Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, June 16, 1899, Image 3

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    Some Pointed Questions
Does your urine contain any sediment ? Is tlie ' nver part of your back sot,
freak and lame? Docs your urine have a whitish, milky color? Is there a
tmarting or scalding sensation in passing ft ? Does it pain you to hold it? Do
you desire to urinate often, especially at night ?
If you have any of these symptoms, your Kidneys are diseased and your life
everything in
IS. I ISiil
111 irJLHl i
back became all right, no pain at all; my water cleared up and
passed from me without poin, and I grew better in every wav.
I consider it a great medicine, as it has done wonders for nie.
My wife uses it for female complaint, and thinks it's the finest
medicine in the world."
Sample Bottle Dree.
Every man and woman who reads this paper and is in need of medicine, is
.nvitcd to send full postoflice address for a free trial bottle of Favorite Remedy
to the Dk. Damd Kknnkhy Corporation, Koinlout, N. Y. Our offer is genuine,
and the fact that it appears in this paper is a guarantee that the trial bottle will
t sent prepnid. Don't delay in writing, and mention this paper.
A large bottle costs $1.00 at all drug stores.
r0OS)B9 '
Is sin effort
nt forth to deserve,'
obtain and retain your
with your very
lest $10 ssuit
thoughts and se
cure one of these
Men's Winter Suits at $6.98.
liroken lots of
Men's Winter Ov
ercoats reduced to
less than cost.
Cor. Front and Sussex Pt's.
Pour Jkrvis N. Y.
L i
9HHmmm 99 mm la m ntHHT
menm a m mmt, atw
mum. cvmcTtcvr, m mt, mmrtumi,
mm jrun
Send for oar Bnok, HA Bird's Eye View
(18 txts--beautifully illustrated and very
York and how to go about. Feu vua thb
. -r r f ur kji ot uu.,
Successors to BROWN & ARMSTRONG.
We offer a lino of now Spring Goods,
Our point is tlint you need not go away from home to
supply all your needs, or to secure bnrgnins. We expoct
to satisfy you in both particulars.
DRY GOODS, new and stylish. GROCERIES, fresh
ING. Any thing in any line at bo'tom prices.
To accomplish this end we have adopted a new system.
All our prices nre fixed on a basis of cash payment. This
obviates the necessity to allow a margin for bad debts and
interest. To accommodate responsible parties we cheer
fully open monthly accounts, and expect prompt jxiyment
monthly, ns our prices will not enable uh to carry accounts
Statements rendered the first of every month, and if
Miid withiu three days from date of bill, a cash discount of
2 isHllowed. The same discounts given on all cash pur
chases exceeding $1.00. Goods sent out will be C. O. D.
unless otherwise previously arranged.
Brown's Building, Milford, Pa.
is in dimmer. More people die of such disorders than are
killed in wars.
Dr. David Kennedy' a favorite. Remedy is a
direct and sure cure. It goes straight to the sent of
diseases in the Kidneys, Bladder and Blood. It hunts
out and drives from the system all the impurities that
pain in ine deick, mone in me manner.
Bright s Disease, Urinary 1 roubles, and dis
eases of the Stomach and Liver, It acts at
once. There is do long waiting to see if it will
"For year I suffered with my Kidneys,"
writes Thomas Quackf.nrusi!, of PittsfiuM,
Mass. " The pain in my back was so severe at
times that I was obliged to keep to my bed. 1
suffered awfully when passing water, which
was often discolored with blood. I tried almost
the shape of medicine, but nothing
seemed to help me. One day I got a bottle of Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy and used it
but a little while when it braced me right up. Slv
of fine DINNER and TOIL
ET SETS which means the
You find with us the largest
assortment of
Binder Sctc
$4.98 Cwiad -up.
cTcilct zciz
$1.49 aiJ -up.
It takes 2200 square feet of
floor space to show our stock
the largest in this section.
Farmers Produce wanted.
