Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, May 05, 1899, Image 3

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    If yon want to ba ell, ih to It that your Kidnayt and Blood ara In
healthy condition. It i an easy matter to learn what state your Kidneyi are iu.
Place some of your tin in bottle or tambler, and leave it stand one day and
eight A lediraent at the bottom ehowi that you have a dangerous Kidney
diieaie. Paine in the email of the back indicate the eame thing. So does a
desire to pate water often, particularly at nifht, and a Scalding pain in urinating
ia etill another certain sign.
iaeat member of
las never failed where the directions were followed. It is also a specific for the
troubles peculiar to females. All druggists sell it at $1.00 a bottle.
Cjtfttlli ft At II Fl4. T M 'ou wl" "Da your full postomce address
diliplC VmilZ IrCCl to the Da. Dav.d KnnE.y CosrosATioN,
Rondout, N. Y., and mention His fafitr, we will forward you, prepaid, s
free sample bottle of the Favorite Remedy, together with full directions
for ite use. You can depend upon this offer being genuine, and should writa at
aa for a free trial bottle.
Swinton and Company
Quick Tin e Stoves
and Ranges.
Dealers 117
aijd TinWare.
T. Armstrong & Co.,
Successors to BROWN & ARMSTRONG.
We offer a line of
Our jioint is thnt you need not go away from home to
supply all your needs, or to secure bargains. We expect
to satisfy you in both particulars.
DRY GOODS, new and stylish. GROCERIES, fresh
ING. Any thing in any line at bottom prices.
To accomplish this end we have adopted a new sybtem.
All our prices are fixed on a basis of cash payment. This
obviates the nroessity to allow a margin for bad debts and
interest. To accommodate responsible parties we cheer
fully open monthly accounts, and expect prompt payment
monthly, as our prices will not enable u to carry accounts
Statements rendered the first of every month, and if
paid within three days from date of bill, a cash discount of
i is allowed. The same discounts given on all cash pur
chHses exceeding 11.00. Good sent out will be C. O. D.
unless otherwise previously arranged.
Brown's Building,
Stoves and Ranges.
Round Oak
For Wood and Coal.
Bust Heater nnd Fnt'l Saver in the
; Countrv.
New Era Retdlatora.
Two Fir In on
.ebbing promptly itttrctt tc
T. R.Julius Klein
,rwfWA9 miuord. pa.
nr. navia Kennmiy'a Favorite Remedy ia
bat you need. It will cure you surely if you do not
delay too tone; ia takiif it. Kidney diseases are dan
gerous, and should sot be neglected a single moment
Read what P. H. Ktr, of Union, N. Y., a prom.
the O. A. R., says . I was troubled
with my Kidney and Urinary Organ and
suffered great annoyance day and night,
but since using Dr. David Kennedy'
Favorite Remedy I have greatly im
proved, and that dreadful burning sensa
tion has entirely gone. I had on my lip
what was called a pipe cancer, which spread
'most across my lip, and was exceeding
painful; bow that is almost well. J. also had severe
heart trouble, so that it v. as difficult to work ; that is
great deal better. 1 have gained nine pounds
aince I commenced taking the Favorite Remedv;
am greatly benefited in every way, and canuot
praise it too much."
Favorite Remedy is a specific for Kidney.
Liver and Urinary troubles. In Rheumatism, Neu
ralgia. Dyspepsia, and Skin and Blood Diseases, it
arjd Retail
IM. Y.
new Spring Goods,
Milford, Pa. S
New Harness
Whips, Robes, BlankeU
Vid everything which pertains ti
to an outfit for
-we my stock before purchasing,
The Prloe la Right
Harford., YWtori, P
Bat boxes, washtubs, children and
clerks, to the proprietor's desk. She
showed him the red silk cap; asked
him If he bad sold It.
"Oh, yea, I sell dot. You Kant anud
der Joost like It, I see. Only one dol
lar and a haf," and he threw down a
boi from the shelves. "Only one left,"
he continued in the same breath, and
he jerked off the cover. "You want It,
I let you haf it for one dollar und a
quarter I make It one dollar. Hot
cheap, cheap. Dem goods cost me one
dollar und t'lrty cents In New York."
