Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, January 06, 1899, Image 3

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How to Prolong Life
No man or woman can hope to live long If the Kidneys, MaiMcr, or Vri:;ary
ri. ... ninrf.r nf tlint kind Rhould never bo m clcctc rl. I'on't
delay In findinir out your condition. You
i -.'re urine In a glass or bottle, and let it
Mia bottom is a sure sign that yon have Kidney
disease. Other certain signs are pains in the small
ot the back a desire to make water often, especially
at night a scalding sensation in passing it and if
urine stains linen there is no doubt that the disease
is present.
There is a cure for Kidney and Bladder
diseases. It is Dr. David Kennedy's favorite
Remedy. It has been for thirty years, and
Is today, the greatest and beat medicine
known for thtse troubles.
Mr. William W. Adams,
cor. Jelterson Avenue ana
Clifton Street, Roches
ter, N. Y., says:
"Three years ago
I was taken with Kidney
disease very badly ; at times
I was completely prostrat
ed ; in fact, was so bad that
a day was set for the doc
tors to perform an operation
upon me. Upon that day I com
n.nri tt.M ii o nf Dr. I)nvid aenaedv'a
favorite Remedy, and it was not long before
no return of the trouble since. My weight has increased, ana 1 never was m.
well as I am now. Dr. David Kennedy' favorite Remedy saved my life."
r r.-A . diror-tlu nnnn
of Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism,
Bright' Disease and Female Troubles it
ments failed. It is sold for $1.00 a bottle at drug stores, a leaspoomui is uu.
T I Titl t.AA I Send your full postoffice address to the Dr. David
MftiplC bOlUe tree I Kf.nnkiy corporation, Romlout, N. Y., and
mention this paper, and a sample bottle of Favorite Remedy will be sent free. Every
sufferer can depend upon the genuineness of this offer, and should send at cute.
Quick Tima Stoves
and Ranges.
Wholesale ai)d Kekiil
Dealers IIai"dVare
ai?d -Tinware.
Heating and
Plumbing En
T. Armstrong & Co., I
Successors to BROWN
Wo offer a line of
Our ix)int in thnt you need not go awny from homo to
supply all your needs, or to secure bnrgninsi. We expoct
U 11 i " -1 ' ' .-ar '
DRY GOODS, new and stylish. GROCERIES, frvsh
ING. Any thing in any line nt bottom prices.
To accomplish tins end we have adopted a now system.
AH our prices are fixed on a binis of cash payment. This
obviates the necessity to allow n iiiargin for bad debts nnd
interest. To nccommodnto responsible parties we cheer
fully open monthly accounts, and exxct prompt pri.vment
monthly, as our prices will not enable u to carry accounts
Statements rendered the first of every tnotith, and if
paid within three days from date of bill, a cash discount of
2 is allowed. The same discounts given on u II cash pur
chases exceeding 1. 00. Goods sent out will .bo C. O. D.
unless otherwise previously arranged.
Brown's Building,
Stoves and Ranges.
Round Oak
For Wood and Coal.
Best Henter and Fuel Stiver iu the
Now Era Radiators,
Two Fir in On.
K MKC, J-H'.
Jobbing promptly attended to
T. R. Julius Kloin
stand a day and niht.
A scdirr.eat nl
I was entirely cured, and I have h.-.!
the Kidnevs. Liver and Blood. In cases
Ulcers, Old Sores, Wood Poisoning.
has made cures after nil other tiral-
J Company
new Spring Goods,
Milford, Pa. cO
. , i
After I wa iKflac-cd Ut try A9CA.
KtT, 1 will never bti wit Iiuul tUota in ttu huu-tv
Mr livar w;m in a fury Vml bbuptJ. and my
Killed uud 1 Utl stomacU Ituiiblo. Now fcnictliik
iim i'uttiruruu. I luol Uuo. Aiy Mile basuUo u.d
liteiu nitti betu'Ccju! reitulu lor our Muii;ai-ti."
JiMt. tUiUUNU, tougruaa bt.. bt. LoUla. Mu.
UuuU, vr hJ.:kii, Wa.t .oi Ori.. Ilk.', Lc,iAc
xriu4 Bar4y MfM . t ief . jlMi-j, k.N Ult
can tell as well as a physician
. i. "V - -
Almost the l::ft v.or.lx fn'Iwr said
To nip lmfi'io lilt f'-tl - ;' rP
Werp; "William. I( this In your
The crop yon sow you'll have to
Don't envy other what they've got.