Port S rvia N. Y.
of New York" end It Greatest Store
inU-tvtUng. Telia juu all about .New
Hm 17a for America Itaaora ff lh Cna.
tnniai-y- ftoap.
TIip nntlvpR of our new ten-how,
rorto Itlt-o, have no iippiI to luy aoaji,
for the wooded country nbiiumU 14
t il ii n t n wlinw lenve-a. and Inillm urri
most fully tlip plncff of tlint Inrllspi'iiH
n I ! nrtlrle. Allium t lie best of tlii.ic
Ir tin- aoHitm, bo called. tlioiiKll It 1
more a liusli tlmn a tree, lt Inrla
when rulilied on w;t elothea miikrfi
now-white Intlier, wlilch lui nil niluy
like lu-own AVImlanr aonp. The l'lirli
ltlrnim. who nre nl', from the hlhi'st
to the lowcHt. it-reft tliiiiillc" In their
wiiy. mnke Himp out of coennnut oil
and hoiiieinnile lye-aml a tine minp It
K Rimiotli and trnirni-.t. This coccm
(i lit oil simp Is ixed for shaving.
M'hen a limn wlsln-s to hnve a sluive
in the niornlnir lie alnrt tint with hfs
i-ocii.'itiut Hhcll cup. nnd his dcinkey til II
lirush mid lMittle. It Is never any
trouble to llnd mi ei ipv bottle In Poi-tn
ltlni. t'ulut .Ismiii It':, or iilnuist nny of
the Inviier West lmlln Islnnds. evr. In
remote fcpots In the mountains. At
least twenty (ienerntlons of thirsty
people have lived there nnd thrown
nwny bottles. Th man carries no
mirror; he Is too pior to own such a
luxury .Not one h'Hise In twenty In
rorto ltlni has even the very cheapest
looUiiii: t'lns. Itu: irciieronsly rich
ml lire provides tl.e mirror, as well
as the soap. The man (roes to some
:-oiiveiileiit pool In t'le mountain stream
where the water l ipilte still there
is his mirror. He breaks his bottle on
a stone, nnd deftly picks out a sharp
piece of suitable size. Then he latliers
Ills face profusely, and begins to
Scrape away with Ills piece of nhns,
w hich In his hau ls work as w ell as Mia
best stel-1 rn.or. V cut. or even n
fillirht scratch. Is ettrenielv rnre as n
result of tills nl fresco form of shaving.
Ethel lived on the seashore, that
part of the Alabama coast which the
Moblllans call -Over the Hay," and
she visited Mobile rarely except dni inif
Christinas nnd Raster. She wns a
busy little Kill with lessons and piano
practice, and asked so many questions
that an old sea-cnptaln who lived near
her home irave her the nuiue of Little
I 'oiiiiiidrum.
tin Kastei- inorulim Kthel put on a
badfie of beautiful white ribbon which
Miss Mary had told her was a symbol
ol a Sister of .Mercy. As she returned
from cliiit )i she found a bird with a
broken les which she ImmhiKed. Then
she put the little invalid ill a box,
which Tom called the hospital. Easter
Monday her llrst act of mercy wus to
carry a dinner to I ncle Elienczer, who
was a cripple from rheumatism, lie
hud been her criimlfather's slave, nnd
now lived with her father nt the old
homestead, the Maples.
While I'ncle Kbby was eatlnil. Ethel
tilled a basket with lint and set it on
the chimney shelf.
"Now. Vnde Ebby, listen to me,"
snlil Ethel, "when you are sick In bed
you mustn't call .Take or 'Tlldy or nny
of your iiriindcliildreii. I'm to do the
nursiim on this plantation,. nnd 1 want
to call .lake and make him tie a strliiK
to your bedpost, and the other end to
my bedpost, so that you can linn a
bell rljiht over my head when you are
sick. You understand'"
".lake. .Take," culled Ethel. Jnkecnme
when called, anil after many trials nr
lanired an unsightly contrivance, so
that the pulliiiKT of the stilnK did rhiK
a bell Just over Ethel's bed. Her
brothel- Tom ridiculed It, but mamma
said Sisters of Mercy must be patient
under ridicule.
