PIKE COUNTY PRESS. Friday, September 30, 1898. PUBLISHED EVERY, FRIDAY. OFFICE, BROWN'B BUILDING, BROAD BT. Entered at the post offlce of Milford, Pike county, Pennsylvania, as second-class matter, November twenty-first, 1895. Advertising Rates. Onoqiiare(elKhtllni!i),nni' Insertion -ft."" nfc Insertion - M) Riiluced rates will 1)0 furnished on ap plication, will be allowed yearly adver tisers. Legal Advertising. 1.1st fur several courts per term, 24.i0 Administrator's and Kxecutor's notii'es "'K' Auditor's notices in..... ..t !. ------- 5. no Sheriff's miles, Orphans' court pales rt n'........ ...' B,.li.a riiimtv Btilte ment and election proclamation charged by me su,uare. J, H , Van Etten, PUBLISHER, Milford, Pike County, Pa. REPUBLICAN TICKET. State For (Governor, WILLIAM A. STONE, of Allegheny County. For Lieutenant Governor, J. P. 8. GO BIN, of Lebanon County. Secretary of Internal Affairs, JAMES W. LATTA, of PhilaJ 2lpliia. Judge of Superior Court, WILLIAM W. PORTER, of Philadelphia. Congressmon-nt-Large, GALUSHA A. GROW, of Susquehanna County. SAMUEL A. DAVENPORT, of Erie County. County Ticket. For Congress, WILLIAM S. KIRKPATRICK, of Northampton. For Representative. WILLIAM B. KENWORTHEY, of Milford. For Sheriff, JOSEPH D. BROOKS, of Dolawaro. For Coroner, ALFRED T. SEELEY, of Milford. colo! so sroyE'3 pl vtfo&u It will be my purpose when elect ed to so conduct myself aa to win the respect and good will of those who have opposed mo as well as those who have given mo their sup port. I shall ba governor of the whole people of the state. Abuses have undoubtedly grown up in the Legislature which are neither the fault of one party nor the other, but rather the growth of custom. Un necessary investigations have been authorized by committees, resulting in unnecessary expense to tho State. It will be my care and purpose to correct those and other evils in so far as I have the power. It will be my purpose while Governor of Pennsylvania, as it has been my purpose in the public positions that I have held, with God a help, to discharge my whole duty. The people are greater than the parties to which they belong. I am only jealous of their favor. I shall only attempt to win their approval and my experience has taught me that that can best be done by an honest, modest, daily discharge of public duty. EDITORIAL. THE TAILING GAME. YOUNG people sometimes indulge in an amusing game, which consists in outlining on muslin, or paper, a profile of a donkey, which is pinned up against a wall ; then each in turn is led to the center of the room, blindfolded, given a small pieoe of paper in which is a pin turned two or three times, and then let loose with instructions to pin the tail on the donkey where the tail ought to be. Under the circum stances it is rarely placed on the proper part of the animal's anat omy. They had pretty much the same kind of game down in Mauch Chunk last week, and came about as near locating the tail in its proper tilaoe as the children usually do. It happened this way : Three Js. play ing politics took a number of young fjjlks dowuto the city on the Lehigh with a switch-back attachment, and turned them loose in a room to at tach a Congressional nomination tail to Que of the J. The youths promptly went for the one who had before sported that kind of an ap pendage, but ho, recalling a sudden tenderness at the spot, by reason of its having been ruthlessly twisted off two years ago by a provident friend who feared its too rockless swishing might jeopardize the coin- fort of the orphans of this county, suddenly humped himself and they