Flora eagerly took the cap; looked it
over, compared It with the one she
had. They were alike in every partic
ular, even to the name "Denver"
stamped on the Inside band. The new
one, however, bore in addition the
name of the Arm.
Thinking his customer hesitated on
account of the price, the shrewd trades
man threw down another box, Baying:
"You no like dot; 1 got anudder kind
Joost like II. only it is black. See,
dere is no difference. 1 sell you dot
one for fifty cents. 1 bought dem at a
bargain, but it la de same goods. 1
t'lnk black suit you better, maybe."
"No," said Flora, "this red one is
all right. Just wrap It up. please. Now,
1 want to know this: Do you remem
ber who bought the cap 1 have? 1
Imagine you do not sell very many of
"No, dey don't ask for dem very of
ten. Let me see," he said scratching
his bead vigorously. "Oh, yes; I know
now. 1 sell dot. cap to some kind of
a showman. You know, he make one
big exhibition 1 don't know how you
call It und ae come dot morning und
puy dot red cap to wear in de per
formance. You see, he wear tighta like
all deae circus men."
"When was this show given?" asked
Flora, trying to look calm.
"Veil, let's see. Dot de same duy I
sell six vashtubs und twenty-live hams.
Valt, I look at my pook. I got him.
Dot vas on de 2d uf July la de after
noon. Yes. I vas dcre; but I don't see
vat he look like. 1 vas too far off."
And now there was nothing left for
Flora to do except to drop the officer a
note, telling him to call immediately,
that she wanted to see hiiu on very
Important business. Meauwhile ehe
went to the office of a dally paper and
looked over the flies, found a notice of
the showman's performance in the
Issue of July 3. It seemed to be mere
ly one feature of a large circus. In a
later number appeared a short para
graph mentioning a vague rumor in
reference to the showman, and it went
on to say that the last heard of him
he was at a little out-of-the-way town
in Northern Arizona.
With this additional clew. Flora hast
ened home. Deer Ridge, the red silk
cap, the showman and the out-of-the-way
place In Northern Arizona passed
and repassed In rapid succession
through her mind. She found the as
tonished officer watting at her boarding-house.
He had not dreamed of her
being In the city, nor could be help
wondering .whether be had not been
sunk In dreamless sleep for the past
month, when she began at the red silk
cap and related her batch of atartllng
facta. The lids almost fell from his
eyes. He was dazed. What hud he
been about all this time to let a
mere girl show herself superior to him,
a self-styled "old-timer?" For Just uu
instant he hated the whoie race of
womankind. But there was no time
now to be nursing chagrlu.
"What la the name of this place
where the showman was last heard
of?" he asked.
"Wlnslow." said flora. "There it
is," and she handed him the paper.
"Wlnslow? Wlnslow? Oh, yes, I
know where that la; been there several
times. It Is an eating station on the
railway. Well, I'm going right down
there. Train leaves In thirty min
utes," and the officer found his feet,
and his hat at the same Instant. "How
long are you going to remain In the
"Till this matter is settled," answer
er Flora.
"All right, then. I wish you would
keep an eye out about town. Go to the
First National as often aa you think
necessary and watch for news of the
150,000 check. I have told them what
to do In case any other Arm should
wire to ascertain its genuineness be
fore paying it. Qood-by! You'll hear
from me aa soon as anything turns
The first thing "turned up" at Wlns
low. The showman had bought a tick
et from San Francisco. And In sev
eral day more a telegram came from
the latter place. The officer waa lying
low; thought be was about to come up
with toe fellow. But hardly had the
messenger boy turned the corner than
the cashier of the First National call
ed. He had received a telegram from
a bank In Seattle, saying that a 150,
000 check in favor of John B. Drift
had been presented for payment and
asked whether It were genuine, as sus
picions had been aroused by the pe
culiar appearance of the man holding
"And," concluded the cashier, "In ac
cordance with Instructions from an of
ficer, who seems to be at work on thr
case, I have wired the Seattle bank t
arrest the fellow at once and hold bis
for orders. You, doubtless, have youi
instruction and will know what u
Flora knew, to the extent of wiring
the officer at San Francisco to lose no
ttsae la raacfitnf Seattle; that his man
was waiting for him. And by the end
of a fortnight the prisoner had been
brought to Denver for arraignment.