Every night Ethel litniK her cloak
near her bedside, ready to rush out at
the sound of the bell. One night Tom
played a practical joke by ringiiiK the
liell. but papa's sharp reprimand pre
vented a repetition of his mischief.
Suddenly one night the bell did rilifr.
long mid loud. Ethel Jumped out of
bed, and III n few- minutes stud at
I'ncle Elmy's bedside. The moonlight
fell on the black face nud white head.
Shaking his ltlni with nil her might,
she called out, "I'ncle Kbby, wake tip!"
The old mail opened his eyes nnd sat
up in bed.
"Iddn't you ring the bell? What is
the matter?"
"Xuthlu, 'tall," said I'ncle Ebby, at
Inst recognizing the little sister.
Suddenly Ethel turned and perceived
a curl of smoke In the corner of the
"What i that. Uncle Ebby? Look!
"Sump'n a-flnli, alio'!"
And so It was. I'ncle Ebby screamed
for help. Hlack and white rushed to
the rescue. Jake and the other men
led the cattle out of danger, nud the
mystery of the bell wus solved when
old Hriudle's horns were seen strug-
Kling W illi the Hli-lusr. w hich In orderto
reach up to Ethel's chamber, had lieen
p;;ssed through the cowshed. The
smoke lind driven her to the open door,
and In making her way she had caught
her horus In the string. Fortunately
nothing was burned except the corner
of the slied. i outli Companion.
Tli Blu.lir.Mim l.0ttr.
In Iondon a pavli'g stone whlcl
weighed 5oo pounds, and which wai
wedged lu on all side by other stonaa
was lifted up by a nnuhroom.
There nre now ov?r 25IUXK) words In
the English languige, acknowledged
by the best authorities, or alsnit 70,
OoO more than In tte (iermun, French,
Spanish uud Italian combined.
CoiiravocB Animals,
In North America one of the largest
of the weasel family is the "Usher," a
very large, long-furred polecat, living
mainly by the waterside, and, like
many others of the trllie very partial
to tlsli. It weighs about sixteen
pounds, nnd Ita long, richly colored fur
Is exported lu great quantities to dif
ferent parts of Europe, though not
often used 111 this country. A trapped
"fisher" will attack anyone who comes
In reach of the trap chain, and when
free will beat off any dog of twice Its
ize. Kut perhaps the most striking
example of the courage of the smaller
Hptt'lca yet recorded Is that known as
the hhlng cat, which, though no rela
tion, to the Canadian "fisher," Is quite
as courageous. One of these, which
was kept ill a menagerie, broke
through into the next cage, and there
attacked and killed a leopard which
whs three times Its own size.
The Indian mongoose possesses all
the courage of the polecat, together
with amiability and a "regulated"
mind. It turns its pluck and prowess
to good ends, and we imagine it to
staud at the head of the list of the
smaller animals if quality as well as
quantity is demanded as a mark of
Intrepidity. There is no doubt that the
mongoose realties the deadly uature of
the cobra's bite. Its Intense excite
ment is strong evidence of this. But
a mongoose has been known to tight
Just as bravely against other foes.
One was sceu to atiuck and drive off
a large greyhound which It fancied
Vi US busUlo W lb
The DltBrnlly of (letting Ons's Brlii
Trm l-nd l linllentlns h "-nl
Bl.lf Mr.U-Ar. 0-ll " l"
All l.eiiin!iit.
Visitors to Honolulu af often per
plexed to get the points of the eompas.
fixed in their mind, with n-ferei.ee t
streets nnd locations. They ate stll
more perplexed to llnd nobody wlu
knows them and nobody who fee s tin
need of knowing them. To the visitor
especially from the Mississippi nlley
where the Congressional sun ey ot
public lands has laid out everythlt.f
four square, so that directions line
distance are nlwnys thuiiah of ir
their relation to north, aonin. J'st oi
west, this Is lncoiniireliftrid'J
Hut It does not take a very hitKt re
sidence there to learn that the polntl
of the compass In the ordinary matten
of direction are of very little practlcn
use. nnd the prevailing system hull
eating locations and directl.ui, adapter!
from that used by the native Hawaii
nns nud continuing the use of their no
menclature, is a very practical one am!
well adapted to conditions.