missed him by Revoral yards. The next J., though heartsore and anx ious for the fly protector, thought inasmuch as the summer was nearly ended, he could manage to exist a littlo longer without the extra adornment, and quickly amputated himself from the opportunity. The third and last J. Burnamed by the Gazette Lousl of Tansford was the only thing in sight, willing to bo tailed, and so the boys put it on him. How long ho will wear the pesky thing, or what ho will do with it, remains to be seen. There is a certain harbor down that way who may shave it tip and leave nothing but an unsightly and atten uated elongation of vertebra by tho ides of November. However, the youths have had their sport, and practice may make perfect. 'AUDACIOUSNESS. ' JN A Into issue of the Gazette the Milford correspondent romarks as follows : "Tho CommissionerV snlo of lands was held at the Court House, Sept. 21. There woro pur chased for tho Commonwealth 3,478 acres, which, with their pre vious purchase at the TreasurerV sale, will rolieve an immense quan tity of land from tho production of taxes and place an additional burdoi on the resident taxpayers, already taxed beyond endurance. Tho effect.' of tho "Forestry Law" will bo ruin ous on the wooded counties when tho State is buying up the lands and in some of the townships in our county where so much of the wild land has been and will con tinue to be, bought by tho State, it is uiuloult to see how the little re maining lauds, held by tho resident ownor, can possibly boar the burden of taxation that will bo necessary to meet the ordinary expenses for county, school, road and poor pur poses. For Pike County it is I vicious law." Now, I. Sickles, if tho Forestry bill is a "vicious law,' will you kindly explain to those in riko who "need more of the sor vices of Hon. F. A. Kesslor and as Democratic hrethorn insist on mak ing his nomination unanimous, just where tho necessity lies? You say we "ought to know that ho ha done all that could reasonably be expected of a member of the hope less minority." Did he act with tho minority in tho passage of the bill? The Legislative Record re oords, page 480, that he votod for the hill on its final passage. Ho is thoreforo, according to "Piko," guilty of aiding in vicious legisla tion. This is Democratic testimony. Do the Democrats desire more of such services, and dare you say so? Do you dare take the evidence of a life-long Democrat, printed in a Domocratio paper, for the guidance of Democrats, and still assert that Hon. F. A. Kessler deserves re-eleo-tion at the hands of Pike County Democrats? Mr. Sickles, you opon ed the disoussion, now be manly euough to give a straight-forward answer to this proi)osition. The people are waiting for your explan ation. THE Monroe Democrats say that if " Lauer has no more back-bone than the candidate regularly nomin ated two years ago, and declines after having accepted the nomin ation, they will put a man on the ticket by nomination papers who will stick. Will he be the "always going" Joseph as the Philadelphia Press dubs him? JUDGE Kirkpatrick made an able representativa in Congress. He was a credit to the district and state. Compare him with his dem ocratic predecessors from this dis triut and mark the contrast in his favor. Is there any reason whatever why you should not vote him. QOME now Ike Sickles drop the rod for a moment grab the pen and give I'iko a few jubs for saying that tho Forestry bill which Mr. Kessler supported is "vicious Legis lation." But dare he do it! JT LOOKS as though the Demo- crats of the Eighth District wore seeking