And Dick waa there, as were also the
Indian trailers and the old cattleman,
Any number of good citizens identi
fied the prisoner as the showman who
had given an open air exhibition on
July a.
The shopkeeper solemnly swore that
Dot vas Joost de same man vat eons
puy one leedle red silk cap from my
store on de second day uf July."
Aad the president of the smelter
company, when banded the 150,000
check, testified to its being the on he
had given to Jobs Drift in payment for
certain lots of or. That there might
be no room for doubt, be produced
chKkbook tad showed tk stui. Tkt
usxkef, st gd tcseuat wsrs i
The prisoner had stood defiant from
the first; but when confronted with the
question: "How did you come In pos
session of this check?" he broke com
pletely down, and finally made the fol
lowing confession:
"I bad fixed up to make a balloon as
cension on the afternoon of July 2. t
advertised that I would attempt the
trip from Denvnr to San Francisco.
But this waa only to get a bigger col
lection. I bad no Idea of such a thing.
Just before all was ready, Mr. Drift
came up to me and axked some ques
tions about my sensations when knock
ing about In the clouds. Now, 1 hap
pened to know by accident that he had
the check In his pocket, and a cussed
idea struck me all In a heap. I saw
that he bad the cloud fever pretty bad;
so I answered his (W-kUoes by telling
him to come along and see for himself.
He said he wouldn't mind if 1 wasn't
going on such a long trip. With that
I whispered in his ear that 1 had no
Intention of It; to come along If he
wanted to, and I would set him down
on hard ground agalu by night. 'AH
right,' he whispers, 'Just wait a little;
I'll be ready.' So presently bark conies
a chap all rigged out in blue overalls
and an old hat. It was Mr. Drift; but
I didn't know it until he told me. 'You
see,' he says, 'I don't want my friends
to know anything about It; so I put
on this disguise.' With that, we step
ped Into the car and they let her go.
Well, we got up pretty high and began
to drift briskly to the southwest. My
man took a sudden notion to come
down; got scared I guess. I put hltn
off a while. But he began to get
funny; and I Just out with a gun and
told him to get out that fiit.OOO check
and indorse it. He cut u about It.
and then turned In and begged like a
dog. But I held him to it; and he
hadn't more than got bis name down
before I let him have it yes, sir, killed
htm right there.
"Well, there Isn't much more to tell,
except that after drifting around all
night, first In one direction and then
In another, I found myself at daybreak
about a thousand Teel above a range of
mountains. I looked through my
glass, but couldn't see any ranches
about. So 1 Just pulled the valve
atrlng and let her coine down pretty
close to the ground. Then I threw
the body out. About that time a sud
den squall came up and caught the bal
loon. It pitched about at a terrible
rate, and once 1 lost my red silk cap.
I managed to hold on for some eight or
ten miles, when the balloon struck a
mountain top and went to pieces. I
stayed long enough to gather up the
wreck and burn it. Then I made my
way to the nearest settlement and on
to the railroad, striking it at Wins-
After this remarkable confession.
bringing out so vividly the leading
facts which Flora had worked out one
at a time with such patient labor, there
was little else for the court to do than
sentence the showman to suffer the full
penalty of the law.
As for Flora, she was the heroine
of the hour. The old cattleman came
up with two big tears rolling down his
withered cheek: "My child, I couldn't
thank you enough If I was to keep at it
the rest of my life. You have set me
right before the public, so that nobody
can be pointing a linger at me and a
saylng as how I was the one what kill
ed your father."
The cashier of the First National
congratulated her warmly; while, at
the same time, the shopkeeper waa
telling her excitedly: "You Joost de
smartest leedle vomana I never did see.
It vas remarkable, remarkable!"
And the two Indian trailers came up
ith extended hands. "How, how.
Yellow Hair!" said Bloodhound; "me
tell Barking Wolf you biggest trailer
in whole country. Indian see nothing
no more."