The Islands are small and of volennlt
origin. There Is at least one malt
range of mountains on each Island
though there may be subsidiary ones
As Is well known, mountains do not
run with speelnl reference to the polntl
of the compass. And the narrow vnl
leyscut and crowded out of the volcan
le'mnss nnd extending from the inotitv
tnlns to the sen bear still leas appreci
able relation to them. So that If onf
weretoestnbllsh the points of the com
with relation to any one nf these vnl
leys a (punter of a mile would bring
hltn to another, where he would have
to take his bearings all afresh. Itut
there are two objects he emi never get
out of sight of. Theso are the moun
tain and the sen. And on tills fact the
bnsls both of the nomenclature and of
the system of direction rests. With re
lation to any point the two enrdinal di
rections are toward the mountain and
toward the sea. Now, the native Haw
aiian terms for these are "nintika." to
ward or In direction of the mountain,
nnd "mnhnt" tuwm-U or HMytlon
the sen.
The topography of the country, a ser
ies of valleys extending from the
mountain to the sea. nnd the feudal
tenure under which land wns held In
the ancient dny. led to the division of
the eotintry Into narrow strips, or dis
tricts mokii, ns the larger were called;
nhupunn. the next smaller, and HI.
those still smaller, but all. with very
few exceptions, extending from the
seashore to the top of the inotintnln. In
this way common people, restricted to
their ow n Ills, yet had access to the sen
to fish nnd swim and ride the sap f. to
the mountains for firewood and
building materlnl. nnd to land, be
taeentocultlvnte tnro. The tKinndiirlc
of these districts were ll carefully de
fined In time immemorial and reissli
the same to-day.. Moreover, ench ills
trlct had Its inline, and that name re
With the mountain above nnd the sen
below and the narrow dlstrlets In suc
cession, ench with Its boundaries nnd
tin nn1 well defined, the bit
svstetn nnd nomenclature o
of the
wns t-onipleft'. A given poh
or object
Is "ninuka," townrd tho v11"'". ot
innknl," toward the sA
In rein
flop to nnother object or
int: and
nnd It Is "walhlhl. or "ewa.Bu the dl
rectlnn of the district of E
for the
other rolnriontt of direction.
So that la Honolulu. f
where no street runs north
d south
pr enst nnd west, nnd Jew
straight in nny direction fn
distance, no one speaks nf t,
south side of the street- n
nor of the enst and west
every street his a mauka .
cets run
uiy great
north oi
one enn:
des. But
id maktii
side, or a walhlhl and ewa
side So
n particular corner niny he precisely
nnd neenrntely described ns the ma-tikn-
wnihlhi corner, or the inakal-ewii
These terms nre not only cellonulnl
but official. They are used In contracts,
deeds, wills nnd Vtntutes. They sjll
conditions and have grown out ol
Co -Hub; a Whi-.IiI
The rate at which modern warships
lake In coiil Is simply marvelous. The
Magnificent, a first-class Itiitlsh battle
ship In the Mediterranean, recently
averaged over 1(10 tons per hour a
rate of nearly three tons a minute.
Fltiwwm In Tiincuiiv.
Flowers are never used In Tuscany,
but nt Christmas ti ml l.asicr all the
wnlls of the cathedrals are decked
with wonderful dumusk of almost
priceless value. j
But It Evsaluslly lou(kt Isilla t'oiWr
KnglAml'a ;oatrol.
How many people are aware that
England owes its vast Indian empire
to a variation of three shillings a
pound in the price of pepper. And yet
such is the case, and it throws an in
teresting light upon the idiosyncrasies
of tbe English character.