harmony very much like Mark Twain's Buck Fanshaw. He would have it even though he had to nsa a big club to produce tho effect. JHE Republican ticket is now com plete. Boo that no namo on It misses your voto. MAKE IT AN OPEN FIGHT. In the last Presidential campaign, the Domocrotio party, seeing before it complete defeat, on its tariff roc ord, sought to avoid the inevitable by giving the place of prominence to the Bilver question. No device, however, could save the party whose elevation to the control of tho gov ernment had brought destruction to Amorican industries and suffering to American homos j no devices could save tho party which had sad dled on the country the infamous Wilson-Gorman bill. The people know it for the same old Free-Trade party whose suocess at elections had always been followed by disaster to tho American poople ; and it was buried out of sight by the avalanche of votes cast for McKinloy and Pro tection. In view of tho attempt of the Democratic party, in 1890, to blind the poople to the fact that tho ques. Hon of Protection or Free-Trade was at an issue botweon the parties, it is interesting to note that Hon L. K. McKinney, the contestant in the First Maine District for Speaker Rood's seat in Congress, made the Tariff the solo issue ot his recent campaign. If this is nny indication of the policy to be pursued by other Democratic candidates for Congress, in other States, the friends of pro notion have no need to worry. It is always easier to fight in the open and with the issuo drawn squarely botweon Protection and Free-Trade, or between Protection anil that elusive, chameleon-like "Tariff Re form," there is no doubt of tho out come. The country wants no more Freo-Trado and no more "Tariff Re form" of the Cleveland-Wilson-Gorman type. Economist. NEWS NOTES. The Navy Department has recent ly placed orders for forgings for naval rifles of calibre from 4 to 12 inch to supply the new battleships and in a short time tho navy yard factory will begin to turn out ord nance embodying radical changes in gun construction, and much more powerful than guns of the same cal ibre now afloat on our ships. The new 12-inch guns will bo as effec tive as the present 13-inch gun in range and striking force. This is achieved at the expense of weight, but the diffe rence is still in favor of the new design. Tho new gun will send its projectile at the enormous velocity of 3000 feet per second which is about 60 per cent, greater than the velocity of the present 13- inch shell. Mrs. Ella Wilson, a wealthy lady was shot and instantly killed at her home, 837 Union St., Brooklyn, N Y., Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 21 by a rejected suitor, Henry O'Neill, who was a Coney Island railroad man. lie then ended Ins own lite by putting a ball through his tern pie. The other evening a man was rush ing through the streets of London hurrying to an appointment wheu a swell passed in frout of him who held his umbrella nt a dangerous angle. The hasty pedestrian pulled the umbrella away from the swell and then, stepping around to him said in suavest tone : "Oh, by the way, here's your umbrella. I found it in my eye. She "Do you love me as much as you did when we woro married?" He 'More." Strangest of all, he only told the truth. On that happy day she own ed only a 300-acre farm. Now it i in building lots. Cincinatti Enquir er. Something new, a spring; tooth borrow with wheels. Syraouss plows and"Planet, Jr.," cultivators at w. & u. Mitchell's. $100 Reward $100- The rviulcra of this iuiimt will be plcnae to Unrn thnt there ii at lvntt one