But vrm J:ut (!.) the l.i : t y.m can
For nil the wmld. a: (1 yt a r.rnct
B'Jt grow to ho a v.-or: r.y ir.tin. i
I've had to work r.ir.ep f.itlior cVnl
I've learned a h:t I never hrc .v
Kefore he went ; but t,tiil I've '''tl
To do the Ihlnrs li" lM n.e to. .
I've never eheate.. nr.y one.
I've alwr.vs tiled to Khun the wrong;
If he ean ee, he h'.inv.'s I've done
My level h"st -i !! rtlnag.
H;:t every day or two 1 meet
V.cme one that fn'Itcr to know.
Who says: "My grneiatu! It docs
heat '
Creation tiotv there tnys do prow!"
And so ho s'oiis and hnhs at me, j
And 1 could knife him then, hecaus
He's sure to say I'll nver he
Quite surh a man as father was.
A week mo my 1'ivlo John
Came on a visit from the West;
"Uosh! how you've grown since I've
heen pciic'. "
He said -ami then I Rticssed the rest.
He Krahhnl me liy the muscle gee!
What nn awful grip be hail!
"But o' course," said he, "you'll never
Quite such a feller as your dad!"
Still, mother tells me not to care
What such unthinking people say;
She says she knows 1 11 make them
If God but lets me live, some day;
"For even Waslilr.rton," says she,
"No doubt wa3 often sad because
Folks told him he would never be
The man hia humble father was."
R. S. Klser In Cleveland Leader.
i:,. t:i
mo mii:.)0
"Fluffy Fr!vo!, yen do
Blsllt!" nnd V.W? T:-.i'ni !i; ilo
"t vp
Btraiiht as postcible In the nt;-:i)i w.tit
chair in the room and tried to h U
st ere.
If her narr.e wrs not Miss Tnllor
niade, ar.d if FlufTy -"rivo!f;'s n.'.me
was not Fluffy Krivola, they were ;i)
proprtate nr.mos, and evf-y ui-tir.vn
K'.rl who knows them will rcoguiso
them at or.ee.
It wan at Fluffy Frivrh-'s house the
other day. in the cnartments devnied
to that pretty your.;; woman, and very
pretty rooms usi ally, though on th'g
particular day they e,.c r!oe rnd
warm and dark. Fluffy Frivols lv r
self was buried in the p'llows of a his
coueh, a round, shiny Utile red 11:0
Ehowirg and a pair of drer.thed red
eyes, sueh eyes as might hoii.r.e to a
nio'lern Dolovss, who can't look pr:;:y
when she cries, rather then to the or
dinary plnk-nnd-v.-hito, vluiet-eyc :1,
llght-hcarterl riurTr Frivols.
"Yes." M'sa Tailormado l-emarked
again, with even 1.1 lie f vr: ity rnd
dlspleaaure in her tr.nei, "you do look
a Bight, Fluffy Frivol-, and that is
Jvst the way I expected ytoi to look
and just the io?.eoii I tarns around
hei e.".
?Fss TaUormnde horre'f ' u 1 . like
a part;(-ula!-ly fresh dann.,1; 10. -e. Her
very best efioita could rot h.ira nny
thltis which w-a an approach to an
expression of Fevei iiy to lo-r .'i- e, oiid
even her gov n fi.s;ot to bo e:-vcre, as
It found Itself trying to follow pre'.ty
curves In and out. Pint had an air of its
own quite unlike that of the ordinary
tailorniade gown3, and which was In
finitely becoming. Miss Tailorinade's
friends say that she knows very well
there is Uothlug Bhe looks so well in,
which may be true. Hasn't Carroll
Deekwlth himself said that the high
est form of art was the decoration of
the human form? If he didn't, that
is what a preJty pupil uuderstood him
to say, which I3 the same thing, to all
Intents and purpesos.
And meantime Fluffy Frivols drew a
long, weak sigh, and in a weak, fading
away little voice' murmured:
9 "You pre vet y f -jeV"- -
"Yes, I Intend to be," replied Mlsa
Tailormade. "Still," with an attempt
at great severity, "I'm like a surgeon
and I do It for your welfare. I'm
I'm oh, dear what do they call It
w.en the doctor digs down after a bul
let or whatever It is? Oh, yes, I
know, I'm probing the wound to make
It well. I knew you'd be .all in a mess
this morning and I've come to get you
out of It."