In the sixteenth century all the pep
per consumed in England was bought
by the English merchants from the
Dutch, who brought it from India,
Owing to racial jealousy, the Dutch
traders in 1599 raised the cost from
three shillings to six shillings per
pound. This petty display of ill-feeling
caused considerable annoyance to
the English merchants, and aroused
in them that feeling of independence
which has always been so character
istic of the race.
They determined to Import their
pepper direct from In 11a in their own
ships, and for this purpose formed a
company, called "The Governor and
Company of Merchants ot London
Trading to the East Indies," and which
In later days became eventually known
as tbe East India CnmuABy,.
Their first voyages embroiled them
In almost innumerable quarrels with
the Dutch and Portuguese, and for a
time the venture proved a financial
failure. It was not until 1015 that the
company became successful and ob
tained lucrative treaties, owing to their
decisively defeating tbe 1'ortuguese.
From this time on their possessions
gradually increased, slowly at llrst,
and then very rapidly, until, by the
wise and beneficial management ot
such men aa Clive, Warren Hasting
and Cornwallls, they exercised sov
ereignty over the greater portion of
In this manner it happened that aa
increase In the price of pepper momen-
tously affected the history ol mujlUud,
Itrlriitewatur, Ont., la Wlthont Inhabit sntl
to Admlra lta Splnnrtor.
In the county of North Hastings
Ont., Is a deserted town called Hrldge
water, which Is built entirely of mar
ble. About twenty-five years ago I
farmers wife wna searching In tlx
woods for a pig tlint had strnyet
away. In a pnrtleulnrly dense part ol
the forest she foil id n cold spring nl
crystal water, and stoiod to drink
from It. As she did so site slipped on I
round stone nnd fell Into the water
Attracted by the peculiar color of tin
stone, she Hshed It out nnd took I'
home. Investigation showed It to bt
a twenty-pound nugget ot almost purt
Wllhln six mouths the wlldernest
had blossomed tlitn tlt.t llti-lvlnv r,n-r
I of Hrldirewatcr. with five thousand In
I habitant. There were old Eortv-nln
era from the Pacific Slope, ntnntoim
from 1 1 rent Hiltnlu and the I'tiiter
States, prospectors from every field
Shafts and tunnels were driven by tlu
hundreds. In the sinking of a shaft n
mile south of the town, on n claim oi
B. Flint, of Belleville, who Is now t
member of the t'nnadiHll Senate, i
vein of white mnrble was discovered
At the suggestion or Flint, who want
ed little or nothing for the material
the town of Brldgewater was built ot
solid marble. It has even to this day
a Courthouse, school, church, hotel
stores mill prlvnte dwellings construct
ed wholly of this materlnl.
While the town was booming the en
tire country round wns prospected
Some of the shafts nnd tunnels were
driven more than n hundred feet In
depth, but reinnrknble ns It may seem
there wns never erough gold found tr
pay the cost of n single mine In tin
The place where the original nugget
was found was christened "Aladdin's
Cave." and the land In its vicin
ity sold at fabulous prices. Otif
farmer whose farm adjoined the enve
sold five acres to an English s.widlcnte
for $lon,("i0 cash. The svndlca'te spent
nnothei- fiotl.tim in developing the
claim, but never obtained nn ounce of
free gold. An nged Irishman nt
Brldgewnter. Palrldc Keough. received
nn offer of $12.".(ki) for his farm,
which consisted of a hundred seres of
fTocapiied, barren land. He refused
the offer, holding out for $1"0.(MHI.
which he never got. To-day nnyonc
could buy the prop-u ty for $1 nn ncre.
Within n couple of years It became
apparent that nil the mining In
Brldgewnter would never pny. nnd the
prospectors nnd citizens departed,
leaving the mnrble town to settle
down to n futureless desolation.
Romantic Story of Ou Fonntl In tint Sol
omon la!Rio1a.