dremtt. il incline thttl science has been able to cure in nil lr stages, m that U Catarrh Hall i Catarrh Lure iu the only ptwitiv cure known to the metlicnl fraternity L-atarrii ueiug a coiiNtitutloiml uibuafw, re quire a ooiibtitutioiml treatment. Hall Catarrh Cure is taken interutilly, ariiii, tllrtsotly upon the blood and mucous ur- laces lit tlie system, thereby tu'btruyth the foundation of the dinease. and uivin the patient strength by building up the coublltuiion auu uh1hun nature lu uoln Its work. 1 he proprietors have so mm fath in Its curative powers, that tliev otTi One Hundred Dollars Kewurd for any cme tuat it ibiu u cure, buna lor lit of tut.il moumls. Address, K. J. CHKNEY & CO., Toledo, O Hold by DriiKtfiMH, 76o. hull's fcuiuily fill are the bv.t life ere the Beat or the starting point of many maladies, all of tliem serious, nil more or less painful, anil all of them tending, unless cured, to a fatal end. No organs of the body are more delicatf or more sensitive than the kidneys. When p.yn;p toms of disease appear in them not a moment ia to be lost if health ia to bo restored. The best way to treat the kidneys ia through tho blood, cleansing it from tho poison ous matter which ia usually ut tho bottom of kidney complaints. For this purpose there is no remedy equal to "For many years I have bwn a constant sufferer from kt.lnny t.vnuhV, nt.d Inve tried a rmnl-er of lnrly a i-ortiif'i Vury cures without benefit. At Jr.-1 a fn. n-1 f. l vised me to try Ayer's KarsanariiU. The nae of eight bottles of tl-.is reuely entirely cured tnv maladv." M.'.RY Kn.LKK, IJl'-'J nrn(-orkFtre"t. Prnnl-lvn. U. Y. SOAP A3 DISINFECTANT. The wo of soap containing a dis infectant of some kind has become so general that observations on the practical value of huuu combinations cannot fnil to be of interest. Dr. Roithoffor lias recently published tho results of somo experiments parried out by him with various kinds of soap, having for object to del or mine their value as uiicrohidoH. lie used tho ordinary mottled soap, white almond soap perfumed with nitrobenzino, and hard potash soap. He found that these Boaps were very inimical to tho cholera mi crobo, a one per cent, solution kill in; them ir. a short space of time, whilo a five per cent, solution of tho potash soup killed them in five minutes. We aro, therefore, nt liberty to infer that, as in washing tho bands tho soap solution is never less than five, and may po as high as 45 por cent., this method of dis infecting the hands as well as the clothes, etc., is fairly trustworthy Much stronger solutions aro re quired, however, to destroy tho bacilli of typhoid, the coli-lmcillns etc , not less than ten per cent, be ing sufficient. None of tho sonps ex perimented with appeared to have any effect on tho pyogenic microbe. The practical result of these investi gations is that it is always prefer able to use soap and woter first of all, rinsing tho hands in the disin fectant solution afterward. This is an important point which merits to be generally made known. Medi cal Press. EXECUTOR SALE Valuable Real Estate and Personal Property. Tho umlursliruod wtil sell nt Public Sale on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, l&M, nt 2 o'clock P. M , at- tho Into homo of John Wamlel, deceased, In WtMt-fall town ship, Pike County, on the hill one nillo hack of Matamora. a film farm of forty acivs, and lit) perclic. Thr farm is pnlrn didly htcated, both for farming ami a a country residence for hoarding cily hoard ers. There- is a Rood dwelling house, barn and other outbuilding The view from the farm la