"I'shall never feel any better," said
Fluffy Frivols In the same weak voice
ar.d with a WuiiJ of untold crief in
her tones while the pretty Fr.,:.. h maid
bathed her temples sympathetically
with violet water.
"Oh, yes, you will." answered Miss
Tailormade cheerfully. "You will
feel much better after I have taken
you out walking."
"Felice, you may open ore of the
windows and lay o, t MU3-F!t;ft"a walk
ing gown and then you may eo. I
will do everything eie tlut is neces
sary." "You know I have broken my en
gagement with Jack?" said Fluffy
Frivols in faint, heart-broken tones.
"Well, of course, I d.dn't know it,
but I s'.spo.'-ed yo.i would do som
such foolish tiling after List i.iht, I
suppose lie came r.round to t.ilk it over
this .rornlng?"
'"Ai.d you have been crying almost
all night?"
"And you went down to iee him all
teary and red-eyed?"
"Y-yes, I or:e so."
"Well, I don't 7 00U10'. I shouldn't
The one snre cure for J
The Sidney's, iver 2!ccd
VJv.&q. J' ct. g. ;, lull, tlru..dtettim.a iuuik'
:e had hrnken the
FlutTy Frivols,
t'e roosp. That
to tell you. 1
1 was quite a llt
l came out, and
1. Ve.MS 1 I'
. r-ver tnu r:
n pi-.-sr.ihly h
i rs'nntc's f
It. I never cry
If 1 f
h i
It. and I wouldn't
for ten of the
r:l ill New i
k or one that's
i'-.i; - r'.int.
"I '
. ' v
1 that frr
a Southern Rlrl
a fi-ler.rt of flstcr'. Ehe was
r.i , h a pr-'.ty girl, nffi sue just tried to
r.i he ho:rlf r.3 pi pi t y as ever she
c i. i l l to keep l rrse:r pretty.
' I o. ;,,:rre ail fii: A h? to " Pretty,
for that roofer, or 'jjMiey do, but
it v. i- rr illy y im niiiy rinfc, whh
Vawfully nice girl
mJ ll
t: -. e : " e.'t W ild bo, always ready
to !) roe il.'nm for other girls, ami
n! 0 had the loveliest mother.
"It was wl en v.o were living In Phil-ed.-'i'liia.
1 win only about sixteen,
nrd I thought everything sister did was
great fun, and I liked to be around
v lUi her nnd her friends as much lis I
"Well, MiHIcnnt wasn't that a
prerty. old fashioned name? was en-F-ced
to a Southern man. and she had
some trouble, something such as you
h"ve lo'd with Jack, while she was
j vh Ulr.g i:s. He thoafht Mie had been
; r.-ccHing too much attention from
j o'her men while she was with us. He
I was a hol-hejdad fellow, and he wrote
hr 'a very sharp letter which was
I coon-alert to breaking the engage-
no tit.
"Now. most girls would have been
' so angry they wov'j s'r.iply have said
j that If he couldn'l . trust them he
needn't, and lot him o and Just break
their hearts about It I But that wasn't
the way Millicent (IB. not a bit. I
think she felt pretVJ badly about It,
too, for she was vr- fond of him.
'lhe letter came oneiftemoon Just be
fore a big hsll sli.ud sister were
point? to, Plntey i-al-ei-ward that
'tii'i in? 7iir-tr''or
q-tict than v.... ;l rt'i:.gut, but that
only made hei piet ier ihan ever, and
ev; :y one was wild Jhout her.
"I v.nhrd up when they got home.
and creiO into theiriroom to ntk them
all ahoi t evei ythinl, and poof Mllll
ct tit looked like tin jngel, but she was
tiiii:ki:ii; more of trot borrltl man in
the fcotith than of aiything else. She
ci-.d .lupl a wee F Hie bit then, but
that W.M the only time I ever saw her
'V:F!:P'! hel'' ,0,(1 ier.not
; to mind, that, she wouli just let him
I go, and never have anything more to
do v. i'h him. 'You '.vjm't sleep a wink
. to-iili.ht thinking alilut it, Millicent,'
j sue mid.
I " 'J'i, yes, I r.hal!
said Millicent,
winking liacl
the trs and trying to
smile. 11 1 didn t,
ting a'dde one of th
rules of life mother
I should be put-
Imost Important
I is taken great
pains to teach her cli:
"Vou may Imagine
listened then
t ever since I
went on, 'that
i'b duties lo be
with ail my ears.