When Cnptnln Freeman, of the Brit
ish man-of-wnr Mohawk, letiirned
from n six months' trlpaiiiotiKtlieSolo
tnon Islands, on the occasion o' nnuex
hiK 14 of these islands to tlrent Hrlt
a 1 II. he told of his strance experience
t one of the new patches of territory
that he took from the natives In the
name of (fiieen Ictorla. It wns the
Island of Tociipa, filiti mil's from the
next nearest island of the Solomon
group. It Is n Innd without a history,
nnd ("apt. Freeman snys he thought of
Darwin's theory nf the siibmerirod
continent and believed that theory
when he looked upon the SlKI tribes
men nf the mountainous Island of To
i-npn. When the company of 20 blue
jackets landed on the shore nnd ('apt.
Freeman beican to rend the Queen's
proclamation, the Islanders hemin to
come down from the hills in hundreds,
expecting nn nttaek. So huge were
they In size, nnd fearless, the Catling
guns were wheeled Into line, but the
ceremony went i n Just the same. Soon
the Union Jin-It wns unfurled, the
proclamation bulled In the sand nnd n
salute of 21 gnus fired, but at the first
noise of the guns the natives again
fled to the hills, ami It wns only with
the grentest persuasion that they
could be Induced to appear ngaln.
By nnd bye they became less shy.
nnd were Induced to tnlk by slns, mid
submit to being . inensureil. examined
nnd felt. Who were these people?
Who but the Interesting remiiant of
a glorious ancient race, probably In
their prime superior to the rnces that
at present dominate the world. The
men were not the lenst like nny of the
tribes Inhabiting the Solomons or nny
of the South Sea groups. They were
all giants. The average mining a com
pany of 1(10 iM'Ing measure I. hi- moved
the stick placed on n level with his
head against an upright tree at six
feet ten. nnd wns massive In propor
tion, measuring 4M Inches around his
bnre chest. Ills muscles, however,
were soft and as round as i woman's.
Rut this giant wns as handsome ns an
Adonis nnd wore his flaxen hnlr long
In curls over his c pper-colore I shoul
ders, like the rest of the men In bis
trllie. Strange to say. the women
wore their hnlr short, close to their
bends. The soft muscles of the men
was explained by the fact that these
Wmi men, women and children nre not
a fighting race, having never been to
war, and do not possess a single fight
ing Implement. They live by snaring
wild animals in their mountain home.
In fishing and cultivating delicious
fruit by grafting and domesticating
the wild products of the Island. An
Interpreter wns found on tho .Mohawk.
A man who had before seen the tribe
made some headway with one of the
strange rnce, who bad be?n tciight a
Solomon Island trade Jargon bv his
father, who had visited one of the isl
ands 2.1 years before.
He learned that the Tocuplaos were
a sentimental, poetical race, conform
ing strictly to the rules of their relig
ion, strangely resembling Christianity.
They studied monogamy rigidly, !..
cause they argued that when a hus
band or wife died he or she went to
the spirit land nnd waited for the part
ner left behind on the island, which
meant to them all the earth. If the
mrvlvlng mate lived one hundred
rears, the other was still waiting to
te united in the spirit land if a second
lfe was taken home, or a second bus
and. the better hulf gone before
would make it hot for the other part
ner when they were united In the
jreat beyond. Thlu was their hell.
The women were live feet teu inches
ind six feet tall, appeared In public as
heir sister Eve In the (iardeu of Eden
it her first home, and were formed like
An I'ml rsrounil 'ity
A subterranean city xists In Oallcla,
Austrian Poland, which contains a
population of over 1.UO0 lueu, women
and children, tnnoy of whom have
never seen tbe light of day.
Child WlT.a.
The latest Government census In
India showed tt,0ta,75'.t girls between
five and nine years of age, who were
already married, of whom 170,000 bad
become widows.
Fifty-eight Years Old !!
acknow ledged the country over ns the lead
Inp Nntioii'il Kntnlly Newspaper.
lb-cognizing it value to t hove w ho desire all the ucw-s nf the state and Nation, tho
publisher of ' Tin- ntKsM" (vour own fnvorli home puper) litis entered Into an all!
nnce with ' The New-York W.-eldj- T1I1IU NK ' which enables him to furnish both
papers tit the t' illlng cosi of tl,ti.i per yt nr.