one of tho grandot in the State. Also at the same time tho following per Honal property: Lutl Household (ioods. three cowd. hay fork, feather bed, two old wugonn, a wind mill, plow, wheelbarrow, and ot her articles. Teriim for personal property, cash; for real estate, 10'f down; lialauce lu moifths, wheu deed will le given. FK10U W. WANDKL. Sept. 21, 'U8. Kxeeutor, etc. Caveats, and Trade-Mart obtained and all i'at ot biuiaeuconducted for Moocratc Fees. lOunOrricc is Opposite u. S. PTCNTOrrice laud we caucrurc patent m lcka tiuio Uua iLum.' remote (rotu Washintoa. J t Send model, drawing or phnto., with deicrlp-1 tioo, nc auvisa, u pateniauie or not, lice ol' ciiarge. Our fee not due till nutcnt is secured. J a iuui r-r 14 How to Obtain l'atents." with cot of same in th U. & aad toftJa tountiie at tree. Aaarcss, c.A.srjovv&co.i Beauty I Blood Deep. Clean blood meuna a clean t-Uin. Ko beauty without it. Casta rut, C'undy C'athur- tic clean yi-ur blood unu Keep u cletin, uy stirring up the lazy liver m-d driving uiJ iiu nuiitieg from the bodv. lWhiu tod;iy tu banish pimples, boils, Llotehin, l.Juci-.in aiU, end tli.it suUly biiiuud camplcxiuit by tul.in Casrreii, bciiuty for t :i cent. -!l diutj g;u. saLiai' tion auiantctil, hie, 2 Jc, fidew pDr. David ItcnncdyS ravorltcHcniedy ClIHES ALL KlUlNE I blOMAl'H r 'AND SarsaoapfiHQ SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of nn it Dim writ of Kk-H Fnrlns Ihhiu'cI out nf the fourt (if Ommmn Plea )f IMke Cuiuty, to me dtreeted, I will ex- peso to piihHp ml hv vemliin or outcry, nt tho Sheriff's OIHon iii the Humugli of Mil ford on Friday, October 14, A. D. 1898. nt two o'clock In tho iiftornoon of mild ilnv, tho following rnil ostnlo, via: All tlmm. rloln liitsnr imn-ols of Inod nitiiiileil In tho Township of Imikiiwnxon, in tho ('onniy nf I'ikn unit Stuto of IVnnsyl vnnin. tho first trnot purveyoil on n wnr- nt urmitisl to Ijowlq Wolf, contolninir tiiroo hiimti-od nml elithtv-ni'von noros unil lift ii.ii pi-i-ojit', nioro or losri, nml nntn lioti'il on tho ( .'orn)nls)onoi-V hnnkti, slxtv- fonr. Tho m-ooml tract, nil t-hot mrool of mini uninoiimroiy nnjoinlliB tho nliovp. Iio Injr part of n larger trnot snrvoyoil on n w arrant ffrantoil to Thoinaa Mai-tin llo iriniilnir nt n oortaln pornor of soiil Martin ami said Lewi Wolf tracts, which corner is nol-lh lo tlotfi-ot'R unit Mil roils tllstnncu Pom tho northwesterly lino of tho Molm la Hattin tract, tlionoo nurth Ifi ileirrees cast I li rods t the l lolnivare Itiver; thone nlonrtho sahl lands to lands of K. F horil r.tiil tho said Lewis Wolfe tract totho place of Itctrimimir. contninlnir fifty noros, more dries, exi-i 'ptinii thereout tho rleht of way conveyed to tho New York mill f.i-lo Kallroail Conipnnv, two acres soht t Ihe flalholic Church, lot. Bnvil sold t John Smith, lot, Km feet pouaro sold t John W. (ireoninir. hit loo feot millarc sold to Patrick llarrihlon. about olecu ncres soht to A . Sawyer, about 10 noros sold to A. Kmuhnck. uboiit H neros so d to W Hchilcraon, about '4 nero sold to Kd Ka wart, about, t uc-n sold to Herman Kana- per, about 'i nere sold to M. Shields, about 'A aero sold to M. Taup, nhout X nores mini to iusnn ifow itt. nliout $ ncro sold in i nonwis i' num. iioont. i acre sold to M A mstaldcn, about S ai-ro sold to l'ntrick Di-viMO, about y. aero suld to Ilcnrv Ashor lot ooxlmisold by j I). Ilimmlck to John Mint h. about 4 acres sold to 1 f"oro Cron about 2 acres sold to John Jlill. about, acres sold to W II. tlolbcrt, also lot l.'iSx X'Ki sold to Sarah K. W illiamson, nisi about nero for schoolhouso, also