" 'I have been tau
was a baby,' Jlillicer
it to one of a worn
n. at'raetive as pcWl
e. It would
have been simply impossible for one
of my mother's child en not to have
lie-eu to a certain extent pretty. And
to lo pretty tind to h eve the best use
of our faculties mm nui has always
tnt-rht uu thut we nnin have plenty of
ep. If there comes a trying time
In manmr.'a life, she prepares for It
by slot-pin:?,
""this may seem very foolish to
you girls, but you know that mamma
la a truly lovely woman, nud I don't
thin'i any one does more good than
she, iu her own family and outside of
it. And she considers It really a duty
to be beautiful, or to try to be, and
sleep is her great beauty receipt. She
says it makes sweet tempers and ev
erything else that if good and true.
So, to-night I am going to sleep.
UIck Is coming t'j-morrow, and I
don't Intend to quarrel with him. Per- i
haps you think that ik not Independent, !
but I really love Hick' then her lips '
quivered again nnd fister hugged her'
Bome more, and I scueezed her hand j
and kissed it. She t'ld look so sweet, i
and you can Imagine,! wag Interested.
" 'Atld "lf k 18 .Lta-V n'e' to;
our lives ruined simfly because he la
foolish. I know m;!mma would tell
me to do Just as I slall do. I shall
get just as much rest is I can and look
as well as I can to-mnrrow night, and
I think everything will be all right,'
and she" looked like an angel smiling
through the tears. ,
"'But,' said sister, indignantly, "I
don't think you ought to apologize to
him. You haven't done a single thing
that he o:2ht to comiluin of.'
'"I .'han't apologize," said Millicent,
with an arch little iaujh, 'he will apol-Ci'i.-rs
to me.'
"And, do you know that girl simply
went to sleep and sieut like a baby
until late the text morning. She had
a Ions nap in the afternoon, and I !
never saw any one look as lovely as i
she dirt when she was dreased for din- !
ner nnd the e citing. I
"And I didn't blame her for being In
love with her Dick when he came. He
wrs the handsomest Man I ever saw.
But ho did lock savage at first. There ,
were a number of people in, so there j
'' !' chance for him to have any-j
thing to say to Millicent uuiil quite!
late in the evc.lng. (And tlo you,
know, I could a'ir.iliv see. b'tu thawing
1 as the tine went V- .'! nrorrt
i as a novel. I lLstV -iih out-
shirts . l ore I could seJft all.
"Millicent was so lovjiy to every one,
ar.d J.i.tt a little satbdiietL At first be
would liord'y look at her, and talked
to slst?r a!, the time; then I could see
his eyes following het and by the
lime people hud begun to go he was
loci. ins so (V.-pe.-aiely Jia love that I
almohL loved i. li in; .Mill. And Milli-
P.u". TA:u6 fS: it 11 txM. Tour Life 1..,.
,1 V,.:it tO O.llt. tu
. .'. 'i ' :. i t J v.-t ii
1. ... '.oid Vi
Co usiuii canity
roe, hoi no tic
:l:o o-'l'o Li. c.
oo'S weak aicu
,ls in u-u tins
'i'o-I:-ac i,f yo, tr
io cute rk- cr
Till l r.-ce. Ail.
1 Ul' iN'oW Voi'k.
I ,
IT, t'...0
i.V t
J :o- to-llAc fcr 1 I
CuiroiUtd iimuJ.o htti o j
ra, uiuuea weuU
t tp hl 'Ted him I
c !,.! r.t h.'mse
y:i,i are a rreuh.r
I? hi. I w'h.'t I r
I rent had not had nnv
him, except Ineid.vilai
; to sny to
i!oiii!,li she
: hadn't avoided him.
j "Then I nlwaj f thought It was nc
' cldental on pin po ;j that Mlldacd Just
happened to he st.ii.tling near the en
; trance to the conservatory 1 saw him
: crops the room cjo
' speak to her. M HO
I a little denner nink.
c op v oily rnd
' cVoO,;s grew
I t'..y stew ed
3 then, lo t in
. Hillii o.t ;Iin
- i;o 1 y ri e or
:! :, ;0 : -i; 101,
1 roe .i: t he
"I hid to go up
the nioi nine: w heo I
was the hoi i-ie-st-loo
:''. Eve-.y'him; w
thooeh ph.? .:i ti'rt t :1 roe u
said In the coo.-. 'o: y.