Dick felt a keen pride at Flora's
achievement. But the Son Francisco
expert felt something more an un
bounded admiration for the 18-year-old
girl that bad taught him so many val
uable hints In regard to his own pro
fession. And he is at work now on a case ot
far different character, which may de
velop into the most Important one of
his whole life. But he says he shall
not be able to accomplish a thing un
less Flora helps him out.
Matrltitall h
If a married man wants hla wife to
notice that a button Is off bis coat let
him put a woman's ualr where tbe but
ton should be.
When a married woman foa away
on a visit and comes home earlier tbao
she intended it is usually a sign that
he loves ber husband, though some
times she comes back to sne if she can
catoh him at anything
Every day the telegraph relates how
some old husband waa poisoned by hla
young wife, and avery day old men
continue to let is front of the engla
by falling in lota with young girla.
8lBK Hutixla m Tu. riy.
'As every aportsman knows," said an
enthulastlc hunter, "it is easy to see
a ritle bullet In the air, and those fired
rroin the new high-power guns are
very curious to look at. Stand a dueen
yards to tiie side of the mark and let
a friend blaze away at auy range with
a small calibre weapon using smoke
less powder, and you'll see" a strange
nlulsh-wblte streak tbe instant tbe
bullet strikes home. The streak
is npimrently a couple of Inches
wide nnd Several feet long, and is
more like a flash of light than anything
else I can .hink of. With the old-fush-loiied
Kemlngton or SpriiigtlcUI carbine
the bullet has thu w4earauce uf a long
black rod, and I do Vt know why there
should lie such a difference in the op
tical illusion prort;-..'ed by the smaller
calibre. I have btsrd sotm- people deny
that the bullet can be at-eu. but they
are very much In i-ixr. It uli deK-uds
ou getting the right v4ew point. A
few feel either wsy will nuider the
missle invisible, but the rlglit spot la
soon found by experiment, and after
that the thing Is nain iih duy."
Fr rul lavMton.
The patent laws of Japan afford
little protection to foreign manufact
urers or luveutora. A natlva may
patent any trademark of a foreigner
if tbe patent be taken oqt before the
real owner nas mnvea id tne mailer,
Then tbe only course open lo the own'
r U ts bujr- from the nitjN the light
I l Mia td trademark, Jilt.
Rebert G. Relit, Ih. Island Crnuie Whe
Own 8,000,000 Acru of l.enrt.
Robert O. Relil, lie richest man of
Newfoundland, Is tenet-ally known ns
the "Car of Newfoundland." Hp owns
3.000,000 acres of land In the Island,
end by reason of a contract with the
Government be controls the fin a noes of
the province.
Forty years nio Mr. Held left his
homo In Scotland t) seek Ills fortune,
and his life since tl en bus been full of
toll and hardship. As a contractor lie
has built railway In many of tbo
rough upots of the arth, anil by hard
work lias amassed au enormous for
tune. He discovered tbrt Newfoundland is
oiie of the rirhest countriffl of tbe
earth iu luinoiuls. Ou his landi are
roal. Iron,- copHr and aslHtoa mines
and many ull wells. He owns ootnuior
cial enterprises of every sort, and
throutti fats energy the business of
Newfoundland la rapidly being devel
oped. He possesses pluck aa well as
ability, for on one ooeuslou he ventured
Into a mine where none of his work
men, would follow and the explosion
wbieh ensued severely Injured hliu.
Mr. Held Is a quiet uuuHSviuilntt man,
and ,oHMesnes so iniicli wealth that he
takes rank amouft the richest men of
th world.
('rlala Tm of ltoalh.
It. I'lmlnu-rs IMenllcp, who lias been
practising for ninny yt-Hrs In ChlcnRo
as an oculist bhspiIs that he can In
fallibly (ell wlit'tlier death is prcwut or ;
nut tiy simply noting tin- npiicaraiicc
of thf velnmind arteries of the eye. His !
experiments In this line begun many
years ago. nnd he lins never known IiIh
simple text to fall. In cases of sun j
peuded animation where others nave !
pronounced death his test bus proved ,
tbilt lire still exlKteil.