loc 75x 100 sold to S V Klnvr. hit ftox HKI sold to K Van Henscotell. All the above laud heiiiit the same premises conveyed bv Kir.vanl Hui k and wife to John Doerr.deed recorded In Deed Hook Nil. In, pago 118. Improvements. A lnrue hotel luillilliin, six dwelling houses, store house, lare barn and shell, shed (lancliii; pavillion. About 10 acres of Improved land, balance wood and timber hind, also stono quarries: property situa ted at : Laokawaxon, near Ki lo dep.it, inn Is a pood hotel stand. Seized and taken in oxecullon as tin property of John JJoerr nml will bo gob by me for cash. H. I. COURTRIGIIT, Sheriff Sherifl's Office, Milford, Pn, I Sept. Ill, 18:w. ! SHERIFF'S SALE. -o- Hy virtue of n writ of Fieri Kaeias Issued out of tho Court of Common I'loas of I'lko County, to mo directed, 1 will ex pose to piiniic sale by vendue or outcry, til I lie Sheriff's OUloo iu tuu Borough of Mil loru on Friday, October 14. A. D. 1898, at 8 P.M., nil that certain town lot ol uiiiii Hinuiieii in inn villaxo ot illatamnrns township of ostfall. In tho County l'd-.e unit State of Pennsylvania, knowi ami uesiminied on wehiniror nilililion t said villaue, us lot number eighteen (IK mill nun irontin"oti too southerly Rldei Wuhiniton street, said lot helmr liflv fee in front nml one hundred feet. In deutli ileum I nn sallio lot inter alia which h red rick Wehinuer and wife by deed tint sNlh Ocloher, lsirj, recorded In deed book 4M, pniji! iht.i, sold mid convoyed to .losen M. Hack and then sold by Joseph M Hack to Henry Van Horn, us recorded iu deed noou on, pai?o my. Improvements. A guod frame dwelling mid mithnilil. lugs. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Henry Van Horn, and will bo solo; by mo for cash. H. I. COURTRIGHT, Sheriff. Shorlff's OffiVo, Milford, Pn., - REGISTER'S NOTICE. The following account liavo boon fll In the Heglstor'rt OITIee, and the same will be presented to the Orphans Court for Con- llrmation and Allowance on the SEVENTEENTH HAY OF OCTOBER NEXT: Estate nf Isaac TJ:trt,ovv. dec4'aMl. Ao- count of Jennie Boucher. Administratrix Estate of Mephcii Cuddehack, dectMiwil Ae'ount of Margurttt A. Cuddehack. Ex ecutrlx. Estato of John H. Van Auken, deceased Aceouat of Geo 11. VauAuken, Adminis tralor. Estat-e of Beiiimin C. VanAuken, div ceaMMi. final ureomu or Jolin M. Va Akin, one of the hxi'eiitors. Estate of irank Mueller, deceased. Ac count of Christiana Mueller, Adiuinistra' ti'ix. Estate of Charles T Morrison, decea-wd Account of Elvin Mur'-i-nii, Administra tor. JOHN C. WKSTBKOOK. KeirUter's Oiliee, Register. Milford, .Sept.l7,'S.-3w , Widows' Appraisement. The following appraisements Kefc apart fur the widows navo been 11 led with tt Clerk of the Orphans' Court and will presented to the Court for approval on the 17th BAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, Estate of .vlvester Sheridan, deceased Palmyra. Appraisement of Persoual Prooeriy set aoart to widow. fc.Hl Estate of Josenh Smith, ileceasi-d. Wt-si fall. Appiitisemeut of personal property aet apart to widow. f.JNt. Estate of Vanderbilt Allen, deceased Milford Borough. A pprai.sement of per sonal property set apart to widow, flat. Estate of Henry Pi lfer, deceased, Iteka waxen. Apprait-emeut of personal prop erty b4.t aparr to widow. JOHN'C WES'l'BROOK, Milford, Sept 17,'yS.aw Clerk DIVORCE. fin the Comm 1'leas oC I'lke t'o, M.UiV IIlll'SKMAS VH ClIlilaTIAM HoUt-MtAS N( 3, Dec. Term Siitpoeua a u aliaa. Subnot' re'urued, deten ant not found. et Tt) Chiustiam" Hoi'skman. dt ftjidan You are h;n-by votiUvd to bo and i at our Court of Common Fleas