"And now. IT,;: y 1 rivoh-, I ha
followed M'Hlcent's 1
since. I dh'n't uh'd a t
had sonie:hir.iT r ; ' 1 i r ; ! (o; n:y p: "
party gown t'ois Winter, nnd I f'"'
ne',1 that I diP'n'ed of a lovely way to
pmhroider over the ? 'it:s, and it is I
now as good as new.
"Now you are coming out to walk
with me, and afternoon yort are
going to take a nap. You are com
ing to take dinner with me aril rr.r
one of your pseitiep.t coi" and 1 ex
pect some people in this eei;ii:;:, and
if your Jack Mould happen to ho iheie
and doesn't w.v nice I'lio,' to you then
1 am not. the girl 1 lunik 1 am."
;il of I'm- iM.
Charles K. Ashe, of t'ardvllle, M".,
Is pesing ns a srcor.il Noah in renoh
scot county. Ilavinn lirediclcd a Hood,
which he says will inundate the entire
northeastern section of the county, be
is now engaged in the construction of
an ark, In which to escape with his
family and his household gonds.
The hottest region on the earth Is on
the southwestern coast of Persia,
where Persia borders the gulf of the
same nenie. For forty consecutive
days In July and August the thermom
eter has been known not to fall lower
than 10 dcgiecs. ni;;,ii: or day, and of
ten to r'1,00 as high ''" 1-s d"Rrrc.s.
made is owmd by a !'"d:.n r.iro e-s.
It was first plated in nn txocisit" i-' Id
case, coveted with the nw: minute but
literally pel fet I V'r:eai! fc;:e: in
enamel; then, at. lb" I'.lioo;-;' ih -ire,
the woiks v.oie rem: ltd : n.d placed
Inside a spler.di;! diamond st.trce.ly
to-tlfths of an inch in t'i iinetei.
Fntil very ret on My the s hoo! chil
dren of Iicrlin h::ve Isoi corob't drd to
nntl from their ptio'':., in spt hi! (on-
liltilifps; inel 1 t, r. t .. ., ,,or., ,,t ,
: should suffer if -Lev n in the public:
tianicar:?. Thry hive leeu indnijing
in so many fioht:; and otherwise niii
conductiiig then.po'vc:. that the sj , i i
omnibus gci vice h:.s low been d:.-:co:i-timu
A bridge across the I.'ttlc Pelt con
nectlt.g t':e island of rtinen v. 1th the
continental part of Penmark Is p'ti
posed In a bill before the Patilsh Leg
islature. The span to be bridged is
4, GOO feet long; the plan Is to support
It on groups of iron columns 1,000 feet
apart, so that the mad v.-ay shall lo 1:10
feel above h'gh water level. The coi.t
Is estimated at y.2.9.r"0.
In the year ifsfti H o r-vrc-or Tn 1 of
fitttsla, a little hefot e hi nssasslnaiion,
published a martirUo In w b!, h he d
llher.Ve'y invited t'.3 -...o'-ei.on of
Europe to meet r t Vt.-.'-r-Uvrx anil set
tle their' lu:e:t:t.li. :;! uV.twMva In
personal coi'.ioil. l'i.t, Ho n :o,d
I. He ll
:tcd as n
ti'.litC' S'
', i:o iiotii
i imeyrar.u were fo'
The invitation w
meant, but, cf co:
talien of it.
The nnm'.rr of perirdlMis tle:-,l'-,g
exclusively or latceiy with el-. '-itity
amounts to plxty-six. Of thtt-e c'rteen
tre published Iu France, :.:v ' .. , in
the I'nited States, twelve In Geiinan,
six in England, three iu Sritzcr'and,
two In Austria, Pc'rhrn, 11,,!': rd.
Italy and Fpaln, ar.d one in Canada,
Japan and Huesin. TUo olde.u e'?ct.'V
cal paper now In existence is the
I Dales Telegrai liimies. mil llahe.l si. o n
1S55 in Paris, France.
vim mi, I Uuhj-huJon.