Ir. rrentlre bus observed Hint dur
ing; life, when tbe buck portion of the I
eye is being looked ut with an optblinl- j
moseope. the veins can be clearly dis
tinguished from the arteries. The j
former, containing venous blood, richly ,
charged with carbonic acid gas, appear !
of a dark, brackish color, while the
arteries, containing blood fresh from i
the heart, appear a bright crimson. !
The difference between the two shades ;
of color Is so clearly marked that mis- !
take Is Impossible, anil the retina np- I
pears as If mnde rp of two separate
The arteries and veins, however, are .
not situated In the retina, but directly
behind It, In that coal of the eyeball
known ns the choroid. Kven iu the
rase of the blind this color distinction
In present unless a cataract exists,
when the use of an ophthalmoscope
would be Impossible.
Dr. Prentice has found that in death
the shade distinction entirely disap
pears and the blood In both arteries
nd veins Is transformed into a puikisn
color of uniform shade.
lrsit KBMfh In tli Wnrlfl.
It seems natural thnt the largest
ranch in the world should be found in
the largest Ktate In the Union Texas.
Indeed, this ranch Is so extensive that
some States could not contain It.
Connecticut, for example, rould not
hold it bv several thousand acres.
The two States of Khode Island and
Delaware combined could not contain
this Immense ranch which consists
of S.OtMi.tsio acres, or about ri.fXKl
square miles.
About a dozen years ago, wnen rex-
as needed a new rtraie t.npuoi. ine
legislature adopted a novel plan to
get It. A promise was held forth thnt
a vast tract of unappropriated land
would be given In exchange for a suit
able granite building at Austin.
Among those tempted by this offer
were ex-nenator unariea n. r arweii
and his brother John, who ultimately
formed a syndicate In Chicago and ;
took upon themselves the respouslbil- i
Ity of erecting tbe proposed cupitol.
Their part of the agreement appears i
to have been carried out to the satis-
faction of tbe State, and In due time :
they came Into possession of the lui- j
mense domain now known as the X.
I. T. ranch.--Ladles' Home Journal. I
Th Qarnii Patunt HrRl'm.
German patents are especially' valu
able, because the search for previous
publications Is, comparatively speak
ing, thorough. The government takes
no responsibility, however, for the cor
rectness of Its examination. The
claims are also reduced to a minimum
,r conciseness. Tliennblicare Invited to
produce evidences of priority, or other-
wise attack the claims of the inven-
tors. To this end the papers are pub
licly exposed for six weeks after the
patent office has finished Its exami
nation and before the patent Is defin
itely grunted. Much patent litigation is
probably thereby avoided, and the pub
lic is less likely to be led into Invest
ments based on patents lacking In nov
elty and unable to withstand the at
tacks which commercial success Is
sure to call down upon them. If a
patent can exist Ave years without be
ing attacked. It Is sure of the rest of
Its term. The Engineering Magazine.
Ethel Did Will seem to be nervous
when he proposed to you?
Francis I don't know. The Jan
itor had let the stram go down, and
Icouldn't tell whether he was nervous
or merely shivering because It hud gut
no cold. Chicago Xews.
Opals Ar. sfa.
Opals will soon be considered lucky
tones If it la found that they are
burglar-proof, which looks aa if It
might be tbe case from the accounts
given of a recent robbery In Kpokuue.
Wash. Tbe burglars there broke In
to a Jewelery shop and took a quanti
ty of Jewelry, but left the most valu
able atones, a number of opals, which
they could have taken aa easily as the
Casaper and mora telltale oo(i which
raws awRjr,
Fifty-eight Years
Injr National Family Newspaper
KecoLrniliiLf It value to those who desire nil the news of t he stale nnd Nut ion. the.
publisher of "The I'HKSS ' ( vmir own fnvorit home paper) has en te! ed into an all1
UUCP With '"The tw-Vork Wci-hly THIItl'NK' which eiialdes lull) lo Itil'hUh hot ll
papers nt the t till tin eosi of !,0.i per year.