to lo at Milford on the third Monday of Oct 0 r next, it U'lng tlie return day or lie term of Court, and answer the eomplaiu1 ol the nbellitnt IUet In the atovo case H. I COKTKIGHT, SherllT. SherilT's Oilier, Milford, PaM Aug m. To Lk l nn Ha rf oril ISt . , r'u nifilnnl luiuso with lnro grouuJs Inquire fit Vhk OFiacK. l?i!E AND SIGHT. Watches, Diamonds, and Solid Silverware. WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, 0 Eyes examined free by a skilled Optician. Glasses Filled in Gold or Any Other Kind of Frames. We are pleased to show Goods. E. Van Sickle, 72 Pike Street, PortJervis, N. Y 50 YEARS IFaPROVEfilEFJTS IN FARMIfIG," Pulillshi'il by the New York Tribune. SECOND EDITION. 32 Tnges, 18 by 12 1-2 Inches, A RiMini-ul rovlow of tho mlviiiicon nml iiiproTciuciitH iniiilein the lriuliiiK brunch h of farm industry iluriliK the lust half century. Spoeial nrtlcles by tho best Btfrlciiltnrn wriU'rs, on topics which they hnve iniiile their life study. Illustrations nf tho old-fashioned Imple ments. A vast nmoiint of practical Information A valuable alii to farmers who desiro to stimulate production and profit. Kxtremely Interesting nnd Instructive. Only 15 cents a copy, by mail SEND YOCK ORDKH TO THE PIKEC0UNTY PRESS Milford, Pa. Buiding-Loan Trust Fund REALTY CORPORATIOf of NEW JIRSEY, (iKXKHAI. AGKNT WW ltioiul S(nit, Newark, N. J. What it will do for you for n monthly payment of $S per tl,00 fi oi which applies on principal, f.i is inter est.. First It. will buy for you nnr bouse iii sired or build you n house iii'coriliinr t you own pians, lor a payment of not lem- l noil loyr uown. oetitid It will assume any niortiraui1 on your property, ana advance you 11101 money, if desired, not lo exceed (Hi', of It valuation. At aliove raffs you would ow your properly nee nnd cloar in Just lit montiis; you can nav as iniirh nioro ns vo wish, and reduiw tho time In or imnii.i. urinu iuii aoiouut win no received nt liny II III!', Tho first propnsltinn enables von to con vert your rent nioner into the ownorsliin of a home. The second proposition enables von to rciiuce ine interest rate on your mortgagc niiii at uiu same tune no paying oil ti principal each month for further information cull or address J. H. Van Etten, Attorney, Milford, Pa. FARM O PRODUCTS IN EXCHANCE FOR BICYCLES HARNESS. Mnne nota nHewity. You produce whAfc cm uhh. We make what yuu waut. Mario " Blrycle 1 , one-piece rrnnk, lat-'t nifxltil. the filial nf thebeitt Bicycle made, your uwu tapocitkatKnia, $)0 "Mnrlo" Blrjrrlf !to. 2, three-piece crank, your own ttixH.-ilicatiuns, $45. Mario lUrer, a very fine machine, $60. We sell Wholes for cash or on the monthly payment plan, anywhere In tiie L'iiiU-d S!;Uc'h or Ciiimila. We luake very In-ml allowances for uUi wheels. We also St-11 se'oinl haini wheels at from $3 to t'A), Don't fail to write u if you want a wheel or harness on the best tei nii ever offered. We allow ruling HulTulo price for all kinds of farm prnilnctn that ran be shipped ei-onopiically to Buffalo. Tt-11 ushat you huvto exchange atut we will quote prices we can iif,T. Knelone srampa for further iufnrm ition or Tr price list of our ii&tui u;j.tle llarnewauJ Horne (Jollaru. mm cycle co., 61 Terrace, Buffalo, N. Y. I BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE v Traoc Mark O DCSIONV COPVHIGHT A Q. Anyone Bending a sketrb and rte('riptkin tuf quU-Kly ateriHiii nur umuu frue wtmihur Ml liiveiittiiii ib lii-i'tiuM iuluiUhte, Cuniniunlra tioiti Kiriutly MitUilenllaL lltuttltxtok on HteuL unt troe CMil'l Miiem-y fur ei'uriiig inUetil. I'Mtetill takttu tliniutih Munn it Co. fuiT tfteeUU notice without chnriitt, Ui the Scientific American. A handtnmelr tltuntrmted weekly. I invent cir- fuljttii'n -f any tnitmune ).uriil. Tenus. 