Both are Interesting type.? of African
primitive races. The Yio, mostly nttu
of gnleildld nhvsinue. ore a sti-ori" .mri
I war-like race, in past times a standing
terror to Tjwcaker neighbors. Thtir
vm.c.uui KWM.b " U O ,(1 UlC I1IUI1I1 1(11 MS
east of Lake Nyasa, whence, In 8fil,
they poured down like locusts and
"ate up" the country now known as
the Shire Highlands. They now dwell
peaceably side by side with the Mar,g'
anja, though looking down on the lat
ter in something of the spirit with
which Hob Uoy rcriarded the fila.-go-.v
burgesses. "We da not know .M.in'
anja," said a buy at the llhntyre Mis
sion to ma one day, when I had I c?:;
questioning him al.o-M some words In
that language, "v. e aie Yro.s!"
A good many yen is a?o the firrt man-
I ager of the African I ai.e:: Con:
was giving a masic lan'io u addrt s to
a mixed atidlct.ee of h tli races, and
took occasion, while explaining a pic
ture of an,Tol-i, to dilate on lhe pros
pect of heaven. The Yao port of the
audience listened to the i!" ription,
and then Inquired whether there would
be any Manga r..'a '.lore too. "Cer
tainly," was the reply. "If thcr love
God and obey 11,3 laws. 1 hen," said
these arMoraU with one voice, "a
do not wish to go thtoe."
Some tiiriuan it!nv.
Denon, the Fien.u savant, wore a
t ring fet with a tooth of VolUirS.
A tooth of .Sir Isaac Ncvton was sold
to a nobleman in lf 1C for a larr.e sum.
: He had It placed in a ring, and wore It
constantly on his linger,
In the collection of Viscount Downe,
1 England, is a ring given to one of his
i ancestors by Richard Coeur-de-L!on.
' It Is a silver ring, set with what is
j supposed to be the p.iiatal tooth of a
An Ki.tll.ihman owns a gold ring st
with a miniature piiuting by Cosway,
ul luB ' ul I'nace ot V, ales
V'!iii'. i iilmii A it!W Are Mail,.,
A yo'iti? wuiiian in Washington re
cently rc!cifd a r.ial Cuban niHchcle
from a newspiptr man who had just
returned from Havana. The knife
was twenty lnd.es long, with a heavy
blade palate, 1 .'ood-icd to withiu a
half-inch of Iho coi'.irg edre. Cu ths
back of the luiulio v. , s a small atJ ia
conspU'Uoua label, walcb rad: "Made
la tlartfurd, Couu."
Tin: im:;s,
MIMCllll, l
Till."' V V AVn.'h. I A" TPtlll'VP has an Aprlculturnl Depnrttnent
IJll;j. J . tJ.l.lS.ljl I 1 1 1 J ) I , lit 1J ft. highest merit, ail Import
li nt nf.-s of th vio hoi Mtid World, ctiinpr 'hetiHi.t. and ndiable market reports, able
cOituiint... Inlcn-' in si tiurt Ht-irii'-, Kctcntilic ami in, ebttnical iliforinatitin, Illustrated
f.-istdcti tit i iclcs. Iiiitiiorous pict arcs, and is entertaining and instructive to every mem
ber tif every futility.
Till'1 PI'i,l gives you all the local
llllj 1 lijj -lose tnucli with your
oiiiirc. tnl'O'in vioi as tu Iticttl lu-tccs
in 1 j : it-1 1' c: s f. if iho Vi tie, and is ii bright
vi- il i if tit no r I ii one ami flrcshh.
Send nil oi
A. 0
ManufiCrturor and dealers In all
kinds of Lumber,
Contractors and Builders.
' uTri5c, Crowff's
..; "' t. n L b i
f ,
9 jy
It is not a CURE-ALL, but it is a Specific for RHEUMATISM.
One hundred and forty-four bottles
Cured J 00 cases of RHEUMATISM.
TIK0 Is a medicine taken- IN'TKKNALLY, th only method by which
V. HI. I M A'l'ISH can be successfully treated. It curei the CAUSE, and therein
lies its remarkable success Its price is $1,00 per bottle, or three bottles for $2.50,
and if your Druggist has not got it, it will be lent to you, by Express,
ALL CHARGES PAID, on receipt of price.
tt'2!i PURiNTOH MEDICINE COMPANY, Detroit, Mich.
ri- V;
Corrected to Djto.
.1:1 I'nt ! : ii.! ti t::i!in t'i liulTiilo, Ninjz
i rn I ,.!!.-. t.'l,:-!! pin Lake, t'icvi-lnnd.
' 'Ii i''.,o i.tu! ( 'in, 'tui.il i.