Kveiy farmer and overy villager owes to himself, to his family and to the commu
nity In which he lives a cordial f-uppoil of his local new "pj.prr. n it wmks constantly
and unttriiiKly for his Interests In t.very way, hrinn- to his home all tie- news ami han
penin-zs of his neighborhood, the doings of his friends, t he cndii ion nod pio-pcc lor
different crops the prices In home intrkcts and in fact i- a weekly vi-itor w Inch should
be found In every wide awake proirressive lamily
.lust think of It! Huth of these p.ipers for'onlv Stt..;r. a year
Send nil subscriptions to "Till1 V KSS" "M oiti, I'KWA.
A. D. BROWN and
Manufacturers and dealers in ail
kinds of Lumber,
Contractors and Builders.
Estimates made ; personal atten
tion given and work guarcnteerj.
OFFICE, Brown's Building, Miifcrd, Pa.
1 Q C03
9 9
9 9
f 9
O 9
9 9
9 9
O 9
9 9
9 9
9 9
9 9
W & G
Corrected to Date.
Solid I'ullmiiii trains lo liulTiilo, Niag
ara Falls, ('Imutnurpin Lake, Cleveland,
L'biuiio and Circiumttl.
Tickets on sale mi Port .fervis to all
points In the West and Souiliwesi ar lower
rates than via any other first-class line.
I.kavk Pout
!, Daily Kxpress
;) 24 A. M.
5 20 "
H 2.l "
7 4.-. "
7.4f "
111 (17 "
yj ir p. m.
.1 27 "
4 25 "
4 30 "
5 211 "
5 45 "
a 5o '
10 on "
III. Dully Express
IU, Daily Kxccpt Sunday
Hod, Sunday Only
1)8, Daily Kxccpt Sunday
fl. Dally Way Train
30, Daily Kxccpt Sunday .
a, Daily Kxpress
ti'JO, Sunday Only
8. Dally Kxprc g
18, Sunday only
22. Dally Kxccpt Sunday.
14. Daily
3, Dally Express
IT, Dally Milk Train
1, Daily Kxpress
11, Daily Kxccpt Sunday
5. Dally Kxpress
27, Daily Kxccpt Sunday
7, Daily Kxpress
12 :ia. m.
H On "
11 IK! "
12 10 I'. M
5 m "
5 Ml "
10 15 "
Trains leave Chambers street. Xew
York for Port .Tervis un wck days at 4 Hi.
7 45, BIKI, 15, 10 So A. M 1 Ml. 3 UU.
4 :), :, 7 So, H.15 l M. On Sundiys.
4 l), 7 , H uu. la a- m
HUandB.lar. M
II. I. Uolierta,
General ranMnKr Aent,
New York,
Beauty Zb lilcod Beep.
Clean blood t.l?ans a clean s!.in.
beauty ivnlmul it. C'am-arcts. C;u:.v - :
tic cfiNin your blood unJ kt-i.i it c r
itirrinl; up ti.e iui.y liver ami ui i .i;- ;i
puiitie iroi.i the butlv. llii-in y
sinish pim;lv, I .oils, loK-li. s b:.;
nd tliat i k'.y bilious coi. ...
'ascarcts. beuiity lor leu e -'i.ts.
satlf"etiru uaialiLee'.i, i ,
va4f.rf, BO YEARS'
,,5 Tradc Marks
riu .a- Designs
Anion, tending s ikrtt'h .nd neacrtptlon mar
ouU-klr Mitirtain our opinion free whether au
fn.eiitl.in probably pamnlttHe. 1 1 oniinunle.
tliiua .trlctlT miiiSdeiitluL Ilanabook ou Hateuls
wnt fre lll.tet aeney fur ne.urmii isileliia.
Falun. teu throuirh lunu 4 Lo. rocely,
tptcUii noiic. without clinnre, In tbe
scienmic American.
A handAomeljr lllnAfratwl weekly.
cu latum ol any i'Wiiui. Vl
Terui. M m
Htr : our iuuuiui, i wis
ll ne(Hialtak
On M1.roads,. NgW Ynffc
0a a r it, Wsrtumtoa, P. c.
Old !
It's ii mr lire, hut iVviitinii to tin- t- tie
In ; i1 mill prus;Tiiy of tin A met it-all
people tins wun for it nrw friends ua the
yeiir-rnlN'il hy nnd the urlirlnul number
uf its family pa-i-ed n their reward, nnd
t hi'e admirers are loyal nnd steadfast
to-day, with full Ii in Its teaehtntrs and eoii
Mdeneein the i nfoi tnat ion which It In Jolts
to their homes and liii'sidi'S.