Kvei y farmer nnd ovcry villager owes to himself, to Ids family nnd to the commii
niiy In w liicli he lives a conlhil support, of Ids local iiewspiisr, as It works constantly
and null rlugly for his Interests in trveiy way, brings to his home all the news and hup
pi nings ol his neigliliot liooil. I he doings of ills friends, the condition and prospect for
different crops i he prices in home mil ki ts mid in fact is a weekly visitor which should
he found In every wide awake progressive family.
.lust think of it ! Iloth of these p.ipcrs foi'only l.n.1 a year
Send all subscriptions to "Till? l'llKSS" MII.KORII, PKNNA.
A. D. BROWN and SON,
Manufacturers and dealers in all
kinds of Lumber,
Contractors and Builders.
Estimates made ; personal atten
tion given and work guaranteed.
OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pa.
NSX S!l.l!!!!,..E.i! G22J?.f.
Corrected to Date.
Solid I'lillnian trains to IbilTalo, Niag
ara Kails, t'liMiit.'iiKiun Lake, t 'levelaml,
t'hii-ago and ( 'ir cilinat i.
Tickets on stilt nt Port. Jervis to nil
points In the West nnd Southwest at lower
rates iliuii via any oilier lirst-eliiss line.
Tiiains Now I.kavk I'iiht .lKiivis as
No. 13, Daily Express S 24 A M.
" 10, Dally Express 5 SI I "
" Hi, Daily Except Sunday . 0i.1t "
" -JH, " ' " 7 4f. "
" liuti, Sinidav Only 7 4! "
" 8N. Dally (Cxcept Sunday . lu 07 "
" is, Dnilv Wav Train Id IfiP.V.
" :to, Daily K.xcept Sunday .. : -J7 "
" a, Daily K.x press 4 -Jfi "
" tfc.li, Sunday Only 4 :tu "
" K, Daily Kx press 5 20 "
18, Sunday only fi -tr "
" 23. Daily F.xccpt Sunday . tt.Mi '
" 14. Daily lu.ui "
No S, Dally K.xprcss 12 !IA. M.
" 17, Dnilv Milk Train s of. "
" 1, Daily K.xprcss II
" 11, Daily F.xccpt Sunday . 13 In P. M.
' 5. Dully F.x press 5 no "
" 27. Daily Kxccpt Sunday.. 5 50 "
7, Daily K.xprcss 10 15 "
Trains leave Chambers street. New
York for Fort .Icrvis on week days at 4 oo,
7 45, u nu. ti 15. lu :to a m. 1 on, :) oo,
4 to, K :to. 7 Ho. ! 15 p. m On Sum! ivs,
4 ), 7 :in, M no, W 15 n. in.; 12 liu. 2 'do,
7 Hound U 15P. M.
II. I. Huberts,
C.euerul l-HSM-iiger Agent,
New York,
Beauty Is mood Deep.
Clean blood m-nns a clean skin. No
beauty without it. C asr arots, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep It clean, b
stirring up llic lazy liver uud ut iv.n ail im
purities from the liodv. iicin to ilav tu
banish piinp'cH, huiU, blotches, blackiii-ads,
ind tliat sickly bilious complexion by takinii
Cuscarets, beauty ior ten cents. All druj
ists. satune-tiuii guaranteed, 10c, 25c, oUc.
St .
Tradc Marks
Copyrights Ac.
An rone iwniilng a ke'h and dewriPtlnn may
qntt-hly aacerlaiu mr iiinnm fr wnelhtir u
ttivuiitloii t imibaliiy patentable. ('tuinnuiilOH
Mii.iSBlrtvtly w.nn.lcntial. lUiulbook ou I'ateuU
vnt free tHdvitt autin-y ftr net-unit palenm.
I'at(nia taki.ii throuurj Munu & Co. rwuelva
HtcuA Muiica, without vhnrve, in tbe
Scientific American.