I n I,,-!., mi --il,' nt I'urt .IitvU to nil
;ii.;i,t? in tli, "A',--t iitnl .-tutu liwi-t tit luwci
.nl'. tli.ili in i.i:v oiln'i-lii'.-.t-cIilAS line.
rn.MSs Xo'V I.tin: HdiiT Jervis as
1' Ol.I.tlVVS.
I .', llr.nv v.:;i -"'s 3 04 A M.
!mlv !'. . ; n' r -'' "
Jii. D.-.ilv Ki- pi Sundiiv . t -it "
.,, .. ' .. .. ' 7 .i
t'.l n, Slll'.d.-,- Only " 15 "
i., Il.nlv : : ! Stttii'.iiy . ln.iiJ "
. ii. l':i V. '.iv Train 1'.' IP M
U tt'iii.v l-.ti i' t Smitlny . . . :1 :' ':
l:.ii:v i.xii.'fs.s 4-5 "
f,:.' i Sun lia- i ,i!v 4 : "
n. l)..,l Kj,ss B :.ti "
I',. Siiir.'.ii, n .Iy 5 -t'i "
:.';. Dni! , KM-. it Sunday . .Vt '
11, lKi.ly WW) "
N'o. 3, Dally KxprPKi 12 till A. M.
' 17, Duilv Milk Train U (15 '
" 1, Daily Kxpri-KB 11 M "
' ll, Diiiiv r,x .i Suiuliiy. . U.iur.a
:. Daily K-viJii ss 6 Oil "
JT, 1 iniiv ! , pt Snliilay . . 5 511 "
7, li,.;.y K;.nt W 15 ".
'I', i:n l,a,' ( 'Im tulir srr,'t. New
'n ' ,,r . .1.'. n U il.iv ill 4 ll
,' i , ?:. !. : i a m. I 'i. :i no
I :.i, t'. :' t 7 .' 1 !" 1' M (In S.i ti.l k--I
I",. 7 ::. ' ' tl 13 a. in.; 1.' till. A W,
7 a ml u t. i-. m.
1). 1. l:..l rt,
Cilifral l'a-..,i-.i;.-r .lrllt,
Nt'M' VoiU,
ll '!1.1 AIL Ll. KiV.S'OMACri
..t ,
JJoth Oho Year For $1
news, political and soriat, keps
nciuhhois tintl friends, on the farm
you In
nnd In
nr farm products, the coutliiion or crops
newsy, welcome and Indispensable week
ilern til I'll K IMtl SS, Mlt FOHI), PA.
: personal atten-
b'jitding - , Milford, PaT
1 A ff n 5" B
New Dress and Fancy Goods, Cot
ton and Outing and All-Wool Flannels,
Ladies, G'.-nts, Misses and Children's
Underwear. Agents for the celebrated
Gold Seal Overshoes; Floor and Table
Oil Cloths, Fall Line of Boots and
Shoes; Also Ladies and Misses' Shoes;
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Hard
ware, Paints, Oils, &c.
New Harness
Whips, Robes, Blankets
And everything which pertains to
to nn outfit for
too my stork before purclm.sing,
The Price is Right.
Harford St,
Milford, Pa.
rQr. David ftennedyS
Favorite ilemedy
Itresf- T.?thpr yen font inn
ni-i -: :i i ! if oitui- .i ui tut. n- -un '.
ffimn i-.-i itic !:. in- ltr .ol)fti
uu. oi" vou.-, ilit wiiietu
line, iur.u-..-i j Liuud, rc
llurt B iub ii im. uuuu
tuiU. 400,000
.ii I,-al,h.nerv'-.1T ,M
IX1 iJUv'LUl' 3 -J
aofBcurfti. Bur
'i'(t HAC froiB
k. yl'al ' ,rIkOour oa drumrikt, who
fjft, V wiiiTourh rirui. Tki' ii wurt
-i J jLji 'll.paiit utiT, penlsu-ntlf hi
. W tn, t" i. Usually cunta; 3 btne. &S 'Jt,
J'. 'iin .ii .. : i ' or reftmd munrT,
r .m 1 1 1 s nrr
TtlAU f 014ICNS.
Ttiirty-on ye -rn m Mve prnftif. Oiiliiiou as to- -validitv
mid ixiu'tiui tulity. Write ii.r tmuk il
It, 'i,i, 't l,n,l rtWn-nn. t-OOOti BKOt..f