietary Articles
in a Firt Class Drug Store.
road Street,
Hotel Fnuohore
over Fort Jervis, and
all out, and waste your
looking for what you
the :ols. We can fur
nish your house from top to bottom with
other house
in Fort Jervis
I send your order Olrect to American
Wwilen 'Mills, World's Largest Tailors.
Chicago, 111.
elcimuce of ttnish, durability and (trace-
dciuk nuwie witn patent surety seam less
with their never-to-come-otT process, and
Milford, Pa."