A handaomely Illustrated weekly. I.arweat rtr-
cttlaitoii of any .u-ntid Journal. Ierin. a.i a
ur itu num., i. bchu "-
New York
u ii II u WW i w r
tbaudl uaioa. lt!4 It at, WaaUUialuu, U.
It's n long life, hut devotion to the true
Interests nnd prosperity of the American
people has won for it new friends as tht
years rolled by and tho original nieiubett
of Its family passed to their reward, and
these admirers are loyal nud steadfast
to-day, with faith In Its toathlngsand con
fidence In the Information which It brings
to their homes nud firesides.
As a natural eonseouence It enjoys In Its
old ngu all the vitality and vigor of Ita
youth strengthened nud ripened by tho ex
periences of over.hiilf a century.
It has Hved on Its morrlts and on the ooi
dial support of progressive Americans.
It is the "New York Weekly Trillium.'
Dress Goods, Wash Fabrics in Ging
hams Seersuckers, Lawns, Jaconets etc
etc. Summer Underwear, Flannels Hats
and Caps, Ladies Gents and Childrens
Shoes, Mattings and Carpets, Wall Pap
er, Groceries, Provisions, Crockery,
Glass Ware, Paints and Oils, Gasoline
and blue Flame Stoves.
Agents For Listers Fertilizers.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat
ent business conducted for Hodimte Para.
Our Orncc ts Oproamc U, . PaTCNTOrrterC
.ind we c;tn wt nre Datent in lcsa tiua than LhutcC
iretcote from Wash inr ton. J
t bena model, drawing or photo., with dsrrip-f
'tinn. we an vise, u patentable or nt, tree or
charge. Our fee nt duo till oatent it aecured.
i A Pamphlet, " How to Odtain Patents," with
cost of twuue in the U, S, and foreign couotrte
seni tree. Auarcw,
Opp. Patcnt Ornct, WasHiNaTON. D. C.
Lazy Liuor
MI have been trout 14 a (real deal
wicb a torpid liver, which produces rmatipa
Hon I found CASCaKfcTS to be all you claim
for them, and secured auob relief the Am trial,
that I puri'haaed another aupply and was com
pletely oured. J shall only be too glad to ree
ommend (. ikncareu whenever the opportunity
la prfttented." J. A, Kmitu.
r-uqqeaapna atv., rnuaaeipnia, ra.
roi MAa
PlPAftsnt, Palattl. fownt. Tut Gno4. Do
Good, Nivr hickeu. Weaken, or Grip. 10c. iic. Ulc
fttc-rlL, Rarfr C.ainay. Clila, a iel. Im far. n
Mfl.Tfl Rlf 8tl anil rttaranta by mil drug
l1U-IU-DAb luuki CVKK Tobacco Hablu
$ ffcaaa(add fey Ltasinf
lm Uratamaktra a t
Tby Aiaa Pltat
(til tm'4
J fm la L L ,lt J k'.taw
; k i-Mi ... ., ..., .
', iua ia ia.i attibbt itjcaivaJ
AAi'ia -i t aiAifki
liati l w. Ilia Hint, ktm rt
I aa. orri:ra :
ISO Filth A. . fhl.a,..
' log Jilarktt t-. :.biihIici
f Brl,btcl Mafatlat fakllabia
5 Coo-alni Itaatinl Calotri Ptataa i
3 IUa'.ra-.Bt L.;t F.L:IUI. r'aaA )
tana. FaatT Wfk. ,
5 Aft... .... tai iki. afailat ta aatra j
2 la.a.uy Itabi.ivl lai a 'Hill
p. aik. Wi.ia ! iiim aa .ik.i aa'l'a .
fi alaia. i.a. a.i Atla. ,ai vaaa. 3
2 .u.iiii Knit i
4 44aaM THE McCALL CO..
J ,t ta 14 W- '4' . N Varfc J
3g NONE CCniR AT Afil PKItB i .
Kw I tia fid tm ith 9-