As a natural consequence It enjoys In Its
old atfe nil the vitality nnd vijitir of Its
youth st relict lieta d and ripened by ihe ex
periences of over linU a century
It has lived on its myrrhs nnd on the eor
dial mippoi't of pH'L.Mi-S'-ive Americans.
It I- He "New York Weekly Trihuna,"
iicknow deducd tit" country over as the lead
200 m.
Dress Goods, Wash Fabrics in Ging
hams Seersuclxrs, Lavrr, Jaconets etc
etc. Summer Underwear, 1 larrels Hats
and Caps, Ladies Gents ard Childrens
Shoes, Mattings and Cairtt: :, Wall Fap
er, Groceries, Provisions, Crockery,
Glass Ware, Faints and Oils, Gasoline
and blue Flame Stoves.
Agents For Listers Fertili. ers.
Caveats, and Trade-Mark-!! obtained and all i'at-J
cnt business conducfc'. U't moderate Fees. J
iOun OrncE is opposite U.S. Patent Orrict
land we tansfi ure p.t't nc m W tine t.iua Utu&t
frei.:ote fnm V'-ish;:nyt.n. s
Send model, drawing or pV.tr., with dvnp-
on. We advise, if patcnm;,.e or n't. ii-e of!
Iiarge. Our fre nt d le X.A i.atr-nt ii s'Tiin 1,
k Pamphlet. il -'-v V O' tain J'.iteim." with
cost ctf Saiuu iii the V, S. ar.d lureitn cuimmc J
sent free, Adr ss, t
Off. Patent OrrtcE. Washington, D. C. 5
Sour Stoinecii
"Aftt?r I wna Indnred to try R4 A
KF.THi I will never by wuimut Mkmu hi tin house.
My liver whs in u vttrr bail sliiie ai.tl my head
tcbed und I hut) atoiinicli trouble Now. mure luk
liifc Caw.'arBt). I feel lint. My wife lias ui mi uied
them witb bene rlclitl robults fur sour ninmnr b "
Jus. Kkkuli.su, UU emigres, bt., bt Louis, Mo.
.krci. We
Giiort. no
Jr. ZjC. Jttc
ii or (iri.i. I
l.rlluK H iik-,1, I i'MI'-ih-. I li!(-n?. jioutrettl. N.m T.rk. 18
lift Tfl OH I S .lil ni l sn ,r:i,,., , hv nil drug-
t Pur.c-. r-:ii ycur tire v.-:-l
t t:L : . : : -ry :r.or iJ
.-.h 0:.e of
'.c toe Is v.'hii,;i can
:i ti; : vest poci:'-'t.
AU you r.icd br'ii.'e I'.ic tu.
is a :i'm;::;'n r-o'.r b-:.t!; n
in.r.u'.t's v-o V.. Thi tJul
does nt es.Ur e tl;e p.j;.c
ture, Vv'it:. s 100I in yav.r
possession, yyu rcJucs tht
cost of keep Jr. j your bicye'e
free from punct'..rea at tha
Tost of a rubber band, whicti
ia aboatai-ouih n a cent.
Prtc CompUic? 50 Ctntu
Itidqeway Instantaneous
. 'IlU.KJMMi.
t i. N. n uu or
V ' V. 8 to W 'Tlc
7ih. Nt at
f ll li'iK-li:tilH'y'.
In f ... t . ti- n.i.-r
in iul 1.11.1:3 ia
1 T. -i' i ui, Hi'-i u.a
t-Y i.S l.!tto:.K.
n t jvr t trt'niur,
M7'3 CO.,
! Msk fly! MiiL
Til candy
P!taanr. P.i
V'.IAf A'"'. liJ . 'ANUQIiS? I
; ' i ..... a ,i
!j X. v!atet-r. 5lll,
,1 :, ' Ctn , e ttlin.t, J I
nFASV r-1 N T". '
i i.'u i-. v ' i i ! i
f. I. At