1.H -ur inoiitu. VI. tkjmuyail nwo-itijr. y 9 On aiBMifhiM. Wftiu Vnrlr iiiii ot uu."' ncn i u it BUSINESS CARDS. F. W. DEST, M. D.. IS Ball Street, PORT JERVIS, N. Y- DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. 9 to It A. M. 2 to 4 P. M. 7 to 8 P. M. Offloe Hours WILLIAM B. KENWORTHY, M.D. riiysician and Surgeon. Office nml resldi'iioe Hnrford strprt. In nine liiUily occupied Ijjr Dr. K. U. Wen- M1LFORD, PA. Dr. von der Heyde, DENTIST, Brown's Building, corner llrond nnd i atnerine striata, Milford, Pn. OFF1CK HOUKS: 8 to IU n. m.i 1 to 6 p. in. H. E.Emerson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad Street. J. H. VAN ETTEN, Attorney- at- Law, OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pike Co., Pa. John A. Kipp, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE, opposite Court House Milford, Pikk Co., Pa. CHURCH DIRECTORY MILFORD. FlUST PKRSBYTEllIAN ClIIIHCII. Mllfi.nl- Snliluith wrvii'1'8 at 10.311 A. M. and 7. p. M. Saliliath m-liiml liniinliat-ly aftor the iimrninn M-rvitw. Prayor iiuftinK Wwl ni'sday at 7.WI P. M. A ciinlial wi-lcuinb will Ihi rxti'iuli'il to all. Those not at tnrhitl til other clumlii'S aro espi-clally in viteil. Kkv. THOMAS N'iciioijg, Pastor. Church of thr Gofin SiiEPHKHn. Mil ford: Si-rvipiM Siindnv at 10.30 A. M. ami 7W P. M. Smiiliiy si liool at 11.45 p. M. YYiH'K iiay M-rviM'H, wi'dni'siliiy, 7.30 P.M; Thursday, 7.30 PM. Seats fruo. Allure wulcoino. Rkv. H. S. Lamhitkr, Rector. M. K. Cmmcn. Spnlrra attha M R. Cliuieli Puiidaya: Pri'iithiiiir at 10.80 a. in. and at 7.30 p. in. Sunday Hnhool at II p. m. Kpworih lniiKuo at 6.46 p. in. Wookly prayer mintiiifr on Wcdnowlayii a 7.;i0 p. in. Class imutlhtf conducted by Win. Alible on Fridays at 7.30 p.m. An sarnest invitntion is vxtnndiil to anyouo who may desin to worslisp with us. Kkv. W. K. Nkff. Pastor. MATAM0RAS. Kpwokth M. K. Chuiich, Matamoraa. .Services every Sabbath at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath school at a. 30. C. K. meeting Monday evening at 7.30. Class nieetiiiK Tuesday evening at 7.30. Prayer mmtliifr Wednesday evening at 7.30. Kveryouo welcome. Kkv. F. Q. Cuiitis, Pastor. Hopb EvANdKUfiAL CiiuRcii, Mata moras, Pa. Services next .Sunday as follows: PruochiiiR at 10.80 a. in. and 7 p. m. Sun ilay school at 8 p. m. Junior C. K. before ami C. K. prayei liui'tlng after the even ing service. Md-wii'k prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.30. Scats freo. A cordial xelconie to all. Come. Kkv . . A. Wif.oand, Pastor. Secret Societies. Milford Xiiipr, No. 844, F. & A.M.: Liodirc meets V im;silays on or liefore Kull MiMin at tin .iwkill House, Milford, Pa. N. Kmery, Jr., Secri'tary, Milford. (iodfreid Wieland, W. M.. Milford, Pa. Van Deu Mark Ioiwik. No. 828. 1. O. O. F: Mii'ts every Thursday ovening at 7.311 p. m., Hrown's Building. Geo. IJau- man, Jr., bee y. Ueorgu rl. tjulclc, U Prudesck Rrbkkah Lodob. 197. I. O- (. F. Mei'ts every second and fourth Fri. days In each month in Odd Fellows' Hall, rrowirs nuiiiiing. mis ivatie JJeunlii N. G. Miss Katie Klein, Suc'y. JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF PIANOS, HARDMAN & STERLING. Also a fine Line of SEWING MACHINES: Domestic, New Home Wheeler & Wilson, etc. -3. S. MARSH, "v 117 Pike St., Port Jervis, - N. Y. SJPIt na send you a cutulogue. LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel, Corner Ann and Fourth streeta, PA. 1 i r.